Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1910-02-24 [p ] I...

tiiLdldllia RUES I I3ENT S OFFICE I3EUEA KY X BEREA PUBLISHING CO tlNconronArnDJ STANLEY FROST Manager Entered at the Poitefflee at tterta Ky at tecond dais nattmatltr 11 Vol XI Five cents a BEREA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY 24 1010 One Dollar a year No 34 i Ii NEWS ONTO WEEK Comes to Light t Rioting Breaks out In CarloTugs Rescue Eighty Eight Persons after Day of PerllP lans for Roosevelts Return Being Made DR COOK FOUND The discoverer has boon discovered Dr Frederick A Cook the man who out how to fool the wholo world has been Indent fled In a town In Chile and at last admitted that ho Is ho Somo way ho docs not want to talk about his trip to the Polo any more MORE CAIRO niOT3 Carlo 1111 ¬ nois the city which was tho steno of such disgraceful riots a fow months ago again started to have a lynch ¬ ing boo last Friday but tho now sheriff had an Idea that his business was to protect his prisoner who was accused of nothing worst than tool- Ing ¬ a purse and shot the ringleader wenttJ back Trcoiw are on duty In the city and tho negro prisoners have been TO moved All of which ahowa that It Is not so hard to beat a mob If only thero Is a man on tho other side RKSCUKD FROM WRECK Tho eightyeight passengers on the steam ¬ er Lima which as reported last week had been abandoned at tho very south ernmost point of South America wore finally rescued by the tugboats sent to their relief They had a mighty ex ¬ citing time of It on tho wrecked ship with tho storm threatening every min ¬ ute to wash them all Into tho sea but all were finally saved WAITING FOR ROOSEVELT I The hunting of the ExPresident Is about over and plans are being made for his welcome when he returns to t civilization Ho will among other things go to Iarls and that splendid cIty Is planning to glvo him a wel ¬ come as If ho were a king Ho has opposed any display at his visit but It Is said that the city will not glvo up the pleasure of a great welcome RIOTS IN PHlLADELPHIATho city of Brotherly Love which Is tho other meaning of tho name of Phila ¬ delphia ccctns to bo having about as little of that feeling as possible Tharo li a street car strike on there and tho strikers are blowing up tho card with dynamite and burning them and trying to kill tho policemen and tho men who are running tho cars Troops have been called out to pre ¬ servo order but are not doing It very well IARLLMBNT MEETS Tlta now governmont of Drltlan has be- gun work parllmont mooting with a pomp and ceremony such as Is nev- er ¬ seen In this country This first developments however have shown that there Is no chance ot tho govern ¬ mont lasting long or making any re ¬ forms In the first place the speech of tho King Indicated that a moro do flnlto mandate from the people should be secured before anyradlcal changes should be made In tho second place announcedI ¬ anent either In its now financial plans or In tho reform of tho House of Lords Probably there will be enough men of all parties stand together to got Uio final bills thru somehow and then Parllment will break up and the campaign before tho people will bo renewed FIRE AT HOLIDAYS Fire last Wednesday morning porl rwsly threatened to destroy tho house of Mr DIn Holllday on Center Streot It Is supposed that a child loft a lighted lamp under tho edge of a- bedat any rate the bed caught tire and If Mr P J 1awlcy had npt quick- ly rushed In from tho shop whore ho was at work tho house would In all probability havo Loan destroyed Ho throw too blazing matroas out of tho window having his eyebrows and moustache burnod oft In tho procow Beyond tho burning of Uio bed and tho damage to the window tho house escaped Injury Tho boys fire brigade responded so promptly to tho alarm that they wore at tho head of the street before tho fire was out DEATH OF JOHN STALLARD Tho entire college was greatly sad ¬ dened on Sunday by tho death at the Hospital of John Stallard ofI Lotohor County one ot Uio best ed boys In school Ho has been hero for nearly three years most of tho tlmo In the Normal Department For some time he had been a member of tho Library staff Death was duo to meningitis A memorial service was MOndaYjmorning members of the faculty paid him last tribute aI THE CITIZEN Devoted to the Interests of the Mountain People BUSNELLSGOODBYELast Evangelist During Great Revival His Farewell to Berea Mr Buswoll made his lost address to a fovea audience for tho visit at least on Wednesday night to one ot tho largest audiences which had heard him during tho revival After tho an ¬ nouncements of tho plans for the con ¬ verts had been made ilr Wilks of thQ Baptist Church paid Mr Buswoll a stirring tribute saying that his sermons had been good for all as his Christianity was of a typo above all denoinlnaUonallsm Mr Buawell took as his text Eph G 1020 that famous passage begin ¬ ning Finally my brethren bo strong In the Lord and asked that verses 1820 should be a special request for himself Ills subject was Tho Chri- stians ¬ Armor but before taking this up he thanked Borna for Its kindness tc him saying that there was no place where ho felt more at home or of which ho had more delightful mem ¬ mica lie was saddened only ho said by the altsonco of Pros Frost who had always supported the work of tho revivals with all of his power and had been a great aid Ho gavo thanks also for tho freewill offering which had been contributed to by all and for the many pleasant notes which lie found In the envelopes I And finally my brethren ho be- gan bo strong In tho Lord Wo I are all soldiers and we ara In one of two grant armies Wo are all march ¬ ing either under the blood otalncd banner of Christ and of Christianity or under tho banner of Satan and tho world 1 wish to talk tonight to I those who liavo cnltotcd In tho army of Christianity to you who have en ¬ listed by Faith by taking God at Ills word and by sowing In your actions that you have dono BO I You are fighting under a Captain who has never known a defeat l not one Thuro was a Umo when noI cause ot Christianity went lower conI ¬ ger l over before You are fighting under a banner uphold by tho mighty power of God Himself and the groat day wl personI rule for ever There aro special armor and weap- ons ¬ provided for tho soldier In Christ and It Is of thoco that I wish to speak tonight in tho first place be strong You wont amount to anything if you are not strong I do not moan phy ¬ sical strength Some of tho pooplo spiritually are weakest phYIIII cally Do strong spiritually and boI strong In tho prayer lino There lies strength and help for ovary trial and trouble Have your lolna gird about with In thoco old days tho girdle was used to aid strength and par- ticularly ¬ In tho races le was tight Cued to give greatest speed So gird your loins with Truth Have Truth on your side ovary time Ono thing that Is hindering the cause of Christianity today Is tho dlohcnotty and weakness of many who aro professing Christ Gtid your loins so that you can look uvory one In the face see that OUI have wrongoC no man and can look every one In the eye And tho real i meaning of tho word Truth hero Is Gods Word Have It bound about you for a constant strength Have MUJ breast plate ot rigiiteoits nokS It protects the heart Have your heart puts and right before God for out of the Heart prooeodetli evil thoughts lave It right before God Havo your foot shod with tho preparation of two Gospel of Peace i so that whore over you go you shall have toot stops of Peace This oldI world needs moro than anything also tho IKMCO of Gad The world Is full ot friction and turmoil and war and strife and what wo need tcdny moro than anything oteo is tlio 1oaco of God There Is moro than enough gos sip In the world moro than enough faultfinding moro titan enough com ¬ plaint ot all kinds Keep out of It Stop itl Wo need Peace today tho i Peace of God lion Is an opportunity for you Plant tho Gospel of Poaco In a heart or n horne or a commun ¬ ity or a state nod youll have Peace tho Peace ot God In that place how ¬ ever largo or small Let your feet be shod with the Gospel ot anti whore over you go Peace will follow lu your wake and souls will blocs you ator you pass by And take tho shield of Faith Shields as used In tho old time wore not always of the same shape j or size but they were for tho same I purpose they wcro to protect their lOWlier from harm They would not I Continued on Fourth Page Somewhere in this great country just the kind of weather YOU like is being cussed by some grouchy chap who does notso cheer upEx FIGHTING THE WHITE PLAGUE A bill is now before the legislature of this state to provide for tho establishment of a sanatorium for tho treatment tuberculosis or consumption and for the instruction of ignorant people in means of preventing that dreadful decease In spite of the admitted import ¬ anco of tho measure there is fear that it will not pass If everyone could he made really to understand the importance of iliis law and the good it would do not only to the suffering consump ¬ tires but to the whole state there would such a cry rise up that the legislature would bow down before it at once and the selfish interests of rt few persons would not be allowed to stand in the way for I mo- ment ¬ But because tho danger and the good to be done cannot be measured with a and because many do not really under ¬ stand how much can be accomplished by care the people are silent and the law in being loft for the politicans to deal over Consumption can bo entirely prevented and it can be cured in tho earlier stages It is contagious and passes from one human be ¬ ing to another It is probably also carried in milkand it certainly is carried in food prepared by consumptive people It costs every year nearly seven thousand deaths in this one state alone The death of a citizen who has been educated at state expense and has reached a point where he is self supporting not only deprives the state of the taxes he would pay but rnitkes the community poorer by the amount of work he would have dono For