Christian Thirteen

 ©Jane H. Buckingham 2015  [email protected] a


Christian of the Brave clan, now a knight-errant, sets off with his squire, the boy Arian, in search of adventures. Fate brings them to Mortavia, where they meet the treacherous Marquis Kostiniak, a former famous sorcerer by the name of Murderer. Will they be able to leave Mortavia and return to the Country of Frozen Time?

Transcript of Christian Thirteen

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White Tower  

Country of Frozen Time

Christian Thirteen

Dmitrii Suslin

Translated from Russian


Jane H. Buckingham

Translation edited by 

Shona Brandt and Dmitrii Suslin

©Jane H. Buckingham 2015 [email protected]

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Titles in the Series

Knight Caterino

Prince of the hite To!er

Christian Thirteen

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Cha"ter #ne

$% S&'(CH #F 'D)&%T*(&

 When night !aterino and his brother the "rince of the White Tower left the

!ountry of #ro$en Time% !hristian&s heart became empty. 't was as if something (ery 

precious had been taken away from it. 'n essence% it had.

 )lthough the little troll *rool remained with him% the feeling of loneliness

oppressed him more strongly e(ery day. +(en his brothers% who had started to treat

!hris ,uite differently from the moment he was knighted% could not dispel his grief. 't

 became somewhat easier for night !hristian when he met the kind look in the #airy of 

+ternal -outh&s beautiful eyes. ut this did not happen often. )nd only for a short

moment. 'mmediately a whirlwind of courtiers flew to the #airy and carried her off to

their eternally cheerful world% which did not agree with the boy&s mood.

*rool also started to pine for ate (ery ,uickly. +(en the countless candies%

cakes% and other sweets at the merry parties did not cheer him up. 'n order to take theedge off his yearning somewhat% he did not stay a step away from !hris% but the boy was

so sad that% looking at him% *rool became e(en sadder.

e(ertheless% the friends did not part from each other. Together they went to the

!apital with the #airy of +ternal -outh&s retinue.

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0h% it was a great cara(an% which the country had not seen for all the time of its

e1istence. 'mmediately after the defeat of )le1andro the lack and the *efence 2inister

3eonari and the coronation of the #airy% ambassadors were sent to the !apital. The news

that the !ountry of #ro$en Time had the #airy as its new ruler had spread with the speed

of bird flight around the whole country% and rulers of pro(inces% regions% and

principalities rushed from all directions to the #airy to pay her respect and allegiance

and obtain her goodwill.

Tired of wars and strife% the country welcomed the new 4o(ereign% who

guaranteed the return of order% peace% and lawfulness. That is why a small modest

con(oy% which consisted of three hundred people% transformed into a cara(an of 

thousands after a week. This entire multicoloured triumphant ca(alcade made its way to

the east% to the !apital. 't mo(ed slowly% because it often stopped to accommodate

another reception of this or that ruler% who hurried to declare his loyalty to the #airy of 

+ternal -outh and arranged a merry feast with dancing and entertainment in the

e(ening% of which the #airy was so fond. The feast lasted most of the night5 therefore%

they got up and again set off on the road late in the afternoon. 6owe(er% no one was

upset about this5 on the contrary% e(erybody was happy and waited for new meetings

and receptions% and the ne1t night&s festi(ities.

6owe(er% none of this cheered up !hristian. +(en the #airy was tired of his

eternally sad look. 7night !hristian%8 she once remarked% 7' understand that it&s hard

for you to part with your friends% but you can&t pine for them fore(er98

!hristian tried to smile% but the smile was so sour that the #airy only twisted her

lips resentfully and said nothing. 4he was sitting high up in an elegant coach% while

!hristian and *rool were riding beside it. ut here a page at hand distracted the

4o(ereign% declaring that the ruler of the reen "rincipality% "rince )rinako% had cometo ask her to accept the allegiance of his principality. The #airy ga(e the order to meet

the famous and honourable "rince as e1pected of his rank.

!hris and *rool hurried to lea(e the #airy and rode to the camp% to !hris&

 brothers. They chanced upon a ca(alry detachment headed by a grey;haired man.

+(eryone who accompanied him was dressed in green% and !hris surmised that this was

"rince )rinako% whom he knew from ate&s stories. ) boy of ten on a magnificent horse

rode beside the prince% and the young knight reali$ed that this was the prince&s son

 )rian% who could ha(e become night !aterino&s s,uire but did not.

7*o you remember how you first met night !aterino<8 *rool asked% as if 

guessing his thoughts. !hris blushed. -es% his first meeting with night !aterino endedup being ,uite jolly for all three of them: !aterino was almost beaten up and !hris fell

into *rool&s trap.

7-ou know% 4weet Tooth% e(ery day it gets harder for me to stay here%8 !hris

sighed. 7This court life is not for me. 6a(e ' really become a knight just to participate in

 balls and ceremonies of the court of 6er 2ajesty< ' was born for ad(enture and

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 wandering. 2y horse has become stale from the eternal slow pace. *o you understand


70f course%8 agreed *rool. 7-ou&re bored. 3ife with !aterino was much more

interesting. ut where will you find ad(enture now<8

7't&ll find us9 0ne has only to go on the road. 't&s the law of a wandering knight.

 )re you ready to go with me on a journey<8

*rool blushed with pleasure. 7-ou&re asking me to go with you<8

7-es% '&m proposing that you become my s,uire and set off tra(elling the world.

0therwise% we&ll both die from boredom in this crowd of merrymakers and flatterers of 

the court. Will we e(er learn to be so skilled at flattering% making small talk% and

proposing toasts at the table< 0r is it that you can&t lea(e these tables loaded with cakes

and pastries<8

*rool was offended. 70f course ' lo(e cakes and pastries (ery much%8 he said

guiltily% 7but ' (alue friendship abo(e all.8

7These are great words% *rool9 ' wasn&t doubting you.8

7Thank you.8 *rool was pleased. 70f course ' agree to be your s,uire and will

ser(e you as you ser(ed night !aterino. When are we lea(ing<8

7Tomorrow morning. We&ll go to the #airy of +ternal -outh tonight and ask her to

let us tra(el. '&m sure she won&t refuse us.8

They so decided. What was said was done. The friends started to prepare for the

 journey. 't took them only half an hour. They were e1perienced tra(ellers.

 When e(erything was ready% they began to discuss in which direction they should

 begin their journey. !hris wanted to return to where they had already (isited because

there were plenty of dangers there5 *rool thought that they should see new places

 because that was e1pected of real tra(elers. They e(en argued a little and then decided totoss a coin at the first intersection.

+(ening came. !hris and *rool were in the tent% and the sound of music and

 beating of drums reached them from outside. )s always% the merriment had started.

7We ha(e to go to the #airy.8 !hris immediately became serious and preoccupied.

6e began to think of a speech to present to the 4o(ereign. 70ur time has come98

The friends inspected each other = whether they looked proper and whether their

costumes looked fine. 't would be (ery untimely to disgrace themsel(es. When you are

thirteen and the centre of attention of hundreds and thousands of adults% this imposes a

great responsibility. esides% it was about his honour and that of his family.

!hristian prayed on a strip of carpet% remembering his mother +li$a and mentally asking for her blessing% then went out of the tent with *rool. The friends were dressed

for tra(elling. ) sword hung from the belt of each% and their faces were serious.

76ey !hris98 one of his brothers shouted at him. 7Where are you going<8

0nly then did the boy remember that he had not told his brothers or consulted

them. 7+nolio%8 he turned to his brother. 7' need to tell you all something. Will you

please gather our brothers in the big tent<8

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+nolio looked attenti(ely at his younger brother and nodded in assent. 70f 

course% little brother. Wait for us98

!hris went into the tent where the brothers usually dined together. 6e sat at his

own spot and sat *rool down ne1t to him. Within minutes% his brothers began to come

one after another into the tent. Richard&s s,uire did not e(en ha(e time to put cups on

the table% when the brothers were already together. )ll thirteen.

