iM t arid Trust Private -...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JANUARY 12 1904 k NEWS AND GOSSIP IN THE WORLD OF SPOR2S I J = = == Claude Jockey Club and Proper Named for Coast LAST NAMED IS A CRACK Jennings Colt Has Boaten Everything of Class on California v Tracks The Una entries for the Brooklyn antI Suburban luutdican were received yes- terday upon the arrival of the malt from California which brought tho same three ntrte to each event They vore M J Dalys Claude W Fishers Jockey Club and W B Jennings Proper Tho last named who is racing at the California tracks has beaten everything he has met this winter With thrvt nominations to the Subur- ban tht Island Jockey Club rcr- t lived nearly 200 entries for the Fu- turity of 19 t so that there are nw 111 nomination James B Haggin Harney St hrieber and Bills Richardson Wpre the largest nominators and Hag gins list alone amounts to 14 from the Kancho del Paao stud Officers Reelected c The annual meeting of the Coney Isl- and Jockey Club was held at the Wind SOl Anade yesterday and the follow- ing oillcTs wore reelected or 10WJ Gov- ernors Harry Alexandra James Gor- don Berritt J H Bradford John M Bower A J Cnssatt C Fellowes W J Glenn F Gray Griswotd John G Heokshfr Thomas Hitchcock Jr H B HoiUns H Kerner H K Knapp A NewboM Morris Herbert C Pell Schuylcr L Parsons A August Scher merhoriM P Scott Thomas H Smith K Sturgis William H Taller V K VHnderbilt J V Wadsworth George Frabody Wetmore and V C Whitney sirtent V K H Bradlorrl secretary Cornelius executive committee the dent the treasurer the vice presidents the secretary Herbert C Poll Gray Griswold J Harry Alexandre W C Whitney and Schuyler L Parsons INVETERATE FARO fiEND Young Corbett Would Rather Buck the Tiger Than Eat May Affect His Nervous System Barring John L Sullivan Young Cor lett is the greatest spendthrift of all the lighters He lads warned more 40COO in the last two yrs but on I at- wrek when h went tote the ring in Sn Francisco to light Hanlon he dldnt have M dollar he could cull his A large portion of tile money from the Haye Valley Club for contest went to his creditors Sullivan squandered his money on wine and women Young Corbett squanders his earnIngs bucking faro bank H is the most invrtorat faro player the ring has ever known Before he became champion hv was a hangeron in a Den vcr gambling house His manr K r and his friends tried to wean tho pugilist away from gam- bling but without sucess He he would r th r play faro than eat and he has to have his way A peculiar about hit play is that he is not to have made a good winning but that doesnt so m to affect his craze for the game Those persons who figure that Young Corbett is in a class by himself as a boxer and that n will retain the feath- erweight championship many years do not take into account the effect con- stant gambling has upon a mans nary ous energy and strength WARRIORS ARE EASY FOR COMMISSIONERS- A set if postponed games was bowled between th and War DepartuT nt on tbe Palace alleys last night nnd the Commissioners an- nexed all thrpo Trw bowling of tie winners van excellent two ef their totals 8 i s alxvo 800 while the other was within seven of the number The n had scores above IN ml Barr 202 and 200 end Meyers score comnif tiUHrp M 3d Barr Pearson Smith Parker Meyers Totals 991 let WilMains If5 Brown 11 ITS AnBnenS 131 112 172 Van Hoesen If ENTRIES CLOSE FOR HANDICAPS Any Jam VlCt 1t John G Heeksher Gorge a1orty Wetftore J Fel- lows KiNGPIN FEATHERVEIGHT I thAn own he got the nown CommissIoners testes 1ollowl fit 2tr2 The lilt JIZ 171 111 1C 181 m 1 Jill 174 i Var 2d N 142 172 161 Sheppard U6 14i1 uS lIT Totals it1 SOS priI anti Pt treasurer have aye thing ever Parker 11 IN IN ia P 1e2 IN 3W Th ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < AT FORT ERIE Paves Way for Plunger to Return ill Standing RULED OFF FOR RINGING Alleges to Have Used Marc Caroline Made 2000000 as load of tho GetRichQuick Firm DETROIT Jan Highland Park Jockey Club has reinstated John J Ryan and his trainer Joubert Spears who were ruled off toe tuf for ringing the mare Caroline K at the Fort Erie track in 1888 The club con- sidered that they had bqen sufficiently punished for their offense The ruling of the Highland Park Jockey Club paves the way fbr Ryans reinstatement to the Eastern turf When the Jockey Club stewards ruled Ryan ofT on October 31 from all the tracks racing under their jurisdic- tion it was made contingent in their resolutions that before he should be re- instated he should be placed in good standing by the officials of the Fort Erie track Made a Fortune John J Ryan is the man wjio math fortune in getrlchqulck turf schemes and by plunging on the at the race traoks White he conducted his racing syndicate it 18 claimed that he received 82000000 from subscribers- Be this as it may he soon blossomed out on the race tracks as a fullfledged turf speculator It was a common thing for him to bet from 8XX to 23000 on a race He was always followed in hit ring operations by a motley crowd of race track followers who were attract- ed by his largo array of glittering dia- monds which represented a fortune of 99000 or 26000 Heavy Speculations His heavy speculations around New York aroused the anger of the turf off- icials who were opposed to the notoriety attending the recording of his many large wagers Soon after his name ap- peared frequently in the newspapers the Jockey Club stewards decided to take action against him They found out that he had been ruled off the Fort Eric track for connection with the alleged ringing case The stewards met and the resolution passed by the Jockey Club against Ryan was Whereas John J Ryan was ruled on the turf at Fort Erie mare Caroline K Resolved That the said John J Ryan be declared ruled off under rule J8 part 6 of the rules of racing until such time as he Is reinstated by the authorities who ruled him off ACMES CAPTURE TWO FROM RATHSKELLERS The Anme and Rathskeller teems in the District League met last night on the Rathskeller alleys and the Acme five won two games of the set breaking the tie for third place between it and the South Washington Business Mens team and moving into second position The bowling of both teams was good each copping out a 800 total Several of the men made ecceptlonally good scores Speiss spilled 237 pins in the first game Cooper tumbled 281 Smith knocked over 217 and Warren made 1Xfl The scores Rathskeller Allison Kettler Crosby Cooper Ray Totals Acmes Campbell Cox Warren Smith Speiss 1st 2d 3d IK 173 141 Iii 171 l i 175 171 1M 172 1st 187 141 1C 191 287 Totals lUg 871 4 WASHINGTON MAILMEN DEFEAT BALTIMOREANS Teams made up from the poatoillces of Washington and Baltimore met on the Palace alleys last night and the Washingtonians had no trouble in win- ning the full set The BaUImoreans ex ceeded 800 in only one game while the local boys never fell below Stt and once chalked up the good score of 5 K3 The following 200 scores were made McCauley 288 Sautenbsrger SMj Loim beech 90S and Bishop 300 The scores Washington P O let 3d id Ward 174 IK 147 Douglas m 107 Itt McCauley Bishop Totals 6to Baltimore P O 10U 3d 3d Sautenberger q70 Lindermann 1- Meeth 100 II