COESGR Newsletter December 2015

December 2015 December 2015 Sunday, Dec. 13th, Marked The Sunday, Dec. 13th, Marked The National Guard's 379th Birthday. National Guard's 379th Birthday. The National Guard is the oldest military force in the Department of Defense. In 1636, the Massachusetts Bay Colony's militia mustered into three regiments. The organized militia would, from then on, be proven in battle and trusted at home. From overseas deployments to emergency response to homeland defense to global engagements, think about all that our organization accomplishes in a single year. We're making history even now as the Chief, National Guard Bureau, just announced that a new unit of the Colorado National Guard will come into being. A cyber protection team will harness our members' civilian cyber expertise to defend our communities, state, and nation in cyberspace. We should remember and be proud of our rich Minuteman heritage! Maj Gen H. Michael Edwards The Adjutant General of Colorado April 14 April 23 March 23 August 29 February 19 Other Service (Reserve) birthdays Click on pictures, graphics or links for websites Click for Holiday Message from General Edwards


Welcome to the December 2015 edition of our Colorado Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Newsletter. Articles: * National Guard Birthday * Ball Aerospace & Technologies Patriot Award * Western Union Seven Seals Award * 2016 Freedom Award Nominations Now being Accepted, Nominate Your Employer, closing date is December 31, 2015 * Ombudsman Corner * Recent Statements of Support * H2H Corner * Upcoming Employer Awards Banquet Be sure to check for links and photos to websites located throughout the newsletter. We hope you continue to find it informative and supportive of your role as Employers, National Guardsmen and Reservists, ESGR Volunteers and community leaders. Please feel free to forward it on to colleagues, friends, fellow employees, company website, link to your newsletter and others in your professional network. Be sure to check out the Colorado ESGR page at and on Facebook Caution-http://www.faceb

Transcript of COESGR Newsletter December 2015

  • December 2015December 2015



    Sunday, Dec. 13th, Marked The Sunday, Dec. 13th, Marked The National Guard's 379th Birthday.National Guard's 379th Birthday. The National Guard is the oldest military force in the Department of Defense. In 1636, the Massachusetts Bay Colony's militia mustered into three regiments. The organized militia would, from then on, be proven in battle and trusted at home. From overseas deployments to emergency response to homeland defense to global engagements, think about all that our organization accomplishes in a single year. We're making history even now as the Chief, National Guard Bureau, just announced that a new unit of the Colorado National Guard will come into being. A cyber protection team will harness our members' civilian cyber expertise to defend our communities, state, and nation in cyberspace. We should remember and be proud of our rich Minuteman heritage! Maj Gen H. Michael Edwards The Adjutant General of Colorado

    April 14 April 23 March 23 August 29 February 19

    Other Service (Reserve) birthdays

    Click on pictures, graphics or links for websites

    Click for Holiday Message from General Edwards

  • The Ombudsmans Corner


    Volunteers: Often, service members who are attending schools of higher education must leave their school due to military orders. This leads to a disruption of their schooling and often their dismissal from school. They are however covered by USERRA and special regulations via the U.S. Department of Education (DOE). When confronted by service members who have such issues, you should refer them to the DOE.

    The DOE requires institutions of higher education to promptly readmit, with the same academic status, a service member who was previously admitted to the institution but who did not attend, or did not continue to attend, because of service in the

    uniformed services. The purpose of the readmission requirements is to minimize the disruption to the lives of service members, allowing them to return to an institution of higher education without penalty for having left because of their service.

    Congress added the requirements to the law in 2008 (section 484C of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, or 20 U.S.C. 1091c). The U.S. Department of Education published regulations that further implemented the law on October 29, 2009. Many parts of the law and regulations are based on the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) (38 U.S.C. 4301-4334) which establishes the process for service members to return to employment after serving on active duty.

    The final regulations can be accessed at The United States Code (U.S.C.) can be accessed at If you encounter service members with concerns about continuing education, contact the DOE offices for assistance. Employers should contact our National Office at 1-800-336-4590 if they have issues or


    Thank you for supporting ESGR!


