CLUB NEWS - Stroke NSW · CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery ... An old fashion flogging is what that...

SUBMISSIONS WELCOME SPRING 2012 CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery Association welcomes contributions to Club News, especially for our ‘Around the Clubs’ section. Submissions should be addressed to: The Editor Club News PO Box 3401 PUTNEY NSW 2112 Or send an email to [email protected] Please note that contributions may be edited, either to reduce size, to assist with readability or for legal/liability reasons. Original photos sent through the post will be returned ASAP. Hi all, Well this is the last Club News for the year and I can not believe we are now looking down the barrel at Christmas. I really do not know where this year has gone. It has been tremendously busy year and 2013 is already shaping up to be the same. We have just returned from the Forster Spring Fling and what a great weekend away that was. I have to say I am exhausted, these Stroke Survivors and Carers really do set a cracking pace. All the events went very well with the exception of the Whale Watching Cruise which was cancelled due to the weather. If we had just been a day earlier apparently a mother and young calf were putting on a show under the headland for the crowd but unfortunately we just missed out. It would be remiss of me not to commend the members of the Great Lakes and Manning Shire Stroke Recovery Club for their hospitality. WE had such a great time. Forster is a truly lovely spot and the natives are enormously friendly and courteous. The inaugural State Stroke Olympics went extraordinarily well. We did things a little differently this time and as well as the competition between the Clubs, we had a competition where the Stroke affected people were able to compete against carers. This resulted in a resounding win to the Stroke Affected with a score of 34 to 8. An old fashion flogging is what that would be called. But no one is really counting are they? It is all just for fun!!!! A full report on the weekend will be in the next edition of Stroke Recovery News and we have a slide show of the weekend if anyone is interested in a copy of the DVD. We have lost a number of really lovely people who have passed away this year, not the least of which is the lovely Joan Adams, one of our Life Members. Please take the time to read the “In Memoriams” at the back of this publication. We do like to pay tribute to people whenever we get the opportunity. If you have any members of your Club who pass away just send us a photo and a small tribute and we are happy to include them. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Club coordinators, volunteers and members a very safe and Happy Christmas and I look forward to catching up with you all in 2013. The compliments of the season to you all. Kind regards, Michelle FROM MICHELLE’S DESK

Transcript of CLUB NEWS - Stroke NSW · CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery ... An old fashion flogging is what that...

Page 1: CLUB NEWS - Stroke NSW · CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery ... An old fashion flogging is what that would ... gathered at the Hexham Bowling Club for a day of spirited competition and




The Stroke Recovery

Associat ion welcomes

contributions to Club News,

especially for our ‘Around

the Clubs’ section.

Submissions should be

addressed to:

The Editor

Club News

PO Box 3401


Or send an email to

[email protected]

P l e a s e n o t e t h a t

contributions may be edited,

either to reduce size, to

assist with readability or for

legal/liability reasons.

Original photos sent through

the post will be returned


Hi all,

Well this is the last Club News for the year and I can not believe we are now

looking down the barrel at Christmas. I really do not know where this year

has gone. It has been tremendously busy year and 2013 is already shaping

up to be the same.

We have just returned from the Forster Spring Fling and what a great

weekend away that was. I have to say I am exhausted, these Stroke

Survivors and Carers really do set a cracking pace. All the events went very

well with the exception of the Whale Watching Cruise which was cancelled

due to the weather. If we had just been a day earlier apparently a mother

and young calf were putting on a show under the headland for the crowd but

unfortunately we just missed out.

It would be remiss of me not to commend the members of the Great Lakes

and Manning Shire Stroke Recovery Club for their hospitality. WE had such

a great time. Forster is a truly lovely spot and the natives are enormously

friendly and courteous.

The inaugural State Stroke Olympics went extraordinarily well. We did

things a little differently this time and as well as the competition between the

Clubs, we had a competition where the Stroke affected people were able to

compete against carers. This resulted in a resounding win to the Stroke

Affected with a score of 34 to 8. An old fashion flogging is what that would

be called. But no one is really counting are they? It is all just for fun!!!!

A full report on the weekend will be in the next edition of Stroke Recovery

News and we have a slide show of the weekend if anyone is interested in a

copy of the DVD.