James 144 Hastry 1 Totals 7S5 m on RYAN IN FAVOR K 12The f a bar 17 1S98 for the alleged rinSing ot the Jto m III 1JIj Stl SIP 811 H Zd H1 171 i IBI 175 17 115 1Il D jyg i70 1 161 JI6 121 115 311 171 111I 116 148 lit ION thor- oughbreds 11 lii in 141 13 IN 20i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mark Twain an Saitl Be good and youll bo lonesome The great humor- ist evidently overlooked the fact that Hourichs Beer ifi it is not lonesome eithor because it is sought by the best families and by the most critical tastes MaerzGn Senate and Lager are the purest beers brewed because the best materials are used and the beer is properly aged before placed on the market Phone West 34 lot liurieh Brewing Co In Aft I goodand consum- ed a case mire 17 aI 1III P Speech I 44Y ii I I A I 3 q c I r- f ¬ ¬ Posts Forfeit of 500 to Bind Match ARE TO BOX SIX ROUNDS After Two Years of Wordy Warfare Crack Middleweights Will Come Together Joseph J Hasan otherwise Philadel- phia Jack OBrien and Joseph Youngs otherwise Tommy Ryan are at last to moot In the ring in Philadelphia and two years of wordy warfare is to cul- minate in actual fighting Yesterday Ryan posted his forfeit with Bert Crowhurst of Philadel- phia which guarantees he will be in the ring ready for OBrien on the evening of January 27 OBrien some time ago posted his forfeit of 5500 SixRound Go f The contest will he six rounds and the National Athletic Club of Philadel- phia which will manage it offers a purse of 6000 to the fighters which is the largest purse ever offered by a Philadelphia club for a sixround con- test Tide bout will arouse more inter- est than any pugilistic event for months as It brings together Ryan one of the greatest fighters and OBrien one of the cleverest boxers In the world Both men are legitimate middlo is the champion while OBrien has challenged repeatedly for the title to be ignored t Ryan Six rounds cannot be termed si championship bout but should either a knockout he will be regarded as the champion Ryan a Veteran Ryan is a veteran In the game and has It wonderful record He is not popular with ring followers but there IB not one of them who will not any he fa a great fighter He is a line boxer a hard hitter and for general- ship in a battle he is conceded to be almost without a peer OBrien who is the middleweight and heavyweight champion of England is noted for his skill as a boxer being classed with cOrbett McCoy and others of that type In the past twelve months however he lisa shown he is of a fighter able to take punishment and also to inflict It When he meets Ryan he will be put to a supreme test O Brian on nccount of past perform ances ffliEU COACH Any Outsider Needed Will Have to Be r Selected by Annapolis Professor ANNAPOLIS MdJan 12 Prof Paul J Daahiell has been finally selected as- h ad coach of the Naval Academy foot ball team If practicable Dashlell will assume the duties of head coach begin ning with the nxt football season and any graduate coach or professional who may b needed for the work of the team will be selected through him The executive committee also elected the following officers of the Navy Ath letic Association for the entwine year Comdr Charles J Badger president ex offlclo Comdr W F vice Terry treasurer ROAD DRIVERS MEET IN SESSION TONIGHT- The Road Drivers and Riders elation will hold its monthly meeting tonight at the Metropolitan Hotel Sec- retary P V D Graw and several other members of the association made a trip and report the work pro ing satisfactorily With a fortnight of clear weather it is expected way will be opened on George Washing tons birthday February 22 It la that a sleighing carnival will be arranged if the snow lasts GUNNERS AND ANGLERS- IN ANNUAL MEETING Members of the Game and Fish Pro- tective Association of the District of Columbia will meet in annual session to night at the BJbbltt House The asso- ciation at present has an enrollment of about tOO members but many will bo failure to fulfill their obligations The main which will be at tonight session is the advocacy- of uniform game laws for Maryland Virginia and the District TRACTION COMPANY WINS In the suit of Isaac F Van Arsdale- ag nBt the Capital Traction Company- to recover 10000 as damages for per- sonal injuries the jury returned a ver- dict for the defendant R Ross Perry Son and G T Dunlop were counsel for the railroad TOMMY RYAN CONSENTS TO MEET JACK NI of- f OO I will bo a favorite over OF NAVY and secretary and ProC to the new speedway at Potomac Park yesterday dr UP UBfflE Ryan TEAM presi- dent Aaso it ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JOCKEY PHILLIPSI- dol of New Orleans Racing Public Will Pilot Millionaires Horses at Large Salary NBW ORLEANS Jan 12 Jockey H Phillips who Is leading all of tie jockeys hero in tha number of winning nounts will ride for E R Thomas tho owner of Hermls and other equine track Alexander Shields who trains the Thom as horses and who is a part owner of the Thomas stable has secured the boy The deal for Jockey Phillips services hint been hanging fire for several days It has now been practically closed That according to what the father of Hockey Phillips said at the Fair Grounds Iosteruay Phillips will sign a contract for two years and will receive a salary In the neighborhood of 25000 He will receive ilao the usual winning and losing mount fee The contract not yet been sign- ed but will be today Phillips at present the Idol of the local racing public BANS fAVORITE OVER FITZGERALD Baltimore Negro Is Held at 10 to the Betting on To nights Battle DETROIT Mich Jan 1L Willie Fltz and Joe Cans are in excellent shape for their championship battle which takes plnco here tonight Gans the present holder of tho title is a fav- orite in the betting at 10 to 8 and there has been considerable money bet at those odds Local experts have considerable respect for Fltzsoralds ability and they look for the Brooklynlte to make things in teresting for the champion This will be the second meeting between the pair and they are pretty well acquaint- ed with each others tactics Although Cans won the decision in their last meeting Fitzgerald gave a good ac count of himself and proved that he was one of the most dangerous men that Cans has tackled In some tim If Cans defeats me tills Unit said Fitzgerald I will up all Idea of winning the championship dont think- I was ever in better condition than I am at the present time 1 know Gans is a tough proposition but in my pres- ent form I believe that I feat him sure If I dont do the trick before the limit I will be disappointed BUREAUS INCREASE DEPARTMENTAL LEAGUE- The shifty bureau quint in the De partmental League added three more games to Its long string of victories last night by defeating the Commerce and Labor team in the full sot of rolled on tho Palace allYs Tho Com- merce and Labor team IB the tallender of the league and the Bureau five which Is the leader did not need to bowl up to Its beat form to wln The nearest the Commerce got to their opponents was in the first game when ortyfour pins separated them In the second and third games the fcatyenlers were unable to reach SOO Whllfl lfti of the Bureaus scores exceeded fig- ure The