Chronic Cervical Compressive Myelopathy

Hughes TT (1966) Patholo gy f th e Spinal Cord, Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago Hukuda S. Mochizuki T, O gata M, Shichikawa K and Shimomura Y (1985) J Bone Jt Surg 67-B:609 Hung T-K, Lin H-S, Bunegin L and Albin MS (1982)Surg Neurol17:213 Kapadia SE (1984)JNeurosurg 6153 9 Kobrine AI, Evans DE and Rizzoli HV (1979) JNeuros urg 51:841 Mayhew IG, dehhunta A, Whitlock RH , Krook KR and Tasker J B (1978) Nixon AJ , tashak TS and Ingram I T 1983) Vet Surg 12: 184 Powers BE, Stasha k TS, Nix on AJ, Yovich J V and Norrdin RW (1986) Vef Reynolds PJ. Talbott RE and Brookhart J M 1972) Brai n R es 40159 Schramm I , Shigeno T and Brwk M (1983)JNeurosurg 5873 4 Cornell Vet 68 (6, Supp1):l Pathol23:392 Sheehan D C , and Hrapchak BB (1980) Theory and Practice o f Hktotechnology. 2nd edn, Mosby, St Louis Smirh MC (1956) J Neurol Neuros urg Psychiat 1 96 7 Tarlov IM 1954)Arch NeurolPsychiat 71588 TarlovIM (1972)JNeurosurg 36:lO Tarlov IM nd Klinger H (1954) Arch Neurol Psychiat 71:27 1 Wagner PC , ra nt BD, Bagby GW, Galina AM , ande RD and Ratzlaff M Williams RM , Krakowka S and Koestner A (1978) Am J Vet Res 39:1946 Wright F and Palmer AC (1969 ) Pathol Ve t 6: 355 Yovich JV , tashak TS and Powers BE (1987) Proc 33rd Annu Meet Am (Accepted f o r publication 1 August 1991) (1979 ) Ve t Surg 8 8 4 Assoc Equine Pract, p 59 5 Chronic cervical compressive myelopathy in horses: patterns of astrocytosis in the spinal cord JV YOVICH*, DH GOULD', and R A LeCOUTEURt SUMMARY: The distrib ution and morphology of fibrous astrocytes in the cervical spinal cord of normal horses and horses with chronic compressive myelopathy were demonstrated uslng lmmunohlstochemical staining for glial flbr lllary acidic protein. In the spinal cord from normal horses, astrocytes with stellate cell bodles and short processes were Irregularly dlstributed In grey matter. In he white matter, their cell bodles were small and angular In areas adjacent to grey matter and larger and more stellate- shaped in the subplal ar ea . Astrocyte processes were fine, and evenly distribute d In a predominantly radial pattern In transverse sections of cord. Gllosls was marked n he spinal cor ds of horses with cervical compressive myelopathy. In he grey matter at the level of compression astrocyteswere ofte n enlarged and rounded, with short, blun t processe s, but the gllosis was generally mild . in he white matter, gllosis was obvious in areas of nerve ibre swelling and degeneration at the level of compression and in areas of ascending and descending Wallerian degeneration. T he fine radial pattern of astrocyte fibres was replaced by a dense, Irregular ar rang emen t. Gi iosis persisted In the co rds of chronlcally affected horses after active nerve flbre degeneration had sub- sided. The are as of g llos is coincided with t he areas of Ma rc h1 staining f or degener ating myelln and with areas of myelln loss in osmium tetroxlde post-fixed tiss ue. Histological observations wer e consistent with astrocytes replacing areas of extracellular spac e that remained after nerve fibre degeneration. It is concluded that astrocytic gllosis is a prominent and perslstent alteration of the spinal cord of horses with chronic cervical Compressive m yelopathy. Introduction Astrocytes undergo extensive proliferation and hypertrophy, a process called fibrous gliosis, in response to trauma and certain diseases of the central nervous system (Sternaas e t a 1 1987). Reactive astrocytes are thought to perform several functions in traumatised neural tissue including removal of myelin and neuronal debris (Nathaniel and Nathaniel 1977), filling in of enlarged extracellular spaces, maintenance of the contents of the extracellular space including ions and neurotransm itters (Barrett et al 1981; Eng e t a 1 1987) and re-establishment of the glia limitans (Reier e t a1 1983). Despite these seemingly beneficial effects, reactive astrocytes may block axonal regeneration, prevent remyelination and perhaps disturb the function of remaining nerve fibres (Reier e t a 1 1983; Eng et a1 1987; Stensaas e t a 1 1987). School of Veterin ary Studies, Murdoch Universi ty. Mu rdoch, Western Australia 61 50 t Departments of Clinical Sciences and Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 Aust Vet J 68 : 334437 Investigations inlo astrocyte response in spinal cord injury are complicated when damage to adjacent tissueresults i n connective tissue ingrowth (Reier et a 1 1983; Stensaas et a 1 1987). Accord- ingly, investigators have examined the response in areas of Wallerian degeneration away from the traumatised site (Barrett e t a 1 1981; Stensaas et a f 1987). Chronic cervical compressive myelopathy in horses provides an opportunity to examine the morphology of astrocyte responses in circumstances where the glia limitans remains intact and the spinal cord is not penetrated by meningeal connective tissue. Reactive aseocytes accumulate ilaments, he major component o f which is glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (DeArmond et a 1 1980). In the mature central nervous system, GFAP is limited to astrocytes (Eng et al 1987). In this study an immunohistochemi cal technique was used to identlfy GFA P in order to examine astrocyte responses in the spinal cord of horses with chronic cervicalcompres- sive myelopath y of varyi ng du ration. * Dako Corporation, Santa Barbara, CA (primary antibody) 5 Vectastain ABC Kit, Vector Laboratories. Burlingham, CA g Sigm a Chemical Co, St Louis, MO 334 Australian Veteri naryJournal , Vo l68 , N o 10, October 1991

