CO 2., -...

Technical Report WRA71001 Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 1 of 29. C.d, Wood CO P'i 2., Northe:rn Terti tory "listrdtion -.i.a.ter Resoux'Jes Branc:1 YlJEliDLr11l.u W_'>:mR SU.?PLY nrYJSTIGd.TION WATER LIBRARY DARW!N STAG:: 1 1971 CLASS NO. ce Spri!1gs August 1971 I 'rr ' h+31 1 DATE:

Transcript of CO 2., -...

Technical Report WRA71001

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C.d, Wood

CO P'i 2.,

Northe:rn Terti tory ,~dt:d "listrdtion

-.i.a.ter Resoux'Jes Branc:1

YlJEliDLr11l.u W_'>:mR SU.?PLY nrYJSTIGd.TION



STAG:: 1 1971

CLASS NO. ce Spri!1gs August 1971

I 'rr ' h+311 DATE:

Technical Report WRA71001

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DlTRODUCTIOH 1.1 Background 1.2 Objectives

SURVSY O~l GROUN])WAT~R DAxA 2.1 Previous Drilling 2.2 Geolo2Y and Prospects 2.3 SUlmnary

BOP~ SI'l'll,{G RSCOHlf .::...ISSMiC3 3.1 Genexal iTotes 3.2 1".o.e Foux Si tes 3.3 F=ther Sites

DHILLL'IG P3.0GRAM 4. 1 Bore ',if11.f 4. 2 Boxe rl2W 4.3 4.4 4.5

Site Boxe Bore

'il3':! fl5'.1 'rl4 \i

4.6 Further Drillin6' nedX Bore d5'I:'; 4.7 General Considerations

3CON O!..:I C COl.]? .-LBI SON S O~· PO'::S;'TI.c<L Ii.IT .:.;( SU?PL Y SYS T.::J·:rs 5.1 General 5.2 3conomic Analysis of the Systems



.".?PENDL( A Ta.ble 1 Table 2 fable 3

D.d.1 ~i S illJ! ·:..:-L.LU SS ;;'uaJ.i ties of '!ate:rs Available befo:oe 1971 ';).ualLie" of \iate:os Found in 1971 Dat~ Summary Bores 1971

aPPENDIX B DETA..TL3D COSTING :.;'OR EC01<012C CO'::?.d.,.lTIS01'lS


YL;.hi1TDllMU BO:'13 LOC.k"'IOHS WI'!:.ITN 10 liIILE ?~IUS








Technical Report WRA71001

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1 • 1 Back,'rI'

~ne w~ter supply for Yuendumu is insufficient for the Settlema~t's

presen t d..1'J.Q P2"oj ected needs. Las t su,."nI::ler 6"a:rdeEinb-, a.~lTi cul turill dlld la.."'1Q_

sCd.pinb' d.ctivi~ies had been almost cO!.'l~jletely ctU'tailed. That water quality

is e mo.jo2" problem is evi;laYlced by the use of rai.!l 'Na~er for drir:.king aYlQ

by wd.ter l"id.:::-dness affectinb washing, air coclir..S- and hot water systems.

~"le only supply bore, Pen~la.lls Bore, 6 kilometres (4 llliles) south

of Yuendumu, yields about 14 cubic :netres per hour (3000 gph) of water which

is pUID2)ed to overhead tanks a.t Yuendu.rnu throu-::,h d. six inch did.lleter asbestos

Ceill€n t pipeline. The wate:- froJ..G. Pe..."'2118.l1s Bore is ~oor with respect to hard­

ness d.r."'1d ni trate for younG" children, and marginal with respect to totaJ.

dis301 ved solids and magc.esiUJ;l. Refer to .d.ppendix ..::.., Table 1 for an analysis

d.l1c1 definitions of Hgoodl!, ITfairH, l'marcinal rt and tlpoorlT.

Despite extensive past drilling (1958 to 1966), no pot~ble wdter

supplies were discovered on the Yuendumu AboriGinal Reserve until 1969.

Discussions with Welfare Bra.."' offic-e:rs have indicated tha.t the

present popula.tion of approxima.tely 1000 persons can be expected tD increase

na.turally to about 1500 persons du:::..~nG the next 10 In addi tion,

approtimately 50 touxists could be ex~ec;ted a.t anyone time. .'issu!p--in-.;' a

population of 1550 persons and a peak SliITll"er consumption of 0.9 cubic metres

per hed.Q per da.y (200 b'Phpd), a potable W"ate£ sUP.l?ly of 60 cubic m.etres per

hour (13 000 gph) will be required to cover the needs of Yuendlliuu for the

next 10 years .

,ielfare Branch office~s, hO';'l8ver, expressed the desire for

as much wa.ter a.s pr8.cticable~ :rhis a:aount is likely to be dete.rmined by the

increma~tal cost of any additional water over the Settlement's needs as

outlined above.

~~e Senior ~gineer GToundwater called for a comprehensive survey

to be mode of all releva.nt "roundwater data presa'ltly available within a 16 kilometre (10 mile) radius of Yuendumu, a drilling program to be cdrried out

in the N~dlia Basin and a cost esti~ate of any p~oposed pipeline. (Darwin

,,'He 40/2/2 of 15 July 1970).

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1.2 Ob,jecti ves

(a.) To :renew availa.ble data and determine Vlhethe:!" further ',vcrk

wi thin a 16 kilometre ra.di us of Yue..."1dUillU is justified.

(0) To evaluate 2Ily promisir..e si tes wi thi..."l the 16 kilometre radius

by a <L-rillinb' pr0isTern which would dete=ine the aveilabili ty of 60 cubic metres

per hour (13 000 0Ph) of potable watel'.

(c) To compare the overall economics of utilising potential water

!Supply areas.


2. 1 Pre"; ous Drilling

By referrinJ to the bore location map (1:25'. 2), it may be readily

sea"! that the majority of bores wi thin a 16 kilometre radius of Yuendumu zero yield or low yield duds.

Bores Rec,istered Numbers 5090 and 5093, thou,gh producing 14 cubic

metres per hour (3000 gph) dnd 18 cubic metres per hour (4000 gpa) res­

pecti vely, yielded poor quali ty water caused by excess hc.rd.Yless, total

dissolved solids and magnesium dnd chloride ions. Refer to Table 1 for

releva.n t water analyses.

The ori3inal settlement bores (R.Ns 1744 ~'1d 1745) have decreased

in yield to only about one cubic metre per hour. The pres en t supply source

is Penha.lls Bore (R.lf. 4059) which yields about 14 cubic metres per hour

(3000 &ph) a'ld,

quali ty. ,~ .. lie

as can be seen in Table 1, the water is illarcinaQ t~ poor

Point Bore (R.n. 1742) yields about 4.5 cubic metres per

hour (1000 gph) of nlarginal to poor quality water and at present is used as

a stock bore~ Bore Registered. Number 462 is on the North \Vest Stock Route

and only yields about 1.4 cubic metres per hour (300 gph) of water of ur~~own quali ty.

2.2 Geology and Prospects

~1efer to 1:250 000 Geoloe;ical Series Sheet SF 52-12, 'qJount Doreen".

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3 2.2.1 Wi tl";n 16 kilometre radius of Yuendumu

Ehe main east-west fa-ul t iillilledia.tely south of Yuendumu mdrks the

boundary between the Precdmbricm. meta.m.orphics, Cdinozoic silcrete .J.nd

ferruoinized (lateri tized.) rock tc -the north dtl,i the sediments of the l'J;;alia.

Basin to the south (l:'lg.1). _~ exten.:3iva past drilling has confirmed that

the metdI!lorphic formations .offer v·::.ry ;?oor prospects, they were not con­

sidered further. ?hus the decision was made to cdr~~ out all futu=e drilling

south of the ma;n fault line.