no mans work is of benefit to him ¬ self alonebut all are helped and enriched by an industrious man And while many die a great many aro simply sick and remain a charge on their friends and the community So that the burden on the people of this state from this disease in past all counting in just the matter of dollars and cents And of course no one can measure the heart ache and misery of those who have stood around beds whore death would not have come if this law had already been passed To many of us it seems as if the benefits of this law would be only for others but the man who does not know that what in of bone ¬ fit to the community is also of benefit to him is neither patriotic nor wiso The wise and patriotic should use what strength they have with the nearest legislator to induce him to work for this needed re ¬ form for our state HOW TAYLOR PLAYS THE PIANO Ottawa Kan Republic Doc 6 07 Have you heard Mr Taylor play tho piano It Is a well authenticat ¬ ed tradition that ho began his musi ¬ playingI la piano than over was put In a brass Ho Is a plain looking man MI clean shaven pleasant countenance with a smile that runs out and en ¬ circles his mouth at tho slightest provocation There is a twinkle In- his eye that reveals tho merriment of his soul Ho Is the business man of tho party Ho talks like a busi- ness ¬ matt has the hustle and energy of tho live wide awake business man I1l Is at Uio piano that one may see- the poetry In his soul Ho is full of music and as ho sits down to tho piano and as his fingers begin to creep over tho keys wonderous strains fill tho air Rapturous mu- sic ¬ oozes from his finger tips and beams out trom his taco A gospel hymn Is announced per ¬ chance it Is that old hymn wo have Leen slnglag for yearsI Lovo to Toll the Story Ho strikes tho chord groatI Then hla face begins to shine like that of Moses his fingers begin to race across Ute keyboard ho puts in all the frills and the thrills ho- sweeps Uio high notes and pummels tho low ones Then his hands begin to chase cacti other back and forth They play tag and leap frog two old cat black man dare base hide and seek and pull away Then there Is a great renter rush for tho chorus Ho pounds and pummels and beats that old piano until It trembles like an aspen leaf It groans and sobs like a heartbroken woman It rocks and reels as If It wore about to swoon In sheer exhaustion Ho bonds over its prostrate form with threatening mien ho adds one cuff that Its submission may be complete thon when It Is subdued ho tickles andl The fog lifts there Is a rift in tho cloud tho bun breaks and all nature puts on tier beautiful garments The faint clilrrun of a bird Is hoard In tho distance his hands aro lifted from tho keys his arms quietly folded his eyes turn to tho loader ready for tho next signal to play He Bits all unconscious that his performance was In anyway remarkable Yes Tay- lor ¬ Is a great musician If you have not heard him It Is worth a fifty mile trip at three cents a mile to hear him W A E GOOD THINGS Another good Issue Is presented to our readers this week and another one Is coming Mr Buawolls sermon which was the last ho preached here Is inspiring and should be read byI everybody The article on the school is of Importance to farmers and wo will have a full report of It from Francis Clark In a week or two f Did you ever see Mr Taylor The ono that plays the piano Well If you have you will want to read the des- cription of how he plays it Wo hope that all that like good stories are reading the Edge of Haz zard It Is thrilling from one end to tho other and If you have not started It ttho time to do BO is now Next week among the usual list ofI good things will be a letter from Or Barton of Chicago on tile danger which always exists of trou ¬ ble from caste feeling Watch for It and read It- WASHINGTONS BIRTHDAY Tho Washingtons Day celebrations Tuesday wore about the best that have been held hero In recant years The address In tho Chapel In the morning by Prof Claxton ot the University of i Tennessee on American Democracy i was a model of patrloUc eloquence and was greatly enjoyed Many so- cials ¬ were hold during the day and tho proceeding evening Regent and stuI ¬ Tavern In tho afternoon wero also socials for the AcademyI In the Upper chapel the Model Schools in tho Lower Chapel the Normal Department In the Parish InI ¬ thoI Industrial serving Ice cream and cake IORGAN RECITAL IThe first organ recital at thojlu Ion church which took place Satur- day night was successful beyond tho exceptions ot any one who took part In It Tho building was crowded to tho doors and certainly If any moro had come they would have had to i bo turned away Many stood thru- the programme Tho chief feature of the evening was of course tho organ at which Mr Taylor presided Ho played a num her ot selections mostly sacred and all greatly enjoyed and largely ap ¬ plauded Time choir also rendered two dollghtI by Miss Cornelius and Mr RIgby It le hoped and expected that other re oltals will be held soon I 11 powerand knowledge