Transcript of Chronic Cervical Compressive Myelopathy

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Hughes TT (1966) Pathology of the Spinal Cord, Year Book MedicalPublishers,Chicago

Hukuda S. Mochizuki T, O gata M, Shichikawa K and Shimomura Y (1985)

J Bone Jt Surg 67-B:609

Hung T-K, Lin H-S, Bunegin L and Albin MS (1982)SurgNeurol17:213

Kapadia SE (1984)JNeurosurg 6153 9

Kobrine AI, Evans DE and Rizzoli HV (1979) JNeurosurg 51:841

Mayhew IG, dehhunta A, Whitlock RH , Krook KR and TaskerJB (1978)

Nixon AJ, tashak TS and Ingram IT 1983) Vet Surg 12:184

Powers BE, Stashak TS, Nix on AJ,Yovich JV and Norrdin RW (1986) Vef

Reynolds PJ. Talbott RE and BrookhartJM 1972) Brain Res 40159

Schramm I,ShigenoT and Brwk M (1983)JNeurosurg 5873 4

Cornell Vet 68 (6, Supp1):l


Sheehan D C, and Hrapchak BB (1980) Theory and Practice of

Hktotechnology. 2nd edn, Mosby, St Louis

Smirh MC (1956)J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 1 96 7

TarlovIM 1954)ArchNeurolPsychiat71588

TarlovIM (1972)JNeurosurg 36:lO

TarlovIM nd Klinger H (1954)Arch Neurol Psychiat 71:27 1

Wagner PC, rant BD, Bagby G W, Galina AM, ande RD and Ratzlaff M

Williams RM , Krakowka S and Koestner A (1978)Am J Vet Res 39:1946

Wright F and Palmer AC (1969 ) Pathol Vet 6:355

Yovich JV, tashak TS and Powers BE (1987) Proc 33rd Annu Meet Am

(Acceptedfor publication 1August 1991)

(1979 ) Vet Surg 8 8 4

Assoc Equine Pract, p 595

Chronic cervical compressive myelopathy in horses:

patterns of astrocytosis in the spinal cord


SUMMARY: The distribution and morphology of fibrous astrocytes in the cervical spinal

cord of normal horses and horses with chronic compressive myelopathy weredemonstrated uslng lmmunohlstochemical staining for glial flbrlllary acidic protein.

In the spinal cord from normal horses, astrocytes with stellate cell bodles and short

processes were Irregularly dlstributed Ingrey matter. In he white matter, their cell bodleswere small and angular In areas adjacent to grey matter and larger and more stellate-shaped in the subplal area. Astrocyte processes were fine, and evenly distributed In apredominantly radial pattern In transverse sections of cord.Glloslswas marked n he spinal cords of horses with cervical compressive myelopathy.

