CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of...

0%. ·d. RS td. .ROBINSON CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O" offa· Is New .,:President'Of . e i?h.!#-. .' Teamsters THE DAILY,' NEWS __ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1957 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons . - Takes Over full Control ussla a'URces art ate ite :\llA:\Il llEACH, Fla.-AP-Stubby square jaw. ed .Iimlllr Hoffa Friday took over full coitrol as presi· ent II( the gil'.nt international brotherhood of team· ami pledged to tum the organization into I :'m\lliel oi trade unionism", . The H·ycnr.old target of labor scandal charges clt·rtcd chief officer of the 1,500,OOO.member IIninll It)' R margin of nearly 3 to lover the combined of his two ollponents, III the finsl tOlln; 1,208 delegates voted for IIffa. :1I:1 for William A. Lee, and 140 (or Thomas J, Lee IIl1d Haggerty, both from Chicago, had cam· ior R cleanup of the corruption conditions Chargl·d to the union. ,\:\ii \'0'1"1: 1I0FFA d, I p favored \Iith 20 rolCs compared 1\ for \,pe .,nd none for "otc! WI're cut by Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary, \\'ind!or, Saskatoon, Ont., and 1'ort Arthur, I I &f 38 locals HIIHa, the chat'lleS u a smear, said he and the team· union "have Just come through the most vIcious attack any Ifroup of workers has ever experienced. Never in history hM so much outside effort been ex- erted of the internal affairs Of a free organization." But troubles for Hoffa and his union are far from over. It faces an almost certain GlIster from Globe Girdling Controlled Orbit LONDON-CP-Russia Fri'day set a 180.pound sphere spinning around the earth-the first man· made e.arth satellite in history, Moscow radio reo ported. Several more will be launched. during the next year and the developments will "pave the way to . interplanterary travel," it said. The broadcast said the satellite now is revolving around' the earth along an alliptic trajectory at an estimated 560 miles. The broadcast quoted the 'official Tass news agency as saying: "For several years research and experimental designing work has been under way in the Soviet Union to create adificial satellites of the earth. "It has already been reported in the press that the launching of the earth satellites in the USSR was planned in arrordance with the program of the 1nternational Geophysical Year research. "As a rcsult. of the. intenJive wnuld be only con;'ention voting WaK by the AFL-CIO, a renewed investl. in l noisy Auditorium with· gaUon by the Senate rackets In· Ule of amlllifiefs. It pos· vetlgatlng committce headcd by a few YDtes mal' haVe been Senator John McClellan and a when no response was court attempt to throw him out altcr a I,smc was cal!ed. of his newly won union office. chose to ignore McClellan said In Washington against Hoffa, relir. HoUa's election was "an union prt',idcnl Da"e Beck detlance of the AFL-CIO." The other teamstcrs. officials. federation judged Hoffa corr.upt PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND and Ne\\'£oulldiand, delegates to the 28th Annual 'Meeting of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce being heM at the Empress Hotel in Victoria, B.C., meet with Ralph C. Pybus, Vancouver, newly. elected president of the Canadian Chamber, and Mrs. Pybus. Left to' right:-William Hayward, Charlottetown; Mr. and Mrs. Pybus, .Mrs. G. M. Winter, an!! G. M. Winter, St. John's, Vice· work by research institutes and 6.4 IOches In diameter and designing bureaus the .first artifi· only four pounds, compared. cial earth sateUiIe in the world 22 pounds the larger sateUite IS ha,s now been created.. expected weigh.. • . "This first satel\itc WRS sue· Tass saId the sateDI!e eessfully 1 a u n c h e d in the is a sphere and cames a radIO U.S.S.R. on October 4." transmittcr. BEAT U.S. It is 58 centimeters (about 23 President of the Canadian Chamber for Newfoundland. # United States scicntists were inchcs) in' diameter and weighs reported in July as planning to 3.6 kilograms (about 180 pounds). launch some tiny satellites early Its flight could be observed in in November a.s a tes\ prelude to the rays of the risinj:( and oetting the later projected launching next sun with the aid of simple op· spring of a sized "baby tical instruments such as binocu •. moon." '. lars imd spy glasses, Tass 6·iiiil.' hal't been accused of ilelp. and unfit to remain in organized , 10 vast from labor. U -t d llnIQn'! trea311n' and. abl'lslng Labor Secretary James P. Mit· nl e powers. chell said In Chlcal!o that Hoffa's " Church: '. Holfa election will 'almost certainly Icad -.;..;- ... ..... I: '.bo,l"o, •• ", SenatOr--Pratt i-OpenS ashington Reaction . / Dr. Berkner said American tcams organized to liPOt artificial satellites would be called inlo' action at on!e to look [or the Educa'tion Fund Drive Russian moon. The United Church Is faced an Dr. Joseph Kaplan, chairman with an educational crisis in St. mooll. or the U.S. national committee John's according to Senator, C. C. coneratlliations were ex· for the IGY 'Said: Pratt, O.B.E., Chairman of the by Dr. Llo>'d Berkner, an ' , United Church Board of Educa· official of the Interna. "I am amazed that In tile short tion. Ycar, at a time which thev had to plan-ob. Speaking In a telecast address in part)' at the Russian viously not any longer than we Support of the United for those Rttendina a had-I think It was a remarkable Educationr,1 Finance Campaign, conference of the IGY. achievement on their part." SenatorPralt stated that existing I! e rkner, who is the reo Noting reports that' the satel. church schools are crowded to the on earlh satellites and lite was 23 inches across and doors. lor I commlttet weighed about 185 pounds, Kap. The full text of the Senator', ad· lGV, said he learned from Ian said: "This Is really fantas. dress was as follows: .... dilpntch of the Russian tie. If they can launch that they . Ladics and Gentlemen: louner-m,en!. . can launch much heavier ones." The subject of my brief talk this evening Is one which interests us all. It Is the education 'of chll· dren. There is nothing closer to our hearts than the care and weI· fare of children. It is interwoven In human nature. Resume Seamen's Strike, While I am sure my remarks will be listened to by fellow clll· JOIlS zens of all religious affiliations p' LeBLANC freight link with the mainland. with interest and kindly' under· SENATOR PRATT ress Stafl Writer T)Ie other craft give the provo stending, I want for the practical crowded. (CP) - A revIval of inee's outports their only sched. purposes of this talk to have the I shall now giVe you a few de. un the .strike threat uled water service. For many of particular attention of those of finite [acts of our past experience the CNR'& New· the communities, water Is the you who are members of The and try to avoid burdening you shIp service was ar· only means of transport. United Church of Canada and The with too many figures. In 1942 the by Labor Minis· SEEK INCREASE 1'resbyterian Church In St. John's total enrolment of ;;11 schoolsop. The employees are seeking and to whom a special IIoppcal for crated by the United Church and announced the basically a boost from $189 to financial support is about to be Presbyterian Church in st. John's and the Ca· $216 In monthly pay for unll. made. was 1800. Today the enrolment is Of Railway censed crew personnel. The CNR I want to bring hefore you par. over 4,000. This increase of 2200 haVe aereed to has adopted the repor, of a fed. ticulorly the urgent need for more pupils In 15 years Is the equival· I t !o resume long. eral conciliation board recom· facilities to eope . with the grow· ent of 55 new classrooms, taking , a, s the. help of a mending less. lng demands for education. The. an average of 40 pupils In a room. 11111 appomt Monday. The labor minister said Friday demands keep growing by reMan this net Increase continues- due 'kvhose 1!lember,s after his meellnl! with Mr. Smith of increasing number of children arid we have, no expectations other· 't.' rl c 16 shIPS Oct. that both disputants accepted his and the higher standard of educa· wise-we shall in the neKt 10 I assent. to resumed offer to appoint a mcdiator "to tlon which is so essential in these years require at least 40 more class· !d te FrIday through assist them In further disCL\;slons times. More children at school rooms. , presl cnt W. J. Smith of In the hope of resolvinll their, dif. and more years at school create Since 1942 Curtis Academy was ferences." problems that can only be fr.ced our major bliilding project and by wholehearted support, and ac· by, reason of frequent extensions, "I want to express mv graU. tual\y by self I8crlfice. . that now aceommodates nearly 1100 AGREED on the dcnominational leaders in our community. Those circum· stances, however, are not al· together adverse. As a matter of fact, they are to be welcomed be· cause It puts the matter of educa· tlon oC the youth in the forefront of our consideration' and our ef· fort. It is an experience of life that where no problem is involv· ed, Interest lags and a good calise dies. Now about this ml11ion dollars. It certainly Is a lot of money, but we hope It is not a frightening ob· jective. We have within the con· gregations of the United Church and Presbyterian Churches in St. John's, 500 wage earners. By pledges on a weekly basis for five years We aim to reach that amount. Friends, we have a worthy heri· tage. We can best pay our debt to the past by acknowledging in our obligation to the present, as well as our obligation to those wbo will come after us. Just a word now about the plan of approach to this campaign. Com· mencing next Monday, ,over 400 voluntary and enthusiastci workers will be calling on all United Church and Presbyterian homes to seek the support wl!lch wil! en· able us to meet our educational problem, and ward personally and each one of you will have an op. portunlty of sharing in the satis· faction of a worthwhile. accom· plishment. We dare not think of failure. Everyone, I am sure, of the 400 workers who will call on you will think only fo so.ccess. Please en· courage them in that thought and give your utmost cooperation 50 that the success of this great ven· ture will be Msured. 'Flu Epidemic . By TIlE C'ANADIAN PRESS The flu virus. to at· tack Canadians In widely sep- arated parts of the country but' in some areas it is Ifradually dis· appearing. It was snld at the time that one It was' launched frQm a carrier more of these .smaller objects rocket. might fet into an orbit around A complete revolution Of the the earth, though [or a very earth would take one hour, 35 short time. minutes. ------------------ London: Health officials in Timmins in In' Nor\llern Ontario and in Calgary I said Frday the flu. epidcmia is ------------ . on the wane.' I t lB· 1 · g However, In Montreal, city n erna' Ie (erln health d ire c tor Dr. Adelard Groulx warned. of a pOSisible flu epidemic n two or three weeks. I Lb' P ty "We now have 15·to·16·pl!r·cent n' a or . ar absenteeism in schools and two . . . per cent in industry and busi· ness." he said. "In two or three weeks the percentage will in· crease." FLU FOR QUEEN? At Ottawa health are also worried. Dr. R. A. Kcnnedy, medical officer of health, pre. dieted that when the Queen ar· rives in the capital next week she will step into a flu epidemic •. Dr. Kennedy said the Ottawa Influenza wave would reach its pl!ak next week and probably af. fect many Of those planning to greet the Queen Oct. 12. "The flu Is well seeded in this community now and I can see nothing' to stop it," he ,aid. In most area.s where the flu bug has struck, medical author· ities arc allreed that the virus is of a mild type. In parts of On. tario ; and in Winnipeg deIinite cases of Asian flu have been reo ported. , The epidemic continues to hit public and hillh schools acros; the country. Eight high schools in Windsor reported 2,460 of their 7,200 student enrolment absent with !lu. One school waS closed at Pas· qua, eig'llt miles east of Moose Jaw, Sask., schools in Owen Sou n d, J onquiere, Que" and Prince Albert have also reported heavy absenteeism. By KEN l\IE'"UERI\L Canadian Press Staff Writer BRIGHTON, England (CP)- The Labor par t y . cllnference which ended Friday has removed the la"t lingering hope in some Conservative circles that the So· cialist movement would under. mine ts own electon chances with internal bickering. The underlying. impression was of an extraQrdinary lack of bit· terness, even among the extreme leftwing when it saw the con· ference endorse overwhelmingly a new, moderate approach to public ownership instead of full· scale nationalization. succinctly, "Hugh's bOl, and we know it." . The most sil!niIicant feature was the ahift of the party's long· term public ownership plans, which now envisage. the state in· vesting money in private Indus. trias through the purchase of shares. Old·time Socialists amonlf the 1,400 delegates f 0 ugh t hard against the chan!!e but there was an unmistakable undercurrent of good nature. It was obvious most delegates had a confident eye on the next election, possibly two yeans away .. The only real sign of conDict came during the emotional dis. clJnference saw Hugh armament debate when Labor's GaltskelJ emerge With the fu.11 "shadow" foreign minister, Aneu. stature of party It now IS .rin Bevan, rejected pleas that apparent the. party IS not on)y the party commit itself to l1ive a United but umted largely on Galt· moral lead to the wlJrld by un. own .and own pol· i1atera lly renouncing the manu. !c.les-an .manr pol. facture, testing and use of nu. observers beile\ ed Impos· clear weapons. SIble when the ·51.year-old grad· , uate of one of Encland's inost I Bevan's speech was an act of private schools took the considerable pol it i cal eour· helm two yecars ago. age, for it required 'somethine in DEFINITELY THE BOSS the nature Of a volte·face anddi· Henry Fairlie, political com· rect opposition to thOSe scc.tions menta tor of The DailY Mail, said of the party from which he form· that "by all standards this is a erly drew the most support. stupendous pol i tic a 1 achieve· It wa,s a strikin!l' demonstra· ment." hon both Of the party's new un· In a nrivale convcrsation with ity and of Gaitskell's political this wriicr' a senior member o[ in converting his chief the executive put it evcn mort critic nto., his chief leu tenant. P,resident Donald Gordon, ral]way operates the 'Ships for the federal govern. had agreed to new discus. at a meeting ThursdaY with GStarr and Transport . Minis. tude for their to co An Educational Finance. Cam: pupils; the MacPherson' Academy operate In the acceptance of the paign Committee has been set up was' built in comparatlvely recent offer of our services." . ,. by the governing Boards of Edu; times for 500 pupils, now provides The Week's News In .Review ,eorge Hees, who reports to fOr the CNR Starr made his after an afternoon confer- with CBRE Pre sid en t n The minister said the medIator cation of Church of for 800. Parkins Academy with Its w I be .selected from outside the Canada and Presbyterian Church extensions takes care of 370 government 6ervice. of this city. . pupils. Horrlngton School, which He was asked whether he or ' 1 have been asked to fire the has very recently heen built, was By JOSEPH nIaeSWEEN by dosert tribesmen, who carried trade, Iikc.IY \vil! be held in Can· its biggest debate on the h;rdro- Mr. Hees had suggested to either opening gun in the drive for designed to accommodate . about Canadian Press Staff Writer him to their tcnt and cared for ada in mld·1958. gen bomb. The star of the contro· Who later told a reporter take over the revived for the since his union eot Into tussle Involving about on the "essels sail. around Newfoundland. mInister said the media. with the dis. Will the time ace or the They to slart next probnbly at 1I1ontreal ' nam f . e 0 the mediator was USCUlsed. , , Invoh'ed Include ··,.VUU,U·I!U WIlliam S. Carson, the mainland and . and provldinl the e hie [ pa5-3cnler and disputant a possible baSis upon funds for building purposes. The 500, but by reason of the lack of Two Canadian soldiers went on him. Doctors later said that al. The t':llks were followed by a verilY was fiery Aneurin Bevan whiCh negotiations might slart. drive gets underway next Monday finances, not been completed a routine desert patrol that ended though not critically injured he bilateral British..canadian comer- in a somewhat surpri3inll role. "No," he 'replied. "There are evening with a giant rally of work· beyond capacity for 250; In addl. in sudden death and merciful would likely haVe died if left ence in Ottawa, where seniOr of· no strfn,.· attached." , ers In the Herbert Russell audl. tlon to that, we ha"'e built schools rescue. , alone in the cold desert night. ficials soug'llt the. practical an· Bevan, long·time leftist fire· Mr. Smftli emphasized that the torlum of MacPherson Acooemy. in certain suburban areas of St. Sgt. Floyd Taylor of Hamilton, TRADE TALKS ,swers on how to trade brand of the party, pledged that new dlvelO!lment was not being We urgently need one million dol· John's. All of these schools,' In· due for leave for home soon, was. Canada'. proposals for a signif. between the two countnes. Imposed by the government on lars for, two principal purposes: eluding the Prince of Wales Col· showing his replacement, Sgt. icant shift in trade patterns PREIIIlER drogen bomb tests fora set per- either party. First, to build a Regional IIIgh lege and HoIJow3f School, are Ivan Stark of ,Vedder Crnssing, reached'a stnge of hrass·tacks French PreSident Coil' "It Is," he said. "a service of School that will, In the early crowded to the doors. B.C., his new duties with the bargaining. about a familiar. task- lod. . _ . . the de!lartment that 'Is being years, accommodate about 000 Since the Introduction of Com· United Nat ion s Emergency Commollwealth finance. miniS'- lookmg lor a new; p.remJer. .' . But Labor's "shadow" foreign accepted in the hOPe of' reaching pupils and second to complete lIar· pulsory Education by the Commis· Force. They were to patrol the ters' finished a four·lh(y meeting' Premier, III a I.e e Bourges· min!ster l'ejccted' impassioned a mutuallY -' satisfactory agree. ringlon School.. sion' of Government; all children' 'fringes of Sinai Desert areas at Mont Tremblant,. in the Lau· Maunoury s c.oahhon government plea that the. party also commit men!.". Our etiucalionllol program is fnc· between the ages 0[7 and 10must minc!l by the Ecyptians and Is· rentiaus,. wit h agreement on fell in a vole after to a !lolicy ofunilatera]\r. Ing a serious condition . at the uttend school. Such a combinallon raelis in tlleir fighting last fall. 1'rime Minister Diefenbaker'.s· re· being in power s!nce June, and permanently. ending' the test. AT.GF!RJANS KILLED • present time. 'I'his has not come of circulUstances as the iIicreasing Taylor and Stark drOVe .their quest lor a fUlI·scale, .1l·country . 'I'hc French Nat.lonai Assembly, ing. manqfacture and use of nu. ALGIF:RS (Reuters) - French about by reason of any slackening popuillotion or St •. John's,. longer. jeep along. a warning fencc, conference on trade and com· by economiC problems at clear weapons..· . , forces klllep more than 100 AI.' of efIi;,rt In the past. We have In periods at school for each pupil which may' have been mOVed by merce. Britain surorised the con· home, rejecttd the 42·year·old· ;" , . I(erlan Insur!!enh In wldrly sen. recent years put up new bUildings and the gr"ater awareness of the Arab children at A mine ference willi a proposal for grad. premier's plan for a policy that' Bevan in has been one arated In b,1t 4R and then,enlarged them; we ,have need for education up to, at least, exploded and the jeep was shat· ual abolition of customs tariffs would' !!Ive a measurl\:'of auton· of the ',crItics, of nuclear; hours. mllltarv :Ruth"rit\e' salt'l Improved the llCCommodatlon wber· Grade XI,hasplaced-a, tremendous teredo ,Stark was killed.,.one weck on Anglo.Canadian trade. ony Lo AI!!eria, rebellion. torn bomh testing: .'1'tit::narty adopted; Sunday Four French possible, but our ,classrooms 'on the after he arrived !n Egypt.. . full. scale meeting aimed North African territory .. ' . his' policy' . . sOldiers were killed. are·aialn too. few llld are ,over· Boards of our schools, as well, as Taylor, unconscIOus;. was found at lDcreasmg Com m 0 n w e'alth . The' BriUSh Labor party held margin. .' 'i: : ..... ' \' , >: " '.'

Transcript of CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of...

Page 1: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he





.ROBINSON ~ CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O"

offa· Is New .,:President'Of . ~ ~il1\4- e i?h.!#-. .'

Teamsters •

THE DAILY,' NEWS ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_~v:o~. :64~.~No~.~2~17~ __ ~S~T.~J::O:H:N~'S.:...:NE~W~~UNDLAND, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1957 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons

. -• Takes Over

full Control ussla a'URces art ate ite

:\llA:\Il llEACH, Fla.-AP-Stubby square jaw. ed .Iimlllr Hoffa Friday took over full coitrol as presi· ent II( the gil'.nt international brotherhood of team·

~tcrs ami pledged to tum the organization into I

:'m\lliel oi trade unionism", . The H·ycnr.old target of labor scandal charges

\I'~S clt·rtcd chief officer of the 1,500,OOO.member IIninll It)' R margin of nearly 3 to lover the combined \'olr~ of his two ollponents,

III the finsl tOlln; 1,208 delegates voted for IIffa. :1I:1 for William A. Lee, and 140 (or Thomas J,

J1ag~cl't~·. Lee IIl1d Haggerty, both from Chicago, had cam·

ior R cleanup of the corruption conditions Chargl·d to the union.

,\:\ii \'0'1"1: 1I0FFA d, I p 2~tes favored

\Iith 20 rolCs compared 1\ for \,pe .,nd none for

"otc! WI're cut by Toronto, Montreal,

Winnipeg, Calgary, \\'ind!or, Saskatoon,

• Ont., and 1'ort Arthur,

I lot~ I &f 38 locals

HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he and the team· ste~5 union "have Just come through the most vIcious attack any Ifroup of workers has ever experienced. Never in history hM so much outside effort been ex­erted of the internal affairs Of a free organization."

But troubles for Hoffa and his union are far from over. It faces an almost certain GlIster from

Globe Girdling Controlled Orbit

LONDON-CP-Russia Fri'day set a 180.pound sphere spinning around the earth-the first man· made e.arth satellite in history, Moscow radio reo ported.

Several more will be launched. during the next year and the developments will "pave the way to . interplanterary travel," it said. The broadcast said the satellite now is revolving around' the earth along an alliptic trajectory at an estimated 560 miles.

The broadcast quoted the 'official Tass news agency as saying:

"For several years research and experimental designing work has been under way in the Soviet Union to create adificial satellites of the earth.

"It has already been reported in the press that the launching of the earth satellites in the USSR was planned in arrordance with the program of the 1nternational Geophysical Year research.

"As a rcsult. of the. intenJive TI~e IiItl~ wnuld be only con;'ention voting WaK by the AFL-CIO, a renewed investl.

in l noisy Auditorium with· gaUon by the Senate rackets In· Ule of amlllifiefs. It ~ pos· vetlgatlng committce headcd by a few YDtes mal' haVe been Senator John McClellan and a

when no response was court attempt to throw him out altcr a I,smc was cal!ed. of his newly won union office. dele~ates chose to ignore McClellan said In Washington

against Hoffa, relir. HoUa's election was "an arro~ant union prt',idcnl Da"e Beck detlance of the AFL-CIO." The other teamstcrs. officials. federation judged Hoffa corr.upt

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND and Ne\\'£oulldiand, delegates to the 28th Annual 'Meeting of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce being heM at the Empress Hotel in Victoria, B.C., meet with Ralph C. Pybus, Vancouver, newly. elected president of the Canadian Chamber, and Mrs. Pybus. Left to' right:-William Hayward, Charlottetown; Mr. and Mrs. Pybus, .Mrs. G. M. Winter, an!! G. M. Winter, St. John's, Vice·

work by research institutes and 6.4 IOches In diameter and wel~h designing bureaus the .first artifi· only four pounds, compared. wI~h cial earth sateUiIe in the world 22 pounds the larger sateUite IS ha,s now been created.. expected ~o weigh.. • .

"This first satel\itc WRS sue· Tass saId the sateDI!e eessfully 1 a u n c h e d in the is a sphere and cames a radIO U.S.S.R. on October 4." transmittcr. BEAT U.S. It is 58 centimeters (about 23

President of the Canadian Chamber for Newfoundland. # United States scicntists were inchcs) in' diameter and weighs reported in July as planning to 3.6 kilograms (about 180 pounds). launch some tiny satellites early Its flight could be observed in in November a.s a tes\ prelude to the rays of the risinj:( and oetting the later projected launching next sun with the aid of simple op· spring of a lar~er sized "baby tical instruments such as binocu •. moon." '. lars imd spy glasses, Tass 6·iiiil.'

hal't been accused of ilelp. and unfit to remain in organized , 10 vast ~l1ms from labor. U -t d

llnIQn'! trea311n' and. abl'lslng Labor Secretary James P. Mit· nl e powers. chell said In Chlcal!o that Hoffa's "

Church: '.

chnr~es a~alnst Holfa in~ election will 'almost certainly Icad -.;..;-... ---~--~-------

"::~':~',i,,~~ ..... I: ;::::::~'"'' '.bo,l"o, •• ", SenatOr--Pratt i-OpenS ashington Reaction . /

Dr. Berkner said American tcams organized to liPOt artificial satellites would be called inlo' action at on!e to look [or the

Educa'tion Fund Drive Russian moon. The United Church Is faced

an Dr. Joseph Kaplan, chairman with an educational crisis in St. mooll. or the U.S. national committee John's according to Senator, C. C.

coneratlliations were ex· for the IGY 'Said: Pratt, O.B.E., Chairman of the by Dr. Llo>'d Berkner, an ' , United Church Board of Educa·

official of the Interna. "I am amazed that In tile short tion. Ycar, at a time which thev had to plan-ob. Speaking In a telecast address in

part)' at the Russian viously not any longer than we Support of the United Ch~rch for those Rttendina a had-I think It was a remarkable Educationr,1 Finance Campaign,

conference of the IGY. achievement on their part." SenatorPralt stated that existing I!erkner, who is the reo Noting reports that' the satel. church schools are crowded to the

on earlh satellites and lite was 23 inches across and doors. lor I ~peci81 commlttet weighed about 185 pounds, Kap. The full text of the Senator', ad·

lGV, said he learned from Ian said: "This Is really fantas. dress was as follows: .... dilpntch of the Russian tie. If they can launch that they . Ladics and Gentlemen:

louner-m,en!. . can launch much heavier ones." The subject of my brief talk this evening Is one which interests us all. It Is the education 'of chll· dren. There is nothing closer to our hearts than the care and weI· fare of children. It is interwoven In human nature.

Resume Tall~s Seamen's Strike, While I am sure my remarks

will be listened to by fellow clll· JOIlS zens of all religious affiliations

p' LeBLANC freight link with the mainland. with interest and kindly' under· SENATOR PRATT ress Stafl Writer T)Ie other craft give the provo stending, I want for the practical crowded.

(CP) - A revIval of inee's outports their only sched. purposes of this talk to have the I shall now giVe you a few de. un the .strike threat uled water service. For many of particular attention of those of finite [acts of our past experience

ove~ the CNR'& New· the communities, water Is the you who are members of The and try to avoid burdening you shIp service was ar· only means of transport. United Church of Canada and The with too many figures. In 1942 the

by Labor Minis· SEEK INCREASE 1'resbyterian Church In St. John's total enrolment of ;;11 schoolsop. The employees are seeking and to whom a special IIoppcal for crated by the United Church and

announced the basically a boost from $189 to financial support is about to be Presbyterian Church in st. John's and the Ca· $216 In monthly pay for unll. made. was 1800. Today the enrolment is

Brothel~hOCld Of Railway censed crew personnel. The CNR I want to bring hefore you par. over 4,000. This increase of 2200 haVe aereed to has adopted the repor, of a fed. ticulorly the urgent need for more pupils In 15 years Is the equival·

I t I~ !o resume long. eral conciliation board recom· facilities to eope . with the grow· ent of 55 new classrooms, taking , a, s ~Ith the. help of a mending less. lng demands for education. The. an average of 40 pupils In a room.

C~e 11111 appomt Monday. The labor minister said Friday demands keep growing by reMan 1£ this net Increase continues-due t~~~ 'kvhose 1!lember,s after his meellnl! with Mr. Smith of increasing number of children arid we have, no expectations other·

't.' rl c 16 shIPS Oct. that both disputants accepted his and the higher standard of educa· wise-we shall in the neKt 10 I ~ assent. to resumed offer to appoint a mcdiator "to tlon which is so essential in these years require at least 40 more class· !dte FrIday through assist them In further disCL\;slons times. More children at school rooms. ,

presl cnt W. J. Smith of In the hope of resolvinll their, dif. and more years at school create Since 1942 Curtis Academy was ferences." problems that can only be fr.ced our major bliilding project and

by wholehearted support, and ac· by, reason of frequent extensions, "I want to express mv graU. tual\y by self I8crlfice. . that now aceommodates nearly 1100


on the dcnominational leaders in our community. Those circum· stances, however, are not al· together adverse. As a matter of fact, they are to be welcomed be· cause It puts the matter of educa· tlon oC the youth in the forefront of our consideration' and our ef· fort. It is an experience of life that where no problem is involv· ed, Interest lags and a good calise dies.

Now about this ml11ion dollars. It certainly Is a lot of money, but we hope It is not a frightening ob· jective. We have within the con· gregations of the United Church and Presbyterian Churches in St. John's, 500 wage earners. By pledges on a weekly basis for five years We aim to reach that amount.

Friends, we have a worthy heri· tage. We can best pay our debt to the past by acknowledging in our obligation to the present, as well as our obligation to those wbo will come after us.

Just a word now about the plan of approach to this campaign. Com· mencing next Monday, ,over 400 voluntary and enthusiastci workers will be calling on all United Church and Presbyterian homes to seek the support wl!lch wil! en· able us to meet our educational problem, and ward personally and each one of you will have an op. portunlty of sharing in the satis· faction of a worthwhile. accom· plishment.

We dare not think of failure. Everyone, I am sure, of the 400 workers who will call on you will think only fo so.ccess. Please en· courage them in that thought and give your utmost cooperation 50 that the success of this great ven· ture will be Msured.

'Flu Epidemic I~ .Q~~$~i~g

. By TIlE C'ANADIAN PRESS The flu virus. rontlnue~ to at·

tack Canadians In widely sep­arated parts of the country but' in some areas it is Ifradually dis· appearing.

It was snld at the time that one It was' launched frQm a carrier more of these .smaller objects rocket. might fet into an orbit around A complete revolution Of the the earth, though [or a very earth would take one hour, 35 short time. minutes. ------------------

London: Health officials in Timmins in In' Nor\llern Ontario and in Calgary I said Frday the flu. epidcmia is ------------ .

on the wane.' I t lB· 1 · g However, In Montreal, city n erna' Ie (erln

health d ire c tor Dr. Adelard Groulx warned. of a pOSisible flu epidemic n two or three weeks. I Lb' P ty

"We now have 15·to·16·pl!r·cent n' a or . ar absenteeism in schools and two . . . per cent in industry and busi· ness." he said. "In two or three weeks the percentage will in· crease." FLU FOR QUEEN?

At Ottawa health official~ are also worried. Dr. R. A. Kcnnedy, medical officer of health, pre. dieted that when the Queen ar· rives in the nation'~ capital next week she will step into a flu epidemic •.

Dr. Kennedy said the Ottawa Influenza wave would reach its pl!ak next week and probably af. fect many Of those planning to greet the Queen Oct. 12.

"The flu Is well seeded in this community now and I can see nothing' to stop it," he ,aid.

In most area.s where the flu bug has struck, medical author· ities arc allreed that the virus is of a mild type. In parts of On. tario ; and in Winnipeg deIinite cases of Asian flu have been reo ported. ,

The epidemic continues to hit public and hillh schools acros; the country. Eight high schools in Windsor reported 2,460 of their 7,200 student enrolment absent with !lu.

One school waS closed at Pas· qua, eig'llt miles east of Moose Jaw, Sask., schools in Owen Sou n d, J onquiere, Que" and Prince Albert have also reported heavy absenteeism.

By KEN l\IE'"UERI\L Canadian Press Staff Writer BRIGHTON, England (CP)­

The Labor par t y . cllnference which ended Friday has removed the la"t lingering hope in some Conservative circles that the So· cialist movement would under. mine ts own electon chances with internal bickering.