scores i Bureau 1St Sflr 3d Helmerlchs 186 151 ISO Orspada J64 152 Land W8Jiri74 179 Lord HU Hardie 2lP ISO 179 Totals Com and Labor Kaiser Williams Van Buren Thompkins Gordon Totals 845 SOT 863 iBtr 2d 3d 203 146 171 1H Ifti 153 184 170 IS 143 163 IV- MS 174 131 7W 761 OPPOSE APPOINTMENT- OF MRS D L RUSSELL- A protest from fifty business men of Wilmington has been filed with the President by Senator Simmons of North Carolina against the proposed appoint- ment of Mrs D L Russell as postmis- tress of Wilmington Tho petition does cot expressly favor the reappointment of Miss Darby the incumbent but anvaunts to an indorsement of her Senator Simmons expects the case to be disposed of soon UNION ELECTS OFFICERS The regular meeting of the Journey- man Bakers Beneficial Union was held at Jcnadab Hall C23 Louisiana Avenue northwest Sunday The following of- ficers were reelected unanimously for the nsulng year Willlam B Chrisman president thirteenth term George F Hanold vice president John Frank re cording secretary Fred H Schulze financial secretary and henry Arnold treasurer and finance committee C Loewenstein chalrmau Phil Melcher Carl Simon Henry Brown William J Crown H THOMAS GETS ja a- in gerald LEAD- N gam that 1 ItO SQl E1 boys v ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Basketball Game in National Guard League Uninteresting Because of OneSidedness of Score Tho Athletic Association In the Na- tional Guard Basketball defeat- ed the Hearst Rifles In nn uniatereetinr game last night in the Center Market Armory gymnasium by tho score of to 18 The association boys outclassed the Hearsts and caged the ball almost at will every man on the tom with one exception scorlnsr a goal Prosper oft the honors of the gnme throw ing the ball Into the basket live times The carelessness of the Athletic Asso- ciation resulted in eight fouls being which gave the Hearst Rifles points The lineup Hearst Rifles Position Athletic Awo Ernest R Peck Tiller L F lrott- Walthers J S Dennis L B Bede Score First half H R Sfc A A JO second half H R 9 A A 26 Total score H R IS A A 18 Referee Mr ross Timers Messrs Bouvier and Fenton Scorer Mr Brittain Length of halves 20 minutes Goals from field H R 7 A A M CONVICT GETS RESPITE FROM THE PRESIDENT- The President has granted a respite from hanging for sixty days in the case of George Shelton convicted In the northern district of the Indian Territory of criminal assault and sentenced 18 of last n r to be hanged on January 16 1001 Shelton has been allowed a respite to March The United States Attorney recommended a reprieve to enable the defendant to produce evidence which he if secured induce him to rec- ommend a commutation of the sentence A pardon has been granted to John Gross convicted In the district- of New York of embezzling letters from the man and sentenced to Sing for two and onehalf years POLICE ARE PRAISED BY GRATEFUL CITIZENS Commendatory letters have been re- ceived by Major Sylvester expressing appreciation for the work done by some of his men H J McGInness of 213 H Street northwest writes that on January 7 ho reported a robbery at his house at 4 oclock In the afternoon and two hours later Precinct Detective Joseph Patten of the Third precinct had the thlaC nd a full confession Similar testimonials were received from Nicholas Koyser of Benning who credits Sergeant Hartmann and men of the Nima precinct with saving his house from total loss by fire on Jan uary 3 A J Sftnford is grateful for the same service when his South Washington house caught fire KING AND QUEEN VISIT THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ROME Jan 12 King Victor and Queen Helena yesterday attended the ex- hibition of the work of the pupils at the American Academy of Decorative Art The decorative scheme for the Universi- ty Club of New York which was de- signed by Mr Mowbray director of the academy was also shown their maj tiesThe King and Queen complimented the pupils highly on their work REMOVAL SALE Suits or Overcoats to Order Cohen Gaily Tailors Now at 435 Ninth St N W iMew Cars That for durability speed and beauty exceed anything for 1904 at 750 Willard Auto Co lVMfK 14th St Full Dress Hire TROUSERST- o order from short lengths of Fine Suitings Actual Cl J p 600 and 700 values y HORN TilE TAILOR DOWNS HEARST RIFLES League 4 cur- ried com- mitted four Donnls FIlrcten Centen Pro ne HUh n B Clum De- cember I the t I S2 50 Be I Suits for I q- ilL rJiili dna for t i F ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ½ m i jfi ir ANNUAL SALE TE1 MILLION BOXES Greatest in the World- A MILLION GRANDMAS all over America point to OASOABETS Candy Cathartic blood Best for the bowels All druggists lOc 25c 60c Never sold In bulk They make genuine tablet stamped 00 C Sample and booklet tree me feel Address Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or New York 616 so rood I i at the most perfect family medicine ever discovered Good kind tenderhearted old soulgrandma tries to help others by telling otthe good things she has learned tlrougb experience and so the sale oIOASOARETS is OVER A MILLION BOXES A MONTH Years of experience with her own health and grandpas and her chlldrens and her chlldroflS have taught grandma that CAS CARETS Candy Cathartic are the only perfect medicine for all bowel troubles chtldrcns- dlnenses diseases ot the stomach and liver sick headaches blllousness and bad The W re a i It Uli3 1 FF5 2 I I > > NOTED GLOBE TROTTER WILL VISIT CAPITAL Dr Kadvaiier on Way to North Pole ARRIVES ON LINER UMBRIA But Iwontythree Years of Roumanian Has Already Tramp- ed 65000 MHOB NW YORK Jan tt A iMMt remark- able man is Dr Ochar Rad iM r t Bucharest Rouauuiia who arrived in city Sunday He loot no t me In apartment at Waldorf tone where he says he will stay for twenty day I am making eightyear tour of the world said the doctor I have al and Asia and have tramped wont 5Wft miles I have four years and six months j more In which to cover the American continent Africa wad Australia I ex- pect to walk bout 190400 mile 1C I finish my journey on aclvdute time I will receive a prize of 12JOWO with whk t I will build a hospital la Bucharest The prize for which I am competing 1 offered by the Jockey club bf Bucha- rest which is supplying me with the money to pay my transportation and hotel bills In every rlty where I stop of any size I make a donation to some hospItal or Infirmary Tomorrow I will donate to the New York Hospital I wilt call on Mayor McClellan and on by invitation will go to Wanning ton and call on President Roosevelt I will return to New York the next day From New York I will ro to Boston Montreal Quebec and Greenland- In Greenland I will make another try for the North Pole In Siberia I have already equaled Nantfens record getting within 83 miles of the pole on foot and carrying pounds of on my back The king of globe trotters is twenty three years old He wears a walking suit of tight eat with knee trousers Across his Jacket is slung a red SlIM studded with orders and decorations Dr Radvaner says he is a graduate of the University of Vienna MEDICAL Specialist Cor 12th and F Sis Over Huyler Oldest In age Longest Located Regular graduate Two Schools Treats with unfailing