Circle of Men by Henriette Rasmussen


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Transcript of Circle of Men by Henriette Rasmussen

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A circle of men/Angutitiloqqasut

Radio feature produced by Henriette Rasmussen

Length: 34.49 minutes

Entering organisation: Qivi Networking

Produced in 2009 as part of the course Radiophonic Narration

Consultance & mix: Rikke Houd

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Avatangiisit nipaat...meeqqat pinnguartut illarpaluttut - pisuppaluk 

Henriette: Oqaluttuartoq: Illoqarfiit pingaarnersaanni Kalaallit Nunaanni Nuummi, oqaluttuari-

saanermut piingaarutilimmi umiarsualivimmiippunga, nunasiaanerup umiarsualiavianik

taasartakkatsinni, Nuup kangerlussuata paava, arferit imaat! Qipoqqaat tikissimasut tusarpakka..

Avatangiisit, pisuppaluk, arferit ungasissumi.

Henriette: Nukappiaqqat pinnguarput, nuannisarput ilaqutariit aneerput.

Nukappiaqqap assani uunnasserai.

Henriette: Eqqarsaatigaakka ernera, soralussakkalu angutit 30-inik ukioqalereerlutik,

namminerisaminnik suli initaanngitsut. Aamanna qaannivik, qajarpassuit, 25-it kisippakka

uninngasut, kalaallit qajaasut qangatulli sanaat. Eqqarsaatigaakka aatakkukka, tamarmik

piniartuusimasut qajartuumasut. Ilaquttaminnik pilersuisuullutik.

Nipilersuut,timmiaaqqat, pisuppaluk.

Henriette: Nuummi ingerlaarujoortillunga anno 2009, eqaarsaatigakka angutitatta nukippassui.

Eqqarsaatigaakka ataatat, anit aqqalussaallu. Ernerit, peeqqat uiillu.

Illoqarfik. Timmiaaqqat. pisuppaluk.

Henriette: Massakkut Brugsenip tungaanukarpunga atagu susoqarpamitaava taakani.


Henriette: Aamakku inuppassuit, seqinnarimmat uninngaarput sammillutillu.

Ulloqeqqariartorpoq.......angutit maaniittut arlalissuit putummasereersimapput.

Angutit quiasaartut illarpaluttut, Illoqarfippaluk.

Henriette: Maanaqquulluni aliatsannaartaqaaq. Aajinnga Piitaq, videonik dvdinillu pisoqqanik

tuniniaasoq. Qanga pinnersorsuaq. Ila aamma aserupallassimavoq. Aamma aajinnga

imaakajaartupilussuaq angut nilliasartoq inuusuttuaraallunilu, taaka suli paajatorpoq. Nujai

takiisupilorujussuanngorsimapput, kigutaalu ajorterujussimallutik.

Pisuppaluk, nipilersuut 


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Sounds from harbour , cars passing by, steps 

Henriette: Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. I am standing in the old harbour, the Colonial harbour

as it is called here. It is the mouth of the big Nuuk fjord, the sea of the humpback whales. I’ve

heard that they have arrived.

Steps. Distant sound of whales underwater singing.

Henriette: Boys are playing, the families go to the waterfront to receive the first warm day of theSpring,

Boy running by and blowing his hands.

Henriette: I think of my son and nephews. They’ve passed their 30’s and they still don’t have their

own homes. Here in the Colonial harbour you also find a kayak rack with lots of kayaks. I counted

25 traditional kayaks. I think of my grandfathers, who both hunted in their kayaks, to support their


Music, birds, steps, cars.

Henriette: While I walk in Nuuk anno 2009, I think about all the strength of our men. I think of

fathers, older brother, younger brothers…sons, boyfriends and husbands.

City atmosphere, birds, steps.

Henriette: I’m on my way to the Supermarket Brugsen. Let’s see what’s happening over there.

People walking and talking.

Henriette: There’s a lot of people here, since the sun is shining, they have gathered and are

enjoying it. It is noon. Many of these men are already drunk. (whispering ) It is sad to go by here.

City sounds, car horn, walking, men joking.

Henriette: There is Peter, once so handsome. He is selling old videos and DVDs. How he too, has

changed. There is also the lunatic, who is always shouting. He is still standing there with a beer in

his hand. His hair has grown long and his teeth are really bad now.

Steps, music 


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Henriette: Aasaleqaaq. Matut ugalaallu ammapput inuillu aneerrattalerput.

Neriuutaarunneq assiiginnttorpassuarnik kiinertar imeaujunneq annersaaen meeqanik

atornerluineq, imminorneq sangianneq, imminut tatingiunnaarneq, kamak, imminut aserorterneq.

Ukiut arlallit inngerlanerini assuaqatigiisillugu sapaatip akuneranut inuk ataaseq imminut

toquttarsimavoq. Amerlanerit tassaallutk angutit inuusuttut. Illorma erneri pingasut, kammalaatima

aqqaluaa, allap kammannguarma ernera asasarput tamarmik imminornikuupput. Angutitinuusuttorpassuit. Annaasagut amerlavallaaqaat. Sooq taamaaliorpat?