The underlying. impression was of an extraQrdinary lack of bit· terness, even among the extreme leftwing when it saw the con· ference endorse overwhelmingly a new, moderate approach to public ownership instead of full· scale nationalization.

succinctly, "Hugh's bOl, and we know it." .

The most sil!niIicant feature was the ahift of the party's long· term public ownership plans, which now envisage. the state in· vesting money in private Indus. trias through the purchase of shares.

Old·time Socialists amonlf the 1,400 delegates f 0 ugh t hard against the chan!!e but there was an unmistakable undercurrent of good nature. It was obvious most delegates had a confident eye on the next election, possibly two yeans away ..

The only real sign of conDict came during the emotional dis.

~e clJnference a~s.o saw Hugh armament debate when Labor's GaltskelJ emerge With the fu.11 "shadow" foreign minister, Aneu. stature of party leade~. It now IS .rin Bevan, rejected pleas that apparent the. party IS not on)y the party commit itself to l1ive a United but umted largely on Galt· moral lead to the wlJrld by un. .~k.ell's own t~rms .and own pol· i1aterally renouncing the manu. !c.les-an achlCveme~t .manr pol. facture, testing and use of nu. 1~lcal observers beile\ ed Impos· clear weapons. SIble when the ·51.year-old grad· , uate of one of Encland's inost I Bevan's speech was an act of excl~sive private schools took the considerable pol it i cal eour· helm two yecars ago. age, for it required 'somethine in DEFINITELY THE BOSS the nature Of a volte·face anddi·

Henry Fairlie, political com· rect opposition to thOSe scc.tions menta tor of The DailY Mail, said of the party from which he form· that "by all standards this is a erly drew the most support. stupendous pol i tic a 1 achieve· • It wa,s a strikin!l' demonstra· ment." hon both Of the party's new un·

In a nrivale convcrsation with ity and of Gaitskell's political this wriicr' a senior member o[ astuten~; in converting his chief the executive put it evcn mort critic nto., his chief leu tenant. P,resident Donald Gordon,

ral]way operates the 'Ships for the federal govern.

had agreed to new discus. at a meeting ThursdaY with

GStarr and Transport . Minis.

tude for their willln~ness to co An Educational Finance. Cam: pupils; the MacPherson' Academy operate In the acceptance of the paign Committee has been set up was' built in comparatlvely recent offer of our services." . ,. by the governing Boards of Edu; times for 500 pupils, now provides The Week's News In .Review ,eorge Hees, who reports to

fOr the CNR Starr made his ~nnounc~. after an afternoon confer­with CBRE Pre sid en t

nThe minister said the medIator cation of theUnl~ed Church of for 800. Parkins Academy with Its w I be .selected from outside the Canada and Presbyterian Church extensions takes care of 370 government 6ervice. of this city. . pupils. Horrlngton School, which

He was asked whether he or ' 1 have been asked to fire the has very recently heen built, was By JOSEPH nIaeSWEEN by dosert tribesmen, who carried trade, Iikc.IY \vil! be held in Can· its biggest debate on the h;rdro-Mr. Hees had suggested to either opening gun in the drive for designed to accommodate . about Canadian Press Staff Writer him to their tcnt and cared for ada in mld·1958. gen bomb. The star of the contro·

Who later told a reporter take over the revived

per,~ona\1y for the since his union eot Into tussle Involving about

on the "essels sail. a~d around Newfoundland. mInister said the media. con~ultation with the dis.

Will arrnn~e the time ace or the meetln~s. They eX~ecled to slart next probnbly at 1I1ontreal ' nam f . e 0 the mediator was USCUlsed. , ,

Invoh'ed Include ··,.VUU,U·I!U WIlliam S. Carson,

the mainland and . and provldinl the

e hie [ pa5-3cnler and

disputant a possible baSis upon funds for building purposes. The 500, but by reason of the lack of Two Canadian soldiers went on him. Doctors later said that al. The t':llks were followed by a verilY was fiery Aneurin Bevan whiCh negotiations might slart. drive gets underway next Monday finances, ha'~ not been completed a routine desert patrol that ended though not critically injured he bilateral British..canadian comer- in a somewhat surpri3inll role.

"No," he 'replied. "There are evening with a giant rally of work· beyond capacity for 250; In addl. in sudden death and merciful would likely haVe died if left ence in Ottawa, where seniOr of· no strfn,.· attached." , ers In the Herbert Russell audl. tlon to that, we ha"'e built schools rescue. , alone in the cold desert night. ficials soug'llt the. practical an· Bevan, long·time leftist fire·

Mr. Smftli emphasized that the torlum of MacPherson Acooemy. in certain suburban areas of St. Sgt. Floyd Taylor of Hamilton, TRADE TALKS ,swers on how to lDcrea~e trade brand of the party, pledged that new dlvelO!lment was not being We urgently need one million dol· John's. All of these schools,' In· due for leave for home soon, was. Canada'. proposals for a signif. between the two countnes. :nftaat~~~l g~~~i~~m~t S:~!!~d ta~~ Imposed by the government on lars for, two principal purposes: eluding the Prince of Wales Col· showing his replacement, Sgt. icant shift in trade patterns PREIIIlER FA~LS. drogen bomb tests fora set per-either party. First, to build a Regional IIIgh lege and HoIJow3f School, are Ivan Stark of ,Vedder Crnssing, reached'a stnge of hrass·tacks French PreSident .~ene Coil'

"It Is," he said. "a service of School that will, In the early crowded to the doors. B.C., his new duties with the bargaining. wen~ about a familiar. task- lod. . _ . . the de!lartment that 'Is being years, accommodate about 000 Since the Introduction of Com· United Nat ion s Emergency Commollwealth finance. miniS'- lookmg lor a new; p.remJer. .' . But Labor's "shadow" foreign accepted in the hOPe of' reaching pupils and second to complete lIar· pulsory Education by the Commis· Force. They were to patrol the ters' finished a four·lh(y meeting' Premier, III a ~I ~ I.e e Bourges· min!ster l'ejccted' impassioned a mutuallY -' satisfactory agree. ringlon School.. sion' of Government; all children' 'fringes of Sinai Desert areas at Mont Tremblant,. in the Lau· Maunoury s c.oahhon government plea that the. party also commit men!.". Our etiucalionllol program is fnc· between the ages 0[7 and 10must minc!l by the Ecyptians and Is· rentiaus,. wit h agreement on fell in a parhame~tary vole after itsel~ to a !lolicy ofunilatera]\r.

Ing a serious condition . at the uttend school. Such a combinallon raelis in tlleir fighting last fall. 1'rime Minister Diefenbaker'.s· re· being in power s!nce June, and permanently. ending' the test. AT.GF!RJANS KILLED • present time. 'I'his has not come of circulUstances as the iIicreasing Taylor and Stark drOVe .their quest lor a fUlI·scale, .1l·country . 'I'hc French Nat.lonai Assembly, ing. manqfacture and use of nu.

ALGIF:RS (Reuters) - French about by reason of any slackening popuillotion or St •. John's,. longer. jeep along. a warning fencc, conference on trade and com· be~et by economiC problems at clear weapons..· . , forces klllep more than 100 AI.' of efIi;,rt In the past. We have In periods at school for each pupil which may' have been mOVed by merce. Britain surorised the con· home, rejecttd the 42·year·old· ;" , . I(erlan Insur!!enh In wldrly sen. recent years put up new bUildings and the gr"ater awareness of the Arab children at pl~y., A mine ference willi a proposal for grad. premier's plan for a policy that' Bevan in ~ lla.s~ has been one arated c1o.he~ In I~e b,1t 4R and then,enlarged them; we ,have need for education up to, at least, exploded and the jeep was shat· ual abolition of customs tariffs would' !!Ive a measurl\:'of auton· of the lou~est ',crItics, of nuclear; hours. mllltarv :Ruth"rit\e' salt'l Improved the llCCommodatlon wber· Grade XI,hasplaced-a, tremendous teredo ,Stark was killed.,.one weck on Anglo.Canadian trade. ony Lo AI!!eria, rebellion. torn bomh testing: .'1'tit::narty adopted; h~rP. Sunday ~i!'ht. Four French ~ver possible, but our ,classrooms proble~ 'on the admln.l~tr&tlve after he arrived !n Egypt.. . T~e full. scale meeting aimed North African territory .. ' . his' policy' . bt~~idover~helming' . sOldiers were killed. are·aialn too. few llld are ,over· Boards of our schools, as well, as Taylor, unconscIOus;. was found at lDcreasmg Com m 0 n w e'alth . The' BriUSh Labor party held margin. .' ::~;f{~;(.)~:':!,::. 'i: :

..... ~, ' .;-:'~ ~;" \' ,

>: :~.\.~,::j;;' .~ .~,. " '.'


Page 2: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

";~ . . ,1, :,' , "I .~

:-:I! ' 12 . , ....


, ~ .•. ' r. ;., .' 1'" .. " , ,t •.

..... '.

:iI, ::::-::-::-:-:=::-::====-=--====:;:::=================7.===;::=:=-=======:::;:==:::. ·"l'i, ~p~eo~p~/~e~/'1.c>n~_ T~h~e~' ~Ni;;; News From Bell Island

,f . '51

,APRON ALLEY ,.;) , \ ,;;

, . This is the time of year when 1 up into large' prese'l'ing . ~b~~nc~~~·I~~QMa~nru~. __________________________________________________ ~g~a~~ectupper~rtin~l~ddice~o~:

• i turned to her home In New York for his firm. . h" , ' Th J · B' Club N DeC I t e thoughts of every couk who stenis and seed from grctn ;: after spending a three months --, e umor oys ew octor Ollceptl"On OUnel" has her own veogelable gardell, and red peppers, cUl ,in strips' ,I vaeatlon on the Island visiting her other recent business visitors to . ' , ;,1, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli HIIII1' the Island included Mr. Clyde Quite a number of others who blty celery. Add to tomatoes: add

mond and other friends and reo Brown of K. M. Brown and Com· Tram" m" g Corps G ," FOI' Wabana N 1930 K f C the raw materials from !hcir local remaining ingredients. BI'ir.! ,I latlves. Mrs. Hammond was IC- panyj Ch&5 McKlnl1o~, Canadian ymnaslum O. ,. 0 . supermarkets. We have had 8 reo rapid boilj simmer, ' , ' companied by ber little daughter Machinery and Industries and Ed. quest from a local lady for - a until. thick, about 3 hQurs j, ward Kavanagh of Isla d S 1 St (C.L B ) 'B"II Island recipe for pickled beets, which we into sterile jars and seal at

"1 Robin. h ' n a es,. •• BELL ISLAN~The Boys' Club' u . are happv to pass along h~rew.ith: Makes 8 pints. This recipe ' !' i Jo n s. 'Gymnasium has been closed to' . h '

Mr. E. J. Murphy, personnel The Junior Training Corps now members for the past week, due to PICKLED BEETS cut m Hlf, or one half of it

,I . ~. ..... ' .


NI i"~ ~:; manager, Dominion Wabanll Ore,'. Mr, Don Stone has joined the has Its regular programme of tralhn, the Exhibition being keld there. BELL ISLAND - Preparations 6 I II b When almost thick enou"h

,i': :. " Limited resumed his duties with staff of Bowring's local branch ing In operation. In ad~ltIon to t e We expect to have tile IG'ymnaslum' for the Columbu~ Day celebrations I.L quar, .sdma _ eets divide chili sauce in h;lI, '': ! :; the co~pany thll week following' store. He r.saumed his duties Tuel' Ulual drill and marchmg, boxing, I I' f k are practically completed, all nec- 7Z cups 1:1 er vmegar tinue cooking the first h;if,

-~:A: •• S ~ his return from Sydney, Nova day of this week. baseball games and physlc&1 exer.! open aga n or bas etb.all, tumb· essary arrangements 8S regards Ih cup water thick. To the second hali l1i

.;.~ 'i II Scotia, while away lIIr. Murphy ---- elses ~re a part of the weekly ling, etc., on Mon~ay night, Octo- the banquet have been made. Mc- 1 cup "rown sugar 'teaspoons cinnamon. I~ '() , underwent a minor leg operation Mr. and Mrs, Sydney Bown. programme. ber 71h. ~hose usmg the gymnas· Lean's Orchestra will be in at- • Scr!l~ be~ts and, top them; r.o~l: ~'oves, 1/4 teaspoon !linger Local



1 u

~ ),

'_C 1

Ii ~

,'Ii' :! ti ';

:A , , i,


.. , .. , ,


i and was hospitalized for more thlln who Were holidaying In th U It d 1 At the meeting on Stptember ium are reminded that sneakers tendance, to supply the music for In bOlhng w,ater 1111 tender, Dral" • till thirk, then seal. . two weeks, States, returned to the Isleand"t:is 26th more thon 70 lads partlcl· mus~ !e used at all times when dancing, llnd there will be an in. 'and ~Iunge In cold ,wat~r; .rub, of! I

week. Mr. Bown"has now resumed patedln the dl£ierent activities. playm" any games. exhaustible supply of. talent for skins, drop b!!ets In s_erll~ l~r,. B· hd i I 1IIn. Gordon Peny went to St. his duties al Claims Officer at tbe All platoons, under the' direction I Members are also asked to think the floor show which will have In the m~anhme, make plckhng lrt aVS

John'l Tuesday afternoon on a, general office of Dominion Wabana of their officers, &5slsted by the about forming ,basketball teams songs, old and new, steps and tap syrup of vm~gar, w.ater and, su~ar: .' To alleviate I foundland to the

to handle intra­ble minute that

strike occurs." J eral ' Superinten l

of the Canadian



, I , !

visit to her husband who II • Ore, Limited. . NCOs, have the opportunity to I for fall and winter games. Boys dances, as well as musical selec- le~ syrup boil 5 mmules: fill Jars patient at St. Clare's Mercy Hos· engage in all parts of the prO-I of 8, 9 and 10 can form teams and lions and we will be looking for- :vlth beets: add syrup to o~erflow- ,BirthdHY greetings to )lr, pita\. : gramme at some time during a they play allcl' school. Boys of w"rd to hearing Edward O'Quinn I !ng. Place 3 whole cloves In. cac~ TIller 0,[ Cabot Street. SL

month, 'l'here Is much competi.eleven ye~I's and old~rp tay at with his harmonica. i lar. screw down tops amI mvert, from fmnds on Bell hla':d ~Ir. Russell Graham, represent.

live of Atlas Abeltol, Ltd., Truro, Nova Scotl., was here TuesdaJ on business for his firm.

Church tion among the platoons for the I night. JUnior, IntermedIate A ~ B As previously mentioned in this: eacb day for a week" Do not. lise i ~Iany happy returns to • points awarded for attendance, ap· 'I and &enior teams should be form- column, there will be I card game I for at least 3 weeks. YIeld: 5 pmt,. olrl lady of the Scotia pcr.rance and other platoon actiYi· ed within the next few weeks. Mr, for which there will be valuable -- . ,.John Anthony, who

S · ties. . I Cotton will accept the nanles of prizes. , ; This beet relish is recommended, venerable, a~e of 91 ervlceS. On October 3rd, 77 bo~'s were In teams and players on Monday, DR. G. BUCKINGll.'IM Special note here on the sale of i by a very famous cook. The only: October ,4. ~lrs. ",,,",,"m' 'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stares paid' attendance. At this meeting was October 7th, and throughout the i tickets for the benefit of all memo hitch in its preparation locally I: friends on the Island

I brief business trip to the city ANGLICAN i on the first Thursday of the month week. ! BELL ISLAND - Dr. G. Buck·' bers and prospective members might be that horseradish mbY be gratulations on reachin. . r!'Cently. They were accompanied (Sitttenth Slmdoll after Trinity) an Inspection of the Corps was There 15 no game that is bettel i ingham arrived here this week to: who are planning on attending hard to 4(et. However. herc's how:: ripe old 81e and trust :'),' b~' their son, ~lichar.l. ' Rector, Reverend T. E, Smith,' taken by Captain Newhook. The for bo):s than basketball, so the I' take up practice on the island, I the banquet. The sale of tickets and we do trust you will find the I shall be spared to enjoy'

-- A I organist: :llIss :II. L. Jennings,: commanding officer complimented experts tell liS. Dr. Buckinghain was born at SI. will definitely terminate on Sun· horseradish in yourl ocal marhl. ,more happy birthdays. Mr .. 1. R. Trembloy nf II", ; L.R.A.M. 11 a.m. Sung Eucharist: ,Ihe boys ell their fine appearance Now is ·the time for us to get John's, Nn~. He is the son of Mary day, Oet. 6th at midnight and CHOPPED BEET RELISH I Congratulations and host

Copeo, Truro. N.S., Is presently I' 2,30 p.m" Sunday Schoolj 7 p,m., I and behlWlour. However, he reo ioing and we'll have an el'er bet, and the late James J. Buckingham. tickets will not be on sale at the 4 cups chopped cooked beets i to Mr. Robert E, llartin here on a business trip. Evensong and Sermon. The prrnch. minded the boys that' there was He rEceived his early education door on the night of the banquet. 4 cups cabbage, finely chopped i celebrate his birthdal'. '

-- , er for the day will be ReI. A, T. stili need for Improvement. . W I" - at Holy Cross School and St. Bona- AI! members and prospective 2 cups apples, finely chopped I Happy birthday ·grrelir." ''F, :lliss Eleanor Thistle of the' Tulk, who Is administrating the Parents and boys are, reminded rest 109 venture's College later graduating members, who wish to purchase 1 CUll cider vinegar Mr. Claude Bennett

steno~raphical staH, Dominion Wa· affaln of the parish during the that October Is "Recruit Month" from Memorial Univel'llity. tickets are advised, to contact 2 cups horse radish i brate his birthday Sund.1' bana Ore, Limited, Is now on an- absence of the Rector, for the JTC. Boys between Ihe Dr. Buckingham received . his either of the following-Ted Kent, 1 cup white sugar I ,.

. Earlier the of the .strike cal Railay Employe embargo has ha freight to and fre vince effective I

ud .... vv6 hi ., Mr. Cooke s

liIcal CNR agn they may have nual vacation. St. Mary's _ 8.30 a.m.. Holv age~ of 9 and 14 years may obta!n BELL ISLAND - Wrestling reo degree in medicine from the Na· James Newtown, Samuel Nolan, 1 tablespoon salt I

Communion; 3 p.m., Evensong application forms from C&ptam turns to Bell Island again Tues· tlonal University of Ireland in 1954. Can Murrin, W. J. 'Kent, Tho. Me- ~ teaspoon papper Ml'5. Wm. Kent is • patient at and Sermon. Newhook or Lieut. Gordon Ben, day when the popular midgets He Interned at the General Ho~ Carthy, Joseph Narmore, Philip Combine chopped beets cabage I

St. Clare's Mercy Hospital. UNITED CHURCH nett. will put 'on their antics for the pital, St. John's, and was former- Locke, James tahey and Lawton's and apples, add vinegar 'and stir' --Minister, Rev, N. B. Hodder. 11 It has been announced that the rabid grappling fan3. The main Iy associated with the Department Drug Store, Town Square. • well. Let stand for 1 hour; drain; I BELL ISLAND - A

~Ir. Charlie Cartile of Dominion a.m., Divine Worship; 2.30 p.m., Corps ~III hold its second annual bout of the evenlnll will feature of Health In that city. The executive and members of discard vinegar. Add horseradish, party was held at the ' Rubber Company. Hatlfax, was Sunday School; 7 p.m., Divine Parents Night around the middle four of the top midgets around Arrangements have been effect. Conce~tlon Council ta~e this op· sugar, salt and pepper. Heat to, recently for Doug Harney

MI., ',',"" within- Newfoull anee call be arr~ of the outports tion of goods.

here Tuesday doing business for Worship. of November. In order to obtain toda)', Roger Littlebrook, Pee Wee ed, whereby Dr. Buckingham will portunlty to express their sincerest boiling; seal in sterile jars. Makes R,C.A.F. and a p~rse o[

his GompMlY. SALV ATION ARMY funds to Implement the pro· James, Fuzzy Cupid and Tlto In· practice within the frame of the felicitations to Worthy Brother II pints. was presented to hIm. Doug, -- I Senior ~rajor Wallace and Mrs. gramme, lor Parents' Night the fante. It will be a tag team bout employees' WeHare Plan. , Wm. Stone and Mrs. Stone, who This next rEcipe will be of spe· 38 days leave here be [ore ' Mr. George Sal'aRe representa' Pike, C.O.'s. 11 a.m., Holiness Officers Mess Is s,ponsorlng a card with two out of three falls. The He has opened temporary offices were married on Saturday, Sept. cial interest to you home garden-I' ing to his base at Trenton,

live of Heap and Partners, visited i :.teetlng; 2.30 p.m., Sunday School; g!'lme on Monday eVening, October time limit for this 'match is one on the ground floor of the building 28, In the Church of ,the Immacu- ers who are lucky enough to have, Another part)· was given h:I' ' here. Tuesday in the Interest of I 3 p.m., Praise Meeting; 6.15 p.m., 7th In the CLB Armoury. The hour. owned by Mr. Pete Mercier, Main late Conception, WIth Nupltal a patch of ripe tomatoes or is; ther Austi~ last Saturd.y his firm. ! Open Air Meeting: 7 p.m., Great patronage of all friends of the There will also be two prelim- Street, Bell Island, ' Mass by the Rev. Fr. MeGettlgan, "_··-lJ" the nroper word to app!y I at the l!nton Hall. He, \\'~J

:! Sall'aHon Meeting. CLB will be appreciated. inary bouts. Presumably Bernie, We extend.a welcome to Dr. P.P. : to tomatoes?). Of course, the IQ. I sented WIth $87.00. Amhn II

, Mr. J. H. Tarrant of Cnnadlan All are weleome. ' our local grunt and go an man will Buckingham to the Iron Isle and Bill Is an active member of, gredients are available to anyone i ently hom,e on leave, He it National Telegraphs. was here U C Annual make his debut in one or both of trust that his stay with us will be Conception Council and his lovely i who would like to buy them at i the Canadian Ar~Y_

Passengers, tinue to be acce complete moven land Steamship noon on Octobei

_ ..... - I I , .-" ••

-" Thursday on a business trip. " • these .preliminaries., both interesting and profitable. bride" is Mury Yvonne Basha, the fruit or, vegetable s~ctlon. of' Doug and Austin m

H And S h I ~ I "I k Local fans are expecting that daughter of It of C. member their favounte store. Th~l'. recipe I ~I,r. and ~lrs. Herbert Illrc!:tlr1. ______ _ Mr. Ken Churchill WM here orne ~ c 00 ~a e n' or Bernie 11'111 giVe a good account George Basha and ;\Irs. Basha. makes a big batch of Chlh sauce. 1\\ abana.

during the week doing business. . ' of himself aud some think he will Pin, tucks are. the Paris rage. I eight pints. --- ----,'--,--- b -- Meetl"ncr BELL ISLAND - The Woman's b~ in Ihere among the tag teamers especmlly on SUItS. Several Cana' That their future life together T ' PI ,r 0 U I Miss Emily Snow who was here'. b .\,,'oclalion of the Uniled ChUl'ch if the going ~ets too rough. Re· dian made suits seen recently fea-I on the holy sea of matrimony will' CHILI SAUCE O\~'n annmf,',

. on a \'\sit to relatll'es Ilnd friends I f __ will sponsor their annual Sole ot mcmher the date: Tuesday. Octo. tured them. The)· give ~oft back; be a long and happy one is Ihe: 30 large. ripe lomatoes l

rcturned to her home In St. John', I BELL (SLAND _ The Anglican I' Wor!; and Tea on December 3rd.j ber 8th: the place: the Barllet! fullness to CO:lt.. and jackets which: pr&yerfut wish of all his Brother 8 medium onions • . • during the past week. Home and School Association at Kinrily resel'l'e this date. ~lcmorial Stadium. is very flattering. members. 3 sweet green peppers BEI;L ISlA,"'~, - AI Ihf rl-da 1 ' -- , the FI'ont of tile Island will hold ' - 2 sweet red peppers Planmng Exhibition milch

Mr. Phil Banford, reprcs~ntatl,1 e I a meeting In the Beach School, . "Sleep, Pike?" I Billy Dobbins, sleepy.eyed and', 2 cups c~lery, ~Iced able. comment I\:as he"rn c! of Canadian Carborundum Co., I\as '~Ionday Oct "th "t 830 pm All "Just fine. Harne'- I "ot some, crank" I 3 cups Cider vmegar quality of the \lark on th! I hele from Nlagra Falls thl! week • ,....". .' " _. I bl I d on a business trip I: mtmber are asked to make an ef- ,thing to tell you. Jordan 'peter-I "Rode eMt. not half an hour' 3 ta Espoons sa t : c.rThs: th h rI' k

. ,fort to IUtJld. ' son came to see me last night. ago," Dobbins Baid. "Said he ,24 cups brown sug~r .,' IS \I:a5 e an fllor ~ -- D C Guess )'ou know that makes me needed air Didn't 58Y when h 'd II tablespoons mixed picklIng InCHI arhst. ~!r. ~Iac ,

~lr'!l1 fInd dlr~i H. N . R a~erlon mighty import"nt around this I come back' Crazy time to ebe spices (tied in a bag) I is always willing to gil! An • r. In : rs. . . ay, or P' I town.'" riding. C~zv time to be lookin . Use only firm, ripe, bright red: time and talent to any :~~~~rI ;~~t Ba~,~e~:~?I~ a:'a~~or~~: ersona "WelI. now, it,,~oes, at that. 1 for a m,an, far as that goes." g i tomatoes, Scald, skin and cut them I came, I'isitpd Mr and Mrs. Rubert Davis __ 'to. tl I" What (lId he want. I Dobbms yawned a.nd we left.

• . 0" ,. I R . ~. T XX v I I me, mean. "Well •.• tell you the truth, Blanchard said, "We'll ride IIUt At Harbour Grace. !tlr. aIlS \IUS el, .'. B. Hodder. U.C. Minis.: IT Iras • long afternoon and' ' 1 settled back, Harney he didn't ay But h I ft hi " on thp. engineering !taff of the, ter, has r~turned to the 151and If- 'hot and 'dusty but It passed. The 1 Peterson said, "Well. D~n't I acted like he want:d to get ant:' a er r,:11 Bell d)

sirens .hrieked yesterday afterl

and sounded the for thc mock air staged by tbe Cil' test for eIlicien"

firc5 was held at and Whitcwa v

firemen pi water on company here for ovrr forty years. I ter a~telldm.rz Presbyter)' at Pouch' moon came and it lay on Its back II ),OU ... isn'l there something I mv good side" e 011 nur

:!He was rellreci last year. l COI'e on Wednesday. October 2nd. I like /II slice of melon. That nieant you want to say!" "1 knol~' Y~u rubbed him raw ::' -_---- iRe\,. Hodder was. Acco~1l2nl~d by frost coming, homesteader folks 1 "Ma~'be," I "saId. "But nobody and he got mad," DAIRY PROBLEM8 ;; Mr, Bram Walsh ur Crant. Ltd .. ,the dp.lep:at~ of the Official Board, would sar And with the frost came 'listens to me. I "Th t' b t't"

~'~oliciting husinm for his firm. I "'hlle I w~ited for dark to set- PETERSON cleared his throat. I h . mhs a de, h,l e. tOU Wi hOU :'51. ,101m's, l'l~lted h~rp Tuesday I' Mr. Ja~nh A. Harris. Ii th bu£faioes '1" . . . I "A a 1St ak ou p\( Y h Id

I d h' k "B I /IIie ear 1m au. ere , tie In the first flock of ducks Red craw e up IS nec. een I would he be""

(Cape Breton Post) For the most part, the dm,­

farmers who are finding the tough in grain growing and live. stock production-the small, mixed farmer.

j -! Irt JPI'9-, Lt:. ~::f~~c:li " ~ I III I JI ,1II!P'Ulo'em Avenue. ani

'little attention to

, ~Ir •• Tohn L~schuk." rr.presenta.-: Lions Cluh' 'headl~g south for the winter I thinking, Pike. Maybe this town i "probablY' home. No, by golly. \I~ e. of Ca~adlan In"erso\l ~and.: I passed low over the ust side of I has~'l done right by )'ou. Maybe This close to hide season, he

'. ~,Imlted, lias a recent busmess, town, pointing straight acoss the, you,ve got g~,od re3Sons for what might be at the office over in the ," mltor to the Island. , BE,LL ISLAND-I\t the regular' moon.brlght Ik)·. . I )'o~ re d~lnG. . yards," ,.. • k " h' : mcetmg of the ClUb on Oct. 1st, I got liP and went out mto, ~I~ 1m domg,. Mr. Peterson, Blanchard swung down off the

, d "Ill'. tF ratn thGoSIKnle, IVI 0 \I as a I the Lions were host to the "Cubs" Depot SI. It wa6 as d .. rk as it IS SittIng. Just slttmg and listen· porch and I fell inat his side ' e ega e 0 e wan 5 conl·en· L'ttl L b Id t 'th th l'mb ing to your talk" . .' tion held at Toronto recently bas Ie, eague aseball tcam. This wou ge WI e moon c I • bl hi II R d We walked through empty streets • returned to the Islr.nd ' team, which Is sponsDred by 'the Ing. I wanted ~o go o~t to The Peterson. t s ps, e went to the hide yard and talked 10, . . Lions came out on top in the regu. Rock for a willie but I decided up around hIs. cars and, sweat

, ,', Mr Geor e "Ch;;;hill who I~ a lar s~a.\on but lost out to the I not to go. I t!tonght Blanchard, came out on ~IS. tace. I trwd to ,'. atie~t at t~e Ortho oedic Hos II "Leafs" in the playorfs, Preslclent ! might lIeed me. I keep Iro~n grmnlng.

P ,P - Bill Hussey thanked coach DOli I A man wHlked west 011 D~pot, lie snld, "Yoll know wh~t ,I pltal .In St. John ~ Is reportcd to I Sk r h' I . , 1St loward Ihe liver" lie got I mean Well ma),llc you dldn t be doinll we\l I' ane~ or IS nterest m the t\,lt" . . J' i, • . . . h

, _. __ • tie I,pnguers e1uring the ~ea~on alul i elose and recognlledl Jor,dun ,real~lc wh~n ~ou got st,arted I at hi F d J B I; tI d complimpnled him IIpon Iloin~ a I Pelmoll. I started to duck mlo! it II ould ~o hke 1\ hus. All thl5 .~. re f' D uri f: • ,!,cbrc I wondcrfut job In I'e (Ill' ('OR('It' Ihe Ilarn when he lifted his hand I'trouble. You got to reml'lnller,

pensIOner 0 om mall "a ana I ., . , 1 I k I [ t . I It I'll " ·t f thi town Ore, Limited, hilt yesterday for HI. SkalH's pl'al~ed the team for their I to n~e. BI ().I~. ~\ ~,~~,~r 0 tile I Y \~, )~Il re ~1~RISp~i Ig' ~ .

ill h \ld wtlh hi h R v PtP,ic\ent Bill tht'n pre<ented in- POI C I. a Olle. OIU ere I I~ J 0 " i

[ Babes in Toyland

ACROSS 4 Womll t Wheeled toy 5 Marble ,. Spinning lays 6 Bird 9 ·'enrod's pal 7 Liquid

,. '1gb cards m~a'ure

Perhaps the answer lies In specialized production, perhaps in mixed farming on a Irnad Icale.