success Diseases of the Knno Throat Itrnlii Blood Skin Stomach Kidneys and Bladder All Special either sex skill fully treated Specific Blood Poison positively anil permanently cured No poieouou used Modlcinus fur- nished direct Jrom Ms own laboratory Young and l mien i past mistakes and excesses WoUld well to consult Dr Young All Inter- views and sacredly con ndantlnl- Kvory Patient In Given the Most and Skillful Attention Office Kaurs 10 to 1 and 3 to 6 dally Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 8 Sundays 10 to 1 CONSULTATION FREE 509 12th St 23 YEARS Successful practice in the Curo of Chronic and Special Diseases- of Mon and Women Means Health to You If You Suffer From Catarrh Obesity Rbeumatisrs Constipa- tion riles Tbtoat Lung Brain Wood and Skin Diseases Nervous and De bility KMney Diseases Bladder Dis- charse Stricture Varicocete S life by sale methods CHARGES LOW INCLUDING MKDICINKS Private Waiting Rooms for Ladles OFFICE HOURS 10 to 1 3 to 0 Sundays 10 to 12 509 TWELFTH ST N W DR LEATHERMAN Only expert specialist in the city on all forms el private diseases of men woman ae practice the past 10 years in present lo- cation Contagious blood diseases cured for all forms of nervous wtakncH are quickly and permanently cured stricture etc are equal ASe and success A com- plete cure guaranteed in all cas 3 I to accept for treatment Charges low medicine furnished consultation free 602 F Street N W DR The Wellknown German 31 iJIXTII STIU5ET N W 10 years permanently jocmeu IB City Ills success in treating old and socalled incurable casts a acimowleuged by the public and ptufcsaiun See tMtiBiunials at his olfecc ItliTURE eared without pain or loss of time XRAY for examination and treatment CURBS cancer stricture varkocelet- icin blood poison and private disease quickly lor lifetime CONSULTATION FREE office hoars From 10 to 12 am and 2 to C pm aul4- trDR FISK Expert in treatment at prirate dueaaet eteow acute Both aezw All fmntnltatfoiM con Iklcntial Medicine funuabeU IVrfcai moderate Houn 0 to 1 8 to 7 to 9 ROOMS 824 12tb- Et Phone U 778 Y delStf W T BALDliS M D Ph D Gorman Specialist In all Chronic Nervous and Special Charges moderate including medicines OOH culUtion free Phone can Eaat M S E- Lt rtu r 8th and F nw Hours 10 to 1 1 t 9 del930t wniUT SPMCIAMST 617 13th street F arid G Phone Day or Night NurthSISF Treatment for Wasting and Nwvcus Uieeases Men and Women Pwstratinn cured and prevented new ewe tar Oatarrh Hours DailY 8 te 7 Sunday S to 1 Consultation tree i i Age tile an ready visited every country In Europo I i j L a ghty D r a I 4 clru Earnest O RR r r SPECIALIST tt U Nerv- ous Blood EruJtioa and all Private cured foe CON UJTATION FREE yrs Dismiss of the kidney and bladdcr as wtYl u is CZARRA i I I I ELGiN t 8 I DiM ts I BIlL l1olQU this pro- curing Thurs- day bag- gage Young do are IN PERSON OR BY LETTER Wasting Pohosung ticus eyer SpecIalist nfl ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = = LOAN COMPANIES MONEY 1OMEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE PIANOS ETC WITHOUT REMOVAL mM Py nei a to suit bor rower conip nl paW otf More XOTHINO DEDLCTED FROM LOAN POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN GO 08 F Street N WJ- LTLJCXTK miu ic ROOMS aw ttCoNU FLOUR OR KLBVATOB nt be dcceiveo MMCM ftrictly confidential now r- r tome low Noth deducted from loan You f ll amount Kxttimoma l case of sickness cfcarjrc Metropolitan Loan arid Trust Co 505 rf W Loons to Government employes on lads ridiMl note witbut Tidoner Loans to cr- eryou on Furniture PIAnos Perusal Property etc without rtaoral Easiest Cbeipwt and Mot place to get roonqr at once The old re iMbfe r CAPITAL LOAN CO 602 F Street N W ESTABLISHED IWO FURNITURE LOANS s Our Specialty Quick Service Another We supply inone to on Furniture PtetXK etc you return the can We pay of other loans mossy everything strictly private So- t for papers full amount gma loan give na a triaL HOUSEHOLD LOAN F St N W Reoma 1 and 9 Second Floor Loans on furniture pUocx etc on the liberal YOU nec offured in dy K removal or publicity II you owe any other company and I want mere money we will let you have it without delay MONEY Private a WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN CO 610 F St N WHY WK IJ3AS AMOUNT FROM 5 TO ON FURNITURE PIANOS HOUSES WAGONS ETC We charge for interest aly 19 one mouth Me- M one rnoath toe 90 OUf IDUDth 3 C And all other amomw ic proportion The of cor IMKHTM methods and DIll tmtneM made ours the nvA r palar office ia the city We give every a ouwjda ties alkMicd by companies Strictly Udestial Nothing deducted from MUTUAL LOAJi AND 91S F Street nw 13 Money Loaned Salaried People Retail merchants teamsters km without security largest business in 43 prin- cipal dUes 101 533 L th ft Of or upward on furniture pianos salary assignment etc at the lowest rates of any company in the city No recording No pub- licity Private rooms on the second floor Every payment on loan reduces interest Loans with other paid off and more money ad- vanced at a lower sate No expense to make loan SURETY LOAN COMPARE Room 1 Warder Btde th and F little or much money on Diamettds Watches Jewelry or Household in Storage laCewst at AK traasactisas confidential Moaqr loaned salaried people ootesii Bidg Upsnira IF YOU ARE PUTTING MONEY IS a bank you look for the saint why not we the mine care when you deposit your valu- ables or a loan We have a building and erie made for that purpose All business confidentiaL Money loaned on watches diamoai jewelry H K FULTONS LOAN OFFICE Established 1S70 314 Ninth Street N W LOANS ON FURNITURE Here we are way down at the bottom or the column blows the least Thats us Absolutely- No publicity 2 o prying into your prIvate affairs No delay COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO 613 F ST N W PRIVATE OFFICES MONEY TO LOAN MOtfEY TO JoAN IN SUItS OT Sf TO 30 CAIIN tK Pa nw in fruit jalO7t DO YOU NEED A LOAN Reasonable rates Courteous treatment No Life insurance policies bought and on CHAS A llltt F et Eeonu Phone 517 ceS1tf Moat ConTcnient tail stamp for lUBtrat F i4 U elves f 11 pwrtlcMUra and direct t n n toladiM 41 1arU How V w Well Adjust a Truss Proserlr and Free DRUG STORE 922924 F Street W Phone 7 4 K bottiss of the 0 WaAiastsn Brewing r O3 f nwHs CeWen lisp Beer for 1 Delivered in unlettered l thl Time MONEY For everybody at rates than the Q coca tc us tad lnveattate ORe kaoWs of yon with us WeiJJd on leratnue ot It YU have 10tt11 whey and flsed nmre et wttheut extra ESt Private their all their mane feet as more For a CO- G DO WAN U CASH PAY HIGH 1 5013 e eon loon TRUST 0 Rooms or eievator to seceDIL loot nw zr1ltf LOANS 10 1 Doll hesitate to Horning a or 3 0 HORlING aDd Pa Ave de2Ttf In- stitution etc Interest three per cent ten WHEN IN DOUBT about borrowiD just can on the company that nol ll aye store 4 of Coat EVANS N East quart For Bee wsODS Stint money edva lover leweat No traneoctions 5117 you you qmdc snot terms liii RAtES ANY hove other t and Ease stars ask let leon Seeds Ith Pull w4s instead of a oanul BAKitE MARVEl iiiirIq Spray I eZ ikiTbe un 8 bye laSer sent 4r f I lay 4 > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > <

Transcript of iM t arid Trust Private -...



    Claude Jockey Club andProper Named for Coast


    Jennings Colt Has Boaten Everythingof Class on California v


    The Una entries for the Brooklyn antISuburban luutdican were received yes-terday upon the arrival of the maltfrom California which brought thosame three ntrte to each event Theyvore M J Dalys Claude W FishersJockey Club and W B JenningsProper Tho last named who is racingat the California tracks has beateneverything he has met this winterWith thrvt nominations to the Subur-ban tht Island Jockey Club rcr-t lived nearly 200 entries for the Fu-turity of 19 t so that there are nw111 nomination James B HagginHarney St hrieber and Bills RichardsonWpre the largest nominators and Haggins list alone amounts to 14 from theKancho del Paao studOfficers Reelected


    The annual meeting of the Coney Isl-and Jockey Club was held at the WindSOl Anade yesterday and the follow-ing oillcTs wore reelected or 10WJ Gov-ernors Harry Alexandra James Gor-don Berritt J H Bradford John MBower A J Cnssatt C Fellowes WJ Glenn F Gray Griswotd John GHeokshfr Thomas Hitchcock Jr H BHoiUns H Kerner H K Knapp ANewboM Morris Herbert C PellSchuylcr L Parsons A August SchermerhoriM P Scott Thomas HSmith K Sturgis William H Taller

    V K VHnderbilt J V WadsworthGeorge Frabody Wetmore and V CWhitney sirtent V K

    H Bradlorrl secretary Corneliusexecutive committee the

    dent the treasurer the vice presidentsthe secretary Herbert C Poll GrayGriswold J Harry Alexandre W CWhitney and Schuyler L Parsons


    Young Corbett Would Rather Buck theTiger Than Eat May Affect His

    Nervous System

    Barring John L Sullivan Young Corlett is the greatest spendthrift of allthe lighters He lads warned more

    40COO in the last two yrs but on I at-wrek when h went tote the ringin Sn Francisco to light Hanlonhe dldnt have M dollar he could cull his

    A large portion of tile moneyfrom the Haye Valley Club for

    contest went to his creditorsSullivan squandered his money on wine

    and women Young Corbett squandershis earnIngs bucking faro bank H isthe most invrtorat faro player the ringhas ever known Before he becamechampion hv was a hangeron in a Denvcr gambling house

    His manr K r and his friends triedto wean tho pugilist away from gam-bling but without sucess He hewould r th r play faro than eat and hehas to have his way A peculiarabout hit play is that he is notto have made a good winning butthat doesnt so m to affect his craze forthe game

    Those persons who figure that YoungCorbett is in a class by himself as aboxer and that n will retain the feath-erweight championship many years donot take into account the effect con-stant gambling has upon a mans naryous energy and strength


    A set if postponed games was bowledbetween th and WarDepartuT nt on tbe Palace alleyslast night nnd the Commissioners an-nexed all thrpo Trw bowling of tiewinners van excellent two ef theirtotals 8 i s alxvo 800 while the otherwas within seven of the number The

    n had scores above INml Barr 202 and 200 end

    Meyers scorecomnif tiUHrp M 3d


    Totals 991let

    WilMains If5Brown 11 ITSAnBnenS 131 112 172

    Van Hoesen If





    VlCt 1t John G HeeksherGorge a1orty Wetftore JFel-





    own hegot the




    2tr2 Thelilt

    JIZ171 111

    1C 181m 1Jill 174

    iVar 2d N

    142 172 161Sheppard U6 14i1

    uS lIT

    Totals it1 SOS

    priI antiPt treasurer




    Parker 11





















    Paves Way for Plunger toReturn ill Standing


    Alleges to Have Used Marc CarolineMade 2000000 as load of tho

    GetRichQuick Firm

    DETROIT Jan HighlandPark Jockey Club has reinstated JohnJ Ryan and his trainer JoubertSpears who were ruled off toe tuf for

    ringing the mare Caroline K at theFort Erie track in 1888 The club con-sidered that they had bqen sufficientlypunished for their offense

    The ruling of the Highland ParkJockey Club paves the way fbr Ryansreinstatement to the Eastern turfWhen the Jockey Club stewards ruledRyan ofT on October 31 from allthe tracks racing under their jurisdic-tion it was made contingent in theirresolutions that before he should be re-instated he should be placed in goodstanding by the officials of the FortErie trackMade a Fortune

    John J Ryan is the man wjio mathfortune in getrlchqulck turf

    schemes and by plunging on theat the race traoks White he

    conducted his racing syndicate it 18claimed that he received 82000000 fromsubscribers-

    Be this as it may he soon blossomedout on the race tracks as a fullfledgedturf speculator It was a common thingfor him to bet from 8XX to 23000 on arace He was always followed in hitring operations by a motley crowd ofrace track followers who were attract-ed by his largo array of glittering dia-monds which represented a fortune of99000 or 26000

    Heavy SpeculationsHis heavy speculations around New

    York aroused the anger of the turf off-icials who were opposed to the notorietyattending the recording of his manylarge wagers Soon after his name ap-peared frequently in the newspapers theJockey Club stewards decided to takeaction against him They found out thathe had been ruled off the Fort Erictrack for connection with the allegedringing case The stewards met and

    the resolution passed by the Jockey Clubagainst Ryan was

    Whereas John J Ryan was ruled onthe turf at Fort Eriemare Caroline K

    Resolved That the said John J Ryanbe declared ruled off under rule J8 part6 of the rules of racing until such timeas he Is reinstated by the authoritieswho ruled him off


    The Anme and Rathskeller teems inthe District League met last night onthe Rathskeller alleys and the Acmefive won two games of the set breakingthe tie for third place between it andthe South Washington Business Mensteam and moving into second positionThe bowling of both teams was goodeach copping out a 800 total Several ofthe men made ecceptlonally good scoresSpeiss spilled 237 pins in the first gameCooper tumbled 281 Smith knocked over217 and Warren made 1Xfl The scores




    1st 2d 3dIK 173 141Iii 171 l i175 1711M172


    Totals lUg 871 4



    Teams made up from the poatoillcesof Washington and Baltimore met onthe Palace alleys last night and theWashingtonians had no trouble in win-ning the full set The BaUImoreans exceeded 800 in only one game while thelocal boys never fell below Stt andonce chalked up the good score of 5 K3The following 200 scores were madeMcCauley 288 Sautenbsrger SMj Loimbeech 90S and Bishop 300 The scores