In he grey matter at the level of compression astrocyteswere often enlarged and rounded,

with short, blunt processes, but the gllosis was generally mild. in he white matter, gllosiswas obvious inareas of nerve ibre swelling and degeneration at the level of compression

and in areasof ascending and descending Wallerian degeneration. The fine radial pattern

of astrocyte fibres was replaced by a dense, Irregular arrangement. Giiosis persisted Inthe cords of chronlcally affected horses after active nerve flbre degeneration had sub-sided. The areas of gllosis coincided with the areas of March1 staining for degeneratingmyelln and with areas of myelln loss in osmium tetroxlde post-fixed tissue. Histologicalobservations were consistent with astrocytes replacing areas of extracellular space thatremained after nerve fibre degeneration. It is concluded that astrocytic gllosis is aprominent and perslstent alteration of the spinal cord of horses with chronic cervicalCompressive myelopathy.


Astrocytes undergo extensive proliferation and hypertrophy, aprocess called fibrous gliosis, in response to trauma and certaindiseases of the central nervous system (Sternaas e t a1 1987).Reactive astrocytes are thought to perform several functions intraumatised neural tissue including removal of myelin andneuronal debris (Nathaniel and Nathaniel 1977), filling in ofenlarged extracellular spaces, maintenance of the contents of theextracellular space including ions and neurotransm itters (Barrettet al 1981; Eng et a1 1987) and re-establishment of the glialimitans (Reier et a1 1983). Despite these seemingly beneficialeffects, reactive astrocytes may block axonal regeneration,prevent remyelination and perhaps disturb the function ofremaining nerve fibres (Reier e t a1 1983; Eng e t a1 1987; Stensaase t a1 1987).

School of Veterinary Studies, Murdoch University. Mu rdoch, Western


t Departmentsof Clinical Sciences and Veterinary Pathology, CollegeofVeterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado StateUniversity, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523

Aust Vet J 68: 3 3 4 4 3 7

Investigations inlo astrocyte response in spinal cord injury arecomplicated when damage to adjacent tissueresults inconnectivetissue ingrowth (Reier et a1 1983; Stensaas e t a1 1987). Accord-ingly, investigators have examined the response in areas of

Wallerian degeneration away from the traumatised site (Barrette t a1 1981; Stensaas et af 1987). Chronic cervical compressivemyelopathy in horses provides an opportunity to examine themorphology of astrocyte responses in circumstances where theglia limitans remains intact an d the spinal cord is not penetratedby meningeal connective tissue.

Reactive aseocytes accumulate ilaments, he major componentof

which is glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (DeArmond et a1

1980). In the mature central nervous system, GFAP is limited toastrocytes (Eng et al 1987). In this study an immunohistochemicaltechnique was used to identlfy GFA P in order to examine astrocyteresponses in the spinal cord of horses with chroniccervical compres-sive myelopathy of varying du ration.

*Dako Corporation, Santa Barbara, CA (primary antibody)5 Vectastain ABC Kit, Vector Laboratories. Burlingham, CA

g Sigm a Chemical Co, St Louis, MO

334 Australian VeterinaryJournal, Vo l68 , N o 10, October 1991

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Figure 1 . Grey matter from a transverse section of the cervical spinalcord of a normal horse (No 14) (A), and from horse No 7 (B) at thelevel of injury from cervical compressive myelopathy of 14 monthsduration. Stained or glial fibri llary acidic protein. Astrocyte cell bodiesand processes (dark reaction product) are more numerous in thecompressed spinal cord. Bar = 100 pm.

Materials and Methods

Thirteen horses with stable clinical signs of cervical compres-

sive m yelopathy (generalised ataxia and tetraparesis) of 4 to 29months duration and 2 normal horses (No 14 an d 15)were used,and spinal cord sections from these were prepared as previouslydescribed (Yovich et a1 1991).

Spinal cord for immunohistochemistry was dehydrated ingraded ethanol solutions and chloroform and em bedded in paraf-fin Sections cut at 5 pm were deparaff i ised in xylene and


hydrogen peroxide in Tris buffer (0.5 M, pH 7.6) to quenchendogenous peroxidase activity, and rinsed in Tris buffer. Afterincubation with diluted normal godt serum (blocking serum) andblotting to remove excess serum, the sections were sequentiallyincubated with rabbit anti-GFAP S. biotinylated goat antirabbitIgC and avidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase complex'.

