Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1906-01-18 [p ]. · overestimate your capacity neither In tho...

A PRACTICAL FODDER RACK By Its Use the Feeding of the Stock Can He Done with Least Waste Economy should be practiced In feed ¬ ing corn odder as well as any other feed There U a large amount of waste caused either by oareleseneee or by not having suitable racks from which to feed tho stock In the rack shown In cut tho fodder Is saved to the greatest HACK FOR KEBDINO CORN fODUBt degree With the two dlvtsloua a and t between whfeh fodder Is placed to be- rates by stock from underneath at c sad d there la little opportunity for getting the fodder under foot TIle rack hi Ave feet klui tour feet wide at bottom aid five feet between c and d Thn opening below the easier dlvlalon Is 11 InclK wide My trough says the writer In Farm ana Home ware built M feet long but any lesgUi may be made THE MORGAN HORSE A Word About the Breed and the Governments Experiment i In Breeding The BDaouaewineni of the purpose ot the secretary of Kfjrtcnlwre to astablisl n stud of MOTRBH hecses at the V6s moat taperimenui station hne cawed eontM rahie comment ae to the dnJimMHty ot eftotim to vneooraie UM br 4lnic of tkte family of homer tome hold that Ute breeders of the country are already pro auetng a aunVleit number of Morga hone > and ne4d no awtaunos from the pftrDIIIPDl Others are of the optnio UMU them la only a limited decnnn for borer ut the Morgan type In the mar- kits of ihu or other onuntrlea and tM1 If tar government stimulate the pro elaotluo of ouch horrors most of them will either remote in the heads of Ute nreid ra or be coM at an uureruuM tire agure Both of them elates of critics have solve reason fur their arcumeau com menu the Country Oontlomati but tot does nut D r iMtrtly prove that the nor era ment would not be dulag a loud thing h piiperly el ctlnK a stud at these nnitnaU and brredlDg for uniformity ad prepotency There are many Mot gas boner In tJ awns ry but thy very- greatly ID type nod It U not an racy- maller to and eltber talllon or mares fur a lircrdine sled ni reasonably prtoes Neither U It easy to find a team of good Morgan boreee that can be purckafed at a re onabU price Agate man of UM Morjrnns tire too email to sell on our markets for say thug but ponies sad the demand for that rlaae of honen ta limited hew est there are Morgan and Mosses aU it la iioaelbie to led acme aUUttou lAVi to ISM hands which bred spas manta of eqnnl or greater eles wrould produce nffsprlng denirnble for tile bat seer ciacees If the hreedinc kutmali were properly HIeoetIlorcottfomwuteo dwpo ltlon na4 aetkm it la nranticnlt Imnoenible far Individual hne4es to select a typo of bores that le unlftvat inn Its prlneipnl cnaraetnristlcn aid to breed It to this one type a lumdllHt time to Ox the type by deMtoplng lu preps jenny workingI with the 1 4plan Is luteIllf Btly amtnred a4 tol without iMterbU deviation SMC a breeding operatioe needs to be eon tantty BOw the of the Urslar who should have fufl authority to prw I tltm tbe awit rigid selection Whether Ibis cnn be accomplished na the gay rament trervlee la now eondootMl li epee to quotlou but It ta worth trying p Draining Areas The drelulac of large areas et land cells for export advice and rapertn Cadence The mnu who owns a small nlec of land and has an outlet for his rarpluii water viU lid little trouble perhaps In getting a drainage system to work let it Is far otherwise with n large area whether that area con not of a Ivlll plain or a hula It Is J very easy to ooMtruct a drainage ays tom that will net work well on the 1 hQto and that will nol work at all on the level land Usport advice and fiparlntendenoai cost money but they worth money A drainage system IUO be built to last but If It is nsolentlflcally It may have to be purely torn out before It has boon in the ground many yens The Milking StooL t On the side of the box that I sit on to milk I hoc tacked In loop form a leather strap which makes It vary handy to move t cun be hung by this loop on a peg or nail under shelter to keep It dry and clean Way to Rid of Lice I make the roosts about two Inches wide and take a piece of cloth one I and onelialf Inches wide fold and tack on under sldo of roost the whole length After the lions go out you i will flJid the lice under that cloth scan dry and warm you take the roosts out and scald and dry or have another sot to put In while they are getting dry nnd you will soon be d- oC lice Dead lice tell no tales neither do they bite Midland Farmer Opes an account wth the hem FASTENERS FOR COMBS Convenient and Practical Methods of Retaining the Comb In tho Frames During all these years especially during tho first thre or four years of my bee keeping writes a correspond- ent of Gleanings In Dee Culture I have tried various ways of fastening combs In frames and have settled on what I consider the most practical method I am acquainted with I have two different methods one for fastening wholo combs or largo pieces as in transferring and tho other to patch up like fastening a narrow strip at the bottom between comb and bot- tom bar whero the boos tailed to make the connection To do the former I used little Htlcks about oneeighth by oneQuarter