Class Advanced New

Class Advanced


Introduction to Systemverilog classes.

Transcript of Class Advanced New

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Class Advanced

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Polymorphism Abstract Class Scope resolution operator External declaration Multiple Inheritance

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Polymorphism allows an entity to take a variety of representations.

Polymorphism means the ability to request that the same Operations be performed by a wide range of different types of things.

Effectively, this means that you can ask many different objects to perform the same action.

Polymorphism allows the redefining of methods for derived classes while enforcing a common interface.

To achieve polymorphism the 'virtual' identifier must be used when defining the base class and method(s) within that class.


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class A ; task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass

class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass

program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a;

initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.disp();

my_ea = new();

my_a = my_ea;

my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULTS

This is class A This is class A

Class Advanced

Without virtual

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class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass

class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass

program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a;

initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.disp();

my_ea = new();

my_a = my_ea; my_a.disp(); end endprogram


This is class A This is Extended class A

With Virtual

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The methods which are added in the subclasses which are not in the parent class canot be accessed using the parent class handle.

This will result in a compilation error. The compiler check whether the method is existing the parent class definition or not.


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class A ; endclass

class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass

program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a;

initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_ea.disp(); my_a.disp(); end endprogram

Member disp not found in class A


Class Advanced

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With inheritance we are able to force a subclass to offer the same properties like their superclasses. Consequently, objects of a subclass behave like objects of their superclasses.

Sometimes it make sense to only describe the properties of a set of objects without knowing the actual behaviour beforehand.

The need for abstract classes is that you can generalize the super class from which child classes can share its methods. The subclass of an abstract class which can create an object is called as "concrete class".

Abstract Classes

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virtual class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass

class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass

program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a;

initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_ea.disp(); my_a.disp(); end endprogram


This is Extended class A This is Extended class A


Class Advanced

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virtual class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass

program main ; A my_a;

initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.disp(); end endprogram


Abstract class A cannot be instantiated

creating object of virtual class

Class Advanced

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Virtual keyword is used to express the fact that derived classes must redefine the properties to fulfill the desired functionality.

Thus from the abstract class point of view, the properties are only specified but not fully defined.(base class)

The full definition including the semantics of the properties must be provided by derived classes.

Virtual Keyword

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class Base; typedef enum {bin,oct,dec,hex} radix;

task print( radix r, integer n ); $display(" Enum is %s ",; $display(" Val is %d",n); endtask endclass

program main; initial begin Base b = new; int bin = 123; b.print( Base::bin, bin ); // Base::bin and bin are different end endprogram


Enum is bin Val is 123

Scope resolution operator

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The class scope resolution operator enables the following: Access to static public members (methods and class properties) from outside the class hierarchy. Access to public or protected class members of a superclass from within the derived classes.


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Multiple inheritance refers to a feature of some object-oriented programming languages in which a class can inherit behaviors and features from more than one superclass.

Multiple inheritance allows a class to take on functionality from multiple other classes, such as allowing a class named D to inherit from a class named A, a class named B, and a class named C.

Multiple Inheritance

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class A; ..... endclass

class B; ...... endclass

class C; ...... endclass

class D extends A,B,C; ..... endclass


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Multiple inheritance is not implemented well in SystemVerilog languages . Implementation problems include:

1. Increased complexity 2. Not being able to explicitly inherit from 3. multiple times from a single class Order of inheritance changing class semantics.

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Method overloading is the practice of declaring the same method with different signatures. The same method name will be used with different data type . This is Not Supported by SystemVerilog as of 2008.

EXAMPLE: task my_task(integer i) { ... } task my_task(string s) { ... }

program test { integer number = 10; string name = "vera"; my_task(number); my_task(name); }

Method Overloading

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Class methods and Constraints can be defined in the following places:

1. inside a class. 2. outside a class in the same file. 3. outside a class in a separate file.

The process of declaring an out of block method involves: 1.declaring the method prototype or constraint within the class declaration with extern qualifier.

The extern qualifier indicates that the body of the method (its implementation) or constraint block is to be found outside the declaration.

NOTE : class scope resolution operator :: should be used while defining.

External declaration

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class B; extern task printf();


task B:: printf(); $display(" Hi ");


program main; initial begin B b; b = new(); b.printf(); end endprogram




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