Henriette: Attaveqalerpunga: Alan-i 19-inik ukiulik angutit ikittunnguullutik oqaloqatigiittarfianni

peqataasartoq. Taakku angutit oqaatigiuminaattut pillugit naapittarput. Oqaatigineqarsinnaanngittut


Tummeqqat - matukkut kasuttortoq.

Alan: Apersortinnissama tungaanut anaanagalu kamaattarpugut - soorlu inerunnaarniarit, ila.aanaakkunnukaruma aamma aanaa imertoq amma nilliasoq. Suinnarpisiuna, ilaa.

Sumunnarfissaarutaasattarlunga. Taavalu ooriuteqartuunatik, ilaa taamani. Uanga nalullugu

qanoq iliussanerlunga. Kammalaatikka takusinnaallugu ilaa sorrlu, nereqatigiittut, ilaqutatsillu,

imminnut qanittut uangalu taamaannanga. Taamaattumi perorusimaanngikkaluarlunga. Immaqa'a

qulit missaanni ukioqarluta inoqatitsinnik attuniakujuttarnerit aallartipput, kamaaterrattarluta.

Ataataga tas' suliuaannavittunikuugami, taamaamm.,, ittuujuaannarnikuugami sumiluunniit

suliffimminni. Ataataga najornikuunngilara. Anaanaga sumut tmaanga nuukulaarnikuuvoq,

lejghedemik lejlghdemut allamut. Imigassamik ajornartorsiuteqarluni. Taava 17-inik ukioqartunga

DK-mut aallarpoq. Eqqaamavara atugarliortuusoq, tassam, angajoqqaat tungaatigut. Perorama

nalujunnaarlugu suusoq, meeraaneraninngaaniiguna arlaanik iluaniittuuteqarami taamaattoq.

Henriette: Qanormi ersineq eqqarsaatigalugu. Ersineq misigisimaviuk meeraallutit taamani?

Alan: Ersigisaqarnikuunngilanga. Atuarfimmiluunniit ilaa soorlu, kamaanniartoqarpat.

Soqutiginngilara.Qaaniaritsi misilinniarsiuk, ila, taama oqartuaannarnikuuvunga. I ka da bare

prøve! Så ka vi se hva der sker. Immaqa aamma taamani mikigallarama kammassaqarnermik,

aqusinnaanagulu, kammassakka.

Henriette: Siunissat eqqarsaatigisarpiuk?

Alan: Naapippara aappara. Nooqatigiippugut. Ajornatorsiortarlunga suli, qanoq, kamaqqasarlunga.

'Inuuneraasit taamaaliartoqqippoq...qanortoruna iliorlanga..ila...Taamatut inoorusunngilang!

inoorusunngikkaluarpunga uanga. Taava aapparma kammalaataa oqarami: Hva med den der

mandegruppe? Angutit ajornartorsiutillit naapittarfiat. Misilikkakku. Og jeg har aldrig haft det bedre!

Iluaqutaasorujussuugami, ilaa. Paannittarunnarpunga. Minnerpaamik immaqa 50'eriaq

paanninnikuuvunga. Aamma ajorsarnikuunngilanga.Ilaa. Ilikkaga..ilikkarnikuugakku ilaa qanoq

iliussanerlunga kamaannermi, ajorsarneq ajorlunga, ilaa. kisianni taamatut inuu..inuuinnarniaruma

ilaa, inuuneq sivisunaviannginnami. Fra dag til dag traf jeg en valg..soorlu taamatut,

eqqarsaatigeqqangilara, 'qanortoruna iliorlanga..' fordi jeg vil ha det bedre!

Inooqatigiippugut. Nuunuutitaarusuppugut. Tassa tatigivaanga aamma ilimagaagooq

ataatanngorluassasunga. Meeqqat uanga takusarakkit ilaa, angajoqqaavi ajortut.

Angajoqqaaminnit nilliaffigitittut. Uanga taama pineqartarnikuuvunga. Meeraq taama

pisassannginnami ilaa, man skal give kærlighed, og være sammen med dem. Taava,


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Prix Europa 2009

oqarfiginikuuara aamma aappara, meerartaaraluarutta uanga ataataqassooq meerara. Uanga

ataataqarnikuunngilanga. Nalunngilara qanoq ajortiginersoq.


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Prix Europa 2009

Henriette: It is Spring. Doors and windows are open. People walk out. 

Hopelessness has many expressions: alcoholism, violence, child abuse, suicide, jealousy, low self-

esteem, anger and self-destruction. Some years, an average of one person a week commit

suicide. Most of them are young men. My cousin’s three sons, the younger brother of my friend,

my friend’s wonderful son, whom we all loved…all committed suicide. So many young men. We all

lost too many. Why did they do that?

Walking out.

Henriette: I have met someone! Alan is a guy of 19 years who attends a small group of men that

meet to talk about difficult things. They talk about unmentionable issues.