A primary antibody dilution of 1:400 was used and sectionswere w ashed in Tri s buffer between incubations. Rabbit wholenonimmune serumn(1:400 dilution) or buffer (negative control)

Figure 2. White matter of the ventral funiculus from a transversesection of spinal cord from a normal horse (No 15) (A), and from thelevel of spinal cord injury in horse No 2 with cervical compressivemyelopathy of 4 months duration (B), and 14 months duration (C) (Noa) , stained or glial fibrillary acidic protein. Compared with A, astrocytecell bodies and processes (dark reaction product) are more numerous

in the compressed spinal cords, either with (B), or without (C), exten-sive nerve fibre swelling. Bar = 200 pm.

were substituted for the primary antibody on consecutive spinalcord sections. Diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride, 0.1% in

Tris buffer with an equal volume of 0.02% hydrogen peroxide,was the peroxidase substrate solution. The sections were cover-slipped and examined by light microscopy. Sections were com-pared with H an d E, Marchi and osm ium stained sections of the

same spinal cord segm ents as previously described (Yovich et al

19 91).


Reaction product staining was not present in sections wherebuffer or nonimmune rabbit serum was substituted for primary

Australian VeterinaryJownal,Vol68, No 10,October 1991 335

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antibody. In spinal cord sections from all horses, staining ofGFA P was restricted to astrocyte bodies and processes.

Astrocytcs in the grey matter of the spinal cord from normalhorses were irregularly distributed and had stellate bodies withshort, tapered processes (Figure 1A ). In the white matter adjacentto grey matter, their bodies were small and angular, but in theouter third of the white matter, adjacent to the pia m ater, the cellswere larger, with stellate bodies (Figure 2A). Throughout thewhite matter, astrocyte processes were long and fine, with aslightly granular staining pattern. They surrounded nerve fibres

and vessels, giving an ovcrall radial pattern to the staining andwere concentrated also in the subependym al area, with an overallorientation perpendicular to ependym al cells. The glia limitansadjacent to the pia mater was formed by a continuous layer of

Figure 3. White matter of the lateral funiculus of a transverse section

of the spinal cord, cranial to the injured segment inNo 3with cervical

compressive myelopathy. Areas of nerve fibre degeneration, darkly

stained by the Marchi technique (A), correspond with pale areas of

nerve fibre loss in osmium tetroxide post-fixed tissue (B), and areas

of gliosis indicated by staining of glial fibrillary acidic protein(C). Bar

= 200pm .

astrocyte processes that w ere thicker w here vessels entered thespinal cord parenchyma. A dense, parallel accum ulation of theprocesses accompanied dorsal nerve root fibres and fibres cours-ing through the grey matter.

In cord from horses with cervical compressive myelopathy, atthe level of compression there w as m ild gliosis characterised bymore numerous astrocyte bodies and processes in the grey matter(Figure 1B ). Where gliosis in the grey matter was most obvious,many of the astrocyte bodies were enlarged and rounded, withintense GFA P staining of the cytoplasm. The processes of these

enlarged cells were blunt and short.In the white m atter of all cords there w as extens ive gliosis at the

level of compression. Astrocyte bodies were numerous, enlarged,angular and stellate. Cell processes were thickened and had more

.granular staining than in normal spinal cord. Gliosis was mostmarked in areas of nerve fibre swelling and degeneration,where thetine radial pattern of GFAP staining in normal spinal cords wasreplaced by a dense, irregular mosaic of staining of cell bodies andprocess es. The mos t severely aCfected horses w ere No 1 to5 and 11.which, except for No 11, were those with the shortest duration ofclinical signs (4 o 6 months). How ever, som e gliosis persisted inh o r n with a longer duration of clinical signs (14 to29 months), andwhich had less nerve fibre swelling (Figures 2B, C).

Gliosis also was obvious in areas of W allerian degenerationaway from the level of compression, with astrocytes similar tothose in the com pressed segments, except that their bodies wereno t as enlarged. Although this gliosis was m ore extensive in cordswith the most nerve fibre swelling, some gliosis was present inall horses in areas where nerve fibre degeneration had occurredin ascending and descending tracts. Nevertheless, the gliosisassociated with degeneration in descending tracts adjacent to h eventral median fissure was more dcnse than that in ascendingtracts. Areas of gliosis consistently matched the areas of Marchistaining for degenerating myelin and w ere most prominent where

osmiu m tetroxide post-fixation illustrated myelin loss (Figurc 3).

The extent of gliosis did not correlate with the age of affectedhorses or the level of spinal cord compression.