We have lost a number of really lovely people who have passed away this

year, not the least of which is the lovely Joan Adams, one of our Life

Members. Please take the time to read the “In Memoriams” at the back of

this publication. We do like to pay tribute to people whenever we get the

opportunity. If you have any members of your Club who pass away just

send us a photo and a small tribute and we are happy to include them.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Club coordinators,

volunteers and members a very safe and Happy Christmas and I look

forward to catching up with you all in 2013. The compliments of the season

to you all.

Kind regards,



Page 2: CLUB NEWS - Stroke NSW · CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery ... An old fashion flogging is what that would ... gathered at the Hexham Bowling Club for a day of spirited competition and



The views expressed in Club News are not

necessarily those of the Stroke Recovery

Association nor its Board. No liability or

responsibility is accepted by the publisher for

any consequences resulting from any action

taken based on information or advertisements

included herein. All care is taken to ensure the

accuracy of the contents, but this cannot be

guaranteed and should not be relied upon.


The Publisher of Club News is the Stroke

Recovery Association of NSW.

No part of this publication may be reproduced,

either in print or any other media, including the

internet, without the written authorisation of the

Executive Officer of the Stroke Recovery

Association. Permission should be sought by

writing to PO Box 3401 PUTNEY NSW 2112


Stroke Awareness Week is such a busy time of the year. Most of the Stroke Recovery Clubs in NSW had a display or other promotional event, which required hours of hard work. Planning, rostering, organising, picking up and dropping off, packing up and of course time actually doing the activity - it all adds up to a huge number of man-hours put in by selfless volunteers. The Stroke Recovery Association appreciates you! The public has been well served with greater awareness and understanding of Stroke, its causes, prevention and effects on both individuals and communities. We are all, as a society, better off for the efforts of the volunteers who jump in and help educate the community about Stroke, and fundraise for Stroke Recovery Clubs. Stroke Club Coordinators and the people on the Club Committees deserve special mention for their tireless work throughout the year, and especially during times like Stroke Awareness Week. It takes a special type of person to juggle all the administrative demands of being a leader for a Stroke Recovery Club, and to balance that with the management of all the personalities involved and the event organising. The work of Club Committee members and Coordinators is vital to the staff here at the Stroke Recovery Association, so we can focus on advocacy and representation on NSW Health Committees, the Agency for Clinical Innovation and DADHC work, not to mention telephone counselling, information and referral services, organising seminars and conferences and publications. Stroke Club Committee members and Coordinators, you are our heroes!


The Stroke Recovery Association is now on Facebook! We have a

Page, which anyone can access whether a Facebook member or not.

Go to and

‘like’ us please. We are also setting up a Facebook Group for Club

Coordinators. Coordinators who are on Facebook, please email

[email protected] to be added to the group.


Does your sunscreen block both UVA and UVB rays? Sunburn is caused

mainly by Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, but you may not know that some types of

skin cancer - plus premature ageing - are mainly caused by Ultraviolet A

(UVA) rays. Sunscreens were originally developed to block the UVB rays, but

we now know that it is just as important to block UVA rays. For this reason,

always use a BROAD SPECTRUM sunscreen which blocks both wavelengths

of ultraviolet light and therefore provides better protection from the sun.

Page 3: CLUB NEWS - Stroke NSW · CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery ... An old fashion flogging is what that would ... gathered at the Hexham Bowling Club for a day of spirited competition and



On Wednesday October 10th, nine Stroke Recovery Clubs based in the Hunter Valley region

gathered at the Hexham Bowling Club for a day of spirited competition and companionship.

Playing dominoes, euchre, putting, quoits, skittles, indoor bowls and soft darts, participants

enjoyed a full day’s activities and delicious lunch. But alas, at the end of the day there can only

be so many winners........

The 2012 Battler's Trophy went to David Watkin of the GLAMS group and Geoffrey Bridge of

Westlakes was awarded the Carer of the Year Trophy. Volunteers of the Year were Bill and

Shirley Griffiths. Congratulations to all winners and competitors. What fun we all had!

Left: David Watkin, Battler of the Year 2012

Right: Heather Hutton, who travelled from Carlingford to

compete with the Belmont Club (well done Heather!)