Steps on stairs. Knock on door.

Alan: My mom and I had quarrels up until my confirmation. Like: ‘stop drinking!’ right? Then Iwould go to my grandma’s house, and she too would be drunk, and she was shouting: ‘What’s

wrong with you?’ I had no place go. And none of them had money. I did not know what to do. I

watched my friends having dinner with their parents. And I was different. I did not want to grow up

being different. Maybe when I was about ten years old …that’s we started beating up other people,

really. We had big fights. My father was always working. He was always the boss the in the places

where he worked. I did not grow up with my father. My mother moved from apartment to

apartment. She had a drinking problem. She moved to Denmark when I was 17. I remember she

had problems with her parents. When I grew up I understood she was carrying something from her

childhood inside her, that’s why she behaved the way she did.

Henriette: What about fear? Were you sometimes afraid?

Alan: I was never afraid of anything. Like in school, if there was somebody who wanted to fight

with me, I was never afraid. ‘C’mon! Try me’, I always answered. ‘Why don’t you try? Then let’s

see what happens’. Maybe it was also because I have had so much aggression in my childhood

and did not know how to control myself.

Henriette: Have you considered your future?

Alan: I met my girlfriend. We moved in together. By then I still had problems. I was aggressive.

‘Oh, my life is turning bad again…what can I do?...I do not want to live like that!…I wish I

wouldn’t…’ My aggression also changed our relationship. Then, a friend of my girlfriend said to me:

‘What about that Men’s Group?’ (in Danish ). I tried that. And I’ve never felt better...that really

helped me. I’ve stopped fighting with other people. You know, I have had at the least 50 fights. And

I had never lost in any of them. I had learned how not to lose in fights. But if you continue living like

that, you’ll never live long. From one day to the other I made a choice. I did not even consider what

to do. Because I wanted to have a better life, you know.

We live together, we want to have a child. She trusts me, and she believes that I’ll become a good

father. You know, I’ve seen children who are being badly treated by their parents. Who are

shouted at by their parents. I’ve been treated like that. You know, a child should not be treated likethat. They should be given love, and should not be left alone. I’ve also told my girlfriend that if we

had a baby, my child shall have a father. I’ve never had a father, I know how bad that is.


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Henriette: Qaammateqanngilaq. Ikersuaq. Qaammateqanngilaq. Sila. Silarsuaq. Ullorissat.

Arsarnerit. Naanguku? Ullorissat arsarnerit. Aningaaq.

Umiarsuaq pujortumi..aanngasissumi.

Henriette: Valmuet naasunnguit sikkerartuarput sivisuumik. Sungaartut aappaluttut. itileriallaramasunaana nipersuaq?! Kiisa makillunga igalaamukarpunga. Paasileriallaringa, arfersuinuna nipaat.

Assaa nipi! Isumaliorpunga arnaviaq angutiviarlu. ..paanngikkunik samminngikkunik ..

nipiliortorujorujorujussuusut. Anivunga. Sila taartuinnaavoq. Pujorpoq. kisianni nillernani.

Takusinnaanngilakkali. Taamaallaat tusaasinnaavakka niperujussui tupinnartut. Arferit imaanut

tammaqqipput. Pujorlu nipaannik kivitsisoq aamma kivivoq. Seqineq kissarpoq, silaannarli

nillataartarlerluni. Kangerlunni paarnanik ulikkaarpoq. Alani oqaloqatigeqqikkusukkaluarakku.

Piumajunnaarporli. Kisianni Jukku oqaloqatigaara. Jukku aamma angutit oqaloqatigiittarfiannut

ilaavoq. 50'it missaanni ukioqarpoq kajortunik iseqarpoq...

Jukku: ...hmm...

Henriette: ...uikumalu sanileraa:

Jukku: Uanga nammineerlunga arnanik sisamanik aappaqarnikuuvunga. Kingulleq nuliarivara.

Ehm 18-inik ukioqarlunga siulleq naapippara.Taassumap asanninnermik tunisalermanga,

asanninninnguaq taanna meerallungali kipisaffigisartagara maqaasisara taassuminnga pisalerakku

sangiatoorujorujussanngorpunga. Uanga kisima pingissuakkimik eqqarsarnermik. Arlaannik

oqaloqateqarpat eh taava apersulersarpara Kinaana? suisi? immaqa taanna

soqutigartinnerulerpaa? Taamaattumik kamak tassani alliartuinnartarpoq. Sangiannerlu tassani

pilersarluni. Asaninneq taanna pisangara erlerinermik kiisa unatartalerpara uanga kisima

pingerusullungu. Arnamik allamik aappartaaqqippunga. Taanna aalakoorningut tamaasa

ningarpoq, taavalu ningaleraangat ilaliuffigiinnarlugu aamma uanga kamalertarpunga. Soorunataamaappit, sooruna...pasilliutikujussuit eqqunngittut pasilliutigisarmagit uanga kamaattarpara.