lumen as long as the frame Is deep with threesixteenths projec ¬ Lion above and below They are fits ¬ tened In pairs with little piece or stovepipe wire bent something like the reverted liter S alter the hook la bent It takes about three Inches of wire to make the hooks which should be shaped over a form to make them all alike A little bench mode of a coma ¬ mon boned as wide as the frame Is deep is a great convenience to help do this work rapidly When the comb to ntted Into the frame which la done by laying the frame on the oem and cutting around inside the frame oner of the little sticks is slipped under the romp wherever the support Is needed another la MM right over It and with two books UM projecting ends are clasped together It generally takes two pairs of sucks If one large piece is to be fastened If more smaller ones tine or even four pairs may be needed for patching up little forks of tem ¬ pared fence wire are slipped over the I rtO 1 ONE aTTTUE OF FAMTKNKHS frame they MX only hold Inserted patches In their places hot also hold tIM comb in the seater of the frame This to a very desirable and Important feature of the movable frame U the combs are all tram and centered all mnnlpuiathNM that require taking out or Inserting combs are a pleasure Any butting out on one side or the other to liable u run aolnst the next comb or what to still worse against the bell that may be IN the way and the consequence to generally an In ¬ united lot of bees to aac the oper- ator plaiaI pin rANOTHKH fTYLE OF FA TeN BRS sUcks One of UM kooks Is shown as It appears when finished and tile oth er to left ae It leaves the form It also slaws the form as seen from above Tnls u simply a hardwood block with three corresponding Iron pins driven into It In cutting the wire I ue a pair of tinners shears and out eight or ten rings at a time and If tho pins in the form stand plumb and true three or four or even more hooks can be but at once Iflg 2 shows a patched comb the Bfmning between comb and bottombai being Oiled out and a place of drone tomb in the earner taken eut and re- placed with worker comb Properly shaped forks or clasps are below the comb With a supply of these little traps on land transferring as well as patel Ing up cnn be rapidly dons- OAOKLBS Start B diary of daily doings in the poultry yard Mark anti retain for breeding all the January layers Dr Twltcholl says that no Industry offers such a clinnee to realise on cap Ital Invested oa does the poultry In dustryDont overestimate your capacity neither In tho alto plant you are un- dertaking nor the number of birds In a family Turkeys do not understand woven wire fences They onnnot get through and will not porch on topnot sur ¬ face enough They seldom fly over In getting over a fence they want first to rest on time top so as to find an alighting place on the other side 1osturo for the hens Certainly Havent you noticed how heartily they will pick grass The first thing they try to get in the spring when they are let out upon the ground Is grass Try to have a run for them EO they cnn get a full ration of green feed Farm Journal Confining Fattening Birds The American farmer generally does not like to think of his birds being confined at any time of tho season when they could bo out of doors Yet It birds aro to bo fattened for any purpose that end can be obtained far hotter by confining them than by al ¬ lowing them to run Farmers Ito view Tote In all the farm Implements that may bo out of doors and oil tho motel parts to protect them against rust THE BOY JESUS I Sunday School lesion lor Jan 211906 SpecUtl Prepared far Tbli Cipn LESSON TEXTLuke 24013 Memory verse II Rend also Matt MJJS and Luke t0 GOLDEN TEXT Jetus Increased to wisdom and stature and In favor with God 2KTIME of Jesus probably returned from Egypt and went to live at Nazareth some time in U C I In wmei Place Jesus remained until A D 26 lAve ai He went up tp JeruSAlem to the Pan ever feasts the llrit mention of which II InI our leweon when Jtius wu It yean old ILACHNuartth In aalllee BCIUPTUHB URPBIlBNCESFar In dlcatlone of Jesus love and study of nature ue Matt 61 tttM 1UM 2427 ttO IXM 1229 UK HJ UI Mark 5C 9l Iuke 518 C12 John 26 IIIItl- 1ISII t Forledlcalloesef HU Study or the Dlble In ills references to the Old Tu tament Matt 44 7 16 Iii etc 811 116 111 6 4041 U4 114 1111 M 42 244- Mark 71 Luke 41719 ZtO W2 T ThoughtV waxed because by natural progres- sive growth strong Referring to his bodily development In sire and strength In spirit lan insertion by torn early copy 1st from Luke 180 and Is therefore omitted In both revls ions Pilled with wisdom Not alreadY full but In course of being filled with wisdom mind as well as body being subject to the law of growth Expos liars Greek Test And the grace of God Grace to originally that which gives pleasure as loveliness of form the graces or character and the virtues In their loveliest aspect Hence the grace or God waa his favor which was upon him In which he lived and breathed and which produced ell that is beautl ful In character and heavenly In life guarding from evil V 41 Ills parents vent to Jerusa Urn every year Like deeply and wisely religious people they did not neglect the great religious meetings At the feast of the