Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 19. · ßEAL ESTATE.- m Ntw-Yoaa, Xmas*»». e*î»t. 6. Ml....

ßEAL ESTATE. - m Ntw-Yoaa, Xmas*»». e*î»t. 6. Ml. The trtknaaa-tiona at tb* Exchange were un- tmportsnt Messrs. Johasan <k Miller took a law ««>¦- ^r^rr*ntt«»Vnla«tow»ta sttead the -le of t»J lota «ita* Jersey Land ImprovemMit Ooiopaay. *»" «letails of the sale will ne *£«¦ &.S.?T,__ mna «bout ÄmftÄ-WBftÄ-^^ .i«» Mr. 8. J. Ahern ha. ^JAÍ Adame-ave., near J. tTerson P.trk. Mr. -*"*",. .jean», Cr of SSraMe lion»*» for persons of "F^ann-ave. and cant* found con.« r o ' Msry-st, ann ,,,,... on .The Inquiry for hou*e» «t W»»J*» ."£ »«w-Vork waa th* ttntral R»llroad althiu one *"J\ga preeent In- i.over more »olive than «t present, sna "JJJJgj before .lica.ion» all those noir vacant win «*¦ llieelo«eoftheeie*»on. Missouri River Railroad The salt* of BurlinK'nn ^«TrntAaimit, leni. were 4ai.ds In Iowa, ditrlni the ^"»¡U price of 112 "¡H J*» e,Mt «9-100 acre«, at »n *rfr*"^ ' «aere. anMiunung tott.3» m ,,_ coare¬ te mu. erna»* »¦»*? TL);p,¿es n m. er eddresa «.agry sw tefstasf. ^^"^.^.^ p, yANl BV. 7 frcata»f»y*«rt_ 1\)R £ALr^'l«>ree-*t«>ry. Kw^atOoiiTVown- H iî^MOtSB aad LUT. Ka« Trümethit., between Fifth and ¿^J^Ttn^inr»-«í*«trocft^ Pnce. Bote» Jl.S by rV***r5e,. Lot 21 » by RIJ. be M by »emu «air. Apply t tjTui>LOw * te >"o 3 eiie-st »r » Batt SeieoteeuU-tt ~ firooklßn ^L®,iíLÍ?LÍÍl,!^ tvÎh^«ALE.In Proi>p«?ct-pWe, on thtj xu'ù\ b JL rmr*« p"k Broohl.». TWO ¿t» brotra-tta** froat ¿cii«m wit» sll itnp'eeemeBte-t-.U reel deer. es>y term» »ed low SS^mSjiü .íiiÍí***"C«I- ' l»ir«-p)»ac. Brooklyn. T,V)ÏÏ SALE.A new three-atoTy, brown-ntone T BOlfl. 1* rrel-ehm loritla«. with »11 improremsaU. *Xix«2xl¡J0¡ Cn,,, s)ilOMU_A|.|)>_to_J B. I'tjWILL. 36 Fine-ei._ iW'SÁÍ.t-A 3-atory basement and 8ub- r relUr '«»m «re HOt'SB text», lot 100, well located in Brooklvn. Frtce. *l' St» Apply to M A. «CLASP k Co,. » Beetma»-at M. T. ÏX-K SALE.Thw^tory brick HOU 9E,in com- tbte order, with ia Irturree Ire minutée from forre. Terms caiv. W. U»Ks»H. Foarth «t, W.lbamsbnrgh. tong Islario Real <5*tate for Sole. "I ONG ISLAND EAKM.near HtintinRton, for .1« t\ALK-t:>i<-re». bOtiliaWt. li woedlaad. Baildtags all m good I r..r Pic« to .ni...«Je »W<k cropi, I.e., *10 OdO M A. Rt LAN!« * Co 6 Beekman-it tVcalifjcattr CConntn Ural Cfotate for Salt. 4 N ELKO ANT COUNTRY PEAT ,/Y for KALH on accommodating crm. within an bear and a b»lf r>f >'rw Tnrk la Wretrkeaarr Connie containing 4M acree, ia the hiebest «tale of cultivation waete land ; splendid MANSION. NO sect front. «'feet drep perfect (arder: llar., a ne» Building. «. by IO», arranged ** a risb-h'.aae or acedera?, «30 acrei level ground anitible for a BBtB-ajeat ant», » Gnat and Saw Mill 12 feet bead of water, never failing .tream, barn and suhle room for a Luadred bend of cattle; four apple e>r.r>Aids, ai.J ne pear orchard, all grafted and choice fruit fronting a Jaie, Mina all m order, and grounds ornan eau), pare water in al) marts ef tbe neate lo every respect i gentleman's eatab!isba>ent, and as f, r ItSM ii cmarpasviV anywhere; tbe atmosphère dry and adapted a. weak rang*. A good boase ind lot. U feet front io the city, will be «a «cn la part bat ment ArMres» WILLIAM DAVI*. Trlhnne Ofte*. if YOÑKER8.-FURNI8HED HOU8E on .AS Irrtag-plaee ebra»: river rlew. Apnlr to J. Ti »I MANS, Agent. Yorker». c ;¦. " ' - = Nftö-3rröftj Heal (Jstatr for Qalt. A KEArTIFT'L SUBrRBAN HOUSE and it Orvundi within forty Ure ninntea of Newlork baainen nares. SI.1 icreaaitile by ever »fir dally, situated »esr depot» ia the gr< wing and naturally attractive porliun of blltabetbi high ground) .lira large lot, fnut and abade treei. lawn, garden, ke. Uouae ii com 4< nat e. roon.y. lud taattíui mudern deiiga arjd t'.tingi. iitailed oh tbe .sith of eitennve Improvimetti with . «Had; rise In nine All city at. sieLi. »ces ronMa*d w :b country lir fiod and livinr good mtrkets Belinda rbnrebee and ansarraued travel Terms »ide to luit Title .jerfeet Owner wirt» to bnl'd. Wil'. tell it t.argi1» CHOICB BCILDINO LOTS FOR SALK. For view of howie and tall particular» of prorertv inquire West 9 uheth ImMts, or address OWNKK. Poa:()(Xe« Bex Nu. 21'., Ntw- ïork._. AT ELIZABETH, N. J..Splentlid chance» for investment in K1.Al. KHAIK, pints of from A te M* acree. ><i>Ct*BK and LOTS FORMALE EXCHANGE, or TO LEI Ne ....Me t.. «now trrepertv. J. M. MEEKER. V21 Broad-st,. oppeiite *«^pe», Klitabeta. N. J.__ AT ELIZABETH, N. J..In a liret-ola*« ^V aeighboraood. No. 11» Eait Jereev-H . ?f etory dnel.le UOL'^B. »iib all modern improvem« nu, corner lot <eil"0 Pr re. ai5(O0. Sermseaey. Iiquireof tae oaaer, CHAS S1LVBR No. Ill Broaowny, TifR£E.STORY~HOU»£ in Klitab#;th,N. J., 4 1 At- A for KALR 13ro»>us, ali the con vsaleaces, near Depot; lol >x fit*. Pnce »11,00t-, term» easy. AiWrem ALFRED M. BCLL, .«abeth^N. J,_ LL WANTING FARMS, froort soil, mild cli- mrpaBtnradd^eaiC K. LAtÍDIB.-t aelaad. ». J._ VOR BALE.A COlTNTRY PLACE; Honiv, Ï with tnarteea rooioa. rtolera built ten arres of excellert Lend, a«i.d»«.B,e,i I. rated lu Nrw-Jtrti v. t,!..nd tie P.L.» .'.» I'nce St.*«' **-MiO ean remam on l*Ld and mortg«rre. Inqrdre at N -us No 1. M Par« row_^__ 'LXIR'SÄLE.In Llewellyn Park. Oranjre. Ñew- J terser.PLOT of ONE A( KE nKOKOI >D »enr main estraoce : »em>s Ajplyto J. F!>HEB SaTTERTUWAITE, li« .*»<*. bêtement. ___^__^_^^_^__^_^__ "I0HN f. JENKINS «fe SON, »' I«hALi:a.«lN HKALtSTATa Otlces Noa ISO Neiltoti and 15« 1>.crae ita., and opaua,le hUillvad depot kew Baryi«winc n. j. \lENLO PARK LAND Co. bave'REMOVED J'l «lierOae» to 194 BROAUViAY Boom 6. LOTS for SALE. (eel !.. iso feet ter a agi te «MOO. Eaay tarma. Fal) parutalar» ela a thtaiaed *t (Camaasfl Omce.__^..^_____^_ "ÄlOdlNGTON. Tblamo.«ittnM.reirel VAI.l ABLF PBOPTRTT ror.Htrinr of SB a'res k1 high Lead, «.mmtndiag extensile views oier the moat pic- tnneque ronntrv in fe virin ti of NewTork ia a'lnfed 14 ud'.ci weal of %> -Kt.e noeeoVd ee .e nu be liandee Like on the weat nv Erie Kui- r«ad. Ali.ngiA,» liei'.i .«wiig 13natie» from time«. C1 uich>.kd r>. heal «rtliin 1 mante» walk. TV* «wter ba. iieiennined to tell part of kiaaeweertv and offer. ONB Hl'NDKKli LOTS on !»? Ui owing term«: V. veatvhe« per ceui c«n remain oi ti"-.j and ii.ur'.a,. l.,r s nara ile |.k »nee to be nald foi.«» ftS at Mm* of ¡unisse »ml tin per aroi.tb aatll tuid. Pt*» catátalo« ttcaet» gieea ta all Burtie* wAth'a* ta »vaiBiue «b* Imvh» t|<it ou si';, tt.iii« u. J. 11 CAKrt.M'hk AicM- ta.t a t h».i t. ..«.- Conntrp Beal Cetott for Salt. ARARE CHANCE TO INVEST $K>,(xnZ A tplendid PAKM of ».Vi acre- iitnated id ."u-tci Counlt Mate of gVlawerr. m effered for sale. It ir .. oiil og tbe ihnv a; V:|iage of Set- ford, half mile rrmo rulruiil .lejot auC half mile 'rom a navigable river TI e toil ia t l-glt loim. much of It Ligk'v mi roved producing without . anare. 60 bushels of .hell tata |er »ere Tbe mansion louie ia » nr»t- alass building in every respect li .s of l-n k tul »it hunt it IM at i »oat >.f f\i (XKi. 'lhere are aeren rgn.fortii.'e vuemen: hoLae- 'or work- V t ait. The barn« ted other out I ufi ;n,g» «re n good r>-, air. «d tie lirm ,nc.'.»e « tier with cedar rail fei.n at «iSf* t< ¡tea. TI iii f.nn a relebrsted for the quat iitv »ne! qnilltv of fj» fru.t». It ka» li M aeata trtet In lull beirirr 15*0 tpple tree», ano JW*' near tree» te»de T5 l»eret la am»)! frui-j. tn.: lW sere» m »ilajb'e V.rtiU r It kuown far Sod wide ai one uf ti.- moet teei.timl and productit« finis ii. tnrafll .e»»try. It will p»v me |.re»ent year more then ten per rent cn tte one« »»acdlvrrl and utder void u-an«iement mai be a.».!e topi. <5p«F ¦tal Tin pre. Itllal. -, ;...,.. iir'...e.a.rv app'i.a'.n Air (er. a. as wiahng to purchaae hair to tale the car» for Se»i. rd. al,. \ ew »b. ireaiiset tor tbrmaelv.a. Tbey will proaemtiot li ene ..f i> e ». ett fa.auilh.1 ei.r .... WM. II B'«-S heter.nee WAI.NKB DI( K^OX K Mi ELRATH :«. «reet«ie|,-,i. fe» »..a A BEAUTIFUL ( OUNTRY BEAT. 1.2A(RKv Bi.RI.KRI.NG ON THE LAKB, AMI «i.N,. MILE FPOM THE TOWN OF ( ANAXDAK.I A ONTARIO COllaTT V. Y V" arris ,l frote. Uiaac ia rult.tat.n». fru.t sudgra-n. heal «j pie V". "J,«**^ ""ttrdi nr,»tl vlterird. ltd Urge quit title» o-her Irwu ead berne» for bone mJ market nie. House eemmaad.nt a »rae VAuoraB.ic ttta of lb« Uk*¡ has 12 roont. I**,, ., kitchens, aervint- «, 3-imeni» enerare ».»ru» murri e«m»se ice bo.t. lad tantnt » rwarr i house. La«, mai t.. the Like, which »fiord. Une boaiiot. bath »<ki..« Tkth.aa.wwU known .oTi-iiveOtl ¡mm7Srm\ Í' """"lT* L1* b"' ***** -* wraaatj in tte Mate, la ÏI.Î.iÏTi i^B"*'»' " *»d euntraiert to ... point». Arnott . »irthl» bon t 'or retireiuent. pleasure, tad irretl Pnre SA «n0 SStasj stiitiacuir. lAidrem Box Sib ( inanja nu' o, N. 0. FAIKMAN a* BrtaBwtt. New turk. TUXIR SALE. ~- 1 toe PLANTATION ef ISO ACRES. Jj »ile« from ti.e cornoral* I mu of It» uf Greenville, in airthers Soetk Carobaa. The in .rovsmeau rossi« of a large HOLHK <50 feel aqaarei of ten rwims I?eXrWW ï»"««T«»«»»>v*r.adah.. kuchel, BtvVaaMiVSS sstj.cellar smoke boase barn rrih.»tahlee fcr. l«»n*ra, TW^ ta*TlÄ "í"- " dw*li l*r '"..'.',«r h*t*£«*:i timbered. kaw/^Jt i.?^' k*IL "°va»5.'»(Mpl»d Wfrait There.« three l.ïr»^0»^-»»»Wstagl.iamtet«e alto »nple pear cherif IrT-'-llLfr ""*'* SS* »*" .r*ni «rbor» el grapea. Fin» annmr »^Utîî ¦e,,,* .». ->." **l » « I»"« dwtted «rit» trergreatj» aad erfC aSTiiÜ""*' ^Zr*.. .*" mMt .«.».¦*. berdered by hednat mmg^^f***f*. TtSemmtN k very hearthr and pleamntfh» ts+ZlSl^^ifEr"»**? ¡"Umpered b. coil b^«. from .*» ¦.»illili. I rta», #4,00». For (artber i^rticaUrt, addrees ^^-^_JCLIl't C. SMITH Oreettille 8 C. F°*ÍALE.-FARM of 36 acres, ont- hour ar.iX^i?' ¿ga, j»* i'ty«»'*»' eli*», great e^rtalyV "%mm »««st», t2(/,(grt to 410,1X10; ttiasal te (achante w ¦ ¦ _ t. mtLAND foi Braadttny. r ei? 5Ji.E-I>airy FSnn, UP acre», near Chi- ^°.ws»»*i«etmpreTe»>taWalitati»B John Karle Hobart lad. tlWiSaHt aub Jarme ©antro. F^tafPcii^b^^ S^S?***w,-*,w«»w»wana»wa»»waiw»»»aaawaw»wa»».«»sataaaiiiii,..a,.a.-^.^_.^^ Istmo* fiait. §i trtl CfittU. A ÏAM-tCiAIP~8TER FÀRM AT AUCTIiONTIa r^r'i»- f M tarea, ttam a karat IrweUiu« WtahW t un»s2 ****'¦»' »tterhaildHmt, all «^<^"*£u7* %'J^Tm W*tteT»j!*m *.»-¦ «S »S» »d«»y «a* September «Mt, al ^iOHKioTit^TLLEll MJ AJXTtDtltt* AID ' ftii-tion Bale« of «Util látate. O. Il Pi «»»oí». Asetiimeer. ' By a. P. MELLICK, Jr., & BRO., Auction¬ eer» and Peeler, ia If. i. Beal Katata. Na. g Piae-at. THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1871. AT li:30 P. ¦., OH TDK P1BMIHEB. AUCTION SALE, BT OBDB1 OF A BOYNTON, ta»., OF 200 DESIRABLE BHLDING LOTS AT PASSAIC. FIFTY M1NUTBS FROM NEW YORK BY ERIE RAILROAD. 1 hu propertt le rn titre« eeaante leeaHtl«. 31 »lota be,«g ritneted on Pt-«tie and Elmwood tie, at their latertecboo with Brook-are 21 plot» being on Carrion-eie ead Delawan, Laekawiau and Weaten Railroad ; .ad 9 plot» «a Bend «L All e( tbe abo»» are wtjll »Itaated, anti ra hrealrty when prepetty npadry iBprwn.g. Special train »ill lean from foot of Cliamben and Tweat; thirdaa. at LUNCHBON BEFORE THE BALB. Mas», pattea^A^., at tbe »ace of the_ GREAT AUCTION SALE.- BLACKWELL ÉSTATE WHITESTONE, L. I., IT JOHNSON A M1LLBA, AT I O'CUJCX. ON THE PUMIt-RB, TtlRBRAf IkFTSMBE« IA FREB STEAMBOAT and RAJLltOAP EXCURSION. TWO OF ORAFCT.LA1« FAMOOB »AND«. Iglaattf Collat,., AnfeaL The Property CoaaiaU of 300 Elegant Lots. BRAOTtFüL rirtr-ft FRONT«. MAÜMFHJEÜT WATER VIEW«, __ STREETS ALL OrUDKT» EVERY LOT nBAÎIY FOR FSE. MSN AMD WOMAN ATT-NTi THIS, THE ORBATBAT »ALB BVBR MADB OF LONG ISLAND PROPERTY. The TBBMS are »a BART Hat t^ettbedy ea» bay » PKBrTY HoMB BY TUB RIVER B1DB, »nd be wtthrn 40 minite» of WOn, HUMM1NO WALL-éT., be 31 daily tnla«, with lowett ntn of eoBBatattoa of tay road rnaa.ig ort ef NewY.rk: Two-third» Bortg»ge for three teen. HOW TO ipeeia) train leattn» tia JaaeahUpeod Thirty; f.i.rih-a». Ferrc» at 11 a. m ; on ataeaer Arrowamitb. Pier 14 E. K at f 15 a. ».. at feet of Thirty aT«J»tb-aL,»tA3J ». m._^^^^ Oro (Socos. À^ElWîa^riï. SMITH'« PATTERN BA- VF ZAAR, 814 BrW»»y ne«* Twentieth-»»,. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, tnd SATcAdAY. Uti» week. DISPLAY OF FASH10N8. Beril» Iirnael» and Loodoa «eil repretented. O it-cf town lad ia» ilnnM aen.l TEN' een'a and addrea (or oar ILM'STKAThD Pttten B»u»r. »ml choice of »ay 15 «rat patten it contal aa Th» Baaar MORE Taloa hie lor correct lnfcrmatiu» than ali tbe other Faahioa puMication» coabincd \EW-YORK, Will »ale on MONDAY, Kept. 4. their fret FALL RETAIL OPENING OF RICH TLAI.V, COLORED. FANCY, AND BLACK SILKS, BLACK AND COLORED SATINS.1 IRISH POPL1N8. "CACIÏIMIR SICILIENNE," The litett NotcHt for Orer-Dreat*»; HUMMING AND CLOAKING VELVETS, RIBBON VBLVBT8, VELVFTKKNB, ENGLISH AND FRENCH DRESS GOODS, 'ROBB« PR CHAMBRR" FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND HOMBBT1C PRINTS, RICH LACES, COLORED BILK GUIPl'RB TRIMMING!«. PAR1B ANO HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, MOURNING GOODS, A FULL AND COMPLBTR 8TOCK. V CASES of new and aaatsUt pattern» in INDIA CAMELS' HAIR SHAWLS, FRENCH CASHMERE SHAWLS, LONG AND SQUARE WOOL SHAWLS, of erery description. 1 URNISHING GOODS for Ladie., Gentlemen, and Cbtldren. FALL AND WINTER HOKIRRT. GLOVES. FAMILY AND HOUSE¬ HOLD LINENS, CLOTHS, CAMIMERBB, AND CLOAKING». WHITE GOODS, BLANKETS. FLANNELS, Ac, Ac. The »bore .'orang the Inert rolltrtioa of Rl< H GOODS, containing «11 the LATEST NOVELTIES Intrcdnced In Ibe European Market» (bit tettoa. aad aelectrd with great can for FIRST CLASS RETAIL KALBS. UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. WILL OPBN ON MONDAT. SEPTEMBER 4. A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE ASBORTMKNT OF SATINS DAMASKS, FIGURED AND PLAIN BUK TIUÜUBS, COTELAINKS, STRIPED S.kV7. rEKLNAliEK. SATINES, CHINTZES, CRETONNFS. LACE Alfil NírTTINOHAN CURTAINS, IM CHOICB DESIGN«, MIHROBS CORN1CBB. cHADKA, BEDDING, Ac, Ar. CARPETS. 1871. FaU. 1871. NOW OPEN, A LARGE AND VEKY ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS. Fi.:.rely ne» attica of TURKEY. AUBUS.