Taavalu imersimalluta kamaassimangaangatta aqaguani suna tamarmi soorlu

susoqarsimanngittoq, suna tamarmi aaqqereersimavoq. Appariinnitta nalaani taanna arnaq

allasiorsimavoq. Uanga sangiattororujorujussuuvnga. Allaat taanna angut ornippara tillullungu,

taassumalli kingorna aapparisaralu isumaqatigiippugut, tassa allatut ajornaqaaq,

avissaartariaqarpugut. Uanga allasiortorsuarmik aapparusunnginnama. Uffali uanga

nammineerlunga tamanna atortorisorujussuullungu.

Henriette: Arnat pingajuat?

Jukku: (Illarluni) Arnat pingajuannik naapitsinera nuannersorujorujussuuvoq. Arnap taassuma

akueriuaannaavippaanga, taamaaliorusukkuit taamaliorniarit! Taamatut pissusilersornerata eh

misigitippaanga asaneqanngittutut! Immaqaana soqutiginnginnaminga taamarsuaq ilioraanga,

taamaattumik soqutigeqqusaarlunga arnaq taanna aamma kamaattarpara, asateqqusaarlunga ehh

annersartarpara allaat. Taamaattumik soorunalimi aamma qimappaanga. Qimanneqaraangama

misigisimajuaannarpunga suna tamarmi soqutaajunnaartoq. Immaqa imminoruma

ajunnginneruvoq. Ehm ajornartorsiutit taakku utikaajaaginnarput. Aappartaaqqikkaluaruma aamma

qimataasussaavunga, soormi imminuinnallaruma? Taava ajornartorisutaarutissuunga. Tassa arnat

pingajuata aamma qimappaanga. Tava arnat sisamaat ehh, tikikkakku imigassaq

annertoorujussuaq atorpara. Aammalu ikiaroornartoq annertoorujussuaq atorsinnaasarlugu.

Taamaattumik nuannarineq ajorpaanga. Tassami imileraangama ehm

verdensmesterinngortarama. Illutta avataani inuit akornannut pigaangama, taamatut

aalakoorlunga, Jukkutsialassuusarpunga. Inuk pittaasoq, inuk ikiu..ikiuukkumasoq, inuk illartoq,

illarsaarisoq! Angerlaruma taava arnaq taanna nuliannguakkulunga kamaatilertarpara. Tassa


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taamaalillunga taakkua arnat sisamat aapparivakka. Taava paasileriallarpara, uannut


Music. Door opens. Foghorn in the distance 

Henriette: There is no moon. The big fjord. No moon. Sila. The weather, the universe. The stars.The Northern lights. Where are they all? The stars. The Northern lights. The moon.


Henriette: The poppies were still flowering. They were yellow and red. I woke up – what is that

sound? Such a huge sound. I got out of bed and went to the window. I realized that this was the

sound of whales! What a magnificent sound. I think it was a female and a male, either in a fight or

in love or some kind of interaction, making a loud noise. I went out. It was dark and very foggy, but

not cold. But I couldn’t see them, I could only hear the huge sound they made, their amazing

sounds. The whales disappeared into the sea and the fog that carried their songs also evaporated.

Now the sun is warm but the air is cool. There are a lot of berries in the fjords. I want to talk morewith Alan, but he does not want to talk to me anymore. But I talk to Jukku. He also attends the

Men’s Group. He is around the 50 years old and he has brown eyes…

Jukku: …hmm…

Henriette: …and lives next door to my ex-husband.

Jukku: I’ve been in relationships with four women. I am now married to the 4th. I met the first one

when I was 18. And when she started giving me love, the sweet love I had been longing for since

my childhood … I became very jealous when she started loving me. I thought Only-I-shall-have- 

you- thoughts. If she talked with someone, I would question her: ‘Who is that, what are you two

doing?’ Maybe she is more interested in him now? My anger would grow and so would my

 jealousy. This love that was so precious to me…I wanted it so badly for myself, so I started hitting

her, only because I was possessive.

Then I was with another woman. She got jealous every time we were drunk, and when she got

 jealous, I rode that wave and got mad as well, mad at her for being so suspicious without reason.

Next day when we were sober, we had forgotten everything. She had an affair during our

relationship. That made me very jealous – I even went to see that man and hit him. But some time

after that we decided that, no - it doesn’t work – we have to split up. Because I did not want to

have a partner who would go behind my back – although I had exactly the same habit!

Henriette: And the third woman?

Jukku: (laughs) The third woman. It was a wonderful meeting. She would always accept whatever

I wanted to do. ‘If you wish to do that, yeah go ahead…’ Her behaviour made me feel like she

didn’t love me. ‘She probably behaves like that because she doesn’t care about me’, I thought. And

I would get angry with her to arouse her interest. I wanted her to show me love, and I would even

beat her. She left me, of course. My world crashed down when she abandoned me and I thought: ‘I

may as well commit suicide. These problems I have are just circling around me, when I will meet a

new woman, she’ll also leave me. If I die I will get rid of that problem’.


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The 3rd woman then left me. And when I found the 4 th woman, I had a serious drinking problem and

would also occasionally smoke lots of hashish. She did not like that.