Answer 10 Prevlou. Puzzle

were also pa~ where the fireml

•• Y'.l"""Y to get

Ifty ith'

Oclober II, 1907. Bernard's, ~'ortune B~,y. where he I hard work alld cooperation. Lion Ilot'~I' Inll~ aTl I "WUS I I dO~f II~ (:~Br,~ "~~II~, Ne~'cr t~OllSg'ht "uu'd

: ; R oJ a.{ ki 5 n:p .ewp r.;: dividllal trophies' to th~ leam saw. I wellt into the barn and alimit Ihat, Mr. Peterson." " , p~iesi ai th~~~la~!: ~~do his si~:r, 'I Team captain Bill HI.ghmol·e thank: turned luto Ihe harness room. "I'ike, do YOll cur~ what ha~.

Mrs. Ursula Tompkins. Mr. Burke led tbe club on behalf of the Cubs. Peterson came alter Die and pen~" to this, town. Or don I

J: 'erallc 1010 8 Heroic tales I., ~h 1I0le tn 9 Non"

,lido's Icale commissioned If ~eterlng officeu

yeal'll, of age was to' be a Ii

employ 'of J on Duckwort Ill'b away for about three Boys' Club Director Ernie Cotton stopped unci leaned agllinst the you.

w k e was guest speaker He briefly out door jamb, rubbing his chin, his 1 got lip slow. I had to say it. wee s. Hned the alms of' the Boys' Club eyes In shadow under his black 1 knew I might never get the

Mr. E. Panons Is I patient .t. Ind asked the Lions for their con- hat. I dropped Into Owen's chair, chan,ce a~?i,n. "Mr. Peterson," ,I I h It 1 tinued eoo e atio I th f t faeini Peterson. dra\lled. III tell you what I d

c ty asp a. President PB~II ~nn~unc~d u ~:i Peterson said, "Nice evening," like to do to this town. What I'd II Mr. Jlck MacDonald of the there will be I lale of Ught bulbs I nodded. "Owen's home eat.. ~ike to do to this town is stand.

l-. inle sheep 10 Kirghlz ll: :~a eagles mounlaills ~6 Necessary 1~ 2arache 11 She picks up 28 DlstrlbulH, 21,Wlndow part baby's toys as cards "l3 llrosecute 18 Stage 30 Leg endings 24 Golt mo~nd whispers 31 Gaelic 27 I\cl 2n Wealth 33 Uniform coat 29 ,;ating place 22 Oulcast 35 Amphl·

.~ 1'Iavlgalor - the,Re4 and other.

man was Dan Who Is today c

anniversary • _ Mr. Morrlsse

and a happy emp~oy of John I Northern Electric Company, v.·al this month Ing supper," It up on end and throw buffalo

i '; i ',~ . "Good." Peterson took out 'a chips at it." , ,i! " ,-----------------'------- pJpe and tr.pped it against the Peterson's hand grabbed the

12 \;'001 pnt 24 What a clock thealers 84 ~Ioney.maker tell, 40 Eagl .. ' nests

46 Top of head 47 Arrow pollGe 48 Man', nllll. 50 AlII! ' 51 PreposlUOII fi2Being

Made by started' work ; , . sheetmetal

of, S1.50 a 11" had, to be dOl

Da~, "not quitl

, I J 1 :;:;. heel of his shiny shoe, "Pike, it's I door jab. His lips lost color. ': 'l~;':! time we had a IIltle talk." His eyes snapped just like Dora's

v", I squirmed., I couldn't remem: when 1 pulled hcr out of the ,if;'~,' 'J. H.' PDf/til' ber any comfortable talk I'd ever wilter trough. He whipped around ~n' had with ,Peterson. "What , _ • and stomped out. "i,'. " j~~.,:~ . about?"· • ..

':~;;: SAYS- "About your marshall friend." I WOKE up shivering at dawn.

Quality service and quality merchandise :, are the thinis that count with us. Thla is , why we ,enjoy excepUonal public accrpt

Hnce for an excellr.nt company and hh:h' I)' competltll't. pollcir.~. We have a policy which will ex~ctly lit your nccd~. OUI' Group Plans, are the an~wcr to Hospital and Medical bills. .

-;fl:::i~~~J '!I!'f!!!!!!!!I T. E. DIWLlNG •• 1(: ' ,., Itlnch M •••• 1If' ,.- HI _ DOWn IT. IT. JIM . "

1 got up. 'M'aybe you better 1 pulled on my boots and took talk to him." , my hat and rifle and crawled

"No. No'. Sit down. You see, down the loft ladder, still' shiv­Pike ... wcll ,l'> man sometimes I ering. It was the cold, I think. has to chan~e his' mind" He has I The air In the barn was just 1\ tn he rendy to, anyway. You'll h;;rncfis room and, saw that Owen learn that, once you gcl nlcl~r.': I wasn't there yet And' thcn I went

1 lel m)'scif back intn the chHir. lovel' to the hntel. mavin!! slow I thought I ml;:hl enjoy this pM'· ,on ~ccnunt nf the stiffness around tlcular little blk ~!tcr ~,U. Peter· I my hurts. ~Iy lell fell bad, stiff ,'on waited, then said, "Now.; and sore, hul the rest of me \Va,~ We'I'e had our dlrrerenrc~, no getting healthy fRst and lhe lump mistake. That trouble We had by my eye waF down as ~ood as nl'er Dor.. Maybe tho~r. thinli~ ever. I decldcd tD on 'the happcn ~llr1 •.. wcll. 'mAybe I holel porch for BI;:.nchard. 1 they rlnn't me .. n as much, as they c~me dnlV~ wcarln~ the ~hin)' !eem like they do, right ~t the black co~t, cm)'lnll hi~ hat.

ask for

36 Abuse 25 Geralnt" wife 43 Oar futcrum 55 ComplM I!(tI.IIf 117 Mountain

an. Sir y-

ridges 18 British

statesm Anthon

as Chest r 41 Female

attle lalnl

eu (ab.)

421nsect, 44 HlreHn 46 Baseba

i U

player 49 Debate 63 Blackb Ird ot

cuckoo 84 Things 8S Bevera 17 Falseh 08 Feline 6aLampr eOOlherw 61 Blackl

fa~~~t left ~.


ey is.

horn \,N Do\

1 Bascba batter'

1\ ~ Jo~1

• Re/rige S Sharp

rat or

& I' 1'"


I.f i



~, In inJ 'I I" n


'I I'· 1'1




15 10 I' • I' 10 I"

I'~ 11'1

110 11

Jt= I'" IZI

'1 , .. '0 'II - i-


~ ,',' .' .

~ I"~ I~$ , U !' rl :fl In


f51 54

IWI .. , ~'- - .....

JOHNWHIT rneans made just rlght

Made in Northamptonshire, England, by craftsmen who are ma~tcr5 of tlteir trade - ~nd .tocked by leading ~tores throughout' Newfoundland.

We 'have all ,to,·do the 11'0

hard work then. and mallct. , my apprcr days, a yea,


has the pri\'ilc three generati

first., Mr. Thor and today John' 'and Weldon.

respect lOHN WHITE' OOT'II[ II ~ LIM IT! D. H IG HIoM fl n ,II. SHYS Da

N 0 ~ T H 10 M PT 0 N $ H I ~ I, £ tl G L 10 tID, I'ery , con --------------------... ~lIIlll~h"",1 the yeHrs

T .. ~ •••• ulri ... FIo~KU l MONROI Ltd •• nl/3 W"., S"u •• St, Jo~'" a boast in!: m' I know someth'

.nd When s advice abon it a privile

the benel ~perleIICc."

Page 3: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he



I ~ 'I.e News


SATURDAY,- OCTOBER· 5, 1957 " -,

.. ~ .

CNR Statement On . Freight ,Shipments, Seamen.'s strike: ••

Assist, Alleviate ----=-----------_._ .. _-----_ .. _------:-----------

Convention, Radiologists In Board Of

Statement On Proposed Strike, .


Local Hardship To Ali('\'intc the hardship for the pcuple of New·

fOllndland to thc gl'catest possible degree, we intend' 10 handle intra·coastal shipments up to the last possi. ble minnte that we can aSSUl'e delivery of .before the ~trikr Ill'e\1l'S," Ernest J. Cooke, Manager and Gen· eral SUIIl!rintendent of the Newfoundland District of the Canadian National Railways, said last night.

Earlier the company announced that as a result of thr ~trike called by the Canadian Brotherhood of RnilR~' Employees and Other Transport Workers an c\1Ibarl!ll hAs had to be place'll on the acceptance of freight to And from Newfoundland and within the pro· ,.ince effective at midnight tonight. .' .

boo lid .... \'\'6 hmrwhbrw hmrw hbrw hmbrw hwrwd :\11'. Cooke said that shippers sllOuld consult their

local C~R agnt in connection with any shipments the~' I1ln~' ha\'c for movement by steamship to points within Newfollndland to ascertain if further accept· Rncr ('RlI he arranged ... This might be helpful to some of Ihe OUtP01·tS without other means of transporta. tion flf j!oods.

Passengers, baggage, express and mail will con-liulle III he accepted, he said, only if stich traffic can fomph.te movement via Canadian National Newfound. IAntl Sleamship scnice prior to the strike deadline at noon on October 15th.

......... , • ,I, _,,'.',',. . ,

Civil' Defence:

Doubtful Results Friday's Exercise

Th! lirrll' ,hrieked oul ovcr SI. who lI'as w~iling 10 get a p!cllll'c of )'t!wday aHernoon at 2.55 Ihe operations. stopped to wait for

and souneled Ihe alloelear at 3 Ihe five minule inlerval of Civil lor thr mock Rir atlack which Defencc practice before moving !IW~ bl' tile Cll'il Defence. along Ihe street. .

A le,'t lor' ellicicncy in putting The sirens sounded again at 10 (irc' " ... held al the junction' p,m. for a complete blackout, and

and WhilclI'a,' SU'eels when I [rom a "antage point of a high part m liremcn pla)'ed double I of the city it was noted that not

of waleI' on an Imaginary I more Ihan filty percent of citizens was !cl rll1l'in~ the raid. cooperatcd and lights were scen to

Ih~ Ih'c minute~- of the blaze out from all over the city \\CIII hack and forth on during the blackout period.

th Al'enuc. and seemed 10 :llany citizens of the East End of little altention 10 the warning. the city staled that they did not

were al;o passing b~' the hear the civil defence siren and whm tht firemen were work. suggested that a more efficient alert

(wri!hly to get the stre:lms system sh091d be. installed. "'ater f1owin~ a5 possible. Observers were loud in their r,"· raT! wm on the street in praises of the milit:lry installation W~~I F.lilahcth Avenue. but not at Fort Pepperrell where the Unlt!d

mepting the car driven by States Ba5e was in virtual darkness ILY NEWS photographer during the blackout period.

Ifty Years With Cloustons'

On OW,ber 5. 1907, a "oung lIIan I; )~als o( age commenced

~'al 10 be a lifetime carefr fmploy of John Clollston on IJllrkworth Street. That

man was Dan Edward Mor­Who is today celebrating his annil~l'sary •.• \-1 century

whl\ ~Ir. ~torrisse)' terms "con· and a happy association In

emplo), o( John Clouston Lim·

Dan started work as an appren·

The serious situation that is bound to result if the threatened strike of theCNR coastalsteamir. crews takes place as scheduled was one of the toples. for earnest discussion by members of the Council of the Newfoundland Board of Trade at its regular' weekly meeting today. Members referred to the inconvenience and sCI'iolts hardship likely to' 'ensue (rom such a. strike at this time of the year when so many isolated outport communities are in proces~ of . getting in their'winter supplies.

It was noted that' the Federal Minister of Labour was due to meet with the head of the Union CGn· cerned and that prospects were reasonably good

for a renewal of negotiations next week between the Union and the Canadian National Railways.

'.rhe Board of Trade is of the opinion that Can­adian National nailways should make alternative arrangements to supply vital nceds in the'areas affect· . ed in the event that no settlement of the dispute is reached and a strike is called.

The sixth annual convention of Curtis of the General Hospital.\the auditori~(llJ of t~e Nurses nesl·1·· ----- . the Ncwfoundland branch of the Ireasurcl·. Sianding, JIll" Clarence, denee at the JI.osPltr,1 lor Mental W· G S D '1' Canndian Society of Radiological Roberts, director for this year, und Nervous Dlsca~cs. '~he Hon' l Old t M b Ins oy e TechniciRn! opened on Frlda~' Grace Hospital X·Ray department; Dr .. Tames ~lcGralh,[ o[ i es em er • • morning in the Nurses' residence Mr. Robert Belbln, vlce.president, Heatth opened the convenhon and . of the Hospital for Mental Rnd Ner- tcchnlci&n at the Hospital for l\Ien· welcnme~lthc dcle~ates who ar.e In Of I 0" DES h I h- , 57 vous Diseases. tal and Nervous Dlscases and ~lr. 51. .Tohn s from Collage hospitals C 0 ars IP .

Eric Calver. the director o'f Ihe past seattererl around the province. • • • • . The plcLu're' show~ the executive year. Mr. Calver is In charge of the ..

of the Newfoundland branch, left the X-Ray department at the Gen- Mr .• Tohn Her,rn. the president of . to right, seated, Sister M. l\fag- eral Hospilul. the New(oundland branch read R .Tames Power .has hcen awarded \ dalene of St. Clare's Mercy Hos. The sixth conventloa o! the New. short paper preparcd hy Dr. Bliss the Gerald S. Doyle Mcmorial pital. the treasurer; Mr. John foundland Branch of Canadian Soc. ! ~ll1rphY of the General Hospital. Scholarship or $1.500.00. James is Hearn, of the General Hospltal, lety of Radiological Technicians \ Dr. ~Iurphy is at pr~sent on holi· Ihirteen years of age, and is the the president and Miss Mureclla was opened on Friday morning In day and out of the cIty. I son of James and Beatrice Power· of O'Donnell's, st. Mary's Bay. He


Campaign Defamation has just completed Grade VIlI at SI. Ita's School. To James. his par­cnls aod his teacher. ~1iss Laura Butland, congralulations are 0(­fered with the hope that he will take full advantage of the oppor-

R.C.A.F. Chief Arrives Here

On Sunday

UNlTED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) next .. week ·to. Weslern .. charges I·-·!!;"II·,'" -Syria's Salah Bitar said Friday that "lhe huildup of Communist a "campai~n of defamation"· Is arn,s in Syria is threatening destroying any possibilit)~ of reo peace in Ule' Middle East.

tunity thus offered. . This scholarship has been' ward­

crt lor the· first time this year by Ihe Doyle family in memory of the late Gerald S. Doyle. It is awarded on the basis o[ a province wide examination and is open to Roman Catholic boys studying Grade VIII in the smaller settle-' ments. It is tenable at SL Bona-·

storing friendship with the West. Bitar blamed the ~liddle East Bitar declared also that Syria, crisis on the' "determined refusal

.. which Is rcceivin.!l Communist by certain Western power,~" to arms. 'still does not have cnough accept the desire of Arab lands for its national de[enc.e. to bc free and indepcndent.

The syrian foreign minister He said 'Syria "deems nceeS-made the statements at a lunch- sary to defend hers eli againGt eon of the UN Correspondents' the dangers of aggression' which Association, where he callcd at· threaten her very existence." tentlon in a speeah to allegations He declined to nRme speaific­that his country has been re- ally any countrie.; he considers dllced "to the statu, of II Soviet threaten Syria with aggression sa tellile. " but referred to the "certain ag-

"In my opinion." he said, ::tres:;ion" of 11 montm a go-tile "theSe dislortions not only create invasion of Egypt by Israel and an atmosphere that. destroj'S the the 'British-French intcrvention. possibilities for a rapprochement Another A~ab spokesman, Ah· between our' peoples and the mad Shukairy of SaUdi Arabia, peoples 'of the United StateR and described as "nonsense" report., the Western peoples at large. but he was not cxpre!,,;ing his gol'­they may rcpresent a sign of a ernment's policy as a' speech possible conflict whose extent critical of the West made to the could not be loca1iz~d." as~cmhl\' Wednesday.· '1"0' ~I'\KF. FOR;lI,\I. m:l'l.Y Shukairl' had said e\'ents tn

Bllar is fxtleet~d to mal;p a· Syria are of no concern to the

Air Commodore Marlin Co~tel1o !o~~::t~~p2y_In-~I~-I!N-a~l_nhl-)' _11_Jn_ile_d_St~t~~ .. ----

~.lI.g., c.n., AIr Officer COlnIlIRlllt: S d 0 "fo Scholarship Wiullel'

".Ig Mul'itillle All' COlllmand will ar- I III ent 1 JeerS J'lVe al R.C.A .• '. Station '!'oruay on' th~ sixth III October 10 cuny out S I ,0 A his annuat Inspection of Statlon a va ,Ion rmv '!'ot·hay. • Th AI C The following are the nallles

e r ommodore lIas been In (with hometowns) of the ~tlldelil' command of Maritime Air Com­mand since 1954, and prior to this olficers which were welcome(1 lit was All' Member at the Canadian the .Saivation Army 1'emple Inst Joint Siaff In London, England. night: W. Belbin, New Chelsea; E.

The inspection will take place Bridger, Campheltton; L. BUnton, M d I Deer Lake; N. Cassell', Buchans; B . . on ay morn ng, followed In the Goulding, Grand Bank; R. Hillyard, i!t~l~oh~n~~r.' .ceremonlal parade Corner Brook East; D. Hodder.

Caribou Chapter, I.O.D.E. pays venture's Col1e~e for Grad~s Nine, tribute to one of the oldest, if not Ten and Eleven. Further particul. the oldest living member of the ars can he obtained at the College_ JAMES POWER

Order. Mrs. Mary E. Kelland of Bli d Bli -SUPPLiED WITH T-O-O-18--~8. Barnes Road, SI. John's. who n tz GENEVA. N.Y. (AP) - Burl' ' , J?med the ~rder In 1900: ~t that I lars Thursday ni!!ht used a: tIme ~Irs. Kelland was lIVIng. at II t NIt plumhing firm's own tools to loot Lamalme. Newfoundland. and wIs!1'1 taS 19 1 a .safe or $500. Police said ·the ill-cd to d? her part for. ol1r. hoys m I trudel'S broke ODen two rear dOOr! the. Arman w~r. She IS sl!l~ kecn- Late last night as the NEWS i 10 entcr the Fin~er Lakes Plumb-·: I), Interested In the .work of the went to press it was impossible to : ing anr! Heating Company build­Order, and has kept m close touch 1 forecast Ihe result of the blitz: in". The" u<ed tbe firm's blow' up to ·the present ycar. Her only! drive b)' the Canadian National In-: to;ehes and· crowbars to crack· regret. at the age o[ 93 ),ears. is I ,tilute for Ihe Blind on·, the' safe that her hands will not rio the' holders. Howel·er. some collectors' ---' _.1-_____ _

work s!le would. wish them to ~I?: ! I·t'po(·tell the response was good.: .-----------:III'S. Kellanrl displays the sptnl' An\' hou,,'hoidcr ahsl'nt whell col·' lT7 tl which IHls kept the llilPcrial! Il'ciLll's callt·1i t:lst nighl ran SI'lId, Hf ea ler Ol:dpl' lJallgh~e~s ·o[ Lhe Empire i lilf'ir dun:,tiun III th~ Inslitute fl)l' !lltl'e and thl'l\'lIIg BileI' nearly ti()' Ih~ II Ii nil. '-'litH:tr)' tlOad. i ,'ears 111 the wril'hl. I The canlp;\it~n witl he contill1wtl ! _ _ I ~or Ihe n~':l tll'O \\'('eh BIUI will!

( I ~ }'O'e Sl 'e t lllll'hli~e 1.lle 1I\II~t elllJlioY~I's' amI i

. ,CO b ~ Ie! ~l~~~:.II~I~t_..:~III'~~:. _. _.---.-1 . 'fIle adjourned Sen'ice CIItIJ I which will be IIplt! W .. dnesuaj'

JlIC~tillg of OcloLer 2nd will can· I eVening. Octoher :I(Jlh. . I VCne Wcdnest!::.y nighl at 1l.0U p.lII. I II is understood 111:11 all intere~t­in the ABC Rilom or th~ churclt ed mcn of Ihe church be pre.ent for the purpose of' completing the as many important mailers will be Collector's List for the fall sale discussed. '

N.\\·. wil""'. cloudy. High 1".Ia)' :'11. tlutlm.k fol' \\'fek­r.ud: Fine \\·I·alllt·l'.

'i'E 'It'l, RA '11 T R .:8 Torollio .......... -13 M[)ulr~al ........ 49 Qutbec ........ . 41l MonCion ....... . Halifax .......... 47 Sydney .......... 46

00 all 60 58 tl3 55

ITE in shcetmctal work with a

01 51.50 a week. "EI'ery­ha~ to he done by hand,"

Dan. "not Qllitc like todny we hal'f ~lt kinds of ma­to do thr 1I'0rk (or u~.· It] work Ihen. swin~ing the

Air Comm'odore Costello will Creston; .J. Jarvis, Channel: J. also attend on Tuesday the annuRl Lake Fortune; W. LlIIy. Exploits; meeting and dinner of the New. G. Skeal'd, Channel; H. Thomas, foundland Provincial Committee of Cornel' Brook; W. Wiseman. lIIus­the Air Cadet League of Canada. ~ravelown; L. Brace. Chance COl'e;

1\1. Brace, Ch~i1ce Cove: A. Hrad-

CHECK TABLE CLOTHS Sturdy blend of Colton and Rayon in allraciive

. dobby'patterns to go with your kitchen or break· fast room color scheme.

rlght England.

trade-and e·.~:fount!.land.

"no mallet. For ~ix years. !mcr! m~' apprenticcship, And Iho!c oays, A year seemed Ilke

. "

Dan has the pri\'iie!(e of serving Ihree generations of Clous­lirst. ~Ir. Thomas, then Mr.

nIno tooay John's sons, Alwyn, "no \\'rlrion. "I have RIot

prr~onal rrspcct for all Ihe " says Dan. "and the),

IW)' cOllrteolls 10 me . 0111 lhe ycars. I mi!!ht sa)" In a h"a,lin~ manner. thon)!h,

I I knoll' ~omclhin~ ahout Ihe 'Inri whrn someone needs a,lI'icc ahont his work. I

'. 11" pril'i1rcc tn be Rhle ~II' I' .. C UOI Ihe heneHt of my j'cars (~perlrt1rc " , knOll:. I srl'l'crl in the

1I'0rkshop lor ahoul 47 and .likNI el'ery minute of I laid hc[ore. it .WnS hard

hut lor me. enjoyable work. l'cars a~o I was transferred Fawcett dcpartmc~' where

sllli Working today. Ii Is nice f~t a change, but I still help

e sheetmetal shop If I am

'Is .qulte an experience for be able to see John Clouslon


yet, and I think I'll make It be­cause, you know. I am only 67."

Congratulations, Mr. Morrissey, on your achievement, and may you have mnny more ycars' in the work you like so well.

Tucker To Stand' Trial

Thl! Grand Jury nlel In Court Room No.1 at the Court House yesterday morning. to consider a bllJ of Indictment for murder and brought In a trll!!' bllJ Around 1 p.m.·

. after delIberating for about two hours..

• The accused, George Tucker .

expand from a small back. shop to consldcr' it A privilege.

oone ~o. I am lookin« for­to maYbe 10 or more ,em

was arraigned In the Court at· 2.30 p.m •. and. pleaded not guilty to the charge 'of mnrder . ·IJi :,c~uslng the' death of I neighbour, William C.rter OR July 26th.' .

The datr. of the ollenln!! II! th" trial WIS I~t for Odobu. 18th.

, " ,. .

Caribou Chapter lODE Meeting

hury, Corncr Brook; Mrs. L. Brin· son, Deer Lake; 111 .• Tenkins, . 51. John's; P.· Snow, Deer Lake; M . Tucker, Springdale; II. Yates. Bot-wood; Mrs. W. Wiseman, Musgrave· CHARLOTTE FfTZPATRICK town; J. Inkpen. Burin.

The regular meeting of Caribou A capacity audience gathered Chapter. I.O.D.E. was held on t hiS I d I Thursday eVening at the lIfemorlal ate Temp e on PI' ng a e Street last night to share In the welcome

Charlotte Fitzpatrick, daughter I of May and the lafe Thomas Fitz- I

patrick and pupil of Marian High School, st. Lawrenc" was the winner of this year's Grade XI Electoral Scliolarship for Burin District.

University; Miss Marjorie Ball, ccremony of one of the largest' en· Rellent. presldcd.. ro\lmcnts. of student·ofliccrs, the

Three new memhers too~ their· Army' hns ever had. in New(ound-affirmation anel were wclcomed to I d Th P ,. . I C d the Order by the lIegent an. e ~o, lOCI;! om!"an cr Charlotte has an exccllcnt

• of the Salvallon Army In thIS prov'l scholastic recol'd anel this late hon· A filll1 on civil defencc "Oper- ince, Lle~1. Colonel E. A. F.e\\'.: our marks the pcak or her c'1rncst

aUon Onc" was ~holVn anel ~Irs. ste;; presld~d at the. J:athel·!n~. I nnrl di\i~ent efforts. Brsidr.~ be·' Lewis Hrookes, Civil Defcnce '~'hlch constitutes o~e of .the IlIgh· i in~ a satisfnctory student, she pns- I

1,la150n . Officer [or the Chapler h~hts In t~~. A~my 5 en lire calcn· I' l'c~ses sterling qualities 01 chnrac· I I:al'e a shorl talk on the Iilm nnel rlar o[ actIVIty. 'rhe. ~olonel was tel' Rnd leadership anr! all throll~h stressed how vilall)' Imporlant It ~llpptlrtett hy the Tralnmg Coll~c'l her .<cbool days 'she 11<1S been an Is (or' ai, to co.operate In all The sludent.o!fi~ers Arc about 1.1I example of an ideal girl in work exercises which ultimately may commence the fIrst phase of thcu' anel play. . result In protection for your homes, four-year training programme. Charlotte ,Is pl'esently . a First your families and YOllr nation, Mrs. Year Edilcation student at Little-Brookes also acted as projectionist. I.lel

p The BII"nd d~le, SI. John's. All hcr friends

I ArranlZements' were marie for:I . wish' to exlend their wi~hes to Pllrchasin!: hoxes of holly from Co' . her for continued success. Royal BrIde Chapter in Victoria, ampalJ)'n B.C. which will be sold Inl Decem. tl mT CREDIT mGH ber to friends of the chapter. "Take rul the sorrows of all the . FRANKFURT; West Germany

Christmas parcels' have been .sph~res, (Reuters)- West Germany's ac-sent to the children of the Hebron Multiply each through endless cumulated . credit balance with School, Labrador· and .other pack. years, . the Eilrogean Payml!nts U~irin ages wl\l be f?~arded before.navi· Compare the same with the endless hit an aU-time .hi!!hol $1.013.400,. gallon closes.. • nh:tt \ ,. 000 nt; the cnd or'ln:;t monlh, a

A ~OCIAl' half hour followed the Of Ihe man or child who has' lost federal bank spokesman . said I c.oncluslon of the meetina. his scnseofslght." Friday. . I


TABLE CLOTHS in attractive Checked potierns - they're 'acid proof and easily wash­able. SIze 54 x 54'. .

EACH · .. ···· .... ·· ... ,:······ .. ·:··:·:····69c

. Pound Crib 'Blankets' Very good' value, softly napped, White Colored Calion Flannelette.

POUND ................ · .... · .. · .... · .......... · .... ·1.45

Page 4: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

, , • !

I , \

.. ') • , "



;;Ij '.

.:" :1.'