'rbe -ifalbiri Dolomite a.."'1.d the Yuendumu. Sandstone have supplied

poor quali ty water vi z. \Vh.i te Pain t Jere in the ,,;:l.l bin Dolomite d...'1.d

Pe!lhalls Bore in the Yuendumu Sd...'1dstone. ;ells et al (Ref.1) stdte that the

most likely untested aquii'ers are "the Dja..:Jamara .i?on:lation and the V3.ugTJ.Qn

Springs ~uartzi te. The Kerridy Sandstone a."1d ~lt Eclipse Sa..~dstone may have

SOille wa.ter but ~a1erally poor sertin,; d..."ld a. hid"l ;?ercentB.f,·e of the ma.trix

s\l<;gest th",t consideration only be ,,"i ven to these ",,,ter the other rock units

h",ve been tested.

Dud bores (R.Ns 3625 to 3628) were ~~lled into Yuendumu S~~dstone

&ld on:Ly very small or no yield3 were obtd.ined.

Bores (J..~is 5090 ani 5093) proiuced inferior quality water to

that fro:n "ihi te ?oin t Bore, hence the ty appedrs to deteriorate from

wes t to eas t in the Jal bi ri Dolom te.

Dud bores (R.Ns 3182 dr.d 3619 to 3624) interseoted quartzite,

phylli te and t:,'T8..."1.i te. ~he de8pest bore vre.s 36.6 m.etres (120 ft) and all

were dry. ..:ll though the posi tiOTIS 01 ... the bores cire not accUTdtely knO'fff.l., the

driller 1 s lou8 sU6gest thdt V'd.u6hd...~ SiJrin:.;.s ...... uartzi te may be~n intex_


2.2.2 The Ngalia Ba.sin Jouth of Kerridy .1'aterho1 e

The tS'801ot3Y of the N ... :;a.lia Basin can be sum.."Ilarized as ll.."').consolidatecl

sediments UQderldin by consolid",ted formations wp~ch also outcrop occasionally.

~~g.1 shows the four bores which have been drilled in the area.

Kerridy Bore (R.N. 4058) WdS drilled to a total depth of 55.0 metres

(181 ft) and 5.5 cubic metres per hour (1200 ~ph) of poor water (?able 1)

was st:ruck at 5.2 metres (nO ft) in c:eam, medium-gradned, clayey sand.

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4 BOTe J.i/70 (n.N. 6981) WdS drilled. to 2. total dept;l oi' 68.3 metres

(224 it) d...'1.1. 4.5 cubic met:rG:3 :)er hoUT (1000 0"Pl~) of fair wd.ter (:ra.ble 1)

wd.s strucl:: at 25.0 metrt;S (52 ft) in :reel ~"l3. ¥,'hi te speck:led sa.."1J.stone a'1d

at 42 .. 7 iiletr?S (140 ft) in white sa.nd. and cla.y ..

iJores BilR Kount .0oreen Nos 11 c.nd 12 (R.Hs 6716 and 6717) were

drilled by the Burea.;'l of ldinerdl d.esoU2'ces as )8.I't of t:leir

d,...·"l"n·r ...... T'o"r·~,.,.. .; ..... ";"''h;::o. :r· '::l''; ~ B"s;~ d""""";n f 1Q (:'0 (Ref' 2) _ ...... _ ...:.. v 2'- Q -"'-<. __ .L 1.<.1 .... - <.;>..;:.,J,. .... o;..;, <;J"....... t...U....;,.:.) ,..,. v.,.! _.... BHR 11 w",s

drilled to a. totdJ. depth of 180 metres (590 ft) -k."'1.d 36 .. 4 cubic metres per

hour (80,)0 ~'Ph) o.f .fair wdter Crable 1) 1,vas str-u.c1: between 48 .. 8 dUd 110.0

metres (160 and 360 ft) in coa.rse sa.nclstone. BIL.~ 12 was drilled to do total

de;;th of 186.0 mekes (610 ft) a.nd 27.3 cubic metres per hour (6000 ",)11) of

poor wdte::- Cj:':.~bl<3 1) was struc!( between 23.2 metx'es (76 ft) in sandy clay­

stone and 42.7 metres (140 ft) in s~~dstone.

~Urther wa.ter drillinG' should [.lTOVe successfcl in reJdXd to both

qUd.!lti ty dIld quality if cdXTieu oub alon, ... seismic line NL netwee...l1 ~,J_/70 Su.'1.d

3HR 11 U'iG1).

:.Phe {5ro1.mdwater prospects wi thin a 16 kilometre radius of Yuendumu

have yet to be exhausted. rrhe Dja-.....;ama.ra l,;'oTmation has yet to be evdludtea

a.."'1d "'chere is the IJOssibili ty of ~re..l.ter supplies of usa.-blB water near ',,,hi te

Pain t Dore in the ,-albin Dolod te or Dja{)3.aara .?o2:'IDation.

Prospects in the southwest of the 2.ese=-'vc betwea"1. ~i./70 dnd B;,rn 11

are good •

3.1 General Notes

In December 1970 !i:..TLbineer \'iood and Bore inspector Wecker visited

the Yuendumu Abori&inel Reserve to ca...~y oa~ a reconndissance. Particular

attention wa.s paid to the Dja.Ge..m.ara Pormation wi thin the of interest.

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The forma.tion vCL-ied fI'om a ti:;b.t, hitShly silicified sd.ndstone or quartzite

,'''' terhol e to a

ver:l porous sd.!.'1dstone :'n the syncline/anticline complex of Kerridy

>'iaterilole. Sites to test thB for!Ilatic!l were picked with reb8:rd to the

frdctured nature of the fOl""mation and r8cna.rG8 pTospects.

It w2.s .lecided d. bore would be wor-thwhile in the idlbiri Dolomite

fOl"ffidtion !1e...:..r ,fm te Point 30:::'8 •

Visuc.l inspection of the Va.uehGn. Springs ~uartzi te showed it to

be unpromisinc;.

3.2 The 20ur Sites

3. 2.1 Site W1',V

Site W1\~ was sited 0.8 kilometres south of Penhalls Bore in the

b'd.'p in the :Jja0'dEi.e.ra PQd~e. en the Vf8St side of the sap the'Ila.ra

lormation dips a.t 55 deg:rees to the south while on tb.e east side it dips at

60 del7ees to the south. rrhe appa:r-ent c:tttin,:, of the J'3p by ~ast local

drainabe ;-erhaps iniic~tes th2.t a. ma.jor wealcless is present. .:is the

Djawdmd.ra. :?o7'iIlati on was ext:r-8mely f:ca.-otured. a.."'1d jointed despi te the tigh t-

ness of the qua.::-tzi te-like forma. tier:. itself, it was consi1ered wor"'vhwhile to

drill in th8 gap throu~h whi::::h some .. )!'esent local flows. ~xa.mi...'rla.tion

of nood debris i~dica.ted a past flo'_'l a.t 0.3 metre deep throuoh the gap •

.a. then urJmown amount of a.lluvium overlaid the Djagamara. iormation

in which the loca.l sta.ndin6 wateT level Wd.S estimated to b~ d.Tound 50 metres

c.nd quali ty was e:Qected to be superior to Pennalls Bore due to rechax\;e •

3.2.2 3i te \,2"

This si"Ge was selected (:0 to ~O metres (200 to 300 .ft) south of

flJlite Point Bore. 'The objective "(idS to evalua.te the :ialbiri .Dolomite wluch

was only partidlly penetrated by

bore penetrdted 54.9 metres (180

\·ij}U te .2oint Sore. The B:.ffi 14

f'-'- \ 01-- ') dolomite (surface to total depth) and

WdS abdlldoned ~fter intersectin6 wdter.. .:~ :hite Point Bore is on the old

stock route .J.nd WdS drilled in 1951, do oel"cussion rig was most likely used

and drill in,; 'prob~bly ceased ,,,l.le..l1 a sufficient supply wd.S fOlffid for a stock

bore. It is pro)osed t'u.td2'!{ be drilled beyond 57.0 metres (187 :t) which

is the totdJ.. de;th of lm te Point Bore to test fo~ any inc.redse in supply.

