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Coaches' Orientation Fac Guide

(Coaches Orientation)

KYAE Common Core Standards

Coaches Facilitator Guide


(Kentucky Adult EducationCouncil on Postsecondary Education1024 Capital Center Drive, Suite 250Frankfort, KY 40601)


The purpose of the Coaches Orientation is to provide coaches with the content of the Kentucky Adult Education (KYAE) Common Core Standards Professional Development initiative for 2011-2012. During this orientation, coaches will learn and practice the process of unpacking standards and aligning resources to standards so they can fulfill their role of supporting adult basic education program directors and instructors.

Unit -

Understanding the Standards We Teach

(Overview of the Units 1A & 1B)

Lessons -

1. Overview of the Standards in Action Pilot Project

2. Unpacking the Standards

3. Building Sample Activities

4. Aligning Resources to Standards

5. Overview of Adult Education

6. Coaching Roles and Tasks

7. Providing Support and Feedback

Objectives -

Participants will be able to -

Explain the purpose of standards implementation in adult education

Explain the Kentucky adult education system

Apply processes and tools for unpacking the KYAE Common Core Standards and aligning them to resources

Determine a coachs role in supporting adult education program directors and instructors through the professional development process

Make observations on professional development activities and provide feedback to planners


By completing these activities -

Reviewing information on the background of KYAEs adoption of the Common Core State Standards

Reviewing features of KYAEs statewide system

Completing an unpacking chart

Completing a resource alignment chart

Brainstorming and discussing the role of a coach

Practicing feedback methods

Responding to reflection questions



Day One- 6 hours

Day Two- 4 hours


Flip chart paper and markers

Post-it Notes and/or 4X6 index cards

Binder contents

Tab 1 - Handouts

HO1 - Agenda

HO2 - Course Schedule

HO3 - KYAE Profile

HO4 - Adult Education and Literacy in Kentucky - Characteristics of Students, Staff, and Programs

HO5 - KYAE GED Brief 2009

HO6 Coaches Timelines and Tasks (specific to each coach)

HO7 - Instructional Support Planning Guide

HO8 - Coachs Report

HO9 - Coachs Role Mind Map

HO10 - Unpacking Chart for Standards- Completed Examples

Tab 2 Standards in Action (SIA) Guide

Tab 3 Directors Orientation

Directors Orientation Facilitators Guide

Course Map


PowerPoint Presentation

Directions for unpacking, confirming unpacking, and aligning to resources

Charts for modeling and practice

Blooms Level Location Guide

Tab 4 English Language Arts (ELA) Standards

Day One


Timeframe: 15 minutes

PPT #1- Adult Education Coaches Orientation (Title slide)

PPT #2- Agenda

Ask participants to answer the questions on the slide above in one minute or less.

Binder HO1 - Agenda

PPT#3- Agenda - Day 1

Review slide.

PPT #4- Agenda- Day 2

Review slide.

After reviewing agenda, review binder contents to ensure each participant has all material.

PPT #5- Please

Our purpose today is to ensure that you can

Explain the purpose of standards implementation in adult education

Explain the Kentucky adult education system

Apply processes and tools for unpacking the KYAE Common Core Standards and aligning them to resources

Determine a coachs role in supporting adult education program directors and instructors through the professional development process

Make observations on professional development activities and provide feedback to planners

We are open to any questions or suggestions throughout these two days. Please speak up when you are confused or want to know more. Tomorrow, you will be able to ask questions of directors who participated in the pilot test of this professional development approach.

Anticipatory Set

(Fostering Connection)

Timeframe: 10 minutes

At the top of flip chart paper, write As Teachers. On a second piece of chart paper, write, As Coaches/Consultants.

PPT#6- Your experience with standards

Ask the entire group to respond to the questions on the PPT, and record responses.

Review responses with the group. Emphasize that their expertise will be invaluable to the instructors.

Teaching and Learning

(Information and Modeling)

Timeframe: 20 minutes

PPT #7- Standards Project from OVAE

Review the history of the Standards in Action pilot project. Explain Kentuckys involvement in the pilot program at the national level.

KYAE piloted the SIA approach in five Kentucky adult education programs and received favorable results. With minor adaptations, KYAE will use this approach to deliver professional development in the use of standards to all programs across the Commonwealth.

PPT#8- Standards in Action

Binder Tab 2 - Standards in Action: Innovations for Standards-Based Education

Review the table of contents.

Explain the four innovations and that Innovation #1, or Unit #1, will be covered during 2011-2012.

(Tab 2)

Binder HO2 - Course Schedule

PPT #9- Course Format/Schedule

Review slide.

Provide participants with note cards, and ask them to write down questions for the pilot program directors, who will be present the following day. Collect.