7!hristian% son of Richard the ra(e and +li$a the >napproachable%8 the oldest%

Richard% turned to him. 7What do you want to announce to us<8

!hris told them e(erything. 6e ended with these words: 7'&(e already been a

knight for so many days% but indeed '&(e done nothing for this title. ot one feat. 2y 

 whole life could go this way.8

4e(eral minutes passed in silence. #inally% Richard rose and said% 7)nd you&re

asking us to bless you in the absence of our mother<8


7-ou&(e decided to follow in our footsteps<8


7Well%8 Richard sighed sadly. 7We ha(e no right to stop you. +(eryone from the

ra(e clan chooses his destiny. )nd you&(e chosen yours.8 The brothers nodded

appro(ingly% agreeing with the words of the oldest.

6e continued% 7-ou chose the most difficult destiny. The destiny of a knight;

errant. ow you&ll li(e by special rules. *on&t (iolate them. 4er(e honestly and

honourably. *on&t bring shame to our name. +ach of us has been a wandering knight

and none of us has disgraced our name. We&re certain that you won&t let us down.

Recei(e our blessing.8 With these words% he walked to !hristian and hugged him. )ll the

 brothers got up and did the same. +ach of them added his own wish. When theceremony of blessing was o(er% e(eryone again took his place.

Richard said in the end% 73et fortune be with you% little brother. Today we ha(e

the right to recall that% thanks to you% we can now talk% breathe fresh air% and ride. -ou

sa(ed us% and we&re grateful. )fter the #airy sits on the throne of the White Tower% we&ll

set off to our castle to our mother%8 the (oice of the stern knight ,ua(ered with this. 74he

hasn&t seen us for so many years9 We&ll relie(e her loneliness and surround her with care

and filial affection. 4he deser(es it. 0ur father died and our hearts are full of grief for it%

so we&ll swear in memory of him% brothers% that four of us will be with her at all times...

'n turn. 3et her ne(er e1perience bitter loneliness anymore. 6ow she must ha(e

suffered9 )nd a task from us to you% !hris. o to our castle and tell our mother that we will soon come to her% and let her prepare the welcome.8

Thus the issue of in which direction !hris should set off was resol(ed. 't was time

to go for an audience with the #airy of +ternal -outh.

 When the two friends reached the #airy&s tent and were able to s,uee$e through

the crowd of courtiers and guards% they saw )l(ansor the #lawless% 6er 2ajesty&s chief 

of security.

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7' see from your face% night !hristian% that you ha(e important business.8

 )l(ansor went straight to the point instead of greeting. 7*o you want to see 6er


7"lease% 4ir )l(ansor%8 the boy replied humbly.

7)nd you want to talk to her with as few people around as possible<8 )l(ansor

continued as if reading !hris& thoughts.

7We will be (ery grateful.8 !hris bowed.

7othing easier%8 )l(ansor winked at the boy. 7't&s only that 6er 2ajesty recei(ed

one of the rulers of the pro(inces. They had a long con(ersation. )fter that% the #airy of 

+ternal -outh asked to not let anyone see her for some time while she rests. ut '

somehow think that she&ll make an e1ception for you.8

 )l(ansor disappeared into the 4o(ereign&s tent. 6e returned a minute later and

!hris understood from his e1ultant face that e(erything was fine. 76er 2ajesty asks you%

4ir night% and you% 2r. Troll% to enter her chamber. 4he is waiting for you.8 The friends

 were slightly bewildered by such solemnity.

7!hristian Thirteen% son of Richard the ra(e and +li$a the >napproachable% and

*rool 6oskings% the youngest of the 6oskings family of trolls% lords of the )l de aran

castle98 The royal (alet announced their names% and !hristian found out for the first

time that besides a name and a nickname% *rool also had a last name.

6er 2ajesty the #airy of +ternal -outh was sitting in an e1pensi(e camp chair.

4he ga(e the friends a fa(ourable look. They in turn bowed almost to the ground.

7!hris% *rool%8 she greeted them like old friends% 7what brings you to me< 's this

so important that it can&t be said at the ball<8

!hris took a deep breath for courage and re(ealed to her e(erything he wanted to

say. The #airy of +ternal -outh listened (ery attenti(ely% and gradually her facesaddened. y the time the boy finished% she had become so sad that !hris and *rool%

 who could not ha(e failed to notice it% also became depressed% not knowing why.

7' understand you perfectly% !hristian.8 The #airy got up from her chair and

 walked o(er to the boy. The enchantress was completely unlike a so(ereign and ,ueen.

4he more resembled a girl almost the same age as !hris. 7)nd your re,uest is clear to


!hris took a step forward.

7ut ' must disappoint you%8 said the enchantress.

7Why is that<8 !hris and *rool asked in chorus% looking at each other in

 bewilderment.7ecause ' can only grant half of your re,uest.8

!hristian shrugged% not knowing what he wanted to say to 6er 2ajesty.

The #airy continued% 7-ou&re asking me to let you and *rool wander around the

 world. *o you like ad(entures< Well% you will ha(e them. ut the matter is that ' ha(e a

re,uest for both of you.8

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The friends looked at each other. The #airy of +ternal -outh wanted to ask them

something9 This was an unprecedented honour.

72y re,uest is addressed more to *rool. )nd ' ask you% !hris% to allow him to

grant it.8

7We&re both at your ser(ice98 The boy and the troll bowed again.

7' ask you% *rool% to stay with me%8 the #airy said kindly% taking the troll by the

hand and looking him in the eye.

7"ardon me<998 *rool was shocked% and !hris e(en more so.

7-es% ' need you% *rool% and '&m asking you to stay with me for a while.8

This was une1pected. *estiny had arranged it so that they had to part.

7#arewell% *rool98 !hris turned to the troll and rushed to hug him. 7-ou must

stay here. -ou will not ser(e me. Well% your ser(ice is more honourable than being thes,uire of an unknown knight% especially a boy.8

7o% !hris%8 *rool started to calm him. 7't just has to be. Right% -our 2ajesty<8

7-ou understand e(erything correctly%8 the #airy replied. 7-ou can say goodbye

here% where nobody will see you% and ' won&t disturb you. Till we meet again% !hristian98

 )nd she left the tent to go outside% where thousands of people were waiting for her.

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 )fter a few minutes% !hris came out with a resolute step. The farewell with *rool

did not take him much time. 6e was not a girl to be smeared with tears for long.

 )lthough% girls also (ary. ) girl like ate onstantino(a will beat any boy hands down.

!hris remembered ate and became so sad that he nearly cried. 6e did not do so

 because there were too many people around. ut it was much worse in his heart. )ll the

same% it hurt him (ery much to part with *rool again and he only now reali$ed it.

6owe(er% there was nothing to be done. !hris s,uee$ed his fists tightly and headed to

his tent. 6e decided to ride off straight away% because he did not want to stay here

another minute.

 )nd then someone tugged at his jacket slee(e.

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Cha"ter T!o

 ' S+*$(&

!hris looked around. efore him stood a boy a whole head shorter than him. 6e

 was probably ten years old% tops. 'n the darkness% !hris could not immediately make out

the boy&s face% so he rather guessed that this was )rian% the son of "rince )rinako. !hris was certain of this when a soldier with a torch walked past and the glare of the fire fell

on the boy&s head. +(en in the darkness% it was e(ident that his hair had a greenish tint.

7What can ' do for you<8 !hristian asked somewhat rudely.

y the way the boy bit his lip% it was clear that he was deeply offended by this.

6owe(er% he buried his resentment and asked with all the friendliness he could manage%

7Tell me% please% are you night !hristian< !hristian Thirteen<8

73et&s assume so.8 !hris still did not understand what the boy wanted.