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From tile drille1:'s' lovs of '.ihite Point and ma 14 bores, dolomite should 'be

intersected b31oW" 27 m.etres (90 ft) a..."'1G. wdte:r should. be struck a.t about 55 metres (180 it)~ ,,',J,tel' quaJ.i ty should be simildr to white Poi.:1- t Bore but

shou.ld be moni tored dlL."""in~ d.....~llinG to enSl.IT'e it does not detetiord.te "41. th

depth.. ":;ven thOUtSn quality is less than satisid.cto:ry at ~;resen t, tr8.J.tmen t

may be economica.l if no otiler wate? SOUI'ce is found wi thin a red.sonc..ble

distance of Yuendwnu.

3. 2. 3 Si te ·/W

fhis site w<3.g loc...;.r.en 0 .. 6 :~ilofiletres (0.4 mile) south of i~hite

Point Bore in a. Idrg2 G8.p in. -ti.~!.e east-west ridJ's of Dj8~ama.ra Eormd.tion,

Kerridy Sandstone B.nd :'~oun t .Jclipse SG.Ildstcne. :1:he objective WdS to

eva.luate the alluvii..l.ffi in the sap and the fractu:rec. Djaciama.:ra. Formation

sicilarly to W1',/. The alluvium wa.s ex:oec'Oed to be about 30 Oletres deep

and to overlie the DjaodJ1lara 2ormation. 'later quality should be superior

to t 11.30 t, from \~:1i te Pain t 23o:-::-'e.

The objecti va of tr~s site was tD investi:;Bte hi;;r.J.y fJ.'actured

Dja:;arnarc. "'onnation locat<)d about 5 kilometres (3 miles) northeast of Kerridy

;'l'aterhole. fi'he site was peg~ed on the estima.ted posi tion of a faul t running

the lenGth of a syncline which lOrr".uS a ravine about 55 metres (180 feet) wide •

.3vidence of the fault Cdn be seen higher up in the r:.:.vine.

made to the si te shortly after hBaViJ rains which filled Kerridy ;Idterhole.

:0espi te the p:cesence of a. subs7..:m tiBl wa.te:rcou:cse hib-her up in the rd.-vine there

WGS only a small t.;utte:r a.t d.l1.J below the pTo~Josed site. Ibis su~gested tha.t

infil tratiop.. is consider_-.ble in to the fTactUJ:'ed rubble filling ~he syncline •

The rub~le .md sides of the ravine we:re a mixture of porous cemented sandstone

2.nd a. tichter, :rigr.J.y silicified sa.ndstone of the Djagamara E'ormation.. .d.n

indication of tl1~ permed,bili ty WdS wi ven by the with which a S8.Ildstone

sarnple allo"!fred water to P3.SS into it. The sides of the s;;rncline dip a.t about

70 debTees which sllgo"ested Bbout 90 metres (300 ft) conld be drilled before

intersecting solid ~ock .. '->!.uali ty of 2ny wdteT found should be fdir to ~','ood,

i .. e. better thd.!l wa.ter frow i'1hi te Point or Penhalls Bore.

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3.3 FUrther Sites

Durin:; the course of the investigation further si tea weTe con­

sidered~ ;rhe m.ajor one Wc,::> the location of Site 1t5'1{ which was drilled in

lieu of W3W.


The objective of Site '1751, si tuatBd'!'oxima.tely one a.nd a. half

kilometres south of \v'P..ite Point Bore, 1ms to investigate all:.rvium in a basin

formed by an appare...l'lt s:,rncline betw,B:en the Djc.G'amara. J:! lormation and Ker:ridy

3d.ndst0!18 outcrops (dippino south a.t a.bout 60 to 70 degTees~1 to "the north

a..."'ld 8..."'1 outcrop of lCer.ridy (dipping northwest dot 15 to 45 deuTees)

to the sO' Outc.rops of lilt ""::clipse Sandstone (dip un..imown) were avoided

in an ende.3.vour to drill through a ma.xi2UI:. dept?:1 of allu\7ium before inter_

sec'cing the un.derlyinG sandstone. R:" fair ar:1otm. t of local d.ra.ind~;e feeds

into the b:!.sin. Deper ... dinb on the depth of the alluvium and the hardn.ess of

the Eclipse Sandstone it was decidei to invostifSa.te the sandstone as fa.r

as possible as it is not completely ievoid of aquifers (Ref. 1 ). The ty

of c:ny water was expected to be superior to the ·'Illite Point Bore area due to

recharGe d.nd t~e releti vely unconta.ruinating nature of the sandstone.

~ ~idge of Djag-~ara fformation northxest of dud bore R.N. 5301

was visited. A ma.i."'1 tributary system of the creek feedin5' Kerridy 'da.ter­

hole flows through 8. gap in the rid.J'e. In this area the Djagamara ,C"orma.tion

was found to be a very tieht, hdrd qU!:ll"tzi te rather than a sa..'1dstone. Tnere

wa.s not d great deal of surfc.ce;urin,; cOITl.ud.Xed with Sites .t1'N, .f3W,

dnd W4rl and the formation had an extremely steep di;J mal(;"d intersection

ve~¥ difficult. This area was regdrded as unpromising •


.d.l.l drilling was carried au':' by Drill J.!'o:r-eman Miller usinc; ',~.R.3.

Rig 18 under the instruction of Drilling Superintende..."lt illspia a..'Tld super­

vision of Ent:;i.neer \food. The bores were drilled in the following order'

W1\V, W2i'i, W5W, W4W, w6w and WT'ii.

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4.1 Bore W1\i. R.N. 10025, I.lI. 23/181

Tnis first bore was drilled to 7.1 metres (23 it 3in) where it

was a.bdlldoned ir.:. extremely hdXd, tiGht '-:luartzi ie presumably of the DjdJ;a.maxa.

Formation. The initicll ~etTe ~~s alluvium followed by qusrtzite chips ~~d

cla.y till 3. G metres (12 f't). Below 3.6 metres was fz-actured, silicified.

sandstone 3.l1d quartzite which bec.;!ffie cOLlpletel,Y solid causing :paYletration

to deo:;:>ease to 6 inches per hour 'wi th the 6 downhol e hB.m.8er. ...:is the

expected ':ate.:::' source wa.s t11e fractlITes in the sa...VJ.dstone/quartzi te and not

the interstitial porosity 1 d~llinG was tenJinat8d~

4.2 Bore W2W. R.N. 10 027, Lt;. 23/li35

The second bore was drilled to a total depth of 116 metres (380

ft). Unconsolidated olays, sdnds &~d z.ravels extended to 86.6 metres

(284 ft) after which quartzite chips and ferrUo~nous material extended to

116 metres (380 ft). The pores of the quartzite were filled ,nth calcareous

mud and penetration gradually decreased to 2J!- ft per hour In th a. 5 inch

downhole hammer.

Jater wa.s ini tia.lly struck a.t 54.9 met:res (180 ft) in sand dl1.d

gravel and had increased to about 14 cubic metres per hour (3000 gph) at

73.2 met!'es (240 ft) after passin" through water-worn sand, gravel and

cemented sa.."lu. ':while d.:rillinG" with mud a COilliJ1ete loss of circulation

occured at 85.4 metres (280 ft) in very coarse w",ter-woIn sand. Jlan.\;:

casin.; wa.s tha'1. run to 81.1 metres (266 ft) fib.ere it T,vas blocked by clay.

while blo~r-ng out to clear the clay, yield WdS 23 cubic metres per hour

(5000 &'PhJ

(281. 5 ft)

at 85.4 ",etres (280 o· \ .l... "C) • l'he casing was then run to 85.9 metres

where it lodged in 50 to 80 millimetres (2 to 3 inch) cemented

sand cobbles and 1 to 2 millime1;res medi= s&~d. .tirlift yield inc!'eased

to 33 cubic metres e,er hour (7200 8'P11) at 86.5 metres (284 ft). .U 88.5

metres (290 it) the yield una.ccountably dTo9ped to 5.5 cubic metres per

hoUZ" (1200 gpb..) but had -i ncrec\sed doain to 22 cubic metres per hOUT (4800

gph) by 100 :!etres (330 ft). Stano"ng water level after cessation of

opera.tions was 30 metres (128 ft) .