passover The greatest religions rat of the Jews commemorating the birth of the na ties See Bx 121SM SI II Deal 1610 V 43 And when they had fulfilled the days The seven days of the Pass over UIx UU Deot 163 As they returned wen returning Knew not of It Showing the perfect trust they had learned to show their boy V 44 In UM company with whton they made the Journey And tklT sought him It was probably when to caravan halted for the night that lie WM Ant steeled V 44 They turned back again Ii single eat Seeking kim A eoatln ued act luting all the way to the ctty V 41 After three days Reckons from the departure of the oaravai from Jerusalem one for the journey out one for the return and one for the search In the city They found hint In the temple Not In the temple proper but In one of tho porches or chambers of the temple area and be longing to the temple Sitting in the midst of the doctors The teachers eminent rabbis who at this season would be discussing the great QUOI tloni of the day Hearing them and asking them questions Very much as In a Bible claw of today He was not putting himself forward but was doing what was natural and proper for any boyV 47 Astonished Amaiod 1 e thrown Into a maze or labyrinth- V 48 And when they Joseph and Mary saw him they were amazed Used of glad arnasement Thayer They had not dreamed of such honor to bn given to their boy or of such wisdom such thoughts In the active obedient modest perhaps reticent boy In their houeeheld V 49 And he said unto them How Is It that ye sought moT Why did you go about the city searching for me1 Why did you not come directly hero Wist ye not Knew ye not That I must be about my Fathers businaacT In the Greek the noun U omitted In the of my Father in the attain of my Father and therefore In the house of my Father Hxp Greek Test V 61 lie was subject unto them to his mother aa well as to his father The form of the expression was with a participle Indicates contlnuoushablt ual obedience Io was obedient to his parents as every child should be There Is no manliness In disobedience or In resenting tho control of parents or teachers any more than In disobey ¬ ing the laws of nature or the laws of the land It Is both weakness and folly to disobey It Is icuablo to obey from compulsion driven to obedience by fear or impelled to It by a bad character or unruled desires but a lov ¬ ing submission because it Is right be- cause ¬ one chooses to oboy Impelled by love anti trust that is noble and man ¬ ly Especially is this true of obedience to mothers V 62 When youth grows in the sun ¬ light of Gods grace manhood bears trult In hln gtorS S Times Pointed Paragraphs Promotion cometh by sticking to bus moss Victory always lies on tho farther tide of tho conflict It Is not our trials that test us but the way we meet them Ho who Is willing to do anything will not long wait for anything to do We can walk through the furnace of fire if the One like unto the Son of God walks with us Has God kept the sun In tho heav- ens all these thousands of years and will he not keep titer oh thou of little althTrUnlted Presbyterian AN ARMORED MOTORCAR rhe Invention of a German Goa Over Rough Fields and Climbs lulls Many attempts have bean made in recent years to adapt the automobile to military uses mainly for scouting or in the commissary or transporta lion departments nod even In some few Instances for actual use on tho firing line But In each case the our thus designed has been converted from an ordinary vehicle and would have teen useless at the front un- der real service conditions- It has remained for the Germans to design and build a real war cnr one well able to take care of Itself at the front and sufficiently armored to protect Its operator and crow from rlile and rapidfire bullets This car has a nonnlfig tower and carries a rapldflro gun and is roomy enough to accommodate its crew ot two gunners and a driver whose seat may be lowered when the car goes Into action Light premed steel is used us a covering for the motor hood and the saint material Is used to shield the gears and the drivers seat Need less to soy the conning tower Is also covered In the tame way The steel Is scarcely one hnlt Inch thick and the whole conveyance weighs llttli more than the heavier typed of tour Ing ears The driver la seated in a oom art meat separate from tho tower part but may enter It through a connecting door Two small openings in thi front give him an opportunity to gee the road before him and to guide the car A smaller opening between his compartment and the tower permits the gunner to direct him An outside floor fattened on the interior per mite him to leave tho car If he so desires Ammunition is stored away lu compact compartments The top of the tower through which the gun Is pointed can be rotated so that the fire can be directed to any quarter The gun by lu machinery can be projected or withdrawn from the opening as desired The wheels are sheathed with halfInch steel All four wheel are direct driven there being two differentials and two transverse sprints By this arrange ment the vehicle can be started and run over any kind of road and ex pertinents which have already been made showed that it can easily climb a CO per cent grade can go down Into a ditch