7'&m )rian% son of "rince )rinako%8 the boy introduced himself. 't was ob(ious

that he was well brought up and proper dignity was well known to him. 7' need to talk to


There was so much admiration in )rian&s eyes for a real knight that !hris

relented in(oluntarily. )fter all% he himself had only become a knight ,uite recently and

had not yet ac,uired any knightly arrogance. 7What do you want to say to me<8 he asked


7's it true that you intend to set off on a journey<8

!hris& eyebrows rose in surprise. 7Who told you that<8©Jane H. Buckingham 2015

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7The #airy of +ternal -outh told me% or rather my father.8

!hris was e(en more surprised.

7This afternoon during an audience.8

7This afternoon<8 !hris asked himself rather than )rian. 7'ndeed% ' only now told

her myself.8 ut he immediately remembered that the #airy of +ternal -outh was the

most powerful enchantress in the !ountry of #ro$en Time and was silent. 73et&s assume

that is so%8 he said. 7What follows from this<8

74he e(en said that you need a faithful s,uire.8

74he said that<8

7Word for word%8 )rian said in such a con(incing manner that it was impossible

not to belie(e him. 7't happened when my father asked her% at my re,uest% to appoint me

as s,uire to some knight. Then she said that at this moment only one knight needs a

s,uire and named you.8

7'n other words%8 !hris interrupted the boy% 7you want to become my s,uire<8


!hristian looked the boy o(er from head to toe with a critical ga$e.

7' understand that '&m still not grown...8

7ot grown<8 !hristian laughed and )rian blushed to the roots of his hair. 73ook 

at you9 )fter all% you aren&t e(en wearing pants yet but you want to go with me. +(en the

 (illage dogs and cats will laugh at me% seeing me with such a retinue.8

 )rian was actually dressed according to the custom of the !ountry of #ro$en

Time. 6is shirt did not co(er his knees and was more like the tunic of an elf. 0n his bare

legs were short boots.

7night !aterino was a little older than me% but you were his s,uire98

!hris was embarrassed. )rian noticed it and continued the offensi(e. 7' ride perfectly% shoot an arrow and

fight with a sword both on a horse and on land. This isn&t bragging. 4imply any prince of 

the reen #orest should be able to do all this from infancy. ' swim like a fish and climb

trees like a s,uirrel. ' throw a knife and take down a thin branch of a mountain ash from

ten steps away. )nd ' run...8

7)nd you ha(e a tongue so long that you can probably lick the stars with it

 without getting out of bed.8 !hristian himself did not e1pect that he would manage such

a malicious joke% but a word once spoken is past recalling. The insult had been inflicted.

oth boys understood this.

7-ou forget yourself% night98 )rian instantly remembered that he was of aprincely family. 72aybe my tongue doesn&t always watch itself% but it isn&t wicked% and

doesn&t inflict insult on a person seen for the first time. ' challenge you to a duel% and

 you&ll be sure that you laughed at me in (ain. )s for knights% they indeed say that there &s

apparently none haughtier in the world9 ' knew of only one knight who ne(er put on

airs% and that was night !aterino98

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!hristian reali$ed that he was wrong and already wanted to apologi$e to the

 young prince% but the boy managed to say so much to him that an apology was out of the


7' am ready e(en now to satisfy your offended dignity98 !hris said. 7or far from

here is a small ra(ine. '&ll wait for you there% and ' don&t e(en need a second to turn your

splendid princely shirt into colourful festi(e ribbons.87We&ll see who&s what98 )rian snapped and ran off for weapons.

Ten minutes later% the boys were already standing at the bottom of the ra(ine and

ready to fight each other. 't was late at night% but the huge moon sent light to the bottom

of the ra(ine% and the glare from hundreds of bonfires also reached them. !hristian was

armed with a short sword and a dagger. )rian had a sword in one hand and a shield in

the other.

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7Well% kid%8 !hristian decided to tease )rian and disrupt his composure% 7you

attack first. 'ndeed% it was you who challenged me to a duel.8

6owe(er% )rian e(idently knew no worse than !hris all the refinement of a duel%

 because he did not e(en blink an eye and waited patiently.

7)h% are you chicken<98 !hristian shouted and brought the first blow down on


!hris had no intention of killing or e(en hurting )rian% so his blow was directed

past the boy. ut his opponent took ad(antage of this% turned around% and dealt the

knight such a blow with his shield that !hris tumbled along the bottom of the ra(ine.

!hristian got up% staggering.

7' don&t know such a mo(e%8 he muttered% and respect was in his (oice. 7"erhaps '

really was wrong<8

#rom these words% )rian&s mouth almost reached his ears. 6e had not e1pected

such ,uick acknowledgement. 76ow do you like that<8 he e1claimed enthusiastically.

 )rian penetrated !hris& defence with a decepti(e mo(ement and% using his shield

as a co(er from !hris& dagger% knocked the sword out of !hris& hand with his own sword.

Then !hris% in turn% threw his dagger onto the ground% grabbed the bottom edge of 

 )rian&s shield with both hands% and twisted it together with his opponent&s hand. )rian

screamed in pain and dropped his sword.

!hris put him nose down on the ground and said% 7-ou did well% kid% but you still

ha(e a lot to learn.8

Tousled and offended to the depths of his soul% )rian trudged off.

7-ou forgot your sword and shield98 !hris shouted from behind. 6e felt pity and

e(en sympathy for the bra(e boy.

 )rian wa(ed. 7They&re yours now98 he shouted without turning around.'t seemed to !hris that tears sounded in the (oice of the prince&s son% and he was

 (ery sorry that he had treated )rian so harshly. 6e wanted to call to )rian and agree to

take him as a s,uire% but at that (ery second )rian cried out in pain% bumping into a

nettle bush% and !hris thought better of it. o% the small fry is of no use to him.

+1cessi(e trouble% but not unseemly conduct. esides% this forest dweller was drawn to

the trip only because of childish o(er;indulgence% and if so% then let him grow up a bit.

!hris set off to saddle 3aura% his horse% a mare as black as a ra(en. rabbing the

 bridle and saddle in his own tent% he was already about to lea(e% when the canopy lifted

and a grey;haired% broad;shouldered man entered. !hristian recogni$ed him

immediately = it was "rince )rinako.7)re you night !hristian of the ra(e clan<8

7-es% ' am98 !hristian bowed. 7To what do ' owe such an honoured (isit% "rince<8

7?ust that you% night% were in a duel with my son% )rian. 's that so<8

7' would not call it a duel. )rian is a child.8

7)rian is my son first of all9 The son of "rince )rinako9 6e has to answer for his

honour% just as ' for him. 6e challenged you to a duel% is that so% night<8

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7-es%8 !hris was forced to agree. 6e still did not understand what the prince was

getting at.

7)nd you accepted this challenge<8

7That is true.8

7)nd your duel took place<8 The prince could barely keep his irritation in check.

!hris said nothing% only nodded.

7)nd you won98

7-es%8 !hris whispered.

74o why didn&t you kill my son but let him go back home with shame<8 the prince

asked in a stern% accusing (oice. 7Why did you inflict such an insult on me and my 


76ow could ' kill him< 'ndeed he&s younger than me and not e(en a knight.8

7Then why did you accept his challenge instead of bo1ing his ears or e(en

strapping him< o% once you acted this way% it means you accepted him as an e,ual. 'f 

so% why did you spare his life< What is life to him% dishonoured< )rian98

 )t the prince&s call% his son came timidly into the tent. "rince )rinako took him

 by the shoulder and led him to !hristian. 76ere&s my son. -ou beat him in a duel% and he

doesn&t need your pity. 6e and '% we both demand that you now amend e(erything and

 wash off the stain on our honour98

7ut how can ' do that<8

 With an abrupt mo(ement% the prince ripped open )rian&s shirt and bared his

chest. 7-ou must kill him98

7ill him<8

7-es% kill him9 0r '&ll kill him myself now.8

7' can&t do that.8 !hris shrugged. 7'&m not a murderer987-ou should&(e thought of that earlier9 'f you won&t kill him% '&ll do it myself in

front of you. )nd his death will be on you. Then your family and our family will be

eternal enemies. While either one e1ists% there won&t be peace.8

 -es% !hristian did not e(en suspect what a mess he had made. 't was necessary to

find a way out. 7's there really nothing to be done to resol(e our conflict without the

shedding of blood<8

"rince )rinako thought for a bit. #or a moment% he ceased to be formidable and

important. 7't depends on you.8

7+(erything that depends on me% '&ll do it. +1cept murder% naturally98

7Then take him with you.87Who<8


7What will ' do with him<8

7Whate(er you want. 6e&s now your property. >ntil forgi(eness is recei(ed% he

 will be your sla(e.8


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7Well% not e1actly a sla(e% of course%8 "rince )rinako said pensi(ely. 7-ou

certainly don&t ha(e the right to sell him. To sell or e1change% or e(en to lose. 6e will be

 with you until he sa(es your life. When that happens% you can instantly dismiss him.