FEBRUARY AgainRace appropriation yardstick 4 the BEREA BANK t 81 TRUST COMPANY Has stood the test of time I This banking institution was estab1 lished in 1901 During the nine of its existence it has never closed its doors nor failed its depositors in any Referring you to our splendid roc ord of which we are proud we solicit your banking business We offer you absolute safety efficient service and courteous treatment The Bank for All the People WASHINGTON LETTER Taft Getting Anxious at Delays of- StandPattersThey Try To Him Down and Succeed in Getting Him to Reduce His DemandsWork DraggingOther News of Capital Washington D C Feb 19 1910 How much longer will Taft stand for IU Is the question which Is be ¬ ginning to be asked around the Na ¬ tional Capitol this week by people who are watching the course of political events The answer Is not given but the Idea seems to bo gen ¬ eral that the beginning of the end is at hand Just what will happen Is beyond tho knowledge of anyone for things have not happened accord ¬ ing to computation this winter and are not likely to But It In plain that Pro Taft Is getting peevish Ho has had a lok of very pleasing promises from the Al- drich and Cannon crowd but so far ho has had absolutely nothing but promises and ho Is beginning to feel hungry for a atronger diet They on the other hand do not seem in any hurry to give him anything real It Is believed that he Is beginning to look longingly toward the corner where Roosevelts big stick has been standing in disuse for a year And hero is a little prediction I believe that If ho once reaches for that stick he will make the fur fly in a way I that will surprise every one and especially the owners of said fur Also when that happens his waning popularity will como back with a ban and people will once more be strong for him That his popularity la really wan ¬ ing was shown by another of the polls ot the Chicago Tribune such as was reported last week This poll was on the desire of tho Republican editors fgr tho Republican nominee for president In 1912 and resulted in a heavy majority for Roosevelt with Taft a poor second So there Is a big chance for him to win friends if ho dces the thing And It looks like he might just do that Mr Taft has spent this week trying to get the Congressional loaders to do some of tho things they havo promised And all ho got has been moro promises from the same men Meanwhile the bills ho Is Interest ¬ oIl In are about whore they have been for a month The Congressmen are adroitly managing so that something Is always in tho way when it comes to work on the Taft bills and while It would bo possible to put them thru In short order If tho managers want ¬ ed to there lo no sign of their do Ing It However Mr Taft seems to Continued on fourth rage I C Knowledge is the s way to keep up with modern < Is to read a good J newspaper ° copy Cook found Groat Truth Peace t t years way t Wear j right ii t i IN OUR OWN STATE l Dynamite Blows Two Men to Atoms Thompson Reappointed Deputy Worse Weather In Many Years t Hits tho old StateNlcholaavllleI Goes Wet in Local IT THAWED ALL IUGHT Two Italians were blown to atoms last week near Somerset where they wero thawing out some frozn dynamite It Is supposed that a spark reached tho i stuff but as they tried to thaw It by a big fire It Is possible they In ¬ tended It to go off i OLDEST DEPUTY Georgo C j Thompson of East Bernstadt has been reappointed U S Deputy Mar- shal In the Eastern District of Kcn tucky He Is tho oldest marshal In the state In point of service and one ot the oldest In the United States Ho has been a deputy for twentytwo years continuously I JUST WEATHER The snow and sleet storm which hit here last week was general In this part of the coun ¬ try and completely stopped busineSs for a day or two What trains wero kept running were late and In tho InI streets and mado snow men and had snow ball battles- NICHOLASVILLE I WET The locali option election In Nlcholasvllla i week resulted In a wot victory DY thirty votes The drys will contest j the legality of the election Tho town has been dry Flapping Wings the Best SoI horizontal thrust of from 20 to 27 pounds per horsepower can be ob- tained with flapping wings about six pounds more than with the best air- ship propeller yet devised IAmericas Mica Yield Tho production of mica in this coun ¬ try for the past year was valued at a little more than a quarter of a mil lion dollars Nearly all of this Is used in tho electrical industry as mica is one of the best insulating ma terlals known- i Child Marriage Statistics show the number of fe male children In India married under four to bo more than 200000 of those married between five and nine to bo over 2000000 and those married un ¬ der 14 the lowest marriageable ago in civilized countries to be 800000- I Holiday Pleasures IFat man What Are you going to let the small boy shave me BarberLet tho boy have his fun for once It Is his birthday slrr Fllegende Blaetter I DONT FORGET ilt f OUR BIG Free Subscription Offer r IT CLOSES MARCH 15 1 I