Yes…because I would become a world champion when I drank. When I was among other people,

outside our home, I would be the good Jukku, a nice person, who’s helpful and laughs, someone

who jokes around. But when I came home I would be angry with her. This is how my four

relationships went, and I suddenly understood, that it is a sign.


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Henriette: Aajuku..Tuapanguani aqqusineq. kranersualerlutik kalaallit angutit aajuku marluk.

qallunaarlu ataaseq, aap. Aamakku kalaallit angutit sanaartorfimmi, sanna, aammakku illuliorfimmi

sungaartunik nasalersorlutik, hjelmilerlutik, blokkersuaq, i,2,3,4,5,6,7.....

Inuit nipaat, illarpaluk..meeqqat. Bom bom bom.

Henriette: Asanninneq! Asanninneruna apeqqutaaginnartooq? asaneqarnissaruna kisimi

pineqartooq? Busserlunga illoqarfiliarpunga. Bussimi inuit amerlavallaanngillat. Tunorlerpaami

meeqqat nikorfapput. Saarlerpaami arnat utoqqaat aajikku issiapput. Arnaq tungujortumik

marngusalik aajinnga. Inuusuttut aajikkua aamma sammerujoortut. Aamma ilaapput angutit

utoqqaat marlussuit. Aana ataaseq aamma pisiniarfiliuteqartoq. Brugesenip eqqaani niuvunga.

Massakkut angutit aalakoortut suli amerlinerusimapput. Aammali assassukkanik nerisassanillu

assigiinngitsunik tuniniaasut arlaqarnerulersimallutik. Qummukajaakkut majuarninni angutit

aalakoortut illarpalunnerat aanngariartorpoq. Eqqarsaatikka niviortuarput angutit

oqaloqatigiittarfiannut. Taakkumi akornanni Alan-i angut inuusuttunnguaq 19-inik ukiulik

inuunermini misigisani oqimaatsut allanut angutinut ammaappai aninguinissamut aqqutit nutaat

nassaariumallugit. Qaqqat qaavi apisimapput, ukiassaq sorlunni malunnarpoq. Kaalikkunnutkasuttorpunga.

Kasuttorpaluk tummeqqakkut majuarneq.

Henriette: Ammaappaangalu. Kaali angutaavoq sallukujooq angisooq, sukkasuumik pisuttartoq.

Kaalilu angutit oqaloqatigiittarfiannik aallartitseqataanikuuvoq.

Kaali: Soorlu ataatsip eqqaamavara oqaluttuarigaa meeraanermini ehm ernguttuni

alliartorsimavoq. Unatagaasarsimavoq. Allaat ilaanni ullut arlalippassuit nerisaqarani

mattusimaneqartarsimavoq, ineerannguamut mattullugu. Ehm kinguaassiuutitigut

atornerlunneqarsimavoq. Tassa kinaassutsimut assigiingitsutigut sunniuteqartoq ataatsipoqaluttuaraa. Nammineerluni imigassamik atornerluilerneranut, atuartitaanera- nini

iluatsitsiffigingaarsimanngilaa. Imminut tatiginiarnera imminut upperiniarnera

innarlerneqarsimavoq, ajukkutoorujussuulluni imminut kanngugiuartutut misigaluni, aanilaanganeq

kammanneq, paarlakaajaattut,

Henriette: Annilaanganeq, kamanneq. Angutip angisuup Kaalip, meeraanermini pisimasoq

eqqaavaa. Aqqanilinnik ukioqalernini.

Kaali: Ilaqutariit illooqqakkalu, ilaqutariit neriartoqqusaapput, aatakkunnut anaanaga peqataavoq,

illooqqakka eh peqataapput. Nerivugut kisianni malugisinnaallugu soorlu arlaannik tujorminartumik

akornats akunnitsinniittoqartoq sulilu nalullugu sunaanersoq. Nerereerluta inimi issiavissuarmi

issiatillunga anaanaga qialluni aallartikkami. Tusanngunartumik, taavalu eqqumiitsumik

pissusilersoqqilerni. Neriuttaraluarama eqqumiitsumik pissusilersortarneri tassa tammartut. Taava

ilaqutariinnitsinni uippallilerpugut. Aataga kamappoq ”Aasinaasit..aasinaasiit.” Naa

pissut..oqimaallipput pissutsit tujorminarsivoq...ilaqutariinneq. Illooqqama ilaat apersorluni

aallartippoq: ”Kaalimuna anaanaa susoq?” Uanga inimiik nipissara tamaat suaariallaataa: ’Hold

kæft! Nipangerit!!’ Ininnut qimaallunga tappikani qiallunga kisimiillunga, ininnut majuartoqanngilaq.