There is no other way.8

!hristian looked at )rian% and it seemed to him that there was guile in the boy&s

eyes. 74o ' take him as a s,uire against my will<8

7-ou can think whate(er you want about this. 4o% do you accept my proposal< 'f 

not% then the boy won&t walk out of this tent ali(e.8

There was nothing left for !hristian to do. 7' agree%8 he sighed.

7Thank you9 -ou&re a noble knight98 With this e1clamation% "rince )rinako held

out his hand to !hristian% who shook it.

Then the prince turned to his son and said% 7ow it&s in your power to wash the

shame from our name% )rian. >ntil that happens% ' won&t be able to call you my son


7' will wash the shame from our name% #ather98 the boy e1claimed passionately.

70r '&ll die defending my master.8

74er(e honestly and with dignity.8 With these words% the prince went with ,uick 

steps out of the tent% where this entire con(ersation took place.

The boys looked at each other. )rian looked guilty and embarrassed. !hristian&s

look% as befits a knight% was steely and stern. 6e looked at )rian for a long time% not

saying anything. 6is hand con(ulsi(ely clutched the hilt of his sword. )rian clearly did

not like all this. 6e began to grow gloomy and almost sniffed% but remembered himself 

in time. 6e was ready to endure anything from this young knight% stern beyond his

 years% just to remain in his ser(ice.

!hristian suddenly remembered une1pectedly how% (ery recently% when he wasstill only night !aterino&s s,uire% his brothers% all knights% also ignored him and openly 

mocked his age. This hurt him% and only ate and his sworn brother ene comforted

him. ow% in front of him was also a ten;year;old boy who risked his life and e(en his

honour to be his s,uire% and he was treating the boy just as his brothers had recently 

treated him.

!hristian&s look began to soften a little. The steeliness disappeared from his

 bright eyes% his eyebrows smoothed out on the bridge of his nose% and now he looked

openly and without hatred.

 )rian% sensiti(e like a domestic cat% immediately noticed it and looked up. uile

flickered in his eyes. 'n order to co(er up his embarrassment% he hid his hands behindhis back.

!hris broke down and smiled. 6e could not be angry with his s,uire anymore.

 )nd )rian understood it. 7'&ll saddle your horse98 6e picked up the saddle and

 bridle off the ground. ) second later he was no longer in the tent.

70nly don&t do anything without my permission98 !hristian shouted after him.

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4o% the young knight !hristian Thirteen had ac,uired a s,uire in the most

une1pected way. 6owe(er% in the !ountry of #ro$en Time% as nowhere else% fate controls

the life of a person. This time% fate also made arrangements in its own way.

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Cha"ter Three

 ' S$,%

The con(oy attending the ruler of the !ountry of #ro$en Time was enjoying itself 

to the utmost% when two boys left on horseback and made their way in the direction of 

ewitched #orest. o one% howe(er% paid them any attention% because e(eryone was

unconcerned. 0nly one person followed them with his eyes and shook his head

thoughtfully. 't was Richard.

7)h% the time has come%8 he said to himself. 7oys and girls become knights.

 Where are we% old folks% to go now< These two will now take all that is most interesting

and e1citing% and we&re only left to turn to stone and wait until someone in short pants%

or e(en without them% sets us free.8

The riders had disappeared from (iew% and Richard was already about to join the

re(ellers% when he suddenly saw something sparkling in the moonlight on the ground

ten steps from him. 6e walked o(er and picked up a horseshoe. 4eeing it% Richard

frowned. 't was a horseshoe from !hristian&s horse. Richard wanted to call to the boys

and e(en took a few steps in their direction% but it was already too late. There was no

longer a trace of them. The older brother sighed bitterly. There is no worse sign for a

knight;errant than to lose a shoe at the (ery beginning of a journey.

70h% !hristian% !hristian%8 Richard shook his head. 70ne word = thirteen98

The unsuspecting knight and his s,uire were speeding neck to neck% trying to be

far away as ,uickly as possible from the merry cara(an% where e1citing e(ents could

scarcely be waiting. The horses were ,uick and strong5 they did not need to be spurred%

and sped without prodding% as if the mood of their riders had passed onto them. 6ence%©Jane H. Buckingham 2015

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 when morning came and the riders first felt fatigue% they were already far from the #airy 

of +ternal -outh and her court. efore them stretched (irgin fields and meadows% and

on the left the blue band of ewitched #orest was (isible on the hori$on.

7)re we going there<8 )rian asked.

7o%8 !hris replied. 7We&ll (isit my castle first. ' must carry out a mission for my 

 brothers and then we&ll decide which way to go. ewitched #orest is e1actly for such

ad(enture seekers as us. ut% you know% it doesn&t really attract me. '&(e been there

already. )nd there are too many unusual inhabitants. They li(e not according to human

laws% so they ha(e no respect for wandering knights. 0nly don&t think that '&m chicken98

7o% indeed%8 )rian hurried to reply. 7-ou&re free to do as you please. '&m just

 your s,uire and follow you to where you tell me. y the way% this forest also doesn&t

attract me (ery much.8


7'&m sick to death of my own. '&(e li(ed in it for ten years. 't&s unlikely there&s

anything in ewitched #orest that&s not in mine.8

7-ou&re right.8 !hristian stopped his horse and looked around. 74o many 

interesting places in our country9 We don&t ha(e to search for long for something more

dangerous and impenetrable than any ewitched #orest. We&ll lea(e it to dwar(es and

mermaids. >h% what&s with my horse<8 !hris noticed that his horse had started to limp

slightly. 6e stopped and dismounted.

7oblin% kill me98 he swore% when he had finished the inspection. 74he has lost a

shoe.8 The boy&s face grew (ery gloomy. 6is s,uire% who grasped knightly signs (ery 

 well% also scowled.

7) fine beginning98 !hris scratched the back of his head.

7"erhaps we&ll try to find it<8 )rian proposed. 7We&ll turn around.87o% nothing will come of it. 3ook how her hoof has worn down. 't&s ob(ious that

the shoe was lost long ago. We won&t find it. We&ll ha(e to go on foot until we come to a

 (illage where there&s a blacksmith. We can&t ride anymore. -ou simply can&t find such an

e1cellent horse as 3aura. +(en as a foal% she was noted for her loyalty to me. 4he

 wouldn&t let anyone near her. ot e(en 'an.8

7Who&s 'an<8

72y tutor. 6e taught me e(erything that my own father would ha(e taught me.8

7*on&t you ha(e a father<8 )rian asked.

7o. 6e died the day ' was born.8

 )rian sighed. 72y mother also died after my birth. 0nly #ather brought me up.8The boys continued on their way. +ach was walking% leading a horse by the reins%

and thinking his own thoughts. They did not want to talk. ) lost horseshoe and sad

memories had spoiled their mood.

 )n hour passed this way. There was e(en no sign of human habitation on their

 way. This was e(ident from the unconcern of the animals and birds that li(ed here. They 

 were completely unafraid of people% and e(en the hares did not take to their heels but

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kept looking curiously at the boys% mo(ing their ears comically and stretching their

noses up% sniffing.