Gliosis was sev ere and persisted in the spinal cord of horseswith chronic cervical compressive myelopathy. It was associatedwith nerve fibre degeneration at the level of compress ion and inwell delineated areas of ascending and descending nerve fibretracts. In most cases gliosis of the grey matter was mild at thelcvel of compression, although extensive gliosis has been

described in areas of modcrate grey matter degeneration fromother causes (Barrett el a1 1981; Reier and Houle 1988).

Substances liberated from degenerating nerve fibres have beenproposed as gliosis stimulation factors, based on observationsthat myelin bas ic protein caus es proliferation of culturedastrocytes (Shcffield and K im 1977), whileneuronal sonicate canstimulate astrocyte proliferation in virro and can also stimulatecell process extension in a dose dependent fashion (Hansen and

Yartlow 1978,1980). Both myelin and neurone derived substan-ces may have stimulated gliosis in our horses since it waslocalised to areas of nerve fibre degeneration and was greatestwhere this wa s most extcnsivc.

The reaction of astrocytes in the spinal cord in areas of Wal-

lenan degeneration distant from the primary injury has beenstudied in other species (Lampert and C ressman 1966; Bignamiand Ralston 1969; Barrett et a1 1981). For example, in catssubjected to dorsal nerve root transection (Rignami and Ralston1969), by 60 days, in areas of degeneration in the white matterthere was enlargement of the extracellular space by amorphousmaterial; by 100 days this space had been filled by astrocyte'processes. A similar process of astrocyte filling of extracellularspac e appears to have o ccurred in the spinal cord of horses in thisstudy, both at, and distant to, the compressive lesion. Gliosispersisted in the chronically affccted horses, after the amount of

336 Australian VererinaryJournaI,Vol68, No 10,October 1991

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nerve fibre swelling and degeneration had greatly decreased. Th epresence of g liosis in the cords of horses w ith clinical signs of 14to29months duration, when active nerve fibre degeneration wasminimal, indicates that there may be some permanent residualdamage in these chronic cases.

Because haem orrhagic necrosis, spinal cord cavitation o r dis-ruption of the pia and glia limitans, which a re mo re characteristicof acute impact trauma (Wagner et a1 1978), were not a feature

of the spinal cord injury in horses in this study, con nective tissueformation by mesenchymal cells did not interfere with the reac-

tion of astrocytes in response to compressive spinal cord injury.Th e full influence of gliosis on axonal regeneration in chronic

compressive myelopathy is unknown, although it is generallyconsidere d that this regeneration is blocked by astrocyte proces-ses (Stensaas et a1 1987). Astrocytes can ha lt regenerating axonsby activating a "physiological stop pathway" inherent in axonmetabolism, which normally operates when axons form ter-minals on target cells (Liuzzi and Lasek 1987). Hence, a densescar producing physical obstruction is not the only means ofastrocyte impediment of axon regeneration. By whatever means,the persistent astrocytic gliosis present in chronic cervical com-

pressive myelopathy of horses may prevent, orslow, recovery ofneurologic function in affected horses.

ReferencesBarren CP, Guth L, Donati EJ and Krikorian JG (1981) ExpNewol73:365

Bignami A and Ralston JH (1969)BrainRes 13:444

DeArmond SJ, Eng L F and Rubinstein LJ (1980)Pathl ResPract 168374

Eng LF, eier PJ and Houle JD (1987)Prog Brain Res 71:439

H a n s e n G Ra n d Pa d o w LM(1978)BrainRes 159195

Hansen GR and Pado w LM (1980)BrainRes 192371

Lampert PW andCressman MR (1966)AmJPothol491139

Liuzzi FJ and Lasek RJ (1987) Science 237642

Nathaniel EJH and Nathaniel DR (1977) ExpN e w o l 5 4 6 0

Reier PJ and HouleJD (1988) In Advances inNeurology, edited by Waxman

Reier PJ, Stensaas LT and Guth L (1983) In Spinal Cord Reconstruction,

Sheffield WD and Kim S U (1977)BrainRe s 132580

Stensaas LT, a d o w LM, urgess PR and Horch KW (1987)ProgBrainRes

Wagner FC Jr, VanGilder JC and Dohrmann GJ (1978)JNeuroswg 48:92

Yovich JV, LeCo uteurRA andGould DH (1991)Aust VetJ 6 8 326

(Accepted or publicatio n: August I 1991)

