Climate change in the uae b.abu shaban

Final Project Climate Change and the UAE Bayan AbuShaban From Palestine working in the United Arab Emirates February 2014

Transcript of Climate change in the uae b.abu shaban

Final Project

Climate Change and the UAEBayan AbuShaban

From Palestine working in the United Arab Emirates

February 2014

World Population (billion): Past, Present, and Future

Source: worldometers (

World Ecological Footprint: Past, Present, and Future


Global CO2 Concentration

Source: data/image provided by NOAA ESRI Global Monitoring Division, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Global Temperature

Climate change threatens cities

and regions

According to the World Bank

60% of all people will live in cities by


Urban Mobility Challenges

Almost 180,000 people move into

cities daily

60 million people move into cities

each year in developing countries.

Climate Change Challenges in the Arab World

• Climate change is happening now in the Arab countries.

• The Arab people and policy makers already experience the effects of a changing climate; higher temperatures and extreme events such as drought and flash floods have become the new norm.

• The year 2010 was the warmest since the late 1800s

Source: World Bank 2012, Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the Arab Countries

Climate Change Challenges in the Arab World

• Water scarcity will increasingly be a challenge in the Arab countries. • Climate change will likely reduce agriculture production in Arab

countries. • Urban populations are rapidly growing. • Urban areas are vulnerable to climate change. • Climate change threatens the tourism sector, an important source of

revenue and jobs. • Climate change threatens progress to achieve gender equity in the

Arab region. • Women are active agents of adaptation. • The impacts of climate change on human health are varied and often


Source: World Bank 2012, Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the Arab Countries

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates CO2 emissions per capita

Sources include: World Bank

A greenhouse gas is an atmospheric gas which absorbs solar radiation and traps it within the Earth’s atmosphere, causing climate change.

UAE Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has the world’s sixth largest proven oil reserves and the fifth largest natural gas reserves, making the country a critical partner and responsible supplier in global energy markets.


UAE Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The UAE pursues groundbreaking renewable energy and energy efficiency programs.

In 26 Jan 2005 the UAE ratified the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Convention on Climate Change, becoming one of the first major oil-producing countries to do so.

Abu Dhabi has also established one of the world’s most comprehensive clean energy initiatives.

Sources: the the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (

The UAE, Climate Change And The Challenge Faced

During the Conference of Parties (COP) 19 meeting on climate change, The UAE committed to addressing climate change from an economic, social and environmental point of view.

It includes implementing commercial clean energy projects, making investments into clean technologies, and also expanding development assistance by making clean energy accessible to all.

UAE Green Vision

• UAE vision 2021 to have sustainable environment.

• Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy 2030 (DIES) was deployed in 2011 to set the strategic direction of Dubai towards securing sustainable supply of energy and enhancing demand efficiency of water, power and fuel.

Adaptation Pyramid: A framework for action on climate change

Source: World Bank 2012, Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the Arab Countries

Leadership role

• The UAE has established a government body to deal with climate change and global warming issues at the UAE level.

• H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid has been a good example of a leader who gives high importance to clean technology and green economy and energy

“We recognize that preserving our energy resources will be one of the

greatest challenges in our drive towards sustainable development.This, however, will not materialize unless the different facets of our

society adopt energy conservation principles in their core values.

The future generations will be the chief beneficiary of our

achievements and the best judge of what we accomplish in this field.”

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai

"Green Economy for Sustainable Development”

The new strategy aims to establish the UAE as a world leader in green economy and a center for export and re-export of products and green technologies. It also aims to maintain a

sustainable environment to support long-term economic growth.

The initiative includes a wide range of programmes and policies in the areas of energy, agriculture, investment and

sustainable transport in addition to environmental and constructional policies to raise the quality of life in the UAE.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al MaktoumVice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai


United Arab Emirates CO2 emissions per capita

• The UAEs has amongst the highest Ecological Footprints per capita in the world. 76% of the UAE's Ecological Footprint is due to carbon dioxide emissions, resulting largely from consumption of energy and desalinated water.


United Arab Emirates CO2 emissions per capita

• Carbon dioxide (CO2), which accounts for 78.6 per cent of all emissions, tops the list of greenhouse gases emitted by the emirate, whereas the energy sector is the highest source with 72.6 per cent of direct emissions, according to the Environment Agency — Abu Dhabi’s results of its inaugural Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Project for 2010.