7This place looks like the forest grounds of my castle%8 !hristian remarked. 7'

ne(er liked to hunt% and the animals in my forest are also not afraid of anybody.8

7's it far to your castle<8 )rian asked.

7o. We&ll be there in a few hours if nothing hinders us.8

7-ou probably ha(en&t been home for a long time<8

!hristian reflected. ot e(en a month had passed since he left his home and went

in search of his brothers. 6owe(er% so many things had happened to him in this time

that many years seemed to ha(e passed from the day the tower of his castle disappeared

 behind his back. When he thought this way% he immediately felt a passionate desire to go

home and hug his mother. 0nly now did !hris reali$e how much he missed her% the old

man% 'an% and his nurse% ?oanna. )nd the desire to tell them the good news also urged

him home.

!hris picked up the pace. )rian too. The s,uire was already rather tired from the

difficult path. 6e was not accustomed to long marches and large distances. 't was also

hard for him to go on foot. rowing up in the #orest "rincipality% he was more used to

climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch. To go on a rough road and on bare

ground was a bit unusual. Riding would certainly be much easier% but )rian could not

allow himself this5 since his master was walking% it would be inappropriate for him to

ride. 6ence% when !hris ,uickened his steps% his s,uire immediately began to stumble

and e(en almost fell.

!hristian noticed this but did not laugh. 7"erhaps my horse needs a rest%8 he

declared. 74he&s limping more and more. 3et&s halt.8

 )rian was delighted and immediately collapsed onto the grass. !hris sat down beside him and took out a package of pro(isions and a flask of water from his saddlebag.

They had a light snack% because it is a great sin to fill one&s stomach on a march. ) 

sated person is a la$y person5 he is already not so careful and can easily be taken by 

surprise. The boys understood this (ery well. e(ertheless% both of them wanted to sleep

after eating. either had slept the whole night% and now it was beginning to tell. They 

 began yawning and rubbing their eyes.

#inally% !hristian% seeing that his s,uire was now dropping from fatigue% ga(e the

command. 7othing terrible will happen if we take a little nap. owhere is it written

that knights shouldn&t sleep.8 With these words% he spread out his cloak on the grass and

lay down. )rian looked at him with en(y. 6e had no cloak. 6e substituted it with a lightchild&s cape% ,uite unsuitable% in order to sleep on it.

The knight understood e(erything. 73ie down with me% 4,uire )rian%8 he

suggested. 7#rom now on we ha(e to share e(erything fifty;fifty: bread and bed%

ad(enture and danger.8 )rian did not need to be asked twice. ery soon% knight and

s,uire were sleeping with sweet dreams% with only the wind and their faithful horses

protecting them.

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The boys slept for se(eral hours% and when !hris woke up% he saw that the sun

had long gone past midday. 6e got up% stretched% and threw off the remnants of sleep.

6e decided that there was no need to wake )rian. )fter all% they did not ha(e to hurry to

anywhere special% and the boy was ,uite tired.

6owe(er% )rian woke up by himself. 6e stood up and looked around. 't was clear

from his sleepy face that he did not ,uite understand where he was and with whom.

radually he remembered e(erything. ) joyful smile instantly sparkled like the sun on

his face. 7' forgot that you took me with you. ' thought it was all a dream%8 he shared his


76ow do you feel<8

7reat9 '&m ready to go with you e(en to the edge of the world and fight with the

 whole world. ' fear nobody and nothing98

!hristian smiled. )fter all% his s,uire was a great show;off and could not be cured.

7et ready for the road. "ack the bags% prepare the horses% and check the weapons%8 he

ordered. )rian immediately set about performing his duties.

#i(e minutes later% they were again mo(ing in the direction of the ra(e castle. )t

first% they walked in silence. )rian constantly wanted to ask about something but could

not bring himself to do it. #inally% he could not resist. 73isten% !hristian% can ' ask you a


7)sk% but let&s agree on something first.8


7!all me !hris. 't&s shorter. 2ore con(enient for you% and '&m more used to it.8

70kay% !hris.8

74o what do you want to ask<8

7*oesn&t it seem strange to you that we&(e tra(elled so far% but not e(en a single%most pitiful ad(enture has come our way<8

!hris thought for a bit. 7't really is strange%8 he agreed. 7Auite unlike the !ountry 

of #ro$en Time. When ' was tra(elling with night !aterino% we had not a minute of 


7night !aterino98 )rian e1claimed. 73isten% !hris% it&s boring to walk and be

,uiet9 "erhaps% you&ll tell me your ad(entures with him< )fter all% there&s nothing to do%

and a good story will smooth o(er and shorten any road.8

!hris did not object. There really was nothing to do% and he began to describe his

ser(ice with night !aterino.

 )rian listened and only sighed with en(y. 7!ool98 he e1claimed when !hristianhad finished his story. 7Why did ' turn out to be such a ninny that night !aterino went

tra(elling without me< 4uch ad(entures98

7-es% it was a great time%8 !hris replied in the tone of an e1perienced (eteran.

7ot so now. 't will be night soon% and not one (illain nor robber.8

7+1actly9 2y hand is simply itching to take up the sword.8

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The boys were still a little distressed about this and had already begun to think 

about where to spend the night% when they saw a (illage ahead.

7There&s a blacksmith98 !hristian pointed to a hut on the lopsided hill away from

the other houses.

76ow did you know<8 )rian was surprised.

7lacksmiths always li(e apart from the other (illagers% because people are afraid

of spirits% which help them to process iron. To farmers% a blacksmith and a sorcerer are

almost one and the same.8

74trange%8 )rian said. 7With us% on the contrary% blacksmiths are the most

respected people and li(e in the most magnificent and thickest trees in the heart of the


7What you ha(e in the #orest "rincipality aren&t ,uite the same%8 !hris remarked.

7) lot will surprise you. ut one thing ' know for a fact: nobody makes knightly weapons

 better than your blacksmiths.8

7That&s true98 )rian was proud that his father&s subjects were praised. 7night

!aterino&s sword and shield% which he used to defeat the lack *ragon% were also made

 by their hands. ot without reason did the old 4o(ereign not like our principality. y the

 way% my weapon was also made by our masters.8

 While talking% the boys reached the smithy. They already felt the intense heat a

few steps away from it% and when they got inside% they felt like they were in hell. ) 

mighty warrior was standing by the an(il. 6e was naked to the waist and the muscles

rolling under his skin glistened with sweat. The blacksmith looked at the newcomers%

and a barely noticeable smile touched his lips. Then his face became focused and stern

again. The iron master had a white;hot sword in one hand and he was hitting it with a

hammer in the other hand.7What do you want<8 the blacksmith said in a deep bass o(erriding the roar of the

forge% without interrupting his work.

7' need my horse shod98 !hris shouted.

7Wait for me outside% '&ll be right out. ?ust finishing up.8

The boys were just happy to lea(e the hot forge. They went outside and started to

 wait patiently until the blacksmith appeared. !hristian knew perfectly well that e(en if a

king himself entered this workshop% the blacksmith would still not put aside his work.

0therwise% the sword would fore(er take away his gift of controlling fire and iron% which

the mining gnomes once ga(e the first blacksmith.

7't is instantly ob(ious he&s a master%8 )rian remarked with respect in his (oice.76e works without apprentices.8

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7-es% e1actly%8 !hris agreed. 7'&m e(en ashamed to come to him with such a

trifling matter as shoeing a horse. ut nothing can be done. 6e&s likely the only 

 blacksmith around.8

2eanwhile% the blacksmith came out and thrust the finished sword into a barrel

of water. 't immediately hissed and there was dense (apour. 74how me the horse% 4ir


!hris led 3aura to him and told him what had happened. )fter hearing the story%

the blacksmith frowned. 7#irst time '&(e hear of such a thing. 3osing a shoe on the first

day9 6ow did you anger the sky% night< -ou can e1pect trouble now% or lack night

himself will e(en come to you.8 0n hearing about the lack night% !hristian turned

pale% but did not utter a word.