. As the ini tial yield of 14 cubic met:res per hour (3000 gph) was

cased off it may be separate from the later yields. 'ilie total airlift

yield available from W2W may be in the of 36 to 45 oubic metres per

hour (8000 to 10 000 gph).

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'The analysis in :rable 2 shows that the water is un sui ta.ble for

huma.ll cons1.1..mption d..."ld is of siJ1:d.liar ty to .1b.i te Paint BOTe ..

4.3 Site W3W

-~ the geology at Si te J3~q appea:red si!Jilar to tha.t a.t Bo:re \1'"1'.1

(dr.! dud) and Bore W2ij indicated that the std.l:lding water level would be

below the depth of alluvi U.TIl, drillin,; '!Vas not

4.4 Bore 'r5-V R 'f _ ,i '. % .1 .. 10 059. LIT. 231191

~t ,­at; em.p~ed. et this site.

?he third bore wdS drilled to 134 metres (440 ft) where drillin~

was ceased in ~.'t Eclipse Sd...."1astone ai'ter the depth and volume of 7i.J.ter wa.s

too Gredt for the rig! s a.izo compressor to handle. It was decided thdot to

drill on wi -'ch mud ~res ::lot "~orthwhile as a. good indication of the 'ff8.ter

supply dva.ildble had been obtair:ed.


The first 9.1 metres (30 feet) of the bore penetrated red alluvium

and ri vex Gravel after which a fOrInJ.tion of red Sd...l1ustone, red-orovm

micaceous sil tstone t3...'I'ld al te:rr...8.ting bands of fine dnU CO,'li'se sandstone ware

intersected. 'The mica con tell t inMed-ced tha.t this form.a.tior.. wa.s 1!t Eclipse

Sandstone. Seepa.j'e W2.ter was struci: at 70.8 metres (232 it) an..i the supply

gra.dually increased to a..."1 airlift yield of 9 cubi c metres per hour (2000 gph)

at a depth of 111 ~et~es (364 it) as successive OcinUS of permeable sandstone ',y,3re intersected ..

rIle hole wa.s cased to 67.1 metres (220 ft) ;yith cla'1" 6 inch

cdsin€ dJld below th-i s de~th with 23 IiJ.etres (76 ft) of perfora.ted Cd-sing.

i~'d. ter quali ty was faizo ,. . .... 8.1..2.&'11... eX.cesses of totB.l hardness and iron,

otherwise the wa.ter is acceptc:.ble for ~2.uman consu.r::lption by Northern Terri tory


Standini.£ wa.ter level YidS 40 metres (131 ft).

4.5 Bore ',/4 iii R.N. 10066, IoU. 231193

rbe fourth baret lr?4W, was drilled to 16.2 metres (53 ft) whe:re

the hole was abandoned as a dud after penetrating extre~ely hard, white,

homogeneous quartzite. Promisinb r~bble, porous sa'1dstone a~d fractured

quartzite only lasted 12.2 metres (40 it) and no water wds found. Apparently

the fault wdS missed •. '3 the hole WdS 18 metres (60 ft) from the southexn

side of the ravine which was only 55 metres (180 ft) wide and as solid quart­

zite was inteTsectea dt a much shallower depth than expected, no further

attem,Jts were 3lade in the ra.vine.

Technical Report WRA71001

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4.6 ~Urthe:r TIrillin,,,; near Bore ~15,i

~1.S the wc.ter quali ty of bore W5W- was the bast it WdS (lecid.ed to

evaluate further the iIIlL1ediate area ..

4.6.1 J3o:re tl6W, B..N. 10084, 1.,:. 23/1..24

This bo:re "dS d:rilled 60 metres (200 r-t) along true bea";.-ng 287

degrees froIn bO:r-8 'li5'I-l. .u thOUt;l1 the strdtJ. i~l te.l-">3ected. were V8T'J similiax

to fi5~r, wdoter was st7'uck at the shdllower depth of 48.8 metres (160 ft) ;n

W67{. Yield incred.sed to 3.2 cubic metres per hour (700 6.Pll) "t 68.6 metres

(235 ft) dnd rerua.ineci constant to the totaJ. deptll of 150.0 metres (492 it)

where ~:rillin.; was ceased after the air cCI:lpressor fB.iled to lift the water

and cuttings. Standing water level was 40.5 metres (133 ft).

In order to obta.ill an idea. of interference between bo,::-es dot 60

mat:res spa.cin.; in this aquifeZ', a floa.t recorder was i.."'1stalled on '.t!Jri wr..i.le

During the course of an eight hour shift of

airlift drilliniS the wd.te~' level in ,i54 fell about 350 millimetres (14 i.'J.s) retu...-rned to nOlUlal oV:;2"'D.ight. T'he chart record was of sufficie..~ t quality

to be of use in the calcula.tion of a.quifer char8.cteristics. From the draw­

dOW!l data., transrris:-3ivity was calculated to be 54.1 square metres peT day

(582 rt 2/day) an.i the stoX' coefficient to be 0.00048. ltli th the recovery

data., tXd.I1sr:llssi vi ty Wa.3 calculated to be 47.6 square metxes per day

(512 ft 2/de.y) usind' the residual draw-doYID metbod. The si;ordge coefi'icien t

is typical of dJl artesia..1'J. aquifer d....'1d the t:Cd..'1smssivity is fa.irly low a.s

could be eX'~ected of the Mt ~clip3e Saor'-dstor..e which e~dri oi ts poor

sartin .... and a b; z;l1 perce..t"! of ma.trix (Refer to Section 2.2.1). The water

appears ~o be flowin5 fro~ m&~y fine perme~ble bands ~7itr~n the formation •

4.6.2 Bore ,,,W, B..N. 10 085, IoU. 23/194

This bore was drilled 300 met:res (1000 ft) alon", true bearing

197 de;-rees fro~ ·:i6~>l. Just aftj~r cOmTJ.encement of drilling, ~llice Springs

office was ;nst:ructed to SDut down lUG 18 as funds were depleted but drilling

wd.s continued lonJ' enough to establish the depth of alluvium over the l.:t

Eclipse Sa"2dstone. 'I'otal depth of the bo::'e was 12.2 metres (40 ft) d.!ld

depth of alluvium was 3 metres (10 n).

Technical Report WRA71001

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4.7 Ga~eral Considerations

The depths Ol allu~rium intersected above the }!It BClipse Sandstone

were 8.5 metres (28 ft), 7.3 metres (24 ft) and 3 metres (10 ft) in bores

'd5v{, W6~i G.nd W7~! respectively. 'rhus the apparent syncline discu.ssed in

Section 3 .. 3 is non-existent or at extr·;m.ely shallow.. However w:h€lther

the basin is a synclL"'l8 or not does not detract from the fact tha.t useful

quanti ties of potable JVd.te~ are availd.ble fTom the M.t ~clipse Sandstone in

this arei.1" 'There is nothir:d' to sUfSgest tha:ti bore ,n)y' would not have struck

wat.::r if it had been sunk to do depth co:.:p= ,ole with bores X5.{ and W6\l.

It is zoecoInfuended that fu:rt:t1er investic.;;8.tion holes be drilled in

tne area.. Yields would be lIDpredictable to the axten t tha. t they could vary

from, say, 3 cubic metres per hour (600 ~]h) to 20 cuuic metres per hour

(4000 6Ph) depending on the number of more permeable bands wi tllin the

formation. If this area is to become the wate= supply source for Yuendwnu,

bores must continue to be drilled until the desired a:,gregd.te yield has

been ootd.ined. ,mothe.!' 48 cubic :oetres per hour (10 500 gph) is required

which could. be supplied by a."l addi 3 to 16 bores. The monitorinG of

water levels in W57l du-"Y"i!1C the drillinG of !d6\l indicates thdt bores should

be spaced at least 60 metres apart to avoid pumpin~ interfer~"lce.

