COESGR Newsletter Aug

1 August 2011 Welcome to Colorado ESGR. Our purpose is to have an informative newsletter that will edu- cate, inform, and promote service by and to ESGR while fulfilling our mission of supporting Employers, Guard/Reserve members, and COESGR Volunteers.  National Site News and Information Join Facebook and Twitter and become a friend of Colorado ESGR Colorado Inside this Issue CXO Executives Briefing……. 1 Patriot Award...................... …. 3 Statements of Support .......……..4 Mil Spouse Employ Partnership5 Become an ESGR Volunteer..…6 Announcements……………………7 Events/Contacts…..…………….8 CO National Guard News links…..9 Women Veterans Expo ………….10  Key High Level Denver Corporate Executives Briefed on Job Initiatives for V eterans and Programs for our W ounded W arriors At a high level special briefing of some of Colorado’s key business executives, hosted by Glenn Jones, businessman extraordinaire, at his corporate headquarters in southeast Denver, some 75 execu- tives who are key members of the CXO group, heard from one of the Navy’s top Admirals, Vice Admiral Kevin McCoy, Commander, Navy Sea Systems Command, on the proble ms that many veterans are having in obtaining civilian employment upon leaving the Service, and the unique effort s that his Sea Systems Comman d under his personal leadership have instituted in hiring and training some of our more seriously injured warriors. They are proving to be some of his best employees. And, as he pointed out, he employs some 60,000 personnel, 95% of which are civilian. Left to right; Richard E. Young, Rear Admiral, USN Ret., Glenn Jones, Vice Admiral Kevin McCoy, USN, Richard H. Truly, Vice Admiral, USN, Ret.

Transcript of COESGR Newsletter Aug

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