. ,

, --

.5,1957 •

~~~--~-----------------------------------------" , In The News


:1 \' , , , , , , !



, N.wfoundland'. Only Morning Paper


. Canada ...... I ................. ,10.00 per annum

lb •. DAILY NEWS It. 1IIomln, paper .. tabUshed 111 18M, and pubUshed at the 'New. luUdln'. lM-3~t Duckworth. IItrllt, It. John'. Newfoundland, bJ 10blnlOn' • CompillJ. Llmlted.

MEMBERS OF THI C.\NADIAN PRESS The Clnadlan Press I. exc1ullvely entitled

to Ihe use for republlcatlon of all new. despatches In this papp.f creclled to It or to the ""Delated Press or, Reule,,· and also Ih. local ne",. published therein.

Ali Press .ervlee and featurt ,artlc!e. II Ihls piper are copyrlahllnd their reproduetlol • 11 probibUed.

~HB NEED OF LEADERS FrDm our reading In the pol!.

tical history of Newfoundland and from our personal recollee·

,tlons of the twenties, we have been left with a very strong 1m· /lresslon that first·class leaders &l'e harder to find today than they' were when the island had fewer people and little, pros· perity. • • •

Unlled K1l1ldoll and IU rOl'liI1l CoulltrlH ..... ,$1..00 ptr IIIDua •

Autholiud a. aecoltd dau mall Po.t OWCt. . I Itputme.t, ottl1l'l ••

)lemberAudlt Bureau Of


Not all men with the gift of leadership make good Icaders. 'rhey have to match their force· fulness, personalitics and eour· ase with souud thinking. There a1'e good leaders [.nd there are bait leaders, For the purposes of this prescnt consideration, our definition must refer to those who did combine dynamic enersy and popular appear with sound, thoughtful and constructive philosophies.

.. " -SATURDAY, ,OCTOBER 5, 1957

Conservatives And T ariHs When the British Chancellor of the

Exchequer proposecl elimination of tariffs between Great Britain and CAnada, the Government of Canada was not amused. In fact, it was shock­ed to the very core of its being. .

economic welfare, It is right to get the facts but ver~' great caution will have to, be exercised in respect of any pro­posals fOI' tariff increases that may either antagonize important customers or protect weak industries at the ex­pen~e of the consumer,

Civil Defence

..... ' . Our real political history .be·

gan with' Willillm Carson and Patrick !\Iorris. These men had Individual faults but made a good team, Carson and Morris were both courageous men who wanted I . democratic constitution for Newfoundl~nd as a first step to the promotion of the people's welfare. Carson was a dour man of formidable character who did 'not mince his words and would

In common, with news media all over .not be enslly. put down by in-. ' censed authority, But his argu· North America the Dally News has con- mcnts were more noteworthy [or sistently supported the efforts of those - their logic thnn their colour.

h h k· d'l' tl . th They were couched In pedantic w 0 ave wor ed so ligen y 111. e Itlnguage and were designed to cause of Civil Defence, And this has. appeal to the reason 9f the read· been particularly so in Newfoundland ers of his pamphlets. Morris, on

h h d· M' P t C h' the other hand, • was a hand·

were t e Irector, aJor e el' as m, some ·ebulllent character who

Bait Act hu MOwn, Nor were they reluctant to take firm and positive Ictlon when the need existed. • • •

The confederation negotiations of 1895 ilIuslrate their faith and courage. At that time, with the situation of a most desperate nature to combat, with no money and no wlJJlng lenders. they reo' pud!ated union with Canada rather than submit to mean and inadequate terms. And through­out the first Ihirly years' or so of the present century. leaders were 10 be found in many walks oC life to giVe direction to the people in their constant slrug~l. a~ainst poverty and depression. There was never R time whe~ an alternath'e government was lack· ing or an opposition was lncap-

..... , ............ _. -_ ..... -_.

t able of standing up to thc largcst majorily and the most arrogant governments. But leadership 1'.'35 not to be found only in politics. There are few counterparts today of sitch civic leaders as John H"r· vey. John Anderson and Wiiiir,m Gilbert Gosling, to name but a few o[ the men who, In 3 variety of fields, fought successfully for important causes. They were never reluctant, moreover, to give advice on all subjects of national importance, They wroto regularly to the newspapers which were then the any means -------,---of communication and their' R d" counsel was always wise and New' a 10 forceful.

• • • Equipment For The leadership that is needed S h

today Is only partly political and out ampton is political at all only to the ex-tent that politics is a means to an end. We need tlVO strong po· The Southampton Harbour Board

Now Mr. 'Thorneycroft's suggestion mar have been without guile But he is unquestionably a very well-informed man. He can hardly be unaware that tot the very moment that Common­wealth finance ministers were meeting to discuss a Canadian idea for an in­crease of mutual trade, the Canadian tariff board has never had more work to d" on government direction.

and his small band of helpers have gone could stimulate the Interest of all cut to impress upon citizens of the readers or listeners by provid·

.., . h ing that emotionr,l content which commumhes 111 which t ey have been Carson could not express. Both operating the necessity to work in close oC them gave real leadership in harmony with the 'organization. a critical perio~. •

Iitienl parties because a power· has awarded a contmc\ to M,u·· ful opposition that is capable oC coni's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd. forming an altemative govern· for equipping t~e Port of Souto ment is essential to healthy ad· hampton Operal1on and InCorma· ministration. But there is a great tion Service with frequeney·modu. need for a better.informed puhlic lated VHF radio. The equipme!lt


~!i!l_ """,., I~ ¥~iJl

The '~\eaning Of Democracy


Democracy means many things, It means the to choose one's own leaders and representatives to

ror example, Mr. Fleming has ask­ed the board to make an exhaustive studv of the matter of textile imports and 'the first item on its agenda happens to. be concerned with British woollens. It is an awk\\:ard situation. More im­ports from Britain are one of the car­dinal principles of the llew government and vet the tariff board has been asked to c~nsider whether Canadian industry should not get more protection against certain British manufactures. It is small \ronder that the Canadian Government was alanned by Mr. Thorneycro£t's blanket proposal to remove tariffs.

In spite of these efforts, however, the results. insofar as' this province is con­cerned have been negative. This is 110t a

• criticism of Major Ca~hin who has de· \'oted himself to the cause. and, per­haps the whole blamE: cannot be attribut-

Men were not afraid in those on man~' questions, economic and will conform to the s!andarc~s laid days to stand up and he count· social as well as political, and donw. "t lhe HagUe ~onventlon o[ cd. They were not scured by high we wnnt Inspired and inspiring Jan:tary last and Il'IiI form the allthor!t". The sturdiness wilh leadel's to give the guidance that baSIS oC, a ~ew system of port which they opposcd the British so many wunt. But it secms today commuJ1lcatlOns th~t may ~ve~tll' Government's coddling o[ the that while we, havc no lack of ex- ally have a world·wlde applicatIOn. French WllS a notable example or perieneed and knowledgable per. 'rhe order inclut,led five 25 w~tt the capacity o[ free men with sons we are sadly wantin!( In F)l VHF tran~mltlers, and C~l'e

and the right to as much individual freedom as is ,v"·,,·,:~,, . sistent with bhe public good the rights of others,

ed to the citizens. . rpi;!~::dc~~~rde:rati~~kesf~:~ t~~ people who 'unite with these FM ~HF receVlers. to~c,ther 1I",th qllallties the will Rnd the cour. assoc,ated remote, conllol e1tUIP'

rights of a small country, They t TI t mltter and re F I b d th

dl'd not hesitate 10 carry their age to express their thoughts on m~n. Ie rans s , . or examp e. 0 servers, an ere . public questions. It may be that celVCI'S arc ca,pable. of operu\lon on

were man.", noted that last night's black- protests against harm!ul policies the problems that will come up anyone DC, SIX adjacent channels, ., to the Br,r of the House oi Com· f h h bit d t out exercise v'as a complete fal·lure. More d' II t Ih t to trouble us in the future may lll~y a w IC may e se ec. e a ~ mons nn I'utua 'I 0 e s cps provide the incentive' to the active wtll Ir0111 , a contr~1 ce~tre Sited at , than half of the city was a blaze of light of the Throne. They did not hesi- I n r"etic and vigorous lead. a convement pomt 11\ the area,

durl'ng th e ere'se nd to k tt tate to take reprisals IIgainst anc ,e e b d Three seven·channel F~l VHF mo·

e x I a ma e ma ers _~gr:.::e:Rt~n:a:::ti::o:::ns:..::as:..t:::h::e..:s.::to:.::ry:...:o:..{ .::th::c_ .,.p-w-e-n-ee-, ____ '-- bile equipments, and tll'O automa. worse the all. important waterfront was lie mains·standby engine·alternator als? brightly lit. __________ --... -.--'-.-.-.----- sets arc &Iso among the items to

What' Others Are Say,·ng bl~~rp:ieg(JRROSIVE COMPost· It is true that a great deal of pub- . 'lION FOR BALLAST TANKS

licity was given to the event but hun- __ .. __ .... ___ . ____ . ____ .... -.-. - A British firm who have dr d f it' t t d th t th h d specialised for more than 60 years e soc Izens s a ea. ey a UP TO CHURCHGOERS n the membershp of 1I Servce in producing paints for industrial been out of tow.n and consequently knew (Sarnla Observer) Club or Golf Club, our wives and marine work have developed little or nothing.. about the proposed Maclean's .magazine of Sepiem. 'may be on terms of friendship- a neW water·resisting and water· blackout. .. This was later followed up by, ber 14 tells of a panel composed and yet we are told we must setting .composition which forms I not worship together the same .. hard black film with excellent complaints that residents could not hear of !ive theologians and three ay· God In which we both believe. anti·corrosion properties. It is the alert sirens. One resident stated that people" discussing the p~oblem And this prohl'bitl'on comes chef· mainly to protect the double·bot·

. "Should ile Proteslant Churches l b II t t k f sh'ps and any a wn' ole secI'on of the cI'ty could 11ave been h t'll ,om a as an's a 1, Unite?" Iy from theologians w 0 s I other ballast t&nks and spaces wiped out because the, sirens were not The question comes to mind take their guidance from st. where there Is not enough time heard. whether this is a, matter to. be Augustine of the fourth and fifth for conventional protective treat·

decided by theologians or by century of our era. ment. Thc new paint-called We can i maainfl no single Marax-drics on surfaces partly or

It also means gO\'cl'I1ment by law, nol men.

Everybody from ordinary citizens to political osophei's long has understood that complcte pH. freedom is impossible in any kind of workable ~nCle\;'., The result would be chaos, 'with every man trampling

every other.

The rule of jaw is required to set boundaries be which individual men may not go. To step over the is to encroach upon another's rights or diminish the ~u·, .. F~ lic good.

In democracies the rules are set forth in con tions, codes and statutes which together comprise a body of governing law.

The existence of that ma~s of law is every assurance that he will be treated impartially l:,y

society he lives in,

If the rules were made by the men who gO\'el'll executive authority, then obviously they would ro sorpetimes radically·-with the whim and prejud:ce special bent o£ the particular governing officer. That· what people get in a dictatorship.






Canadian industry has been clamour­ing tor more and ~ more. protection for the past seven or eight years, Failing to get what they wanted from the Liberals, the protectionists have now turned th~ir attention on the Conserva­tives Who have been a high tariff party in their past. That does not mean they are that today. The directives to the tariff commission may be no more than a demand for accurate infonnation. But the fact remains that Canada cannot afford a high tariff policy except for l'epri!ial purposes with the United States chiefly in mind. Moreover,' the Can­IIdian consumer cannot afford to pay the price . of increased protection fOI'

uneconomic industries.

'In "iew oC the lact that large sums of money are being expended in Civil Defence experiments, it is suggested that the whole system should be l'eol'ganized and, perhaps this would create greater intercst amongst citizens who, after all, are I.In15· too eager to co-operate in saving their homes and their families from possi­ble destruction •.

iliepoo~, ~ i mOl'ement. that would ~o so far totally immersed without any nret 'nle lay·peoplc, who sat in at 'I' It d t'

to settle the dif!crcllcl'S the for venti ahon. oes no glvc the pllnel, were a 'roronto lall" ff t ' or tIl" n a 'vorld linds itself In, than nn 0 OXIC vupours-or me.'

Law,s, of course, are not handed down from ~tol'!i-:·'.IOrln"c: Thev are made by the people them~eh'es, through

rcp t:ese 11 In t i \·es.



'.'er, who is chairman oC the board • sll' 'lIt Odlllir ami is less infiam· earnn.t nffort on the part of the g -of the Church of ~1I Nations .. , mabIe than hot enamel or greasrs

and a mClllhcl' 0 !the Home Mis. peopl'e 10 imito in the worshill of paint. It is claimed to he lmpe,l1' sions Board of the United Church, God the l'ather, ctrable Il)' boiler Ceed water. dl~' nn Ottawa laely joul'l1nlist, who -- tilled. salt or fresh lI'ater. mu~t

ISmAN FOIL St:SATE acids r.nd fll~1 oils. The compo,i· describes herscl! ns a casual tion is manufactured by Rohert (ancl occasional critical) church. (Victoria Times) . The Introduction into the Sen· BOII'l'an and Co. Ltd., Pelaw, Gates· goer and Pierre Burton, maong· head. Ing editor of 1Iaelean's. ate of a man of Indian bloom- JETTY FOR WORI,D'S LARGf:ST

Dr. James S. Thomson. Mod. a figure of scholarly attainment T,\NKERS erator of the United Church, recognized by high office in the told the panel that the move. United Cburch of Canada-de· The first steel piles have ~een ment which reslllied in' the serves consideration. Dr, Kelly dr~ven f,or a ncw. ,tanker Jetty

If they are unwise, they can be changed. tution~ ar~ amended, ~\atlltcs repealed. But ill case. idcally, the procedures of law are followcd \0

the law. If men b\' themselves seek to change Ol' ignore .'

law then cle~·rly a government of law no longer Thi~ is true whether the irregular action com~~ high-placed government officials or from the CI

" .

There was an illusion held by many people in Newfoundland in 1948 that once the Newfoundland tariff was Abolished on Canadian goods, the cost ot JiYing \;"ould drop by as much as '40 pel' cent and all OUr troubles \\:ould be o\'er. But the fact was and is that many Canadian tariffs are higher than those imp05ed by Newfoundland before union, Ours was a revenue tariff It was, one of the few ways we had of collecting money to run the country. Yet the over-. all effect was of the order of 7% per cent on the average income~

Incidentally we Jom with hundreds of cilizenes in congratulating the com­mand of Pepperrell Airforce Base .wl~ere observers noted that the whole base was in complete darkness for the duration of the blackout perio~.

could iend to the Upper ChambCl' b,emg hullt ~y Bnllsh Petrolcum present United Church sprang 'bl Co. Ltd" at Fmnart. on Loch Long, up in the Canadian West, where a knowledge of l~mea5l1ra e Scotland. When completed in the communities could not afford to value in a field which caUs for autumn of 195B the jelly will ac­SliP port more than one Protestant broader understanding hy our commodate anyone oC the largest chnreh and "took the Bituation government bodies. At the same tankers now under construction ..

Admittedly ,most laws are not




The Canadian tariff ,is protective, Sometimes protection ir. necessary to protect an industry paying fair wages against the products of underpaid in­dm:try. But too often it lfi a means of supporting uneconomic industries in the Dominion \Vhich evade the challenge of effjcient. prpQucliori by hidin g under a tadff· cloak.

Newspaper Carrier Day I

Today is NewslWlper Carrier Day throughout North Am'ericn. This is the day set. aside each year to honour tl:Ie little merchant who brings you your. lIeWl:!paper. The Daily News carriers. are up bright and early eadi publishing day and regardless, o[ the weather complete their rounds hefore school. Dudng holi­day time they coninue their rounds

A recent ,report on the C.B,C. ciled making cel'laiJ1 that their customers the case of the woollen industry It com- recch'e their daily paper. I Ilaincd that some units might ha\'e to The incentive that drives young boys c~ose down ~cause of British competi- to beeolne newspaper carriers shows they ~Ion., Some dt~ although the bulk of the, will be the successftll citizen of the future Ihdustl'Y sur\'1\'ed But this commenta- -self-reliant, ambitious and dedicated to tor pointed out that' those who had been . scrvice, '

,employed in the factories 1hat had' to Give those crll'l'iet: boys a smile and a close wer.e able to get beller employ- greeting, encourage th~ni' as they drop ~nt. in othet· industries. And therein theil' papers at your home. Be sure to. lies the .cr!!>.: of the protection issue, 'If have weekly payments ready. Remember. alternatIve employment of a satisfac- the ·boy has brought you the Daily News tory nature 15 available for·workers inevel'y day·alld in order to maintain such an ~?ec~l1ol11ic industry, is there any a delivery service the' boy must have justiflcat~on for penalizing the consum. something special in his character. Learn­. ingpubhc in. order to 'keep that indus- ing public service at such an early age try 111 operatlon?, " '. . is indeed good so~id training, .

in heir own hands," time he could give the natives The new jelly, wlJich is about It Is to be Inferred' from Dr, representation of dignity and half a mile south of B,P.'s prescnt

Thomson's remarks that the articulate exprmion of great tanker jetty and Installation, wiil have two shore arms each 180

movement emanated [rom the advantage to them. feet long. One &rm will carry a people. Again, a union of 15. roadway for light vchicles and the religiolls groups in a Minnesota Tl olher a pipe·tra~lt:. 'l'he jett~ .. hcael, town, also recorded in Maclean's Thought For Ie at which there will be a low seems to have come from the waler depth of 53 ft.. wiJ1 be 330

1 D fcel long. peop e. ay Tankers will be ahle to elis·

1'0 allow theolo~ians to eleeide charge up to 6,000 tons an hour this vital question, or even to or crude oil through two 24·inch !live lilem a lal'ge place in mak. pipelines connecting with four new SATURJ)A r ~tornge t~nks now being built and .in!! slich dr.eision~ seems to be the Cour tanks at the present in· inviting failure, Every minislcr, And believers were the slailation. All these tanks will be of any denomination, dedicaterl mora added to the I,orr!. Inulti· linked through the ·existing pump-to certain dogmas, forms nnel tudes both of men i\ n d honse to the 57·mile pipeline to practices which are all.import. women.-Act 5:14. . H,P.'s Grangemouth ReIinery on ant to hihm, He is apt, indeed Of • ~ the Firth of Forth. . almost cerlain in ailo\l' these 'be- 1'here are mallY, III the Church Earlier this year it was antlounc·

as well as out ,Of. It, II'h~ ne~.r\ to ed that the annual processin!! c,,. Hefs 10 crerp in hetween himsp.I[ learn. that ChrIstianity ~5 nelt,her. pacity of Grangelllout h n~finery is Rnli the over·all picture of the R, cre,erl nor a ceremo~lal, hu~ a to be raiseel from 2,200,000 Ions to Fatherhood or Goel. hfe ,vlti'olly c,onnecled With a IOl'lng 3,100,000 Ions. This increased ca·

Protestant congregations should ChTl5t.-J05Iah Strong. j1aci1y will he close to the annual 11i\l'e all Ihe fnets laid before carryin!: capacity of the Finnr,rt them h~' lily.people who have . SUNDAY pipeline, knowlerlge of the facts, and each Sl'tIALL TANKER OR DEUS CALL congregation shollld· record Its Sel'l'ants, obey in all Ulings FOR EXPANSION your masten according to the vote pro or can. fleshj not with eye·service, as"

A' neighbor may. not believe men.pleasersj but in singleness In Infant baptism, he may have of heart, fearing God.-'-Colos· no opinion on the. communion sians 3:22, . " .

Let eacb mall think himself. an act' oC God,

lIis mind Ii thought, his life 3

A North East England shipbuild· ing firm who have often launehe\1 small ships sideways are to build another shipyard to meet Inereas· Ing orders from abrooo for the small tankers and barges they build.

The Daily NeWS salutes 1t5 . carriers . , A COu?~ry that depends to a large and the boys and' girls,.in some cases.

extent on Its export trade cannot afford who likewise deliver other. newspapers lIs? to.?e, a,' protectionist nation •. Its ' This is their .~ayand we are very proud' tariff pohey .must be ,eared to ita basic . of them. .

" of Saints and know nothlg' about ,Apostolic Suceesslo, He may what Is ·meant by original ain have 'only a vague idea as to and utterly reject the Idea of th~ resurrection of the body) but hf is atill a neighbor an(} it I~ deemed perfectly proper that one should visit his home, join him

breath of God; Work has starled on dearing :i . nrllp.t each try, by great thought.' 212 'acre site At Willington Quay,

and good peeds, ,ncar NClVcastle·upon·Tyne. where ,'J show the most of Hdven h~ it is planned to construct two

hath In him, broadside·launching berths eaeh -Philip James Bailey. 120 feet long ind 40 feet wide.

'They must be interpreted by the men who execute And under our system of government we have gr,en the courts-also' composed of human beings-· the assessment of what is a proper interpretation of a ticular law_

;· .... ''''''''5 LIN

Interpretations can be wrong, just as be bad no malleI' how interpreted,

But in both cases the rClllcdy in a demncrar\ I

always be the same: Ch:lI1ge:; must he made :i1:' the orderly processes of amellding, repealing, over,

De~locracy means rule b.\- the l11ajorit~'. 1f;:. jority cannot be mustered to effcct a change, thell il ,:'

must stand. For it to be other\\'ise would be to ~:1\' any law unpopular with e\'en a small part of \be citize:L could be cast aside at theil' will. '

In any society ruled by a government o[ la\\'~ than men, many people are bound to be lll?de by some of the law I; they live under. Thal is al1 uni'l able condition in a democracy managed by deoision. Unanimous decisions are plainly ilm)o;;;:: in matters aifecting millions.

The final test of belief in democracy is a man" ingness to accept the majority, aboice even though

disagrees with it.. . When' he can do that, he is in Support of a

;,lrmt of laws. .

. When he t'Annot, the logic o[ his po;,itLon

'il'ectly to chaos •

And, in the end, ehaos brin,­man Who ~el bw. ~ramal!i~i.




Page 5: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

• I1S the right

\0 go\'ern, n as is can­of others,

itical phil; (.\ e per~ol1al

ahle ~ociety,

,rampling on

'"rie~ beyond P\·t'J' the line :1ish the pub,

in constitU' ";se a great

, Eyery man.

~ ,ally by the

'ho govern in would vary­prejud:':e and

.,,;,,-~. That il

from abo\'e. through their

ill§:cd. Consti· !.lut i Il ~\'ery

'.l(l\\'pd to aller

or ignore tht ,',I~;i';' prevai~. ,11 come:; fro!1l , the ci

)c,dillg. nidI .... ·'

I:~C! then a ([ he tn :;ay of the ci

, r





, '

-We have long felt t~e need, for modern and larger Warehouse .space, ..

combining our Shipping D~partment and Manufacturing Oepartments

under roof. This dream, has now become a reality, with the openi.,g a

few weeks ago of this large buildin g, which is situated on Blackmarsh

Road, St. John's, (opposite Purity Factories). ~he building measures 146

feet by 51 feet, giving us over 7,000 square feet to store and pack the many . .

World Famo~s Products, for which we are Newfoundt\lnd Distributors.

The picture below gives some id ea of the size of this modern building,

showing, as it does, the greater portion of the goods presently stored there.

We feel confident that with the addition of this magnificent building to

our present facilities, located at 335 .. 337 Water Street, we are now in a better E ARE DISTRIBUTORS· FOR THESE position than ever, to give the type of service we wish to give our many

PRODUCTS thousands of customers all over Newfoundland and Labrador. AII,900a5 NATIONALLY APVERTI~ED , . which we carry will be stored in this buil~ingi 'all orders received will be










T.R.C's and RAZ-MAH
























































packed in and shipped from this b.uildn9i all our Manufacturing and bottling

will be done in this building. The Offices of Gerald S. Doyle, Limited,

however wil(remain at 335 .. 337 Water Street.

ORDER DEPT.-335·337 WAT£R ST.~PHONE 3097, 3098, 5850' ,..


, ..

. ...

, ,

. ,.

Page 6: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

"j., " ., .' , . ' . I • , ',: \ ...

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'WEDDINGANNIVERSARY' lIr. and Mrs. Eric G. Pittman of

11' Dartmouth Place 'are today eelebratiDI their 21st weddlna an· nivtraary. Their many friend. oUer cODll'ItulaUonl.

LEFT'FOR'MONTREAL , 'Mi58 Florence Thompson, R.N,. who spent the lummer at her home in 'Brlgus, and visited in St. John's with her sister, Mrs. Lewil· Bartlett, Bideford Place, left here on Thuud&y by TCA to· return to her work at Montreal.

... ..


In: the list of luccessful pupils in Grade XI at Prince of Willes Collel' lalt year which was pub; Usbed yesterday in theDally News we regret that the name of curtis LeGrow wu omitted.

LEAVING TODAY Mrs: P. B. McGrath, Bonaventure

A\'enue, leaves here today by the express and wlIl visit Yarmouth on, her way to Ottawa, where she will attend the opening of the House of Commons with her son, Mr. James McGrath, M.P., St, John's Eut. At Yarmouth Mrs. McGralh will visit with her dallghter, Mrs. Richard Davies;


Mrs. B. Robertson of the De· partment of Trade and Commerce,

. St, J'ohn's, left here yesterday by TCA for New York, where she ,will .pend part of her vacation with relatives, and will leave there with friends to motor to Florida for two weeks.

LEFT FOR HOLIDAY Mrl. J, H. Anthony, 10 Cork

Place, left here' on Friday by TCA for New Jersey, where· she wlll visit her daughter, Mrs. Frank Frontera. On her way back home sht plans to stay of( In Corner Brook ti \'Isit her son, Mr. Austin Anthony.



Mrs. Fred Bradshaw, Military Road, left here on Thursday' by TCA to vl!lt her daughter at Gander.

LEAVING FOR HALIFAX Donald W. Newell, Bonaventure

Avenue, will be leaving on Sunday by TCA for Hf>Ufax where he will take a staff training course at the main branch of the Bank of Mont· rta\.

Dramatic Drapery

Kenn~dy~Chafe Wedding "WITH'WORDS"

. With these words I Iry you, .. of the feeling in . ... and the waves of ' tion .•. that my 'lips fail par~. .. would that .1 could praIse you . . . mme eloquence rare •.. hut I rightly honor . . . beyond compare ... we're apart, my spccchc.! ' the things that you ~houid' . . . and yet silcnce lockl portal . . . every time

, standing ncar ..• lake the stars Irom hcal'en ... and Iul woodcd dell •.. trCIl you arc second . . . yOUr have no parallel ... so Wilh I try to teIt y?U ... of Ir.e my heart enshrmcR ... how I and pray, my darling ... l·~' rc.J betwecn the tines.

Gower Street. Evening Of The W.M.S.

The Evening Auxlllan- 01 Street W~!S met in Ih'e Room of the Church at B Tuesday, October 1st. Th~re good attendance of membtll several guests.

The meeting was the prcsident Mrs. D. 'I'. who used for the

1I1r. R. Roberts of Corner Brook is at present I'!sltlng the city on business and is registered al Ihe NeMoundland Hotel,

The marriage of Vera, daughler of Mr .. and Mrs, Alfred Chafe, and bride, ""Iho was given II) marriage by her brolher Harvey. WlIS

Raymond, son of Mrs. S. Kennedy, both of St. .John's, took place. attended by Gabrille Kennedy, Lillian Malune and lVlab81 Chie.