-ON, AXMINSTER. MO Cjl KTTE, TOl'BNAY VELVET, and WILTON CARPETS. ALSO NEW PRIVATE 1'ESION* OK \ KI VET TAPKSTRT, EAGIlBU BODY BRUSSIL'«, BRUSSELS TAPESTRY, THRKE- i'Ll, AND INGRAIN CARPETS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. \EW-YORK. FULL-FASHIONED HOSIERY CONSISTING OF LADIES,,GENTS,,MISSES',& BOYS' UNDERWEAR OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, MANUFACTURED BT THE un n MH.iinixNUMn, -j. jr. Hofenor In qnahtr «id »trie to my good» manufactured In tbit country, and fully njtti tv the be.l band loom pood. Bade to Europe. ThliCoBpiny, by pertl»tentel!ort,b»*»»«reedei1.acalnit foreign preju¬ dice« of the trade ia prodaciag on POWER LOOMS OF THEIR OWN INVENTION good» equal io quality, »ad ter npenor ia the teiatoaiag and thapet, ki tbe imputed artirl«, and »t greatly reduced price». They clan make on their Fithiomag Lorn»» a new article, under tbelr TRADEMARK, "Hl>««IAN GORED I KDERWKIRTH," .til ericr to flannel, asd will not »brisk nor change In color from weaning. O.nanam are p»r(ieol«rlr reqoeiteJ to notice the craalMy of theee good» ia their tate. Fall rlaea for ale ihe /tbbtag trade «sly, st their pALKB ROOM, __\ ____ WHJTE-MT.. NEW-YORK. BARGAINS for CASH..BURLAPS, HOP ¦ad COTTON BAGGING. PI.fHH and 'LOTH for Slipper», ( »p., Ctaaki Orereeau he. HORSE BLANKST», BCPFALO »ad PL18H CARRIAGE ROBE», 103 Cham bera-tt. READS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. JL> MP. BROWN. Ne. MO Bteadwty Ne« T, rk. ©rran oltrawtn» ÏX)R 5T. THoT-GtS^aBd BRAZÍL. JV UNITED IT ATE» «ad »AXIL »TRA«IBIF COMPANY. aaraUr Mall »taBmsallhat tat »3d-if ewart meeta. NOBTttAMaTaUCA, Çyrv G. B. Kaeaa, September ga. MCaaiVACK ( «tH WW October U IO! TH AMERICA. Cast 1. L. Tïaaleee»«-» NetsaberK. Thaw tpaaAli Sttaen asti m taksdal« ti», nut «ali at Si. Tataa». Para Farraaaaaaa. Basis, sag Mk* 4a J«at.., »aag «al ittaratsg. Fat eagtgsaait ti Bwtgkt ir SSSSajl, apply te WM. R _\____________M________t » aWwlrsty-gratr», Ma» Tata. HAVANA, PROGRESO and VESA CRUZ, »BW-TOBK, »ad MtTXKAN MAU, aTKAMSHIP LINE, J eat.n» Pi«, Ko. If, Batt Riler, at 3 a. B., direct Mt »ataa. CLBOFATkU. Wriip« (lattas «afyl.WaailBADAT, CITY OF SUUUDA, Doken..,,.MONDAT. SepL IA CLEOPATRA Phillip» (H»t«ia »»ty).WEDNESDAY. Oel CITY OF MEKK O. rtcaeraaa.-SATLADAY. OeL U. F.r a-tlgkt st paaaagt. appir to .WEDNESDAY'Ort 4. .-SATULDAY. Oat, IS. a «ON». M ________ ßALTIC LLOYD. Ft» ITETTlsVd,recl, toaching aft CHEIsTlANSAiM) asd OO FEFHAOhN to aai asgiaiasri ssésuila Tte »e»K»a Lfe» stsjtsMhin nÛJÎKLia. Cas«. F. Drtyet FlANKLIR. Com. F. Drtwat. w,U tau) MTTJKDaT; a»»*. ». at 1 p. m, tram PaaU, Bett! a,m. To be teliewal ay ÉSf_af# HUMSllLDT, Cat >. aUraaeoa. sa BATVRDAT. »»pi. » Cahta Paaaagt I FretgAI lor W. P .aadiaS, aad ¦fflflS .tan BlM»m. v^_^L^___um__¿ií Ka« »IU be diipatebed rrmtj¡» FreaeUee, alar«« WKDNbEdAT Sept 13, aad irtry fowl* WKDHKU>ATmmT«»TV»r arttiibbvSS» «rV; asd fragst, ter_9____uk à^JTwSSJnT, EutotewHai Krrl (âilBm.^een.etttia^.l Asrt.Bd, »id »MrW ÄbatT fSS UMBahlp» for Stoat-, Methoaria, »ad the other artacinal Aawtnnaa perta. Far freight or pasaag» ap-ty _ W H «FiraB>» bebas«* »£tÄr^^^^ i_äu*u* ._ TUJ^JQllHIinm7, Seeawlery. US. MAIL TO HAVAÑAT"-' a ATtiANTIC MAIL 8TBAMBBIP CO lîV»aiíf^.c»YfiÄÍÍ.¦,,,-».fitf MOaao CAJfTLK. OapL a Adaa». .¡_5, af For freight er paaage apply ,, A. W. DIMOCK. Pratadeai; a'^^oaraSr^'aÄT-ta-'llt!!* ÇKBSCENT CITY. Capt. M. B. IHOWBUL, «a «tia Baa» a. Fa fld-il.l__l. .nair te A. W. PIMOCK. Fp-Mdest, Na. S Bo»îln7.j«ei 'M0,X'*'T- tffi' W ANCHOR, LINE.-STEAMÉR8 TO OLAS- «OW, UTBaPOOL _vd uonAbsby rnraPierlfi Nertsaiw. ' ETBRT BATORIlAT AND TfSDVatDAT EXPRES« BTRAHBR«, MTttA STKAMRRA INDIA.**«w»ar.Sa>i|OA«Dom Kaut M limo... ..WtataaS BSB-S AIG LIA.S.Urd.r Sent MUmLT. Watty' s2. X7 AUBTAAL1A... Bate»»et,BcteL3»leffr>OMIAM tFsSssB «SbT d Fiat Chin paaaare la) 3 g«, l.laradl.U^'iuZ_. .». p^ragttKJw«a»aiaW»«j»>ft/»»^ri^ ."¦ »U~M1«"' HBNITEBBbÎ BBOTHBEN, Atsate. _ -_ 7 B^B^arireSB. |j>OK LIVERPOOL/^ Jw-r***- (TIA QlTrtNtrTOWW, CARRYl NG TH1 0. a k1 AILS. TBB UVEBFOOt AND GENAT WatTSM «TEAM OOMPAltl »di di.raich eae of their Im-el*»«, fall newer, iroa atrt* Maaahla» FROM P1BX Na 40, B. a, EVERT WBDHBSDAi, follow»: IDAHO. Cas«. Fates.Septembers, et 11:01 a. b. MANHATTAN, Capt, i. B. Pbicb.Septeabai lf at Um. COLORADO. CapL T. F. P«B««*jt. ...BeoUabe, U, »t 3:00 p. m. WISCONSIN, Capt. Wiluabi.September M, »t 10:00 a. a. NEVADA, Capt Fourra..September 17, »t 3:00 p. m WYOMING C«K Wbimbat.Oeteher I, al » 3U .. ra. MINNESOTA. Capt, T. W. K»a«»Ait. .October 11, at 3:00 p. a. Cabin raawpw, AMI. reid. Steer»»- paaaag* (Omet, No, M> Broadwty), $31, etrrrtjact. Fa freight «r earns paaag», apply te WILLIAM» A QUIO». Be. S3 Wall ti._ TNMAîT~LINE.-~For QUEENSTOWN "and X LIVERPOOL..Royal Mall Steamer» are appointed to ail follow». C1T» OF ANTWKRF.ThTr>DaÍ. BepL 1, IS a CITY OF WASHINOTOB.SATURDAY. Sept. 9. 1 p ia. CITY OF «ALTIMORE..THI'RBDAY, Se,*, 14. fp. a. CITY OF BRUSSELS..SATURDAY. Beat, 1«. 4p. ». Aad each neeeedln« gATUKDAT and THORADAY, froa Pi«, Na. « Nirth tüter. BATES OF FABSAOB. r.Till 1 I.» DOLO. FATABLS IB irilUn. FIBSTCABIN.»78 8TKBRAGB..*> To Leneva. 10 To London. jj ToP.rl». 90 ToPtri». 31 Paaeeigrr» »im tOrwtMed te Hatre. HerabLrg, Swette». Norway, and Denaark, at redoretl ra', a. TiaAtteeas be hoagbt bats, at Bodtrtl» raies, by pSMM wtetilsf te .ead for their friend«. For farther lateraaUea »paly tt tlie Cemrurat'» Ogle«. _ JOllX 0. DALE. _____ Bo. 13 Urondway. N. T WORTH GERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP 11 COMTANT FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. The tteaaihip FBANKFX'RT, CtpL Jn!. narre will ail on THI'R«. DAY, BepL I, »t : p. m., fr.» Bremas Pier, foot TMrdtL. Hoboken, to be followed by IteaaaLiD DEUTSCHLAND. CapL II A. F. N> rather, »a SATURDAY, September 9. RATES OP PASSAGE TO IAiNDON, HAVRE AND BREMEN: (rATABLS 1* «OLD, OB 1TB »yl Itat.a.M m ci'kKí.ti 1.) Fita rabia.»12« SeeeadeaMn. TI Steerage. 30 ' For freight er paaagr, apply to OEI.KICiIB A Co., Ageaa, _M Broto «L f_NLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. \J THB GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMSHIP« BETWEEN NEW-YORK AND HAVBK, CALLING AT BRRST. The tplendid reaal» thl» tetottte reste tor the Cewtioeat »til tail from Pier No. Ml North Rlter. at follow«: LAFAYrTTTa..Reeeeaa.SATURDAY. September A ST. LAURENT.Léatele.SATURDAT. September 13. VILLE DB PARIS.Serment.SATURDAY Oetober7. PEREIRR.D«nr..SAI I HI ia Y October 21. PRICE OF PASSAGB IN GOLD irtrludisg wia«) TO BEBST OR HAVBK: Pirti CaMn.»I»| Seearad («Wa..$19 KAl URE ION TICKETS AT UBDUCED BATEA. Tbae »taearr» do not etrrr tteerife rua-nftn American iriTel.r» goiac loot retaralag fraa the Ceatimt ul Barope, hy taking the atramrn of Ulli line, iTold both bt Knprli.h rail wat» .ad the ¿Wamterfa of eroat.g th« Caksaael. be«M» natta«; »a«, Moobi«. «roaiag th« CAaaaei. betide «aéiag nu. iroohle OEO. MACKKXtlB, Agent. No. M Broadway. WHITE STAR LINE. NEW YORK. CORK.AND LIVERPOOL NEW AND FlLL-POWBRrtD STEAMSHIPS. THE SIX LARGEST IN THE WORLD OC BASIC, ARCTIC, PACIFIC. ATLANTIC. BALTIC. ADRIATIC, ».aootaatbtrdea.MM k. p each. I.inng froB New Turk ob SATURDAYS, from Lirerpool on THURS¬ DAY«, and Cerk Harbor the gay followlai ATLANTIC. SATl'rVJrAY. Sept. B, at p BL OCRANIC. BepL 13 at 2 r. a BALTIC. Oetober7. at U a. m. Frem the White Star Dork. Parorl» Ferry. Jerety Cite. FMaagu acceaaedatlOB» (for »11 ela«aeal eanraled, roaliuaf SAFtTT, SFRED. and comfort. Selena, «tea-reea*. anekugreea. »ad keta-Toeaa in aMehip»»»- aa. where leaat motion ia fall, gurfeona and atewardeeeea areomuany teeea «teaaar». RATES.Sala«.. »SO. geld. Staerege. «30, torrenty. Thoo» wtib- l>l lo atad ter frisada tro» the Old Ceoilry eta Be» ehtaia »li prepaid cerníala »rj, ewrenejr. .teerag». beaked te or frem »ii parta of Amartee- P.rlt. Hambarg, Barway, »wedea, India. Aatuaha. Cala», lib Eicaralo» Hrkett »raited at low«« ratea. Parte froa Al apward. For Istpeetioi of plas» and other intermitida, apple at r » Cotnpaay'i effie«« Na. II Braadwat, Ntw Yerk._J._M. BPARK3. ______ NATIONAL MME. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND QUBKNSTOWN, From Pier No. 47, North River. FOR QGBENBTOWN AND LIVERPOOL: SPAIN. Grace.SATURDAY. BepL X at 7:3) a.m. IiRNMAkK. Andrew».SATURDAY, Sept, I it I p. a. ENGLAND Thompson.SATURDAT. Sect l8, at 3 p. m. Ptawef* to Lirerpool or Qoetnitowi cabin. »73 and »C3: aieeratr. »tri rarreaey. Prepaid Bteera«. ticket» froa Larerpeol, CJwe.n»to»e. Londonderry or Olugn«, »32 rnrrtnet. Eor tiitih«» parBeartrt, appiy al the Ccaapaay't Oftee, No M Bread- w»t. F. wTj HURST Mtnarrr. Bleamboate ano Railroaö^_ ÖEOPLF^TÍÑE "P"ÓRnXSISY. M Thl bngttt and Baot r «»n.leanl rterr Steajnara th« world. The IT JOHN. DRKW. and DEAN RICHMOND. Oae of the abóte »teaa- .ra will Itara PWr No. 41. North Biter, irert »rVrnoon (Sa»dtr ataaptad) .t I o'clock. atTTingjli ALBANY ia baa te toaaect wi* railroad traía» Waa, North >ad Ian. Reteraiag. lair» ik» «teembeat l«n lug »i Albany at 7 «yaloak p. m, er oa tbe artiTal «f eeaaeataag »raia« froa the Wat asd Berth tad But. TBToagh »eke. ria be .t.ttmed at tbt Ostea »s the Wharf, at DorM't . arrea. 944 Brotdwtt. aid No. 1 Ceirvit., Broeklya. Biggtgt ebeoked te it» daOaattoa. Freight ree»!ted atrall th« beau of deyamre. A"~LBANY~ltïïd "TROY..Day-Line Steamer» C. VIBBABD asd DANIEL DREW, fro» Vestry at at 1:30 I a.; Thirty tenrth-a. tt «:4|. raadtag at Trakert (Tarrtlown lad Brick br farry-boat), Coaiea»1. Wat Pol»t. Cornwall, Newraiwh, r.agb kapaie.Rbinebeck. Cauktll tnd Hodtnn. Coenectlngwtth BteningTraln« .a th. N.w-Iork Catral for the Wat and oo aad after Jane », with ti * Albany aad Botqaehanna Road, for SHARON SPRJNOS (»4 ho» Ntw-Tork). asd Blnfh»mtet: tad by RtBiflaar tad Sertlogt Road fir SARATOGA SPRINGS »i ÍÜ from New York); al Huiiton for LBB- ANON IPBINOS.all Rail TaTroy hy »Lambo«! jgWgJR_ A" CBlLNY~lLñd~TROY..IteijiiIaT Lino at 6 p. ». dally, Pier 39 N. R. (VaatryiL) Through ticket« for the Weet and Ner«h. F«r»_»rw»ya lea Igt» bt i»y other rotrie._ T~ HE "MARY POWELL,* friym Ve«try-(rt. at 33ai a. _. dally, atakiig aaual lain'i aga. Rctaraia», leaet Koidoat 5 Jua an Pnaghkapaie « 3fi. Milton *:«5 >ettbura-b liri. ( ora*al! 7: a, WeatPoiartl:t», Caaan»1» B: 16. arriting te ____t*_\ »* ^'-*i __^__ F~~ OR'" RON DOIT, lancíing ai COZZEN8, NEWBURGH, MILTON. PO-KEETSIB, »nd BflOPUn. The aiambtiata THOMAS CORNELL »ad JAMBS W. BALDWIN leate DAILY «14 pm. Pier 34,|. a, ftatHjrrteoB-tt. _ '"ORWfRÏVER AND NEW-YORK STEAM- BOAT 00 aeeetjaor» te D. D. It T. Smith'. Line. Ornee oa Harriaea ii. Pier be. J«. For Peekrtin Ntaek, Toaken. Batlewoed, Ster-Slng HtTentrtw. .ad latenaediale Uading«. a»«ry afterooo«. «eeirt S««dat«, at J^4». ii». and 4 JO p ¦.. retarnmg in the aorning from «bote lanJjnga. «rrltln»; at Niw-Yerk at g;4l, 9-.»0 aad 10 ». m. S. LANt AawaL [ORNING LINE TO PEEKSKILL. N CAMP-MEETING at GLEN COVE, L. I., com »nein« TUESDAY, Aag. »9. and eootinaiog oirr IUNDAY Btameri ArrowMttb tod Setwinhii« win le»te Ftrk-allp (Eaat Rlrer) dall», al 9 a. a. asd 4 p SX. ____ aslaJaTJIIJ *«IA,SSJ Uedlng aaaaaaMer» on Camp groond. RetnralH. ¦¦». Ik» Groaao« duly at T a. m. aad J:31 p. av Fare oaly » eests_ DAILY EXCURSIONS to GLEN COVE and BOSLYN. Undlag »t Whiteaiou«, BatUa Deck. Ora«! Neck, Sand'» l, MoU . Deek, aad OtenwoeA-Oo a«d after Jaae II. ARROWSMITH team Pier J4. a a (Pee* allp), dailt at 9 a. bl, itep- piat atTMny-acTiBU-tl. eera »ay. letaraUg lo Ma^tbuatl». a. Steamar g.AWAMUAKA teaTe» dally (Svodeaeaearted) tor the abort HI Thl pla PW» 21, M. a, lAwedtrag » apleadid Iaadiaciat4 p m XCIÍRSI0N8 to LEWES and the DELA- E WAÏS BBEAKWATBK. - The aaJnMn*ftf*_ TIA VAHA »IB aare tor tbe abotr plane« on MONDAI. W DAY »ad FRIDAY, ti 5 ». m. froa Pier 21, N. a, «Sentinf » ¡&m\VÇmWmt * »hört a. trip, with tu tehlag a»d haUla, /»Vaiarte« tarilta tor the trip g»od ter m »«*». »A_ NEPTUNE LINE STEAMERS Daily for PROVIDENCK. ROBTOK, WORCB8TER, at A u. a. froa Pier n, tt. a, teeta« ja__M__| Chr. fare te B^LBFTON «4 2A Te PROTTDBNCE, »3. vî»htel.B4j4yix>a.^ia _f_}S___m_____ k_«tOS_\_^S^sS^^2if^ Fat Aaetea Waeewter. Fltohkart. a«U» J.uHaa, U«ll. Lt. rea«., Naaha». Mteebetter, CearaW, Falaaf. BrtHleUre, tal iaurae «.ate peiaSa Tbe ae» asd stesaA Mhb. tlTT^W áoiTO» _______ trrrr of fiw-tobi. _. 43TT OF UWBBNCB »ad w11 arra» w.-j-^ LONTJON. ., Sew Yak lally (a« t 'g.), m . e'CleeS Fier 4S. «rill testa l..T«l «ally »ttetaas»), M . e'eteek p. Berth Aita, teal ef Caaal ead Watart. Fe» V ew-Leeeea aad B tw-Wb, teer. MaawlaaJ «^»»yt»». ta»te» ter the ah«»« aatata. ria Ft» UsdW, Bawlbs-t, Net-ieb m4 Warass- ... _- B|,»,. KUrtattd aad Bra B»1 rweea. i»ä - " -** n-mtt*& a.» Tata. ia. u<a _ tTÓRNORWALÍt M»d DANBUkY-IUilro-id «T Sa» M «sai. aarf raliread to re-The baasrnM -a«* a»«* NE LI. IN W H ItTJs^bTM *1 K a, taot »'Markava.. BVMY AFTB»NOO» Isssat, »Bas.s «abus. »1 Bt. ...... ... ^»_»j__? Sa* __& JtStt Äs_r£Äai_*^^*»« ßUa»böai» ait* RoUroaîn. LU Llmv g?t°iJSrU&TlmfiW w*T£5i y^J* Phiraaetaaj; tula tad Ni* Tor» Statt. ^^ «nsw i asta * uowtral Ps.nsyl- aJuLBntow« lui to tu« wïrr - . »PaUaU AtUARURaIRNT. f^^T*£** S l«1.«matt New.Tee» at fttlewt: a*» W»."slmmylCmy. «K Urm»L Bixieta», Taakktiaoeg. Tfftl Wmmg r*""^' ¦ ,""-*»- «KKli mmULaTZ la. n-VTutn» Binait.dilly (eaeerttendart). ata Kette. At ItaiowB. H.irWtar«, »ad ta« *.*/ CewSt» a ít-ertlUtTT? taT ft.tV &lïï£r6,2,1!k ^«¿-^S*^*e-rrt. irMitot fcr ¿Mek Chink. Wllkesberre, Certain*. WilUmaport Irla te. ; at Kanes aita l^urh Vailty Raia-e** tat Kiana CtValT^ ana, a*., at aimee wita 0:».. a.-Wsy Trala for tom emIU. mÎÎ «VaS-Ä Wtttalmxmm fasta«, Anewtew*. Miaeb Ctttt, ^lasa, reenrtlBt, Harrtstrug, ne. Coaatctt at PiitUtatrarg for Bel- t ». tv.Per PlamfeM. , tVJt¡Jt-~rf "tf0"* Ostassr»»! PhllUpsberg «rta» LerYg* »a* hmq. PlHate» for Aliento««, Wilketbtrre »ad «ernten; and at Bailee with Lehlgb Valley R. R for al.sstowe »ad C«le*a*AlBa. leistete at with I) li.l»lf.H .«. I P. » -"or B»»«os Alleitown «*d Maa** Chaak. I:Xa ¦ -Fvf .esMrjllla ted Fssaaagtaa, I ». at.CiaciBBATi Exraaa» dally. Ter tasto«. Belkltktm, Al>e» k vi, Readtag, Harrtabarg. Pliiebtrgh, ( hi tag s »ad Cltaiuu. tUep- lag tad Pilas» Csrt to Pltuhargk tad Chic*«*. J ISp m-Kerlom»,,,*, ' * ». m..Fur Batta». 7 p m.-For Somerville. ti 0 B.m.-(Bmurr»nll-Ftr I «»» m.-Fn7?lalri|.U. 12 p. m.For Flautold, Wtdatedsyt and letatdeya For EBiebith st f ki. em, Vi». 7:4». (-61, t:M, SOO. 1:30, 1«:«0, 1! tta a 1Ï-», I 00. 2:00 2; J», 3 :I5. 3:4». « .00. 4:50. 4; io, S 15, 5 30. 5 U, «:00. «:», 7:00, 7 .Jo. 7: ti,8:40 » «0.10 41 1200 p. sa, Ttakem far lae Watt ra* be eotahed st Ut »«et at the Ce» tri I rtnll- retd of Nrw-Jeratv. foe* of Libtrty-tt. Ntw tor» ; lad it tat principal koUla tad Stktt otees in New 7ork City £ R BICKER Siarrtnteadnat H. P. Bai.bwib. Oeaeral Piss'agtr Agett _ DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA and WE8T^ BRB RAILROAD. MOBR1S AN» ESSEX DIVISION". NEW BROAD UAIGB LUE to Wiitr (lap. Stroe'.bur«, rVtrattot. B»»h«mto», »yncuse. and Osiern WITHOrT CHAl» IB OF CAB» Depots la New Terk. foo» of Btrelar-et and foot of ( loittowkir-it SIMMER AERA.NOtaiENTB. aommeneutg MONDAT, Jil« 17, ian. (:00 1. m. BROAD GACUE BXPRBAS TRAIN, via Beeatea Brauch, ruai directly tbrtogh from New-Tera to Otwtg» wlthett ebaagt ef »art, eoanecalag »t tater with Cheater R. R ii Waterlee with imseti K. M. aad at wit» L and B. B B. for KlBgttaB. Wllkttbarrt, Pvtto- ta« fcc 1 ISi.a. EXPRES" M «.TI, TRAIN, coaatetiat/tt Denvtlle with Boeu- lot Bnteh at Uottrw ta Cu. «ter Brttea. »t Wtttrloowith Sataex R. R. for Aadovsr tad New 1 at Washington with the I).. L. and W. B. B. Inr Water Gap, Strondsburg. tcrsatei. «.mat Bttd. Blagbarataa. tyra- .ate, aad Oswego, aad at Ration with Ltblgh Valley R. R for all poiatt **12;i«o'm. LF.UI01I VALLEY IXPRKU tttpt at Newark. Morrlt- town. Devtr. Wileri.