Malinneqanngilanga. Ataasinnguamilluunniit majuarpaluttoqanngilaq, neriukkaluarpunga,

kiserliortorujussuuvunga qianinni. Aasinaasiit anaanaga unilerpoq qaqugumiaasiit

angerlaqqissava? Neriukkaluarpunga tusaaneqassallunga aliasunninnilu immaqa

eqitaalarneqassallunga. Tuppallersarneqalaarlunga. Fantaseerlunga? Iisartagaqassagaluarami

iisartagaq iigaanni qimagussimassaanga, nunarsuarmullu pitsaasumut

piumasaqaatitaqarpallaanngitsumut, artukkannik, annilaangannngitsumut pillunga. Kisianni tassa


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fantaseerisarpara ilisarisimaneqarnanga, isumaqartarama taamanikkut siusissukkut, aamma

anaanama napparsimaneranut arlaannut uanga pisuullunga.

Music. Street. Cars passing by. Sounds from a construction site.

Henriette: Here they are. There are two Greenlandic men and a Dane with a big crane, on a street

in Tuapannguit. Yes, here they are…Greenlandic men working in a house building area. They

have yellow helmets. A big apartment building…one…two…three

Music. Men laughing. Boys running. Bom – bom –bom 

Henriette: Love…Is it all a question about love? Being loved, is that what it is all about? I take the

bus to town. There are not so many people in the bus. There are some kids standing in the back.

There are some old women sitting in the front. Here is a woman with a blue hat. Here are some

youngsters chatting. There are also some old men. One has a shopping bag with him. I descend at

The Supermarket Brugsen. There are more drunken men by Brugsen by now. The same goes forthe group of people selling things. The sound of the drunken men’s laughter disappears in the

distance as I ascend up the hill. My thoughts are circling around the Men’ Group. There is Alan, a

young guy of 19, who opened up about the heavy things he experienced in his life to other men in

the Group, in order to find new paths to recovery. There is snow on the mountaintops now. I feel

the cool autumn air in my nostrils.

Steps on stairs. Music 

Henriette: I knock on the door to Kaali’s place and he opens the door for me. Kaali is a tall and

slender man who walks fast. He is one of those who started the Men’s Group.

Kaali: I remember one man who told that he grew up in a home with alcohol abuse. He was

beaten. He would even be without food for several days, locked up in a small room. He was

sexually abused. He said that this had influenced his identity a lot, so he himself became an

alcohol abuser. He did not get much out of his schooling, his self-confidence, his trust in himself,

his self-esteem was damaged. He was so ashamed of himself. Fear and anger were shifting

sentiments within him.

Henriette: Fear and anger. The big man Kaali recalls an episode from his childhood, from his 11th


Kaali: My family and cousins are invited to dinner at our place for my birthday, at my grandfather’s

house. My mother is there too, and so are my cousins. We are eating, but I can feel that there is

something in the air, some uneasy feeling, not at all pleasant, and I don’t know yet what it is. After

dinner, we sit in the living room. While I sit in an armchair my mother starts crying, making a

highpitched noise. She’s behaving strangely again. I always hoped that the weird behaviour would

stop. Then the party gets chaotic. My grandpa gets mad: ‘Oh, not now again!’…not again…the

situation becomes very heavy. The family is in a bad shape. One of my cousins starts asking:

‘What is wrong with Kaalis mother? ’ From the living room I shout with all my heart “shut up!” (in 

Danish” ). I run upstairs to my room. There I cry all by myself, no one comes upstairs. No onefollows me. Not one person comes upstairs. I hope so much that someone will. I am very lonely

when I cry: ‘My mother is going to the hospital again. When will she be back?’ I hope so much that


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someone will hear me crying and comfort me a little, that someone will put an arm around me to

comfort me a little. I remember that I had a fantasy: There is a pill and when you take this pill, you’ll

arrive in a pleasant world. I will arrive in a world where no one demands anything that I cannot

accomplish. I come to a world with no fear. My fantasy also includes that no one knows me there.

Because, even at an early age, I think that I am the reason for my mother’s sickness.


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Telefoni sianertoq, pisuppaluk. Hallo? 

Henriette: Inuk asasaq ilangisaq, erlingisaq, imminut aserortertoq misigalugu ajoqaaq. Soorlu

qisunngulluni, merianngullunilu. Soorlu iloq, timi tamarmi sullunngortoq. Oqaatsillu


Henriette:Eqqamasaqarput, soorlu anaanat angerlaneraniit?

Kaali: Eh.. juullilersoq, juull immaqa ulloq taanna juuliaratuugunarpoq Nuummingaannit utertoq.

Timmisartoqarfimmut eh tassami heliportimut timmisartoqaarfimmut aatagalu aallutigu, naak

aatama nangartaraluaraanga kissaatiginikuugakku ininngua blokini orpilersussagipput, orpialu

pinnersareerlugu. Mimmat soorunami misissortorujussuusarpara. Anaanaga qanoq ippa ilumut

peqqissisimavaa? Eqqissiallanneq pisarpoq kisiannili annilaanganeq tulleq

aallarteqingajareertarporluunniit: Ah, qanoraasiit sivitugissava massakkut? Qaqugumita tulleq

aallaqqinnissaa imaluunniit eqqumiitsumik pissuseqalernissaa imaluunniit uninnissaa

napparsimavimmut kingornalu aallartinneqarnissaa.Misi, misigivunga..nuannaarneq, kisiat nuannaarneq annilaanganermik imalik. Allaaneq ajorami

qamani ujarassuaq oqimaalliartuinnartoq naama iluaniittoq. Allaanngilaq taanna ujarassuaq

tassaasoq anisussanut miligutaasoq isertussanut aamma taamatut unitsitsisoq, misigissutsinnut

anaannanut aatakkunnullu qanillinermik sapernermik misigititsisartoq, kiserliornermillu.

