Cloudnine, Jaya Nagar 3rd Block, Bangalore: The Success Story


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Cloudnine is a group of hospitals that offers a full menu of reproductive health and maternity services to women in India. The group is currently on a drive to establish more centres around the country that offer the same range and quality of services.

Transcript of Cloudnine, Jaya Nagar 3rd Block, Bangalore: The Success Story

Page 1: Cloudnine, Jaya Nagar 3rd Block, Bangalore: The Success Story

Cloudnine, Jaya Nagar 3rd

Block, Bangalore: The Success


The United Nations’ millennium development

goals have as one of their main components,

the attainment of quality healthcare for all

mothers. This is derived from the glaring

inconsistences that characterize the quality of

care that can be accessed by women in need of

family planning, maternity and child delivery

services among other related services. It is

totally unacceptable that there is still a large

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percentage of women who wallow under a host

of problems that have ceased to be issues in

the better part of the world and society.

Fertility issues plague a lot of women and a

good number still go without hospital care for

the subsistence of their pregnancies and even

at childbirth. Some have to make do with

deplorable services from some substandard

clinics and hospitals that are more of death

factories due to high incidences of maternal

and infant mortality rates. One place that

women are finding a great service that is in line

with modern trends all over the world is

Cloudnine, Jaya Nagar 3rd Block, Bangalore.

Page 3: Cloudnine, Jaya Nagar 3rd Block, Bangalore: The Success Story

What Is Cloudnine?

Cloudnine is a group of hospitals that offers a

full menu of reproductive health and maternity

services to women in India. The group is

currently on a drive to establish more centers

around the country that offer the same range

and quality of services. The menu of services is

constantly growing in line with trends around

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the developed world and the latest addition is

cryonics. Cryonine services offer mothers the

opportunity to deposit their child’s stem cells

immediately after birth. A lot of advances have

been made in the field of medicine with regards

to the use of stem cells for healing and

regenerative procedures. The best stem cells

can be harvested during this time an Indian

mothers can now take a vital step is

safeguarding the health of their children

against future ailments and conditions.

Page 5: Cloudnine, Jaya Nagar 3rd Block, Bangalore: The Success Story

The basic services that Cloudnine offers include

fertility treatments, maternity care, intensive

care, paediatrics, and gynecology. You can

search for a Cloudnine® hospital near you and

look at the re=views available online for a taste

of other people’s experiences. The facilities

are clean, spacious and modern and they also

house some of the most advanced equipment

and highly skilled professionals. It is a good

thing to know that your health and that of your

child are in safe hands at this crucial time for

the whole family.