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    Corner by Employment Coordinator - Ms. Becky Small

    November has been an exceptional month for Hero2Hired!November has been an exceptional month for Hero2Hired! Our Mentor/Mentee program is off to a great start with two service members offered positions. As you may know, Al Duff has taken a position in Texas; he will be greatly missed! We will be having two great volunteers taking the lead of our Mentor/Mentee program with Hero2Hired still being the operational support. Additional information is coming in January/February. Our current mentors are doing a wonderful job! I am hearing great feedback. If you have questions about the program, please direct them to me until further notice.

    We are increasing the number of employer site visits: The purpose of these visits is to build a strategic alliance with our employers. Accompanying me is an ESGR volunteer as well as our ESGR State Chair, Mark Lilevjen. We receive an overview of the company, challenges, meet and greet with their HR staff, recruiters, etc. Our past employer visits have been with Delta Solutions & Strategies, Colorado Springs; Kiewit-Turner, Rocky Mountain Apparel both of Denver, a successful open house with Western Union, and Xcel Energy has a new Veteran & Diversity Consultant, Lacy Golonka.

    As the Employment Coordinator for the State of Colorado, I continue to think outside the box in building a strategic alliance with our service members and employers. These past few months I created a TV Ad that was broadcast throughout the Colorado National Guard TV Screens and within our internal SharePoint web link. As a result, ESGR and H2H are on the forefront of resources. have been asked specifically to accompany our ESGR volunteers on certain briefs, YRRP events as well as the honor of speaking at the 1st Annual Chief Warrant Officer Town Hall Meeting and Dining-In (and have been asked back next year). More and more, our service members are understanding the importance of educating themselves through H2H on early preparation for transitioning, retirement etc. With our dedication and passion we are seeing proven results with an increase of direct hires from 4 in August to 14 this Dec monthly reporting.

    Thank you to our ESGR volunteers and Staff for continuing to selflessly help our service members! I am proud of where we have started and looking forward to 2016!


    I had an excellent experience with ESGRs Hero2hired program, especially with Rebecca Small. She is an extraordinarily great mentor that genuinely cares about your success as a candidate. She provided me with very insightful feedback and suggestions on my resume and ways to work on my interview weaknesses. Rebecca Small and Al Duff, ESGR volunteer (since relocated) created the Mentor/Mentee Program for our service members. Thru this program, I was mentored in connection with my field that provided me a great opportunity to enhance my skills. I would highly recommend to take advantage of this free program to any service members and their family.

    Nena Gardner

    Hello Mrs. Rebecca, I'm just sending this email in response to our meeting today. I would also like to thank you again for your understanding, support and for all that you are doing for people like me. I know that it's all part of your job, but you add another dimension to it, you Care, and to me that is what makes all the difference in the world. I now know that with you and others like you in my corner, everything will work out.

    Again, thank you. Sincerely, Robert Rose www.Warrior

  • Taking the Oath!

    Ty Moore, Josh Clark, and Suzanne Delchamps at Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. went above and beyond what most employers would have done for someone in my place. I was notified in a very short time frame of an upcoming deployment from my guard unit. I had barely even went through the interview process and not even been hired yet. After I initially told them during the interview process, they made it clear that they would support me in any fashion they could while I was deployed. They not only hired me but told me they would keep my job for me when I returned. They hired me knowing that my first day would not be until after my deployment. For that I am forever grateful.


    These Patriot Awards were presented by ESGR volunteers, Joe Golding and David Pruett at the beginning of a staff meeting of Jeff Osterkamp, Vice President of Engineering. Ball Aerospace celebrates this special recognition of employees Ty, Josh and Suzanne in front of several senior managers.

    left to right: Ty Moore, Josh Clark, Joe Golding, Suzanne Del-champs, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist, and David Pruett.

    Specialist (SPC) Eric Hamilton, Army National Guard, who is deployed, nominated the three award recipients:

    The first in ESGR's series of awards is the Patriot Award. An employee serving in the National Guard or Reserve, or the spouse of a Guard or Reserve member, may nominate individual supervisors and bosses for support provided directly to the nominating Service member and his or her family. The Patriot Award reflects the efforts made to support Citizen Warriors through a wide-range of measures including flexible schedules, time off prior to and after deployment, caring for families and granting leaves of absence if needed. Patriot Awards are awarded to individual supervisors, not to an entire staff or organization as a whole.

    Ty Moore

    Josh Clark

    Suzanne Delchamps

  • Taking the Oath!