CO2 Emissions by Sector, United Arab Emirates, 1999

Source: Earth Trend Country Profiles

Per Capita CO2 Emissions: 1950, 1975 and 1998

Source: Earth Trend Country Profiles

UAE Ecological Footprint

Source: UAE Ecological Footprint Animation- English

Short film

What are the projected impacts on key sectors, such as agriculture, water resources, ecosystems

and human health• Higher sea levels: Higher temperatures on the earth cause sea water to expand

with heat and glaciers to melt, raising the sea level year after year. Some low lying countries and many small island states are very much at risk from these higher sea levels.

• Water resources and natural disasters: Global warming changes the balance of water supply and demand and could expand the worldwide gap in water availability. Some places will be frequently flooded while others will suffer from constant drought and water shortage. In areas that already have a water shortage problem, the situation will worsen; many other areas will face similar problems.

• Agriculture: Global warming will seriously affect agriculture as well. Higher temperatures, increased weeds and harmful insects will adversely affect some species of agricultural crops. It is also possible that global warming will lead to global food shortages.

Coastal Areas in the UAE• Climate change could affect Dubai

coast radically

• Reinforcement measures around Dubai's coastline should be taken to avoid any damage from rising sea levels caused by climate change.


• Regionally, Kuwait and the Nile Delta would be severely affected by sea levels rising by just one metre, said Raymond S. Bradley, director of the Climate System Research Centre and distinguished professor at the University of Massachusetts.

What are the projected impacts on key sectors, such as agriculture, water resources, ecosystems

and human health• Human health: Climatic change affects human health in many different ways. As well as

direct impact from heat, warming increases the range of some disease carrying insects. More erratic precipitation will also make waterborne diseases more dangerous.

• Animals and plants: Global warming will cause animals and plants to shift their habitats to northern and mountainous areas. It is anticipated, however, that some will become extinct if they cannot migrate due to topographical obstacles. It is predicted, for example, that alpine flora growing near mountain summits will become extinct, and that many beech forests will disappear and be replaced by oak forests, which are widely distributed in warm regions. As a result, not only wild animals that live in or feed on these trees, but also fruit cultivation and forestry will be seriously affected.

• Cities: While winter heating energy consumption will be reduced due to global warming, it will also increase the need for summertime air conditioning. In urban areas water use and energy consumption for cooling will also largely increase. In low lying coastal cities infrastructure will also have to be adapted to rising sea levels.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UAE

Heat and work in Dubai• Heat temperature made the government in the

UAE restricts work at noon time.• Dr. Noble mentioned in the last Google hangout

that outdoor work in construction industry in the Emirate of Dubai will not be able to tolerate the heat due to extreme

• By 2030 – 2040 it is expected to be so hot even at night.

The UAE and Climate ChangeClimate change has risen rapidly in recent years as one of the most important challenges faced by the global community. The impacts of climate change are already felt around the world. The UAE is a low lying coastal country with an arid climate and which already faces high temperatures. At the same time, the UAE plays a central role in the world’s energy economy as a supplier of fossil fuels, which gives them an important stake in finding solutions to cutting emissions while still providing the world with the energy it needs. With investment in renewable energy and the role as the host of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the UAE is at the heart of the clean energy revolution. The UAE is engaged in the fight against climate change both because it recognizes the risks of not acting and because they are responsible global citizens committed to multilateral action. But are also convinced that in rising to this challenge there is a real opportunity. New clean energy technologies will play a major role in economic growth in the next few decades. Together they can build new industries, create knowledge-intensive jobs and create opportunities for the UAE young people, all in the service of the global good.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UAE

The UAE and Actions on Climate Change

• Peaceful Nuclear Power: The UAE views peaceful nuclear energy as a significant contributor to meet increasing future electricity demand and as part of its strategy for the overall reduction in carbon emissions. With its nearly zero carbon footprint and high availability factor, it complements the UAE’s other renewable and low carbon energy sources, such as solar and clean fossil fuel power plants. A sizeable nuclear energy sector is being developed in the UAE which consists of four nuclear power reactors and the associated infrastructure, the first of which is scheduled for commercial operation in 2017.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UAE