7*o you ha(e an inn in the (illage<8 )rian asked the blacksmith% when he began

to fit a new shoe to 3aura&s hoof.

7Why<8 6is mouth was full of nails% but he replied without e(en taking them out.

7What (isitor would come to our corner< eeping such an establishment would be bad

 business. 0ne would ,uickly go broke98

4oon the horse was shod. The blacksmith e1amined the rest of 3aura&s hoo(es

and was e(en more surprised. 74he was shod recently and done by a guy who knew his

 job. 4trange that the shoe flew off. 't&s a bad omen.8

!hris finally got tired of hearing the blacksmith&s lamentations. 6e was uneasy 

enough without them. 6e hastened to pay him and just in case told him to check )rian&s


7+(erything&s fine with it%8 the blacksmith wa(ed. 7)nd so ' see.8

4uddenly he turned as pale as a ghost% though he was just as red as a boiled crab

from the heat and completely smudged with soot.7What happened<8 the boy asked. 'nstead of answering% the blacksmith pointed

to the (illage. The boys looked o(er there but could understand nothing.

73ook98 the blacksmith whispered in a trembling (oice. 7't&s him% lack night98

0nly after these words did the knight and the s,uire understand that the

 blacksmith was pointing not at the (illage but abo(e it% right in the sky. When they lifted

their heads% they felt their hair standing on end.

 ) rider was mo(ing in the sky among the black clouds before sunset. 6e was of 

gigantic stature% a real giant. 6is black armour absorbed light% and it was from this% not

 because he was so huge% that e(erything immediately became unbearably scary and

dreary. 6is horse% co(ered in the same dark armour% let out black steam from its mouth. Where(er the steam fell% it was as if death had arri(ed. The trees lost their lea(es% the

grass withered% and birds fell down dead.

7't is he% after your soul98 the blacksmith shouted. 7't would be better if you were

to remain a simple man and not try to mo(e up among wandering knights.8

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7't&s none of your business98 !hristian shouted at him sternly and with reproach.

74hame on you% blacksmith9 0ne who rules o(er fire and iron ought not be afraid of a

ghost.8 The blacksmith lowered his eyes. !hris& words had cut him to the ,uick.

2eanwhile% the lack night continued on his way. 6e was heading in a totally 

different direction. 4o% the blacksmith was mistaken. #or the time being% he was not

going to night !hristian. The son of Richard the ra(e sighed with relief. The storm

had passed this time.

The lack night suddenly turned and looked at !hristian through the holes of 

his black helmet. !hris felt himself shrouded in an unbearable cold% as if death itself had

looked at him. The knight turned around and continued on his way. 'f he had looked at

!hris longer% the boy would probably ha(e gone cra$y.

4uddenly% darkness% which happens only late at night% came. There was no star or

moon in the sky. The wind picked up and attacked the people with fury. The horses

neighed in fear% and the boys had great difficulty keeping them in place. The blacksmith

helped them. 6e was (ery strong% and the thought came into !hris& head that it was

possible they would not ha(e managed without him.

The darkness was gone as ,uickly and une1pectedly as it appeared. The wind also

,uieted down. )ll three again turned their ga$e to where the lack night had recently 

 been. 6e was no longer there. 0nly trees% bushes% and grass remained dead from the

 black steam of the ghost&s horse.

76ere&s an ad(enture for you98 )rian sighed cheerlessly.

!hris looked at him and laughed. 7't&s good that you still ha(e no pants% )rian%8

!hris said ner(ously% 7or else you would ha(e wet them.8

 )rian was not e(en offended by such a stupid joke. 7-ou should&(e seen yourself%8

he snapped. 7-our legs were trembling like a newborn foal&s.8 oth tried to hide theirfear and uncertainty with jokes and s,uabbling.

7'&m not staying in this (illage%8 said )rian. 0ut of fear% he had forgotten that it

 was not up to him to gi(e orders.

6owe(er% !hristian was in agreement with him. 73et&s go further. ight won&t

come soon% and we&ll be far from here in a couple of hours. 't&s good that we&re not going

the way that one went...8 !hris did not e(en mention the name but simply nodded in the

direction where the lack night had recently passed.

The friends jumped onto their horses and rode on.

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Cha"ter Four

-&,&%D #F TH& B-'CK K%$,HT

They rode at a fast trot for almost an hour and did not utter a word in all that

time. They felt ill at heart% as if they had come across death. ut time passed and bad

thoughts began to dissipate. Their mood impro(ed and they wanted to talk again.

 )rian was again the first to break the silence. 7!hris%8 he addressed the knight%

once their horses switched to pacing. 7'&(e heard of lack night often% but don&t know 

the details. !an you tell me about him<8

70f course%8 !hris responded reluctantly. 70n the whole% you fear lack night

for nothing. 6e touches neither s,uire nor blacksmith.8


7+1actly. This only concerns knights. Wandering knights. 0nly we should be wary 

of him.8

7Why< 6e only kills wandering knights<87The fact is that he doesn&t kill them.8

76oly cow98 )rian was again surprised. 7What does he do to them<8

76e challenges them to a duel.8

7) duel< !ool98

7)nd defeats them.8

7*efeats them<8

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7-es% because it&s impossible to defeat him. )s it&s impossible to defeat the de(il.

6e defeats the knight;errant and lea(es. The knight ceases to be a knight after that. )nd

can ne(er become one again. To become a knight again% he must defeat lack night%

 but it&s impossible. 't&s e(en impossible to find him. 0nly he can find whome(er he

 wants. ut he can&t be found. 'f you want% '&ll tell you his story.8

7"lease%8 )rian was pleased.

7't was long ago%8 !hris began% 7in ancient times. The knight;founders were still

ali(e: )rtois% ottfeld% and 4iegfried. They left the #airy of +ternal -outh in the ca(e of 

the White *ragon Wardrag and di(ided the country into three parts. +ach went in his

own direction.

7ow% )rtois had a younger brother by the name of #ranBois. This #ranBois% as

e1pected of a younger brother% was a wandering knight. 6e wandered around the

!ountry of #ro$en Time and accomplished countless feats. -ou know that it was far

more dangerous then than now. 0nce% night #ranBois came upon a castle surrounded

 by a moat% which had blood instead of water. Real human blood. #ranBois reali$ed that

in the castle li(ed the famous 2urderer% about whom terrible things were told. 2urderer

recei(ed the knight (ery affectionately. 6e wined and dined him and introduced his

daughter to him. ow #ranBois fell into a trap. 6e fell in lo(e with 2urderer&s daughter

and asked for her hand in marriage.8

7' knew it98 the s,uire interrupted !hristian. 7'f a girl appears in a story% trouble


7*on&t interrupt9 -es% you&re right. 2urderer announced to the wandering knight

that only when the knight had fulfilled his three wishes would he gi(e his daughter&s

hand in marriage. y 2urderer&s order% #ranBois had to commit three crimes: kill an

innocent person% betray his brother% and renounce his parents. #ranBois was so in lo(e with the scoundrel&s daughter that he% in his madness% (owed to fulfil all three wishes

and signed an agreement with his own blood. 2urderer laughed with joy and hid the

agreement. #ranBois sat on his horse and set off to fulfill the promised crimes. 6owe(er%

the farther he rode away from 2urderer&s castle% the stronger he was sei$ed by doubts in

the correctness of what he had done. The spell of 2urderer and his daughter weakened

 with e(ery hundred steps.

7#inally% #ranBois had ridden so far away that he e1claimed% Co% ' will ne(er

 become a criminal9 ot that9&

7ut he remembered the oath he had gi(en the (illain. 6e was bound by it and

forsaking it meant he would fall into disgrace. Co% better that ' lose my honour thancommit these three atrocities9& 6e said this% dismounted% took off his weapons% threw off 

his armour% put e(erything on the saddle% and set off on foot.