part of a del'otional given by Dr. Lcilh in tide Devotions "I Iho. Board meetings, which . attended. The Scriplure was given by Miss l'lairt who read selections o[ 51. Gospel, Chaptcr 12.

with Nuptial Mass at 9.30 a.m. in st. Patrick's Church, on August. The groom was supported by his twin brother, Gerard, and William 14th. 'l'he ceremony was performed by Mons. McD. Murphy. The, Hearn. The reception was held at Bidgood's. AT GENERAl.

Master Tom Garland nf Gaultols b at present IIot the General Has· 'JIlt II reeeh'ini treatment for a broken lea.

LEn FOR MONTREAL Mr. and Mrs. Graham Verge,

who were married at Gower treet United Church on Thursday even· inl, left here yesterday by TCA 'to spend their honeymoon on the ·malnland. They flew to Montreal MId from there will go by car to l'lslt various places.

Beauty Tips Let the time of day and occa·

slon dictate what frallrance' to wear. Rarely 'would a heavy, sophisticated scent he worn In the morning. U you work In an of. fice, don't flOor fellow workers with a cloylna fragrance, Try a

. light floral or 'bouquet scent in-

An elelant cocktail dress that stead. shows a number of new fashion fcatures unveiled at Ihe Montreal

nnST SOCI,\!. . Fashion FOI'um tooday. The long·

Worrying about not sleeping wlll keep a penon awake. If YO\l don't fall asleep ~oon after retiring, try think In I( 0/ something .pleasant. Perhaps stretch Ina to relax mus· cles wl\J 'lelp, or loosening bed covers. If you don't worry about It, sleep eventuallY will cOme.

The Freshman SOl·r~I, the first ~Ieeved' black crepe slleath ha.s a hig social' el'ent since the open·: hi~h neckline at the front plung· ing of Memorial University for the; Ing to new low V·back. The dress lall term. will be held .on Monday i Is beautifully draped belol\' tile night' In the lurlitorlum of the i back waistline finlshlnl In a fluid University annex. drape of ank~! length, ' --

, .. , .

,' .. , " ".1: .

.: . I •

:>1 US •

"Jolene" and

., 'BeaUnlOnt" most famous

fiT and COMfORT If you had your shoes custom-~ade, they couldn't be smarter or feel more comfort· able than to-day's "JOLENE'~and "BEAUMONT" shoe fashions for Fall: They have the slim, tapered look 'you want, ,plus speCially.d~signed toe-room comfort and' unrivaled fit,

Come ,in' to-day for that "FIT WITH A FLAIR",

, .

" Jole.nes" 510~95 ,

"Beaumonts~' 512.95

'-' ------------------------------- Following up the Comm"LI!.r-cessiolns.

Magic Good

Popcorn Pie Is Fun, Eating . For Everybody

MAGIC POPCORN PIE IS FUN, I C I h t "Love Thy Neighbour" GOOD EATIN~ EVERYBODY e e fa es tained in the Scripturt

BY GAYNOR !l.IADDOX 99th B" thd' y Mrs. Dmve carried out Ihe " If a neighbour theme hy giring Looking for food stunts to de·: ing on "Good Citizcnlhip".

Iig~t leen·agers? Try popcorn. pointed out that being I

! I


The young in heart of any age will neighbour and loving your get loads of fun out o{ these two bour as we are commanded , ideas and also enjoy eating them. by the Master, took us Let them make them themselves. the world, and the

Magic Popcorn Pie Tokyo was just as much a Three.quarters cup granulated for our concern us the

sugar,~ CliP molasse.s (light), 1~ down the street where we cup water, ~ cup buttcr Or mar· hymns that were sung garine, 0/, teaspoon salt, "" tea- prayers offered were III spoon pure vanilla extract, 1 can with the good neighbour of popcorn fre.shlY popped, 11. Clip The study for this year chopped glazed fruits, glazed {ruit Japan, the president read I

to garnish, if desired. paper which was given b: Pop canned popcorn 85 label Yoshiko Watari of th"l

directs. In a 2.quart saucepan Mrs. Watari attended the blend sugar, molasse.s, water, but· ion Board meetings as R

ter and salt. Brine: to hail, stirr- (alive of the United ing constantly; reduce heat and Christ in Japan. She continue cooking quntil mixture girls' school there ann reaches 270 decrees F. on candy of a monthly newspaper thermomeler, or until a little mix- a circulation" of ont. ture in tol~ water becomes .,light. thousand: Mrs. Dawe lold Iy brittle. \ Sir in vanilla exract. wonderful Christi;:n

Pour thp. hot ~yrup ovrr warm i this woman and the lIop~orn in .Iargr bowl. mixi~g Anrl Greeling~ on ber 99th birthday she was doing in Japan.

ST. THOM a.m., Holr Com

for young p~1

Communion, P Kendall: 2.45 and Bible CI

Baptism anrl p.m." EI'ening P:

S. J. DlII'i~

, },IOO Ar.'D GLEl\l

a.m., Hnly C( Holy Eucharisl:

Service; 7 p. BROOKFH, Sunda~' BLACKHEAD



tOSSIng unl11 all the popcorn I.~ wcll I go . to Mrs. Elizabeth Rult of read ~1rs. Watari's addr~!! co.ated. Press v.. of Ihe sllil hot Spaniard's Bar. ~!rs. Butt has been, as it. was .on .Japan, !nd l!uxtur~ Into ~ .wcllbut~ered 9'!lJedriddcn for the pust 111'0 ycars ,certamly highlight our lne<h pie plate .5prmkle IVlt~ chop· in her home at Spaniard's Bay but I the future chaplen of the' pe~ ~Iazed frUIt, c~l'cr With re- she still enjoys to have her friends I Packets. . .

POPCORN PIE Is not only fun but good eatirig for the yaung !l'amlng p.opcorn mlxtu:e. Pr.ess. and'relatil'es come to visit her and I Before the pwel

,;;h;ea;rt;;;o;f ;a;Dy;;a~ge;;W;h;o;e;n;Jo;y;so;;;m;e;th;ln;g;;;;l;em;;;;Pt;ln;g;IY;;;d;l;ff;er;e;n;t ~;m;g;t;h;e ;m;l;xt;u;re;;.;;d~O\;Vn~fl~r~m~h~' ;rsrst, tell hc.r the news. Her daughter m~nced, the preSIdent -_ .. -.-. _ ....... -- Mrs. Doul!las Smith of Signal Hill I trIbute to the late ~!1s5,

a.m., Sacrament (broadcast 11 a.m., NI the Commo

• Road went to visit her last week. I wood, who had been lIIrs. Butt chulted with her and '\' the WM~ over t.he year!,

Sunday School Bible Class anc

AT A TOUCH, AS YOU WISH Single'Room Privacy .•. or Double·Room Spaciousness •••

FOLDING·.DO,ORS and WALLS Sturdy and handsome, these movable walls will keep on opening and closing at a touch for a'lifetime. Their exclusive all~steel framework assures perfectly balanced action-without a dust.catching IIbor track. '.

MODERNFOLD Walls can h!l built to

fit any size opening, are now available in 30 lovely . colours and in hundreds of combinations (a different colour each side).

Whether you want to double or divide, they're your lasting answer to many a modem space problem.

'. For co~plete information and samples of all colours, see, your Modernfold DB~ler (he's listed in the Yellow'Pagos under "Doors, Folding") •. , or drop In at our showronm: . , . ,.

CHESTER DAWE'LIMITED, Shaw St., St. John's, Nfld. Tel: 80161 , , I

was bright and cheerfUl. held office at different During the bu

h I I · C Iii guests were welcomeci, smoot and eve ~op. u Pen· wishes conveyed to one

6.45 p.m .. So Divine Worshi

F. E. Vipond, 1: "Relax."

t~ 8·12 .wedges whIle .w~rm. ~ar- members, Miss Florence DIsh WIth glazed frUIt l{ demed. son, who Is leaving (hi! GEORGE ST

Maple Popcorn Bans (~4 balls) Toronto. After the COin In I! l\Iaple Popcorn Balls (.~ bans) ,finalized the Benediclion a.m .• ~{orning· One and one.half cups !"aPle'l fered. Congregati

blended syrup, 1 teaspoon vmegari A short social followed. ''This Is Your ~2 cup sugar, v.z cup water, ,I ing to a close a most. VOWR); 7 tablespoon butter, lA,teaspoon sal. I and inspirational me~ting. Sermon 1 can of popcorn (makes 2 quarts) c-.cI"'·"'''a· Foundatiol

Pop canned corn as label directs P. J. Hommers Combine syrup, vinegar, sugar ReMP'S l'IUSICAL and water, in saucepan. Slowly and Choi

'1 0 I OTTAWA (CP) - 'Int Kinsman. bring to a bOI. ver very ow Is extended to heat, continue to boil, without stir- famed musical roe \\ ill ring, until syrup spins a thin on the brOad lawn of P thread when dropped from fork ( Illn Tuesday night. ON. or to a temperautre of 2.10 de· the feature attraction of gl'ees F.J, Remove from heat, during Queen Elizabelh's Let stand until cool enough to Ottawa. The program handle (about 15 minutes). Pres. elude a concert by 1

firmly into balls. band of 225 mU5lcian~.

! For SIMI.y, O~.:r·s

Present-For You and Yours ... Work hard, but plan

_ people yOll like. If yOll travel, guard against risks and be discreet in dealing with IlJ2ngen. Watch finance!. Don't leI tease you mID

I!IOMY for a luxury II nUSDllderst11llffidoriinds· Don't permit II to afled clo-II m~m: aflairs. forte allow. i downs. ,

~ Past .•. The firsl Dilio broad· ; cast of a World Series baseball : gillTlC was made from New York

City on October S, 1921. The Gitmb played the' Yankees that year-just one of many contests

Fufure : • , Althougb tIi' '.,q $23'h million seMle r' ! :

, between 'these two leams..

Building will. be .comple!<·: " , the middle of 1958, lIIuch ,,: will be unoccupied nntil :. : clection lIS few senato" '" move from their old quartrrs.

l ' ,

The Oay Under Your Sign ,

VIRGO rt--~g. 21 f. S.p!. 221 Use "llnetllm to 6btlln b,.« tarl, hi

, rIM'. Th ... rtlu. Moid ..aal "'lui'" ..... , .. PISCES iF.~. I' t. M.rtlo 2QI ' TnJjon um. Enj01 ",..=-1{. ~ 8'KWit 1M' IUff'ld a ~tnt. . .



Page 7: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

SATURtlAY OCTOB~R .5, 1957

SUNDA Y SERVICES Thrust Thyself To

Jesus Oh trust thyself to Jesus

When daily cares perplex, And trines seem 10 gaIn a power

ST. DAVID'S Thy inner soul to vex. OVNDLAND (formerlll Queen's Road) Then Is the hour for grasping

1mI'd, of En~lantl __ P_r_e_sh..;.'V_t_er_i_ff_n_

rilE XEWF I 11 a.m., Divine Worship. Sacra· His hand who wa.slked the sea; c;nHEDRAI, SJ;lldOIl oftcr Trinity) ment of the Lord's Supper; 2.30 Then is the time for singing,

II,m., Church School. Worship "He makes it calm for me," I,nl.. HoI), Communion; 8 with us, Oh trust thyself to Jesus'

, Holf' rllillmllnion; 10.111 iI.m" When thou art wearied' sore, tsnilll: 11 R.m., Choral ST AIDAN'S When head or hand refuse·

Fn'arher, The Rector', ., I • ~ . 'Topsal'l Road To think or labour more.

Pm Sunda" School: 2.45 ~ 0 C' i h S h I 7 on;;lillg of' Cathedral ~ipn's' .,3 (I.~l., l~rc c ~o; Then Is the hour for leaning Cia", 11'.1 .. B. will attend). p.m.. Dh Ine \\ orship, \\ or~hl\l Upon the Master's breast;

... Th! Rrctor: 4.15 p.m",1 c;1',;.;it,;.;h_U;;;5,;.' __________ Then is the time for singing, _ "1\Iy Savior gh'.es me resl,"

n,pthm ~nd Churchlngs: p' t , I Oh tl'l1,t th)',self to Jesus m .. F.I rl1son~ and sc!,mon, i P1l ,prO,1( (I When tholl art tried with , n~ Rrl', .1. ~1. ReId, ----------- pain

lIETf!ESDA TE~IPU; Too w~ak' lor prayer, thine only (OlnTlIlnlon _ ~ll1nday. ~09 N CIV GOlCtT Street, thonght •

, Fri;I:,.I' and aStllrdn)· R, A, Chesley Snow (Pastor); EIsle How to ndure the strain .... " ..... ,")'. j.l~ p.m.: Thurs· S, Snow (A~~t. Pastor). ! Then Is the ~our for re'tin'"

~,m, 'I 1U,30 a,~l., PI;a)'cr Sen'lce: l,l! In Hi. [,erfect lo\'c· to thee; ::- lIcl\~a~. Tncida.)·, ;ri·


a,m .• :I~orntng \\ ol'shlp A?d Lord ~ 1 l'len is the time for singing, ~lilP~;'), ,,3(1 ~,m., \\ ed· Supper, 3 p.m .. Sun~a~ ~chool, "He thinks, He prays for me,"

j.4~ ;o.lll,; Thur,day 9,30, 6,30 p.m., Prayer ServIce; , p.m., El':lnllelistic Service.

Daily at 5,30 p.m.. Wednesday - 8 p,m., Young j.~O p,m, People's Service. .

I Will· Believe 'S Friday-8 p,m" Prayer Meeting,

a.m .. 1101) Communion; 11 The special speaker at, the Open There Is a text hi the Bible often Prow~ior, and Sung Euchar. Session In Sumlay School will be spoken of as the Gos!lC1 In a nut

2.30 p.m, Sunda)' School: 2,45 i ~trs, Dr. Blltt. Miss Evelyn Boll" 1 sheli. ~od so loved the world he Calcchf>n1: 6,30 p.m., I':,·en., ers of Vellevllle. Ont., 11'111 be thr : gave hIS oniy becotten son that ar,d Smnnn I ~pcclal spcnl:er and also the solo· i whc.socl'er believeth on Him rlnf~da)' _ j,30 a,m" Holy I ist at the el'cnlng service. Every· should not perish, but have eter·


PFPPERn.m.L AFB.-The 'Altar of the newly renovated Blessed Sacrament Chapel at Pcppcl'rell Air F<ol'ce Base,,-USAI" Photo.


. .'

Be Still" And Know BY REV. DR. FRED SASS ing Him as lon2 05 We are in that

"be still and know that 1 am state of mind! It is lurely all t4e Golj," (y,salm 46:10). !Jeep down more reason that We should "Be In the human 'neart ttlere is a de· still" before Him. If·God hu spo­sire to know liOd, and those wno ken about anything in our life. Ind know Him, whom' they have be· \ We have heard Him, we cannot for lieved, . 'will agree that knowing get it. There will be no pelce no

, God is an ever.unfolding revela· communion, and certainly no reo tion. . velation. and no progreS6 while

Jesus came to rev'eal God the there is a barrier between youand Father and We have the record YOUr God. Our Heavenly Father of Ihat revelation in Ute New will not change His mlnd,but In Testament. But it is a per.onal patience He will time and time heart knowledge that we long for, again remind us of 'His command· is it not? Tnis knoll'ledge, the ment, and in mercy .a:iw UI no Bible reveals comes if we love rest unlil .we are obedient. Why Him. "He ihat haUt my com. keep Him waitin!:? If you would ma,ndments, and keepeth them, he \' gro'l' in knowleda:e, "Li.ten in," It IS that loveth me; and he that "Be still and know," , loveth me shall be loved. of my , ' Father, and I wii! love him and \ will manifest myself to him." F II P h"

If We really de.sire to know God a reac lng better than we do, we s~all seek . Him in His word and the Bible S · B · will become our daily study, and ervlce Urln we shall in consequence learn to love Him more. But here in this Presbytery Psalm we have quite a different way ot knowing God. In verse 10 The Itinerary DC specIal .. 11 it says: "Be still and know that preaching services as proposed by I am God." It seems appropriate the Burin Presbytery (U.C.)· .t that we consider this when we nolc its f:;11 sessions held at Litll!. Bay the context, In verse 9 we read: East on September 10 Bnd ~ch,d· "He maketh wars to ceaSe unto' uled to h~gin on Octobcr 2nd and the end of the earth." and in: continue through to the 30th, verse 10 we read: "I will be ex· i BURlS alted among the heathen, I will bc: October 2nd, Rev, Dr •• T, J .. , exaited in the e,nrth." Are not: Re),nolds; October 3rd, ReI',. E, these the two thIngs we long for: Carnell; Octob,er 4th, RCI', E. Car· in these dRYS? Peace and are·: nell. turn of all peoples to God that He '\ . Jo:I'WORTII may be e.xalted.. October 11th,' ReI', S, Snow;

Not understood. We mOVe along Be still and know! We would I October 14th, Rev. E. Carnell;

bod\' welcome, ' nnl life. John 3.16. . , '_ P,30 a,m" Holy Com. . HolY 2reat the love o[ God must , ~

i.30 ]'l,m" EI'ensong Rnd First Blll)tist be to do such a t11lng for us, we: BEST Not Understood

LOVED HYMNS ,"""<;101~!. who are so unworthY, we who at Church thimes neycl' giVe the Lord Jesus a

::r. .I/.I/!Y'S • t ollght, lIe tasted death fOr ali I,m. HoI)' ('.~mmllnlon: 111 RCI'. F. C, Fcnerty. B,A. (Th.) manklnds bllt ~l~n~ ~od he rose !lol, Euch·,n't: 2.30 p:m .. 1 9.45 a,m .. Sunday School; 11 ~galn,and can lae 1D lour heart if

Stbool: ~A5 p,m:. Blblr' a,m .. Wornlng Worship; 7.30 p.m" ~011 II00dd only hut let him, p,m .• 1101)' Ban'l.m Rnd I EI'cnin" Worship There are people who will think 01 Womne: 6,30 p.m.. Wed~e,da): 8 00 mld.week sen'. they are, to bad to sinful to have

\. ' " .. eternal life, You mal' think as

. Ice of prayer and Blbie Study. A ~'ou read "ou re to bad 0 f -r I .- \ S' hearty welcome is extended to the lost befo a YOU nlv' ne ~I

sr, f ml... ,all, I ' , re. ~ e liP R I.m. Hoi)' CflmrnuntOI1, ('or· Ali servicc~ this Sunday will he I hope read what It sa) s In Israel'

for I'ollng propie: 11 a,m" h id I I P Ci· I 100 11.18. ., , hR" e n tIP arsonage lape, Come no\l' and let 11' r aso to· Cnmmunton, I reac er, el" Portugal COl'e Road. ,. e n liendall: ~A~ p,m" .Sl1nda~· I (Adl'ance notice' Thp foiloll'in~' gel1~r bsalth the Lord, not my Ind Ilihie ('Ias'e.: 4 p,m" I Sunday all scrl'ic~~ will be lield \11'01' S, ut God',~ word, Though Bapli~m H,tl Churchings: In the nel\' FIrst BaDtist Church). ~b'our'hsitns be as s.carlet, they shall

p,m .. El'enin~ P"ayer. Prtach. e I\' le a~ snOII. though they be REI', S. J, Daries. Broadcast Salvation Anny ~1~!I~lke crImson they shall be a,s

rro~', ~rnlj;t:T PEARL AXD GI.n:D.4LE

I,m .. HoI)' [ommunlon: 11 , Holy Euchari~t: 3 p,m., Chil·

~er\'ke: 7 p,m" E"ensong, BROOKFIeLD

p.m .. Sunda)· School. BLACKHEAD ROAD

p,m" EI'tnlong.

TEMPLE CORPS Springdale Streef

BrigadIer and Mrs. W. Oakley, Corps Officers, 11 a.m., Holiness Service; 2.30 p.m" Sunday School; 7 p.m., Evangelistic Service.

Note: The evening service ",ill be conducted. by the ProvIncial Commander and Mrs, Lt. Colonel E. Fewster supported by the Train· Inll Coll!ge PrIncipal, Staff and the new session of cadets.

GOWER STREET CITADEL CORPS I.m" Sacrament of Ihe Lord's Adam', Avenue at Prince oj Walc3

Ibroadmt Radio Station E:rt. 11 I,m .. Nursery Depart. 11 a.m., Holiness Service; 2,30

in Iht ('ommon Room: 2,30 p.m., Sunday School and Bible School, \'ollng Peo. Class; 8,15 p,m., Open Air; 7 p,m .. Bible Clm and Senior Bible EI'angelistic Service (The Won· 6.. i derful Hands of Jesus), ". p,m .• Song Serv ce; 7 ill

Yes, mv friend YOll enn hal'! this wonderful experIence to know your sin! are fora:iven, to' be remembered no more. Will you let Jesus take full control of your life, he wlll put a new song In your mOllth, ~ace of mind, I new outlook on life, old' things pus away, aU thlnas become new.

Its no secret what God can do; what he', done for others he can do for you, Have falUt In God, He will hel!! at all times,

All For Me ' The road was rouah, and ,teep

. thehill There was no modern way My fare was plad by HIm who dl~d God'! Son of yesterday.

Saviour, again to 'fhy dear Name we raise Willi one accord ollr parting hymn o[ praise; We stand to bles; Thee ere our worship cease, Then, lowly kneeling, wait Thy word of peace.

Grant us Thy peace upon our homeward way; With Thee negai, with Thee shall end the day: Guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, 'l'hat in this house hal'e clilled upon Thy Name,

Granl us Th)' peace through this approaching night; Tllrn ThOll for us its darkness into ligllt: From harm and danger keep Thy children free, For dark and Ii~ht arc bolh alike 10 l'hee.

. . Grant liB Thy peac~'throllghollt our earthly liIe, 'Our balm in sorrow, and ollr stay 1n strife; Then, when Thy "oice ~hnll bid ,our conflict cease, Call us, 0 Lord,to.::r.hine ~ternal P8l!ce. ,Amen.

.~. .:?





asunder, never have thought Of this. Whcn October 15th, Rev. S. A. Grandy; Our paUlS IIrolV wide as the \\'e want to know .anything, our de· October 16th, (Special) Rev. seasons creep , sire is to be un and doing-to Blackmore.

Along the years; We marvel and read some book"':toRtudy the sub· \ FORTUNE· we wonder ject-to listen to some preacher October 23rd, Rev. S. Snow; Why life i.s life. And then likely to help-to talk it ovcr quiet.· October 24th, Dr, J. L. Reynolds· we fall asleep, I), with some friend, All of which October 25th, Rev, A. C. Cole" ' Not understood. are very good thin~s to do. bUI GARNISH,

the word is: "Be still and know", October 8th, Rev. S, Snow· Not u~dersto~d. We gather false gel above with God, I{nec1 before, October 9th, Rev, S. Snow; Octobe;

ImpreSSIons Him and be ~tii1.· contemplate God I 10th, Rev. K. Fellham. And hu, Ulem closer as the meditate upon Him, rcstrain el'ery i GRAND BANK

. years go by; I deRire, cI'en to pray, either I October 17th, (Special) ReI', Till virtue often 6cems to us trans. 'for oursel\'c~. our friends or our! Blackmore; October 18th, Rev. K.

gressions; work .• lust he quiet before llim, I Fellham; October 21st. Rev. E, And thus men riiie and fall, Do Wc not all sa~' too much, talk i Carnell; O~tober 22nd, Rev, A. C. and live and die, too much, even in our prayer I Cole, Not understood. times. We do not Ilive God a, POOL'S COVE

Not understood. Poor stunted vLslon

chance to speak to us, It i.s very I To be held at Little Bay East; souls witb much like when we speak to some! dates to be fixed, P. JarvIs S.

people on the telephone-we can· I Manuel, . Oft measure giants by their narrow gauge;

The poisoned shafts 01 falsehood and derision. Are oft Impelled 'IlAlnst tbose who mould the alle, Not understood.

not get a word in! U such stm·1 PORT F.J.J7.AIlr.TR· ness was needed in .the days' of Octohcl' 28th~ Rp.v. A, C, Cole: the Psalmist, how milch more I~: October 2mh. S, Manu@l: October it needed todn~'? In the;e 11~)'5 of, 30th, S. ~f;lDUr.1, rush and hurry and cl~mour, let I'

u~ take' time to BE ~tiJI, to medl. ale to think upon Him; looking up,S into Hi; face, remembcring nil H~' OlnC

Not IIndprstoQcl, How triflP! olten i5 rond ~J1 He do~s for us, .Just to : Rewards

PaLience rhan!(e us? dwell on His 101·c. His pOlI'er, Hi., '10'£ The thollghtl~ss ~entence or wisdom and His ioving kindness. ' the fancies slight Tllrn ),ollr eyes upon .Jesus, I'

Ilrsll'oy lana years 01 frlcnd,hip Look fllll in His 1I'0nderful facc, , and estange 115 I And the thin~s of c"rth. will ~roll' , ~ne IIf, thp. I'p,\I'ar(!~ of a prop,€! And on ollr ~ouls there fall; stl'iln;:el, dim, .• allJlIstrlll.nt t." life IS thp. attam· a freeling blight; In the light of Hi., glorr anll ,!!racc. i mc~t of p~l1en~~: On,p man who Not understood. Let us rememher th"t Eliiah Ilili ,r~nmlcd thiS spmtllai nrnta,:! lor

not see GOd in the wind 'or tlw \ ~llm;el[ ,was tho Apo>t~ ,ralll, II'ho

Not understood. How brcast.s are aching For lack of sympathy! Ah· day by day.

Dil'ine ,,'orshlp, Preacher: The morning service w be F ... H' dAB n S b conducted by the Provincial Com·

, L. \ Ipon • ii, " .. U· d d 1 "R!iax," man er an Mrs. Lt. Co onel E.

His precious body hanging In solemn, slillness round

there LOOK BEFORE' YOU CONSULT rises from vice to virtUe he be·

comes a different sort of man,"

man Y earthquake or in the fire, bllt at i IS reall) th~ .Iob .o[ li!". ;"IIp.w Te.3ta. once realized Ilis presence in a: Illent, ,D"l'1ng hIS 1~lnl~try hp, ~ul. sound of £entle stillness. Salll of I f~r~~ mner ~\Ir~lotl, fr\l~t1'AtJOn, Tarsus never knew GOd when fati o•ue, stal va t lOn" ahlpll'reck, feverishly stud~'ing theology at the beatmgs, a~d im[,monmrnt. .I.n. feet of Gamaliei nor when he stead of betn~ broken in' spmt, thought he was 'serving God by Paul,rose above adversity. From persecuting tile Christians, it was a prISon cell in Ro~e, ~~ found when he lay still before God on himself able to write, I have the Damascus road thnt he found learned-to be content,"

How mnny cheerless lonely hearts are breaking!

__ Vell'sler. supported by the Train· m:ORr;E STREf,:r I iug Coliege Pfl~cipai, ~t.?ff and

His foster parent namesake' came A borrowed tomb was found

BY FUL 1'ON J. SHEEN Holiness of life docs indeed open Most Ileoplc are :>Illit \Icl'sonali· pathways of kno\l'le!l~e which are

tics in the that rneil' lives biucked to tlHlse who are sensuai. lire nol unified. They Ieel pulled It is too oiten assumed that all In at least two dilferent direc· one has to do to cODl'incea man lions. 'fhe !:rcater the inner hap· to be a Christian Is to give him plness, the ueepllr is this sense of s t l' a n g intellectual arguments Inner contllct. Our which he cannot resist. But this comes from the fact of division. is to forget that seed dropped on When our Lork askp.d the name of a rocle will no more IIrow than a the devil who possessed the young truth dropped on the proud or im. man, the devil answered: "My pure. "Blessed are the clean of name is le,ion, for We are many" heart for they shall see God." Notice Ule conflict between unity Seeing !loes with cleanliness. The Implied by "m)'" and diversity acceptanCe of truth depi!nds upon and fralllllelltation by tbe "we", the morn! climate of the soul. "legion" and "many". As no From 1I1is it follows IIlat one man 15 physically at peaCe who should be very careful about ever has one force puiUn!: at one arm consulting a. psychiatrist who is or leg, and another force pulling' not a moral person. As far as the the other arm Or lei in the OPPo'l theory o[ psychiatry goes, a Iicen· sile direction, so neilhllr is he at tious psychiatrist could know more peace whose desires are mUltiple than a rlecent·living psychiatrist; and confused. • but when it comes to ~iving ad·

How man), noble spirits pass away Not understood.

.. ('Olllttlll11ion Slinilalll ,lIew ~esslon uf cadets .. \ome to Int .. )Iorllin~ Worship and thl' ICludel and I'l1jOY th~ .r,~e"om

The rICh younS maD had come to

ron~rcgal1011, Sermon und ~,ar11lth of ChriR\lan atmos· "Thl' Is Your Task" (brond phere. God bless you.

be)! From 111m who made the law

VO\l'TII: 7 p.m.. Evening Srrmon topic: "How

a rOllnd~tion!" :\linister: p, ), lIommcr;en, B.A., iI.ll.


JIIs face lVas set, he wore a frown Which filled his heart with awe,

Sr. Capt. Duffett,. Corps Officer. 11 a,m., Holiness Meeting; 2,30

p,m" Sunday School; 7 p.m., Sal· vation Meeting,

With fresh couraa:e Ulen he made his plea .

iTld Choirmaster: lIIr. Firm Were the orders Iliven To s'eal the tomb and keep Him Kin;man, A warm wei·

I. ~~Ientli:d to I'lsitors. there AlVNDY POND Lieut. nntl ~lrs. C. Pike, Corp5


Who's soul had £one to heaven. rOCf/R:INF. STREET

ReI'. W. L. Langille, Organ!!t and Choirmaster:

11 a,m" Holiness Meeting; 2,30 p.m" Sunday School; 7 p.m., Sal· vatlon I\feetlng,

Looking down from heaven above Illy Saviour calls to me

Ii, Peters. L.T.C.L,~ Director Education: IIIrs .. E. S.

Nail prints in His outstrelched hands

I.m" llorning Worship, ~urs· ~II!I, .Tunior Worshipper5. I! World Wide Communion

Th, Sacrament of the will he' ~er\'ed at 2,30 p.m., Sunday

and Bible Classes. Classes ace groups: 7 p.m" Evening

The ~linister will be at both services of the

MOUNT PEARL·GLENDALE Captain and ~lrs. Norman, Corps

Officers. 11 a,m.. Holiness Sen'ice; 2,30

p,m. Sunday Schooi; 7 p.m., Sal· \'atlon :\Ieeting.

A warm welcome awaits you It all City Corps. Come and worshIp.


I the Sabbath Day to Witnesses

t Hnly. ------------

II'F;~T.EY 1,",,, Orl', \1, ~l. ))~\V,; ,,4:1

, Sur.~.)' Srhool ~nd Rlblp j p,m" R'I'. i •. A. D, CUI'·

KINGDOM HALL 49 Morris Avtl1lle

7 p.Ol,. Public Aclrlrw: "The Rral Book of Freedom"; R (I.m., Rihl! Study: "Happy Those Who Refu~f '1'0 Compromise"-l Pet. 3:16.21.

Thuml"y. Oct. 10 - 7.30 p,m"

paid the ['rIce for thee. MARTHA E. BUTLER, Topsail,

GOD It l~ the stability of God tbat Is

the source of Ol1r confidence In Him.

We cannot choose God without chooslna what God chooses,

God has so identified HimseU wiUt man that every pan!: In our hearts Is In HiJ. beart,

Communion Sunday on which day we shall slme in the SRcrament o£ the j..ord's Supper at the morn· ing service and at the conclusion of the eve'ning ~ervlce. Rev, W .• J. Woolfrey will aive the Meditation at the morning service and in the evening 1111'. Vlpund will tell the ,~I'RI!r.iiA~MrSSf()N

r . n"u~I~~ Moul~nrl. .111]'1_11 a,m .. :-I, K. l.p" , jl,l'!I .. ~Iinl~trr.

Puhlic' Bihle Speaking Class: "G1obai Fxp~n~ion'" R:lO ]'lm story of Ray Slannard Baker who ~I\ n I ~ tr'y 'J)~I'ei(lpm~~'t l:l~s~; .1 learned !t the time of s~riou, iii· '.Kl'rp Ahl'eil~t of the Nell' Worlr! I ness !10W to I'elax ~nd find pe~,ce Soelety"-l COl'. 11:1 NW. of mtn.d In, t~e mIdst of bodliy ~;;;;,~,,;,~~;";":';':''''';';'';';'';'__ pain. '1 he Mlnlster will aiso ~peak

.\mhml _ I I A.m" !IIin,

,Ro~rl-2,4~ 1".m" ~lin· CI " S· of a Greater than Ray Stannard 1r15 tUITl ClenCe In whose service one can relax

S ' even while labouril1il st:'enuolIsly --r. f~-~rnl1 N'/' 1'F;A nr. ,1.r.:vnill.F. 1'MiTnRAl,

OClet')' for a grent cause. The music will be IInder the dir~elion of ~Ir. Goul/ln OAmond, L;R,A.M, 'l'he morning service wiil be bruadcast over radIo Itation VOCM.

CHAnGE " I 11 a.11I .. The ~.Iillist~r.. "UDC ay Srl'vicc 11 a,m, Subject

~ rl Lrsson Sermon: "Unreality." B~~::;~~rhool; 1,00 p.m .. Wedncsday meeling 8 p.m. Free

PEARL-7 p,m., The Reading Room Saturday 3.00-4.30 945 p,m, Sunday School Is held at 11

Sa, , 1.10., Sunday School a,m. for pupil up to the age of 20 crament of the Lord's will be administered at Top- .yc;.; .. , ________ _

, ~ Notes " the morning !ervI~f!, 11 nt~nt Pc"'l In the evp.nlng, . "orld \\'irl~ Communion ~n~ ynll Ar~ Im'ltfd til tht ---a-O-W-E-n-S-T-n-E-E-T---

01 Hia Table, lunday, Octob.r " 11 W,orld

WESLEY, . Owln, to the lIlnes! of Rev, Dr.