«. Mtektttatefra, Wuh igte«. Philltijibirg lad Futo»; connecta it Wtterloe with luttsrt Railroad, al Phillipatiorg w th Bel.. Del. R. R for Belvidere ke tud it Bastón with L. V R K. far Btaithtm, Ajltttawt. Mitch Chunk, Wilkeaaarr*. Baadiig, aad Harriihurg. 4 ou p. a. BROAD GACOB BXPRES8 TRAIN, ti* Pattrton ind Bocotot. rust directly through to Bingbajatoa without chinga of cara, stortutg it prtteipil a inoai. t onncetsg at Dorer with Chester R. R., snd st Wileri, o » th . ., R. R. 4 10 p. m BARTON RXPRR&t totaectt it Devtr vrith Chester R. R. al Waterloo with tattex R. R. and it Kältet with L. V R. R. fer BetUebeui. Allewt^w» R-.1i«t Harrltrierrg ted th» West 3:20 p. m. HA( KETTSTOWN MAIL, couatcU with Boontea. Chester, . r.i) «aemt Rallronda. t:U p, ra. HA( KrrrreTTOWN BXPRK«*. FtrMORRIrTTOWN, it7:l». »:10, 11:10, I.:!» at, Í:», 3:». 4:10, if »ad 8:40 p. m. For SUMMIT and Ittatmtdiat* statioa« at i:30. 7:13,7:45, »;10, 10:10. ttd 11:20a. m .2:30 3:.0 4:20, »:00 ltd 0:40 p m. ForORANOE ni SOITH ORiNrtB. «:30. 7:lS, 9:10. 94*. 10 10. tad 11:20 a ¦. 1. It. tilt, 3i4». 4:S0, 4:10, J:30, 1.00, «40,1; J», I.Li, rmtMaV, »te». T.IS. 7:4». »:40, 9:W, 0;4« '10:10. 10:«. 11:00 11:30 std 12:00 bl, M:10, 2.00, '2:30, .1.20, 3:40. 3:S0. 4:10. .4:2«' « i io S:»), t.Jt. 9O0. .«.», 440 tia«, 1:30, 1:1», aad 11:4» p.m. Train marks* . itonal Bat! Newark._ leave Nrw-Tork for BLOOMFIELD aad HONTCLAIR, at «:30, 1:40 tad II :00 a at. . ml 2 Al 3.JO, t:10. 6.10 ltd I ». m PiAstager« for LAKE HOPATCoNO leat» »tw-Tork it 7:15 a a., 11:00 m (Ripress) 3:20 sad 4:10 p. at, leaving toe Railroad »1 Hopei- «o»g Station aad conneeing vrith Steamar Stella." For PL'DD'8 LAKE «t 7:1 » a. 12:00 a.. 3:20 aad 4. «j p. m., toattug toe Knilrtad »t SUohepe, tLenee by Mute 24 m.lea. For HCHOOLRY S Ml- .'TAIN at 7:1» aad 1:00a. ma, It: Mm. 3:20. 4:00 4 10 ltd »:*>». a., leaving Ibt Railroad at Hackettstown tbenot by tug« J »'Is*. F.,r DELaV WARB WATEB GAP it 8:00a m. tad *M V- a Fer RICHFIELD SPRlNOa it « s. s». S »(.'HOCH »luennieodeBL ERIE RAILWAY.TRAINS Le*ve» Depot« foot ,,f ( bimi en it. ind foot of l-l it it fbllowi: Threttrb Btnrens Train» lett» Chtanen-tt «t»«. m.. Ham. >:30 p a., lad *7 p. a., dillr. New ind lapmved Drawing Roea CoicJies accompaaytke 9 a. a. tram taroagaw BaTalt aad laensnaon Un at. eotnecting at Homelliville with magnilcent Sleeping Coaches running through to ( levelanl ind Cincinnati Sleeping Coaehet acenapiny the li ». a. traía from Sttquebanna te Bufilo; the *:30 p. m. train from New-Tork to Mitpeaslno Bridge, and the 7 p. a. trala from Nrw-Tork te Nufiln rluipeaslon Bridge, »ad CiarunttL Ealgnat TriJa leaves ditlyrt«:l»p at For Part Jervis aad War. 8:00a. a. ant 4.30 p at For Middletawa and Wty, It *7:X i. a. and 3:30 p. a. aad, Btndayi ealv (:20 am. Fur (It it. le ind Wir. «1*11.301. and War, at Í For SatTera aad War, S and 6 p. .Newburgh»»! War. ithjni a.. 3 JO »nd .V 30 ». re. r.rP.teKie «I Wir it 6;«¿ to 1. B. I It B.. *1:U, 4, 5:15,*:« "li p. at. »nd '12 midnight For Heekentaek. Hillsdale aad Spring Valley. att:1S a. m. and 12«. {4:00, S:0U. 6-.-*), tad It:«4 a a- ; ted Wtdnttdayt ina Satunurt oaly, .I til midnight For Piermont Nyack. Tillman«, and Way. at 9:30 t. a., 11:30,13:15, 14:15. 4:4*. ti ?'. '6:30, »nd «7:t> n. m. : sod Wtdnetdtys sn.1 Batar din tal.t. Mt aldnlfht special Hnnuay Train» tt \»-.<A> t, a. Aud p a. N B..Traine leering Chimben t». ob «ten hour» or half howjt, leert Itl et deoot IS minnies earlier than at ave tams. Last boat from 23d at, (IS p. a. 71.lela for PiAutire and for Apartment! in Drtwinr-Reoa and Sleeeiag Coaches cat be obtained, and order» fur the rherkitg and transfer ef Bag¬ gage mar be left, at toe Company's otfees, 241, »29. aad 47 Broadwag 2oS Chtauen It. -W «¡reenwlch It. Cor. 125th 11. and 3d Avraue.; 4 toar«-et. Brooklyn; 104 Broadway. Wilhamtborgh Depott feet ef Cbambert-it and foot of TV-tt. Nrw-Tork and Loag Dock Depot Jerser CM», and of tbe i gents »I the cnieipal hotels. .»»ally. 1 For Piermont «nd Nyack. I For haekeasaek. i Fue Ifsekenttcx ind liiiladsle onie. % For ( resaill nnlr. t. C. Rl'l KKR, ust 2, WM R. BARR, «Je.-lauoi 1171 4jietrl Past r At K EW-YORK AND NKW-IIAVEN RAIL- ROAD. SUMMER AKRASIIEMFNT. COMMKNCINQ MAT *?, 1871. PltetBger «talina New Tork, «omer of Tweotv leveath at and lourtli are. Entraoet cn Twtitr tevinthet TRAIN« LEAVE NEW TORR For New llivtn ind Bndgeport. 7, t (Ex.), 11:30 a. a. 1 121S (Bl.), 3 (Ex.). 1:4«, 4:30. í (0 tad I ll'.i. 1 p. a. For Milford. tUttterd, Fiirtitld, oouihport. aad Weitport. 7, 11:30 1. B.;*:tS. 4:>i, tnd Si30 p. at F»r Couth, 7. I|!i| 9. 11:» t a, 12:15 (Ex.), 3 (Ex.), 1:45, 4:TO (Ki ) V30, 6:30 and 8 (Bl ) p. a. For Dirtta. 7.9. 11:301. at; 3:4». 4:30, S: 30. tad 6:10 p a. For Stamford. 7, 8 (Ex.). 9, II:» a ra., 12:15 (tx.), 2:15, 3 (El.). 3:43. 4:30 ,gi.) «tga. Si»i. 6:30, 7:15. S (Ex.) p. a. For Ortet wich snd Intenntdiite tmrnama, 7. 9, 11:» a a.; 2: IS, 143 4:46, tteVtet 1:1» p. m. t _ . ,. lauday Mail Tram leaves Twentr-termtb-tt. NewTtik, it 7 ? a. far Botlot. vis both Spnug6«id Line i»d Shore Line. CONNEC11NU TRAIN*. For Beeten vi» Rprtngleld, t a. a 3 ma » p. at For Bolton vii eihore Line 12 IS ead 8 a. at For Hirtfonl snd Spritiicld, «1 a.; li:IS. 3. nd e a. For N««rp«rt, R. I., 8 a a. (Ex.) aari 12:15 p. a. (Bx , eennectitg with ttaaaer aervm Nirrsgiiittl Bay at Wickford, arriving ia lett that eight °For Cotateticut River Rai'read. 8 a a., U:15 p. m. to Moalrtal, J a. a. to Nonhimrtoe. ForHinftrd. Prowltnct «id Ptokill Raalroal. ««. a.. 12:13 p. a. For Shore Liae Rallwav 8 a. a. to Norwich and Prov.d. nee.11.15. 3, to NtwLetdoa lad Norwicb. la a. For Ntw-Mivea aad Northampton Railroad. « a. m 3 p. m to ^orth¦ aaptoo ttd Wildaantbtrgh. , _ ,. .... , . For New-Havaa. MiJdletown snd Willimsntic Riilroid (Air Line). 8 a. a. tad 3 p. a. For HuniAtotic Rallrnsd, 8 ». a. ind 3 p. m. Fov Niugataek Ballroad. I a. a. 3 p. a., and 4:30 p. a. to Waterbnry. For Dinatry and Norwslk Kailroad. 7 a. a., 12:15 jnd 4.30 p. m. F.,rN«wC¿n»»aR«llp««d.8..m..i»:IS. 4:» sad VK« p. a Coawaeettomrtltepiag Ctr» »ttacht.1 to » p. m Trait, tad tUo to ¡me dar MTlTriin on either Li»«. Drawftgrtoa Ctr nuchad to to« » t'piJ.,u,er.t7»p~uîetlckeUto lit past reieked over M road «I toe B3 of th. if.w.T.rk sod N.w H.v.a I R, cor. *«"2£ .t i»¡j Futrlhtvt : lUoit the Oilces »f the New York Triusfer to (D-dd'l Expretl). Wo. 944 Broadway «ad Ne I 0»«»1J».. *»»MFai fml by l.tvlu ¡« n.lite. ua hat« toar taggus «M ¡w «*4 gsW from restJeae« te desUaal »a__JAMB« H. HUTT. Sept. K EW- YORK~CENTRAL AND HUDSON 1* RIVER RAILROAD.-Trtias leavt Tàlrtiith^t it lelltw«: 11. a. (Thieago snd Moatreti Ixprtu. ^^Ï^Vcûrrlt'^"- ^tr"°' wi,h D.-1'«.« eera to Baralil tod M«g,r» Immn 11 1. m.. NortLtr» tod Wttfrn Etprett. I da Ml, Ssrttafi Speeltl Exprès* na- i a m.. Mu*tr«lT«l.ret. ¦¦¦»¦«« .jmtf». .»»»<«» "»»¦* tarn Urti Pieflc Esprtaf. »nth S)etptBg-t«ri for w»t*rtaw», ^r^'r^à'^J^vr^: «rita^ar. tar R«*k«etar. tmmma%amm?BmS«%t73w b«,h L *. "d U C- *& U|«»VSkm&%YM*l .»4\oul^Ue.v,.IWI»a.p^la TM. trail will leav» Sandayi M « p. at . . -^ . II » a L'tie» aad Tror Expret», with fhrttgb «eeplag-cirt. lB.m.'HaIl»«lV-«»«''l^îi,-^ . ... t r m tad S p. aTr^»ankrptle «r»t»*^ »ita» a If J* 4:1». «ad 61I» ^ a.. PaaktkiR tnlaa I », 7:50. »:»t. tad 10 a a.. ItaX 3. **», 5U«. .."». »ad li.» p. at, T Sntïïv'w« Tratat-S» a a. aad 4 a m., Tea»»», «peetal.-» a st, PawaenJamamt laeaal atkes to stott south of Toiler». Ptaghkacptii »aeaai. - ^g^g^ q^^ fjmmmtt »VrtBt New Terk, Jas* M. IÄI._ . _ NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD-FRÛM FOOT of DMBR<)«nRÍt«T ltd from foot of CORTLANDT ffT -^HAltTil OF HOUR eeaaeneta. »a. W, l»7..-Fe» WUJT PHILADELPHIA. Ït\¿mta*] T»Tm7iy», *<» Kf* f.*»» F- ¦-. M algtst For Fhllîdelkiu ti* Oatidei. Tt «t. and 1 p. a. Far kuLTlMORs. isaI W^HHISUTON «»d TUE WEST viaB.rumore.J.» .. a..11 » and rio? a at Ftr THI BOUT« AIT» WITtI-WMT, Ita, a a.. t M- Í m. BU»*» p»«w» çanle Waa*4»gton «ally oa Mt , m traía, wllu.rl ettuga ft t«« WMT, via Peaaarlvasl« Rtllreed »1» ». a. ih^art^fr-afeföTtih sT5viwB|k lad Chietg, witoeît' rtiMurV «*..\ca7^nSw tar ta*» si,«** «I D«a«J»ata»»*«.. lue« W CewhlaadWta., ..s Ut Br»A.lw»T (*Dally.) m W wSttL <hir*M.Asr%. F. W. JAfRtOM, On. I mmyt AND WICKFOKl> RAILROAD wita «ht» reed bate Ri *fcwvarla«B«Cir»J amaTeipirt fa les. S with 11 13 trata r , .. rteae t»ts« tfa« sataate »rosnd Potat Judith, tad SOUTH 8U5ETRAILROAD tri IX)1»G Í8LAND. TW .W 4se*k tratk telirwtd ea Leaf tetaad. S4.MMIR At RA «ti EH ENT CttasneeetBfiaOslIMT. Mat I». 1*71. aga timriH sad «mad ti I 00 ». a. Mall ht Pstehegne, sjeateeSig at Beaylea f.r Fir« UU*d, »ed ti F»Kanga, hy atags far Belaaet* tad Fte» Fa**._ ÍJlSSmmmlmtít^d j jo . a.! lb»«*» tat ¿ttilamM, tsmaatvtoa al tah. ma tm Fw» h liUad, tsTfraa Paammpi ty »tafl» tay Belteteet tmd Fita 4 T a a.. rSlehtgn» AlMBBBtaSa., g » a a. Mtrnea »tata awtsaa TV.Í l*ind I»« ev ia* I:», 4 »aad»» n St wal t.n.. smaaa mt ¦ Mil M aid leéis.». VI DO«J«LÍir mut i attffiS «mfimmmmSammmm^tml t, ¦. HORSE AND CJMRTAOK MARKET. N»w You, Imeeatef, B>pt- 8,1871. The influcjicrm lrtjaha_ upon tbe inreaent condition of tho horse-trade are such m to indicate con- llora hie duration tt» alrssay astiss4 iraprotement la tbe demand, and to promts» » steady maintenance pnce». Biurtnesa bein«- fnii of sell tity ta »11 bfaaebe« of tbe a-iiersJ trade of our city, aad the lar»rs ajnornit of fsrtlnaj ceastqasotly to De done, »as «uaed a ssFon« rsll for prime trock-oorsete. wklcA call mast »uktoriallr Increase mt the Pall season Dasasrmies more aattaneeO, and It Is sim, evident that if inainsy is mado, part ut It wlM find its way to the homc-mvkrt, to be Invested in pleasurw- horsem, particaiarly so ss the low ptle« of feed (oats are Vy'-Vft huaittU) eiactitiraares tbe keajpln« of tiorsa». Th« egrtainty of au tmireose crop througnont our country, __. wtiteqaent very low prlte« of prornions and facility *or,,_l"t«rlni( horse«, all ootnblue lo make oar farmers indifferent alrotit selling: 'heir stocfc, exeeiH at «tron« .*'!£"/ *»d inn ptioet sre likely to rule the Mew-York SUS» Hlrter Tired stock, of nifficlfnt slat- to make .!» ^i!.*e*c.\*M «."»*horsey wtn rsjUnt-tn its tala« .J&&Èt^mma\-mlAm\*mm-m-i\ as weU as e^aSwaaggitma ssrs as 'Ëà feeds, tea-. Fra» o»»^:::::::::::::::::: .m .___. Dariba} bons. JJ î îïi Pair black bor.«-.. »I .____ __'* ___t__m_m_. "?' gS Dark brow» boree...w. UU s *rï am Tea., hay hen a.. ,M 7mî, gj Bay eo«ps bane. I _\_¡X D»rb b»y étape bene.. li 7 Mean Bright bay Bar«.. 11} g _\_ Team bay bona«.. 17.» I R(, Baybena.. U I )M S Bat roa» Uottl otana re. IV» 430 OO Balt-bt bay veth-bene.. IA I inM Bay ben«. IA I BO (u Beyaaw.. IS 7 vat Of Bay asn.. » mo so Cnrrlatre maiiafaetuprrs and dealers am ready for the Fall trade. The display of fine carnage» at nie repu»!- torlea U an eioetlunfone. The hlgUtxt standard of work Is rated as follows ! Bo leo wagoo. #33», Up wagoo, »4fw Broof nairn from »1.400 io f I Vii Coao« IBTtulif »jriti. ffilAt» to $1 (ti. LeatUalet »IJWto «1,730. Ij-clao. »(.O'* tjn t>3 «JO. Landan on right »prias», doable »mptaaion. * -V*". Cleat coach«.Loaeoa title »1 te «J.O«i. The prices of All vt-hk ,i a ditter fruin 10 to 30 per cent at the ililli rent warerooms.hut the above are tho Ingbcst gnotod, and represent only Atbl-cIiim carrtajres. A fiorats, Carri tig cb, ^anuB«, Arc. TwrïFlÎÏX-SEA^ SIOrtTOP PUA ETON »ed HALF-TOF CABBIOLBT »1 bar- raina: Hockawaya, Weetebnren. rbaatoaa tod etiry oth« ewer Um Family Carriaaei aad Lbrtit W.gon«. gr*»tl» rednced price«. MABLFACTCBKRH _[\_9____ Bra»wty_ CHARLES WEEKS & CO., \J CARRIAOE BIMI-DERN' FT'RNISHINO WAREnoi'HE, No. t»9 FOURTH AVE. Special attention it giren te the SMALLER ARTICLES AND WARKS In nae by tbe bett eli» of Cite ead Ceawitt trade. ENGLISH HARNESS just iniported-COACH, BROI'OHAN, aad DOO CABT HARNhWS bFULsON A (.HLD, 37 l'an --~i ure. É NÜLISH SADDLES aud HUNTINtt-CBOPS for Ladle» tod Gentlemen Importe I br NEILSON A OCILD. 37 U»l*»toj«are. ÔRSE-BLANKET8, ROBES, HARNESS", itc, U low pnce»; llamea »8 to »Wiper »et, Blanket«, »1 &o "Ro te H to »U> nek. C M. MOSSMAN k BRO M.a.fteatM.r», _Waxerooaa, 114.Chambara-tt. ¿íl^OXLVILAND CARRURES CHEAP.- k? Imported Lends», aii-aeat Bock«w«y. light sark Wtgoti« atrtnl Boirtit». UgLl Rotk»w«y, ami a Bimba ef »ligitly aria] Wama» at bargtlsf. HANI FACTUkERB' UNltlR", 631 Broad«». {Jroposais. TO CONTRACTORS.MACHINERY..Want- Ja. ed to p^rchaa* iminedault, cheap for catii, an On« Steam Etoe- titor; .maali Loeomotir». three feet three lachet ginge Damp-can, n «heel» aad »tie»; «ad a at of bl&cksrnitb'» teal«. AdJiea B. a C, Bot lfl _______ 0__b »Ita fail mracTiftioti, »sd ______ ____ prteaa. HAtHissTus, D. C Ant. 30. 1871. TO CONTRACTORS for LAYING WATER- MAINA.Sealed proposal» »ill be reewated by tbe ándenlo«! ..til t o'clock oa the afteeaih (l»th) day of September. ¡8~l »t tbe Llgbt-Hoaae Board. Tenaty Deoarta'at tot «be tena«-, m toe Dtetrkt of oiumi ia, of nine Blliiooa (9.0UOJiOUJ of poomit of Ai inch caal-lroa Water Pipe«. Stop-Cock», and Special Carring». Tha eau re »ora ditided into fear dirwtoos, aod propoetl» will be re- arc eil for the wbole or t lan soaker of dlrltiona. tech h.dtltr befom making ni« bat matt dtponi tt the Fini National Bask. Waihingtoo, to tbe rreuil of the Oorenor of the Dittrlct of Cotem bit. the ana of »se thooaad Solían, «a aaearitr that be «lil inter Into .nd complete the ouotraet «coordina; to tbe .peet.ratioa». The money to denial ed will be Merned to the onaiacceaafal bidden when the contrat! ia awanieil tad to tbe eoatraetor »bei ha complete» hit eoatraet. The contractor will be reqaired to forfeit one dollar (bli t lit /..r detey ia the lerisa of eaeh pipe, apeaal eaattng, aad ttap-oeck, be/osd the Kae re, .'roi (a the eoitnet Nu propoaalt for Ityiag pipe» »111 be Teceind ^loept In the printed fonut. wtiicb. with rireaUn ipeeigeatioai, aad tera ot eontnet, and any farther informatma. can W bad oa application is perm« er by letter lo OEORiiF. H. ELLIOT Mayor of Etoo »eera U. H. A Chief Eatjiaeer, Waabinflon AqeedocL legal notices. TN PURSUANCE of an order of WILLIAM X D. VEEDBK «q Btrrroarate of the Courir of King»: Notiet it here- br g ten. according to law, to til peraeoa hating clala» Sfstssl LI 1 ii Eil 8. LAWRENCE late of tbe City of Brooklt«, iteceetai, thal theran to etblhit the lime with the roocheri thereof, to the «nhtrrlrier tbe Admnualntor, it the Office of Chauiben, Pomeroy A Boogbtou. 