Transcript of Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1910-02-24 [p ] I...

  • tiiLdldlliaRUES I I3ENT S OFFICE




    Entered at the Poitefflee at tterta Ky at teconddais nattmatltr

    11 Vol XI Five cents a BEREA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY 24 1010 One Dollar a year No 34 iIi

    NEWS ONTO WEEKComes to Light

    t Rioting Breaks out In CarloTugsRescue Eighty Eight Persons afterDay of PerllP lans for RooseveltsReturn Being Made

    DR COOK FOUND The discovererhas boon discovered Dr Frederick ACook the man who out howto fool the wholo world has beenIndent fled In a town In Chile andat last admitted that ho Is ho Somoway ho docs not want to talk abouthis trip to the Polo any more

    MORE CAIRO niOT3 Carlo 1111 ¬nois the city which was tho steno ofsuch disgraceful riots a fow monthsago again started to have a lynch ¬ing boo last Friday but tho nowsheriff had an Idea that his businesswas to protect his prisoner who wasaccused of nothing worst than tool-Ing


    a purse and shot the ringleaderwenttJback Trcoiw are on duty In the cityand tho negro prisoners have been TOmoved All of which ahowa that ItIs not so hard to beat a mob If onlythero Is a man on tho other side

    RKSCUKD FROM WRECK Thoeightyeight passengers on the steam ¬er Lima which as reported last weekhad been abandoned at tho very southernmost point of South America worefinally rescued by the tugboats sentto their relief They had a mighty ex¬citing time of It on tho wrecked shipwith tho storm threatening every min ¬ute to wash them all Into tho seabut all were finally saved


    The hunting of the ExPresident Isabout over and plans are being madefor his welcome when he returns to

    t civilization Ho will among otherthings go to Iarls and that splendidcIty Is planning to glvo him a wel¬come as If ho were a king Ho hasopposed any display at his visit butIt Is said that the city will not glvoup the pleasure of a great welcome

    RIOTS IN PHlLADELPHIAThocity of Brotherly Love which Is thoother meaning of tho name of Phila ¬delphia ccctns to bo having about aslittle of that feeling as possible Tharoli a street car strike on there andtho strikers are blowing up tho cardwith dynamite and burning themand trying to kill tho policemen andtho men who are running tho carsTroops have been called out to pre ¬servo order but are not doing Itvery well

    IARLLMBNT MEETS Tlta nowgovernmont of Drltlan has be-gun work parllmont mooting witha pomp and ceremony such as Is nev-er


    seen In this country This firstdevelopments however have shownthat there Is no chance ot tho govern ¬mont lasting long or making any re¬forms In the first place the speechof tho King Indicated that a moro doflnlto mandate from the people shouldbe secured before anyradlcal changesshould be made In tho second placeannouncedI¬anent either In its now financial plansor In tho reform of tho House ofLords Probably there will be enoughmen of all parties stand together togot Uio final bills thrusomehow and then Parllment willbreak up and the campaign beforetho people will bo renewed


    Fire last Wednesday morning porlrwsly threatened to destroy tho houseof Mr DIn Holllday on Center StreotIt Is supposed that a child loft alighted lamp under tho edge of a-bedat any rate the bed caught tireand If Mr P J 1awlcy had npt quick-ly rushed In from tho shop whore howas at work tho house would In allprobability havo Loan destroyed Hothrow too blazing matroas out of thowindow having his eyebrows andmoustache burnod oft In tho procowBeyond tho burning of Uio bed andtho damage to the window tho houseescaped Injury Tho boys fire brigaderesponded so promptly to tho alarmthat they wore at tho head of thestreet before tho fire was out


    Tho entire college was greatly sad ¬dened on Sunday by tho death atthe Hospital of John Stallard ofILotohor County one ot Uio bested boys In school Ho has been herofor nearly three years most of thotlmo In the Normal Department Forsome time he had been a member oftho Library staff Death was duo tomeningitis A memorial service was

    MOndaYjmorningmembers of the faculty paid himlast tribute aI

    THE CITIZENDevoted to the Interests of the Mountain People


    Evangelist During Great RevivalHis Farewell to Berea

    Mr Buswoll made his lost addressto a fovea audience for tho visit atleast on Wednesday night to one ottho largest audiences which had heardhim during tho revival After tho an ¬nouncements of tho plans for the con¬verts had been made ilr Wilks ofthQ Baptist Church paid Mr Buswolla stirring tribute saying that hissermons had been good for all as hisChristianity was of a typo above alldenoinlnaUonallsm