Butt and the absence of Rev, Weir the Momlna ServIce wlll be con· ducted by Rev, Dr, H. M. Dawe, the Evenina Serl'l~e by Rev. L. A. 0, CUrtl5. Sacrament of the Lorn'! Supper will be Admln!5!er~d at both Itrvie .. , All are welcome,

Oh, God that man would ,~ee 8

little clearer Or judITe ·Iess harshb' where Ule)' cannot see!

Oh, God that man would draw a little nearet

To one another! They'd be near Thee. Not un derstood.

God's plan Ior him: God ran and Actually, what· is patience! Is d~e,s speak to ·Il~ If we are only it not a word for complete trust sUIl enough to Itsten. OUr prayer in the ioodness of God's· will for should ever be: "Speak, J.ord, for our lives, whatever the circum· Thy servant heareth," and not: stances in which we find ounel· "Listen, Lord, .for thy .servant ves? Paul said that the secret of speaketh." They Umt walt upo.n his ability to face life wa.s finding the Lord shall renew .thelr strength in Christ. Therein lies strength does not mea~ repaIr ~r OUr success or fBlure. Content. even make new agam, but }t ment and patience in life come mea n ,s "Shall change theIr through getting ourSelves in har·

The little 1 have seen ot the strength". We shall get Gods mony with God's purpose. We IC' world teaches me to look upon the strength In plac,e of our lI'eakn;ss. complish this only through t!le

~a.n we be ~Ull before God, Just strength Christ gives us be· errors of others in sorrow, not in waIling far Him to speak. because cause of Ollr .faith in Him


anger. Whcn I take the history o[ knowledge come" by revelation, ' one poor heart that has sinned and Jesu~ came to REVEAL the heart I· suffered. and represent to myself of God the struggles and temptat!ons it :lla)':1 s\!~aest that We ~J1 be IIf A Man 'Love Me· ha~ pa5se~ throllgh, the hTl~f P~II'I practical "hout this: ~I~ke timc sa~lOn of ')0>', and the freverlsh \0·1 to he still h~fore the Lord, Those I ' .. --

The rea,~on mo~t minds today vice or counsel, tile difference be are 1IPset is because they lack an gins to shol\·. The adl'ice; counsel over.all purpose. They 'acccpt one and direction an immoral or un· pian of life [or Monday anoUler ethical gives to a Tllesday and. still another' for Wed. patient concerning his problems nesday. They read a book on will be coiored by the way he Thursday and decide that all that lives. If a psychiatrist's Own life matters is "a good time"; Friday is split up into a thousand' frag·

qUietudc o{ hope and {ear. t~e pre· of us II'ho li\'~ near a Chrlleh If m I M h ill ffl sS~lre of want. th~ dersertion of mi~ht slip in for a short 1I'1lile, My ~'ord:? a~~e ~~ fa~er v;i~ frIends, 1 would lam leave the err· now and "~ain althou"h a vi'it 10 loy h·lm' d . '11 t

they hear a radio aermon and de- ments, he will not be able to unify clde to "giVe up drinking": on the complex life which Ute patient Saturday the impulses of the flesh pments him. ' are 5tron~ again and it Is cOllclud. Moral integrity is the abaolute cd that "t cannot help beini what conrlltion of sound· counsel. They 1 .am." Whenel'cr there is com. may have knowledge bul they plexlty, there is unhappiness; have no wisdom which is higher whenever' thefe . is no el'entllal than knowledgc, A driver II'ho port, there (,s little JOY in being has' had a 'succe.,sion of auto bU£leted. by the winos of the sea. wrecks should not be aplluintcJi

Eastern reiiclon~, Slleh as Bud. "President of . the ·Sane nl'ivcrs dhism, have therefore sou\:ht to Ciuh." A psychiatrist lil'ing \\'ith discover happiness by the surpre· a !ouI·th wife, leavine three wreck· sion of desires, Startinc with the I1ri marria~cs bchinll 11im, is hard· principle that wishes, cravin~s 1m· Iy worth con,sulting on one's own pulses, even when <'iatisfie<I, fall 10 marrial(e, produce final ha[lpines~, they con· KnowieJige begin;; wilh books, elUde that the negation of desires but docs not end there, Growlh of is tJle condition of innrr joY. A the intellect· is' detcrmined not iong discipline of the will is l'ecom· only. by what We know, but hy mended ill order to giVe freedom what We love, Wrong litves make to the mind to conicmplaie. The [Or wrona values, Cynics. scep. eye,of the. soul m~d be purced of tics, ~Inndel'el"~ on the one hand, the dust of the senses; the ear SAint" heroes and ~reat pntrlots must shut out ~istractlng vol~e. to on the other, are made by what hear the 81111, qule, silent voice of they love and their ideals. Hence God. There Is a negative value In t'ne Importance 01 seH.purification this philosophy of crushhig evil de. True, human existence be~ins to sires because nl the effect they emerge only when one our-ceerl, ha\'e on characler. A" Ari.tolle in Illlwinrllnr the cocoon or ~~r· wrote: "Whr.n a man fa]l,~ from Mnl, I\'hirh Imnrl~o" th~ hod", virtllr. to, vice,. he becomes I dif· A~ the 'un!!/,I:wnrld di.tllrh~ civic ferent lort of man; when a man peace, 50 the uriderli'orldof An

. I f II • h • ~. ~ " Po an We WI come WI 0 I~~ sou 0 my fe ow I."en II'lt a church IS not essent!al it is \'er~ him, and make our abode with hIm from whose hands It came- helpful. Remember m any such him John 14·25 Longfellow. times of stillness. not to ask God' . ,

for anythinl!, except it be at the --'--If ye be willing nnd obedient. yc oULset to ask God (or c1eanin~ in

5hall eat the !:ood of the land. Isa. Hi~ precious blood. You are "His t:lR, rhil{ What would you think o{ a

For ye $haJl LTO out with jO)', anel child Who nevcr ~poke 10 his fai· be led forth with peace, Isa. 05.12 llCr ",xcent to a~k him fllr some· ---- fhing? 'Vhy, we should lose ~ exaggc!'atcd love or the material, friend if \I'e nel'cr II'cnl to him the carnal, the temporal befog IInlc.s we wanted somrthing (rom and even destro)' peace of soul. him.

}lut Ihe .Blldllbihl way of extin: The value o{ our praycrs d('· guishing desires which militate pr,nds a gooil dr~1 on nur idr.R~ of against the hig.ner scll is n.ot the I god: Ought II'!, not to rellal'rl complete SOIUtI011. What IS the pl'aYl'r not so ulIH'h as ~eltin~ nur use 01 makillJ: nllught of thc finiLe, nceds supplicd or some lroubie re· unless the infinite descends til our mOI·cd. hul r.R a mcan,; of geltin~ nothingncss to lift us up to Him· a n('1I' l'cI'elation of the Lord .Jesus self? Suth is thc mcanin:: of the Christ. anr! Lo learn something Person oC Christ to peace of soul. more of God',; will ror us? Let us He is Divine Wisdom, humbled to i be ,till before God anrl gil'e Him Ule human level. licmg man, He I a chance to makc His will known could su[fcr [or ollr sins and pay to us. . ' their debt; bein~· God, Ills merits 'I'herr is only one reason Ih~t il'ould havc an infinite value, 1 will hr.l!! liS frum ~er.kio~ to 'bc Once the evil anli ~\Iiit were rc· quir.l bdorr. God, lhAt Hr. may moved, for they are the basis of have a chAnce to s!lenk to liS, Rnd all complexity and· disunion, the that is: We do not want to· hear path Is open to the soul. for the' what He will qny, for we know'that innux of ~ Divine Energy. This. HI' will pnt lli. finger on some· enerllY sometimeN is calle.d I(rac~, thing ill our nrc' ~nd r.ay. "For because it is !!rAli~ or Jrer.. Bill vOII_I!>r. ie wron:!.": 1nll II'P' hRI·~ nn one can sce that free !!Irt with· heard tlli~ ~frre an~ We 'dn not nut clean!n!! the window~ of his want tn' h. Wl!fi. soul. then. don't iet u~ talk about 101" . '

• .. Welcome Wagon'

Hostess , Will Knock on Your DOM;

with Gifts and Greeting; trom Friendly Bu!iness :

, . .. ,'t·

Neighbours and Your Civic and Social Welfare . leaders .

On the<t,ccas;on ofl ··'Th".Bl~hof a Baby, ~ City.e'all 2503. ,. ..:. '.


Page 8: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

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Dump The Others! I.G~Y~ Rocket Conference

. . :I\1IAMt, Fla. • ·.lame!! Hoffa, steaming candidate for fhe presidency or'tIle giant Teamsters' .union, happily examines a "dump trllck" hat worn by Mrs. JeaneU~ Col'igon of St. Louis, Mo., as tlte election tug of w~\' reached fever pitch on the second day of the conveli . ion. Mrs •. Corigan says she wears the hat to remmd other convention voters to "dump" their candidates and come over to the .side of Hoffa.-(I.N. Photo). ~

WASHINGTON, D C.-Shown examining ft model of t1le US. Earth Satellite at the opening session the IGY Rocket and Satellite Conference in Washington recently are, left til right: Prof. Anatooliy 1\. onravov, ballistics missiles expert and memher of the presidium of the USSR Acadcmy of Sciences: .Joseph Kaplan of USLA, chairman of the conference; Sidney Chapman, Great Britain, pl'(!:idenl oCthe ference and .L. V. Berkner, Satellite reporter and president of Associated Universitics, Inc.-(l.N. Photo:


World Events·ln Pictures "Faye" Carries A Swallop. ~. End Of, Courtroom Session'

OKINAWA-llere are two of the many Okinawan fishing boats blown onto the beach and pounded Into shat- .i tered.hulks as typhoon "Fayelt roared across t1te island on September 26th The Pacific storm took at least 11 lives and injured more than 50 persons.-{I.N. Photo).

. ~ MAEBAsm, Japan-GI William S. Girard, on trial for manslaughter in the death of Mrs. Naka leaves the Maebashi courthouse at end of the third day of the celebrilted h·ial. From ldt: K ~I Tal. '. interpreter; Major Stanley F. Levin; Girard· Capt. James Keel, and ivlajor Joncs. Girard is accm~111 firing an empty carlfidge from a rifle grenade, kiUing the Japanese woman who was gathering brass

. the Smoagahara firing range.-(I.N. Photo).

en it comes to !BROWNIE



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Messat Managil

LeMessuri have been carl years respecti years, and thi!

who attende deliver ·their

spent his s Works i

Terra NO\ in Prince 0


area, ar. tUne has a

~led by' one He is 15

.10 at Bis ·.,He

Page 9: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he



The Daily News Salutes It's Carlleiers*

Message From The Managing Diredor


\'OU II'h" hal'e made possible one' greatly Rppreciated by your . of the Dally News customers.

thousands of homes In St. I wish you all good health and ann the rest of the island, happiness. a vcry !Inecre Thank You. L. CHANCEY CURRIE

parI ),ou pi,.), daily in the ' liehl is a big one and Managing' Director.

LefiIessurier, age 16, and Cameron Hopkins, age have been carriers with the Daily News for four and years respectively. They have been Scouts for about years, aud this summer Cameron was one of the lucky w~o attended the World Jamboree in England. TPey

deJtvcl' their papers in the Elizabeth Avenue area. ~pent his summer surveying with the Department

Pubhc Works in the National Park, which is situated the Terra Nova area. Bobh boys are now back at

in Prince of Wales College and are delivering their daily.

Island Portugal . 'Cove Carriers Mayor Pays A Tribute T 0 Carriers '. His Worship Mayor H. G. R.\

"lews says, "1 am glad t~ have I this opportunity o[ paymg " tribute to the Daily News carriers. Morning nfter morning the paper is delivered at my door. It doesn't matter whether it's raining or snowing, the paper always arrives and is brought by a 100 who has looked aftcr the route [or sev· eral years.

Many successful men have been newspaper carriers. They often develop into super salesmen. I have never forgotten a young lad with whom I went to school. He was one of the best r,thletes and excelled in football. Nonetheless, he managed to deliver the papers every day and now occupies a very Important position in the United States.

May 1 ex lend my personal con· gratul"tions I othe lads who rIe· spite the current prosperily bring the papers to homes in SI. John's in good and poor wealher.

Conception Bay Carriers

St. John's Carriers


Victor Parsons is age ]3 and attends Bishop Feild ~ollege. He has been delivering papers for over three years in tPe Gle'nridge Crescent, Portugal Cove Road area. Ron is also 13 and is in grade 8 at Bishop Feild College. He has been delivering papers for over a year in the Kenna's Hill area. Both these yout'~ hockey players were chosen for the All-Star Pee-Wee hockey team to go to Ontario to take part in the all-Canada Pee-Wee hockey finals last


s'pring. They gave a good account of themselves and upheld the reputation for all Newfoundland boys.

Carriers from Bell Island, Conception Bay, Portugal Cove and 51. John's attended the annual Daily News Carriers' picnic on August 15th, and during the special day in the country pictures of the various groups of boys, who distribute the Daily News to the cus­tomers, were taken by our photographer Mr. John O'Brien: The

group at the top of the page consists of the carriers ·from Bell Island and Portugal Cove. The centre picture shows all the b~vs from places "aroun~ the Bay," who help to bring the news to th;ir customers, and the picture immediately abo\'e is the group of carriers from St. John's.-(Daily. News Photo).

Arthur Winsor, 14 years old, been a carrier for a

years. He is a pupil at Cur­tis Academy and is in grade

For the past 2 years he has been with the C.L.B. Arthur Jives at 48 Fran!dyu A venue and delivers papers in the LeI'.'Iarchant Road

This page has been set to honor the newsboy

. . . the friendly chap who

tbhe past 1~ ye.ars George Jim is. only 10 and has bee~ brings you your daily paper. een dellvermg papers a carrier .for a year. He is His is a task which is just as

customers ,in the Rennie's a cub scout and has been in important as any other in


thRoa? area, and not once the Scouting the community. He will aI-a~ time has a complaint organization for 2 years. 'He,"" ways do his best to get your fJled by one of his cus- lives at 10 Brine Street and Wendell Gray is a new ad- Ga,rry age 13" Danny Cromer, 14 years old, David Dowden 16' attends Edward McCarthy is age 10 newspaper to you in good

He is 15 and is in is in grade 5A at Holy Cross dition to the Daily News car- Pepperrell Hi gil attends Pepperrell High Parkins' Acade~y ~nd is in and attends, St. Patrick's 'but sometimes rain and

I 10 at Bishop Feild school. He sells papers at riers. He is a gradeS pupil School, and has been a cer- S h 1 H h b grad 9 H h b e Hali Schools. He, has been adverse weather make this ege H . . k' d d'·' , c 00. e as een a car- e. e as e n a cer- '1' 'bl B t' t 'th " e IS a member corner of Hutchings and at Par'ms Aca emY,an IS rier for the Daily News for,. ' .. ' .. .. .' . f S d" delivering the Dm y NeWS Impossl e.. e pa ~en Wl

th~lverdale Tennis Club Hamilton Streets. " 13 years old. Wendell hasy~ars. He· is also a 'Boy ner at. the Base for about a or yea~s, an a mem- for 4 years. Edward is in hill1 and encourage him at all t IS y~ar placed second,. : been witli ,.Army cadets for ...... He is.a member of Ail ber. of the AIr Cadets, 50S grade 5 at school and is times f9r he is your friend h! JUUlor Tennis cham- baseball teamwhichclaimed year. He delivers his pa- 5cout?nd hves WIth hIS par- . , 1 P 11 A' . Caribou Squadron. David doing a good job both in. w~nts to be of'service. III gallles. He was 11- top· honours in the Pony per,s inthe Duckworth Street ents at Pepper1'e~ Air' Force Exp orers at cpperre Ir delivers his papers m the and on his newspaper . "~I;' . ' . '. . .

ember of the Cardinal League this year. . _. area.: Base. . . Force Base. . ' Road area. . route . . , ,

':', ; -;

..... - . I ., ' . "' . " ;. \- ..

J. ,


Page 10: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

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TO •

World Series: . Basketball: Hockey:..

'\ ,

Turley And. Buhl Will Do Mound M.U.N. Willing To N.H.L. Champs l\leet All.S . Duty In· Third Se~ies Game Today Sponsor Hoop Serie$'T ... ht' l' wlkoos Odds T o{l Take Sel''H~S Dil'OP ped To 7-5 . . . I 0 nlg

PhyslclIl Educational ·Instructor completed bef!lre Christmas while, By JACK HAND double or trIple the noise generat· Haney wasn't positive. of Memorial University, Mr. J. iit January the Senior series would' ,

In Montreal MII.WAUKEE lAP)-Bob Tur. ed by 69,000 In New York. Del Rice, who Is Buhl's "per· Douglas Eaton, ·told the Dally 5tart. .. MONTREAL (CP) - Hockey'~ Bruins, wh~le club was polished \ at stake in Ihe j!ame and

ley and Bob Buhl, a pair of bullet. FOR FAST BALL HITI'ERS lonal" catcher, also will be In the News yesterday during an inter· Last year the BIISkelbalt League'. brass conver~ed on Montreal Fri· off by Canadiens 4-1 in the best·. loping r.t the hands of . throwing righthanders, will do The fast ball hitters' on both lineup, replacing Del Crandall. view thaI l1Iemorl~ University is failed to hold an annual cham-: day for a look·see at ~he team of·seven cup final last spring, is i stars m:ght be a

honors today when tbe world ser. clubs-who have been moaning Stengel's lineup always remains wll1!ng to sponsor' both Inter· pionshlp series due to lack ofl supp~sed to be so~ethme .0£ a particularly anxious to knock off i blow fOr the start Of the ies swltthel tei thl6 bucball-daffy r,bout the curves' and changing tentative. It Is expected that he mediate and Senior bllSkethall ser· playing facilities. At the present 'I shOO·lD for ~9515~ tlt1e~. " the proud Montrealer5. He is the .se~l·on.



cit)' after a travel break. speeds o{ Warren Spahn, Whitey will stay with the same men who les this year. . time the Memorial University team . The occasIOn IS tom2ht s Na- team's coach and, with "I feel it will be n re.l • All even FIt one game each after Ford and Burdette-will get ~ played Thursday, with another . Mr. E~ton said that .tbe Umver~. ,uc reigning champs in lh, Inter- i tlonal Hockey Leallue all - .star the top players from five other ment to be2t the ?lI.;tar,·' holding the proud New York chance to swing from their beels. righthander pltcblng. However, Ity is willing to .prov!de tbe facl' :medi2.te section while st. Bon's !?ame when Montreal Canadlens, cl~~:, ,feels he can do it. ~Iake. "Alter lo~I"r~ or;~, Yankees to a split In their own Botb Turley, who follows Don 41.year-old Enos Slaughter might lIties of tbe UDiverslty to the 1 won tbe honours in the senior Lea. : mtact .from INst season, wlll meet \\ eVe, !!ot. an all·star team all lineup I C1n sa!' thai ~'e Stadium, the confident Milwaukee Larsen's no windup delivery, and give way to Kubek, the 2O·year- various city teams and that two gue I the glitter talent voted to the No. the way,' said Milt. "I know the 1 mc~Cn" one of trn Bravel return to their friendly Buhl come from the old "rear back old rookie, In 'left. That would nights 8 week would bealloUed to • 11 and ~o. 2 all·sar combinatio~s. strength o! Canadien~ hut I think; te:m, "e\'er put -"home of the Bral'es" for three big and fire" school. bring back Andy Carey or Jerry the League gllffiell. .Mr~ Eaton, although a member Canadlens, as Stanley Cup wm· We have a ~reat chanCe to beat Blake "'lan~ to life games. Buhl, 29, tied his personal sea· Lumpe to third base where Kubek According to plans already tenta of the Basketball League 'executive I ners, are hosts for the second them." I men fo~r com~lct.

In .harp eontrast to blale New son high with an 18-7 record al· played the second game. tively set ~he University gym Will\himeU was. una~le to ~onf!rm i[, ~traight y~r .. They':e still lo~k- On Schmidt'~. forward line, th~ \ and 'an e::tra forw:rrl. h York where a world series is though he losl r. month-from AUII' PAC"lNG THE SUITCASE be at the disposal oC the Bas~e~ball ~he Leagu~ w~s mterested In hold· . mg for their first Win. They ~led famous DetrOIt one·two sc~rin~ to hi, rr;!ularr. hm h t something tbat happens every ugst 18 to Seplember 12-due to ' Harry Simpson probabiy wlll League. on Monday ~nd Friday mil a. senes In b~th leagues ~ut 1-1 last year and took a 3·1 lick- p~nch ()f ~ordie Howe and Ted Il,e has ~IRrc~1 B~n'n rni October at Yl\l1kee Stadium, there a sboulder Injury. Control 1& hla remain on first base, filllng·ln for nights. The League WIll to Ihe said thFlt he Will be contactinn ng at the hands of .the &lI·"tars Lmdsay Will b~ reunited. Sin~e' Sm·~·e bo'h !or\\'~rd, Po-' Is contagious excitement In the trouble but be bas a blazing strike· the Injured BllI Skowron. It was spl!l the .Intermediate and Senior I the oth,er of~icell of the .~eagull in 1953.· : last season Lindsa)' has been' '~~1';"~:1 o:!a Ille ora·,'! Ir'~ brisk air of Wisconsin. Tbe beer out pitch. He Is a lCowllng, mean· doubtful .If Skowron would gel series as It ,,:ould be impossible to and .m all pro~ablhty. a . Ansta~ tea~s haVe 1I'0n f?ur traded to t~e Cbica:o Black lIon B~l1in". flo !'I·:·el ,,:ti and cheese land never has been looking competitor on the mound., Into action again after re-Injuring run bolh series concurrently. l~ is meeting of cl!y teams 1D enteM" Urnes, bed tWIce and lost tWlc~'1 Hawks. S~hmldt will aha have' hec Ac~s in ('0. ~u~~~r host to a lerles before and there Turley Is a big man with a boy· his back In the opener. Howe~er, ho~ed to start the Intermedlat.e t~e League WIll be held shortly to Both l~sses were to the DetrOit \ sllch h;~h - lIowered scorer. 3,·1 Lca~uc last '~l~on. II illtenll civic pride In "our Ish face who has been called a reo Skowron made the trip and J~st senei In November and have It dISCUSS the malter.. Red Wmg.. Alex D~lvccchio of Detroit, Real: was - 1Ir."uir cd from Braves." formed scatter arm. During the might be Ivailable as a pinch hit· . • • TEAM TO BE~~ . Chevrefils of Roston, Eddie !.ilt.: the C!HT. in ht m:" <. .

(lROWDS CHEEK 1957 season he conquered hI! old ter. Football Games Ted GIllies Left . ~om the tramln% ~amps of the' enberger ~f Chica~o. Andy Bath.: sa\\' little action bwu;. control trouble and wound up with, Mantle went hitless Thursday, . fl\e ot!Jer clubs thiS falI has gate of Nell' York RaDner" and' ju';P< .

ThBUgde ~ro~dsh cheebrpd t~e Br:~es \1 13·6 ~ecord. With the held of baiting lefthanded where .he P d Hi' h. F T W· I come. the general opinion thai Dick Duf! of Toronlo"' 'Maple! FI~;'d Cllrl'),. lnn~ Qno

h urs a~ n Si tk WI end tL ey B ew coach Jim Turner, he has come I claims hI! left leg bothers him. ostpone· '~ or ryout It 1 Canadle~; are the team to beat Let4;. 1 re"lIlar, Is r"co\'erin" . d o~e, on itl hY n c 3u W e~ I ur· up with an extra pitch-a slider He got his two series hits In the ' 'l. . tlli~ season., ." ' In 20al will be Glen Hall who i ini;,r,' but will he dr' t:n!: ~Iftl~ ~~d a~leldlne: bl~~:!i -which he uses In~tead of his old opener. . S b I Th· A M. Ch I tt T The assembled brass wants to: went .with Lindsav from Detroit! ·Blake ~aid hi, m, Into • bea~y tonic. The H vic. wide breaking lurve. Jer~y Coleman .Ieads the Yan· C 00 IS·. ar 0 e earn have !- good look at Ih.e Montr~al \1 to ChIcago. • '1 !ine~ will be inlact . . tory that squared the series THE HERO kee bllters with a .600 average on machln~ a~t t~y to find I 11 ay PRESTIGE AT STAKE nic (Boom Boom) ( : cam~ at the most opportune mo. Covington whose running catch three hits. The veteran jse~ms C1!r· Football games &t:heduled in the or ~l~ngltlht ~Ish 5~~~on'f B t Cloac~ Toe Blake of Canadiens I a touch of the flll, Other mcnt. . on Bobby Shantz' fly belped S8\'e i tain to remain o~ the o. Senior Jntercollegll1te and the High c e ml 0 _os on fec ~ 1115 club· has a lot of prestige: tims hal'e reco\·prer!.

The Yanket5, who seldom fly. ~ Thursday's game, was the big , The umpires shift around to. put School League wbich were sche· M k K H S La rode into Milwaukee al noon, on ~balting hero of the first two I B!lI McKinley of the} tAmlerlc~.n duled for yesterday afternoon were ee er new e t. wrence Church Servic~ ' .. I special train and hustled to \' SNmes with his .500 al'erage. This League be~lnd the ~ a e n IS postponed due· to field conditions. County Stadium for a workout. unsung left fielder has over· lirst game III the National League In Senior College football the Was On' "Shak,r F tb II PI J) li L

OnlyafewoftheYanks-Whlteyishadowcd such sluggers as Eddie park. • . f second of the series was on tap . 00 a ers ay DOW. n~ ea!"\...Ut ... Ford, llickey llantle and Yogll·Mathews, Hank Aaron and Joe Probable startlDiI Ilne~ps or between the Prince of W.lles and G . d " ' '. u Berra-hod played In the park In! Adcock the third game of the series: f Bishop Feild. This game b!! now ronn 8 iHigll Scllool Team the lpu All Star game • F d H New York~Hank Bauer. r, I!i\ :e: •..• hocn Luenag.~leonodPae~.n.sOctober "". . Braves manager re aney . 'll U been rescheduled for Monday after· ~ "_, .1

Milwaukee's second game vIc· said he would move COI'ington up 'I'ony ~ubek. If; MG!Clk~I)CD'OUagnal~' noon 1

I• ed th . dd i h If t th N & I I th b ttl'ng cf' Yogi Berra c; I " " . TORONTO, (CPJ-Howie lleek· The St Law-renee . Holy Cross Alleys and aU

tory S IC e series 0 S n a. 0 e 0 ... spa n e a , 51' lb' Jcrry Lllmps On the Hlnh Schllol scent Ihe HIgh School t d b h Y k h 13

" f d d Id I B b H ss· Harri' mpson. , ,0 I er, fired as manaO'er of the Na· football' . d . ,are reques e to e earl,. , T e an ees, IV 0 wcre ." a or er an wou pay 0 Uf" C 1 2b' Bob TUI" i Salvati' on Arnlv an" St. Teres.·'s "l ers arrive In SI John's· '11 t I •

3b Jerr" 0 eman 1- . U" tl'onal Hockey League Toronto I· t . ht d '11 • I games WI s art 5 larp "orites after the opener, now were ricane Hazle, a late season pre· . ;, " were scheduled at the Memorial • ·'s nlg an WI t b th H I only 7.5 til cop the nonemon from Wichita, in place I ley, .p. . I Park grounds. Thl's game '''111 ~. ow Maple Lellfs in a suddcn move, c;, d St . ;nee. 0 0 Y i The folluwing is the ' d S h d t .. .. said Friday that he knell' for ro.s ~n . '. ~at 5 HIgh School i ~!onda)"s games: ~et, For today's game, the price of Andy Pafko in rioght field, Milwaukee: Re c nen lens I be played this morning at eleven some time he was on "sbaky t:a~s In exhlblhon games over the , SE(''TIO~ A was 11.10, New York favored. Hazle would bat 7th. 2b: Johnny Logan, ss; Eddie Mat· o'clock following the ten o'clock ground." \\eeken~. I -j,l5-

About 4!I,OOO Including standees, Frank Torre a lefthanded hit· ~e\\'s 3b; Hank Aaron, cf; W~s Covb game between Macpherson aud St. Meeker said the decision Thu"s, . The fITs I of the tW? game series Alleys 1 and 2-SI. will jam Into County Stadium but ling New Yorker, may take ovt!r mgton, If; Joe Adcock, Ib, Bo , day by Stafford Smyth-,' chall·r. IS sc~e?uled ~or thiS afternoon I Gower Street. th-Ir d-Ibel cOllnt probably wl11 first base from Adcock although Hazle, d; Del Rice, c; Bob Bubl, p. Pat s. ~ the VISltO s II f ff . ~ ~~ man of the Leaf's hockey com. r , WI. ace 0 agamst Alleys 5 r·nd 6-Georie

mittee, wasn't n complete sur. the St. Pat s High School team. vs. Cathedral.

St. Bon's - Feild Announce Appointments


Two city hockey clubs St. Bon's and Feildlans last night announc· ~d the appointments of their coaches Ind managers for their Junior and Senior squadl for the forthcoming season.


prise. "When I agreed to take The. galT!es are s~heduled Cor -8.30-the 'job I knew It involved a big the MemOrial Park pItch. Alleys 3 and 4-Sall'ation

• risk," he said. vs. Cochrane Street. One of. the most outstand!ng Meeker, promoted to the job in A th FO -9J.i-


athletes In Newfoundland d~~ng April, will be replaced by Smythe. no er Ine Alleys 1 ant! 2-SI. ~lich,!r,ri'i the past ten years, Teddy Gillies, "He feels he can make the, Wesler. enplaned for Charloette. North \ deals that can put Toronto in the Day Fo Game Alleys 5 and 6-St. Carol!na yesterday afternoon where playoffs," said Meeker. "I felt I r Kirk. he will report to the Ch&rolette couldn't If he can then I'll be Clipp~rs hockey team for a lry· h&ppy."·' MILWAUKEE, (API-The out WIth th~ professional club. Meeker discounted the report weathtrman gladdened the

Ted received the offer several that he would join the public reo hearts of world series baseball months ago from the management lations staff of lIIaple Leaf Gar. fans Friday with a forecast of the Ch~role~te hockey club nnd dens. "There was never any men. ~ delight Iyone with tickets after pou~aermg. over the oCfer lion oC my going to work on pub· tor to(lay's tontest. for sometime decided. to accept. Iicity full time," he said. "I'm Predictions call for sunny He leCt yesterday a".d .IS scheduled free to look for another job at Ind pleasant weather with to report at the trammg camp on any time.'" eloudless skies and tempera. October 11t~. Smythe Ilid Thursday • lack of tures in the middle 61ls. A