Si te li{8N is suggested a.s d.I: a.l ternati ve which to be the

most promisinf.1 si te in the lit ~clipse i:3a.."'ldstone for hi5her yielding bores.

'\/8\-{ is about 5~ 6 kilometres (1.~- miles) west-southwest of WS":-7, and is sited

where d. fault intersects a. creek. 'I'he fault i.'1.d:'cates that the LIt

Eclipse Sandstone ::ay 08 sufficien tly fract~ed to enable an increase in

yield from a.~uifers i..~ th~~ sandstone ·:1.."1d the cZ'.Jek ffidY also pro-ride local

recharge in to th" f aul t.

Or.. the l'},[t Doreen 11 Geological Series Sheet CI'oss-section C-D

9asses close to WSW and indic.a.tes :i7'Bat depths of 1ft ':£clipse Sandstone

at and north of the fault. The sugGested dep,h of investigation bores is

120 to 150 metres (400 to 500 ft).

Technical Report WRA71001

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5 1 General •

'.l?he three water sources aVdilable a~)ge,.:.r to be:

The WD~ ~e Point l1.rea,

The Mt ~clipse S3ndstone,

'The rIg"alia. Basin between bores A/70 and BER 11 •


A}J;:e..Yldix.3 is an analvsis of estima.ted costs for Wa.ter ResoUTces - - "

BrdJlch to d!'ill the required n1J.Iilber of bores st each dXea. .loB can b . .:: seen

the chea.pest al terna.ti ve fo::, :8.ter ~1esoUTces Branch is the fi:rst source by

factors of 4 and 3 over the secone. and third. sO'J.Z'ces :respectively.

~JinimisL'I1G costs for one Dranch only W.J.S considered too restricted

do view 80 overall economics d.r..d long t·3TID. benef'i -ts of cOI!ll)lete systel.i1s fOT

supplyin~ 'potable wdter to Yuendumu, are dealt wi thin this section. CO!l­

siderJ.t:'on has not been Sri. ven to d.dd.ea.. reticulation costs dot Yuen.dUI!!u as

these would be tl18 same foZ" all al tema.ti ves.

The four likely wate!' supply systems are "there.fore:

1 DrillinG two production bores near "r,i te .20-1::1 t Bore to give

an expected ag'sregate supply of over 60 cubic il1et:r'J-s per hou..r (13 000 u})h)

which would require desalination to ma.l:.:e it sui ta.ble for dCElestic use. 20ur

kilometres (22'" ailes) of pipeline would "be required to corl-l'lect to the

present six inch diameter pipel~ne from PeYh~alls Bore to Yuendumu.

2 Dri11int.S production bores in the 1\1t .Jclipse Sand.stone neax

Bo!'e .15-.1 u..Yi.til d.!l a;6Te~ate yield of OVGI' 60 cubic metres per hour is

o b ed • u~ to 2.nother 16 six: inch dic.meter bores aV'2:ra6"inJ' 100 metres dee;j

may be :required but minor '17a.te.r tredt:went ffi2.y be necessa.ry. About 4

kilometres (2.l miles) of pipeline would be requil"ed to COr'l..llect this area to

the pipeline a.t Penb.alls Bore",

3 Should the \i5\'{ .. tt-ea not yield the full water requir-emen t for

Yuendumu, ~he Mt 3clipse Sandstone in 'the -is"';v _::.rea m.a.y proviue d.n dl te.::cnati ve

source. In this Cd-se 9;.::' kilometres (6 ird.les) of pipel-;ne would be required.

4 Drilling about

four production bOTes in tl1e

10 investi~ation bores initially, then about

N,::;alia. Ba.sin betwe·,3...l1. bOTes A/70 a..."'ld B:i..":' 11.

Technical Report WRA71001

Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 15 of 29.


water dnalyses of these two bDres indica;te tha.t only minor 7o'a.ter trea.tment

mey be z-equi.xed. .d.ssumin..,; WCl. ter were fo1.Zt1d nea..:;: the southwest corner of the

Reserve (central between .1/70 and EbB 11), a:;;>pro:rim.ltely 37 kilometres (23

mi:es) of ~ipeline would be required to corinect to the present ~ipeline at

Penhalls Bore.

5.2 Economic .ma.lyses of the SyS tams

5.2. 1 White Pain t Bore .>rea.

Capi tal Cos ts

Drillinw and COffi)letin0 bores

2! mile pipeline at ;;16 000 ;:Jar mile

rumps and motors

Treatment plar..t

Total Ca.pi tal Cos t sa.y

<In.n ua.l Co s t s

Discounted capital cost over 10 years at 7% (excluding

treatma~t pl~~") (Capitdl recovery factor of 0.14238)

Maintenance costs - pipeline, 1;4 capi tal cost

- p~ps and illa~o~s, 8~ capital cost

- bores, 5~ ca.pital cost

- pumps

(~stima.te.~ runninG cost of Penhalls Bore ~2.66 x 10-7 per

gallon per loot hedd)

~2.66 x 10-7 x 312,000 ~d x 365 days x 400 feet head =

~ual cost of water desali~a.tion (includes capitol, ~J1ing

dnd ;naintenance costs) a.t ~2 per 1000 gallons:"::::

2 x 312 x 365 =

6 380

40 000

15 000

350 000

:;411 500

8 740


1 200


12 100

228 000

Total k~~ual Gost ~250 760

Cost per 1000 gallons = 251 000 312 x 365

= ~2. 20

Cost per cubic met:::-e = ,,0.48

Technical Report WRA71001

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5. 2. 2 W5\'l ,uoea

CaDi tal Costs

Drilling and comgleting bOTes

2-.t mile pipelir.!.8 at <1'16 000 per mile

Pumps and ~otors

Total Capital Cost say

Annual Costs


24 240

40 000

15 000

~79 500

Discounted ca.pital cost over 10 years at 7~ (o.r.f.~0.14238) 11 300

Maintenance costs - pipeline, r~ capi tal cost

- pumps and no tors , 8~", ca.pi tal cos t

- bores, 5/0 ca.:pital cost

RlW..ning cost - pumps (doS in 5.2.1)

'J:otal JrillUal Cos t

Cost per 1000 gallons = 26 200 312 x 365

~ ,0.23

Cost per cubio metre

5. 2. 3 W8W drea

CaDi tal Cost

= ~0.05

Say two production bOTes and two observation bores

6 mile pipeline at ~16 000 ~er mile

Pumps and motors

J:otdol CaDital Cost

.onnual Cost


1 200

1 200

12 100

$26 200

10 000



$126 000

Discounted capital cost over 10 years dot 7~ (c.r.f.=0.14238) 17 940

Maintenance costs - pipeline, i /~ capi tal cost

R · ~ .I. cos"

- pumps, dl' ... d motors 8}'0 capi tdl cost

- bores, 5/0 capi ·cal cost

- pumps (twice head. loss as in 5.2.1)

Total Arillual Cost

Cost per 1000 gallons = ~4.::.5.";2::.;0:..:0;.".".,, 312 x 365

= Cost per cubic metre =




1 600


24 200

$45 200

Technical Report WRA71001

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d comparison of 5. 2. 2 ilnd 5. 2. 3 above shows that, if after ten bores

have been drilled in the W5W drea sufficient water has not been obtained, it

is cheaper to d~ll and equip another ten bores there instead of moving to

the WSW Area.