74e(eral weeks passed% and the famous night #ranBois had turned into a

common tramp. When he went to his older brother&s court% no one e(en recogni$ed him.

The former knight was sad. 't was bitter for him to look at the merry jousting

tournaments% which were held at the royal court5 indeed% he could not take part in them.

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6e was ashamed to look into the eyes of noble lords% knights% and barons% ashamed to

appear once again before his brother. o% it&s better he stay with tramps and eat table


72urderer% who all this time had been spying on #ranBois in the magic mirror%

 began to worry. -ou see% if this cursed knight would not keep his promise% 2urderer&s

daughter would remain an old maid. 2urderer decided to help the young man keep his

oath and do it in such a way that the knight would suspect nothing.

76e went to the cellar% where he kept a magic potion5 indeed% he was a skilful

sorcerer. 6e took a small bo1 out of a (ery large chest. 'n the bo1 was a deception

potion. 0ne only needed to shower the eyes of any man with this powder and he would

immediately see the opposite of e(erything. ood would seem e(il to him% and e(il good.

72urderer turned into a black (ulture and flew to the castle of ing )rtois that

same e(ening. 6e pretended to be a really dirty bum% approached the young man and

said% C'&(e been watching you for a long time. ?oy and laughter all around. +(en the

lowest beggars are happy as children. Why are you alone sad and dissatisfied<&

7C*on&t bother me with your stupid ,uestions% old man9 ' am not in the mood for

 you now.&

7Cy the way you responded% it&s ob(ious that you&re one of the nobles. 6ow did

 you come to such a life<& 2urderer would not lea(e him alone.

7#ranBois& heart was so hea(y and he so wanted to share his troubles that he

confided in the old bum and told him e(erything. )h% if he only knew in whom he

confided his secret98

7True%8 )rian interrupted the story again. 7't&s always so with these sorcerers. -ou

ne(er know what to e1pect from them. 'ndeed% ' remember% there li(ed a witch near us.

6er name was Ruina...87What are you% )rian% stupid<98 !hris was indignant. 7That&s the second time

already you&(e interrupted me. *on&t you know that it&s impolite< 6ow do bards sing

songs at your father&s court< -ou probably don&t let them utter a word with your


The rebuke was ,uite fair. )rian was embarrassed. 7+1cuse me% sir%8 he bowed his

head humbly. 7' won&t interrupt you anymore.8

7ow you&re flattering%8 !hristian sighed% satisfied that his lesson was not lost.

70kay% listen to what happened ne1t.

7#ranBois shared his story with the old bum% not knowing that it was 2urderer

 before him.72urderer said to him% C' know how to help you with your troubles. !ome with

me. ' want to show you something.&

76e led #ranBois along a dark corridor of the royal castle. -ou ha(e to remember

that his older brother )rtois was no longer a count at that time but king of his own

kingdom% therefore% his castle was also a king&s castle. There were many dark corridors

in this castle. 2urderer lured #ranBois to the darkest of them = e(en torches on the

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 walls could not dispel the darkness = and threw the magic potion right in the young

man&s eyes. #ranBois did not e(en notice it because he thought it was just old dust

stirred up by their footsteps. 2urderer saw that his dirty deed was done% laughed loudly%

and disappeared.

7C6ey% old man9& #ranBois shouted. CWhere ha(e you gone<& 4ilence was his

answer. C!ursed liar9& he muttered. C*ecided to play a trick on me. ?ust wait for my eyes

to catch you% '&ll gi(e you a good beating.&

76e began to find a way out. 6e was tired of wandering along dark corridors. ut

#ranBois didn&t know that 2urderer had led him into the castle dungeon% where terrible

criminals% thie(es% burglars% robbers% and murderers sat in iron cages. 6e went to a cage

in which sat the most brutal murderer and robber in the kingdom% lue 2iller. 6e had

lured passers;by and strangers to his mill% killed and ground them up% baked bread with

the flour% and sold it at the market. 6owe(er% #ranBois saw not a terrible murderer but a

handsome prince in the cage. )fter all% he was already under a spell and saw e(erything

differently from what it actually was.

7C6ow did you end up here<& he asked the prisoner.

7C0h% '&m unlucky%& lue 2iller wept% immediately reali$ing what had happened.

 )ll (illains can see (ery well when they are being sympathi$ed with and considered

normal honest people. C'&m the oldest son of ing 4iegfried and your older brother&s

chief minister 2ormok abducted me. 6e&s a (illain and a traitor5 he waged wars between

our kingdoms so that the kings would kill each other% and he himself would take their

place and become king of the two kingdoms.&

7*on&t think that lue 2iller was such a cle(er and crafty intriguer. o9 The night

 before% 2urderer had come to his cage and told him to say this% and promised him

freedom for the ser(ice.7ut #ranBois didn&t know this and was awfully worried about his brother.

7C'&ll sa(e ing )rtois9& he e1claimed. C)nd '&ll kill this traitor 2ormok.&

76a(ing said this% he broke the lock of the cage with his bare hands and released

lue 2iller% who rushed to freedom and killed two more guards on his way.

7#ranBois rushed to the king and ran straight into the throne room% where at that

moment the king and his #irst 2inister were deciding important matters of state. The

guards didn&t stop him% because he used a hidden passageway% which his older brother

had shown him when he was a knight. #ranBois attacked 2ormok and% before the guards

and the king came to their senses% killed him with one crushing blow.

74o #ranBois had fulfilled 2urderer&s first wish: he killed an innocent man. -es%2ormok was ing )rtois& de(oted friend and had ser(ed him from the time they both

 wandered around +urope and accomplished feats in honour of the #airy of +ternal

 -outh. 6e had certainly ne(er dreamt of any betrayal.

7C' sa(ed you% ing9& #ranBois e1claimed. CThank od ' managed to do this.&

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7The king&s eyes flashed with anger. C0h% you worthless tramp9& he shouted. C-ou

killed my best friend and dare to talk about sa(ing me< uards9 4ei$e him for e1ecution


7The guards rushed to #ranBois% but he scattered them like children5 indeed% he

 was a knight and had defeated dragons and goblins. What were some guards to him< 6e

e1claimed with resentment% C*onDt you recogni$e me% brother< 't&s me% #ranBois9&

7C#ranBois<& The king went up to the young man and looked at him closely. 't was

difficult to recogni$e the handsome knight in the dirty tramp. ut the king did and

recoiled in horror. CWhy did you do it<&

7#ranBois told him e(erything about 2ormok and the prince% the son of ing


7The king&s hair stood on end from this story. C>nlucky wretch9& he wept. CThere

 was ne(er a son of ing 4iegfried in my dungeon. The one you took for him and set free

 was lue 2iller. 6e&s a criminal and a murderer9 )nd you% my brother% are reckless9 '

ha(e to arrest you. The law is the law.&

76e clapped his hands and the guards bound #ranBois% who was so bewildered

that he didn&t e(en resist. 6e was put in the same cage% which lue 2iller had been in

earlier. The unhappy young man understood nothing. 6e sat and thought about what

had happened to his brother. Why didn&t he belie(e him<

7't was dark in the dungeon. ot e(en a torch was burning. ut a jailer came in

the e(ening% brought the young man food% and lit three torches. C6is 2ajesty&s order%& he

said. CThe king doesn&t want his cra$y brother sitting like a filthy criminal. ) separate

prison in the tower is being prepared for you. 't&ll be warm and bright there. #or the

time being% you stay here. 't&s only for a few days.& The jailer left the food and went out.