193 Broadway, in the City of New-York, ob or beten tbe 13th day of De- eember next.Dated June I. I "I _CHABLBSF. LAWRENCE. AaaJaatrator. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chaacery. made in a casa Atherton agu Merriman, thepenona claimiag te be »eil of kia. »ad aiao tee perae.» ehutoinar to be the heir .t la» of HENRY SMYTH, tele of Sando* n. in the late of Wlgli« late a Major la Her Mnjeaty a. JU\a Recimeat of l.faatty, deeaoed, «rho died en or tbont tbe «tb dar of July 1&7. or the teg«l ptraeaal repreaeat«. tire» of any rach peraon trbo mar dead, »n lit their aaUeiton, oa or brf.ire tbe lb dtr of Oetebtr, f»7l. to com la aaf btotw their elthat before the Muter of the Rollt, at Mi C biaben, liteate ia the Roll» Yar). Chaneerr-ltae Mlddleetx. or. In defaaH thereof. tk«y will be per- rroptorilt eieloded from the benelt» si tb« uld Decree. Monday, the 6'h day of Noreaber. 1371. it Eleven of the clock ia the foreaoea. at th» aid Cbamlien. ii apiNiinted for bearing tsd tdiodir«ting apon the claim».. Dated IbU Mtb lay of July. 1811. E. B. CHURCH. Cr.ief Clerk. SYDNEY M.ÍXIE I OU Talare Yard. WeatmmiMr, Arti! fur CHARLES 0BEAVE8 VINCENT of Rttte, ble of Wi<hl, Soliciter for th« Pl.lntlnV_ 4J"ETPKE.>IE COURT, KINGS COUNTY.-AR- n THCR CHILI) «gc EDWARD M. BATES ELISHA BLOOMER, A1V Klisi. JAiiEKL. BDjHOP. Bereiter AotoaF. Abbott, Horace llamphret Eitmnnd M. Wood, Joeeph li Banleman. John F Klumpp U-iijami» Btrk.r Otanlwa »f the cb,Uren of Al rakau T. Barker, ile- ce»«-.l; Charlea B. 5.chota. Ben).mia Barker. Oeorve W Mead, Alfred Manuell ead Edwtn Beere,.Amended Bara mon».for the .bote-oarced deteníante: Yi,a «te herehr »ammontd «nd re,|aired to ¦wer the e implaint in thl» action of «atea a cop. n herewith aerred »pon ion awl te terre . cop» of y.iir an.wer to tbe laid complaint on th« nhecT.brr. it bia office Nnaberll Ptne-atreet in tl:e CHi of B>«- Y..r«, witliiB tweaty dayt if-rr the artice of tbia miromom on roo, et- cliMTeof i1 e 'at of (tien arrice; »ad If re« fall to »».wrrihe aid rin piajat aithia the tiae atonta 1, Ue p ainuí in Una action «ill applv to ti,« Court for tbe relief demanded In the cvnpla.nL.Dated June i. 11,71. ABO. H (IRANNlitB. Plamnr« Attornee. Tbe complaint In the »bore-cadtled actiou «a» lied In the Orfic« uf toe Clerk of King» County, Jane 13, DHL.Dated Jane li 117!. OKA H G&A.NNISS Plaiaufa Attorner. Corporation Notices. QUPREME COURT..In the matter of the ap- > ' lin ,n.i. ni tbe Ma< or. Atieraco and» of the City of Ne» lora lelalire to the WIDEKINO and nTK tin II l> NI.Ni, ef I1HOA1JWAY. Between Th.rtt 'oortb »tntt »ad rift, -ninth urert. aral »Ito the making of tbtt pirt of Broadway bet«em Thirty teccmd atreel and Thirtt-cftii .trret, aatl that p*tt lietwer« Parte SBata» »tieet »sd Enrti «eieutu ttreet. of »greater width th»B Oue Hnadred Feet, In ibetltrofNew York. We. the ndenigned Commiw.onen of EttiBtte tnd AtteMmeiit lo the »hore entitled m»U«i ber.liy git» ootioe to the nwntr or awtiert onu- paBt or aSSSJ ».t.. of .11 bou-e. aa lot« and uni roveO or UBiiuprotad kau. «AV«t»l «hereby, aad to »B BBSS» »boa It aaay leefe toan: ftrat ; That «e ha*« coapteted cor atiaat« «ail aaranneat awardt aad tiloittoe nd that all Benoni teterttsed la theat». or in any ef the Und» »lilted therrbr. aad »he mette otpeaed in um prtaent their objeetiona In arrltint. dary rerlled. to Joba (J. Jone«. e«q. »ur Chaînais, it the office of the Coamtaiooer« Ne fJ Saaaa ami (room No. 14). la thi» city, oa or before the lltk day of September. 1171. ami tatt are. the »aid Cemniasteaen will bear partía m object!»«; wlthia the len week data neil after the aid 18th dar of Htpiemler. 1871, and for that parpen «Hil be la at eur laid offiee oa etch of aaid lea day», at eltTta o'cloak a. m>. Senna] ; Thal the »betetet of the and eisalt« »nd aateaant tegaher with oar map», aad alto the affilante, a:i»ata. »nd otter doeonwot» which were tued br ia ii ntklsg oat report hate neea depodted in Ike ogle« of tee Department »I Pabiie Wera« ia lae City ef New York, then to remain until the 290, d»t of September. DHL ratrd | That the liad« embraced hy t»e aaaa»ent «feteakt an te'lawa. to wit: AU thoa. lot. piece, or parcela of lead eitoate, lying «nil bein«; la »aid city, ead hoaaatedhy and racteded aad auataaaed antai» the water liaee of the following named «tráete tad «tenue«, that to ar : Begiawiag at tee pout of mterveatioa of the rea tot Nae of Prftt-aiaeb »treet wtth the erater line of Eighth arta»* and raaalag Uaeae« eaaterly along tie center Mae of Ftfte-Bvath atreet lo the eetiter Hoe of Madimn .Tina», than» aorjtbsrly ifcog the »alter hoe «J Medina »».oc toe ceiter lia« of Ttertr-foarth »traei thence rettedt tloag th« cenler ka« of Thlrty-fosrlk «treet to tia «tater 1st ef Lertegien ateiaa. tbeaee aath- .rly along the renter line, «f Lezingtoa «»«ne« aad Imng place lo the eeaierbasof Fnatenth aaeet, teas wettatte aaaag tbe eaater bat of Faarteeath tlrett te tee amur lae of Fatrtb »eiaa«. iheaec »ealberly along lae center ka» of Foerth attsaa te the ceater kee ef ABer piece, ihetiee warterlt aloa« lb« eeaur hoe ef Altor place to BroaJWai, thence «oaiherlt aloa« the ceater See of Broadway to the «enter liae el Wirrr- Vey pla««, theo« waterty ateaf ta. etaae bee ef Waeatey aiaet to tee «»ter lae of Bitte SfSSSJB. Ibeaea sertAerty ateag tb» »eeur Baa of Suth staaM to the eeatot n* el Pc mente aanet, tkmm aatarly Beten.{ tSrêeV tartae« wtaWetty »tolg tb» »tea» »M «f t^nwtr-«gt«k ttnet to th«re«t»r bn» «J SaU aawsae, isaice a.raWir aioaaj theaatetlteaef Slate »teaue io tee ce«tor Bs» of Sttty ante etnet. Uieac« eatterly aloo« Si. carter kw «Í ffimft-slaaj twrart te tse.eaterr lia« af ___f_i anmat »al ti ntl nalJjarlj r~"| afffiaB fcl m Blgktb tteea» W lbs putal iWfA. Twatea? recwrt herwi t «til be ptaststaá la the Bsnrtae Cowrt of lae State ef New York, at t "teeto] Bra tkaaaf, te be held be¬ fore the Uatonhla Alba» Cantea». Jesttee. la mt New Coan Boom, at tbe CHt Hil! li the CHy »f New-Tort, apea « farther »»tie« of tweaty SayitobelatwaBtetijraBte »we dailr Mwapaaen paktathed a «aw Uly »fNtwYar» pataajsal to the provteloa» of tb» Foartk freetto. of Ca«pt«r Filtrâmes of lbs Lew» st* tb« sum «f Bew-TorX aaneJ Fsbrssry »7, uni. Dated New-Yerk. Aagast IA, WTl. WILLIAM WOOD. jOisBBtsklisBn. ¦ ¦'..-. t. u ii ¦ Itttnxtm atti. JseUctitTfit. /^ENElUL^SÔcnyY pfliECHANICS ¡5 TJT TRADESM KN «f tee OTT ef NWW-YOAa-TVi tteawJ.r steet- la« ^ tee Beetey will ra bete at MeeaaaW H«U, Sa 47» Bl IS Ig. TfllS (Wetmeatay) BTINTNO, at ntlt-fmt 1 otmet. _ WLUAAaTfA« NOaua», »aatatety, PEV.E. P. ROE'« j?0PÜLa»R AO-MY UÍ^ Kj^L esattlkaaWBra^. ¿^¿OtfUm. SPECIAL NOTICE is ESf pfS to tbe »T> .»aVr... tee Mateal FwlllSffifl Date», «bat sa TMDEBDAT, %mwwtmtH§. [ ftTETNWAY HA1aLT~ ARRIVAL Im* THB WORLD-FA Mall VIRNBA LADT OECUEâlRA. Mr. Frtjierirk Rallsnta hat the keane to tanitaee ta* «rfttal «m4 FIR*T APFtisUNCB IN AMHRkCA tf ha* Janalt iwawwatjd VIENNA LADY ORCHESTRA, IPWARD OF TWENTI INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMEBN, til ef «tana* are roes* ladle* of lean mm» BF yean *«* age .whet» BTTRAORniNART MDNfCAL TALENT »reared Iba* lar . tambar *f /tan ammmmmt «. toe« imape eli»« la- «rameata from tat VOST RMINTNT «TROPEAN PmOTBBBOBS, ¦May «f whom hat« GRADI ATBD WITII RIO« HOB»B« at the OttamWttgmt ef Vic««., Gera«*», «ad wUtae asitod elWta kata beta for attirai jtnrt THE THKMR OF PRAIM ofUae»^lreerrtietJarea»fBer»B«. Waerwtertb* VIENNA LADT ORCMRWTatA km »ppeared II has totailv ecNpae* «vary rival ey toe Rmmmmmf4mmm> SlTKRB AND FINISHED PHEFOBMANt K. TV» Bat ef rastismsaltl Performer» cwmfttaa» : Mile. JOSRFINB, Mita. TMERrtSM mu», bubb Maa normt. Mila LBOPOLUBB, Mil«. THRILA, Mile. JULIE, MB*. IDA, Mlh>. MARU Mik. dABOXIRH. Mlle. AURELIA. Mil*. MATUU.Pl Mlle ANNA «Ile JOflANÑA, MB*. LULA. MU». ROSA, «Ile. MINNA. milt. MATHILDE MUr. GIBBILA, Mila AJ>fiÏMD,_ Mita. MIRALDA. Mita. ANTOINETTE DUrr*R^Ul^aA«^LO PBRPOw3»ta* ON THE HASP ÄB VIoUN, THB PIANO FORTS. TRI FLITB kr. kr. Te blähtet toe eclat ef tot*» facarta, Mr. Rnilrssa ka* farther «a sued the lut great awetetrl BtaSttr, THR WORLD* WONDER, e MLLE. Uli WaIMR, « Frta» Dona. Seprtae, Only m*lt*»taaMmft2»Jâ»mtw»mm»a«ttlmj tod ether íaropeía c-rdml» hat* «rea ket.tke PLAUBIT* OB ROTALTT, «rd who ti ker trader «g« thirty »at rlftl of tverjr prime dette el renown. *t*mV ' » MR. JACOB itDLLBR. «b« re »ti, »dalred Bah toa*, from toa O rta* Otantteeat »f Frnahfar«, «Jet.».»». THE CNPft WCFriFNTRli ATTRACTIOlf otmred in toe abet* Uti ef tra«, will be prretated toe A aérienn patato tot their «parte»! fe* tit* Ira tia* MONDAT BVRXIXO, smfsmmV» 11, insngurning the «(XT BNTl.LfANT «BANON VOCAL AND lNrTTRrMRitfAL OORCBBTS .vtr »ttemnted m toe Corten Hums. Tie concert» «nil m «.etwee* »iaht le toe »»ure week, «ad KHASÏiMATÏNkR «Mtaai..B » » SATCRDAT AFTERNOON. THE «ALB «IF RK-F.RVtD »K.«T* .nleomaeacr ob TrltRSTJAT MORNING1. Beat, T. Î'Jf|,|n*,!,u*l'.s'-kir»»r'a,:oi ammaaaf, «ad tkv Ttever T ektt be bCl U,,-d**'- mmm "**» fwreter* aimm aad 4k« Madtte m*r Eartr» rtingt 0f progne.- » etery eametrt rVignama air be had st V.» mute starr» tad staut emmta OPLNIN«; <>?' THIS MAtfAHAL WDÜS- .TiHÍL,?.5l'lííTJí;"' TMUHMY. .*.» hi te MAMMurH fthlCTiat. Th.ra-.ta. «i4Ihia» thiidst ' Th» tpen.nt cer.B"e'e» wtrl .oarer», re» AMERHAN INSTIT CTR ORARD MARCH.|.if.,Ai. for the tmrnmm] «* tasllug, Fms.r hy Be» P». Ii e at «i itali Pee hv Wait Whitmaa; «mile, ty Hoe. B. 0. B«]tcr. MiAieb; Ken if i *Vr*mi ( aaout Bead._ /.IiAND OFLHA-liOLSL. \* JA« PISK.Ir .Proprtelat L'! '. li BARLRkAOU.SF. COLE..Csmcet THO«. R MORKI«.Hanaeta Manager Mtjjfs»Al kVrNIXG, r«a*4. 4. 1*71 tnd I.VfcUï BVliM.Su dara««ne wat», aad caTI klMY MATlRkE, the EaitwBU Artista. MR. sad MR.- »A Mi M ANN. a P a; pear t r the »r«t time in s NKW IMHMA written »xprealy '*» li.ein by Mr. T. ( De Leen, died JABTB*, b»>ed »poa Chsrlr« D rkem's frigmenlsry natel of THB MY- E ti OF EDWIN HROOf>. JASPBR.Mr. «AMDMANN ROSA KIMI.Mm BANDMANN tajmm* by Mr. MARK -Milli at IlCRDLSS. snd s powerful catt of the otter rbii arter« NKW JiCsIC by TWirigtoB. KEW «CFNBRY hy Dtrtae, Ai Pol.STMhNTh bv ti WiUia The following «tale of fuPlLAB PBlCFS bit bee« idopted: Admiaaioa.Flflv Ceata Family Circle,entrance enTweotr fotrth it ...Thirty tent* RK.-ERVED «KATH. Drem arele 7.V ParoueA Circle. «I lire*. Circle Balcony. «I tt: Paiuuetsnd Para»x1 Uai.ui... *l .'41. Btlconv Boise,.«}, Priatreutta Bo*«*. tlOto *)V , mm hesis ita be viund «Li le. from 8 a a to » a. a., it Ik* BaxOsV«; tt ti. Srh.raer». 701 Brad«BJ «nd at Ike Kri«_T1cke*-OI!e», Twenty thitd^t. Juaciluaef Breit.iwsv iad Frftbate. ** XYÄIJIÄCK^ VffîÏÏTH WEÏK ef tim uapreeeeVitr Ile crest eag.gemeet nf Mls.1 LIDIA THUMP»«!« . «mi b -HER «BW COMPART. I who. nniwittrundirt li iteVa in.sheil batar »ra, for toe pui/tw* ef pro¬ ducing tie a- w in j«.ral ri.l, -,.<i»- of the I'HINt K-h OF TBF.BUONDS, tDLtnnre the preseatu r oat positively the LAST WEER. »f.»LITE BH'4HT> LAST WEEK..*f." Mt Heart wTrwt le Pel»' LAST WFBK.of. MA.NDLIOaN A TA . LAUT WRRK.of.- ftKAT HRN CHINKW' LAriT WRBK.tof.-' If Eve» Kieeta bevV LAST WEER.of." Tom-h tht Harp LVbilr" null» enewvedhy VrtWfasWontbte.adWit^te.liadtauce». «ATI R- DAY Matinee, bept. 9, LA8T..MATTNEE nf BUB BEARD. BEATS «HOl'LD BR FBCtJRRD IN ADVANCE * in eider te avoid the raab at to* tua* *f atJSmmt toe daer. MONDAY HBFT. II, THE 1 KIM K.-H OF TREBiZONDB. Err»gemeat termiaitr» i-ept 23. the company appeariag toe Beete* Theater Sept. 23._ ~Ö(/rH"s T1IEATEK. LOTTA. B LArT NIGHTS of LOTTA, M LTTTLR NF.LL ¦ad tot MAH( llIONBea, LITTLE NELL MAT1NEB OR SATCRDAT. »titea In »nive pr»p»r»tion.THK PET OV TUF PETTICOATS, ltd FA.M1LI JAR.v lu vfciet M12J6 LOTTA wilUppeaxi» two ef her m- tonte Spec mille». Seit, seewred Bhx dtvt In idvinc it toe Theater, also ti Dite**'» Matta Store. 711 Broadsray. '_ Ô l^MPÏiT TH EATER. VF JAMBS B. HATB«. .Leteee lad Msnager. DECIDED SIX CE8S, OF o. L rox-8 CbXEBRATTD SPBCTACCLAR BALLET PANT0M1MI, HCMFTlf DU«PTlf, with s full aad etVcieat cerpe of El HOPEAN ARTTSTN, «nd.« the dlraciloa tf MON« IMBI EfRALFT WITH THE UBKAT tURALFY TBOUPS. 41. L. FOX as CLOWN. MATINEE ETBRT WRDRBUDAY ARD BATURDAT. Sett« tecured »ii day« in edr«nee tVIBLO" GARDEN. li CONTINLBI» (»KBAT «tCCRSS. THRO.MiED A>D UELIOHTED ALDlENtFA THIRD WEEK. ¦tfsnJKI »nd fiiyler't Drtmt. FRITZ-Ot H («..Ut* UKKMAN. FMMETti tht CFJTILE GERMAN «HEPHRRDEFSJ, with tb* New BerWsqee. if kvbr i love to cease.¦ new «onus, dance«, and solos. , _MATIN KB «ATI SPAY »t 2 p. m. rXTH-AVE. THEATER. «J Pole Lettre tod Mantger.Mr. AWCSTIN DALY. Row owe i (or the regalar tataea. EVERT NIGHT The great drama o' to* tract, «altatwil AU tht brilliant new rametly capaey le the ca.t. New and raiftil- eent leeoery. Original Basic, (¡ra..J (ash.usable toilelie». he, Ac. .. }trr,. s D1V0BTR" MATINEB SATCRPAr »t IJ »elorl. 2AN~FRAÑri5c'0 MINSTRKLS. PhOPLE Bl VINO LADDERS TO I KKP IN THR WINDOWS. IMMENSE «TCCESS OF BIBCH. WAMMOLD. BKRNARD and BACKUS.» «AN FRANCISCO MINSTRELV with New Anted IVERYTHINO NEW. FRESH AND «PARKL1N0. 8S0CUT10S HALL. __. Twe ntr-thte.» .t r*r Iotrij «ve. GRAND IARKWBLL COKCRRT " to MME. ANNIE BITLHR. THrR<rAT KVENINO «EPT. 7. aasliteil br ibe ftH'iwii.g fittrtte «rílate: EIGENE CLARK. FRED. 8TE1N«. HARRY hANI«! R-viS W. H. DAVIS, ANTONIO L. MORA ADMISSION ONE l'OLLAR _^_^_ _UtRMVtO SEATS TWO DOLLARS. VEWCOMtí «Si AULIKÜTOS'» MINSTREL? li OPEN EVERY NtGHT. C TWnJITY KlliHTH *T. OFRKA HOCtK, Corner of Bro», »a WITH A SEW ARD PUWERFtL OEGAJftUTlOX. Circl». St'cent»; a*»njue«te C tele Reaerted 79 «eat»; Orckettea Cbelra. 73 eeniti Belom», K crut. Priva'« Boxe., «t. T'EKRACE GARDEN ~ J ULLI EN- CON- CERTS.-NKXT FRIDAY, fteat. », JCLLIEIT« FSRFWRLL BRNFFtT ORAXD COMBINED ENTURTA1MMRNT. LTRICAL. DRAMATIC. MFB1CAL. PYROTETHNIC. Adata»*., IO tenta. _ CENTRAL "PARK GARDEN, THEODORE THOMAR aad ha " LNHIVALED UHCHEbTKA. THIS aad EVEBY RVRNINO, it I a clack, t- rJB E FIFTKKNTH ANNUAL GAMES OR THR NEW-YORK CALEDONIAN CLUB WILL Bl HELD AT JONES'S WOOD, OH THUR8DAY, SEPT. T, 1871. JAMBS FXRMINXJ, THB CRBAT tOOrTTmVt ATHLtTR . »*»l I'uited «tali ROtERT»ON'S aad th« PIPER« 0 En l>r private Maat«. BiiBty. AIX *F#t»K*TÏO»JS» «