and come out again with out any difficulty while crossing a tIItbill In the test recently made this au tomobile fort easily made IS miles an hour cutting across fields front ORe road to another and demonstraUnn Its ability to flgnt In a broken country While in the experimental maneuvers the roads were used where possible the machine wu purposely driven acrOMeountry to make the test aa se- vere as possible but the ear surmount- ed every obstacle with ease The 40boreepower motor Is spe dally built somewhat heavier in all its parts than a motor of similar pow er designed for a touring oar and came through the long and exhaustive trial without heating or any of Its partu getting out of order Partly Right Mum Naylrar I have heard your bus bond spoken of aa a pure food en I thueloat Mrs CrwayHel a1 foodenlhua last anyway Ho can cat more than any two mon I know orChlC1O TribuneFoe of Cupid Punished UlinilmHjd boeaum he had married II Johannesburg bank clerk wAs awarded thrift months salary and 188 for libel contained In the letter of dismissal the court remarking that any agree mOlt In restraint at marriage wits void Immoral and contrary to public policy A Real One RcddI hear she Is going to marry a bookmaker at tho trash Qrenne Wall she always did love outdoor sports Vonkere Statesman MARKET REPORTS Cincinnati Jan 13 CATTLUPnlr to Rood 21 94 0 415 Heavy steers 115 416 CALVKSExtrm 8 Ii 6 20 HOOSChole 6 sis 6 OJ trSIIKBPExtra LAMHSBxtm TOO I 8W FUJUllSnrlnie patent 6W 515 WHEATNo 8 red 91 s 0 No3 red xed4OATS 1 RYENo I GI I AY Choice timothy 101340 OnKOleor 416 m eI3UrTIRChot Choice creamery HPLBS Choice 600 10TATOR8Ier bush ro T nACCONew 43 H 00 3 CHICAGOa J 5 2 5 D- a rLOUnWlntrtJQtent 07 liS I4conNNo2 OATSNo 2 mixed 7 RYIfNo 2 OJ ORKMem U 70 137- 5LARDBtaam O745 NEW YORK TOURWlnter straits S 85 4 1- 0VllBATNo 3 red O 01- UlORNNo Z mixed 37 lie AT8No 2 mined XH- IYB 31 Western ID 74 POnfMNlII 115 00 > 8team 7 60 0 790 BALTIMORE VII RATNo 2 red 56 ORNNo 1 mixed 49 SO JATTLBSteera 400 460 IDQSDresawl 6 40 LOUISVILLE liRATNo 2 red 1 91 9 32 1 mixed 47 gORNNO 3 mixed 31 Vi S ARD3team OKKMew I17ttoo INDIANAPOLIS VHEATNo GO OHNNO z mlxdQ 43tt OATSNu 3 mUed 3It eeee eee e ee e I RICHMOND GREENHOUSES I 188 Richmond Ky IPhon IOUT FLOWERS t ° > DESIGNS AND BLOOMING PLANTS L + o + o +o +c+ o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + orod o + o + o + o + o +c+ o +a+ o +o I THE HOUSECLEANING SEASON o IB here and every housewife wants one or more oh + pieces of new- FURNITURE CARPET or MATTING 9 Take BL Look Through Our Stools t It will surprise you how well and how reasonably we can + Q supply your wants I + IF ITS FROM US ITS GOOD New Florence Drop Top Ball Bearing Sewing Machines 125 J30 and 35 worth SO f 60 and t65 o CRUTCHER 4 > r EVANS t 110plln Old Stand Richmond Kr Day Phone 72 Night Phone 47M f t + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o M +o + o + o + o + o + o + o +o + o + o + o + n + o + o + 1 Carriage Satisfaction Here 4 BuggiesI Runabouts jUseful Comfortable bodyfinish carriages invariably give No better place to buy than HERE No better time to buy than NOW Prices down to flock bottom Qualities up to Top notob We repair and retiro Get our prices KENTUCKY CARRIAGE P HIGGINS Prop Richmond Ky r Madison County Roller Mills Ee1eAI I Fancy Roller Flour Cora Meal Ship Stuffs Crushed Corn Etc Our GOLD DUST Roller Floor will be hard to beat PRIDE OF MADISON is another Excellent Flout leHeelelleLlV Potts Duerson Wta SuUae Ky LOUISVILLE NASHVILLE Time Table in Effect May 1 1905 Going North Train 4 Dilly Leave Berea HAG n m- ArrivoRichmond415 n m Arrive Paris528 a m Arrive Cincinnati750a m Going North Train 2 Dally Leave BeroR32 p m Arrive Richmond 200 pm Arrive Paris950 p m Arrive Cincinnati 610 p m Going South Train 3 Dally Leave Jereal1 pm Arrive Knoxville810 p m Going South dlI Train Dally Leave Berea1217 am Arrive Knoxville 700 am EQUIPMENT Trains number T and 3 carry BuflVt Parlor car and coaches between Cincinnati and KnoSTlll In both directions Trim num ben 1 and 4 earn Pullman tentlbuled Slreplng car and coachei between Cincinnati and Knox vibe In both direction W H BOWER Ticket Agent LOUISVILLE ATLANTIC flY CO Time table In effect April CII 1005 EAST BOUND No1 No S 110 i pmNlcholanllle View 1124 741 Richmond ar 1IM 110 Richmond Ir 120 p ta o 30 a n Irvine 101 XIO- BeattyTlll 211ar 9aS looo BMttfTlIli Jot 100 1020 WEST BOUND No 1 N4 No 6 Verulllei 1M a m Un p B- NIoholaiTllle 603 227 Valley View US 205 Richmond IT f00 Las RIchmond ar 73ipm 1so Irvine 633 p m 1223 BeaHytlllo Rr Beatiyvllle Jet ISO 1030 No 2 and S1 and 9 mate clow connections at NIchoIatTllI to and horn Lexington and Clnel mil and at Verulllei to and from Bhelbyrllla sod LoulifUla No 5 connecti at Beattyrllle unction for Jaclion For any further Intorma Ucu aJdrcu may local scent o- rHKiaiTH0r4P A t- Yeniues y Phaetons Surries Traps Durable t f Stylish I repaint WORKS- C I Manufacturers I RAILROAD I Call at T J Moberleya and see the best line of COLLARSTEAM HARNESS BUGGY HARNESS AND ANYTHING That you need for the horse Call youto I I T J MOBERLEY i Richmond Kentucky PRODUCE CHICKENS I GEESE TURKEYS EGGS HIDES I < TALLOW ETCi I Bought at topnotch prices by JeS QOTT Depot Street Cue JCy