Kaali: Tassa 18-inik ukioqalernissara tikillugu qimmeqarpunga. Ehm, qimmikka kiserliorninni

a..aamma saaffigiuartarakkit aamma taamanikkut allaallu oqaloqatigisarlugit, taama

oqarsinnaangaanni, ehm. Ittoqutiga nuannarinerpaagakku taanna (illalaarluni)

Oqaloqatiginerpaasarlugu. Niliasup tasiatigoorluta ilummut qamunga avannamut saariaani,

tassuuna eh ilummut ingerlaalerlunga, qimmera naalanngeriartoq isimmillugu sakkortuallaartumi

timaatigut eqqorlugu taamaattarnanga, naluara suminng.. sooq taanna kamanneq takkunnersoq,nassuiarsinnaanngilara taamanikkut, nalunngiinnarpara kingorna aliasuttorujorujorujorusuullunga

nalligisorujusuullugulu eh peqqisimisorujusuullungalu, suli taanna sinnattupiluutigisarpara

nuanniigingaarakku kamannera taamani qimminnut tutsinnikuugakku.

Henriette: Perluppoq. Ullumikkut sanilera aappalungusersumik igalaamini ullorialerpoq.

Ukiuunerani Kaali arlaleriarlunga oqaluttuartittarsimavara. Sulili angutit oqaloqatigiittarfainnut

peqataatinneqanngilanga. Takrloorpakka angutit iloqqasunngorlutik imminnut najummisut.

Imminnut illersorlutik. Misigisimavunga taqqamani arlaannik tupinnartumi pisoqartartoq. Tamarmik

ataasiakkaarlutik nammataat, anniaataat, peqatigiilerneranni nukissuanngortartoq, kusanartoq.

Tamanna misigerusukkaluarakku. Kisianni paasivara, iseraluaruma iloqqasuuneq pisinnaanngilaq.

Nukillu kusanartoq pinngorsinnaanani. Taamaaassimasooq.

Kaali. Sinnassaat.

Henriette: Februariuvoq. Ullumi Kaali 45-liivoq. Sinnassaasiani atorpaa. Qaammartaleqaaraasiit,

taavalu upernassaaq. Upernaaq, nunap saqqummerluni tipigissisarfia. Inuit asannilertarfiat.

Kisiannili aamma kiserliornerup artornarluinnalertarfia. Taamaalippanaasiit nukappiaqqat kingumut

umiarsualivittoqqamukartalissapput. Aputip aalluni kusernera kuunnguannguuttoq


Kaali: Cirka - ass kukkuneqalaaraluarpoq.


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Steps. Telephone ringing. A person saying: Hello. Music.

Henriette: It is so hard to watch someone close, someone you love, someone you really care

about…destroy himself. It really hurts. It feels like you need to cry, or need to vomit. It is as if the

whole body becomes hollow. Words don’t manage to describe that feeling.


Henriette: Do you recall the situation when your mother is back from a hospital?

Kaali : I remember a Christmas day, yes I believe it is Christmas Day. She came back from Nuuk

and arrived at the heliport. Grandpa and I went to meet her at the heliport. Although grandpa did

not approve I insisted that we decorated her place in the apartment buildling. That we would put up

a Christmas tree and decorate it. I always examine her carefully when she lands. How is my

mother? Has she really recovered? I calm down, but the fear for the next situation comes almost

instantly. For how long will she be staying with me? When is the next time? The next time she acts

strangely, the next time she’s hospitalized, and sent away. I feel happy, but the happiness is

mingled with fear. It is just like I have a big stone inside me getting heavier, inside my stomach. Itis as if that big stone stops whatever should get out or get in, stops my feelings for my mother, for

my grandpa. It sometimes makes me hard to approach and gives me the feeling of loneliness.


Kaali: I had dogs until I was 18 years old. Back then, I always addressed my dogs in my solitude. I

even talked to them, if I may say so. My lead dog was my favourite and I ‘talked’ with him the most.

We were at the lake of Nilliasoq, we were at the bend to the inland, by the spot where we can turn

to the North. I was going in that direction, but since my dog didn’t obey me for a moment, I kicked

it. I kicked its body too hard, although it had never been my habit. I do not know why I suddenly

became so angry. I just know that I was so sorry for a long time after that episode. I was reallysorry. And I regretted it a lot. That episode is still in my nightmares. I regret that I let my anger out

on my dog like that.