Transcript of Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 19. · ßEAL ESTATE.- m Ntw-Yoaa, Xmas*»». e*î»t. 6. Ml....

Page 1: Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 19. · ßEAL ESTATE.- m Ntw-Yoaa, Xmas*»». e*î»t. 6. Ml. Thetrtknaaa-tiona at tb* Exchange were un-tmportsnt^r^rr*ntt«»Vnla«tow»ta Messrs.Johasan¦-sttead


Ntw-Yoaa, Xmas*»». e*î»t. 6. Ml.

The trtknaaa-tiona at tb* Exchange were un-

tmportsnt Messrs. Johasan <k Miller took a law ««>¦-

^r^rr*ntt«»Vnla«tow»ta sttead the -le of t»Jlota «ita* Jersey Land ImprovemMit Ooiopaay. *»"

«letails of the sale will ne *£«¦&.S.?T,__ mna «boutÄmftÄ-WBftÄ-^^.i«» Mr. 8. J. Ahern ha.^JAÍAdame-ave., near J. tTerson P.trk. Mr. -*"*",. .jean»,Cr of SSraMe lion»*» for persons of "F^ann-ave.and cant* found con.« r o ' Msry-st, ann ,,,,... on

.The Inquiry for hou*e» «t W»»J*» ."£ »«w-Vork waa

th* ttntral R»llroad althiu one *"J\ga preeent In-

i.over more »olive than «t present, sna "JJJJgj before.lica.ion» all those noir vacant win «*¦

llieelo«eoftheeie*»on. Missouri River RailroadThe salt* of BurlinK'nn ^«TrntAaimit, leni. were

4ai.ds In Iowa, ditrlni the ^"»¡U price of 112 "¡H J*»e,Mt «9-100 acre«, at »n *rfr*"^ '

«aere. anMiunung tott.3» m ,,_-»


erna»* *» »¦»*? TL);p,¿es n m. er eddresa«.agry sw tefstasf. ^^"^.^.^ p, yANl BV. 7 frcata»f»y*«rt_1\)R £ALr^'l«>ree-*t«>ry. Kw^atOoiiTVown-H iî^MOtSB aad LUT. Ka« Trümethit., between Fifth and

¿^J^Ttn^inr»-«í*«trocft^ Pnce. SÄ Bote» Jl.S by 3»

rV***r5e,. Lot 21 » by RIJ. T« be M by »emu «air. Applyt tjTui>LOw * te >"o 3 eiie-st »r » Batt SeieoteeuU-tt

~ firooklßn ^L®,iíLÍ?LÍÍl,!^tvÎh^«ALE.In Proi>p«?ct-pWe, on thtj xu'ù\b JL rmr*« p"k Broohl.». TWO ¿t» brotra-tta** froat¿cii«m wit» sll itnp'eeemeBte-t-.U i» reel deer. es>y term» »ed low

SS^mSjiü .íiiÍí***"C«I- *» ' l»ir«-p)»ac. Brooklyn.

T,V)ÏÏ SALE.A new three-atoTy, brown-ntoneT BOlfl. 1* rrel-ehm loritla«. with »11 improremsaU. *Xix«2xl¡J0¡

Cn,,, s)ilOMU_A|.|)>_to_J B. I'tjWILL. 36 Fine-ei._iW'SÁÍ.t-A 3-atory basement and 8ub-r relUr '«»m «re HOt'SB text», lot 100, well located in Brooklvn.Frtce. *l' St» Apply to M A. «CLASP k Co,. » Beetma»-at M. T.

ÏX-K SALE.Thw^tory brick HOU 9E,in com-tbte order, with ia Irturree Ire minutée from forre. Terms caiv.

W. U»Ks»H. I« Foarth «t, W.lbamsbnrgh.

tong Islario Real <5*tate for Sole."I ONG ISLAND EAKM.near HtintinRton, for.1« t\ALK-t:>i<-re». bOtiliaWt. li woedlaad. Baildtags all m goodI r..r Pic« to .ni...«Je »W<k cropi, I.e., *10 OdO

M A. Rt LAN!« * Co 6 Beekman-it

tVcalifjcattr CConntn Ural Cfotate for Salt.

4 N ELKOANT COUNTRY PEAT,/Y for KALH on accommodating crm. within an bear and a b»lf r>f

>'rw Tnrk la Wretrkeaarr Connie containing 4M acree, ia the hiebest

«tale of cultivation a« waete land ; splendid MANSION. NO sect front.

«'feet drep perfect (arder: llar., a ne» Building. «. by IO», arranged** a risb-h'.aae or acedera?, «30 acrei level ground anitible for a

BBtB-ajeat ant», » Gnat and Saw Mill 12 feet bead of water, never failing.tream, barn and suhle room for a Luadred bend of cattle; four applee>r.r>Aids, ai.J ne pear orchard, all grafted and choice fruit fronting a

Jaie, Mina all m order, and grounds ornan eau), pare water in al)

marts ef tbe neate lo every respect i gentleman's eatab!isba>ent, and as

f, r ItSM ii .« cmarpasviV anywhere; tbe atmosphère dry and adapteda. weak rang*. A good boase ind lot. U feet front io the city, will be

«a «cn la part batment ArMres» WILLIAM DAVI*. Trlhnne Ofte*.

if YOÑKER8.-FURNI8HED HOU8E on.AS Irrtag-plaee ebra»: river rlew. Apnlr to

J. Ti »I MANS, Agent. Yorker».

c ;¦. " '-


Nftö-3rröftj Heal (Jstatr for Qalt.

A KEArTIFT'L SUBrRBAN HOUSE andit Orvundi within forty Ure ninntea of Newlork baainen nares.

SI.1 icreaaitile by ever »fir dally, situated »esr depot» ia the

gr< wing and naturally attractive porliun of blltabetbi high ground).lira large lot, fnut and abade treei. lawn, garden, ke. Uouae ii com

4< nat e. roon.y. lud taattíui mudern deiiga arjd t'.tingi. iitailed oh tbe

.sith of eitennve Improvimetti with . «Had; rise In nine All cityat. sieLi. »ces ronMa*d w :b country lir fiod and livinr good mtrkets

Belinda rbnrebee and ansarraued travel Terms »ide to luit Title

.jerfeet Owner wirt» to bnl'd. Wil'. tell it t.argi1»CHOICB BCILDINO LOTS FOR SALK.

For view of howie and tall particular» of prorertv inquire e« West

9 uheth ImMts, or address OWNKK. Poa:()(Xe« Bex Nu. 21'., Ntw-

ïork._.AT ELIZABETH, N. J..Splentlid chance»

for investment in K1.Al. KHAIK, pints of from A te M* acree.

><i>Ct*BK and LOTS FORMALE EXCHANGE, or TO LEI Ne.»....Me t.. «now trrepertv. J. M. MEEKER. V21 Broad-st,. oppeiite*«^pe», Klitabeta. N. J.__AT ELIZABETH, N. J..In a liret-ola*«^V aeighboraood. No. 11» Eait Jereev-H . ?f etory dnel.le UOL'^B.»iib all modern improvem« nu, corner lot <eil"0 Pr re. ai5(O0.Sermseaey. Iiquireof tae oaaer, CHAS S1LVBR No. Ill Broaowny,

TifR£E.STORY~HOU»£ in Klitab#;th,N. J.,4 1At-


for KALR 13ro»>us, ali the con vsaleaces, near Depot; lol >x

fit*. Pnce »11,00t-, term» easy. AiWrem ALFRED M. BCLL,

.«abeth^N. J,_LL WANTING FARMS, froort soil, mild cli-

mrpaBtnradd^eaiC K. LAtÍDIB.-t aelaad. ». J._VOR BALE.A COlTNTRY PLACE; Honiv,Ï with tnarteea rooioa. rtolera built ten arres of excellert Lend,a«i.d»«.B,e,i I. rated lu Nrw-Jtrti v. t,!..nd tie P.L.» .'.»

I'nce St.*«' **-MiO ean remam on l*Ld and mortg«rre. Inqrdre atN -us No 1. M Par« row_^__'LXIR'SÄLE.In Llewellyn Park. Oranjre. Ñew-J terser.PLOT of ONE A( KE nKOKOI >D »enr main estraoce :

»em>s Ajplyto J. F!>HEB SaTTERTUWAITE, li«

I» .*»<*. bêtement. ___^__^_^^_^__^_^__

"I0HN f. JENKINS «fe SON,»' I«hALi:a.«lN HKALtSTATa Otlces Noa ISO Neiltoti and 15«1>.crae ita., and opaua,le hUillvad depot kew Baryi«winc n. j.

\lENLO PARK LAND Co. bave'REMOVEDJ'l «lierOae» to 194 BROAUViAY Boom 6. LOTS for SALE.I« (eel !.. iso feet ter aagi te «MOO. Eaay tarma. Fal) parutalar» ela

a thtaiaed *t (Camaasfl Omce.__^..^_____^_"ÄlOdlNGTON.

Tblamo.«ittnM.reirel VAI.l ABLF PBOPTRTT ror.Htrinr of SB

a'res k1 high Lead, «.mmtndiag extensile views oier the moat pic-tnneque ronntrv in fe virin ti of NewTork ia a'lnfed 14 ud'.ci weal of%> -Kt.e noeeoVd ee .e nu be liandee Like on the weat nv Erie Kui-r«ad. Ali.ngiA,» liei'.i .«wiig 13natie» from time«. C1 uich>.kdr>. heal «rtliin 1 mante» walk. TV* «wter ba. iieiennined to tell part ofkiaaeweertv and offer. ONB Hl'NDKKli LOTS on !»? Ui owing term«:

V. veatvhe« per ceui c«n remain oi ti"-.j and ii.ur'.a,. l.,r s nara ile

|.k »nee to be nald a« foi.«» ftS at Mm* of ¡unisse »ml tin peraroi.tb aatll tuid. Pt*» catátalo« ttcaet» gieea ta all Burtie* wAth'a* ta»vaiBiue «b* Imvh» t|<it ou si';, tt.iii« u. J. 11 CAKrt.M'hk AicM-

ta.t a t h».i t. ..«.-

Conntrp Beal Cetott for Salt.

ARARE CHANCE TO INVEST $K>,(xnZA tplendid PAKM of ».Vi acre- iitnated id ."u-tci Counlt Mate of

gVlawerr. m effered for sale. It ir .. oiil og tbe ihnv a; V:|iage of Set-

ford, half mile rrmo rulruiil .lejot auC half mile 'rom a navigable river

TI e toil ia t l-glt loim. much of It Ligk'v mi roved producing without

. anare. 60 bushels of .hell tata |er »ere Tbe mansion louie ia » nr»t-

alass building in every respect li .s of l-n k tul »it hunt it IM at i

»oat >.f f\i (XKi. 'lhere are aeren rgn.fortii.'e vuemen: hoLae- 'or work-

V t ait. The barn« ted other out I ufi ;n,g» «re n good r>-, air. «d tie

lirm i» ,nc.'.»e « tier with cedar rail fei.n at «iSf* t< ¡tea. TI iii f.nn

a relebrsted for the quat iitv »ne! qnilltv of fj» fru.t». It ka» liM aeata

trtet In lull beirirr 15*0 tpple tree», ano JW*' near tree» te»de T5

l»eret la am»)! frui-j. tn.: lW sere» m »ilajb'e V.rtiU r It i» kuown farSod wide ai one uf ti.- moet teei.timl and productit« finis ii. tnrafll.e»»try. It will p»v me |.re»ent year more then ten per rent cn tte one«

»»acdlvrrl and utder void u-an«iement mai be a.».!e topi. <5p«F¦tal Tin pre. Itllal. -, ;...,.. iir'...e.a.rv app'i.a'.n Air (er.a. as wiahng to purchaae hair to tale the car» for Se»i. rd. al,. \ ew

»b. ireaiiset tor tbrmaelv.a. Tbey will proaemtiot li ene ..f i> e ». ettfa.auilh.1 ei.r .... WM. II B'«-S

heter.nee WAI.NKB DI( K^OX K Mi ELRATH :«. «reet«ie|,-,i.fe» »..a



V" arris ,l frote. Uiaac ia rult.tat.n». fru.t sudgra-n. heal «j pieV". "J,«**^ ""ttrdi nr,»tl vlterird. ltd Urge quit title» o-herIrwu ead berne» for bone mJ market nie. House eemmaad.nt a »raeVAuoraB.ic ttta of lb« Uk*¡ has 12 roont. I**,, ., kitchens, aervint-«, 3-imeni» enerare ».»ru» murri e«m»se ice bo.t. lad tantnt» rwarr i house. La«, mai t.. the Like, which »fiord. Une boaiiot. bathU« »<ki..« Tkth.aa.wwU known .oTi-iiveOtl¡mm7Srm\ Í' """"lT* L1* b"' ***** -* wraaatj in tte Mate, la

ÏI.Î.iÏTi i^B"*'»' " *»d euntraiert to ... point». Arnott. »irthl» bon t 'or retireiuent. pleasure, tad irretl Pnre SA «n0SStasj stiitiacuir. lAidrem Box Sib ( inanja nu' o, N. 0. FAIKMANa* BrtaBwtt. New turk.


1 toe PLANTATION ef ISO ACRES. Jj »ile« from ti.e cornoral*I mu of It» uf Greenville, in airthers Soetk Carobaa. The in.rovsmeau rossi« of a large HOLHK <50 feel aqaarei of ten rwims

I?eXrWW ï»"««T«»«»»>v*r.adah.. kuchel, BtvVaaMiVSSsstj.cellar smoke boase barn rrih.»tahlee fcr.l«»n*ra,

TW^ ta*TlÄ "í"- " dw*li l*r '"..'.',«r h*t*£«*:i timbered.kaw/^Jt i.?^' k*IL "°va»5.'»(Mpl»d Wfrait There.« threel.ïr»^0»^-»»»Wstagl.iamtet«e alto J» »nple pear cherifIrT-'-llLfr ""*'* SS* »*" .r*ni «rbor» el grapea. Fin» annmr

»^Utîî ¦e,,,* .». ->." **l » « I»"« dwtted «rit» trergreatj» aaderfC aSTiiÜ""*' ^Zr*.. .*"mMt .«.».¦*. berdered by hednatmmg^^f***f*. TtSemmtN k very hearthr and pleamntfh»ts+ZlSl^^ifEr"»**? ¡"Umpered b. coil b^«. from.*» ¦.»illili. I rta», #4,00». For (artber i^rticaUrt, addrees

^^-^_JCLIl't C. SMITH Oreettille 8 C.

F°*ÍALE.-FARM of 36 acres, ont- hour

ar.iX^i?' ¿ga, j»* i'ty«»'*»' eli*», great e^rtalyV"%mm »««st», t2(/,(grt to 410,1X10; ttiasal te (achante

w ¦ ¦_t. mtLAND foi Braadttny.

r ei? 5Ji.E-I>airy FSnn, UP acre», near Chi-^°.ws»»*i«etmpreTe»>taWalitati»B John Karle Hobart lad.

tlWiSaHt aub Jarme ©antro.


Istmo* fiait. §i trtl CfittU.A ÏAM-tCiAIP~8TER FÀRM AT AUCTIiONTIar^r'i»-f M tarea, ttam a karat IrweUiu« WtahW f« t un»s2****'¦»' »tterhaildHmt, all «^<^"*£u7*%'J^TmW*tteT»j!*m *.»-¦ «S »S» »d«»y «a* September «Mt, al

^iOHKioTit^TLLEllMJ AJXTtDtltt* AID '

ftii-tion Bale« of «Util látate.O. Il Pi «»»oí». Asetiimeer. '

By a. P. MELLICK, Jr., & BRO., Auction¬eer» and Peeler, ia If. i. Beal Katata. Na. g Piae-at.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1871.AT li:30 P. ¦., OH TDK P1BMIHEB.



FIFTY M1NUTBS FROM NEW YORK BY ERIE RAILROAD.1 hu propertt le rn titre« eeaante leeaHtl«. 31 »lota be,«g ritneted on

Pt-«tie and Elmwood tie, at their latertecboo with Brook-are 21 plot»being on Carrion-eie ead Delawan, Laekawiau and Weaten Railroad ;

.ad 9 plot» «a Bend «LAll e( tbe abo»» are wtjll »Itaated, anti ra hrealrty when prepetty 1»

npadry iBprwn.g.Special train »ill lean from foot of Cliamben and Tweat; thirdaa. at

LUNCHBON BEFORE THE BALB.Mas», pattea^A^., at tbe »ace of the_





Iglaattf Collat,., e» AnfeaLThe Property CoaaiaU of

300 Elegant Lots.BRAOTtFüL rirtr-ft FRONT«.




LONG ISLAND PROPERTY.The TBBMS are »a BART Hat t^ettbedy ea» bay »

PKBrTY HoMB BY TUB RIVER B1DB,»nd be wtthrn 40 minite» of

WOn, HUMM1NO WALL-éT.,be 31 daily tnla«, with lowett ntn of eoBBatattoa of tay road rnaa.igort ef NewY.rk: Two-third» a« Bortg»ge for three teen.