5.2.4 Njialia. Basin - Southwest corner of the Reserve

C"pital Cos t

Investid'8tion d..."""illin t; say 10 bores and completing four

productio!! bores

23 mile ,)ipeline at .;,16 000 per mile

Pumps and motors

Total Capital Cost

Annual Cost

19 000

368 000

30 000

$417 000

Discounted c~pital cost over 10 years at 7/0 (c.r.f.=0.14238) 59 400

3 700

2 400

[{.sin tendIlce costs pipeline, 1~ capital cost

- pumps & rna tors, 8~ capi tal cos t

- production &. observation bores only 1

510 capital cost (515 000) (See Appendix 3) 750 Running cost - pumps (assuming four times the pumping

head as in 5. 2. 1 )

Total Annual Cost

Cost peT 1000 gallons ~ 114 000


Cost per cubic metre =

312 x 365




48 000

$114 250

The table below summarises the economic ~~alyses in Section 5.


'ii'SH drea

W8W drea

N galia Basin

W2W Area



79 500

126 000

417 000

411 500



26 200

45 200

114 000

251 000


$ $ I 0.05 0.23

0.09 0.40

0.22 1.02

0.48 2.20

Technical Report WRA71001

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Provided there is su.fficient wa.ter in the lit Eclipse Sandstone in

the vicini ty o:f W5W this is tba clledPest ove:call scheme. However, if after

the drilling of uiJ to 15 six inch did.!-rJ.ete.r bores sufficien t water ha.s not

been found or the quality deteriord.tes, investiio"ation drillinJ shoul~, be

cc.rried out a.t 3i te W8W.

The 1'1 galia Basin and the ·vhi te Poin t Bore area al terns ti ves can

be considered to ndve equal capital costs, however when ap_~ua1 costs are

considered the N,:;a.lia Basin pipeline is the ched.per and Olore conveninet

for YuenduHlU. Drilling in the l'1t5:a1ia. Ed.sin, however, should only be con_

side!"ed 3.fter an exha.ustive investigdtion in the W51~' and WSW dreas of 'the

Mt Bclipse Sandstone.

~.,. desalination pla.."'lt 'No'...:.ld be best 2.voided because of the time

required to desi~, construct and put into successful operation. If a

pldllt is installed maybe problems in obtaining and keeping ~ualified

staff to run t~la plant. These problems OCCUT on top of co!:.sidera.ble

runnin-> costs which make the product water m03:'e than t1iice the cost of the

N~alia Basin a1 terr.l.ative. The o'"Tec3.test adv2J1taGe of the trea.tment proposal

is that the water quality would be superior, namely 400 or 500 milligTams

per Ii tres of total dissolved solids cOGJ.?ared wi. th about 1100 to 1300

milliJ;Ta.I!ls per Ii tres of the other a.l ternati ves. Such puxi ty is not

necessary a.s the wa.ter from. the three other area.s are accepta.ble to Northern

'Terri tory Sta.nddTds thouJ'h iron st.a.inin0' may p:!"ove an aesthetic problem.

:;xcess iron can be precipi t8.ted by a,::::ra.tion w..ich car.. be incorporated into

the pU2ping system by spraying or ca.soading •

.~ter the new supply oomes into operation P€Xh~alls Bore could be

used exclusively for nearby farming activ~ties. The present yield of about

14 cubic Oletres per hour (3000 g,)h) is sufficient for dbout 4 hectares (10

acres) of irrigated CTOpS.


l'\lture work at YuendUInu is summe--ri.sed overleaf in the ?low Diet-Tam

for Further Investioation.

Technical Report WRA71001

Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 19 of 29.

FLOW DL-iGR.~ .?OR l!'O£tr...L~l1 mViiSTIGaTION

1 0Ci'~ I Drill up

f~--~----~-1! bores in req'lriremen t f , ... -:..rea

;'0 151 75-99% :' Continue drilling 10Ci';6

W5W I', 'a " )j (up to 20 bores) reouirement ';, reqlll rem911 " : iIl W5W ,;,rea I - I



less than 50% of requirement

; o:!' water I less th~ ! I qUali ty , 10010 of I

I. deteriora.tion j l requirement I I'

I' C~nsider res~ricting ,

No _ s~ze of . Yes ~:----------------------11 accO:!'dintr to amoll.."l t ,. )1 r, 1- of wate:r availabl e I 1!

£ ,I * , I'. Investizate V{8W I, I r---------']' ,f I

.. I .:.U"ea. ',Ji th up to ~ i 50-9Sf;a Combine yi elds Of~ ! 100;.0 j ~----:-----.,-~ , 'N5,v and \V(fw dXeas ';;)

requiremen t j. sa.y 4 bores l, requirem6..""l t" . equiremeJl u , ,

less than 5O/b of requirement

'----,-----1., 'I

111e88 than I

wa tar 1 Oo-~ of , I quali ty requiremen t jl , , Ho 1 Consider xestricting Yes f

J:~----------------{I~S~i~z~eO~f~Y~u:en~d:um::U~ __ J,---------~);!

1 or poor 1 1

I J.nvestigate 1 Conside:!' economics ) )1

,100"~ 1 Nb'alia Basil'! I 50-90% of combining yields 100;.;; , ~ ~,. of ',{')'ii, WSW Areas

ji requiremen t ,1, ______ -:-______ 1


', requirement" !reauire",en~ , t.... _an_d __ ~_T g_al---,i_a_B_' a_s_i_n __ ---lt - I

j les,s than lor poor I less than i I 50;0 of 1 water I 100'10 of , I requiremen t 1 quali ty j., requiremen t t I I t ConSider restricting I ! I No. Yes • f si ze of ~:(uenduro.u ~

I !( j :)j

V -j 'I - ,I Drill oroductiOJ:l I Combine yields of ! i bores :;'t White f less th2JJ. I all investigation ,i

~T 1 Oai~ Poin t Bore Az-ea J 1001b I areas according to 1 O~1o iE----:~----:-I for trea.tment ."' ,)tresults of economic "

requirement o~ reqU2re_ ~r-e~uiremen~! Plant f. l analysis '" '1

j I E8-1'1i1! r:

i '-------<j-l-e-s-s--t-h-2JJ.--! Ii'

1 I 10Ci'fo of J, requiremen t I

1 ~ have Drill nedr .?en- i No f Consider restricting ji Yes ~ 1,,-1 of halls Bore but j i' size of Yuendumu i ~~-'r-e-q-~~'~r-e-m-e-n-t-:~ water will :equir4~<~---~L,~::~~~::::::~----r---------~i

i more expe.'1Sl ve j I i treatmen tit

:~ lk. , 1 I 1 vO!:lP e va cores so ' f

'I ' they can be I I j " j -----/~' , equipped j,,\;:------------___________________ -'

'-' ---__ --i

-lateX' require!:lent o£ Yuendu.rnu ha.s been estima.ted at 60 cubic metres per hour (13 000 zph).

Technical Report WRA71001

Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 20 of 29.


'r'hen a.ssessinG whether the wat'3r requirement of Yuendumu has been

met it should be understood tha.t an esti...udte should be of the ?lateT

reserve (and the useful life expec·,:, of t~le aquifers) whe.."rJ. the yield of area. is b einlS assessed. the objective of 'the YU8-Yldumu investigacion

is to ,rovide d '.Vd.te:::- sU9yly for t~e nezt 10 YS2.rS, the useful life ex­

pectancy of dolly 'N.d:tex 1"8se.rVe must be Jot ledst this period ..

It is eXiJected. tha.t the ~'i5~i ..:irea in the IJt ..scliDse 3ar..dstone will - -totally satisfy Yuendumu t s requirements howev8r if not, a su)ply can

definitely be provided fro~ the othe~ sources or some combination of the~.

If the i/5W ii!'ea does not provide the es tima ted. requirement of 60

cubic metres peT hour it may be consid3red desirable to restrict the

population and activities at Yuendumu dnd cateT fOT population inc~eases by

estdblishinr; an outstr.ltion nearer e source of potable 7;"ster. -the economic

and socidl aspects of this dctio~ are beyond the scope of this report •

Technical Report WRA71001

Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 21 of 29.