(Handout 2)

Participants will receive an overview of the

KYAE Common Core Standards Professional Development FY2011-2012

Anticipatory Set

(Information, Modeling & Guided Practice)

Timeframe: 4.5 hours

Binder Tab 3 Directors Orientation training materials

Replicate the Directors Orientation for the coaches.


Timeframe: 10minutes

On a piece of flip chart paper, write Suggestions, and record responses to question below.

Are there any questions or suggestions?

Day Two

Anticipatory Set

(Fostering Connection)

Timeframe: 10 minutes

PPT #10- What have you learned about adult basic education in Kentucky?

Allow approximately five minutes. Review responses.

Teaching and Learning

(Information and Modeling)

Timeframe: 30 minutes

Binder HO3 - Kentucky Adult Education Profile

PPT #11- Kentucky Adult Education (KYAE)

Explain the adult education system in Kentucky including the structure, goals, and programs.

(Handout 3)

Binder HO4 Adult Education and Literacy in Kentucky - Characteristics of Students, Staff, and Programs

PPT #12- Providers

Describe the type of agencies that provide adult education services.

PPT#13- Locations

Describe the types of facilities that house adult education programs.

Continue with Binder HO4 Adult Education and Literacy in Kentucky - Characteristics of Students, Staff, and Programs

PPT #14- ABE Classrooms

Review slide.

PPT#15- KYAE Student Eligibility and Goals

Describe the criteria for KYAE student eligibility and goals.

PPT #16- A Few Facts

Binder HO5 KYAE GED Brief 2009

Share the GED pass rate and the number who have tested, completed, and passed.

PPT#17- Link to Census Data

Ask participants to suggest counties to examine. Take a few minutes to explore the site.

(Handout 5)

Teaching and Learning

(Information and Modeling)

Timeframe: 30 minutes

Binder HO6 Coaches Timeline and Tasks (specific to each coach)

Binder HO7 Instructional Support Planning Guide

You may recall from the information shared in the Directors Orientation that the state is divided into ten learning communities, with each community made up of four to five teams. Some teams will be made up of one county program, while other teams may be made up of several smaller programs. Each team is led by at least one program director. Team members will attend two separate face-to-face meetings to learn how to unpack fifty KYAE Common Core Standards, build sample activities to help teach those standards, and align resources to standards. KYAE will assign approximately half of the standards, and program staff will select the other half.

Prior to the first face-to-face meeting with instructors, directors will complete a written Instructional Support Planning Guide that they will submit it to you and CCLD.

Your role as coach is to support program directors and instructors through the process of unpacking standards, building sample activities, and aligning resources to standards. That involves

Attending face-to-face sessions and assisting during guided practice

Reviewing unpacking charts and aligning charts

Communicating with the directors on a weekly basis to provide feedback, and suggest resources and tools.

(Handout 7) (Handout 6) (Handout 7) (Handout 6)

Binder HO8 - Coachs Report

You will use this form to report observations, questions, and suggestions regarding Unit 1 implementation.

Teaching and Learning

(Information and Modeling)

Timeframe: 45 minutes

Introduce a panel of program directors who participated in the Standards in Action pilot.

Present questions collected at the end of the first day, and record responses.

Anticipatory Set

(Fostering Connection)

Timeframe: 10 minutes

Binder HO9 - The Coachs Role

Display The Coachs Role on a document reader.

Your role is to support the directors and instructors as they learn and practice the unpacking process, build sample activities, and align resources to standards.

I would like for you to brainstorm aspects of that role so we can develop a mind map. Then we can identify major tasks that may fit under each aspect.

What do you believe is the role of a coach and/or some activities or tasks the coach may provide?

List items on flip chart or document reader.

What major roles or themes are emerging?

What activities might fit under each role?

Teaching and Learning

(Information and Modeling)

Timeframe: 30 minutes

Write the major roles on the handout, The Coachs Role that is displayed on the document reader. Write the activities that fit under each role.

Review mind map with the group.

(Handout 9)

Guided Practice

(Increasing Understanding and Developing Skills)

Timeframe: 45 minutes

Binder HO10 - Unpacking Chart for Standards- Completed Example

Divide participants into teams of two or three. Ask them to review the examples and develop feedback responses that they could actually share with directors and instructors.

After ten minutes, ask them to share those responses. Discuss.

Brainstorm a list of feedback tips, and record.

(Handout 10)


(Discussion and Reflection)

Timeframe: 15 minutes

PPT #18

Record responses to reflection questions.

Thank participants. Reinforce their importance in this initiative. Remind them of your availability.

(Coaches Orientation)

KYAE Common Core Standards PD 2011-2012 Understanding the Standards We Teach- Unit One


Facilitators Guide