    Washington P O let 3d idWard 174 IK 147Douglas m 107 IttMcCauleyBishop

    Totals 6toBaltimore P O 10U 3d 3d

    Sautenberger q70Lindermann 1-Meeth 100 IIJames 144Hastry 1

    Totals 7S5 m on






    bar 17 1S98 for the alleged rinSing ot the

    JtomIII 1JIj

    Stl SIP 811H Zd

    H1171 iIBI175 17

    115 1Il Djyg i701 161


    121115 311

    171111I 116148 lit





    141 13












    Mark Twain anSaitl Be good and youll bolonesome The great humor-ist evidently overlooked thefact that Hourichs Beer ifi

    it is not lonesomeeithor because it is sought bythe best families and

    by the most critical tastesMaerzGn Senate and Lagerare the purest beers brewedbecause the best materials areused and the beer is properlyaged before placed on themarket Phone West 34 lot

    liurieh Brewing Co

    In Aft I




    a case


    aI 1III P



    44Yii I



    3 qc






    Posts Forfeit of 500 toBind Match


    After Two Years of Wordy WarfareCrack Middleweights Will Come


    Joseph J Hasan otherwise Philadel-phia Jack OBrien and Joseph Youngsotherwise Tommy Ryan are at lastto moot In the ring in Philadelphia andtwo years of wordy warfare is to cul-minate in actual fighting

    Yesterday Ryan posted his forfeitwith Bert Crowhurst of Philadel-

    phia which guarantees he will be in thering ready for OBrien on the eveningof January 27 OBrien some time agoposted his forfeit of 5500SixRound Go f

    The contest will he six rounds andthe National Athletic Club of Philadel-phia which will manage it offers apurse of 6000 to the fighters which isthe largest purse ever offered by aPhiladelphia club for a sixround con-test Tide bout will arouse more inter-est than any pugilistic event formonths as It brings together Ryan oneof the greatest fighters and OBrienone of the cleverest boxers In the world

    Both men are legitimate middlois the champion

    while OBrien has challenged repeatedlyfor the title to be ignored tRyan Six rounds cannot be termed sichampionship bout but should eithera knockout he will be regardedas the championRyan a Veteran

    Ryan is a veteran In the game andhas It wonderful record He is notpopular with ring followers but thereIB not one of them who will not anyhe fa a great fighter He is a lineboxer a hard hitter and for general-ship in a battle he is conceded to bealmost without a peer

    OBrien who is the middleweight andheavyweight champion of England isnoted for his skill as a boxer beingclassed with cOrbett McCoy and othersof that type In the past twelve monthshowever he lisa shown he isof a fighter able to take punishmentand also to inflict It When he meetsRyan he will be put to a supreme testO Brian on nccount of past performances

    ffliEU COACH

    Any Outsider Needed Will Have to Ber Selected by Annapolis


    ANNAPOLIS MdJan 12 Prof PaulJ Daahiell has been finally selected as-h ad coach of the Naval Academy football team If practicable Dashlell willassume the duties of head coach beginning with the nxt football season andany graduate coach or professionalwho may b needed for the work of theteam will be selected through him

    The executive committee also electedthe following officers of the Navy Athletic Association for the entwine yearComdr Charles J Badger president exofflclo Comdr W F viceTerry treasurer


    The Road Drivers and Riderselation will hold its monthly meetingtonight at the Metropolitan Hotel Sec-retary P V D Graw and several othermembers of the association made a trip

    and report the work proing satisfactorily With a fortnight ofclear weather it is expectedway will be opened on George Washingtons birthday February 22

    It la that a sleighing carnivalwill be arranged if the snow lasts


    Members of the Game and Fish Pro-tective Association of the District ofColumbia will meet in annual session tonight at the BJbbltt House The asso-ciation at present has an enrollment ofabout tOO members but many will bo

    failure to fulfill theirobligationsThe main which will be

    at tonight session is the advocacy-of uniform game laws for MarylandVirginia and the District

    TRACTION COMPANY WINSIn the suit of Isaac F Van Arsdale-

    ag nBt the Capital Traction Company-to recover 10000 as damages for per-sonal injuries the jury returned a ver-dict for the defendant R Ross Perry

    Son and G T Dunlop were counselfor the railroad



    of-f OO


    will bo a favorite over


    and secretary and ProC

    to the new speedway at Potomac Parkyesterday



























    dol of New Orleans Racing Public WillPilot Millionaires Horses at

    Large Salary

    NBW ORLEANS Jan 12 Jockey HPhillips who Is leading all of tie jockeyshero in tha number of winning nountswill ride for E R Thomas tho ownerof Hermls and other equine trackAlexander Shields who trains the Thomas horses and who is a part owner ofthe Thomas stable has secured the boyThe deal for Jockey Phillips serviceshint been hanging fire for several daysIt has now been practically closed That

    according to what the father ofHockey Phillips said at the Fair GroundsIosteruay

    Phillips will sign a contract for twoyears and will receive a salary In theneighborhood of 25000 He will receiveilao the usual winning and losing mountfee The contract not yet been sign-ed but will be today Phillips atpresent the Idol of the local racingpublic



    Baltimore Negro Is Held at 10 tothe Betting on Tonights Battle

    DETROIT Mich Jan 1L Willie Fltzand Joe Cans are in excellent

    shape for their championship battlewhich takes plnco here tonight Gansthe present holder of tho title is a fav-orite in the betting at 10 to 8 and therehas been considerable money bet atthose odds

    Local experts have considerable respectfor Fltzsoralds ability and they lookfor the Brooklynlte to make things interesting for the champion This willbe the second meeting between thepair and they are pretty well acquaint-ed with each others tactics AlthoughCans won the decision in their lastmeeting Fitzgerald gave a good account of himself and proved that hewas one of the most dangerous men thatCans has tackled In some tim

    If Cans defeats me tills Unit saidFitzgerald I will up all Idea ofwinning the championship dont think-I was ever in better condition than Iam at the present time 1 know Gansis a tough proposition but in my pres-ent form I believe that Ifeat him sure If I dont do the trickbefore the limit I will be disappointed


    The shifty bureau quint in the Departmental League added three moregames to Its long string of victories lastnight by defeating the Commerce andLabor team in the full sot ofrolled on tho Palace allYs Tho Com-merce and Labor team IB the tallenderof the league and the Bureau fivewhich Is the leader did not need tobowl up to Its beat form to wln Thenearest the Commerce got to theiropponents was in the first game whenortyfour pins separated them In the

    second and third games the fcatyenlerswere unable to reach SOO Whllfl lfti ofthe Bureaus scores exceeded fig-ure The scores i

    Bureau 1St Sflr 3dHelmerlchs 186 151 ISOOrspada J64 152Land W8Jiri74 179Lord HUHardie 2lP ISO 179