    Mr Buawell took as his text EphG 1020 that famous passage begin ¬ning Finally my brethren bo strongIn the Lord and asked that verses1820 should be a special request forhimself Ills subject was Tho Chri-stians


    Armor but before taking thisup he thanked Borna for Its kindnesstc him saying that there was no placewhere ho felt more at home or ofwhich ho had more delightful mem ¬mica lie was saddened only ho saidby the altsonco of Pros Frost whohad always supported the work of thorevivals with all of his power andhad been a great aid Ho gavothanks also for tho freewill offeringwhich had been contributed to byall and for the many pleasant noteswhich lie found In the envelopes

    I And finally my brethren ho be-gan bo strong In tho Lord Wo

    I are all soldiers and we ara In one oftwo grant armies Wo are all march ¬ing either under the blood otalncdbanner of Christ and of Christianityor under tho banner of Satan andtho world 1 wish to talk tonight to Ithose who liavo cnltotcd In tho armyof Christianity to you who have en ¬listed by Faith by taking God at Illsword and by sowing In your actionsthat you have dono BO

    I You are fighting under a Captainwho has never known a defeat

    l not one Thuro was a Umo when noIcause ot Christianity went lowerconI ¬gerl over before You are fighting undera banner uphold by tho mighty powerof God Himself and the groat day wlpersonIrule for ever

    There aro special armor and weap-ons


    provided for tho soldier In Christand It Is of thoco that I wish to speaktonight in tho first place be strongYou wont amount to anything if youare not strong I do not moan phy ¬sical strength Some of thopooplo spiritually are weakest phYIIIIcally Do strong spiritually and boIstrong In tho prayer lino There liesstrength and help for ovary trial andtrouble

    Have your lolna gird about withIn thoco old days tho girdle

    was used to aid strength and par-ticularly


    In tho races le was tightCued to give greatest speed So girdyour loins with Truth Have Truth onyour side ovary time Ono thing thatIs hindering the cause of Christianitytoday Is tho dlohcnotty and weaknessof many who aro professing ChristGtid your loins so that you can lookuvory one In the face see that OUIhave wrongoC no man and can lookevery one In the eye And tho real imeaning of tho word Truth hero IsGods Word Have It bound aboutyou for a constant strength

    Have MUJ breast plate ot rigiiteoitsnokS It protects the heart Haveyour heart puts and right before Godfor out of the Heart prooeodetli evilthoughts lave It right before God

    Havo your foot shod with thopreparation of two Gospel of Peace

    iso that whore over you go you shallhave toot stops of Peace This oldIworld needs moro than anything alsotho IKMCO of Gad The world Is fullot friction and turmoil and war andstrife and what wo need tcdny morothan anything oteo is tlio 1oaco ofGod There Is moro than enough gossip In the world moro than enoughfaultfinding moro titan enough com¬plaint ot all kinds Keep out of ItStop itl Wo need Peace today tho


    Peace of God lion Is an opportunityfor you Plant tho Gospel of PoacoIn a heart or n horne or a commun ¬ity or a state nod youll have Peacetho Peace ot God In that place how¬ever largo or small Let your feetbe shod with the Gospel otanti whore over you go Peace willfollow lu your wake and souls willblocs you ator you pass by

    And take tho shield of FaithShields as used In tho old timewore not always of the same shape jor size but they were for tho same Ipurpose they wcro to protect their

    lOWlierfrom harm They would not IContinued on Fourth Page

    Somewhere in this great country just the kind ofweather YOU like is being cussed by some grouchychap who does notso cheer upEx


    A bill is now before the legislature of this state to provide fortho establishment of a sanatorium for tho treatment tuberculosis orconsumption and for the instruction of ignorant people in means ofpreventing that dreadful decease In spite of the admitted import ¬anco of tho measure there is fear that it will not pass

    If everyone could he made really to understand the importanceof iliis law and the good it would do not only to the suffering consump ¬tires but to the whole state there would such a cry rise up that thelegislature would bow down before it at once and the selfish interestsof rt few persons would not be allowed to stand in the way for I mo-ment


    But because tho danger and the good to be done cannot bemeasured with a and because many do not really under ¬stand how much can be accomplished by care the people are silentand the law in being loft for the politicans to deal over