Transcript of Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1906-01-18 [p ]. · overestimate your capacity neither In tho...

Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1906-01-18 [p ]. · overestimate your capacity neither In tho alto plant you are un-dertaking nor the number of birds In a family Turkeys do not


By Its Use the Feeding of the StockCan He Done with Least


Economy should be practiced In feed ¬

ing corn odder as well as any otherfeed There U a large amount of wastecaused either by oareleseneee or by nothaving suitable racks from which tofeed tho stock In the rack shown Incut tho fodder Is saved to the greatest

HACK FOR KEBDINO CORN fODUBtdegree With the two dlvtsloua a andt between whfeh fodder Is placed to be-

rates by stock from underneath at c sadd there la little opportunity for gettingthe fodder under foot TIle rack hi Avefeet klui tour feet wide at bottom aidfive feet between c and d Thn openingbelow the easier dlvlalon Is 11 InclKwide My trough says the writer InFarm ana Home ware built M feet longbut any lesgUi may be made


A Word About the Breed and theGovernments Experiment

i In Breeding

The BDaouaewineni of the purpose otthe secretary of Kfjrtcnlwre to astablisln stud of MOTRBH hecses at the V6s moattaperimenui station hne cawed eontMrahie comment ae to the dnJimMHty ot

eftotim to vneooraie UM br 4lnic of tktefamily of homer tome hold that Utebreeders of the country are already proauetng a aunVleit number of Morgahone > and ne4d no awtaunos from thepftrDIIIPDl Others are of the optnioUMU them la only a limited decnnn forborer ut the Morgan type In the mar-kits of ihu or other onuntrlea and tM1If tar government stimulate the proelaotluo of ouch horrors most of themwill either remote in the heads of Utenreid ra or be coM at an uureruuMtire agure

Both of them elates of critics havesolve reason fur their arcumeau commenu the Country Oontlomati but totdoes nut D r iMtrtly prove that the norera ment would not be dulag a loud thingh piiperly el ctlnK a stud at thesennitnaU and brredlDg for uniformityad prepotency There are many Motgas boner In tJ awns ry but thy very-greatly ID type nod It U not an racy-maller to and eltber talllon or maresfur a lircrdine sled ni reasonably prtoesNeither U It easy to find a team of goodMorgan boreee that can be purckafedat a re onabU price

Agate man of UM Morjrnns tire tooemail to sell on our markets for say

thug but ponies sad the demand forthat rlaae of honen ta limited hewest there are Morgan and MossesaU it la iioaelbie to led acme aUUttoulAVi to ISM hands which bred spasmanta of eqnnl or greater eles wrouldproduce nffsprlng denirnble for tile batseer ciacees If the hreedinc kutmaliwere properly HIeoetIlorcottfomwuteodwpo ltlon na4 aetkm it la nranticnltImnoenible far Individual hne4es toselect a typo of bores that le unlftvat inn

Its prlneipnl cnaraetnristlcn aid tobreed It to this one type a lumdllHt timeto Ox the type by deMtoplng lu prepsjennyworkingI with

the1 4plan Is luteIllf Btly amtnred a4 tol

without iMterbU deviation SMC

a breeding operatioe needs to be eontantty BOw the of the Urslar

who should have fufl authority to prwI tltm tbe awit rigid selection Whether

Ibis cnn be accomplished na the gayrament trervlee la now eondootMl liepee to quotlou but It ta worth trying

p Draining AreasThe drelulac of large areas et land

cells for export advice and rapertnCadence The mnu who owns a smallnlec of land and has an outlet for hisrarpluii water viU lid little troubleperhaps In getting a drainage systemto work let it Is far otherwise withn large area whether that area connot of a Ivlll plain or a hula It Is

J very easy to ooMtruct a drainage aystom that will net work well on the

1 hQto and that will nol work at all onthe level land Usport advice andfiparlntendenoai cost money but they

worth money A drainage systemIUO be built to last but If It isnsolentlflcally It may have to

be purely torn out before It has boonin the ground many yens

The Milking StooLt On the side of the box that I sit on

to milk I hoc tacked In loop form aleather strap which makes It vary handyto move t cun be hung by this loopon a peg or nail under shelter to keepIt dry and clean

Way to Rid of LiceI make the roosts about two Inches

wide and take a piece of cloth oneI and onelialf Inches wide fold and

tack on under sldo of roost the wholelength After the lions go out you

i will flJid the lice under that clothscan dry and warm you take theroosts out and scald and dry or haveanother sot to put In while they aregetting dry nnd you will soon be d-oC lice Dead lice tell no tales neitherdo they bite Midland Farmer

Opes an account wth the hem


Convenient and Practical Methods ofRetaining the Comb In tho


During all these years especiallyduring tho first thre or four years ofmy bee keeping writes a correspond-ent of Gleanings In Dee Culture I havetried various ways of fastening combsIn frames and have settled on what Iconsider the most practical method Iam acquainted with