Bowls Arthur Parsons


Ross Park


Robin Tapara


Euchre Lindsay Langdon (WAGS)


Jim Maunder (Belmont)

Peter Ainsworth

(Westlakes) and

Gail Connolly (WAGS)

Bill McNamara (WAGS) and

Ken Wild (playing for


Dominoes Barry Reed


John Wallace


Graham McCulloch


Quoits Michael Chin


Peter Collins


Peter Caddis


Skittles Charles Parker


Heather Hutton

for Belmont

Rosco Back


Putting Ray Saunders


Ray Buttsworth


Ross Park


Carers’ Putting Jackie Kelly


Cherie Butcher


Nicole Hennessy


Page 4: CLUB NEWS - Stroke NSW · CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery ... An old fashion flogging is what that would ... gathered at the Hexham Bowling Club for a day of spirited competition and

Page 4 SPRING 2012

WAGS Love Story Readers may recall a story in the newsletter in August last year, ‘A Stroke Fairytale Story’ about David Bostock’s marriage proposal.

It’s happened! David and Jane Bostock were married on September 15th at The Bay Sports Club in Bateau Bay, in front of 64 dear friends and family, 28 of whom came from the WAGS Stroke Recovery Club.

Following their fairytale wedding, David and Jane honeymooned for two weeks along the Great Ocean Road and at Phillip Island in Victoria.

Life for the newlyweds continues to bring smiles to us all; as David says, “Having a ball!”.

On behalf of all the Stroke Recovery Clubs, we wish David and Jane all the best in their new life together. They are a truly lovely couple who compliment each other so well - and the love they feel for each other is so very evident and joyous to witness.





‘Tis the season!! Colin

Roach from the Liverpool

Stroke Recovery Club sent

in this photo of member Ian

Curran. Thank you Colin for

your contribution. And thank

you Ian, for giving us all a

smile today :-)

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Page 5 SPRING 2012



Karen-Ann Hay, President of the Coffs Harbour Stroke Recovery Club, sent in news of a get-together they had with the Grafton Stroke Recovery Club:

“The Coffs Harbour and Grafton Stroke Recovery Clubs got together and celebrated Carers week with a lovely

picnic at Red Rock. It was a beautiful spring day and we all enjoyed the fish and chips. The seagulls had a feast. We are planning another get together next year, probably around Jacaranda time. Here’s a couple of photos from the day”.

Lem Rose sent in this lovely photo of

the Muswellbrook Club’s latest outing,

along with clippings from the local

newspaper which gave them some

coverage (well done!). The group went

on a bus trip to Gundy, where they had

lunch at the Linga Longa Inn, departing

after their regular morning tea at

Muswellbrook Hospital. The news

article was a great way of letting the

community know about the Club, and

encouraged people of all ages to come

along if affected by Stroke.


Page 6: CLUB NEWS - Stroke NSW · CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery ... An old fashion flogging is what that would ... gathered at the Hexham Bowling Club for a day of spirited competition and


Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A mobile phone on the bench rings and a man engages the hands-free speaker function and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stops to listen. MAN: "Hello" WOMAN: "Hi Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?" MAN: "Yes." WOMAN: "I'm at the shops now and found this beautiful leather coat. It's only $2,000; is it OK if I buy it?" MAN: "Sure, go ahead if you like it that much." WOMAN: "I also stopped by the Lexus dealership and saw the new models. I saw one I really liked." MAN: "How much?" WOMAN: "$90,000." ; MAN: "OK, but for that price I want it with all the options." WOMAN: "Great! Oh, and one more thing... I was just talking to Janie and found out that the house I wanted last year is back on the market. They're asking $980,000 for it." MAN: "Well, then go ahead and make an offer of $900,000. They'll probably take it. If not, we can go the extra eighty-thousand if it's what you really want." WOMAN: "OK. I'll see you later! I love you so much!" MAN: "Bye! I love you, too." The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are staring at him in astonishment, mouths wide open. He turns and asks, "Anyone know whose phone this is?"


Way to go Team Stroke Survivor!

Though the weather on the day started out dodgy and

the footpaths of Woollahra Council were an OH&S

hazard, Team Stroke Survivor managed to walk, crawl

and shuffle their way from the city to Bondi Beach with

grace, composure and even a few smiles along the


Michelle and John (left and right) took out the

distinguished wooden spoon award with a time of 5 hrs

and 27 minutes. Wentworth (centre) sped on ahead

and finished in 3 hrs 1 min. Sadly, Eileen could not take

part due to injury. All up the event raised over $3500

for the Stroke Recovery Association - thank you to all

our sponsors and supporters!

