Cloud Marketing 101

(Cloud) Marketing 101 Claire Hunsaker, @chunsaker VP Marketing & Business Development, @goStormpat


You pour blood, sweat and tears into your API, open source and weekend projects - let's make sure they get the attention they deserve! We'll go through real-world examples of tactics developers can do to attract attention to their work. Beyond growth hacking and that first post to Hacker News, we'll look at high-value marketing maneuvers that will drive usage, but won't make you feel like a dirty huckster.

Transcript of Cloud Marketing 101

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(Cloud) Marketing 101

Claire Hunsaker, @chunsakerVP Marketing & Business Development, @goStormpath

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This is for you if…

• Open Source Project

• Startup with New Product/Service

• Marketing asked you to pitch in

• Starting out on your Own!

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• Positioning: What They Teach at Stanford Is Wrong

• Content: Beyond Hacker News

• Tools: A Marketer’s IDE

• Retargeting: Ten Bucks Well Spent

• Resources FTW!

Lastly, The Most Important Thing…

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“For (target customer)

who (statement of need or opportunity),

the (product name) is a (product category)

that (key benefit/compelling reason to buy).

Unlike (primary alternative),

our product (differentiation).”

- Geoffrey Moore, Crossing the Chasm

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“For developers

who are stuck building user management… again

Stormpath is a user management API

that is easy to use, secure and scalable, and

unlike rolling your own

Stormpath isn’t a massive pain in the ass.”

- Geoffrey Moore, Crossing the Chasm

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“(Target customers) experience pain

(type of pain),

and we’re so much (adjective),

they will happily pay us

instead of (primary alternative).”

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“Developers experience pain

building, scaling and maintaining user management,

and we’re so much more easy, secure and scalable,

they will happily pay us

instead of rolling their own.”

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Content: Beyond Hacker News

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• Free

• High Return on Time

• Developers Are Great At It

• Don’t need to pray to the HN gods

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Good Content Has A Really Long Tail

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Mostly from (Free!) organic Search

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Making a Splash has Broad impact

/Proggit Hit

20% Overall Traffic Increase

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But it’s Hard to Engineer

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free, organic Growth is Not*

* …if you write good content

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And The Long Tail Converts Better

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5 Hours to Blogging Awesome

1. Read up on writing good headlines

2. Build a Keyword list• Technologies, Features, Functions

• Refer back to positioning

3. Read up on SEO

4. Set up Twitter, YouTube, and [Insert Here]

5. Brainstorm Five Ideas and

Start Writing one of them!

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Content ideas

• New Technologies (however niche)

• Something you tried and discarded

• # Different Options

• Don’t need to pray to the HN gods

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Writing Good Headlines

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Twitter Domination

• Work your followers

• A/B test

• Followback

• Attribute!

• Be Bland

• Reuse

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Content you don’t control

1. Comments• Key websites

• [Insert Relevant Social Network Here]

2. Hacker News

3. Integrations

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Retargeting:if You only Have $10

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Remarketing FTW

• Brand

• Project

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The Marketer’s iDE

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Tools to Make Friends With

• Google Analytics, your BFF

• AdWords

• HootSuite / SocialBro

• Optimizely

• Bootstrap + Jekyll

• A sharing plugin like AddThis

• Wine/Beer/Tequila

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Practitioners:Occam’s Razor - Hiten Shah - (SEO All the Things)

Blogs:Mailchimp, Kissmetrics, Optimizely blogs

Twitter: @stripe, @1Password

GrowthHacking: Neil Patel - quicksprout.comAndrew Chen -

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The Most important Thing

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Listen To Your users!

And respond to them.Learn more at

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Good Positioning+

Consistent Execution+

Known Tactics

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q & A

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Get in Touch

• Get Support: [email protected]

• Live Chat on

• Call Stormpath: (888) 391-5282

Claire Hunsaker

[email protected]

(650) 539-8051

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