At ~he AI~port yestcrd~y after- experience was the reason for northwest wind of 15·20 miles noon Just pr~or to plane lime lev· Meeker'. dismissal. per hour was forecast, which eral clos,: friends a! Ted and r; would hlow across left fleld presen.tal!ves o~ ~he St. Bon s F ild J' " tow'lrd the far end of the Athletl.c Assocl.atlOn. presen.ted e umor right field grandstand at

SECTIOX B -7.15-

Alleys 3 and 4-George : '·s. Kirk. J -8.30-I Alleys 1 and 2-St. I Gower Sireet. ! Alleys 5 and 6-SI.

-9.45- .



I All eys 3 and 4-Sall'aJicn .

vs. Cochrane Street. .

I Ted With a partmg· gift and Wish· County Stadium ed him the best of luck. St. Bon's Hockey Practl"ce - ___ -. ___ -----AA President Jim Vinicombe made the presentation to him. •

From October 11th. Ted will go. . . Into the training camp and will The fIrSt open prachce of the. he .t least two weeks before he Feildian Junior hockey team will : will know if his services will be I be held on Monday night at 7 p.m. retaIned by the Club. 'at the Prince ~f Wales Arena ..

Hockey players and fans all over All players mte,rested I~ trYI~g , Newfoundland wish Ted the best for a berth on this season I Feild, of luck In his tryout at Charolette, team are requested to be at this North Carolina. Importl\l1t workout. -----_ ...... - ... _ •....

TO-DAY ------- .. --------

, ,; I ~

The St. Bon's Athletic Assocla· tion announced that Mik,· Wood· ford will be handling the coach· In, relDs of the st. lion'. Juniors this lesson with Frank O'Grady al manaier. Coaching the Senior te6m wUi be Hugh Fardy with Mike Woodford as assi.lant while Jim Vlnlcombe will again be. handling the managerial reins.

.. \,

.: tj ! ,

I 1; .:

d: . ., . j'


.. , , .

The Felldlan Athletic association has announced through the Atbletic Association President Mr. Leonard Levitz that the last year's outstanding netmlnder Bob Evans will be coaching both the Senior and Junior Feildlan squads thl. year. The Junior team will be managed by Ed. Pennell, while Max Bursey bas been appointed another season to look after the manlgerlal· needs of the SenIors.

Both the St. Bon's and Felldlans . expect to start practices IS soon as posslhle. Evans who takes over the coaching of both of the Felldlan teams may not be in between the plp.s this season. according to I

report received, If I suItable lUb- I, .tltute turns out for the position of netmhidlng.

The Felldlan executive aho an· nllunced that Adrian Mlller will be looklnll after properties whUe tbe SI. Bon's property manllger has not been appointed as yet.

Invitations For Feild ·Hockvists .. .

All members of' the Feildian Junior and Seninr hockey teams whll have nol yet picker! up their Invitations for the I'rmntalion o! Prizcs and Dance at Ihe Old ·Col· nny Cluh on Monday niJ:ht are reo lIue.tecl III cllnlacl Max Bursey 10·

. day b)' eHalln. 4456A.

ID. PENNELL ...... - .... , MAX BURSEY BOB EVANS ---

Commercial Bowling League

MONDAY'S GAMES ,. Section . (A)

-7.00-ImperIal 011 VI. FlIrness Withy. 1 Royal Storrs vs. CPO.

-8.15-J. B. Mitchell vs. Dally News. ,Ayre • Sons VI. Harvey & Co.

-8.30-Ayre', S/Market VI, Parker'l. T, N. Motoravi. Bowrini' ••

Weilne,d., -7.00-

Comm. Cable. VI. E. F. Barnes.

sec~;~~~:) Girl's Field Hockey E. Utllitie. VI. Walsh' Bakerl'. Start Today Standard ltC,. VI. Adelaide Mtrs. i 8

-8.15- \ __ Pepp. Comm, V5. G. E. 011. The Intercollegiate Girls Feild J. Clquston vs. N!ld. Am. Works Hockey between the three city

-9,30- college5 of Bishop Spencer, Prince Col. Cordage VI.' Hubley's. of Wales and Memorial wlll get R(lyal Are. W; vs. Hickman Mtrs. underway this afternoon here in

Wednelda, the Capital. . . -7.00- , The openlne game Is between

Nafel VI. Perlin'.. Memorial girls and Prince of Wales McMurdo:s vs. Nfld. T. & E.. and the start of the game I! ICh~,

-11.111-- duled for 2.30 at the Ayre Athletic Royal Garage VI. Underwriters. Grounds. L,N.Y; Ie,P. VI. Geo. Neal. -------

-930.-: Dam. Machinery v •. Baird " Co. O'Keefe'l VI •. G. E. 011.

Sands of Arabia'. deserts some· times reach • temperature a 170 degrees Fa~renheit.

ClluK\ns VI. Simon Levitz. HELD OVER Correct name for plng·pong is . -8.111- to tahle tennis.

AIO VJ. UNF. We regret that owing _____ _ Rerinttt's VI. Nfld, Brewery. JrC!!l5Ure o[ spRce last niKht's Geographic' center o! the Unit·

, -9.30- . C . 1 B}' . cd States Is several miles south B~.I! Ordance va. H. "Hiscock. ommerCI8 nw In, IiCOreS\O( Red Cloud, Nebr. The spot his Fllrness Wilhy va. Harvey" Co I had tn he held over. about 10,000 annllil visitors.

'There 'is No " Substitute For

NOW PLAYING ----- -----~ .. ~ .... ~ .... j.~~... , ~ ....

M.G-M delivera another bl,·JiJe W_ elramal


e,"lM"Sco~ AND MIrrROCOLOl" ...... __ .. ""' __ rH,. ___ · ..... ' .. e __ "'·~



M.4.TINEE % P.M.


MATINEE-ADULTS .t ••• 5Oe. CHILDREN ..•••• Z5e



HE WAS THE BIGGEST SHOW THE CITY EYER HAD." and she was lis leading lady!


IImtlllHlm.·:fNIl mt ·lillRanm _ ....... MI_·..,. • .I1 •• IIIt:! ... · .. ...... u •• · ....... IIIII_u, .. 1_- .iii








Page 11: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he


.. ~ .. - , CAllY NEWS, SATURDA V, OCT08ER 5, 1957 , .

oto ctiOD •

eniD ame ·or eries " , . ,

'J::.ABOVE PHOTOS Ire aequenee pliotol of the opening game 'or the World SerIes: .The tlrst sedlon'of photos (left, from top 1>0 Number Four) show. thetYankees' doubleplay when.the Braves nabbed lIank Aaron in J;oing Into second'and Joe Ad~ock at first. " 'N MBEJt, ONE .bo". Gil McDoligall flipping the ball' to Gerry Coleman to 'get 'Aaron. NUalBEI,t 'I'WO shows Coleman ripping the ball to Skowr~l\. to nail Adcock. NUMBER THREE shows Coleman leaping as he trIes to avoid Aaron on his thI'CIw to first. .

',o::'BER FOUR ahOWI McDougall running to the dugout .. Mllwaukee'ls reUred. The' BO~OM PHOTO of left sectlon'ls a cl(l~e~p of Adcock being forc,ed at second on the above·mentioned play. MIDDLE SECTION (from top to bottom) shol's,NU~\j)ER ! NU E M,lcby Mantle (left) and Hank Aaron posing before the 'flfBt'.llame Iff the, World Series: NUMBER TWO sllOws Yogi Berra sliding In safe,lY,at third base in the second Inning with Ump're Donatelli callng hm safe ... Frll~1rated pla)'er of Braves Is Matnl~\\,S. \

, SE~B~R THIU:E showl allckey Mantle being called, ouhln the f1rst"lDDIDI.of the opening game as he Irles for second. Schoendlenist makes tim force. nO'f1'OiU PHOTO shows the first pitch of series with Whitey Ford delivering to Schoendlenlst who grounded out 1 '':~ " ih ES OF PHOT08 ON RIGHT (from top to botlom)-Thll'sequence, one'to four, !ihoWR ~lickey 1Iiantie caught stealing second hi ihe eighth Inning. NmJBER ONE shows nticke~' Mantle (No. (7) 'sliding as ball approachcR glove of Logan. NUMEER 'TWO' : ~~ ~"';,~;.::,':!~r..!v=~~,~)~H~EE Vm"'. M,~""", j~U' ~~~: u(, b,1 NVMBEI, ~OVR .b,w. ,hi" Ib,mbl., him, "I. Th. BOTtOM .1I0ro .h,w. GUM,,,,plr .IWI" I, u(,ly ". ~':~~ ::','.' bl~~Ih'~I: .""". M~'"~~:,~~~,,:~';' ~ ,

Page 12: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he




Your living room 15 the most 'popular room in your home. Whether you are entertaining friends or watching T.V. with the family, you want relaxing cQmforl afte~, a busy day. In these superb chesterfield suites you get all the features looked for in a modern chesterfield suite' and, best of all, you get them cit a price you can afford. Feel the fine fabrics, check the sturdy slat spring construe tion and the comfortable cushions, you will be glad you came in and made your choiCe from the fine. selection at the showrooms of tlie Great Eastern Oil.

FROM . $155.00 UfI


CONVERTIBLE CA.RRIAGES Every mother will appreciate the won­derful ease of handilr;lg, the effortless, floating ride' of these fine Carrioges. Completel y washable elostic fabrics make them 50 easy to keep'c1ean. You can take the Carriage along In your car, too, It's easily collC!psible or can be cpnvered In an Instant to a stroller when thse littlest blessing grows bigger. Available in a choice of attracli'ye pastel shades •• ' • a beauty \ at a bar­gain price.





Sturdy, Stylish Kitch e,n Chrome . '

Gay patterns, a"ractlve colou~ c"mblnations. 'in 1 'washable, Itain·reslstant plastlCl, truly the lau word in kitchen or dinette fur!'lltur. for the modern, home.



Buying on hire purchose frem the Grear Eastern Oil dees not Involve a third party. You buy direct from and pay' direCt to

The Great Eastern Oil . ' '

COmpany, Limited


WEST .643 .A73 • J 05 3 .,. 1004

NOBTH(D) 'n .KQ985 .K .42 "'AKQ95

EAST -.107: .109842 +7 ",B1U

SOUTH .AJ 'QJ65 • AKQ 1098 ",J

North and Soulh vulnerable North East South Welt 1 .,. Pass:l • Pass 2. Pass 3. Pass' 3 • Pass 3 N .'P. Pass 5N.T, Pass 6N,T. Pass P~IS PaiS

Open In' lead-¥ A i 1 ! 1--_____ . -',

; BY f1SWALD JACOBY TODAY's hand Is R lesson In

i fine bidding. Let's start with the i opening bid by Ottillie Reilly, well-


knOWn New York teacher. She bid one club. Normally with

two good five-card suits you should 'open with the higher ranking, but clubs and spades are the one ex· ception since the club 'opening makes rebidding easier.

, Sally Johnson of Westport reo sponded with an immediate jump to two diamonds. With 18 points In high cards and a very strong s[)c-card suit Sally did not walt to show her strength merely be· c&use she only held one club.

ottillie's two· and three· spade rebids showed thnt she held five spades and therefore at least five clubs. (With four clubs and five spades she would have opened one spade).

Sally's bid of three no· trump showed heart strength and left It up to OUillie to move If &

slam was in the orring. OUllIle moved all right. She had shown her distribution but had not shown her 17 points. Her· prob· lem was to find the best bid and she came up with five no·trump. - ThIs fine bid told Sally to choose the spot for the slam ani! Sally lVas carelul to hid It In no-trump. It Willi B cinch that ottillie h~ld the ,king of hearts for her fi\'e • no • trump bid. It was also R cinch that the part· nership held enough high cards for the slam .... Not only would no.trump count more than 'a suit (the game was duplicate without honors scoring) but it had to be s2Jest.

Nothing could be ruffed at no· trump and a bad break In on'e suit could not hurt the no·trump slam. .

It was well that ,!he picked no· trump. Spades Bnd clubs would make also, hut the rlianlond slam WM certain defeat because of the bad trump break.

Q-The bidding has been: South West North East

? • You, South hold:

.8 '1A Q 7 65 +A K 9 6 5 ",:r z What do you do? A-Open the bidding with one

heart. 'With two five • card suits you should bid the higher. rank· Ing one first exiept with dubs and spades.

TODAY'S QUESTION Your partner raises your one·

heart ,)lId to two. WhFtt do you doT

Answer Mond.y

.The British House of Commons was struck and badly damaged by German bombs In World War H.

Smallest of the owls Is the tiny ~It owl 1'1 sllllthll'cstrrn Dnited


Slates and western Mexico. It ·Is IIUlIU~' ~IX i,IIChl'S lung. _ ... M··_·_··· _. ____ . __

, "I N~w

York's Metropolitan Op'era House ..•• .utu" . J, Illl':lt' un Uct.

Z::, 1883.

• . .. ." , .. j~f "V~, t ",' "i.M

" - ... --~-.. , ... -II---..;...-.;;.;...;.-..;..-...;....-~---__ .;...;..;. __ ~I ' -_.-' I,

• I

. '



.' ~ ..

A complete line AUTO ACCESSOI

, alway' ,In .toe DIAL 90141



For all yuur Bu lleljuiremenls

80,161 - 80

~"''''''L SlAT

Page 13: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

-------------_-..:.-_----_.,.,- -, -• 13


CITY ELECTRICAL---' COMPANY, LTD. Engines Hardware Stores Oils, Lubricating S toves Fix Youngster's

Room So He Can Take' Care Of It



-----J. H. ROBERTS LTD. --, • Sole Agents In

TRASK FOUNDR~ LTD.-!6~ WATER ST. Manufacturers of E~Gl:\EElUNG :l

• LTD. 1 __ -- I Dlstrlbuturs of:

E. Ind S. BARBOUR L'[8,-~

. Kelvin Marine Diesell Kelvin Ricardo Gas Englnea.


CALL Newfoundland' for






f5 SPRI:\I,Do\LE ~T. ' Fi!l. r f(ici~nt Scrvlc,

HAROLD SNOW ----. ' Full Line of Spare Part~. CALLI. 'IAN and CO. FIRST oPP. C.N.R.



& SON, LTD. m . m WATER ST. DIAL 4811

DIAl. :037 Industrial Electrlcl-D' " Hamilton Street. \' _ ~ ________ _

Ofllce 2m Ru. m, Florists --------Accessories

DIAL 5968


Dlstrlbutorl for Sunbeam Electrical Appliances.

Sold, all over Newfpundland ' DIAL 23M


DIAL 80~9t.


DIAL 3815 • 7333

Taxicabs A·I TAXI I

Contractors Supplies IiOWSE OF FLOWERS

Serving St. John' •. from 2 locations:

Sporting Goods and Sport. wear for all occasions.



FLY WITH TIIE R.C.A.F. For full Information


AIR FORCE Recruiting Unit: 177 WATER ST.

CALVER AVE. DIAL 3150 • 5'76

When a youngster leave/; ~ nursery behind ana marches off to school, his rOom usually bene­fits [rom some "growing up" changes, too. He may need morl light and space to practice "home­work" and to entertain his friends. More grown·up furniture and 1I

bright color scheme may be In order.

He'! also ready, I think. to take over part of the responsibility of keeping his room in order. An at­tractive room with smooth, easily cleaned surfaces. a minimum of clutter and a,s much planned stor­age as space permits will encour­age neater habits.

" eomplele line of AUTO ACCESSORIES

allfl\'s in .tock DlAI. 901"



102 WATER ST. DIAL 7410 Heating

Advice for every paint job, Complete up-ta-date stock. For fast service call 80198. 111 PENNYWELL ROA.'O

Anywhere, Any place, Any time.


Parts [Whole]

Nfld. Armature

Workl 38

Bambrlek Street

Dial 7191·2


C,lliES ar.d PASTRIES ~bde In Newfoundland

Rill O'Chllll DIAL 2668


for ~II r""r llullrlinl Rp~uiremrlll! c;\11 .Ot~l - 80m

ng Materials R;\:\IlEU., I.TD._--.

8tJlLlll~G RI:UUllumt:NTS

1l1,\L 716. up-to-da~ Bem.,

HemmeeUnI 10ld DIAL 7181

reh Supplies L S"l ATIONER't

Completf Church rurnl'" m,. lad Rtllglous ArtleleL

IllAL mz f84i WATEI n.

Compounds ,

RAMn.TON AVENIIE Healing and Ventilation.

Structural and Re·lnfn?cing Steel.

DIAL 80111

---------------------Delicatessens BELL'S PASTRY 'and --. DELICATESSEN

153 DUCKWORTH liT •. DI"L 7197

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK from 11.00 I.m. to 11.30 p.m.


LAMBERT'S COUGH SYRUP can be obtained It


DIAL 2201


~t. Clare Ave ....... DIal 8933 Leng's Hill InI

Queen's Road .. Dial U81 'loA. Jlulldlnl, '

.Duck worth 8t. •• Dial 31Si

Dry Cleaning DOWNS DRy----­

CLEANING LTD. Covering St. John'. with

Fast, Efflclent Service. 14 HAMILTON AVE.

DIAL 6985

Electricians MARINE, DIESEL Ind


34 HOllr Service for Repair. '0 Motors, (lenerators. and Household Appllancel.

DIAL 519t

Fruit Stores D. C. BISHOP---- ,--------

!~7 NEW GOWER ST. Pianos and Organs EMPlltE FRUIT STORES -­

For the Freshe~t Fruit In Town call . , .

EMPIRE FRUIT STOD 164 Patrick Street, Dial Z852

L 376 Duckworth. St., Dial S911 2 Locations: _____ _----I

Fire Insurance CROSBlto.: co., LTD.



llTAL 5031

Fish Stores ,


14 PRESCOn ft.

DIAL !221

Service, Quality, Variety

Dwsm Complete Plumbing aDd

Heatln. Service .



no WATER ST. DIAL 4183



itep. General Eleclrle

II KIng'. Road Dial 2916


CALl.; S. W. SHORT DIAL 2631

Furniture. Movers Horne Industries HOUSEHOLD MOVERS-

& SHIPPERS LTD. WHOSE HHITHDAY?--, Cerlalnly a han~marle arllele

from NUN IA If onli the Best

will do.

TORM1' ROATl PaCKillg, Crating, Shlpplna

Agents lor Allied Van Llnel, T. C. HIBBS, Manager

Res. 6455; OffiCII 90061·1


III DuCJtWOa'l'll tr. lMal aft4 lon, 411l l n<l IIIO\'lu. J II plcklna. eralln, In4 .blppl",. ewe ers M.mbtr. or C.W.". and M,M.T.o\.'

"1.011 ror U.llo4 VI. 11 .....

A. L. COLLIS ------, plano and Organ Showroom:


'actory: \Vater St., Hr, Grace }' .0. Box 358

Picture 'framing' AnT SUPPLIES ----. ART SHOP

13-1 BOND ST. Waler Colour and Oil·Palnt­ings painted on request by P3ul Parsons,

DIAL 30054


Photography •


16 rLT~ASANT liT. " DIAL 2958

Wedding Phutos, Portraits

and Commercial Photography


Newfol1nc\1anrl views artl:;Llc· ally mount erl nnd framed. See our selection.

Paper Products THE 'LA WRENCE .-:..

NFLD. CO., LTD, New Location:

209.2l1 DUCKWORTH ST. Paper snd Paper Products.


OWe. 2815, Warthou •• 10521 TIIOMPSON'S-----'


DIM. 6288 • 7fi31

Gift Shops Wilen lelectinl I OIamoJld RIng lee otlr private Dlamund


ACE and SUPER TAXI I Skillful use o[ wall space can fI­

lieve pressure on the limited floor area most children's rooms have. For example, toy storage chests mounted on the walls free the space beneath for play. Desks, homemade or boullht, can be brac­keted ta the wall.



123 WATER ST. DIAL 80366


ACE or SUP:R TAXl DIAL 5589 • 6730


--.------------------ Tile floors New lighting fixtures which

.swing out from the wall and can be raised Qr lowered to put light where it's needed leave chesL and play surfaces unencumbered by perishable lamps. 'These come in many plain and fancy styles. Those with unbreakable metal ,hades are orten favored_for chilo



Eleclric ~Ieat Saw. DIAL 2536

--.-------------------S,ervice ,Stations -PALMER'S --------,



IJIAL 3518



Groa~e and Oil Ch~nges. Au[o Acce5,,'rie •.


Service Stations MARSHALL MOTORS---;

FISK TIRES Guaranteed, against Cllts

Blowouts. Bruises, Under Inflation. Call

MARSHALL MOTORS Water St. Dial 80031 ,--------







I i I

dren's rooms. • If you plan to buy Or make DtW

furnishings, combine practicality, I I with charm. This would seem the

__________ obvious course, but we've all seen some child's room weighted do ..... n with oversealed hand-me-downs Or rickety chairs or fragile fabrics that show soil too quicklY.

Tobaccos When a child ha,s to be cautlon­

GEORGE ed continually 10 be careful of WASHINGTON things in his own room, the fault

may lie in the furnishings. You dm refurbish hand-me·downs with

. wa;hahlr. paint!'. You can rescale : Ihem by Irimmin~ off le;:~ Hnd I mounLin~ on f1u3h ba~c," Or ~trip

Distributed by FRANK

I\lcNAMARA I:rn.

I off excp.;., trim ann rh".n~e fane:: ______ .... -.:..--- 'drawer plll1~ (or simlller ones.

Lill1t~-scalcrl contemporar:.- fur­nilure can be antlll·oizer! and still not o\'el'crOll'fl a ~ntall·room. Ann YOll ("nn eX!1FCt it to h~t {or year.s.

Dial 5143:44

TIn:; "M.UE 01 washable fur· I nilure linishp~. an ab:<rnce of dust

WHEN YOU WANT A TnUCK ~calching ~l'ca,1 and ~tlll'rlY., col~r. 1 'PHONE IIMDlNG'S \ 'I fast machinP-wahh. ahlp. {~bl'lc~ will


TRUCKIl\G SERVICE ,not h4! ~I rull~' ~flPI'~cJiI!ed b~' the

UpriJlgdale St. 'PluIIIC 32H i ),oun>( ocru[lanl R~ h,r hI:; mother.

Furniture and Piano 3111\'ing 8 I i Whet hp. 11111 apnl'eclale are some Sf1eci~lIy; also Crane Truel! o( Ihp. ~imrlp chan;e:; that will for Hire. II ~ppen him Ihrough the picking-up

ctlOTP -' \\'ith f~l\'rr fru~traions. Fix hi~ hrd ~o Ih~t it is ea5Y to

U ph"lstering --~



Tailor·made Slip Coven 1lI!1.I. 6449

make. You r:jn take .l:uardralls of{ a rhilrl'! hrr\: mount i\ frame on (1'rp.lIltCl'lin;: caslers ~o that it ~\I'inlZs out eMily from the wall; invest In a couple 0 f contoul' sheets or remodel old straight ones so corners fit snugly. A tailored. boxed .spread is usually easier ror young hands to put in po~ition than one that mu~t be fen­erell.

AI'range clolhes closet so that he CB.ll rt'sl'h and han~ up his own things. In OUr ca~e thl~ munt

__ ~ _______ IOIl'~l'ing Ibe rod ~nd bllyln:·. (~IV s1l1all-~i1.etl pla~t1c hangers tlmt fit small jackPts and dresle helter than slippery wire One!.

Electrical Appliances LAMGY'S '

iEMEl'tlBRANCE SHOP Gifts, . Gamel, Toya,


Commercial Publishing and

DiAL 2109 Used Cars Eliminate outgrown or outworn

ADELAIDE MOTOR.S-- c1othe~ so that these don't take up valuable space in closet or dra-


AlleliC,. Dtplrtl!ltlll US Water St . Dial ZIOI

NovelUeb, Cout'. CardJ for 111 occlslenl

DIAL ass Matches BRYMAY ----­


Advertising. lIhgazines, Pamphlet" l!rochur~s, Company

Newspapers,. Programs DIAL 1287 P.O. BOX E·544%

Snack ·Bars ED'S LUNCH ___ ---.

LIMITED wer.. I learned from my young­ster that the reaSon ne wa5 reluc­tant 10 put clean c1othe~ away waJ that the drawers wert overcrow­ded. If he pulled hard to open them. they were apt to fall out.



Until we can buy him a bigger and belter-built chest, we fixed


Nell'loundland'. Cleanelt . lOll d. Oblalnahlr. at




Wiring Materials, Wire and Cablu, Motors, Starters,

Lamps, Swllches, I.Ightlng ~·Ixtur~~. ctc.

Grocers B. WALSH ---------,


Distributed by

FRANK McNAMAltA LTD. \ Queen St.. Dial 5'-'1· U

Radio .. TV Repairs GREAT EASTERN On.


~ledding Anniversarv

, .... ~~ ;:.

the old one by emptying the dra­wcr~ of ('Iothes h~ noesn't wear nften to make room fOr Iho.e he o:ior.s. We \\'~xp'l the nmne!'! lo'r !moother opening Rnti r.l05in~.

• 21K Dl'l'KWOR1'H' ST. IIIAI. 2U~


Electrical' S~rvice JONES ELECTRIC ---,


Specialbls In Motori, Geller.tors. Steam Irons and all Household Appliances.



Eledrlcal Contractor t08 W Iter Street,

8t. John's, NewfoundlHd.

You Choice of what you need • DIAL 51fiO



.... PORTUGAL COVE ..... ; .... You can buy 'your grcceriel just as cheap as In St. John's and have them delivered to your door without charege.

We live D.P.S. ·Stamps

Garbage GARBAGE --:-, --..-....:..-.

DISPOSAL Do yOLl have I garbage DiI· posBI problem In your base­ment or garden? If you have,

, call 7575 Ind your worries 'are Dun.

Meat Wholesale CA~IPstLL'S !IIEAT MARKET

, R.p ..... ntln. R\'GRADE rOOD PRODUCTS


·Meat' Markets



DIAl 3469 • . , Compleb L1p-to-date

Meat Market





TV.Radio.Car Radio Repairs 705 WAn:R STREET

CALL 6865 At Night, Day, Holidays or . Sunday [or Fast Service and

Guaranteed work call 7727A.

Real Estate A. W. BROWN -----.



'PHONE; 2005

Soft Drinks ALLIEiJ AGENCIES--- '

F R,R SRI E With Free Triculour Flashlite


217 New Gower St.

Stoves R. W. BAlTh"ES ---­



Immediate Delivery DIAL 92718

" COllgl'~t\1li1tions arc extended to !. 'rh~ do ubi; - hit!ed .1x~ \1'3~ 1\

:lIr. amI )Irs. Azariah Vol;cy who, .eh~lous s~mbol 10 Crete and will ohserve their firtieth weddin;: .. elsewhere. . annh'p,nill'\' on I"ririay. Octohcr i Le n" d d V' . t k b t .' .' I . ' a or 0 A lOCI 00' a ou 4th. 1 hp)' were married. :n. Ho ~ , lour yeilrs 10 complete his ramou! Rcrleem~r Church. Spam31 d 5 Bay,; painting. the "~!OlJa Lisa." h)' the Re,·.E. C.Clench

Sympathy The dOllk~y wa~ one 01 Ih.

first animals. to be trolned by man.

The ~arth well:hs about 6.000 Th~ ~)'11Ip.thy of the whole com. million million million ton~.

1111111ily goes out to the family of • . the late Clifford Hulchings of TiI- l"~ hen he wrote Ipe ac~ol1nl of ton who was' drowned in Long us journey 10 Cathay, ~Iarco Pond on Tuesday, Sepleillber '24. i it~;~ \\'a5 In a prison at Genoa, His funeral was held on ~hur5di1Y I .' ______ _ afternoon and the Service'. was: Ja.mes Monroe was Ihe first conducted by Rev. L. Ii. J,. Ludlow: presidentto be inauguraterl out· of Harbour Grace DespIte a heavy I doors hefore Ihe U.S. Capitol. downpoUf,the Church of All Saln:s, ....... -'-----was fiUed to capacity. Btlral was in Milwaukee is located at thA the family plot. Clifford wa. nearly junction of the Menomonee. ~lil· twenty-two years of age. waukee and K1nnlckinnl~ Rivers.

~--~--~~~--~'~--~~----~~~----~---------Phone 8m

For Our Readers' . Convenience' -Designed _. '

, . , ..:---";,.;"

, ',I ,---_ .. I I'

. , .

Page 14: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he


· . ·r " . Ii , I · , ( I ,I · ,

'1 ~



:' '

I' .

',', '.



Now Is tM' Ume for your new' .



Cabot Construction . ", and . Supplies ltd. .'-

01.1 5658 Duckworth St. • Aftt'r ht'urscall

. MR: •. JAMeS ADAMS. 7931H

I 1951 ROVER SEDAN $&00.00 '


Baird Motors'ltd DIAL'. 80.378.9 .'

Newfoundland ,Services


SERVICE Train "The Caribou" leaving st.

John's!i p.m. to·day ,Saturday. will : make connection at Port aUK Bas· ques with S.S. Bar Haven for reo gular ports South Coast Service.


'I'rain "Thc Caribou" leaving st. \ .John·s 15 p.m. lo·day, Saturday. will lnake connection al Corner Brooil with /II.V. B~navisla [or rC~lIlar I ports st. John's·Corner Brook Service.


Furness, Withy S Company . Liverpool st. J'lhn's Bnstoll HallfBl Sl

tn to Hb. a: to to SI. John'a Boston Dalifas 51. John'.

·Th. follo~i~g' listc:if persons whqse lie enses to operate Motor Vehicl~s' have be&n

IUSpenCleci is published in accordance with t he provisions of the Highway -Trdffit Act·

Ch~Pt~r ~~. olth~: Revised Statutes, 1952, cis Qmended:'

MERRYMEETING. ROAD ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' ~i I CONNf:CTION BAY. RUN _. \ I'LACENTIA BAY

Rcgular 8 a.m train leaving St. :

"Nol'a Scotia" Sep. 10 scp. 14 'Newfoundland" Sept 14 Sept 21 Sep. 27 Oct. I "Nova Scotia" Sept. 28 Oct. 15 Ocl. 11 Oct. 15

. . ' .. IT TAKES JUST : John's ;I!onday, Octobcr 7th, wiJ\ : 1 make connection at Argentia with i . ~I.V; Burin [or the Bay. Run I

"Newfoundland" Oct. 16 Oct; 23 . Oct. 29 Nov , OI~ova Scotia" Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 19 Nov: zj

' .. . HAM'! ADDRESS Date of

• •• 0 ' Suspension Kinsella; Patrick ... ~, .. .-... Logy Bay. SI. John's East .... " .. Aug. 17/57 Webb~r, Kenneth' ...... " Happy Valle>', Labrador .; .... ,,' Aug. 23/57 Noseworthy, ,Thomas J •••••. Maklnson's, C.B.· ................. Aug. 30/57 MeDtinald, William ..... ;.. 36 Pearce Avenue .. : .... ,; ..... Aug. 22/57 O'Reilly', Patrick .' •.....•.• ;' ••. Kenmount Road •..•.••..•..• ; •• Au~. 29/57· Greele~''''Harolil ....... ::;.' . Portugal Cove St. John's East .... Aug. 28/57 Blitndon,'Fred .......... ; ... 96 Grenfell Avenue .............. Aug. 26/57 Earles, George' J ............. 18 'lIIullock St ........ ; ••..••.... Aug. 16/57 St; croix, ~onald ........... 51. Mary's ...... " ............... Aug. 19/57 King, Mark ... ~ ............ Bauline, St. John's East ......... Aug. 16/57. Mahon, Richard •...•••••••• Logy Ba>', st. John's East ..•.•••.. Aug. 29/57 Conway,' Joseph ........... 171 Forcst Road: ............... Aug. 26/57 Patey, Daniel •...••..• ; •.. Groves Road .................... Aug. 2B/57 K"'anagh, John .......•.••• FI~trock, St. John's East. .••••... Aug. 30/57 Strickland, Benjamin ....... 139 Cashin Avon·ue ............. Aug. 24/57 Yetman. Lel'l ............. ·.Emplre Menue ......... -........ Sept. 4/57 Soward •. Andrell' ........... Topsail Roael ..•. , .. :; ......••••. Sept. 4/57 Mador. Norman ........... 23 Patrick SI .................... Sept. 5/57 !lrad[ord, Myron ...••....• Buckmaster's Field ...••...•..... Sept. 4/57 Lewis, James ., ............. Avondalc, C.B. .. ............... Sept. 5/57 POII'pr, George ............ 18 Froucle Al'enue ..•........... Sept. 21/57 GIRI'inc, William J ........... Harbour Grace ..............•••. Sept. 9/57 Green. John ............... Winterton, T.B.· ................ · Aug. 2B/57 Fole)'. Ronald .•..•••••••••. Little BarrlslI'ay. P.B ........••. •• Sept. 5/57 Garner, James ~I .. ·.; •..•• ; .• Pepperrell, A.I·'.B .........•••.... Au·~. 3D/57 Woodford, Thomas ......•.. Harbour Main, C.B ..••.•.••.. ••·· Sept. 5/57 Thornell Charles E .... : ••.. Pepperrell, A.F.B. • ....•••..•••. Au;;. 8/57 !lult, James. " .... : ....... Happy Vallcy, Labrador .......... Sept. 9/57 Best, ~aymond .............. Goose Ba>', Labrador ............ Sept. 9/57 Walsh. Peter ••••..•..••••• Kilbride, st. John's West. .....•.. Sept. 6/57 Dunph)', Alphonsus L ....... Wood fords, C.B ................. Sept. 9/57 Cmoll, Norman E ....•.•••• Goose Bay Labrador ••........•• Sept. 4/57 Cordova, Jose P .............. Pepperrell: A.F.B ............... Aug. 19/57

• Parsons, Clarence ........... Bell Island ..................... Sept. 23/57 Hammond, Thomas J ........ Bell Island ..................... Sept. 16/57 Kenny. Peter .............. Colllers, C.B .................... Sept. 10/57 Costello, Clarence ...••••••. Conception Harbour, C.B ...•••••.. Sept. 9/57

Period of .. Breach or Sec • Suspensillll 'of C.C. Codc'

12 Months' .223 6 Months 223 9 Months 222 3 Months 2~1-1'

12 Months 223 12 Months 223 24 Months 223 and 225·3 12 Months 223 24 Months 222 12 Months 223 12 Months 223 12 Months 223 12 Months 223 24 ~Ionths 222 24 Months 222 3 ~!onths 221·2

12 Months 223 12 ~Ionths 223 12 Months 223 12 ~Ionths 222' 12, ;llonlhs 223 6 Months 222

24 Months 221·2 12 Months 223 12 Months 222

6 Months 223 , .: 12 Months. 222

9 Months 221·1 24 Months 222 12 Months 223 6 Months 223

12 Months 222 12 Months' 222 6 Months 222 6 Months 223 6 Months 223

12 Months 223

For Fast Taxi Service


