civil soc

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Transcript of civil soc

  • 8/7/2019 civil soc


    What is Civil Society ?


    of, pertaining to, or consisting of citizens; of citizens in their ordinary capacity,

    or of the ordinary life and affairs of citizens, as distinguished from military and

    ecclesiastical life and affairs.

    Society - noun (plural societies)

    [mass noun] the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered


    In the modern world the role of Civil Society is often talked about, debated, praised &

    derided.. It is a term used often, but with no level of clarity. Like the mythical unicorn

    most people seem to know broadly what civil society it yet few have seen it, and fewer

    can put in words what it actually means.

    An argument that I often have usually with other denizens who occupy cyberspace and

    share similar interests is on the use of the term Civil Society. What I see, is a

    number of individuals and groups with their own, varied agenda, often at odds with each

    other, who are trying to work towards their own individual aims. My argument is alsothat if you want to use the term civil society then it applies to the population at large

    all of us who are civilians as in. not politicians, or the army, or bureaucrats or

    organisations and therefore all 1.1 billion of us are civil society. But, when the term

    Civil Society is used it not to define the population at large. Rather, it signifies slightly

    more focussed interest groups. So what is Civil Society ?

    Civil Society if you look at the Hegelian construct is the intermediate phase between

    family and State. It represents universal egoism where everyone is treated as the

    means to ones own ends. This is in stark contrast to the Universal Altruism of the

    state. If you read the Marxist construct, not far removed from Hegels views hardly

    surprising given the influence Hegel had on Marx. Marx believed that Civil Society or

    Bourgeoisie Society was often a wolf in sheeps clothing, representing the economic


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    interests of the Capitalists. He believed, and I paraphrase, that the role of civil society is

    such that it will push for an individual to pursue individual interests but back down when

    it came to community interests. At the other end of the spectrum, Adam Smith (much

    earlier) too spoke about Civil Society- but he believed that it was an exercise in private

    morality seeking public approval.

    Given that none of the luminaries , who define the economic/political divide had anything

    nice to say about Civil Society it is quite interesting to see the space that it occupies in

    the modern state. It was a term that was in active use in the 19 th and early 20 th century as a

    part of academic discourse, and came into popular use post the collapse of the Soviet

    Union. It is supposed to signify independent social, economic and legal institutions

    outside the Government that act as a check on a hyperactive state be it authoritariandictatorship or an over governed democracy.

    In India, the term Civil Society usually refers to one of two things - The first is

    individuals who are slightly high profile and want to make a statement. For example,

    when people go on a peace march it is referred to as civil society; when individuals go to

    Naxal areas this too is referred to as civil society; when a group that believes in

    cultural purity beat up girls going to pubs it is also civil society. In each of these cases

    whether one agrees with them or not - it would be more appropriate to call them

    citizens or interested parties, rather than civil society.

    The second group that is covered by the term Civil Society is Non Governmental

    Organisations or NGOs. India has a large number of NGOs. About 3.3 million of them.

    That works out to a NGO per every 400 people. That is better than the ratio of doctors

    (about 1 for every 2000 people); teachers (1 per five hundred people); or the police (0.9

    per 1000 people). Many of the NGOs perform stellar work in their area but are they

    civil society? I would think not. They are 3.3 million organizations albeit non-

    governmental organizations with their own individual charter and their own agenda.

    Lumping an organization that works to eradicate child labour in cities with another that

    works in the area of self help groups in rural India as civil society is about as useful as


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    lumping a generator manufacturer and a ITES company because they are both private

    enterprises. And when one labels organisations as Civil Society one makes a

    fundamental error the purpose of an organisation is to survive. The purpose that is

    generally attributed to civil society is societal good.

    I am not for a moment, taking away from the work, the sheer will power and the tireless

    energy of either individuals or NGOs working towards bringing about societal change.

    But, for me Civil Society goes beyond that.

    For me Civil Society is intertwined with Civil Rights. If I had to define Civil Society it

    would be a set of bodies that ensure that the promises made to the citizens of India in the

    Fundamental Rights in the Constitution are upheld without any sort of religious, casteor ideological bias. These are - The Right to Equality, The Right to Liberty; The Right to

    Freedom from Exploitation; the Right to Freedom of Religion; Cultural & Educational

    Rights and the Right to Constitutional Remedies.

    For example, the reason why the Government of India is talking about reservation in the

    Private Sector is because there is no civil society organisation like ACLU in the USA

    to take individual companies to task for flouting the Constitutions guarantee that there

    will be Equality. The role of Civil Society is not just to lobby the Government to bring

    in reservations. The role of Civil Society goes beyond that. It involves taking up cudgels

    on behalf of those who have been discriminated and ensuring that Civil Rights are upheld

    and Equal Opportunity comes to pass. Unfortunately, civil society has taken the easy

    way out bring in legislation, without allowing components of the system time to

    internalise that they have to be Equal Opportunity. Another example, the reason why

    books are banned because they hurt sentiments is because there is no organisation that

    will take protesting political parties to court for flouting the Constitutions promise of

    Liberty. The reason why the judicial option is often discarded is because it takes for ever

    for justice to be delivered. But, an effective Civil Society would work with the system

    to put a cap on time taken for the judicial process.


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    Civil Society would also be a set of bodies that will act as per the social circumstances of

    India. My fear is that Indian civil society despite its protestations- borrows so much

    of their ideas and ideology from the west that it sometimes mistakes the wood for the

    trees. For example, in a country with a well established social security system, where the

    rights of the child are recognised and ill treated children are taken into care, provided an

    education and trained in a skill it makes sense to ban child labour. However, in a

    country like India without putting in place those social security measures, to ban child

    labour is to condemn the child to starvation. I am not, for a moment, advocating child

    labour. What I am suggesting is the need to put in place policies that will protect the child

    in the short and medium run before taking away its method of survival. Another example

    would be street children. If you ask why are there street children you will be told that it is

    the right of a woman to have a child. As a woman, I completely agree with that statement.However, is the right of the mother greater than the right of the child? You can have the

    child but do you have the right to bring up the child on the streets or should the child

    be taken into care? Is there a system in place to protect the child ? An effective civil

    society would ensure that the rights of the child were protected, and the woman would

    not be delivering children on the street. Civil society is not about fighting to keep people

    in poverty and squalor but raising the bar in terms of life and living through constant

    action and advocacy.

    The Role civil society is that of a watchdog on behalf of the people on every aspect of

    organised control be it the State, the Judiciary, the Police, Oligopolies, Monopolies and

    the Media. It is about enabling citizen action through empowering literacy on various

    fronts -be it judicial literacy, environmental literacy, political literacy or media literacy.

    The role of civil society, for me, is reducing the role of Government to being a mere

    facilitator, a monitor, a mediator and, where necessary, a protector. However, civil

    society in India seems to be increasing the role of Government and encouraging it to

    intervene more and more in our lives. The opposite of Government, for me, is not Private

    Sector, but citizens. Civil Society is citizens taking back control from the state over most


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    aspects of their every day life, using the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution

    as a tent pole. Civil Society in India, has a long way to go before that is achieved.