I have two different methods one forfastening wholo combs or largo piecesas in transferring and tho other topatch up like fastening a narrow stripat the bottom between comb and bot-tom bar whero the boos tailed to makethe connection To do the former Iused little Htlcks about oneeighth byoneQuarter lumen as long as the frameIs deep with threesixteenths projec ¬

Lion above and below They are fits ¬

tened In pairs with little piece orstovepipe wire bent something like thereverted liter S alter the hook la bentIt takes about three Inches of wire tomake the hooks which should beshaped over a form to make them allalike A little bench mode of a coma ¬

mon boned as wide as the frame Isdeep is a great convenience to helpdo this work rapidly When the combto ntted Into the frame which la doneby laying the frame on the oem andcutting around inside the frame oner ofthe little sticks is slipped under theromp wherever the support Is neededanother la MM right over It and withtwo books UM projecting ends areclasped together It generally takestwo pairs of sucks If one large pieceis to be fastened If more smaller onestine or even four pairs may be needed

for patching up little forks of tem ¬

pared fence wire are slipped over the


frame they MX only hold Insertedpatches In their places hot also holdtIM comb in the seater of the frameThis to a very desirable and Importantfeature of the movable frame U thecombs are all tram and centered allmnnlpuiathNM that require taking outor Inserting combs are a pleasureAny butting out on one side or theother to liable u run aolnst the nextcomb or what to still worse againstthe bell that may be IN the way andthe consequence to generally an In¬

united lot of bees to aac the oper-atorplaiaIpin rANOTHKH fTYLE OF FATeN


sUcks One of UM kooks Is shown asIt appears when finished and tile other to left ae It leaves the form It alsoslaws the form as seen from aboveTnls u simply a hardwood block withthree corresponding Iron pins driveninto It In cutting the wire I ue apair of tinners shears and out eightor ten rings at a time and If tho pinsin the form stand plumb and truethree or four or even more hooks canbe but at once

Iflg 2 shows a patched comb theBfmning between comb and bottombaibeing Oiled out and a place of dronetomb in the earner taken eut and re-

placed with worker comb Properlyshaped forks or clasps are below thecomb

With a supply of these little trapson land transferring as well as patelIng up cnn be rapidly dons-


Start B diary of daily doings in thepoultry yard

Mark anti retain for breeding all theJanuary layers

Dr Twltcholl says that no Industryoffers such a clinnee to realise on capItal Invested oa does the poultry In

dustryDontoverestimate your capacity

neither In tho alto plant you are un-

dertaking nor the number of birds Ina family

Turkeys do not understand wovenwire fences They onnnot get throughand will not porch on topnot sur¬

face enough They seldom fly overIn getting over a fence they wantfirst to rest on time top so as to findan alighting place on the other side

1osturo for the hens CertainlyHavent you noticed how heartily theywill pick grass The first thing theytry to get in the spring when they arelet out upon the ground Is grass Tryto have a run for them EO they cnnget a full ration of green feed FarmJournal

Confining Fattening BirdsThe American farmer generally does

not like to think of his birds beingconfined at any time of tho seasonwhen they could bo out of doors YetIt birds aro to bo fattened for anypurpose that end can be obtained farhotter by confining them than by al ¬

lowing them to run Farmers Itoview

Tote In all the farm Implementsthat may bo out of doors and oil thomotel parts to protect them againstrust


Sunday School lesion lor Jan 211906

SpecUtl Prepared far Tbli Cipn

LESSON TEXTLuke 24013 Memoryverse II Rend also Matt MJJS and Luket0GOLDEN TEXT Jetus Increased towisdom and stature and In favor with God

2KTIME of Jesus probablyreturned from Egypt and went to live atNazareth some time in U C I In wmeiPlace Jesus remained until A D 26 lAveai He went up tp JeruSAlem to the Panever feasts the llrit mention of which II InIour leweon when Jtius wu It yean old


dlcatlone of Jesus love and study of natureue Matt 61 tttM 1UM 2427 ttOIXM 1229 UK HJ UI Mark 5C9l Iuke 518 C12 John 26 IIIItl-1ISII t Forledlcalloesef HU Study orthe Dlble In ills references to the Old Tutament Matt 44 7 16 Iii etc 811 116111 6 4041 U4 114 1111 M 42 244-Mark 71 Luke 41719 ZtO W2 TThoughtVwaxed because by natural progres-sive growth strong Referring tohis bodily development In sire andstrength In spirit lan insertionby torn early copy 1st from Luke 180and Is therefore omitted In both revlsions

Pilled with wisdom Not alreadYfull but In course of being filled withwisdom mind as well as body beingsubject to the law of growth Exposliars Greek Test

And the grace of God Grace tooriginally that which gives pleasureas loveliness of form the graces orcharacter and the virtues In theirloveliest aspect Hence the grace orGod waa his favor which was uponhim In which he lived and breathedand which produced ell that is beautlful In character and heavenly In lifeguarding from evil

V 41 Ills parents vent to JerusaUrn every year Like deeply andwisely religious people they did notneglect the great religious meetings

At the feast of the passover Thegreatest religions rat of the Jewscommemorating the birth of the naties See Bx 121SM SI II Deal1610