HOW TO ipeeia) train leattn» tia JaaeahUpeod Thirty;f.i.rih-a». Ferrc» at 11 a. m ; on ataeaer Arrowamitb. Pier 14 E. K at

f 15 a. ».. at feet of Thirty aT«J»tb-aL,»tA3J ». m._^^^^

Oro (Socos.

À^ElWîa^riï. SMITH'« PATTERN BA-VF ZAAR, 814 BrW»»y ne«* Twentieth-»»,. THURSDAY, FRIDAY,tnd SATcAdAY. Uti» week. DISPLAY OF FASH10N8. Beril»Iirnael» and Loodoa «eil repretented. O it-cf town lad ia» ilnnM aen.l

TEN' een'a and addrea (or oar ILM'STKAThD Pttten B»u»r. »ml

choice of »ay 15 «rat patten it contal aa Th» Baaar I» MORE Taloa hie

lor correct lnfcrmatiu» than ali tbe other Faahioa puMication» coabincd

\EW-YORK,Will »ale on MONDAY, Kept. 4. their fret




"CACIÏIMIR SICILIENNE,"The litett NotcHt for Orer-Dreat*»;






V CASES of new and aaatsUt pattern» in


LONG AND SQUARE WOOL SHAWLS,of erery description.

1 URNISHING GOODSfor Ladie., Gentlemen, and Cbtldren.



BLANKETS. FLANNELS, Ac, Ac.The »bore .'orang the Inert rolltrtioa of Rl< H GOODS, containing

«11 the LATEST NOVELTIES Intrcdnced In Ibe European Market» (bit

tettoa. aad aelectrd with great can for FIRST CLASS RETAIL

















un nMH.iinixNUMn, -j. jr.

Hofenor In qnahtr «id »trie to my good» manufactured In tbit country,and fully njtti tv the be.l band loom pood. Bade to Europe.ThliCoBpiny, by pertl»tentel!ort,b»*»»«reedei1.acalnit foreign preju¬

dice« of the trade ia prodaciag on POWER LOOMS OF THEIR OWNINVENTION good» equal io quality, »ad ter npenor ia the teiatoaiagand thapet, ki tbe imputed artirl«, and »t greatly reduced price».They clan make on their Fithiomag Lorn»» a new article, under tbelr

TRADEMARK, "Hl>««IAN GORED I KDERWKIRTH,".til ericr to flannel, asd will not »brisk nor change In color from weaning.O.nanam are p»r(ieol«rlr reqoeiteJ to notice the craalMy of theee

good» ia their tate. Fall rlaea for ale t« ihe /tbbtag trade «sly, st their



( »p., Ctaaki Orereeau he. HORSE BLANKST», BCPFALO »adPL18H CARRIAGE ROBE», 103 Cham bera-tt.


©rran oltrawtn»

ÏX)R 5T. THoT-GtS^aBd BRAZÍL.JV UNITED IT ATE» «ad »AXIL »TRA«IBIF COMPANY.aaraUr Mall »taBmsallhat a« tat »3d-if ewart meeta.

NOBTttAMaTaUCA, Çyrv G. B. Kaeaa, September ga.MCaaiVACK ( «tH WW October UIO! TH AMERICA. Cast 1. L. Tïaaleee»«-» NetsaberK.

Thaw tpaaAli Sttaen astim taksdal« ti», nut «ali at Si. Tataa».Para Farraaaaaaa. Basis, sag Mk* 4a J«at.., »aag «al ittaratsg. Fateagtgsaait ti Bwtgkt ir SSSSajl, apply te

WM. R _\____________M________t » aWwlrsty-gratr», Ma» Tata.


J eat.n» Pi«, Ko. If, Batt Riler, at 3 a. B., direct Mt »ataa.CLBOFATkU. Wriip« (lattas «afyl.WaailBADAT,CITY OF SUUUDA, Doken..,,.MONDAT. SepL IACLEOPATRA Phillip» (H»t«ia »»ty).WEDNESDAY. OelCITY OF MEKK O. rtcaeraaa.-SATLADAY. OeL U.F.r a-tlgkt st paaaagt. appir to


a «ON». M________

ßALTIC LLOYD.Ft» ITETTlsVd,recl, toaching aft CHEIsTlANSAiM) asd OO

FEFHAOhN to aai asgiaiasri ssésuilaTte »e»K»a Lfe» stsjtsMhinnÛJÎKLia. Cas«. F. DrtyetFlANKLIR. Com. F. Drtwat.

w,U tau) .» MTTJKDaT; a»»*. ». at 1 p. m, tram PaaU, Bett! a,m.To be teliewal ay ÉSf_af# HUMSllLDT, Cat >. aUraaeoa. saBATVRDAT. »»pi. »

Cahta Paaaagt IFretgAI lor W. P

.aadiaS, aad¦fflflS

.tan BlM»m.

v^_^L^___um__¿iíKa« »IU be diipatebed rrmtj¡» FreaeUee, alar«« WKDNbEdATSept 13, aad irtry fowl* WKDHKU>ATmmT«»TV»r arttiibbvSS»«rV; asd fragst, ter_9____uk à^JTwSSJnT, EutotewHaiKrrl (âilBm.^een.etttia^.l Asrt.Bd, »id »MrW ÄbatT fSSUMBahlp» for Stoat-, Methoaria, »ad the other artacinal Aawtnnaaperta. Far freight or pasaag» ap-ty _ W H «FiraB>» bebas«*

»£tÄr^^^^ i_äu*u*._TUJ^JQllHIinm7, Seeawlery.


lîV»aiíf^.c»YfiÄÍÍ.¦,,,-».fitfMOaao CAJfTLK. OapL a Adaa». .¡_5, af

For freight er paaage apply ,, A. W. DIMOCK. Pratadeai;

a'^^oaraSr^'aÄT-ta-'llt!!* ÇKBSCENT CITY. Capt.M. B. IHOWBUL, «a B» «tia Baa» a. Fa fld-il.l__l. .nair te

A. W. PIMOCK. Fp-Mdest, Na. S Bo»îln7.j«ei 'M0,X'*'T- tffi'W


rnraPierlfi Nertsaiw.'


INDIA.**«w»ar.Sa>i|OA« Kaut Mlimo... ..WtataaS BSB-SAIG LIA.S.Urd.r Sent MUmLT. Watty' s2. X7AUBTAAL1A... Bate»»et,BcteL3»leffr>OMIAM tFsSssB «SbT dFiat Chin paaaare la) 3 g«, l.laradl.U^'iuZ_.

.». p^ragttKJw«a»aiaW»«j»>ft/»»^ri^ ."¦ »U~M1«"'HBNITEBBbÎ BBOTHBEN, Atsate.

_ -_ 7 B^B^arireSB.|j>OK LIVERPOOL/^



TBB UVEBFOOt AND GENAT WatTSM «TEAM OOMPAltl»di di.raich eae of their Im-el*»«, fall newer, iroa atrt* Maaahla»

FROM P1BX Na 40, B. a, EVERT WBDHBSDAi,S» follow»:

IDAHO. Cas«. Fates.Septembers, et 11:01 a. b.

MANHATTAN, Capt, i. B. Pbicb.Septeabai lf at Um.COLORADO. CapL T. F. P«B««*jt. ...BeoUabe, U, »t 3:00 p. m.

WISCONSIN, Capt. Wiluabi.September M, »t 10:00 a. a.

NEVADA, Capt Fourra..September 17, »t 3:00 p. mWYOMING C«K Wbimbat.Oeteher I, al » 3U .. ra.

MINNESOTA. Capt, T. W. K»a«»Ait. .October 11, at 3:00 p. a.

Cabin raawpw, AMI. reid.Steer»»- paaaag* (Omet, No, M> Broadwty), $31, etrrrtjact.

Fa freight «r earns paaag», apply teWILLIAM» A QUIO». Be. S3 Wall ti._

TNMAîT~LINE.-~For QUEENSTOWN "andX LIVERPOOL..Royal Mall Steamer» are appointed to ail a» follow».C1T» OF ANTWKRF.ThTr>DaÍ. BepL 1, IS aCITY OF WASHINOTOB.SATURDAY. Sept. 9. 1 p ia.

CITY OF «ALTIMORE..THI'RBDAY, Se,*, 14. fp. a.


Aad each neeeedln« gATUKDAT and THORADAY, froa Pi«, Na. «Nirth tüter.


FIBSTCABIN.»78 8TKBRAGB..*>To Leneva. 10 To London. jjToP.rl». 90 ToPtri». 31

Paaeeigrr» »im tOrwtMed te Hatre. HerabLrg, Swette». Norway, andDenaark, at redoretl ra', a.

TiaAtteeas be hoagbt bats, at Bodtrtl» raies, by pSMM wtetilsf te.ead for their friend«.For farther lateraaUea »paly tt tlie Cemrurat'» Ogle«.

_JOllX 0. DALE.


Bo. 13 Urondway. N. T


FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN.The tteaaihip FBANKFX'RT, CtpL Jn!. narre will ail on THI'R«.

DAY, BepL I, »t : p. m., fr.» Bremas Pier, foot TMrdtL. Hoboken,to be followed byIteaaaLiD DEUTSCHLAND. CapL II A. F. N> rather, »a SATURDAY,


(rATABLS 1* «OLD, OB 1TB »yl Itat.a.M m ci'kKí.ti 1.)Fita rabia.»12«SeeeadeaMn. TI

Steerage. 30 '

For freight er paaagr, apply to OEI.KICiIB A Co., Ageaa,_M Broto «L


from Pier No. Ml North Rlter. at follow«:LAFAYrTTTa..Reeeeaa.SATURDAY. September A

ST. LAURENT.Léatele.SATURDAT. September 13.VILLE DB PARIS.Serment.SATURDAY Oetober7.PEREIRR.D«nr..SAI I HI ia Y October 21.


Pirti CaMn.»I»| Seearad («Wa..$19KAl URE ION TICKETS AT UBDUCED BATEA.

Tbae »taearr» do not etrrr tteerife rua-nftnAmerican iriTel.r» goiac loot retaralag fraa the Ceatimt ul Barope,

hy taking the atramrn of Ulli line, iTold both bt Knprli.h rail wat».ad the ¿Wamterfa of eroat.g th« Caksaael. be«M» natta«; »a«, Moobi«.«roaiag th« CAaaaei. betide «aéiag nu. iroohle

OEO. MACKKXtlB, Agent. No. M Broadway.




».aootaatbtrdea.MM k. p each.I.inng froB New Turk ob SATURDAYS, from Lirerpool on THURS¬

DAY«, and Cerk Harbor the gay followlaiATLANTIC. SATl'rVJrAY. Sept. B, at p BLOCRANIC. BepL 13 at 2 r. a

BALTIC. Oetober7. at U a. m.Frem the White Star Dork. Parorl» Ferry. Jerety Cite.

FMaagu acceaaedatlOB» (for »11 ela«aeal eanraled, roaliuafSAFtTT, SFRED. and comfort.

Selena, «tea-reea*. anekugreea. »ad keta-Toeaa in aMehip»»»-aa. where leaat motion ia fall, gurfeona and atewardeeeea areomuany

teeea «teaaar».RATES.Sala«.. »SO. geld. Staerege. «30, torrenty. Thoo» wtib-

l>l lo atad ter frisada tro» the Old Ceoilry eta Be» ehtaia »li

prepaid cerníala »rj, ewrenejr..teerag».

beaked te or frem »ii parta of Amartee- P.rlt. Hambarg,Barway, »wedea, India. Aatuaha. Cala», libEicaralo» Hrkett »raited at low«« ratea.Parte froa Al apward.For Istpeetioi of plas» and other intermitida, apple at r » Cotnpaay'i

effie«« Na. II Braadwat, Ntw Yerk._J._M. BPARK3.______



SPAIN. Grace.SATURDAY. BepL X at 7:3) a.m.

IiRNMAkK. Andrew».SATURDAY, Sept, I it I p. a.

ENGLAND Thompson.SATURDAT. Sect l8, at 3 p. m.

Ptawef* to Lirerpool or Qoetnitowi cabin. »73 and »C3: aieeratr.

»tri rarreaey. Prepaid Bteera«. ticket» froa Larerpeol, CJwe.n»to»e.Londonderry or Olugn«, »32 rnrrtnet.

Eor tiitih«» parBeartrt, appiy al the Ccaapaay't Oftee, No M Bread-w»t.F. wTj HURST Mtnarrr.

Bleamboate ano Railroaö^_ÖEOPLF^TÍÑE"P"ÓRnXSISY.M Thl bngttt and Baot r «»n.leanl rterr Steajnara I» th« world. TheIT JOHN. DRKW. and DEAN RICHMOND. Oae of the abóte »teaa-

.ra will Itara PWr No. 41. North Biter, irert »rVrnoon (Sa»dtr ataaptad)

.t I o'clock. atTTingjli ALBANY ia baa te toaaect wi* railroad traía»

Waa, North >ad Ian. Reteraiag. lair» ik» «teembeat l«n lug »i

Albany at 7 «yaloak p. m, er oa tbe artiTal «f eeaaeataag »raia« froa theWat asd Berth tad But.TBToagh »eke. ria be .t.ttmed at tbt Ostea »s the Wharf, at DorM't

. arrea. 944 Brotdwtt. aid No. 1 Ceirvit., Broeklya. Biggtgt ebeokedte it» daOaattoa. Freight ree»!ted atrall th« beau of deyamre.

A"~LBANY~ltïïd "TROY..Day-Line Steamer»C. VIBBABD asd DANIEL DREW, fro» Vestry at at 1:30

I a.; Thirty tenrth-a. tt «:4|. raadtag at Trakert (Tarrtlown ladBrick br farry-boat), Coaiea»1. Wat Pol»t. Cornwall, Newraiwh, r.agbkapaie.Rbinebeck. Cauktll tnd Hodtnn. Coenectlngwtth BteningTraln«.a th. N.w-Iork Catral for the Wat and oo aad after Jane », withti * Albany aad Botqaehanna Road, for SHARON SPRJNOS (»4 ho»

Ntw-Tork). asd Blnfh»mtet: tad by RtBiflaar tad Sertlogt Road fir

SARATOGA SPRINGS »i ÍÜ from New York); al Huiiton for LBB-ANON IPBINOS.all Rail TaTroy hy »Lambo«! jgWgJR_A" CBlLNY~lLñd~TROY..IteijiiIaT Lino at 6

p. ». dally, Pier 39 N. R. (VaatryiL) Through ticket« for theWeet and Ner«h. F«r»_»rw»ya lea Igt» bt i»y other rotrie._

T~ HE "MARY POWELL,* friym Ve«try-(rt. at33ai a. _. dally, atakiig aaual lain'i aga. Rctaraia», leaet Koidoat

5 Jua an Pnaghkapaie « 3fi. Milton *:«5 >ettbura-b liri. ( ora*al! 7: a,WeatPoiartl:t», Caaan»1» B: 16. arriting te ____t*_\ »* ^'-*i



aiambtiata THOMAS CORNELL »ad JAMBS W. BALDWIN leate

DAILY «14 pm. Pier 34,|. a, ftatHjrrteoB-tt. _

'"ORWfRÏVER AND NEW-YORK STEAM-BOAT 00 aeeetjaor» te D. D. It T. Smith'. Line.

Ornee oa Harriaea ii. Pier be. J«.

For Peekrtin Ntaek, Toaken. Batlewoed, Ster-Slng latenaediale Uading«. a»«ry afterooo«. «eeirt S««dat«, at J^4». ii».

and 4 JO p ¦.. retarnmg in the aorning from «bote lanJjnga. «rrltln»; at

Niw-Yerk at g;4l, 9-.»0 aad 10 ». m. S. LANt AawaL



CAMP-MEETING at GLEN COVE, L. I., com»nein« TUESDAY, Aag. »9. and eootinaiog oirr IUNDAY

Btameri ArrowMttb tod Setwinhii« win le»te Ftrk-allp (Eaat Rlrer)dall», al 9 a. a. asd 4 p SX.

____aslaJaTJIIJ *«IA,SSJ Uedlng

aaaaaaMer» on Camp groond. RetnralH. ¦¦». Ik» Groaao« duly at T a.

m. aad J:31 p. av Fare oaly » eests_

DAILY EXCURSIONS to GLEN COVE andBOSLYN. Undlag »t Whiteaiou«, BatUa Deck. Ora«! Neck, Sand'»

l, MoU . Deek, aad OtenwoeA-Oo a«d after Jaae II.ARROWSMITH team Pier J4. a a (Pee* allp), dailt at 9 a. bl, itep-piat atTMny-acTiBU-tl. eera »ay. letaraUg lo Ma^tbuatl». a.

Steamar g.AWAMUAKA teaTe» dally (Svodeaeaearted) tor the abort


PW» 21, M. a, lAwedtrag » apleadid

Iaadiaciat4 p mXCIÍRSI0N8 to LEWES and the DELA-E WAÏS BBEAKWATBK. - The aaJnMn*ftf*_

TIAVAHA »IB aare tor tbe abotr plane« on MONDAI. W

DAY »ad FRIDAY, ti 5 ». m. froa Pier 21, N. a, «Sentinf »

¡&m\VÇmWmt *»hört a. trip, with tu tehlag a»d haUla,

/»Vaiarte« tarilta tor the trip g»od term »«*». »A_NEPTUNE LINE STEAMERS Daily for

PROVIDENCK. ROBTOK, WORCB8TER,at A u. a. froa Pier n, tt. a, teeta« ja__M__|

Chr. fare te B^LBFTON «4 2A Te PROTTDBNCE, »3.vî»htel.B4j4yix>a.^ia t» _f_}S___m_____k_«tOS_\_^S^sS^^2if^

Fat Aaetea Waeewter. Fltohkart. a«U» J.uHaa, U«ll. Lt.

rea«., Naaha». Mteebetter, CearaW, Falaaf. BrtHleUre, tal iaurae

«.ate peiaSa Tbe ae» asd stesaA Mhb.tlTT^W áoiTO» _______trrrr of fiw-tobi. _.

43TT OF UWBBNCB »adw11 arra» w.-j-^ LONTJON.

., Sew Yak lally (a« t 'g.), m . e'CleeS

Fier 4S.«rill testa l..T«l «ally »ttetaas»), M . e'eteek p.

Berth Aita, teal ef Caaal ead Watart.

Fe» Vew-Leeeea aad B tw-Wb, teer. MaawlaaJ «^»»yt»». ta»te»ter the ah«»« aatata. ria Ft» UsdW, Bawlbs-t, Net-ieb m4 Warass-... _- B|,»,. KUrtattd aad Bra B»1 rweea.i»ä - " -** n-mtt*&a.» Tata. ia. u<a _

tTÓRNORWALÍt M»d DANBUkY-IUilro-id«T Sa» M «sai. aarf raliread to re-The baasrnM -a«*a»«* NE LI. IN

W H ItTJs^bTM *1 K a, taot »'Markava.. BVMY AFTB»NOO»

Isssat, »Bas.s «abus. »1 Bt. ...... ...

^»_»j__?Sa* __&JtSttÄs_r£Äai_*^^*»«

ßUa»böai» ait* RoUroaîn.

LU Llmv g?t°iJSrU&TlmfiW w*T£5i

y^J* Phiraaetaaj;

tula tad Ni* Tor» Statt.^^ «nsw i asta * uowtral Ps.nsyl-

aJuLBntow« lui to tu« wïrr- .