    TotalsCom and Labor

    KaiserWilliamsVan BurenThompkins



    845 SOT 863

    iBtr 2d 3d203 146 1711H Ifti 153184

    170 IS143 163 IV-MS 174 131

    7W 761


    A protest from fifty business men ofWilmington has been filed with thePresident by Senator Simmons of NorthCarolina against the proposed appoint-ment of Mrs D L Russell as postmis-tress of Wilmington Tho petition doescot expressly favor the reappointmentof Miss Darby the incumbent butanvaunts to an indorsement of herSenator Simmons expects the case to bedisposed of soon

    UNION ELECTS OFFICERSThe regular meeting of the Journey-

    man Bakers Beneficial Union was heldat Jcnadab Hall C23 Louisiana Avenuenorthwest Sunday The following of-ficers were reelected unanimously forthe nsulng year Willlam B Chrismanpresident thirteenth term George FHanold vice president John Frank recording secretary Fred H Schulzefinancial secretary and henry Arnoldtreasurer and finance committee CLoewenstein chalrmau Phil MelcherCarl Simon Henry Brown William JCrown










    1 ItO






















    Basketball Game in National GuardLeague Uninteresting Because of

    OneSidedness of Score

    Tho Athletic Association In the Na-tional Guard Basketball defeat-ed the Hearst Rifles In nn uniatereetinrgame last night in the Center MarketArmory gymnasium by tho score ofto 18

    The association boys outclassed theHearsts and caged the ball almost atwill every man on the tom with oneexception scorlnsr a goal Prosper

    oft the honors of the gnme throwing the ball Into the basket live timesThe carelessness of the Athletic Asso-ciation resulted in eight fouls being

    which gave the Hearst Riflespoints The lineup

    Hearst Rifles Position Athletic AwoErnest RPeck Tiller L F lrott-WalthersJ S Dennis L B Bede

    Score First half H R Sfc A AJO second half H R 9 A A 26Total score H R IS A A 18 RefereeMr ross Timers Messrs Bouvierand Fenton Scorer Mr BrittainLength of halves 20 minutes Goalsfrom field H R 7 A A M


    The President has granted a respitefrom hanging for sixty days in the caseof George Shelton convicted In thenorthern district of the Indian Territoryof criminal assault and sentenced

    18 of last n r to be hanged onJanuary 16 1001

    Shelton has been allowed a respite toMarch The United States Attorneyrecommended a reprieve to enable thedefendant to produce evidence which he

    if secured induce him to rec-ommend a commutation of the sentence

    A pardon has been granted to JohnGross convicted In the district-of New York of embezzling letters fromthe man and sentenced to Sing fortwo and onehalf years


    Commendatory letters have been re-ceived by Major Sylvester expressingappreciation for the work done by someof his men

    H J McGInness of 213 H Streetnorthwest writes that on January 7 horeported a robbery at his house at 4oclock In the afternoon and two hourslater Precinct Detective Joseph Pattenof the Third precinct had the thlaC nda full confession

    Similar testimonials were receivedfrom Nicholas Koyser of Benning whocredits Sergeant Hartmann andmen of the Nima precinct with savinghis house from total loss by fire on January 3

    A J Sftnford is grateful for the sameservice when his South Washingtonhouse caught fire


    ROME Jan 12 King Victor andQueen Helena yesterday attended the ex-hibition of the work of the pupils at theAmerican Academy of Decorative ArtThe decorative scheme for the Universi-ty Club of New York which was de-signed by Mr Mowbray director of theacademy was also shown their majtiesThe King and Queen complimented thepupils highly on their work

    REMOVAL SALESuits orOvercoatsto Order

    Cohen Gaily TailorsNow at

    435 Ninth St N W


    That for durability speed andbeauty exceed anythingfor 1904 at 750

    Willard Auto ColVMfK 14th St

    Full Dress Hire

    TROUSERST-o order from short lengths of FineSuitings Actual Cl J p600 and 700 values y









    Donnls FIlrcten Centen Pro neHUh n B Clum







    S2 50Be I

    Suits for

    I q-




    fort i F















    jfi ir

    ANNUAL SALE TE1 MILLION BOXESGreatest in the World-

    A MILLION GRANDMAS all over America point to OASOABETS Candy Cathartic

    blood Best for the bowels All druggists lOc 25c 60c Never sold In bulkThey make genuine tablet stamped 0 0 C Sample and booklet treeme feel Address Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or New York 616so rood



    at the most perfect family medicine ever discovered Good kind tenderheartedold soulgrandma tries to help others by telling otthe good things she has learnedtlrougb experience and so the sale oIOASOARETS is OVER A MILLION BOXESA MONTH Years of experience with her own health and grandpas and herchlldrens and her chlldroflS have taught grandma that CAS CARETSCandy Cathartic are the only perfect medicine for all bowel troubles chtldrcns-dlnenses diseases ot the stomach and liver sick headaches blllousness and bad


    Wre a

    i It

    Uli31 FF5 2

    I I

    > >



    Dr Kadvaiier on Way toNorth Pole


    But Iwontythree Years ofRoumanian Has Already Tramp-

    ed 65000 MHOB

    NW YORK Jan tt A iMMt remark-able man is Dr Ochar Rad iM r tBucharest Rouauuiia who arrived in

    city Sunday He loot no t me Inapartment at Waldorf

    tone where he says he will stay fortwenty day

    I am making eightyear tour ofthe world said the doctor I have al

    and Asia and have tramped wont 5Wftmiles I have four years and six months jmore In which to cover the Americancontinent Africa wad Australia I ex-pect to walk bout 190400 mile

    1C I finish my journey on aclvdutetime I will receive a prize of 12JOWOwith whk t I will build a hospital laBucharest

    The prize for which I am competing1 offered by the Jockey club bf Bucha-rest which is supplying me with themoney to pay my transportation andhotel bills

    In every rlty where I stop of anysize I make a donation to some hospItalor Infirmary Tomorrow I will donate

    to the New York Hospital I wiltcall on Mayor McClellan and on

    by invitation will go to Wannington and call on President Roosevelt Iwill return to New York the next dayFrom New York I will ro to BostonMontreal Quebec and Greenland-

    In Greenland I will make anothertry for the North Pole In Siberia Ihave already equaled Nantfens recordgetting within 83 miles of the pole onfoot and carrying pounds of

    on my backThe king of globe trotters is twenty

    three years old He wears a walkingsuit of tight eat with knee trousersAcross his Jacket is slung a red SlIMstudded with orders and decorations DrRadvaner says he is a graduate of theUniversity of Vienna


    SpecialistCor 12thand F Sis

    Over HuylerOldest In age Longest LocatedRegular graduate Two Schools

    Treats with unfailing success Diseases ofthe Knno Throat Itrnlii BloodSkin Stomach Kidneys and BladderAll Special either sex skillfully treated Specific Blood Poisonpositively anil permanently cured Nopoieouou used Modlcinus fur-nished direct Jrom Ms own laboratoryYoung and l mien ipast mistakes and excesses WoUld

    well to consult Dr Young All Inter-views and sacredly conndantlnl-

    Kvory Patient In Given the Mostand Skillful Attention

    Office Kaurs 10 to 1 and 3 to 6 dallyWednesday and Saturday evenings from 7

    to 8 Sundays 10 to 1


    509 12th St

    23 YEARS Successfulpractice inthe Curo of Chronic

    and Special Diseases-of Mon and Women

    Means Health to You If You SufferFrom Catarrh Obesity Rbeumatisrs Constipa-tion riles Tbtoat Lung Brain Woodand Skin Diseases Nervous and Debility KMney Diseases Bladder Dis-charse Stricture Varicocete S