The UAE and Actions on Climate Change

• Energy Efficiency and Conservation: From new standards for appliances such as air conditioning, to the cutting edge technologies being demonstrated in Masdar City, the UAE is putting efficiency at the heart of its domestic energy strategy.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UAE

The UAE and Actions on Climate Change

• Renewable Energy: The UAE lacks many of the most widespread renewable energy resources, with no potential for hydroelectric power or tidal power and relatively little biomass. However, it is blessed with sunshine. Abu Dhabi has set a renewable energy target which it expects to meet largely through solar power, and 2010 has seen work begin on one of the world’s largest concentrating solar power plants. The UAE is also developing geothermal cooling at Masdar City.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UAE

Shams 1 — the 100MW solar plant in Abu Dhabi

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid AlMaktoum Solar Park - 13MW solar plant (Dubai)

Masdar City in Abu Dhabi


• The city relies entirely on solar energy and other renewable energy sources, while conforming to a zero waste ecology policy. It initially aimed to be a sustainable zero-carbon car-free city.

• Masdar City hosts the headquarters of IRENA

Masdar City in Abu Dhabi

Energy Efficiency Example - Slab Tariff

Source: Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Dubai Sustainable City


The UAE and Actions on Climate Change

• Transport: Transportation is one of the fastest-growing sources of emissions worldwide.

• They are investing in new mass transit systems such as Dubai’s light rail system and a proposed high speed train.

• In addition to walking and cycling projects

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UAE

Sustainable Transportation initiatives

• Public Transport Day 1 November• Car Free Day• Dubai Sustainable Transport Award• Public Bikes• Etihad Rail (started with freight)• Dubai Metro• Dubai Tram (to be open in November 2014)• Abu Dhabi Metro (planning phase)

Public Bikes - Dubai

Etihad Rail Network

Dubai Metro

Dubai Tram

Jumeirah Monorail

Installing rooftop solar panels could be cost effective in Dubai

• UAE homes and businesses to harness own solar power

• Eco-friendly residents and businesses will soon be able to help the emirate go green – by installing rooftop solar panels.


Dubai Carbon Center of Excellence

• Dubai has established a new entity that works with the government on Clean Development Mechanism.


The UAE and Actions on Climate Change

• Building Design: New energy efficiency standards for buildings are being set at a national level for the UAE. In addition, the Urban Planning Council has developed the new Estidama label for sustainable buildings, the first standard adapted for this region and climate.

• Dubai Municipality and Dubai Electricity and Water Authority developed a new mandatory guideline for Green Building Requirements.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UAE

The UAE and Actions on Climate Change Carbon Capture and Storage (clean fossil fuels): Carbon

capture and storage (CCS) is a means of mitigating climate change by capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from large point sources such as power plants and storing it safely underground instead of releasing it into the atmosphere. The potential impact of CCS is huge. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says CCS could contribute between 10% and 55% of the cumulative worldwide carbon mitigation effort over the next 90 years. Technology for capturing of CO2 is already commercially available for large CO2 emitters, such as power plants. Storage of CO2, on the other hand is a relatively untried concept. The UAE is developing a major CCS project.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UAE

Hosting the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

• IRENA aims to become the main driving force in promoting a transition towards the use of renewable energy on a global scale:

• Acting as the global voice for renewable energies, IRENA will provide practical advice and support for both industrialised and developing countries, help them improve their regulatory frameworks and build capacity. The agency will facilitate access to all relevant information including reliable data on the potential of renewable energy, best practices, effective financial mechanisms and state-of-the-art technological expertise.

• IRENA provides advice and support to governments on renewable energy policy, capacity building, and technology transfer. IRENA will also co-ordinate with existing renewable energy organizations.


Hosting an international Meeting “Abu Dhabi Ascent”

UAE will host a high-level climate change meeting in May 4-5 this year ahead of UN summit, it will be called The “Abu Dhabi Ascent”


Challenges facing the UAE to reduce its emissions

The following are the main challenges that the UAE should work on:• The UAE is an automobile dependent country• High demand for air conditioning during summer

time (over 8 months during the year)• High provision of roads that encourage car usage• Low provision of public transport

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UAE

Conclusion• The UAE has been working hard to help

the international community to tackle global warming but still need to do something to solve the challenges that are facing the country such as those mentioned in the previous slide.

• The UAE has the capacity to encourage its neighboring countries to reduce greenhouse gases