1 :(ells, A. -r., Evans T. G. and Nicholas, T. ~


"The Cealod:! of 1:.he Central Paxt of the :a Galia Ba.sin,

l-iorthem Terri tory 11. Bureau of ::tL."'1eral Resources,

Geology and Geophysics,

Record }!o. 1968/38.

Svans, . ',,' h ' n anQ .:.~lC ... OJ..BS, 1.,

!TSt:ratibTa.~hic Dtillin~ in the l~galia Ba.sin, Northe.zn

'fern torJ 1968-1969",

Bureau of 1Qne:ral Resources, GeoloLY a~d Geophysics,

Record liD. 1970/46.

3 Davis, S.N. and Dewiest, R.J.:J.

:l}iydrogeoloev lT, Joh.'1. .iiley & Sons, -~ .!. .... c • .., New York, 1966.

4 .d.dvisOI"J Panel on Desalination,

"_~ Survey of ~rater Desa.lination Methods and their

Helevance to Australia l1, .Australian ·jater Resources

Council - Hydrological Series No.1, Department of National

Development, Australia, Canberra, 1966.

5 ,-. t LSd~" ~"'..!.t D'" =iexoG!", ... a.""l ltiQJ.. 1. a", • 1"1. ,

"Desalination _ A Suxvey of ...iustralian .21a..."lts rT ,

.'tustralian :iater Resourc:as COlh"lcil .rtesearch ?roject No. 68/6,

Dep.a.rtment of Hational Development, Australia, CaJ1ber:ca, 1970 •


Technical R

eport WR



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age 22 of 29.

., • APPEKDU A. - T,lBLii: 1 - QU,\l,ITH~3 OF ~~~.:r';;!l8 .tvAII",g3Lii: jJ8~'OiG 1311


Sii:TTL::;I':CWr "\lATf:mIOLE ,----- -- --~--~- ------- . ._-_._ .. "._._---- --..... ~-.-.~---.------.-----.-C)N,31'ITlEN'i' M.\X. ~WC.

P::NllALLS 'IUU;, POINT YM1 1M2 K83R1J)Y 11./70 BMR 11 B'II'J( 12 mg/I }tjCJDT. lI1LOW. ___ ",._'yON 0. _____ S.ON C. __ RN 4059 RN 1742 RN 5090 RN 5093 RN 4058 RN 6981 Ill! 6716 RN 6117

l\D.S. 5Jr 1500 1696* 1870* 3008* 2409* 3867* 840 1152 2280*

C~11oride 200 600 505 653* 885* 636* 1340* 245 305 806* SUlphate 200 400 265 }05 280 260 983* 166 169 420* Nitrate onil.i 51-) adult 10e 35 15 19 19 6 25 22 39 Bicd.rbonate 15( 500 418 444 2'79 221 255 116 277 343 h'L uoride 1.0 1.5x 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.2 1.9* 1.3 1.4 1.3 SHioa 1'1 50 35 50 35 Alkalin:L t~ no 250 342* 364* 458* 362* 204 144 227 322*

p1 '1.0-8.} 6.5-9.2 7.6 7·4 7.2 7.0 7. (1 7.6 8.1 1.7 Hewd. total ?OO 500 964* 933* 1300* 1110* 1504* 274 244 795'* Ibrd. temp 1('0 250 342* 364* 209 144 227 322* lbrd. perm 1nO 250 622* 569* 1293* 130 17 473*

Sodium ~ 1ur 300 176 307* 585* 475* 730* 161 255 480* Potassium 10 19 16.5 18 60 34 34 74 Clicium 75 200 130 142 196 148 318* 65 73 131 rb.gnesiuIn 50 150 156* 141 194* 178' 1 '73* 27 16 114 Iron U.2 1.0+ 0.1 0.15 1.6* 16* 3.0* --~------------- ---~--~-'-~---- ----.----------~-------- -~~ ._----" .. _---,. •

Nqte.\'.= iIl1 malyses are the most recent available. 1C l'he maximwn allowable fluoride concentration of 1.5 me;!l is advilJ1t""eous. "x- Jxce~ds maxirnwll allowable concentraticn + Up "to 1C mg/l of iron will not impair heal th but aeration of the water will reduoe the iron ccntent and henoe " tdS Ctl i,llld clothlls atainin o' problems. , '/3.te.' <'luaLi ty OrlGena l'rom !jo'i'tnem 'l'erri~ory ::;talldards and Heference 3. j?or t~,e pUIJose of this rejJort "good" water oontains less than the "Maximum Aoceptable Conoentration" of impurities

S'1.0VII1 abcve; "fair" water oontains impuri ties between the I~Aaximwn ,<cceptable Conoentration" and the "Maximum .UlcwablE Conoen tration "; "marginal" wa'Ger has a ooncentration of impurities just Greater than the Maximum Allowable (Jonc.entrE,tion; and water with an even "Teater concentration of impurities is defined as "pcor" water.

Technical Report WRA71001

Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 23 of 29.

F.PPENDIX a _ 'rABB 2 _ Il,ITALI'rIC;S OJ;' WAn:llS ~'omm TN 1971

, , i I

r CONSTI'l'UbNT f j ! ,

T .. D.S. [ , I

C'nloride I , iSulPhate

I i

,Ni trate , I , , ! B~ carbon2;:;e :

i?luoride I,

ISilioa i .<Ilkali..'1i ty I

I total i temn 1

- i Hard. perm l

pH Hard. Hard.

Sodium ) I 'Potassium ) i Calcium i Magnesium Iron I

1Ll.X. .1CC2PT.

C(JHC. mg/l


200 200

child 150 1.0 10



7.0-8.5 200 100 100


75 50


I I lilAX.

! ALLOw' •

! CONC. i mg/l ,

I i 1500

I 600 I 1 400 j.

100 i I 500

Ii 1. 5

50 I 250

j 6.5-9.2 500

i 250 i 250

1 300

200 150 1.0


I I W2W i ,

,1 1890 -I i 672 -I 315 -I > 1 3 -,

r I 301 -! 0.8 -1 27-f 296-

t 7.2 777


768 425

17 427 1.4 43


7.5 1063

i 296 - 350

j) , 1 , I I

445 - 751

317 - 338 23 - 27

110 130 118 - 180 0.1 9.3*



! i

! j i , I I



1160 - 1190

329 - 370 202 - 222

6 - 10 " 37) - 478

0.8 - 0.9 15 - 22

308 - 392

7.5 7·7 559 595 308 392 203 - 278

192 - 194 30 39 66 92 89 - 99

2.3 9·5

, i I

i j

I , , !

I i \

I ,


j \

I , 6 ,

2 , , Number of Samples (V2X"Jing depths i \ '

yields and dates) J

Chemists t comcents

i ,

, f

unsuitable! Excessive f for human ~ iron other-l con urn:?) ,,20nt '"..... <..<....I-S i-" I """";se s"'t- j'

- i able for human con- ~

I i sumption by i ! !L T. stan- L

1 da....7>Ci s . i ,


1110 -298 -194 -

c o _

342 -0.6 -

16 -281 -

7.3 541 -281 171 -

193 -27 67 91 -



1 1260 '

.432 230

7 " 4)1 i

0.81' 36

370 ! 7.6 I 619 370 338 I

I 2271

29 72i

107 ' 4.0

Excessive I i::on ot~er1 vnse 8m t­able for hurudn con- ,t sum, ption b1 N. T. stB..."1-d.ards.

* 58 mg/l was re80rded in one analysis but, dS the D2 was only 7.4, this fi o' was regarded as a con ta.mina.tion anomaly.

Seel'able 1 for co=ents on fluoride d..'ld iron concent:!.'ations.

Technical R

eport WR



ed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010P

age 24 of 29.