    Private Waiting Rooms for LadlesOFFICE HOURS

    10 to 1 3 to 0 Sundays 10 to 12509 TWELFTH ST N W

    DR LEATHERMANOnly expert specialist in the city on all

    forms el private diseases of men woman aepractice the past 10 years in present lo-

    cation Contagious blood diseases cured for

    all forms of nervous wtakncH are quickly andpermanently cured stricture etcare equal ASe and success A com-plete cure guaranteed in all cas 3 Ito accept for treatment Charges low medicinefurnished consultation free

    602 F Street N W

    DRThe Wellknown German

    31 iJIXTII STIU5ET N W10 years permanently jocmeu IB

    City Ills success in treating old and socalledincurable casts a acimowleuged by the publicand ptufcsaiun See tMtiBiunials at his olfecc

    ItliTURE eared without painor loss of time XRAY for examination andtreatment CURBS cancer stricture varkocelet-icin blood poison and private disease quicklylor lifetime

    CONSULTATION FREEoffice hoars From 10 to 12 am and 2 to C pm


    trDR FISKExpert in treatment at prirate dueaaet eteow

    acute Both aezw All fmntnltatfoiM conIklcntial Medicine funuabeU IVrfcai moderateHoun 0 to 1 8 to 7 to 9 ROOMS 824 12tb-Et Phone U 778 Y delStf

    W T BALDliS M D Ph DGorman Specialist

    In all Chronic Nervous and SpecialCharges moderate including medicines OOHculUtion free Phone can Eaat M S E-Lt rtu r 8th and F nw Hours 10 to 1 1 t 9


    wniUT SPMCIAMST617 13th street F arid G

    Phone Day or Night NurthSISFTreatment for Wasting and Nwvcus Uieeases

    Men and Women Pwstratinn cured andprevented new ewe tar Oatarrh Hours DailY8 te 7 Sunday S to 1 Consultation tree






    ready visited every country In Europo





    a ghty

    D r a

    I4 clru


    O R R r r SPECIALISTt t UNerv-


    BloodEruJtioa and all Private

    cured foe


    yrsDismiss of the kidney and bladdcr as wtYl u









    DiM tsI



    this pro-curing








    Pohosung ticus















    = =




    mM P y nei a to suit borrower conip nl paW otf MoreXOTHINO DEDLCTED FROM LOAN



    nt be dcceiveoMMCM ftrictly confidential

    now r-r tome low Nothdeducted from loan You f ll amount

    Kxttimoma l case of sicknesscfcarjrc

    Metropolitan Loan aridTrust Co

    505 rf W

    Loons to Government employes on ladsridiMl note witbut Tidoner Loans to cr-eryou on Furniture PIAnos Perusal Propertyetc without rtaoral Easiest Cbeipwt andMot place to get roonqr at once The old reiMbfe r

    CAPITAL LOAN CO602 F Street N W


    FURNITURE LOANSs Our Specialty

    Quick Service AnotherWe supply inone to on Furniture

    PtetXK etc you return thecan We pay of other loansmossy everything strictly private So-

    t for papers full amount gmaloan give na a triaLHOUSEHOLD LOAN

    F St N W Reoma 1 and 9 Second Floor

    Loans on furniture pUocx

    etc on the liberal

    YOU nec offured in dy Kremoval or publicity II youowe any other company and

    I want mere money we will letyou have it without delay


    610 F St N



    19 one mouth Me-M one rnoath toe90 OUf IDUDth 3 C

    And all other amomw ic proportionThe of cor IMKHTM methods and

    DIll tmtneM made ours the nvA r palaroffice ia the city We give every a ouwjdaties alkMicd by companies StrictlyUdestial Nothing deducted from

    MUTUAL LOAJi AND91S F Street nw 13

    Money Loaned Salaried PeopleRetail merchants teamsters kmwithout security largest business in 43 prin-cipal dUes 101 533 L th ft

    Of or upward on furniture pianos salaryassignment etc at the lowest rates of anycompany in the city No recording No pub-licity Private rooms on the second floor Everypayment on loan reduces interest Loans withother paid off and more money ad-vanced at a lower sate No expense to makeloan SURETY LOAN COMPARE Room 1Warder Btde th and F

    little or much money on DiamettdsWatches Jewelry or Householdin Storage laCewst at

    AK traasactisas confidentialMoaqr loaned salaried people

    ootesii Bidg Upsnira

    IF YOU ARE PUTTING MONEY ISa bank you look for the saint

    why not we the minecare when you deposit your valu-

    ables or a loan We have a building and eriemade for that purpose All business confidentiaLMoney loaned on watches diamoai jewelry

    H K FULTONS LOAN OFFICEEstablished 1S70 314 Ninth Street N W

    LOANS ON FURNITUREHere we are way down at the bottom

    or the columnblows

    the least Thats usAbsolutely-

    No publicity 2 o prying into your prIvateaffairs No delay



    MOtfEY TO JoAN IN SUItS OT Sf TO 30CAIIN tK Pa nw in fruit


    DO YOU NEED A LOANReasonable rates Courteous treatment No

    Life insurance policies bought andon CHAS A llltt F et EeonuPhone 517 ceS1tf

    Moat ConTcnient

    tail stamp forlUBtrat F i4 U elvesf 11 pwrtlcMUra and direct t n ntoladiM41 1arU How V w

    Well Adjust a Truss Proserlr and Free

    DRUG STORE922924 F Street W

    Phone 7 4 K bottiss of the0 WaAiastsn Brewingr O3 f nwHs CeWen lisp Beerfor 1 Delivered in unlettered


    thl Time

    MONEYFor everybody at rates than theQ coca tc us tad lnveattate

    ORe kaoWs ofyon with us WeiJJd on leratnueot It YU have 10tt11whey and flsed nmre

    etwttheut extra



    all theirmane feet as


    For a





    CASH PAYHIGH 15013



    TRUST 0Rooms

    or eievator to seceDIL loot

    nw zr1ltf



    Doll hesitate to Horning a or

    3 0

    HORlING aDd Pa Avede2Ttf


    etc Interest three per cent ten

    WHEN IN DOUBT about borrowiDjust can on the company that

    nol ll



    of Coat


    East quartFor BeewsODS

    Stint moneyedva

    lover leweatNo




    snot termsliii






    Ease stars

    ask let leon




    instead of


    oanul BAKitE

    MARVEl iiiirIq SprayI eZ ikiTbe un 8 bye

    laSer sent4r

    f Ilay







