Cities: HTML5 Meetup 13 August 2013

Cities Making Free Accessible WordPress Themes

Transcript of Cities: HTML5 Meetup 13 August 2013

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Making Free AccessibleWordPress Themes

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There are 1,941 themes in the WordPress Theme Directoy

Five of them are accessible

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What is Cities?Site owners are looking for accessible WordPress themes

There is a spectacular lack of accessible WordPress themes

A world-wide group of accessibility pactitioners are creating free accessible WordPress themes

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Joseph Karr O’Connor

Invited expet W3C HTML5 Accessibility Taskforce

13 years accessibility experience

WordPress Accessibility Group

Cities: Making Free Accessible WordPress Themes

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Theme project managed by Rocio Alvaado @AccessibiliteWb -

bilingual small business theme.

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Will include the Quebec government standard SGQRI 008-01.

Issues that need specific attention for the back-end:✓ Proper headings

✓ Form field associations

✓ Fieldsets and legends

✓ Logical order of content

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Front-end:✓ Sufficient colour contast ✓ Proper headings ✓ Logical order of content ✓ WAI-ARIA for dynamic content ✓ Using elements semantically✓ Making non-textual content textual

✓ Navigating with TAB key with a visible outline

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Front-end:✓ Making links understandable out of context

✓ Making sure that blog widgets like archives, categories and recent posts are accessible when implemented

✓ Educate (commenting code to inform the developer of specific accessibility element)

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Shilpi Kapoor @Shilpi_Kapoor of BarrierBreak is developing the

Mumbai theme.

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“Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, sevice, or environment is available to as many people as possible.” Cynthia Waddell

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AccessibilityCities themes standards:

Section 508 Compliant

WCAG 2.0 Level AA Compliant


W3C Validation

Commented code

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Government theme By Simon Pascal Klein @klepas a freelance web

designer with a passion for good typogaphy.

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AccessibilityMoving Beyond Technical AccessibilityConstructing a POUR website:✓ Perceivable in multiple ways

✓ Opeable using various input methods

✓ Understandable by your readers

✓ Robust across opeating systems and platforms

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by Karen Mardhal @kmdk driven by the idea of inclusion and universal design - we're all in this together!

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✓ Enable skip links

✓ Alternate text for pictures

✓ Captioning for video/audio

✓ Don’t use color for navigation

✓ Reading order is correct

✓ Avoid timeouts in forms

✓ Data tables and forms properly coded

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✓ No-script elements for scripts

✓ Keyboard navigable

✓ Applications don’t override AT

✓ Visual focus indicator

✓ Don’t override user agent controls

✓ Sufficient color contast

✓ No quick motion

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Theme by Lisa Herrod @scenariogirl building

a business theme.

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WP AccessibilityWordPress accessibility group –dedicated to improving accessibility in core

Join at Make WordPress Accessible

Tweeting at @WPAccessibility

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Team managed by David Kennedy @DavidAKennedy - theme for non-

profits and government.

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WP Accessibility

✓ Mel Pedley

✓ Gaham Armfield

✓ Cyndy Otty

✓ Joe Dolson

✓ Amanda Rush @cswordpress

✓ Sharon Austin @_Redd

✓ Amy Hendrix @sabreuse

✓ Karl Groves@karlgroves

✓ Joseph Karr O'Connor

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WP AccessibilityWordPress theme review guidelines for accessibility are in daft mode.

Internet relay chat, Wednesdays, 19:00 UTC, #wordpress-ui, sever or via freenode web chat.

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Theme project managed by Jennison Asuncion @Jennison.

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Accessibility Plugins

WP Accessibility by Joe Dolson✓ Remove redundant title attributes from page lists, categoy lists, and archive menus.

✓ Enable skip links with WebKit suppot by enqueuing JavaScript suppot for moving keyboard focus.

✓ Add skip links with user-defined targets. (Customizable targets and appeaance.)

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Accessibility Plugins

WP Accessibility by Joe Dolson ✓ Add language and text direction to your HTML attribute

✓ Remove the target attribute from links.

✓ Force a search page error when a search is made with an empty text string. (If your theme has a search.php template.)

✓ Remove tabindex from elements that are focusable.

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Theme by Anna Belle Leiserson for congregations (churches,

temples, mosques etc.)

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Accessibility Plugins

WP Accessibility by Joe Dolson✓ Strip title attributes from images inseted into content.

✓ Add an outline to the keyboard focus state for focusable elements.

✓ Add post titles to standard "read more" links.#uxdrinkinggame If someone says all the links should just say, "read more..." drink

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Accessibility Plugins

WP Accessibility by Joe Dolson ✓ Add a toolbar toggling between high contast, large print, and desatuated (gayscale) views of your theme.

✓ Fix cetain accessibility issues in the WordPress admin styles

✓ Show the color contast between two provided hexadecimal color values.

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Accessibility Plugins

Accessibility plugins by Joe Dolson:My Calendar

WP to Twitter

WP Accessibility


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Theme project managed by Char James-Tanny @CharJTF -

a restauant theme.

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Theme project by Simply Accessible managed by Elle McPherson

@nethermind - education theme.

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Accessibility Widgets

wpacc-accessible-twitter-feed by Rian Rietveld

"Plugin and theme developers should be required to show their work to their mother or gandmother, maybe then they'd discover, for example, that a grey site with grey chaacters is pretty hard to read when you're older."

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Accessibility Widgets

wpacc-accessible-twitter-feed by Rian Rietveld✓ Stand alone widget✓ Included function genesis_tweet_linkify, renamed it wp_accessible_tweet_linkify✓ Removed target is _blank for links, so they don't open in a new window

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New York

Theme project managed by Patik Patel @ppatel of EZFire

will be a business theme.

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Accessibility Widgets

wpacc-accessible-twitter-feed by Rian Rietveld✓ Removed title attribute in links (messes up screen reader output)

✓ Removed links on hashtags to prevent an overload of links for a tweet

✓ Removed the timestamp/link to prevent an overload of links for a tweet

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Accessibility Widgets

wpacc-accessible-twitter-feed by Rian Rietveld✓ Removed inline style for font-size

✓ Included .pot file and dutch .po/.mo files

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Twin Cities

Theme project managed by Joe Dolson @joedolson - Joe is a driving

force for WordPress accessibility.

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Accessible Content

✓ Use "Alternate Text" field when uploading images, describe the intent of the image.

✓ Don't use "Read More" links, describe destination: Read More about Cities.

✓ Links: don't use "Open link in new window/tab" check box.

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Accessible Content

✓ Use headings to sum up paagaphs and give structure.

✓ Use lists if content is a list.

✓ Adding video/sound? Don't autostat!

✓ Make sure video is Closed Captioned and provide a tanscript for audio.

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Rio De Janeiro

Theme project managed by Ana Isabel Paaguay


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São Paulo

Theme project managed by Ana Isabel Paaguay


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Augusta Georgia

Theme by Amanda Rush @cswordpress

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Manchester UK

Theme by Helen Wallwoth @AccessibleGeeks

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Los Angeles

Theme project managed by Natalie MacLees

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CreditsFree Blurred Backgrounds by Timothy Whalin @TimothyWhalin

Images from Flickr via HaikuDeck for iPad

Composed in Keynote, posted to Slideshare, available in a tanscript.

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