---.~-----------------~----. r-·· ... --'.' .. '-','- -.. ---. --.--·1---- --- ----.... I '

, '! '" ,', ST.INDING IlAT8R I , 'l'Or'L, L.>P'l'f[ DL~~~U~~:ruH YIEl,}) , ;;;:V"~L F~;O]'\ SI'EJ BOR::' _" I . rOl o~ CA:)IN~ COMMENTS

, t-.... -.J.~--.--!:--.t'--~~ - ft m3/h ! gph ____ .m r ft .--t--- ______ _

wJ\'r 'iilVf I -(.1 23' 3" - ! - I Dry lIole.

W2J I W2',{ 11".0 330 iii 54.9 180 0.5-0.9 100-200 I Cased off when 6" blank casing rllll to 281'6" I '/3. 2 240, 1 4 3000 I I I 85.4 280 j 23 5000 I Yield when casing at 266 feet.

I ,

I 86.5 284 33 7200 88.5 290 I 5.5 1200 Unaccountable deorease in yield.

100 330 J' 22 4800 39.0 128 Constant yield to total depth hereafter. ,J,ggregate yield for bore at least 7,800 gph.

I '113 r

I Vf4,{

! f I f I

J f • ••

,y5', W4'lr







1 2. "

:53 ';'40


70.8 73.1 86.6 98.8

104.9 106.8 111

48.8 50.0 68.6


f 232 260 284 324 344 350 364

I seepage

,. 0.5

160 164 ' 235

0.9 1 .8 2.9 4.5 9.1

0·9 3.2

100 200 400 640

1000 2000

seepage 200 700

39.9 130.8

40.5 132.7

Bore not ddlled. See Section 4.3.

Dry hole.

II'otal c,",sin..s in bore is 299'6" of whioh bottom 75' '{" is perforated.

No further increase of yield wi th depth.

Surface casing only.

No further increase of yield wi th depth.

. ., Drille(! to dete:rmine depth of all uvi urn over I I 1 I I j L I the red sandstone. Depth of alluvium was :.-_L___ --._-J ______ .---.L I' J.2.0 feet. Dry hole. ----...J


Technical Report WRA71001

Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 25 of 29.


"1 ZSTT1.:"ir.:.ill DRILLING COSTS

Costs are addi tional to we:!'};: al:-eady done.

Whi te l?oin t Bore .area

2 - 300 feet 8 inch diameter production holes) 2 weeks drill'ng 1 - 300 feet 6 inoh diameter observation hcle ) 110 hours rig time 30 feet of screen i~ each production hole at ~32 per foot 540 feet of 8 inch casinb at $3.50 per foot 300 feet of 6 inoh oasing at ~2.00 per foot Cost of perforating 3 leneths of 6 inch casing at $30 per le~Gth


W5W drea

Say 10 production holes 400 feet deep, )) 4 months drilling 8 inch diameter and 10 observation bores 880 hours ri~ time 6 inch diometer at 5 bores per month )

240 feet of 8 L~ch casing in each production hole i.e. 2400 feet at $3.50 per foot

2 lengths of 6 inch surfa.ce cdsing in e·.J.c.."l obse:rva.tion hole i.e. 400 feet at $2.00 per foot


Ngalia Basin

Say 4 - 300 feet 8 inc," diameter production ,"oles ) 5 weeks drilling and 4 - 300 feet 6 inch diameter observation holes) 275 hours rig time 30 feet or screen in each productioE hole at $32 per foot 1080 feet oJ: 8 inch cdsi!1(;' at $3.50 per foot 1200 feet of 6 L~ch CdSing at $ 2. 00 per foot dnd oost of perforating 12 ler..gths at ~30 per length

1 000 880

1 920 1 890

600 90

$6 380

8 000 7 040

8 400


$24 240

2 500 2 200 3 840 3 780 2 400


;'>15 080

In t:lis c.rea. up to ten investi.:..,ation holes ma.y be requ.ired~ J:!'oux of these could be used as obs8rvation holes so that another $4000 should be allowed for the bala.'1.ce of six investigation holes. Z'"1e.refore tota.l drilling oost of Proposal 3 oould be expected to be closer to ~19 000.

COST OF C01JPLE'EW BOrfu]S $19 000


~~e follow.L~g cos~s WB?e derived from information supplied by liliee

SPrinws suppliers dad cont~actors and include freight to 4lice Spr~n6S.

6 inch diameter asbestos cement class D bitumen dipped $1.538 per foot

8 inch diameter asbestos cement class D bituma~ dipped $2.172 per foot.

I "

Technical Report WRA71001

Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 26 of 29.

The cost of excB.vating do tre:ncb..~ frei ~!.ting 6 inch asbestos cement

pipe to Yuendu.'Uu, la.ying- the pi)e, tes tinb' the pipeline ald ba.cki'illing the

trench was estimdted by 8. local cont:r.:.J.c'~02 to be around one dollar per foot.

Considera.tion raa.y well be ;Jiven to using P.V~C. :pipe which "Nould

increase capi tdl cost, layin....;, cost and would allow an increased

md.ximum dischdrGe. Six inch diameter riGid P. V.,C. class D pipe landed in

.;.lice Springs is ,,2.37 pe:!' foot.

The completed cost for a 6 or 8 inch pipeline in the Yuendumu

vicinity could be expected to be about ~16 000 pe:!' mile or $10 000 per kilometo:-e.


Desalination costs aTe be.sed on data from Referal1.ces 4 and 5.

If a desalination U21i t is required then the total dissolved solids

conta~t of about 2000 m~/l must be reduced to less than 500 mg/l in about

1420 cubic metres of water per day (312 000 gpd). p~, electrOdialysis plant

ma.y be sui ti:l.ble provided the iron content of the wa.ter is not sufficiently

hioh to poison the membranes.

Table 4 sho\vs e:{amples of electrodialysis plants used for treating town wdter sUP91ies.

Technical R

eport WR



ed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010P

age 27 of 29.

• •

"PPiCNDIX B - 1'.WL,' 4 - EL;';CJ'llODLIL YSIS PL.lllTS

-.--~---~ ~-"---- ------------.------... ----.- .. ----- f l , ilNh:R ·~lLlUl.'Y W"TER COSTS, ($/1 000 ~al) i LOJ.i.TION me/I PL,lNT" Ili.iNU l.lC'I'UR":'l. ___ ._________ CAPACI'rY COS'I' i Y.~A.."t OF' gpd $A IJIS'ri1LLA'l'If"j ~ee'\ Pl-oduot

I -.----I-------.-.-! ----.-+---.-.-IWebster ,South Da..'WM

\,,3&'11 Japf';'l


lJuo!.ceye .i"irizona T • US' ~.on1CS • • A.



v{. A. Ionics U.S.; •• 1967

1 'j5C 400

20)0 500

100C to I 400_ 500 2GJO

230 000 508 000

540 000 I 266 000

50 000 , )00 000

~norgy 10peration

-----', j 5Cffo load factor

85% load faotor

I------r----.--+- • --l Capi tal 'rotal Capital Total


- ..... --.-- I -----.-- I . +--.. --·---+------t-t-O.n 0.68 0.98 1.83 0.58 1.43 1

0.15 O.2'{ 0.22 0.64 0.12 0.54

0.24 1.42

I 2.74 4.40 I 2


;~~end~n~ __ .. _. __ L ~vf)O_.J~O_O- 500 _J 312 000 ! 350 000 1 ____ 1___ ! ___ L _____ J L.::_~~.J._:_----L 1 EXl ensi ve l-.1.·eJ~::eatn ent of the water was required.

2 Bact~J'"_nl ~&n2';3 'k rr:embranes caused 25% of operation costs. 'rhus feedwater had to be ohlorinated, then ohlorine removed befu~'e ~'eed 'ntel entered l1.embrane staok.

3 OrdeC" '}~ C0dt ~or :"uendumu provided sufficient power is available.

Technical Report WRA71001

Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 28 of 29.

. , ~



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Technical Report WRA71001

Viewed at 05:02:21 on 18/02/2010 Page 29 of 29.

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