V 43 And when they had fulfilledthe days The seven days of the Passover UIx UU Deot 163 As theyreturned wen returning Knew notof It Showing the perfect trust theyhad learned to show their boy

V 44 In UM company with whtonthey made the Journey And tklTsought him It was probably whento caravan halted for the night thatlie WM Ant steeled

V 44 They turned back again Iisingle eat Seeking kim A eoatlnued act luting all the way to thectty

V 41 After three days Reckonsfrom the departure of the oaravaifrom Jerusalem one for the journeyout one for the return and one forthe search In the city They found hintIn the temple Not In the templeproper but In one of tho porches orchambers of the temple area and belonging to the temple Sitting in themidst of the doctors The teacherseminent rabbis who at this seasonwould be discussing the great QUOI

tloni of the day Hearing them andasking them questions Very much asIn a Bible claw of today He was notputting himself forward but was doingwhat was natural and proper for any

boyV47 Astonished Amaiod 1 e

thrown Into a maze or labyrinth-V 48 And when they Joseph and

Mary saw him they were amazedUsed of glad arnasement Thayer

They had not dreamed of such honorto bn given to their boy or of suchwisdom such thoughts In the activeobedient modest perhaps reticent boyIn their houeeheld

V 49 And he said unto them HowIs It that ye sought moT Why didyou go about the city searching forme1 Why did you not come directlyhero Wist ye not Knew ye notThat I must be about my Fathers

businaacT In the Greek the noun Uomitted In the of my Father

in the attain of my Father andtherefore In the house of my Father

Hxp Greek TestV 61 lie was subject unto them

to his mother aa well as to his fatherThe form of the expression was witha participle Indicates contlnuoushabltual obedience Io was obedient to hisparents as every child should beThere Is no manliness In disobedienceor In resenting tho control of parentsor teachers any more than In disobey ¬

ing the laws of nature or the laws ofthe land It Is both weakness andfolly to disobey It Is icuablo to obeyfrom compulsion driven to obedienceby fear or impelled to It by a badcharacter or unruled desires but a lov ¬

ing submission because it Is right be-


one chooses to oboy Impelled bylove anti trust that is noble and man ¬

ly Especially is this true of obedienceto mothers

V 62 When youth grows in the sun ¬

light of Gods grace manhood bearstrult In hln gtorS S Times

Pointed ParagraphsPromotion cometh by sticking to bus

mossVictory always lies on tho farther

tide of tho conflictIt Is not our trials that test us but

the way we meet themHo who Is willing to do anything

will not long wait for anything to doWe can walk through the furnace of

fire if the One like unto the Son of Godwalks with us

Has God kept the sun In tho heav-ens all these thousands of years andwill he not keep titer oh thou of littlealthTrUnlted Presbyterian


rhe Invention of a German GoaOver Rough Fields and

Climbs lullsMany attempts have bean made in

recent years to adapt the automobileto military uses mainly for scoutingor in the commissary or transportalion departments nod even In somefew Instances for actual use on tho

firing line But In each case theour thus designed has been convertedfrom an ordinary vehicle and wouldhave teen useless at the front un-der real service conditions-

It has remained for the Germans todesign and build a real war cnrone well able to take care of Itself atthe front and sufficiently armored toprotect Its operator and crow fromrlile and rapidfire bullets

This car has a nonnlfig tower andcarries a rapldflro gun and is roomyenough to accommodate its crew ottwo gunners and a driver whose seatmay be lowered when the car goesInto action Light premed steel isused us a covering for the motor hoodand the saint material Is used to shieldthe gears and the drivers seat Needless to soy the conning tower Is alsocovered In the tame way The steelIs scarcely one hnlt Inch thick andthe whole conveyance weighs llttlimore than the heavier typed of tourIng ears

The driver la seated in a oom artmeat separate from tho tower partbut may enter It through a connectingdoor Two small openings in thifront give him an opportunity to geethe road before him and to guide thecar A smaller opening between hiscompartment and the tower permitsthe gunner to direct him An outsidefloor fattened on the interior permite him to leave tho car If he sodesires Ammunition is stored awaylu compact compartments

The top of the tower through whichthe gun Is pointed can be rotated sothat the fire can be directed to anyquarter The gun by lu machinerycan be projected or withdrawn fromthe opening as desired The wheelsare sheathed with halfInch steel

All four wheel are direct driventhere being two differentials and twotransverse sprints By this arrangement the vehicle can be started andrun over any kind of road and expertinents which have already beenmade showed that it can easily climba CO per cent grade can go downInto a ditch and come out again without any difficulty while crossing atIItbillIn the test recently made this automobile fort easily made IS miles anhour cutting across fields front OReroad to another and demonstraUnn Itsability to flgnt In a broken countryWhile in the experimental maneuversthe roads were used where possiblethe machine wu purposely drivenacrOMeountry to make the test aa se-

vere as possible but the ear surmount-ed every obstacle with ease

The 40boreepower motor Is spedally built somewhat heavier in allits parts than a motor of similar power designed for a touring oar andcame through the long and exhaustivetrial without heating or any of Itspartu getting out of order

