Cloud Monitoring 101 - The Five Key Elements to Effective Cloud Monitoring

Cloud Monitoring 101 The 5 Key Elements of E ective Cloud Monitoring


Effective cloud monitoring requires five key elements that are critical to success for users hosting in public cloud or private cloud environments. This presentation details the top 5 cloud monitoring requirements that cloud, SaaS, and web hosting users should consider when searching for server monitoring and website uptime analysis tools. Learn more @copperegg and

Transcript of Cloud Monitoring 101 - The Five Key Elements to Effective Cloud Monitoring

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Cloud Monitoring 101The 5 Key Elements of Effective Cloud Monitoring

Page 2: Cloud Monitoring 101 - The Five Key Elements to Effective Cloud Monitoring

Current State of Cloud Monitoring No surprise that cloud computing is growing at a rampant rate Broader and broader base of organizations worldwide is pushing cloud

infrastructure to: Drive new levels of innovation Accelerate their business Save money

These users have an ever-increasing set of demands for: Speed, simplicity, quality of service and value

Demands that the first generation of cloud application and server monitoring tools just can’t provide

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Enter the Second Generation New breed of cloud monitoring on the rise

SaaS–based solutions Smarter, faster, easier, more unified, lighter weight, and more accessible than the previous generation

of cloud monitoring tools

Many organizations looking for alternatives to current tools Nagios, Ganglia, NewRelic, Pingdom, Graphite, and the list goes on

Users dislike most of these fragmented tools due to the limited functionality or heavy care and feeding required Other tools are either too expensive or too complex for everyday use

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The 5 Key Elements of Effective Cloud Monitoring 1.  Fast: Seconds Not Minutes

2.  Smart: Analytics + Classification = Cloud Intelligence

3.  Unified: Integration over Fragmentation

4.  Simple: Up in seconds, Friction-free

5.  Utility-Based: Pay-for-What-You-Use

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I. Fast: Seconds not Minutes Continuous operations required instant visibility

Code deploys happen many, many times a day You can’t wait 15 minutes for a problem to be detected

Next generation cloud monitoring is leveraging Big Data, NoSQL architectural advantages To measure performance and deliver results in seconds not minutes

Cloud monitoring must operate on a second-by-second basis To know immediately when something goes wrong and where that problem is located

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II. Smart: Analytics, Classification Cloud Intelligence

Data analytics + relevant classification = cloud intelligence Creates information, insight, and visibility

Integrate for automation with DevOps tools like Chef Seamlessly combine how you deploy servers (through Chef recipes and cookbooks) with how you

want them monitored, Results in automated monitoring that follows your servers as they are created, updated, and recycled

Tag servers and instances based on their function, location, OS, or application tier Unlocks the value of analytics further by automatically applying appropriate logic for analysis,

alerting, and problem resolution

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III. Unified: Integration over Fragmentation

First generation cloud monitoring tools were siloed and one-dimensional Hodgepodge of views and fragmented visibility, No unified perspective

Look for platforms designed for real-time processing and analysis Integrated views across Windows, MacOS X,

multiple flavors of Linux, and FreeBSD systems Across hosted environments including Amazon

EC2, Rackspace, private data centers, and any variety of public cloud providers

Multi-user access is imperative Collaborative operations requires multiple ops

users to share a common view Admin views plus read-only options

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IV. Simple: Up in Seconds, Friction free

On-premise, enterprise-centric management tools have been notoriously complex to setup, install, configure, and use Not an option with cloud-dependent users Cloud monitoring requires instant access to install & immediate time to value

Admins and ops team are seeking simpler to use, easier to maintain, and more affordable monitoring solutions than the first gen tools out there today

Ops teams need tools just like developers Without the need for code insertion or system surgery to provide value Ops teams need simple, quick, and valuable solutions that integrate together and scale if and when

they scale

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V. Utility-Based: Pay-for-What-You-Use

Public cloud services are on-demand and paid for per hour Cloud monitoring solutions must follow that


Consistent utility, pay-for-use pricing Cost-effectively monitor your infrastructure

and apps as your instances spin up and spin down

Only get charged for what you actually monitor

As cloud users ebb and flow throughout the day, their instances spin up and down Cloud monitoring pricing should fairly reflect

how the system is being used

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Summary Cloud monitoring demands growth

First generation users losing patience, looking for something better Second generation users demanding less complexity, better value

Five key elements of effective cloud monitoring1. Fast: Seconds Not Minutes

2. Smart: Analytics + Classification = Cloud Intelligence

3. Unified: Integration over Fragmentation

4. Simple: Up in seconds, Friction-free

5. Utility-Based: Pay-for-What-You-Use

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