»PaUaU AtUARURaIRNT.f^^T*£**S l«1.«matt New.Tee» at fttlewt:

a*» W»."slmmylCmy. «K Urm»L Bixieta», Taakktiaoeg.Tfftl Wmmg r*""^' ¦ ,""-*»- «KKlimmULaTZ

la. n-VTutn» Binait.dilly (eaeerttendart). ata Kette. AtItaiowB. H.irWtar«, »ad ta« *.*/ CewSt»a ít-ertlUtTT? taTft.tV &lïï£r6,2,1!k ^«¿-^S*^*e-rrt. irMitot fcr ¿MekChink. Wllkesberre, Certain*. WilUmaport Irla te. ; at Kanes aital^urh Vailty Raia-e** tat Kiana CtValT^ ana, a*., at aimee wita

0:».. a.-Wsy Trala for tomemIU.mÎÎ «VaS-Ä Wtttalmxmm fasta«, Anewtew*. Miaeb Ctttt,

^lasa, reenrtlBt, Harrtstrug, ne. Coaatctt at PiitUtatrarg for Bel-

t ». tv.Per PlamfeM., tVJt¡Jt-~rf "tf0"* Ostassr»»! PhllUpsberg «rta» LerYg* »a*hmq. PlHate» for Aliento««, Wilketbtrre »ad «ernten; and at Baileewith Lehlgb Valley R. R for al.sstowe »ad C«le*a*AlBa. leistete with I) li.l»lf.H


I P. » -"or B»»«os Alleitown «*d Maa** Chaak.I:Xa ¦ -Fvf .esMrjllla ted Fssaaagtaa,I ». at.CiaciBBATi Exraaa» dally. Ter tasto«. Belkltktm, Al>e»

k vi, Readtag, Harrtabarg. Pliiebtrgh, ( hi tag s »ad Cltaiuu. tUep-lag tad Pilas» Csrt to Pltuhargk tad Chic*«*.J ISp m-Kerlom»,,,*, '

* ». m..Fur Batta».7 p m.-For Somerville.ti 0 B.m.-(Bmurr»nll-FtrI «»» m.-Fn7?lalri|.U.12 p. m.For Flautold, Wtdatedsyt and letatdeyaFor EBiebith st f ki. em, Vi». 7:4». (-61, t:M, SOO. 1:30,

1«:«0, 1! tta a 1Ï-», I 00. 2:00 2; J», 3 :I5. 3:4». « .00. 4:50. 4; io,S 15, 5 30. 5 U, «:00. «:», 7:00, 7 .Jo. 7: ti,8:40 » «0.10 41 1200 p. sa,

Ttakem far lae Watt ra* be eotahed st Ut »«et at the Ce» tri I rtnll-retd of Nrw-Jeratv. foe* of Libtrty-tt. Ntw tor» ; lad it tat principalkoUla tad Stktt otees in New 7ork City£ R BICKER Siarrtnteadnat

H. P. Bai.bwib. Oeaeral Piss'agtr Agett_


MOBR1S AN» ESSEX DIVISION".NEW BROAD UAIGB LUE to Wiitr (lap. Stroe'.bur«, rVtrattot.

B»»h«mto», »yncuse. and Osiern WITHOrT CHAl» IB OF CAB»Depots la New Terk. foo» of Btrelar-et and foot of ( loittowkir-itSIMMER AERA.NOtaiENTB. aommeneutg MONDAT, Jil« 17,

ian.(:00 1. m. BROAD GACUE BXPRBAS TRAIN, via Beeatea Brauch,

ruai directly tbrtogh from New-Tera to Otwtg» wlthett ebaagt ef »art,eoanecalag »t tater with Cheater R. R ii Waterlee with imseti K. M.aad at wit» L and B. B B. for KlBgttaB. Wllkttbarrt, Pvtto-ta« fcc

1 ISi.a. EXPRES" M «.TI, TRAIN, coaatetiat/tt Denvtlle with Boeu-lot Bnteh at Uottrw ta Cu. «ter Brttea. »t Wtttrloowith Sataex R. R.for Aadovsr tad New 1 at Washington with the I).. L. and W. B. B.Inr Water Gap, Strondsburg. tcrsatei. «.mat Bttd. Blagbarataa. tyra-.ate, aad Oswego, aad at Ration with Ltblgh Valley R. R for all poiatt

**12;i«o'm. LF.UI01I VALLEY IXPRKU tttpt at Newark. Morrlt-town. Devtr. Wileri.«. Mtektttatefra, Wuh igte«. Philltijibirg ladFuto»; connecta it Wtterloe with luttsrt Railroad, al Phillipatiorgw th Bel.. Del. R. R for Belvidere ke tud it Bastón with L. V R K.far Btaithtm, Ajltttawt. Mitch Chunk, Wilkeaaarr*. Baadiig, aadHarriihurg.

4 ou p. a. BROAD GACOB BXPRES8 TRAIN, ti* Pattrton indBocotot. rust directly through to Bingbajatoa without chinga of cara,

stortutg it prtteipil a inoai. t onncetsg at Dorer with Chester R. R.,snd st Wileri, o » th . ., R. R.

4 10 p. m BARTON RXPRR&t totaectt it Devtr vrith Chester R.R. al Waterloo with tattex R. R. and it Kältet with L. V R. R. ferBetUebeui. Allewt^w» R-.1i«t Harrltrierrg ted th» West3:20 p. m. HA( KETTSTOWN MAIL, couatcU with Boontea. Chester,

. r.i) «aemt Rallronda.t:U p, ra. HA( KrrrreTTOWN BXPRK«*.FtrMORRIrTTOWN, it7:l». »:10, 11:10, I.:!» at, Í:», 3:». 4:10,

if »ad 8:40 p. m.For SUMMIT and Ittatmtdiat* statioa« at i:30. 7:13,7:45, »;10, 10:10.

ttd 11:20a. m .2:30 3:.0 4:20, »:00 ltd 0:40 p m.

ForORANOE ni SOITH ORiNrtB. «:30. 7:lS, 9:10. 94*. 10 10.tad 11:20 a ¦. 1. It. tilt, 3i4». 4:S0, 4:10, J:30, 1.00, «40,1; J», I.Li,

rmtMaV, »te». T.IS. 7:4». »:40, 9:W, 0;4« '10:10. 10:«.11:00 11:30 std 12:00 bl, M:10, 2.00, '2:30, .1.20, 3:40. 3:S0. 4:10..4:2«' « S« i io S:»), t.Jt. 9O0. .«.», 440 tia«, 1:30, 1:1», aad11:4» p.m. Train marks* . itonal Bat! Newark._

leave Nrw-Tork for BLOOMFIELD aad HONTCLAIR, at «:30,1:40 tad II :00 a at. .ml 2 Al 3.JO, t:10. 6.10 ltd I ». m

PiAstager« for LAKE HOPATCoNO leat» »tw-Tork it 7:15 a a.,

11:00m (Ripress) 3:20 sad 4:10 p. at, leaving toe Railroad »1 Hopei-«o»g Station aad conneeing vrith Steamar Stella." For PL'DD'8LAKE «t 7:1 » a. 12:00 a.. 3:20 aad 4. «j p. m., toattug toe Knilrtad»t SUohepe, tLenee by Mute 24 m.lea. For HCHOOLRY S Ml- .'TAINat 7:1» aad 1:00a. ma, It: Mm. 3:20. 4:00 4 10 ltd »:*>». a., leavingIbt Railroad at Hackettstown tbenot by tug« J »'Is*. F.,r DELaVWARB WATEB GAP it 8:00a m. tad *M V- a Fer RICHFIELDSPRlNOa it « s. s». S »(.'HOCH »luennieodeBL

ERIE RAILWAY.TRAINS Le*ve» Depot«foot ,,f ( bimi en it. ind foot of l-l it it fbllowi:

Threttrb Btnrens Train» lett» Chtanen-tt «t»«. m.. Ham. >:30

p a., lad *7 p. a., dillr. New ind lapmved Drawing Roea CoicJies

accompaaytke 9 a. a. tram taroagaw BaTalt aad laensnaon Un at.

eotnecting at Homelliville with magnilcent Sleeping Coaches runningthrough to ( levelanl ind Cincinnati Sleeping Coaehet acenapiny theli ». a. traía from Sttquebanna te Bufilo; the *:30 p. m. train fromNew-Tork to Mitpeaslno Bridge, and the 7 p. a. trala from Nrw-Tork te

Nufiln rluipeaslon Bridge, »ad CiarunttL A» Ealgnat TriJa leaves

ditlyrt«:l»p atFor Part Jervis aad War. 8:00a. a. ant 4.30 p at

For Middletawa and Wty, It *7:X i. a. and 3:30 p. a. aad, Btndayiealv (:20 am.

Fur (It it. le ind Wir. «1*11.301.and War, at Í

For SatTera aad War, S and 6 p..Newburgh»»! War. ithjni a.. 3 JO »nd .V 30 ». re.

r.rP.teKie «I Wir it 6;«¿ to 1. B. I It B.. *1:U, 4, 5:15,*:«"li p. at. »nd '12 midnightFor Heekentaek. Hillsdale aad Spring Valley. att:1S a. m. and 12«.

{4:00, S:0U. 6-.-*), tad It:«4 a a- ; ted Wtdnttdayt ina Satunurt oaly,.I til midnightFor Piermont Nyack. Tillman«, and Way. at 9:30 t. a., 11:30,13:15,

14:15. 4:4*. ti ?'. '6:30, »nd «7:t> n. m. : sod Wtdnetdtys sn.1 Batardin tal.t. Mt aldnlfht special Hnnuay Train» tt \»-.<A> t, a. Aud a.N B..Traine leering Chimben t». ob «ten hour» or half howjt, leert

Itl et deoot IS minnies earlier than at ave tams. Last boat from 23d at,(IS p. a.71.lela for PiAutire and for Apartment! in Drtwinr-Reoa and Sleeeiag

Coaches cat be obtained, and order» fur the rherkitg and transfer ef Bag¬gage mar be left, at toe Company's otfees, 241, »29. aad 47 Broadwag 2oSChtauen It. -W «¡reenwlch It. Cor. 125th 11. and 3d Avraue.;4 toar«-et. Brooklyn; 104 Broadway. Wilhamtborgh Depott feet efCbambert-it and foot of TV-tt. Nrw-Tork and Loag Dock DepotJerser CM», and of tbe i gents »I the cnieipal hotels.

.»»ally. 1 For Piermont «nd Nyack. I For haekeasaek.i Fue Ifsekenttcx ind liiiladsle onie. % For ( resaill nnlr.

t. C. Rl'l KKR, A« ust 2, WM R. BARR,«Je.-lauoi1171 4jietrl Past r At



PltetBger «talina I« New Tork, «omer of Tweotv leveath at andlourtli are. Entraoet cn Twtitr tevinthet

TRAIN« LEAVE NEW TORRFor New llivtn ind Bndgeport. 7, t (Ex.), 11:30 a. a. 1 121S (Bl.), 3

(Ex.). 1:4«, 4:30. í (0 tad I ll'.i. 1 p. a.

For Milford. tUttterd, Fiirtitld, oouihport. aad Weitport. 7, 11:30 1.

B.;*:tS. 4:>i, tnd Si30 p. atF»r Couth, 7. I|!i| 9. 11:» t a, 12:15 (Ex.), 3 (Ex.), 1:45,

4:TO (Ki ) V30, 6:30 and 8 (Bl ) p. a.

For Dirtta. 7.9. 11:301. at; 3:4». 4:30, S: 30. tad 6:10 p a.

For Stamford. 7, 8 (Ex.). 9, II:» a ra., 12:15 (tx.), 2:15, 3 (El.). 3:43.4:30 ,gi.) «tga. Si»i. 6:30, 7:15. S (Ex.) p. a.

For Ortetwich snd Intenntdiite tmrnama, 7. 9, 11:» a a.; 2: IS, 143

4:46, tteVtet 1:1» p. m. t _ . ,.

lauday Mail Tram leaves Twentr-termtb-tt. NewTtik, it 7 ? a. far

Botlot. vis both Spnug6«id Line i»d Shore Line.CONNEC11NU TRAIN*.

For Beeten vi» Rprtngleld, t a. a 3 ma » p. at

For Bolton vii eihore Line 12 IS ead 8 a. at

For Hirtfonl snd Spritiicld, « 1 a.; li:IS. 3. nd e a.

For N««rp«rt, R. I., 8 a a. (Ex.) aari 12:15 p. a. (Bx , eennectitg with

ttaaaer aervm Nirrsgiiittl Bay at Wickford, arriving ia lett that eight

°For Cotateticut River Rai'read. 8 a a., U:15 p. m. to Moalrtal, J

a. a. to Nonhimrtoe.ForHinftrd. Prowltnct «id Ptokill Raalroal. ««. a.. 12:13 p. a.

For Shore Liae Rallwav a« 8 a. a. to Norwich and Prov.d. nee.11.15.

3, to NtwLetdoa lad Norwicb. la a.

For Ntw-Mivea aad Northampton Railroad. « a. m 3 p. m to ^orth¦

aaptoo ttd Wildaantbtrgh. , _ ,. .... , .

For New-Havaa. MiJdletown snd Willimsntic Riilroid (Air Line). 8

a. a. tad 3 p. a.

For HuniAtotic Rallrnsd, 8 ». a. ind 3 p. m.

Fov Niugataek Ballroad. I a. a. 3 p. a., and 4:30 p. a. to Waterbnry.For Dinatry and Norwslk Kailroad. 7 a. a., 12:15 jnd 4.30 p. m.

F.,rN«wC¿n»»aR«llp««d.8..m..i»:IS. 4:» sad VK« p. a

Coawaeettomrtltepiag Ctr» »ttacht.1 to » p. m Trait, tad tUo to ¡medar MTlTriin on either Li»«. Drawftgrtoa Ctr nuchad to to« »

t'piJ.,u,er.t7»p~uîetlckeUto lit past reieked over M road «I

toe B3 of th. if.w.T.rk sod N.w H.v.a I R, cor. *«"2£.t i»¡j Futrlhtvt : lUoit the Oilces »f the New York Triusfer to

(D-dd'l Expretl). Wo. 944 Broadway «ad Ne I 0»«»1J».. *»»MFai fmlby l.tvlu ¡« n.lite. ua hat« toar taggus «M ¡w «*4 gsWfrom restJeae« te desUaal»a__JAMB« H. HUTT. Sept.

K EW-YORK~CENTRAL AND HUDSON1* RIVER RAILROAD.-Trtias leavt Tàlrtiith^t it lelltw«:

11. a. (Thieago snd Moatreti Ixprtu.

^^Ï^Vcûrrlt'^"- ^tr"°' wi,h D.-1'«.«eera to Baralil tod M«g,r» Immn

11 1. m.. NortLtr» tod Wttfrn Etprett.I da Ml, Ssrttafi Speeltl Exprès* a» na-

i a m.. Mu*tr«lT«l.ret. ¦¦¦»¦««.jmtf». .»»»<«»"»»¦*tarn Urti Pieflc Esprtaf. »nth S)etptBg-t«ri for w»t*rtaw»,

^r^'r^à'^J^vr^: «rita^ar. tar R«*k«etar.tmmma%amm?BmS«%t73w "» b«,h L *. "d U C- *&U|«»VSkm&%YM*l .»4\oul^Ue.v,.IWI»a.p^la TM.

trail will leav» t» Sandayi M « p. at . . -^ .

II » a L'tie» aad Tror Expret», with fhrttgb «eeplag-cirt.lB.m.'HaIl»«lV-«»«''l^îi,-^ . ...t r m tad S p. aTr^»ankrptle «r»t»*^»ita» a If J* 4:1». «ad 61I» ^ a.. PaaktkiR tnlaa

I », 7:50. »:»t. tad 10 a a.. ItaX 3. **», 5U«. .."». »ad li.» p. at,

T Sntïïv'w« Tratat-S» a a. aad 4 a m., Tea»»», «peetal.-» a st,

PawaenJamamt laeaal atkes to stott south of Toiler».Ptaghkacptii »aeaai. - ^g^g^ q^^ fjmmmtt »VrtBtNew Terk, Jas* M. IÄI._ .



OF HOUR eeaaeneta. »a. W, l»7..-Fe» WUJT PHILADELPHIA.Ït\¿mta*] T»Tm7iy», *<» Kf* f.*»» F- ¦-. M algtstFor Fhllîdelkiu ti* Oatidei. Tt «t. and 1 p. a. Far kuLTlMORs. isaI

W^HHISUTON «»d TUE WEST viaB.rumore.J.» .. a..11 » and

rio? a at Ftr THI BOUT« AIT» WITtI-WMT, Ita, a a..

t M- Í m. BU»*» p»«w»çanle Waa*4»gton «ally oaMt , m traía,

wllu.rl ettuga ft t«« WMT, via Peaaarlvasl« Rtllreed »1» ». a.

ih^art^fr-afeföTtih sT5viwB|k lad Chietg, witoeît' rtiMurV

«*..\ca7^nSw tar ta*» si,«** «I D«a«J»ata»»*«.. lue« W CewhlaadWta.,..s Ut Br»A.lw»T (*Dally.)m W wSttL <hir*M.Asr%. F. W. JAfRtOM, On. I mmyt

AND WICKFOKl> RAILROADwita «ht» reed bate Ri

*fcwvarla«B«Cir»JamaTeipirt fa les. S

with 11 13 trata

r , ..rteae t»ts« tfa« sataate »rosnd Potat Judith, tad

SOUTH 8U5ETRAILROAD tri IX)1»G Í8LAND.TW .W 4se*k tratk telirwtd ea Leaf tetaad.

S4.MMIR AtRA«tiEHENTCttasneeetBfiaOslIMT. Mat I». 1*71. aga timriH sad «mad ti

I 00 ». a. Mall ht Pstehegne, sjeateeSig at Beayleaf.r Fir« UU*d, »ed ti F»Kanga, hy atags far Belaaet* tadFte» Fa**._ÍJlSSmmmlmtít^d

j jo . a.! lb»«*» tat ¿ttilamM, tsmaatvtoa al tah. ma tm Fw»h liUad, tsTfraa Paammpi ty »tafl» tay Belteteet tmd Fita

4 T a a.. rSlehtgn» AlMBBBtaSa.,

g » a a. Mtrnea »tata awtsaa

TV.Í l*ind I»« ev ia* I:», 4 »aad»» n St walt.n.. smaaa mt ¦ Mil M aid leéis.».

VI DO«J«LÍir mut

i attffiS «mfimmmmSammmm^tml t,¦.


N»w You, Imeeatef, B>pt- 8,1871.The influcjicrm lrtjaha_ upon tbe inreaent

condition of tho horse-trade are such m to indicate con-

llora hie duration tt» U« alrssay astiss4 iraprotementla tbe demand, and to promts» » steady maintenance oí

pnce». Biurtnesa bein«- fnii of sell tity ta »11 bfaaebe« oftbe a-iiersJ trade of our city, aad the lar»rs ajnornit offsrtlnaj ceastqasotly to De done, »as «uaed a ssFon«rsll for prime trock-oorsete. wklcA call mast »uktoriallrIncrease mt the Pall season Dasasrmies more aattaneeO, andIt Is sim, evident that if inainsy is mado, part ut It wlM findits way to the homc-mvkrt, to be Invested in pleasurw-horsem, particaiarly so ss the low ptle« of feed (oats are

Vy'-Vft huaittU) eiactitiraares tbe keajpln« of tiorsa». Th«egrtainty of au tmireose crop througnont our country,__. wtiteqaent very low prlte« of prornions and facility*or,,_l"t«rlni( horse«, all ootnblue lo make oar farmersindifferent alrotit selling: 'heir stocfc, exeeiH at «tron«

.*'!£"/ *»d inn ptioet sre likely to rule the Mew-YorkSUS» Hlrter Tired stock, of nifficlfnt slat- to make.!» ^i!.*e*c.\*M «."»*horsey wtn rsjUnt-tn its tala«.J&&Èt^mma\-mlAm\*mm-m-i\ as weU as

e^aSwaaggitmassrs as

'Ëàfeeds, tea-. Fra»

o»»^:::::::::::::::::: .m.___.Dariba} bons. JJ î îïiPair black bor.«-.. »I .______'*___t__m_m_. 1» "?' gSDark brow» boree...w. UU s *rï am

Tea., hay hena.. ,M 7mî,gjBay eo«ps bane. 1« I_\_¡XD»rb b»y étape bene.. li 7MeanBright bay Bar«.. 11} g_\_Team bay bona«.. 17.» IR(,Baybena.. U I)MSBat roa» Uottl otanare. IV»430 OOBalt-bt bay veth-bene.. IA IinMBay ben«. IA IBO (uBeyaaw.. IS 7vat OfBay asn.. I« »mo so

Cnrrlatre maiiafaetuprrs and dealers am ready for theFall trade. The display of fine carnage» at nie repu»!-torlea U an eioetlunfone. The hlgUtxt standard of workIs rated as follows !Bo leo wagoo. #33», Up wagoo, »4fwBroofnairn from »1.400 io f I ViiCoao« IBTtulif »jriti. ffilAt» to $1 (ti.LeatUalet »IJWto «1,730.I j-clao. »(.O'* tjn t>3 «JO.Landan on right »prias», doable »mptaaion. * -V*".Cleat coach«.Loaeoa title »1 a» te «J.O«i.The prices of All vt-hk ,i a ditter fruin 10 to 30 per cent

at the ililli rent warerooms.hut the above are tho Ingbcstgnotod, and represent only Atbl-cIiim carrtajres.

Afiorats, Carri tig cb, ^anuB«, Arc.


raina: Hockawaya, Weetebnren. rbaatoaa tod etiry oth« ewer UmFamily Carriaaei aad Lbrtit W.gon«. gr*»tl» rednced price«.


No. t»9 FOURTH AVE.Special attention it giren te the

SMALLER ARTICLES AND WARKSIn nae by tbe bett eli» of Cite ead Ceawitt trade.


bFULsON A (.HLD, 37 l'an --~i ure.