S G . Raven Press, New York, p 87

edited by Kao CC et al, Raven Press.New York, 163



Small Animal Wound Management, SF Swaim and RAHenderson, Lea and F ebiger, Philadelphia, 1990,pp 252,$77.00

In the authors' words "the purpose of this text is to provideveterinary practitioners, residents, interns and students withinformation ab out the basic process of wound hcaling and severa laspects of wound management and repair". The text "is notmeant to provide an exhaustive coverage of pathophysiology,diagnostic alternatives, or perioperative care options" but

describes techniques and methods that "have been found practical

and effective and ..... arc frequently used by the authors". Thisbook will greatly facilitate the management of a range of

cutaneous disorders in small animals. Chapters 1 an d 2 providea brief and cohe rent view of the principles of woun d healing andwound management, while chapter 3 introduces the manydif ferent types of wound dressing mater ials and topicalmedications, and their indications. The text is organised in the

form of a manual for easy reference by practitioners, whilereferences and suggested reading are included at the end of eachsection within each chapter to assist those using the publicationas a textbook. Chapter 4 deals with wounds of differenta e t i o l o g i e s a n d d i f f e r e n t t y p e s . I t p r o v i d e s g e n e r a lrecommendations for treatment of wounds, such as burns anddegloving injuries, rcgardless of location. Chapters 5 and 7

describe technica l principles involv ed in the man agem ent of skintension and the closure of differently shaped woun ds, regardlessof aet iology. Step-by-step instructions in the text areaccompanied by abundant line-drawings illustrating each stageof wound repair. It is unfortunate that more clinical pho to gr ap hwere not used to supplement the illustrations, nevertheless theinstructions are very easy to follow. Chapters 6.8 and 9 discuss

the application of general principles of repair to wounds locatedon the problcm areas of the hcad, perineum and limbs. Thesechapters include many practical suggestions for managem ent ofcommon disorders, such as lower lip avulsion, perianal fistulaeand degloving injuries of the lower limbs. Other defectsrequiring cosme tic surgery, such as screw-tail and facial and lipfold dermatitis, are also addressed. The final chapter describesthe diagnosis, staging and management of a variety of skin

tumours, in particular soft tissue sarcomas, mam mary tumoursand mast cell tumours. This text provides useful information for

students and practitioners. Many of the techniques described canbe found in other surgical texts, but the authors of thisbook haveconcentrated on treatment methods that they have found mostuseful in their practice, rather than providing a comprehensivediscussion of all described procedures. Therefore practitionerscan be assured that the techniques described have a good chanceof success. In addition, they have provided practical tips fortreating som e common problems not well described elsewhere.The detailed descriptions of surgical techniques should introducea new perspective to general practice, enabling veterinarians todeal more confidently with traumatic skin defects, as well a s

improving the quality and success of treatment of potentiallydisappointing disorders such as cutaneous neoplasia.

Geraldine B Hunt

Pfizer Annual Res earch Conference, 39th, 1991,PfizerAgricare Pty Ltd, Wharf Road, W est Ryde, NSW 2114

The feeling of being overwhelmed by the vast literature of

science is somewhat mitigated when an organisation manages tocondense, correlate and coordinate at least som e of the m aterial.Pfizer, though the Annual Research Conferences d o just this, ina very useful way. The Proceed ings of the 1991Conference deal

with the literature for 1990: Poultry (RD Miles, U niversity of

Florida, 348 refs), Dairy Cattle Nutrition (LE Armentano,Universi ty of Wisconsin, 123 refs), Swine Nutrition (CVMaxwell, Oklahoma State University, 344 refs), Beef CattleNutrition (RA Britton, University of Nebra ska, 434 efs). In theBeef Cattle section there are some references to nutritional workwith, sheep and go ats, and there is an interesting note onestablishing feeding aversion to a toxic plant, larkspur, bytreating cattle with lithium chloride.

Growth stimulants have useful comment and reference. Thesection on Dairy Cattle include s calf nutrition. Poultry Nutritionincludes extensive sections on mycotoxicosis, salmonellosis,pigmentation, anticoccidials, zeolites, minerals and vitamins.

The presentations at the Conference are comprehensive and areexcellent leads into the current literature - but not much fromAustralia or New Zealand. Perhaps we are not doing sufficient

research!Hugh MeL Gordon

Australian VeterinaryJournaI.Vol68, No 10,October 1991 337