Dial 2424 •. 2410 Open 6.30 a.m. to 2 a~m.

GREAT EASTERN OIL & IMPORT CO., lTD. Radio, Television, Washers. Refrigerators\ Deep Free1ers.

Electrt c Ranges, Floor Pollehers. Gramophones,

Public Addr~s~ Systems. Tape Recorders .


DIAL. 300l 10 300S

WATER ST. lan26.1y ... - ....

DAYS to prove that ~e are now bringing you the best



in town

For Fast, Efficient Service .and the best dry clean. ing in town, call us now.

DIAL 5155


CALL US NOW I spt.13,tf

A fr,e service provided by the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH assisted·by the SUNSHINE CAMP ASSOCIATION


Vaccin. will be given at the following centres to all those who had 1 or 2 i~oculation5 of Salk Vaccine in April or . May, '1957. , For maximum protection three inoculations should be re~eived •.

One hundred million Inoculations have be!!n glv&n In North America without ill effects.


HOURS: 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p,m. and 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. , MONDAY, OCTOBER '7 TUESDAY, OCTOBER I WEDNESDAY. OCTOBEJl t . ...,

.. CENTRE ..;..-.--.....,;".------------.. -.-,---.. -.---------'--....,---~------------

. St. ;/oseph's \ . Convent,.

Quid! Vidl .Road'

'Y.W.C.A. . Club Room! . . Harvey .Rd ,

Westmount . Community

Centre. Cashin Ave


.. , 'K. orc. " . Bulldlftll, .

St Clare . ' Avenue

.. '"

1 ..... 1

. ,t "I.' .. , , ,


Signal Hill Road _ Signal Hill Area Battery Roads

Harvey Road Parade st. Cook St. Field St.

Plymouth Road Devon Row

Cookstown Road Spencer St. Boncloddy st. Scott st.

Hamilton Ave. W. of Patrick SI. Albany St. Albany' Place Cornwall Crescent and James Lane Heights Amherst Hgts. Cornwall Ave. Glenview Terr.


LeM.rehant Road from St. Clare Ave. to . Harvey Road Hamilton St. East of Patrick SI. Pleaslnt St. East- of Pal.rick St . Patrick St. SprIngdale st. Charlelon St. . POWIi' St.. Coronation st. Carnell St. . Atlantic Ave. Convent Sq. Brazil Sq. Brazil St. Moliroe St. Cabot St. Cuey St. .

I· Quidi Vidl Road Cavell Ave. Forest Rond

Howe Place Temperance st Forest Ave.

Bonaventure Ave. frem Harvey Road to Empire Ave.

Fort Townshend Catherine St. William St.

Barnes Roa6 . Mullork SI. lIIonkstown Road

LeMarehant Road W. of SI: Clare Pleasant SI. W. of Patrick St. Golf Av~. Bradbury St • Campbell Ave. • Monk St Beaumont St. . St. Michael's Ave. Carson Ave. Bennett Ave. St. Clare Ave.


Barler's Hill John St'. ' Flower Hill Gilbert St. Dunford St. Lime St. George,St . Queen St. Waldegrave St.

Central 51. . Clifford St. McFarlane St.

. Stephen Sl. . Adelaide st. .' Goodview St. Wickford St. Sebastian St . Llon's·Sq.

. Empire Ave. East of King's' Bridge Road King's Bridge Road King's Bridge Court Quidl Vidl Village Lake View Ave. Lake Avenue

Empire Ave. from Mnn~stown to Bonaventure Circular Road from Botavcnture to Monkstown Belvedere St. Fleming St. Maxse 3t. Hayward Ave McDougall St. Howley Avenue

of! Bonaventure

Mount Royal Ave. Morris Ave. Smith Ave. O'Neill Ave: .' Kftchener AVe. lit" Pleasant Ave. • Prowse Ave. Grenfell Ave. Pennywell Rd. [rom Ca!hin tei Golf Ave. Empire Ave. from Casbin to Freshwater Rdl


N elY Gower St. _ Blackmore St. Duggan st. Job St. Deanery Ave. Brine St. Barron St. Haggerty St. Prince's st.

Nolre Dame St. Cuddihy St. Gr-ouehy St • Brenrnn st. Hutchings st. Bambrick' St. Sheehan Shute Buchanan St:

Water St. from Patrick to Beck's Cov.



, . ~. .,

,. I ':,

,.; WATCI:t 'TH'S .SPACE ,EACH ,SATURDAY FOR YOUR STREET. ' .• ~,' , .. .. , l·


,. .-~ ., IF IN .DOUBT"TELEPHONE.4065 ... '" "

T • " . , '. '. f' •• ,."

, I'lacentia Bay. I I SOUTH COAST SERVICE I i 5.5. Baccalieu for regular ports " • South Coast Service will sail [rom " the Dock Coastal Wharf N Don Mon· i day, October 7th.


Train "The Caribou" leaving st.

"Newfoundland" N{]v. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 10 Dec. 14 "Nova Scotia" Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 20 Dec. 24 "Newfoundland" Jan: 1 Jan. 8 - Jan. 14 Jan. 18 AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED BY: B.O.A.C .. K.L,~I, PAN 4.IRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN', T.W.A. and connecting

Comult us regarding your travel problems.


~ 8 10 J3

7 6

12 John's 5 p.m. Monday. October 7th. will make connection at Lewisporta with ll.V. Cod roy for the Notre Dame Bay' Service.

Beat These Prices!, ... 14


CORNER BROOK SERVICE i Train "The Caribou" leaving st.

[John's 5 p.m. Monday, October 7th, will make connection at Lcwisportc

\ with S.S. Springdale [or regular ports Lcwisporte· Corner Brook Service.


Regular 8 B.m. train leaving st. John's Wednesday, October 9th, will make connecti{]n at Argentia with M.V. Burin for the West Run Placentia Bay.



Freight including oils and other I restricted cargos for ports Smokey

to Nain for forwarding via ~I.V. Trepassey will be accepted at the Dock Coastal S,led Tuesday. Or(()' ber Bth., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wed ncsday, Octo her Octob~r qth., 9 a m. to 5 p.m. This will be the finalt ~ailing on this service [or ·this sea· II


For Your Fire INSURANCE At Lowest Rates The Number 'To' Call Is 4131

. . A. E. HICKMAN COnlpany, Ltd.

If "" ... ·7 ....-:>

'[ . , . -~7 ...... J

Chevrolet Sedan, Bel Air

{Radio} 6,000 miles .. 21

Chevrolet Sedant 210 Seri

10,000 miles ......... 1

1955 Chevrolet Sedan ... $l""'\I.~;

1954 Meteor Sedan ..... $11

1953 Consul ............. $

1951 Ford Sedan .. .. .. . ... 27

1952 Dodge Sedan • I •• I ••

1956 Pontiac Sedan, Laurentian ......... 1

1955 Buick Sedan, Roadmaster ........ 21

1955 Buick Sedan ........ 1

The above Cars have-to be GOOI.

because we buy for CASH. :.,'.',








YS •







Stadium Mon., Oct. 7th . ~ .. " " .

3 11 4


I 16 19 21 26 29 20 25 30

27 P R I HEll





The .:NI Li

Page 15: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

ER 5,

Series, .. 1895.

. $

e ..... ~ ......








B I N' G 0 8 36

63 10 16 37 49

S1 71 13 19 45

48 62 7 21 40 50 72

6 26 33 12 29 32 S2 75

14 20 34 57 69

3 25 43 59 66 58 70

11 30 44 73

4 31 47 27 38


1956 METEOR ......................... : ......... $1700.00

MUN" MOTORS, L ~D •. -~




your answer to large area coverage. Its waterproof qualities . been prol'en and It sells at an extremely economical price.

nearest Maler to·dllJ or write direct for further' In·



occupied as the Benedix Laundry, storey building, freehold land. Can be sold

or equipped as is with Washers, Dry. I" and SttCIm Plant.

For information apply


Duckworth St. P.O Box 605 Dial 4031·2

The Premier Garment Co. WILL BE CLOSED




OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN. Nlw Optical Office. over Elizab,th Drugs

(Elizabeth and Rowan St.) Roun: lUI to lUG-3.00 to 5.30.

E\'enlngl '1:30 to 11:00 by appolnlmeul Ithool Cilildren aRe 11 10 16 Wednesdays and SalurdlYL

B • 'P H.O N E 9 2 0 9 3 . ,-Ad)u.!lment and RepaiT.~ to Eye G1as.~e8. Department Daill,


The Newf~undland Pu'blic Libraries Board

~Ppli.c~tion~ fllr t he JI()~t oC Director of I'ublic Lih~ary D ~hnllnum qualirications are Univer~ity and Librarv rbre~rr.e5 or ~atl5[actory cquivalent~ and cxperll'nce in I ary adrainistratlnn. Salary 5cale $6000.100.6600.

'lUfi,tat .. of academic Rlld profes~ional 5tandin~ and of health 'unmlll,,1 neferenccs a~ to character and abJl\ty should alsu



CLOTHES make the man If CHAFt makes the cloth ..


1! --------~.------------~----~------~--

WE OFFER YOU Tup commissions paid weekly on

Apartment .To Rent A Girl or Woman to come by orders received. Exclusive terri·

day or live in. References reo lory. A permanent position. 95% .

quired. repeat ~u.5inc5s. Full commission Furnished, furnace heated, four on repeats. Year Round Necess. room Apartment, ground £loor. pri.


D •. al 91531 lties for every factory, of nee, etc. vate entrance electric stove :·ml We are the leaders In our field. contlnuous hot water. Good' reo

U yO\l are Uilrty plus":'if you have sidentlal location. Ideal for mar· a car-wrlt~ Certified Electric Co. rled couple or two business girls. or write


Dundas, Onto An interview wIth For appointment ' REDUCTION SALE CONTINUES


"Chris Andrews'


DIAL 90069

UNIQUE 004 INTIMATE .'fftturln;1 ,

~Iond.y-DANCE' OLD MILL TRIO ru .. d.~-DANCE lnd FLOOR SHOW lhutldall-"DANCE, "POOR



mnlnl 5 p.m~Club Open Nlteb. CD.U ••• lal and Americ •• Cul.I •••

STEAKS SPECIALTY Brooklleld Road-IO min. Irom City .

For Re.. P.0028 art~ 5 pm.

Velvet Horn Club


DANCING to recorded Music Saturday' night.


NEW 1957




our local Manager will be arrang· yd. octS.7 .8.

--"--- -CAN ACCOMMODATE 0 N E gentlemen boarder in private home. 'Phone 92019.

DOGS FOR SALE-One German Police Dog. fourteen months old, well trained, kind with children, price. $50.00. One Boxer, male, regi~tered, price $50.00. One Beagle Pup, three months old, $15.00. One fully trained Bille Belton Setter, fully guaranteed, trial before purchase, priCe $75.00. One fully trained Beagle. S years old, price $120.00; guaranteed. 'Phone Fred Stafford, Topsail, or 92021 during business hours.

LONG • LASTING relief (or Heartburn, excess acid, gas· tric pains, BOUr stomneh, with Wilder's Stomach Powder. At all druggists.

BABY SITTZ'lS AGENCY, 320 Duckworth Street. Buy your Tickets now for adult sitters. 'Phone 7269 . 7557.' sep30,lm .

, Beautician ftlONA RYM' ... eauty Salon, T.A.

Building, Duckworth Street, specializing in all melhods permanent waving, tinting and cutlng. Open Tuesday and Thursday nights, six operators. Dial 5477 for appointment.


We are DOW operatln~ six chairs. You cnn be assured. of the hest possible service plus tile least possible waiting. 24 New . Gower Street, opp. Adelaide .1Ilotots. rr you prefer appointment service 'Phone 5367.

CASH PAID for cODllcs, . maga· zincs, pocket books, accord· ions. guitars, guns, typewrit· ers. sewing machines, men's rlothes and footwear, John D. Snow, 9 New Gower Street. Im,jne20

NEW I'rtr.TIIOD RUG CLEAN· ERS. Rugs and Carpet made to look like new. Von Scbrader process adds yenrs to Ufe of rugs. Cleaned in home or at ollr Jllant. Phone 91033. New Method Rug Cleaners, Fresh· water Road:

''INVEST IN REST". Sleep all types Springs and Mattresses. comfortably. We specialize in repairing and reCilndition· Ing all types Springs and Mattresses. Guaranteed work.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Mattresses for back ailments . a specially. 'Phone 6449 or

3361, Standard Bedding Com· Crystal Palace MONDAY NIGHT

. Music' by Moderna'ires.

Cover 5Oe.

For reservations,

DIAL 90024

BIDGOOD'S Wa'erfora Bridg. Road





/ Dial 4485H


Doctors Office •. and

Other .Offices . .

Apply 347r ort

DOGS FOR SALE-One Gemla. Pollee DOli, fourteen months old, well trained, kind with children, price $30.00. . One Boxer, male, registered, price $50.00. One lIeagle Pup, three

.. months old, $15.00. One fully trainl' Blue Belton Setter, fully guaranteed, trIal before purchase, price ·$75.00. One fully trained Beagle, a ~'em old. price 5120.00; auaranteed. ' Fred Slaffor~; Topsail,

pany, Ltd., Flower Hill. feb20, tf.


YOUNG DRIVERS 11'0 always welcome in my office, and ap­pllcaUons favourably received, based on merit, covering Public Ltabtllty, Property Damage Hazards. Don't turn the wheel of your car IInles~ you have this 3rd party eoverage.-W. F. Caldwell, Fire ... Casualty In· sUrance Agent, Temple Build. ing, Duckworth Street, SI. John's. 'Phone 2465. ---

Wail' Washing WALL WASHING-Walls clean·

ed by new machine. Results perfect; . saves paint.-N ell' Method Rug and Wall Clean· ers, Freshwater Road, 'Phone . 91033. ag25,lm

GIBSON GUITARS - Horner Button Stop Accordeons ana Harmoblcas, Richmond Saxo· phones, Boosey Clarinet S.­Charles Hutton ... Sons, P.O. feb a,eod.

DEPENDABLE FIRE JNStrn· ANCE-Don't risk your ,·alu· abIes to "save" a few dollars . Our fair-rate, reliable polley gives· immediate protection. 'Phone 6921 or write J. J. Lacey. P.O. ~ox 506. rep1,t!

Insurance Con tad S1'ANFOWLER, Be

nouf building, for Fire, Auto mobile and Plate Glass In~lIr Inee. Claims promptly settled 'Phone :;:;31-P.O. Box' 63.

Miscellaneous WJ';ST END' COAl, SERVICt:

(W. Snow) Coa} $1.00 bag; :I ba~5 far $2.75, 4 bags for $3.50 8 bags for $6.75. For quick delive.'y .dial 1l2959·A, 20 Pearce Al'enllp.. janll.1m

. itEPRESEN1'A'iiVi-;a·j,ied· to send in news :If construction for St J(,ltn's, NewlounJiand, Supplement your income with interesting work, wIl,liay post age and supply stationery Write for particulm to. (jrand 5mart, 289 Dunbar Avel1l1~ \tonlreal 16, Que. 1ct3,4,5 .

Tel. 4526F 1955 DODGE 1956 DODGE ....... _-

CAN ACCOMMODATE In good condition A Cor with a brand neVI feel. fully equipped.

Gentlemen. $809,00 $1825.00



near Bus Stop.

Dial 7732 -----.-......... --- --W-A-N-T~E ~D~~~H:::O~C~K=EY~'S::::C==O~M~'N:.:..:.· G:":'S':::O::":'O:':N=.=.=. =-BU~T=-f-'R~ST":--



COlli tRACTOR Install.Allun and Repalfl

to all typfP systems.

'Phone 5578F 4B FOREST ROAD

lan24.1y .

FOR SALE 3 Storey Building


immediately off Water St.

Gus Winter Ltd. 332 WATER ST.


CARD 1.';"






SATURDAY, October 5th: ROLLER SKATING 1.30 TO 4 P.I'll. AND 7 TO 10






FRIDAY, Odober 11th, CLOS1m

SATURDltY, October 12: CLOSED


MONDAY, October 14th: WRESTLING: 8,45 P.M.

. A Stenographer Ideal' working conditions; E

. day week. Salary commen· surate with ability.








(opp. Leslie St.) 'PHONE 7395

"Over 16 Years in the Business" ,ep5.lues,t hur,sat,tf

--..-,.---'-- ... -.--- , ----------I :>ROVINCE OF NJ;WFOUNDLAND

I The Bankruptcy Act


October 10th. $2.50 PER CARD


,AT THE S'TADIUM N. T. A. Meeting St. John~s

Branch There will be a meeting of the NEWFOUNDLAND TEACHERS ASSOCIATIONS, St. John's Branch, on TUESDAY, October 8th, at B.oo p.m. The meeting will be held in the Aula Maximo, St.. Bonaventure's College, Bonaventure Avenue. A large attendance Is requested.,


"T~ OJ' liT, oIUUI'I·.


Municipal 'Elections 1957

PUBLIC NOTICE Voters' Cards are being delivered to those entitled t.

receive' them. Voters are reminded that ciuplicate.

camiol be given 'under any circumstances, and It It

suggested that care be exercised so that Ca:rd, are

not lost or mislaid.

E. B. FORAN, City Clerk ----REQUIRED


-_ .... _. -".'-' ........ , .. '-'-"-"

''1 the matter or the bankruptcy f' Bernard Sbefrman, (BI'o~dway ':\'1(3In Hour,e) Wh(lle~alcr 31'.11 'rtailer Sma II IV arc s an,1 Dry, .. ____ ... __ .. __________ ....

. ·:.~OdS, .308 . \Valer street, .. 51: \' II' ·ohn's, Newlollndlal1l1. . Notice is hereb)· ~i\'cn t1iat ncr· 'Hrl ·Shcffman. (Br{)adlvay ·Bar· i :1!n Store) Whole.saler aiHl Rc.:

1I1II1ranr., G ':'; If.,,, SI. nl.1 n .... · :,dlcr smallwares and Dry' oods.: __ ... J08 Water Street. St .. Tohn'~, Nflrl .. I

.. made an assignment' on the 2nd. '1

rIa)' of October. 1957; and that the first mcctin!! of creditors will 'I

be' held nn the 231'11. day of Oct· obc'r, -at 3.30 o'clock p.m., at the.


SEE DICK . officr of·.T. '/I.. Winter: q.C .. thc

FOR Al,L YOUR RJ,PAIRS Ollieial Reccil!rr. at Ihe Co.urt· Wnlehe5, Clocks, .Tewellery, }:IN' ··~\J~e. in t',r City of St .. Tohn·~. lr~cal Appliances, rennis Rarqllrts "11 the PrOl'lnce of Newfounrllan rl

Badminton Racquets,. elc., etc., e1c I Dated at St. John's, NewfOl'nr' W~TCHMAKER. JEWELLER, . land, this 3rd.1. aay of October

.957 . . DICK HARRIS W.A. 'CRANE, Truster

P.o. 'llo~ ;;;to


Age 22 • 25. Preferably single; 10 train for

RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRA liVE POSITON Grade. XI .minimum •. Busine~s 'or Banking experience' desirable. '. .

Write giving details of educational qualifications and businliss experence,. etc., to . .' .

Confederation'· LiflfAssociation 29 rAt: 'IlE srnrf.r. . \tcB"!!lz', }!ill.

. P.O. BOX 11·183 DIAL 6653·A '51. ·.T~h~". "'.''''"lIndl;ind· oct3,5,7 . I (Addl'ess of Tru3tee)

! .... ~I .; Sl JOHN'S·

4 ..... •

--------------~----~ P.O. BOX 982


Page 16: CmH'Ar:Y' L1Mri!O offa· Is New .,:President'Of · HIIHa, licn~'ing' the chat'lleS u a smear, said he

';:.' .16~ __ ......... _____ --"";'----:--'-;'---------"';"';"'----~---:------"""-:========T~HE~D~AI=lY~_~~~' SATURDAY, O~TOBER 5, be ~ .

I· .

. ~ I :':1::" r~' ','

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Navy Blue ,6 to 14


1 to 12"·""""" .... ·",,,,$4.50 $4.00 .



All sizes .... " ............ " .. ,,50c: pafr SSc set



SCHO'Ol SWEATERS BY2 to 11, ................. " ........ " ... 50c:

7 to 14 .. "" ...... ; .... · .... $3.00 . .


Paramount Now Playing




..... IIIDOOK Bitterness and hatred await Tom

Early, (Stewart Granger) on his The Tribe That return to the peaceful farming valley after thrce years of wan· Lost Its Head dering. His reputation as a gun Nicholas Monsarral .... 3.75 fightcr has preceded him and his, d wife has passed awa~ while long· The Sword an in; ior his return. For this. young ,The Cross Tom ·(Ste ..... Rowland), his husky i • Ion just JI'Owing. Into manhood, I Warwick Deeprng .... ,,2.50 has vowed never 10 fo~givc him, I 101 . Nights Only Jo '(Rhonda Flemmg), who I . 3 joins the two u housekeeper on I Ray olliS ' ....... : .... " .... " .25 their farm, refuses to belicl'e the ! Lonely Command • worst about Early. The love shc H hI' 3 25 I feels for him from their first A. A: oe 109· .. · "" • meeting only adds to young Tom's Surgeon's Journey I'

~::eni·~~:n :~b~!~sIS a~~a~~e~~ The Aulobiograp/lY 01 I

shadowed with the arrival of J. Johnston Abraham. 5.DC i .Gimsell (James Greg~ry) and two I Flew for the Fuhrer i henchmen, threatening to run I thousands of cattle into the valley Heinz Knoke ............... .4.00 I

to feed, even though· thc act "ill ; They- Hanged My i bring ruin to the farms. When , \ Early kills one of the men, even Saintly Billy , though in self-defense, the ~owns. Robert Graves .. " .... " .. 4.25! people are shocked. They lI;tnore ., I his advice to drive Grimsell away Amenca s Next : by force, hoping .instead to use Twerrty Years ! legal means to dlsuade Grimseli' i from his plan. By the time they Peter F. Druck'!!r .. ; ...... 3.50 . rcalize they must. light. Grimselfi Small Wonder I is supported by hired gunmen for ' • whom they. are no match, Only Graham 'Porter .. " ...... 3.50: Early has the surprising answer Captain of the Queens \ for the killers who would take th~ • 'd law into their own hands. Caplam H; Graft! ge .. 3.50 I

• The Rock :

Capitol Th:a;~~~ T~~e th~ .. T·id~3.50 I

Based on the War Diaries . of Field Marshall Viscount \ Alanbrooke-By Arthur Bryant ........ 5.50

)\01\ HOPE IN "BEAU d J~" Dicks & Co., It :

A wildly colorful era and the dr'lnlalic political and personal story that highlig)1ted it ~e reo created in "Beau James, the Vista_Vision.Technlcolor ~aga of New York's controversial mayor

\ or the Roaring Twenties. Jimmy Walker. Based on Gene Fowler'.s

. best-selling biography of the poll·

The Booksellers PHONES 200a • 3191 ·4425


We Proudly An nounce the Arrival of tIle' ...



New excellence . .. luxury ... in slide projection

Never before a slide proie~lor like it! Superbly styled, ultra compact and portable ••. and outstanding in performance. Fine oplics. powerful lamp of completely new design, and flo";less mechanicol operotion provide color-slide shows of malchless excellence. Self·cased. in cardinat red or leal green •

$73 75 wilh Reallymatic,. $84 75 wilb sell,stlll'ing • changer • changer




Oct, 19. Halifax Oct. 22. Belle Isle 11 leaving Halifax Oct. St. John's Oct. 24, Icaving 14, due St.John's Oct. 16th, sail- 26 for New York I'ia ing again Oct. 18th. Brook.

Bedford II leaving Halifax Ocl, I Fort· Hamilton leaving 18, due SI. John's Oct. 21st, ~aiiing York October 4, Hali£a~ again Oct. 22. • \ 8. duc SI. John's October 10.

Belle Isle II leaivng HulifDlC Oct. . ing again Oct. 12 for Halifll

I THE NFLD. GREAT LAKES' 22, .due SI. John's Oct. 24, sailing' FURNESS WARREN

STEAlIISIlIPS LTD agam Oc.t. 26. , ;lJ.V. Dundee loading at Toron Bedford II lea~ing Hali£ax .~ct. Nova Scotia left Liverpool


tieally brillh:-nt, personally .mag­netic, but often irresponsible, ~an who ran City HaIL from a thlrd base field box at Yankee Stadium, the Paramount film, which opens tomorrow at the Paramount The­fltre stars Bob Hope, shapely YOIl~g beauty Vera Miles, Paul Douglas, Alexis Smilh and Darren IIIcGavln. George Jessel and Wal~er Catlett guest·slar and Walter Wm· chell narrlltcs.

Rett~r Living =08ts Less

I to Oct. 12th, Hamilton Oct. 13th, 26, .due St. John s Oct, 2B. sail In:! tember 28, due 51. John's illontreal Oct. 16th for St. John's. aGam oct. 30. . . Lcaving for Halifax and

M,V. Perlh loading at Toronto Belle Isle II lea,vmg Halifax O~t. Oct. 5. nue Halifax Oct, 7


. ,

Com. in now and see our wide array of plastic and rubber o~rshoes. Light, durable and good looking, too.

• LADIES' KOROSEAL SLiPONS' Here are distinctly attractive overshoes that .come in a clever brocade finish. loop and button style. Sizes 4 up • , ClEAR and FROST styles available with High,

Cuban an~ Low heels .. ,~ ................ $1.98 • SMOKE style-available with High,'Cuban and

Low heels .............................. ",,· .. ·$2.29-• COLORED styles-AUTUMN R.ED,· HUNTERS'

GREEN and TURQUOISE-High heels. Only .................................... $2.29 pair

.. M1SSES" KOROSEALSLlPONS I Clear, loop and button style with f1al

heels •. Sizes 11 to 3 ........ 4 1.98 • CHILDS' AND MISSES'

KOROSEAL ,BOOTS Pull.on style; available. in colors of White, Yellow and Red. Sizes B to 3.


• . LADIES' "SPLASH· LESS" OVER . Medium, Cub'an, Hi-cuban and Spike heels. Sizes

,,~""1Q. .. Black, 'plain. styl."" ....... " ... "" ... " ... $2.00

Red plaid styl ... " ............ ~." ..... ".; ... $2.25

". LADIES' PLAIN OVER :. Medium, Cuban, Spike, Wedge and Flat heels. Black. : Sizes 4·10 ............................................... ,$1.70 ; • GENTS' PLAIN OVER . 'I .

. ,Wide. and narrow fitting'styles. Black.

" Sizes SY.l.~14 • .. • .. • ........ • ........ ~·; .......... ·! .. • .... $1 '.85


'.Wlde and narrow fitting styles. Black. .·~.izes 5~·14 ............................. : .............. $2,00


,':·(hildr~n/s, sizes 3·12 ........... , ............. " ..... $1.35 : Mi •••• ', siz.s 12~·3 ..................... " ......... $1.45 :"outhl', sizes 11.13~ .... ~~ ..... ttt ............. ; ••• $1.50 I, • ..' , • • •

.:-Itoys',· lizl' '1.5 .............. 1 .............. , ........... $1.70 , .,.

", . . \ . __ .. ___ .... __ . , .. , __ .. _ ... __ . '. '-_0'_. _______ ....

In the title role, Bob Hope' emerbes as a fully·fledged drama· tic actor, surpassing his perform· ance In "The Seven Little Foys" with a mnny·slded portrayal of the witty, dapper. songwriter and mr.yor, whose

I free spending and stormy private \lie scandalized everyone except

I the voters,

Backgrounded by Manhattan in Its most rip·roaring years, "Beau James" dramatizes with wa.rmth and humor Walker'S nightlife, do· mestic troubles and the headline· creating involvement with show j:lrl Betty Compton that followed, and with vivid and suspenseful excitement his campaigns. political brottlcs and final crisis when he faced the Seabury investigation.

Nfld, Skies SATURDAY, October 5

Sunrise •. •• •• .. U;IJ;i a.m. Sunset •• .• .• •• 5:33 p.m.

TIDES Hi 1111 ••••• 5:04 a,m. 5:17 p.m, Low ..... 11:24 a.m. 11:37 p.m.

. SUNDAY, October 6 Sunrise •• •• .. ;. 6:06 a.m. Sunset ,', .. .. •• !f:31 p,m.

TIDES High .. .. • 5:43a.m. 5:58 p.m. Low .• .. • 12:02 p,m.

Oct. 22nd Hamilton Ocl. 21st 30. due St. John 5 Nov. lSi, sail- ton Oct, 10. Leaving Boston and Montreal Oct. 25th for St: ing again Nov. 2. . 11 and Halifax Oct. 15. due John's. CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. John's Oct. 17. Sailing again

M.V. Lunan loadIng at Toronto No\'aportJeaving Manoreal O~t. day for Liverpool. when you go ALL·ELECTRIC

Oct., 29. Hamilton Oct. 30th for St. 5th, due St. John's Oct. 9th. sail- Ncwfoundland leaving John's. ing again Oct. 11th (Bay Roberts) Oct, 16, due st. John's

l\I,V. London loading at Montreal oGulfport leaving Montreal Q~t. Leaving for Halifax and Oct. 17th for Botwood. 10th, due St. John's Oct. 15th, Sail· Oct. 23, due Halifax Oct. i.t":JrHftI. JJ1_ .. J l\I.V, London loading at lIIontreal ing again Oct. 16th. Boston Oct. 28. Leaving

-=-"" ~ ==- Nov. 1st for Botwood. *Novaport leaving Montreal Oct. Oct. 29 and Halifax No\,. LIGN Co POWlI MN. Dundee loading at Toronto 19th, due St, John's Oct. 24th. st. John's Nov. 4. Sailing co .. P A .. Y •• .. ,. I. Nov. 9th, Hamilton Nov. 10th and sailing again ·Oct. 25th. erpool Nov. 5.

Montreal Nov. 14th ,for 5t. Jo~n's. 'Gulfport leavin~ Montreal O~t. CONST,\NTINE Cheap, Reliable Elec!ric:ity !lLV. Perth loadmg lOt Toronto 30th, due SI. John 5 Nov. 4th, sail· SERVICES In and Around st. John's Nov. 17l~, Hamilton Nov. 18th, for ~ng again Nov. ~th (Bay Rober!s): I )I.V. Edcnwood sailin~

SI. John s. Novaport leavmg Montreal No\,.: 0 t 8th ri 'ing St John·' '-__________ , NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHIPS 8th, due St, John's Nov. 13th, sail· i l~th ,ar v , •

Bedford II leaving Halifax Oct, ing again Nov. 14th. ' M'V Avonwood s"i1in" DEATllS ~th, du: St. John's Oct. 7th, sail· ·Refrigeration. Ion ·O~t. 14, Toronto~ oct~

109 agam Oct. 8th. FURNESS WITHY Ire I Oct 11 arrivinn 5t Bl!RDEN-:-Passed peacefully away \ Belle Isle II leaving Halifax Oct. Fort Avalon due SI. John's Oct. 0 ~ 24" b'

FrIday night. (fttober 4, ~rr)'-, 5. due St. John's Oct. 7 sailin" 3 leal'ing Oct. 5 for New York via e. • phena ~urdcn, aged 67 'years, at ~ again Oct. 8. '" Corner Brook and Philadelphia. GULF and NORTHERN the reSidence of fler. brother, C. Bedford II leaving Halifax Oct. I Leaving ew York Oct. 17, st. John CO. LTD. lIIax Lane. ~O Cralgmlliar Avenue, 12th due St John's Oct. 14th ing NelV York Oct 17 Saint Jehn M V Fergus sailing Funeral notice later, ,. • , . '- - ----.. --' -' ..

RODGERS-Passed waay Thurs­day. October 3. 1957, John Joseph Rodgers. aged 85 years',' leaving to mourn one daughter, Priscilla (Mrs. Dan Candow), two sons: Harry and Levi; 1 brother. :Mr. Levi Rodgers, also nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral will take place to·day, Saturday, at 2,30 I

o'clock from his late residencl!, 49 ' Stephen Street,.by Motor Hearlie to Mount Pleasant cemetery •


The funeral of the late Patrick J • Griffin will take place this morning at 10.30 a,m. to St. Patrick's Church


Large quantity of CHROME MOULDINGS-SO % REDUCTION-while they last. .

Also a quantity of DUROLAM for counter tops, ftC.-

I DAY OF PRAYER , WASHINGTON (AP) _ Pres- FUNERAL NOTICE . ident Eisenhower led Americans


Wednesday 'in a national' day of The funeral of the late George prayer, at a serVice which put Walsh, will' take place on Mon­implied emphasis on racial in- day, October 7 from his sister's tcgration problems. The day of residence Gosling Street to the pr~ycr wa,s proclaimed by ·Eisen· Basilica for Requiem Mass /lot 9 hower last AUI!, 8 under a 1952 a,m. act of Congress, Thc proclama- - -----tion had called on Americans to FUNERAL NOTICE "unite in prayer. and meditation .. ----.----o~ that day," each. according to Il'he funeral of Mrs. Evelyn hiS own faith. Cocker will take place to-day, Sat-

III kId • t I urdaYj at 230 p.m. by motor hearse HC n?w e ge recelp 0 from ner daughter's rcsidence •. Mrs, I

. an amount of five dollan Allister Butler. 13 Vaughan Place, • Gordon to the Anglican Cath~dral and

conscience mOlley. thence for interment at the Angli· Duff, 14 Appled"re Place. can Cemetery, F:orest Road.

Good Morning, Neighbor PI.... coa.lder III ~ aha •••• your frillllh .. aelabbon. If we CUI help you " lauy ,-v wltIt your ta_pnlhI-. jultcall... .

Tempi.' Bull~;ng. Duckworth St. .

' ..




Now only 2.9E~

At the



A quantity' of PAINT-assorted . colours jor basement walls, and ASBESTOS SHINGLES and BOARD.S is being sold at LESS THAN HALF P~CE. . ,

Ask for' FREE literature on DO IT YOURSELF Aluminum Combination Storm and Screen Windows.

For these 'BARGAINS contact­MR. L. DRISCOLL at 80161.

Our Builders' Hardware and Furniture Stores at Shaw Street. and Topsail Road' will in future be open on Satur~ay Afternoons and


Just A Few More Bargain






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HOOLIGANS new demonstra\

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