Partly RightMum Naylrar I have heard your bus

bond spoken of aa a pure food enI thueloat

Mrs CrwayHel a1 foodenlhualast anyway Ho can cat more thanany two mon I know orChlC1O

TribuneFoeof Cupid Punished

UlinilmHjd boeaum he had married II

Johannesburg bank clerk wAs awardedthrift months salary and 188 for libelcontained In the letter of dismissalthe court remarking that any agreemOlt In restraint at marriage witsvoid Immoral and contrary to publicpolicy

A Real OneRcddI hear she Is going to marry

a bookmaker at tho trashQrenne Wall she always did love

outdoor sports Vonkere Statesman


Cincinnati Jan 13CATTLUPnlr to Rood 21 94 0 415

Heavy steers 115 416CALVKSExtrm 8 Ii 6 20HOOSChole 6 sis 6 OJ


FUJUllSnrlnie patent 6 W 515WHEATNo 8 red 91 s 0

No3 redxed4OATS 1

RYENo I GII AY Choice timothy 101340

OnKOleor 416 m

eI3UrTIRChotChoice creameryHPLBS Choice 600

10TATOR8Ier bush roT nACCONew 43 H 00


5 2 5 D-

arLOUnWlntrtJQtent 07 liS

I4conNNo2OATSNo 2 mixed 7RYIfNo 2 OJ

ORKMem U 70 137-5LARDBtaam O745

NEW YORKTOURWlnter straits S 85 4 1-0VllBATNo 3 red O 01-UlORNNo Z mixed 37 lie

AT8No 2 mined XH-IYB

31Western ID 74

POnfMNlII 115 00>8team 7 60 0 790BALTIMORE

VII RATNo 2 red 56

ORNNo 1 mixed 49 SO

JATTLBSteera 400 460IDQSDresawl 6 40

LOUISVILLEliRATNo 2 red 1 91 9 32

1 mixed 47gORNNO 3 mixed 31 Vi SARD3team

OKKMew I17ttoo


OHNNO z mlxdQ 43ttOATSNu 3 mUed 3It


188 Richmond Ky




+o+o+o+c+o +o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+orod o+o+o+o+o+c+o+a+o+o

I THE HOUSECLEANING SEASONo IB here and every housewife wants one or more oh

+ pieces of new-


Take BL Look Through Our Stools tIt will surprise you how well and how reasonably we can

+Q supply your wants I

+ IF ITS FROM US ITS GOODNew Florence Drop Top Ball Bearing Sewing Machines

125 J30 and 35 worth SO f60 and t65

o CRUTCHER 4 >r EVANS t110plln Old Stand Richmond Kr Day Phone 72 Night Phone 47M ft+o+o+o+ o+o+o+o+o+o+o M+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+n+o+o+ 1

Carriage Satisfaction Here 4



bodyfinishcarriages invariably giveNo better place to buy than HERE No better time to buy than

NOW Prices down to flock bottom Qualities up to Top notob

We repair and retiroGet our prices



Madison County Roller MillsEe1eAI IFancy Roller Flour

Cora Meal Ship Stuffs Crushed Corn Etc

Our GOLD DUST Roller Floor will be

hard to beat

PRIDE OF MADISON is another Excellent Flout


Potts DuersonWta SuUae Ky


Time Table in Effect May 1 1905Going North Train 4 Dilly

Leave Berea HAG n m-

ArrivoRichmond415 n mArrive Paris528 a mArrive Cincinnati750a m

Going North Train 2 DallyLeave BeroR32 p mArrive Richmond 200 pmArrive Paris950 p mArrive Cincinnati 610 p m

Going South Train 3 DallyLeave Jereal1 pmArrive Knoxville810 p m

Going South dlI Train DallyLeave Berea1217 amArrive Knoxville 700 am

EQUIPMENT Trains number T and 3 carryBuflVt Parlor car and coaches between Cincinnatiand KnoSTlll In both directions Trim numben 1 and 4 earn Pullman tentlbuled Slreplngcar and coachei between Cincinnati and Knoxvibe In both direction

W H BOWER Ticket Agent


Time table In effect April CII 1005

EAST BOUNDNo1 No S 110 i

pmNlcholanllleView 1124 741

Richmond ar 1IM 110Richmond Ir 120 p ta o 30 a nIrvine 101 XIO-

BeattyTlll 211ar 9aSlooo

BMttfTlIli Jot 100 1020


Verulllei 1M a m Un p B-NIoholaiTllle 603 227Valley View US 205Richmond IT f00 LasRIchmond ar 73ipm 1so

Irvine 633 p m 1223BeaHytlllo RrBeatiyvllle Jet ISO 1030

No 2 and S1 and 9 mate clow connections atNIchoIatTllI to and horn Lexington and Clnelmil and at Verulllei to and from Bhelbyrlllasod LoulifUla No 5 connecti at Beattyrllleunction for Jaclion For any further IntormaUcu aJdrcu may local scent o-

rHKiaiTH0r4P A t-

Yeniues y





Stylish I








Call at T J Moberleya and see thebest line of



That you need for the horse Callyouto I



Richmond Kentucky






Bought at topnotch prices by

JeS QOTTDepot Street Cue JCy