    Colorado ESGR Vice Chairman, Tom Mills, presents a Seven Seals Award to Western Unions Talent Acquisition Team at their Veterans Career Open House in November. This event was open to all veterans and military personnel, guard and reserve service members, and active duty military personnel and their families as well as all Western Union employees. Attendees heard from key leaders and veterans/reservists within Western Union, explore career opportunities available to military members, and gain useful career advice.


    The Seven Seals Award is the broadest and most inclusive award given by ESGR and is presented at the discretion of the State Chair or by ESGR senior leadership. The Seven Seals Award is in recognition of significant individual or organizational achievement, initiative, or support that promotes and supports the ESGR mission, to include the efforts of the more than 4,700 volunteers who carry out ESGRs mission across the Nation on a daily basis.

    Western Union

    On stage, left to right, Chris Brabec, VP Global Talent Acquisition, Jan Rutherford, ESGR, On stage, left to right, Chris Brabec, VP Global Talent Acquisition, Jan Rutherford, ESGR,

    Tom Mills, Shannon Sisler, Senior Vice President, Talent Management & Transformation andTom Mills, Shannon Sisler, Senior Vice President, Talent Management & Transformation and

    Julie Rulis, Talent Acquisition Manager.Julie Rulis, Talent Acquisition Manager.

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    Colorado Employers signing Statements of Support Colorado Employers signing Statements of Support

    with ESGR Volunteerswith ESGR Volunteers

    Jacquot Balleydier, Owner, Dream Pastries, Cas-tle Rock with Robert Rotruck, ESGR

    Adam Asarch, M.D., , Asarch Center for Dermatology, Englewood with Robert Rotruck, ESGR

    Jason Wessbecker, Owner, Wessbecker Automotive, Castle Rock with Robert Rotruck, ESGR

    At the Buckley Job Fair, Nick Franklin, Telecommunication Technician and Gigi Eschenberg, Sr. Business Partner-Talent Acquisition for Tri-State Generation & Transmission proudly showed there Statement of Support.

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  • Click on pictures or links for websites


    Brent Hamilton - Program Support Technician

    720-250-1176 [email protected]

    Toni Ware AST-Administrative Support Technician 720.250.1189 [email protected]

    Rebecca S. Small - Employment Coordinator 720-250-1188 [email protected]

    COESGR Business Office

    12200 East Briarwood Avenue, Suite 160

    Centennial, Co 80112 FAX: 720.250.1199

    State ESGR Vice Chair Tom Mills


    Alamosa Dan Powell

    Boulder Tonia Martinez

    Colorado Springs Bob Landry

    Shirley Martinez

    Cortez Area Robert Valencia

    Denver Area Bruce Erek Rick White

    Douglas County Area

    Bob Rotruck Dick Wilson

    Estes Park Area Chair Skip Hyde

    Fort Lyon/Tri County Leanne Wheeler

    Larimer/Weld County Jeanie & Brian Hand

    Grand Junction Lou Brackett Bret Mixon

    Montrose Emily Smith Rich Parr

    Pueblo Harry Vogel

    Jon Brude

    Steamboat Springs Jim Stanko

    State ESGR Chair Mark T. Lilevjen


    Military Outreach Darrell Williamson - Director

    John Schutt - Dep Director

    Employer Outreach Bev Skinner - Co-director

    Dave Pruett - Co-director

    Bosslift Coordinator - Brian Bartony

    Ombudsmen Martin Cobb - Director

    Aaron Lechner - Dep. Dir.

    Lara Makinen - Coordinator

    Training Lynn Albi

    Paula Kauffman - Dep. Dir.

    Special Programs


    National Guard Liaison

    Liz Kelpis

    Public Affairs

    Brian Moore - Director Sandy Tiegen - Dep. Dir.

    James Garrett - Newsletter Editor

    Employment Initiatives Robby Castle - Director

    Mentors Coordinators - Tracey Fria

    Wayne Lacey

    Colorados ESGR Electronic Newsletter is published not only for the information and benefit of the members of the Colorado ESGR but most importantly to our Guard and Reserve members and their employers. The contents of this newsletter highlight activities and events conducted by Colorado ESGR.

    Send comments regarding this publication to the Newsletter Editor: James Garrett at [email protected]

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