ÉNÜLISH SADDLES aud HUNTINtt-CBOPSfor Ladle» tod Gentlemen Importe I br

NEILSON A OCILD. 37 U»l*»toj«are.ÔRSE-BLANKET8, ROBES, HARNESS",itc, U low pnce»; llamea »8 to »Wiper »et, Blanket«, »1 &o

"Ro teHto »U> nek. C M. MOSSMAN k BRO M.a.fteatM.r»,

_Waxerooaa, 114.Chamba ra-tt.

¿íl^OXLVILAND CARRURES CHEAP.-k? Imported Lends», aii-aeat Bock«w«y. light sark Wtgoti« atrtnlBoirtit». UgLl Rotk»w«y, ami a Bimba ef »ligitly aria] Wama» at

bargtlsf. HANI FACTUkERB' UNltlR", 631 Broad«».

{Jroposais.TO CONTRACTORS.MACHINERY..Want-Ja. ed to p^rchaa* iminedault, cheap for catii, an On« Steam Etoe-

titor; .maali Loeomotir». three feet three lachet ginge Damp-can,n «heel» aad »tie»; «ad a at of bl&cksrnitb'» teal«. AdJiea B. a C,

Bot lfl_______ 0__b »Ita fail mracTiftioti, »sd

______ ____prteaa.

HAtHissTus, D. C Ant. 30. 1871.

TO CONTRACTORS for LAYING WATER-MAINA.Sealed proposal» »ill be reewated by tbe ándenlo«!

..til t o'clock oa the afteeaih (l»th) day of September. ¡8~l »t tbeLlgbt-Hoaae Board. Tenaty Deoarta'at tot «be tena«-, m toe Dtetrktof oiumi ia, of nine Blliiooa (9.0UOJiOUJ of poomit of Ai inch caal-lroaWater Pipe«. Stop-Cock», and Special Carring».Tha eau re »ora I» ditided into fear dirwtoos, aod propoetl» will be re-

arc eil for the wbole or t lan soaker of h.dtltr befom making ni« bat matt dtponi tt the Fini National

Bask. Waihingtoo, to tbe rreuil of the Oorenor of the Dittrlct of Cotembit. the ana of »se thooaad Solían, «a aaearitr that be «lil inter Into.nd complete the ouotraet «coordina; to tbe .peet.ratioa». The money to

denial ed will be Merned to the onaiacceaafal bidden when the contrat!

ia awanieil tad to tbe eoatraetor »bei ha complete» hit eoatraet.The contractor will be reqaired to forfeit one dollar (bli t lit /..r

detey ia the lerisa of eaeh pipe, apeaal eaattng, aad ttap-oeck, be/osdthe Kae re, .'roi (a the eoitnetNu propoaalt for Ityiag pipe» »111 be Teceind ^loept In the printed

fonut. wtiicb. with rireaUn ipeeigeatioai, aad tera ot eontnet, and anyfarther informatma. can W bad oa application is perm« er by letter lo

OEORiiF. H. ELLIOT Mayor of Etoo »eera U. H. AChief Eatjiaeer, Waabinflon AqeedocL

legal notices.TN PURSUANCE of an order of WILLIAMX D. VEEDBK «q Btrrroarate of the Courir of King»: Notiet it here-br g ten. according to law, to til peraeoa hating clala» Sfstssl LI 1 ii Eil8. LAWRENCE late of tbe City of Brooklt«, iteceetai, thal to etblhit the lime with the roocheri thereof, to the «nhtrrlriertbe Admnualntor, it the Office of Chauiben, Pomeroy A Boogbtou.193 Broadway, in the City of New-York, ob or beten tbe 13th day of De-eember next.Dated June I. I "I


PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Courtof Chaacery. made in a casa Atherton agu Merriman, thepenona

claimiag te be »eil of kia. »ad aiao tee perae.» ehutoinar to be the heir.t la» of HENRY SMYTH, tele of Sando* n. in the late of Wlgli« latea Major la Her Mnjeaty a. JU\a Recimeat of l.faatty, deeaoed, «rho dieden or tbont tbe «tb dar of July 1&7. or the teg«l ptraeaal repreaeat«.tire» of any rach peraon trbo mar b» dead, »n lit their aaUeiton, oa or

brf.ire tbe '» lb dtr of Oetebtr, f»7l. to com la aaf btotw their elthatbefore the Muter of the Rollt, at Mi C biaben, liteate ia the Roll»Yar). Chaneerr-ltae Mlddleetx. or. In defaaH thereof. tk«y will be per-rroptorilt eieloded from the benelt» si tb« uld Decree. Monday, the 6'h

day of Noreaber. 1371. it Eleven of the clock ia the foreaoea. at th» aidCbamlien. ii apiNiinted for bearing tsd tdiodir«ting apon the claim»..Dated IbU Mtb lay of July. 1811. E. B. CHURCH. Cr.ief Clerk.SYDNEY M.ÍXIE I OU Talare Yard. WeatmmiMr, Arti! fur

CHARLES 0BEAVE8 VINCENT of Rttte, ble of Wi<hl, Soliciter forth« Pl.lntlnV_4J"ETPKE.>IE COURT, KINGS COUNTY.-AR-n THCR CHILI) «gc EDWARD M. BATES ELISHA BLOOMER,A1V Klisi. JAiiEKL. BDjHOP. Bereiter AotoaF. Abbott, Horacellamphret Eitmnnd M. Wood, Joeeph li Banleman. John F KlumppU-iijami» Btrk.r Otanlwa »f the cb,Uren of Al rakau T. Barker, ile-

ce»«-.l; Charlea B. 5.chota. Ben).mia Barker. Oeorve W Mead, AlfredManuell ead Edwtn Beere,.Amended Bara mon».for the.bote-oarced deteníante: Yi,a «te herehr »ammontd «nd re,|aired to¦wer the e implaint in thl» action of «atea a cop. n herewith aerred

»pon ion awl te terre . cop» of y.iir an.wer to tbe laid complaint on

th« nhecT.brr. it bia office Nnaberll Ptne-atreet in tl:e CHi of B>«-Y..r«, witliiB tweaty dayt if-rr the artice of tbia miromom on roo, et-

cliMTeof i1 e 'at of (tien arrice; »ad If re« fall to »».wrrihe aidrin piajat aithia the tiae atonta 1, Ue p ainuí in Una action «ill applvto ti,« Court for tbe relief demanded In the cvnpla.nL.Dated June i.

11,71.ABO. H (IRANNlitB. Plamnr« Attornee.

Tbe complaint In the »bore-cadtled actiou «a» lied In the Orfic« uf toe

Clerk of King» County, Jane 13, DHL.Dated Jane li 117!.OKA H G&A.NNISS Plaiaufa Attorner.

Corporation Notices.

QUPREME COURT..In the matter of the ap-> ' lin ,n.i. ni tbe Ma< or. Atieraco and» of the City ofNe» lora lelalire to the WIDEKINO and nTK tin II l> NI.Ni, ef

I1HOA1JWAY.Between Th.rtt 'oortb »tntt »ad rift, -ninth urert. aral »Ito the makingof tbtt pirt of Broadway bet«em Thirty teccmd atreel and Thirtt-cftii.trret, aatl that p*tt lietwer« Parte SBata» »tieet »sd Enrti «eieutu

ttreet. of »greater width th»B Oue Hnadred Feet, In ibetltrofNewYork.We. the ndenigned Commiw.onen of EttiBtte tnd AtteMmeiit lo the

»hore entitled m»U«i ber.liy git» ootioe to the nwntr or awtiert onu-

paBt or aSSSJ ».t.. of .11 bou-e. aa lot« and uni roveO or UBiiuprotadkau. «AV«t»l «hereby, aad to »B BBSS» »boa It aaay leefe toan:

ftrat ; That «e ha*« coapteted cor atiaat« «ail aaranneat awardtaad tiloittoe nd that all Benoni teterttsed la theat». or inany ef the Und» »lilted therrbr. aad »he mette otpeaed in um aaua.doprtaent their objeetiona In arrltint. dary rerlled. to Joba (J. Jone«. e«q.»ur Chaînais, it the office of the Coamtaiooer« Ne fJ Saaaa ami

(room No. 14). la thi» city, oa or before the lltk day of September. 1171.ami tatt are. the »aid Cemniasteaen will bear partía m object!»«; wlthiathe len week data neil after the aid 18th dar of Htpiemler. 1871, and forthat parpen «Hil be la at eur laid offiee oa etch of aaid lea

day», at eltTta o'cloak a. m>.Senna] ; Thal the »betetet of the and eisalt« »nd aateaant tegaher

with oar map», aad alto the affilante, a:i»ata. »nd otter doeonwot»which were tued br ia ii ntklsg oat report hate neea depodted in Ikeogle« of tee Department »I Pabiie Wera« ia lae City ef New York, thento remain until the 290, d»t of September. DHLratrd | That the liad« embraced hy t»e aaaa»ent «feteakt an a«

te'lawa. to wit: AU thoa. lot. piece, or parcela of lead eitoate, lying «nilbein«; la »aid city, ead hoaaatedhy and racteded aad auataaaed antai» thewater liaee of the following named «tráete tad «tenue«, that i» to ar :

Begiawiag at tee pout of mterveatioa of the rea tot Nae of Prftt-aiaeb»treet wtth the erater line of Eighth arta»* and raaalag Uaeae« eaaterlyalong tie center Mae of Ftfte-Bvath atreet lo the eetiter Hoe of Madimn.Tina», than» aorjtbsrly ifcog the »alter hoe «J Medina »».oc I» toe

ceiter lia« of Ttertr-foarth »traei thence rettedt tloag th« cenler ka« ofThlrty-fosrlk «treet to tia «tater 1st ef Lertegien ateiaa. tbeaee aath-

.rly along the renter line, «f Lezingtoa «»«ne« aad Imng place lo the

eeaierbasofFnatenth aaeet, teas wettatte aaaag tbe eaater bat ofFaarteeath tlrett te tee amur lae of Fatrtb »eiaa«. iheaec »ealberlyalong lae center ka» of Foerth attsaa te the ceater kee ef ABer piece,ihetiee warterlt aloa« lb« eeaur hoe ef Altor place to BroaJWai, thence«oaiherlt aloa« the ceater See of Broadway to the «enter liae el Wirrr-Vey pla««, theo« waterty ateaf ta. etaae bee ef Waeatey aiaet to tee

«»ter lae of Bitte SfSSSJB. Ibeaea sertAerty ateag tb» »eeur Baa ofSuth staaM to the eeatot n* el Pcmente aanet, tkmm aatarlyBeten.{

tSrêeV tartae« wtaWetty »tolg tb» »tea» »M «f t^nwtr-«gt«k ttnet to

th«re«t»r bn» «J SaU aawsae, isaice a.raWir aioaaj theaatetlteaefSlate »teaue io tee ce«tor Bs» of Sttty ante etnet. Uieac« eatterly aloo«Si. carter kw «Í ffimft-slaaj twrart te tse.eaterr lia« af ___f_i anmat»al ti ntl nalJjarlj r~"| afffiaB fcl m Blgktb tteea» W lbs putal

iWfA. Twatea? recwrt herwi t «til be ptaststaá la the BsnrtaeCowrt of lae State ef NewYork, at t "teeto] Bra tkaaaf, te be held be¬

fore the Uatonhla Alba» Cantea». Jesttee. la mt New Coan Boom, at

tbe CHt Hil! li the CHy »f New-Tort, apea « farther »»tie« of tweatySayitobelatwaBtetijraBte »we dailr Mwapaaen paktathed a «aw Uly»fNtwYar» pataajsal to the provteloa» of tb» Foartk freetto. of Ca«pt«rFiltrâmes of lbs Lew» st* tb« sum «f Bew-TorX aaneJ Fsbrssry »7,uni.Dated New-Yerk. Aagast IA, WTl.

WILLIAM WOOD. jOisBBtsklisBn.¦¦'..-. t. u ii ¦

Itttnxtm atti. JseUctitTfit./^ENElUL^SÔcnyY pfliECHANICS ¡5TJT TRADESM KN «f tee OTT ef NWW-YOAa-TVi tteawJ.r steet-la« ^ tee Beetey will ra bete at MeeaaaW H«U, Sa 47» Bl ISa» Ig.TfllS (Wetmeatay) BTINTNO, at ntlt-fmt 1 otmet.

_WLUAAaTfA« NOaua», »aatatety,

PEV.E. P. ROE'« j?0PÜLa»R AO-MY UÍ^Kj^L esattlkaaWBra^. ¿^¿OtfUm.SPECIAL NOTICE is ESf pfS to tbe»T> .»aVr... tee Mateal FwlllSffifl Date», «bat sa TMDEBDAT,

%mwwtmtH§.[ ftTETNWAY HA1aLT~


Mr. Frtjierirk Rallsnta hat the keane to tanitaee ta* «rfttal «m4FIR*T APFtisUNCB IN AMHRkCA

tf ha* Janalt iwawwatjdVIENNA LADY ORCHESTRA,

IPWARD OF TWENTI INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMEBN,til ef «tana* are roes* ladle* of lean mm» BF yean *«* age.whet»

BTTRAORniNART MDNfCAL TALENT»reared Iba* lar . tambar *f /tan ammmmmt «. toe« imape eli»« la-«rameata from tat


GRADI ATBD WITII RIO« HOB»B«at the OttamWttgmt ef Vic««., Gera«*», «ad wUtae asitod elWta katabeta for attirai jtnrt

THE THKMR OF PRAIMofUae»^lreerrtietJarea»fBer»B«. Waerwtertb*

VIENNA LADT ORCMRWTatAkm »ppeared II has totailv ecNpae* «vary rival ey toe Rmmmmmf4mmm>

SlTKRB AND FINISHED PHEFOBMANt K.TV» Bat ef rastismsaltl Performer» cwmfttaa» :

Mile. JOSRFINB, Mita. TMERrtSMmu», bubb Maa normt.







Te blähtet toe eclat ef tot*» facarta, Mr. Rnilrssa ka* farther «asued the lut great awetetrl BtaSttr,


MLLE. Uli WaIMR, «

Frta» Dona. Seprtae,Only m*lt*»taaMmft2»Jâ»mtw»mm»a«ttlmjtod ether íaropeía c-rdml» hat* «rea ket.tke PLAUBIT* OBROTALTT, «rd who ti ker trader «g« 1« thirty »at rlftl of tverjr primedette el renown. *t*mV '


MR. JACOB itDLLBR.«b« re »ti, »dalred Bah toa*, from toa O rta* Otantteeat »f Frnahfar«,«Jet.».»».THE CNPft WCFriFNTRli ATTRACTIOlf otmred in toe abet* Uti ef

tra«, will be prretated t« toe A aérienn patato tot their «parte»! fe* tit*Ira tia*

MONDAT BVRXIXO, smfsmmV» 11,insngurning the


.vtr »ttemnted m toe Corten Hums.Tie concert» «nil m «.etwee* »iaht le toe »»ure week, «ad

KHASÏiMATÏNkR«Mtaai..B » »


TrltRSTJAT MORNING1. Beat, T.Î'Jf|,|n*,!,u*l'.s'-kir»»r'a,:oi ammaaaf, «ad a» tkv Ttever T ektt

be bCl U,,-d**'- mmm "**» fwreter* aimm aad 4k« Madtte m*r

Eartr» rtingt 0f progne.- » etery eametrt rVignama air be hadst V.» mute starr» tad staut emmta

OPLNIN«; <>?' THIS MAtfAHAL WDÜS-.TiHÍL,?.5l'lííTJí;"' TMUHMY. .*.» hi

te MAMMurH fthlCTiat. Th.ra-.ta. «i4Ihia» thiidst' Th»

tpen.nt cer.B"e'e» wtrl .oarer», re»AMERHAN INSTIT CTR ORARD MARCH.|.if.,Ai. for the tmrnmm] «* tasllug, Fms.r hy Be» P».Ii e at «i itali Pee hv Wait Whitmaa; «mile, ty Hoe. B. 0.B«]tcr. MiAieb; Ken if i *Vr*mi ( aaout Bead._/.IiAND OFLHA-liOLSL.\* JA« PISK.Ir .ProprtelatL'! '. li BARLRkAOU.SF. COLE..CsmcetTHO«. R MORKI«.Hanaeta Manager

Mtjjfs»Al kVrNIXG, r«a*4. 4. 1*71tnd I.VfcUï BVliM.Su dara««ne wat», aad caTI klMY MATlRkE,

the EaitwBU Artista.MR. sad MR.- »A Mi M ANN.

a P a; pear t r the »r«t time in s NKW IMHMA written »xprealy '*»li.ein by Mr. T. ( De Leen, died

JABTB*,b»>ed »poa Chsrlr« D rkem's frigmenlsry natel of


tajmm* byMr. MARK -Milli at IlCRDLSS.

snd s powerful catt of the otter rbii arter«NKW JiCsIC by TWirigtoB. KEW «CFNBRY hy Dtrtae,

Ai Pol.STMhNTh bv ti WiUiaThe following «tale of fuPlLAB PBlCFS bit bee« idopted:

Admiaaioa.Flflv CeataFamily Circle,entrance enTweotr fotrth it ...Thirty tent*

RK.-ERVED «KATH.Drem arele 7.V ParoueA Circle. «I lire*. Circle Balcony. «I tt:

Paiuuetsnd Para»x1 Uai.ui... *l .'41. Btlconv Boise,.«}, PriatreuttaBo*«*. tlOto *)V , mm

hesis ita be viund «Li le. from 8 a a to » a. a., it Ik* BaxOsV«;tt ti. Srh.raer». 701 Brad«BJ «nd at Ike Kri«_T1cke*-OI!e», Twentythitd^t. Juaciluaef Breit.iwsv iad Frftbate. **

XYÄIJIÄCK^ VffîÏÏTH WEÏKv» ef tim uapreeeeVitr Ile crest eag.gemeet nf

Mls.1 LIDIA THUMP»«!« .


who. nniwittrundirt li iteVa in.sheil batar »ra, for toe pui/tw* ef pro¬ducing tie a- w in j«.ral ri.l, -,.<i»- of the

I'HINt K-h OF TBF.BUONDS,tDLtnnre the preseatu r oat positively the

LAST WEER. »f.»LITE BH'4HT>LAST WEEK..*f." Mt Heart wTrwt le Pel»'LAST WFBK.of. MA.NDLIOaN A TA .

LAUT WRRK.of.- ftKAT HRN CHINKW'LAriT WRBK.tof.-' If Eve» Kieeta bevVLAST WEER.of." Tom-h tht Harp LVbilr"

null» enewvedhy VrtWfasWontbte.adWit^te.liadtauce». «ATI R-DAY Matinee, bept. 9,


in eider te avoid the raab at to* tua* *f atJSmmt toe daer.MONDAY HBFT. II,

THE 1 KIM K.-H OF TREBiZONDB.Err»gemeat termiaitr» i-ept 23. the company appeariag a« toe Beete*

Theater Sept. 23._~Ö(/rH"s T1IEATEK. LOTTA.B



¦ad tot MAH( llIONBea,


In »nive pr»p»r»tion.THK PET OV TUF PETTICOATS, ltdFA.M1LI JAR.v lu vfciet M12J6 LOTTA wilUppeaxi» two ef her m-

tonte Spec mille».

Seit, seewred Bhx dtvt In idvinc it toe Theater, also ti Dite**'» MattaStore. 711 Broadsray. '_

Ôl^MPÏiTTHEATER.VF JAMBS B. HATB«. .Leteee lad Msnager.



HCMFTlf DU«PTlf,with s full aad etVcieat cerpe of

El HOPEAN ARTTSTN,«nd.« the dlraciloa tf



Sett« tecured »ii day« in edr«nee



¦tfsnJKI»nd fiiyler't Drtmt.


with tb* New BerWsqee.if kvbr i love to cease.¦

new «onus, dance«, and solos. ,

_MATIN KB «ATI SPAY »t 2 p. m.

rXTH-AVE. THEATER.«J Pole Lettre tod Mantger.Mr. AWCSTIN DALY.

Row owe i (or the regalar tataea.EVERT NIGHT

The great drama o' to* tract,«altatwil

AU tht brilliant new rametly capaey le the ca.t. New and raiftil-eent leeoery. Original Basic, (¡ra..J (ash.usable toilelie». he, Ac.

.. }trr,.






8S0CUT10S HALL.__. Twe ntr-thte.» .t r*r Iotrij «ve.



THrR<rAT KVENINO «EPT. 7.aasliteil br ibe ftH'iwii.g fittrtte «rílate:





TWnJITY KlliHTH *T. OFRKA HOCtK,Corner of Bro», »a

WITH A SEW ARD PUWERFtL Circl». St'cent»; a*»njue«te C tele Reaerted 79

«eat»; Orckettea Cbelra. 73 eeniti Belom», K crut. Priva'« Boxe., «t.






aad ha "







I'uited «taliROtERT»ON'S

aad th« PIPER« 0En

l>r privateMaat«. BiiBty.

AIX *F#t»K*TÏO»JS» «