    Consumption can bo entirely prevented and it can be cured intho earlier stages It is contagious and passes from one human be ¬ing to another It is probably also carried in milkand it certainlyis carried in food prepared by consumptive people It costs every yearnearly seven thousand deaths in this one state alone The death ofa citizen who has been educated at state expense and has reached apoint where he is self supporting not only deprives the state of thetaxes he would pay but rnitkes the community poorer by the amount ofwork he would have dono For no mans work is of benefit to him ¬self alonebut all are helped and enriched by an industrious manAnd while many die a great many aro simply sick and remain acharge on their friends and the community So that the burden onthe people of this state from this disease in past all counting in justthe matter of dollars and cents And of course no one can measurethe heart ache and misery of those who have stood around bedswhore death would not have come if this law had already been passed

    To many of us it seems as if the benefits of this law would beonly for others but the man who does not know that what in of bone ¬fit to the community is also of benefit to him is neither patriotic norwiso The wise and patriotic should use what strength they havewith the nearest legislator to induce him to work for this needed re ¬form for our state


    Ottawa Kan Republic Doc 6 07Have you heard Mr Taylor play

    tho piano It Is a well authenticat ¬ed tradition that ho began his musi ¬playingI

    la piano than overwas put In a brass

    Ho Is a plain looking manMIclean shaven pleasant countenancewith a smile that runs out and en ¬circles his mouth at tho slightestprovocation There is a twinkle In-his eye that reveals tho merrimentof his soul Ho Is the business manof tho party Ho talks like a busi-ness


    matt has the hustle and energyof tho live wide awake business man

    I1l Is at Uio piano that one may see-the poetry In his soul Ho is full ofmusic and as ho sits down to thopiano and as his fingers begin tocreep over tho keys wonderousstrains fill tho air Rapturous mu-sic


    oozes from his finger tips andbeams out trom his taco

    A gospel hymn Is announced per ¬

    chance it Is that old hymn wo haveLeen slnglag for yearsI Lovo toToll the Story Ho strikes tho chordgroatIThen hla face begins to shine likethat of Moses his fingers begin torace across Ute keyboard ho putsin all the frills and the thrills ho-sweeps Uio high notes and pummelstho low ones Then his hands beginto chase cacti other back and forthThey play tag and leap frog two oldcat black man dare base hide andseek and pull away Then there Isa great renter rush for tho chorusHo pounds and pummels and beatsthat old piano until It trembles likean aspen leaf It groans and sobslike a heartbroken woman Itrocks and reels as If It wore aboutto swoon In sheer exhaustion Hobonds over its prostrate form withthreatening mien ho adds one cuffthat Its submission may be completethon when It Is subdued ho ticklesandlThe fog lifts there Is a rift in thocloud tho bun breaks and all natureputs on tier beautiful garments Thefaint clilrrun of a bird Is hoard In thodistance his hands aro lifted fromtho keys his arms quietly foldedhis eyes turn to tho loader readyfor tho next signal to play He Bitsall unconscious that his performancewas In anyway remarkable Yes Tay-lor


    Is a great musician If you havenot heard him It Is worth a fiftymile trip at three cents a mile tohear him W A E


    Another good Issue Is presented toour readers this week and anotherone Is coming Mr Buawolls sermonwhich was the last ho preached hereIs inspiring and should be read byIeverybody The article on theschool is of Importance to farmers andwo will have a full report of It fromFrancis Clark In a week or two


    Did you ever see Mr Taylor Theono that plays the piano Well If youhave you will want to read the des-cription of how he plays it

    Wo hope that all that like goodstories are reading the Edge of Hazzard It Is thrilling from one end totho other and If you have notstarted It ttho time to do BO is now

    Next week among the usual list ofIgood things will be a letter fromOr Barton of Chicago on tiledanger which always exists of trou ¬ble from caste feeling Watch for Itand read It-


    Tho Washingtons Day celebrationsTuesday wore about the best that havebeen held hero In recant years Theaddress In tho Chapel In the morningby Prof Claxton ot the University of

    i Tennessee on American Democracyi was a model of patrloUc eloquenceand was greatly enjoyed Many so-cials


    were hold during the day andtho proceeding evening Regent andstuI ¬Tavern In tho afternoonwero also socials for the AcademyIIn the Upper chapel the ModelSchools in tho Lower Chapel theNormal Department In the ParishInI¬thoIIndustrialserving Ice cream and cakeIORGAN RECITALIThe first organ recital at thojlu