Henriette: There is a snowstorm out there. My neighbour puts an orange star in her window. This

winter I have had several interviews with Kaali. But I have not been invited inside the circle of the

Men’s Group. I imagine the men sitting in a circle with their arms around each other, protecting

each other. I feel that something magic happens inside this circle. That the burden on their

shoulders and their agony turns out to be a great and beautiful power when they are there

together. I wish so much to observe that. But I understand, that if I enter, the circle cannot close,

and the great and beautiful power cannot exist. So it must be.

Kaali playing lullaby 

Henriette: It is the month of February. Today is Kaali’s birthday. He turns 45. He is playing a

lullaby he composed. The light is returning and soon it is Spring. The Spring, when the ground

emerges from the snow with its wonderful aromatic smell, a time when people fall in love, but also

a time where loneliness can be unbearable for some. Then the boys will again gather in the old

harbour, when the dripping snow forms small rivers where they like to play.

Kaali: (plays lullaby)…the lullaby goes something like that – but I made some mistakes.


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Henriette: Ukioq ataasinngoreerpoq angutit oqaloqatigiittarfianni immiusserusullunga

apersuigama. Kaalip guitarini ilivaa, oqarlunilu unnugu angutit naapissamaartut.

Ilaarusussoralunga aperivaanga. Qujallunga akuersivunga.

Tummeqqat, matu matusoq, elevatori, matu alla matusoq 

Paartoq: Taava umiatsiaar..umiatsiaa taanna, kaajallattarluni. Silaannakkut. Taava soorunamitaanna upperineqangilluinnarpoq... ingattarsermat..taava taanna taasalerpaat: Kaavinnikkaaq!

Angutit illartut, pisupput, nipilersuut 

Henriette: Angutit isertippaannga. Kisianni aatsaat anigama nigalik naasimassooq. Alani Jukku

Kaali allallu ...Ualivoq. Inuit suliffimminniit angerlakaapput. Qaqqani aput ualinerani

aappillersimavoq. Anori kiinnanni pussukulaartoq malugaara.

Pisuppaluk, qimmit, timmiaaqqat 

Kaali: Upernaajuvoq aprili naajartortoq. Qimusserluni nuannerseruttortoq. Marlup missaaniuvoq,

aamma kisimiikkusukkama aaliangerpunga qimusserniarlunga. Qimmit ullut arlalit

qimunnikuunnatik, pilerusorujussuullutik takugamikku qamutit aqqarikka, quip qaaninngaanniit.

Assut qilullutillu unallutillu pilerput. Anulersoriarlugit aqqusinitsigut qummut. Samuelsvejikkut

aallarpunga. Pangalitsitsisorujussuullunga aallarpugut. Tassani upernaakkut issippiarunnaareerluni

kisianni suli nillataalaartoq, seqineq kissakkiartorusaalereersoq inuuninni ilaatigut

pilluarnarnerpaatut taakkua eqqaamasannguatsiarpakka...



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Henriette:: It is now a years since I asked to record the men in the Men’s Group. Kaali puts down

his guitar and says that tonight the men are going to gather. He asks me if I want to come? I thank

him and accept.

Steps on stairs. Door closes. Elevator. Another door opens and closes.

Paartoq: ….that he and his boat would turn around in the air – so big were the waves! (laughter )but of course nobody believed that, and after that episode, he was called ‘the one who turns

around a lot’.

Men talking, laughing, walking. Music.

Henriette: The men let me in. But it is only when I have left that the circle is closed. Alan, Jukku ,

Kaali and the others. It is late in the afternoon. People are going home from work. The snow on the

mountains has got a rose colour from the sun. The wind on my cheeks is biting a bit.

Steps. Dogs. Birds.

Kaali: It is Spring, the end of April, when the weather is nicest for a dogsled ride. It is afternoon.

I want to be alone, I decide to go out on my dogsled. My dogs have not been out for several days

and they are very excited as they watch me take the sled down from the roof of the storage house.

They bark and they jump up my legs. I harness them, and off we go! Up Samuelsvej, our road. The

dogs follow the old traces of previous dog sledge tracks, sometimes running in a slow pace

sometimes running really fast. And that moment...this spring day, as the sun is getting warm, and

the cold is retiring...that moment is probably the most happy moment in my life...

The end


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Radiophonic Narration (RANA) is a practice based educationin sound narrative and radio feature making, exploring thepossibilities of the radiophonic expression. The course isaimed at professionals working from remote and smallsocieties and is taught through intensive workshops inIceland, Greenland, Sweden and Denmark. The first groupgraduated in June 2009, four Icelandic and three Greenlandicradio professionals.

RANA is offered through The Icelandic Film School and theUniversity of Greenland in collaboration with Dramatiskainstitutet in Stockholm and The Danish Broadcasting

Corporation (DR) with support from The Icelandic NationalBroadcasting Service (RÚV) and The GreenlandicBroadcasting Corporation (KNR). RANA 2007-2009 is fundedby the Lifelong Learning programme/Leonardo da Vinci,NORA and NAPA.