Our friend Garry Preston, who had a Stroke about two

years ago, finished in 1hr 22min - impressive!!


Page 7: CLUB NEWS - Stroke NSW · CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery ... An old fashion flogging is what that would ... gathered at the Hexham Bowling Club for a day of spirited competition and


THE CENTRELINK MAZE Carer Allowance is a supplementary payment available for parents or carers who provide additional

daily care to a person with a disability or medical condition, or someone who is frail aged. If you are

caring for a person who has a disability or medical condition (or is frail aged) and needs additional

care and attention on a daily basis, and you provide the care for that person in either your home or

that person’s home, you may be eligible for the Carer Allowance. Information is available on the

internet at:

Carer Payment can provide financial support if you are unable to work in substantial paid

employment because you are providing full time care to a child or adult with a severe disability or

medical condition, or someone who is frail aged. If you provide constant daily care in the home of the

person you care for you may be eligible for Carer Payment.

Carer Payment is subject to an income and assets test and is paid at the same rate as other income-

support payments. You cannot receive Carer Payment and another income support payment such as

the Age Pension at the same time. On the other hand, Carer Allowance is not subject to an income

and assets test, and is not taxable. It can be paid in addition to wages and other income support

payments such as Carer Payment or Age Pension. The amount of Carer Payment you can get

depends on your income and assets. It is higher, though, than the Carer Allowance.

If the person you care for goes into respite care of hospital, both these benefits can continue for up to

63 days in a calendar year when the person you care for is temporarily out of your care or is in


The Department of Human Services (Centrelink) provides a booklet about these two payments, called

“Information You Need to Know About Your Claim for Carer Allowance/Carer Payment”. It can be

found at

You can also request a copy of this booklet by calling the Department of Human Services on 132 717.

Speakers of languages other than English can call 131 202, and users of TTY phones call 1800 810

586 (free call).

It was with deep sadness that we heard of the passing of our dear

friend Joan Adams. Joan was a foundation member of the North

Illawarra Stroke Recovery Club, joining after her husband suffered a

Stroke in the early 1990s. Joan was also part of the duo that we

here at the Association affectionately called “Our mad Joans”. She

and her partner in crime Joan Robinson were always out and about

enjoying life and bringing joy to all with whom they came in contact.

They were always willing to assist us at the Association attending all

the events we organised and assisting us to stuff envelopes

whenever they were needed.

It was lovely to attend Joan's funeral and hear about all her other

antics from her children and grandchildren, all of whom loved and

appreciated Joan as much as we at Stroke Recovery did. Joan was

made a life member of the Association in 2010. We will miss her



Page 8: CLUB NEWS - Stroke NSW · CLUB NEWS The Stroke Recovery ... An old fashion flogging is what that would ... gathered at the Hexham Bowling Club for a day of spirited competition and

DONATIONS TO:Primary Business Address

Your Address Line 2 Your Address Line 3 Your Address Line 4

Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555 E-mail: [email protected]


PUTNEY NSW 2112 Freecall: 1300 650 594

Phone: (02) 9807-6422 Fax: (02) 9808-6173 E-mail: [email protected] Web:


A bequest is a gift for the future; please consider putting us in your will.

For information about how to include The Stroke Recovery Association in your forward planning,

please contact the office on (02) 9807-6422 or 1300-650-594, or email [email protected].

We can also supply ‘In Memoriam’ donation brochures with pre-paid addressed envelopes for

use at memorial services.


Jim Scarsbrook from the Ulladulla Stroke Recovery Club would like to inform everyone of the passing of Margaret Horan. “She was a member for many years, joining with her Stroke-affected husband, Ivan, who passed away 3 years back. Despite Ivan’s passing, Margaret stayed on with the Stroke Club. Very supportive and friendly, she was energetic, being a Lions Club member up to her passing as well as involvement with other organisations too. She worked at David Jones in Sydney until the age of 83. An aggressive cancer claimed Margaret. There was a large funeral at the surf club and many members of the Ulladulla Stroke Recovery Club attended. Margaret was 87 at the time of her passing. We will miss her friendly face at our Stroke Club meetings. Sincere condolences are extended to Margaret’s family and dear friends.