    Ion church which took place Satur-day night was successful beyond thoexceptions ot any one who took partIn It Tho building was crowded totho doors and certainly If any morohad come they would have had to

    ibo turned away Many stood thru-the programme

    Tho chief feature of the eveningwas of course tho organ at whichMr Taylor presided Ho played a numher ot selections mostly sacred andall greatly enjoyed and largely ap ¬plauded Time choir also rendered twodollghtIby Miss Cornelius and Mr RIgby Itle hoped and expected that other reoltals will be held soon










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    Taft Getting Anxious at Delays of-StandPattersThey Try ToHim Down and Succeed in GettingHim to Reduce His DemandsWorkDraggingOther News of Capital

    Washington D CFeb 19 1910

    How much longer will Taft standfor IU Is the question which Is be ¬ginning to be asked around the Na ¬tional Capitol this week by peoplewho are watching the course ofpolitical events The answer Is notgiven but the Idea seems to bo gen ¬eral that the beginning of the end isat hand Just what will happen Isbeyond tho knowledge of anyonefor things have not happened accord ¬ing to computation this winter andare not likely to

    But It In plain that Pro Taft Isgetting peevish Ho has had a lok ofvery pleasing promises from the Al-drich and Cannon crowd but so farho has had absolutely nothing butpromises and ho Is beginning to feelhungry for a atronger diet They onthe other hand do not seem in anyhurry to give him anything realIt Is believed that he Is beginning tolook longingly toward the cornerwhere Roosevelts big stick has beenstanding in disuse for a year Andhero is a little prediction I believethat If ho once reaches for that stickhe will make the fur fly in a way

    Ithat will surprise every one andespecially the owners of said furAlso when that happens his waningpopularity will como back with a banand people will once more be strongfor him

    That his popularity la really wan ¬ing was shown by another of thepolls ot the Chicago Tribune suchas was reported last week This pollwas on the desire of tho Republicaneditors fgr tho Republican nomineefor president In 1912 and resulted ina heavy majority for Roosevelt withTaft a poor second So there Is a bigchance for him to win friends if hodces the thing And It lookslike he might just do that

    Mr Taft has spent this week tryingto get the Congressional loaders todo some of tho things they havopromised And all ho got has beenmoro promises from the same menMeanwhile the bills ho Is Interest¬oIl In are about whore they have beenfor a month The Congressmen areadroitly managing so that somethingIs always in tho way when it comesto work on the Taft bills and whileIt would bo possible to put them thruIn short order If tho managers want ¬ed to there lo no sign of their doIng It However Mr Taft seems to

    Continued on fourth rage



    Knowledge is the sway to keep up with modern <Is to read a good Jnewspaper
















    t i


    Dynamite Blows Two Men to AtomsThompson Reappointed DeputyWorse Weather In Many Years t

    Hits tho old StateNlcholaavllleIGoes Wet in LocalIT THAWED ALL IUGHT Two

    Italians were blown to atoms lastweek near Somerset where they werothawing out some frozn dynamite ItIs supposed that a spark reached tho

    i stuff but as they tried to thaw Itby a big fire It Is possible they In ¬tended It to go off

    i OLDEST DEPUTY Georgo Cj Thompson of East Bernstadt hasbeen reappointed U S Deputy Mar-shal In the Eastern District of Kcntucky He Is tho oldest marshal Inthe state In point of service andone ot the oldest In the UnitedStates Ho has been a deputy fortwentytwo years continuously

    I JUST WEATHER The snow andsleet storm which hit here last weekwas general In this part of the coun ¬try and completely stopped busineSsfor a day or two What trains werokept running were late and In thoInIstreets and mado snow men and hadsnow ball battles-NICHOLASVILLEI WET The localioption election In Nlcholasvllla iweek resulted In a wot victory DYthirty votes The drys will contest

    j the legality of the election Thotown has been dry

    Flapping Wings the BestSoIhorizontal thrust of from 20 to 27pounds per horsepower can be ob-tained with flapping wings about sixpounds more than with the best air-ship propeller yet devised

    IAmericas Mica YieldTho production of mica in this coun ¬

    try for the past year was valued at alittle more than a quarter of a million dollars Nearly all of this Isused in tho electrical industry asmica is one of the best insulating materlals known-


    Child MarriageStatistics show the number of fe

    male children In India married underfour to bo more than 200000 of thosemarried between five and nine to boover 2000000 and those married un ¬der 14 the lowest marriageable ago incivilized countries to be 800000-


    Holiday PleasuresIFat man What Are you going tolet the small boy shave me

    BarberLet tho boy have his funfor once It Is his birthday slrrFllegende Blaetter



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