7#ranBois looked around and saw a beautiful girl in the adjacent cage. )gain% hisdecei(ed eyes did not percei(e in her the detestable old witch who had kidnapped young

children and ate them% not e(en lea(ing the bones. C6ow did you turn up here<& he asked


7C0h% young night #ranBois% 2ormok put me here.&

7C2ormok again<& the knight e1claimed. Cut ' killed him9&

7C-es% but he managed to enchant your brother. 6e slipped a potion into his food

and the king only listens to him. '&m the daughter of a noble alderman. 2ormok wanted

to marry me% but ' didn&t like him and flatly refused. Then he kidnapped me and put me

in this cage% and told the king that '&m a witch.&

7C2iserable9& #ranBois sympathi$ed with her. C)nd my brother&s also unlucky.6ow can ' sa(e him<&

7Cothing easier%& the witch replied% without batting an eye. C2y father and his

soldiers are now at the gates of the royal castle. 6e has come to free me from 2ormok&s

clutches. 0pen the gates and let them into the castle. 2y father has an antidote for the

scoundrel&s spell. 6e&ll sa(e me% you% and your brother.&

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7#ranBois belie(ed her because it was impossible not to belie(e such beautiful and

honest eyes Eso it seemed to himF. 6e broke the cages% first his and then hers% and

together they went to the castle gates to open them and let in the Cprincess&s& father.

70f course% the witch was carrying out 2urderer&s order% and it was not her father

at all at the castle gates% but the main enemy of ing )rtois% *uke Tartu with his army%

 which were witches% goblins% and e(en a dragon. *uke Tartu was a rebel and a traitor%

and had long dreamt of killing ing )rtois. )nd #ranBois was going to let such a person

into the castle.

7The witch lulled the guards to sleep with a fetid breath so that they wouldn&t stop

them% and they reached the gates without any difficulty. The night was dark% and e(en

the dogs were sleeping and didn&t hear the enemy gathering by the castle walls.

7ut they forgot that the king had a protectress = the #airy of +ternal -outh. That

night she appeared to the king as a white do(e and woke him with the words% CThe

enemy has entered your home% ing )rtois. Wake up9&

7The king immediately sounded the alarm. When the enemy burst through the

open gates% the king&s warriors and soldiers met them from all sides and killed e(ery one

of them. They captured only one prisoner. 't was #ranBois. 't was he who had opened

the gates for the enemy. Therefore% he had fulfilled 2urderer&s second wish: he betrayed

his brother and the king.

7C6ow could you do it<& The astonished king looked at his younger brother.

7Cut indeed they wanted to sa(e you%& the nai(e and bewitched #ranBois only 


7Then the king took him by the arm and brought him into his own bedroom%

 where the portraits of his father and mother were hanging on the wall. They were also

#ranBois& parents.7C3ook at them%& the king begged% Cand tell me% who are they<&

7#ranBois looked at the portraits and saw 2ormok on one of them and 2urderer

on the other. CWhy did you hang them in your bedroom<9& #ranBois e1claimed and

rushed to the portraits with the clear intention of destroying them. CThese are (illains9

They&(e put a spell on you.&

7C!ome to your senses% #ranBois%& the king shouted. C*o you really not see our

father and mother on the portraits<&

7Co% they&re not my mother and father9& #ranBois objected. Thus he fulfilled

2urderer&s third wish: he renounced his parents.

7)t that (ery moment thunder pealed and lightning flashed in the sky. 2urdererappeared before the king and #ranBois as if he had grown from the ground. 6e laughed

 with joy and rubbed his hands. Cow this knight is mine% fore(er9& he shouted.

7)nd the scales fell from #ranBois& eyes. The spell stopped working and he saw 

how terribly he had erred. Crother%& he babbled% C' didn&t want this. ' was indeed mad

and here&s the man who made me do it. ow ' reali$e that he tricked me and robbed me

of reason.&

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7ing )rtois drew his sword and wanted to kill 2urderer% but he didn&t e(en ha(e

time to take a step% as the sorcerer wrapped his younger brother in his magic cloak and

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disappeared. There was nothing left on the spot where they had just stood. The king

cried bitterly% but there was already nothing he could do% because e(en royal authority is

powerless against sorcery.

72urderer transported #ranBois to his castle% where his daughter was already 

 waiting% an1ious to marry a handsome knight. When #ranBois saw her% he e(en screwed

up his eyes in a(ersion. 0nly now did he see what she really was = worse than a marsh

frog and the most disgusting rat.

7CWell% night% now you&ll marry her% my wonderful daughter. 4he has been

 waiting for you all this time9 !ome% hug and kiss her. )nd swear to lo(e her fore(er.&

 Co% ' won&t do it9& #ranBois clenched his fists in indignation. C-ou decei(ed me

and forced me to fulfil your wishes with deception and witchcraft. ' won&t marry your

daughter% because ' no longer lo(e her9&

72urderer&s daughter started sobbing and the sorcerer turned black with rage

and shouted% Casty boy% how dare you break your promise< 'ndeed% you signed it in

 blood. 3ook9&

76e pulled from his pocket a piece of paper on which an oath was written in

#ranBois&s hand and his signature made in blood. C*o you see this<&

7C-es% ' do. ow '&m in your power% and you can do what you want with me.

 -ou&(e already destroyed my soul. ut ' won&t marry her.&

7C#ool% you don&t know what you&(e turned down.& 2urderer still hadn&t lost hope

in persuading the obstinate knight. C#ine. ' won&t kill you for the time being. '&ll gi(e you

time to think. Who knows% maybe you&ll come to your senses. #or now% you&ll sit in my 


76e uttered a spell and #ranBois found himself in the dungeon. 6e was plunged

into a deep basement% filled with human bones% where rats ran and poisonous snakescrawled. These were 2urderer&s loyal guards% which he had ordered to watch o(er

#ranBois so that he wouldn&t run away. 6e said so to #ranBois.

7C)nd where can you run from me<& 2urderer slapped his pocket% in which lay the

knight&s oath% and laughed. CWhile this is with me% you&re mine and can&t get away.&

7The sorcerer left% and #ranBois wept bitterly for his unhappy fate. )fter a few 

hours% the tears ran dry and he had no more strength to cry. Then he began to think 

about what to do and how to be. 6e decided to flee the basement. ut how to decei(e the

terrible guards watching him day and night< 6e thought and thought% and came up with

an idea. 't turned out to be e1tremely easy. 6e simply found one of the skeletons on

 which the clothing had not yet decayed% and changed clothes with it. 6e put it in hisplace and put the hat on it. #rom all sides it seemed that he was asleep. 6e himself then

crawled to the e1it. The stupid rats and snakes understood nothing and e(en continued

to guard the corpse.

76e reached the fortress wall% climbed o(er it and fell into the ditch. -ou

remember that the ditch was full of human blood. When he fell in% the blood% till then

fluid like water% began to thicken and soon became so thick that it was absolutely 

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impossible to swim in it and he began to sink. C4o be it%& #ranBois said to himself. Cetter

' drown.&

76owe(er% he didn&t manage to drown. ) giant eagle flew past the castle. 't saw 

the knight% swooped down% sei$ed him% and flew to the mountains. 't was unknown how 

long it flew. #ranBois lost consciousness from fatigue and when he came to% he was

already in the eagle&s nest. The bird did not eat him right away because it was full% but

flew again on a hunt. The knight was left alone. 6e tried to get down the steep cliff% but it

 was impossible. Then he began to wea(e a rope from (ines% from which the nest was

made. 6e had already wo(en ,uite a long rope% though it was still inade,uate for

descending the mountain% when he saw a dragon flying past. #ranBois was pleased%

made a loop at the end of the rope% and hooked it onto the dragon&s neck when it flew 

past. The dragon pulled him out of the nest% and flew down with him. 't did not touch

the young bra(e because it smelled a knight = dragons treated knights with fear and

respect at the same time = and carried him to the (alley.

76owe(er% #ranBois had only taken a few steps along the (alley when 2urderer

appeared before him.

C6ow dare you run away from me<& 2urderer yelled. C-ou will be punished for

this% night9 '&m putting a curse on you. #rom now on% you will fore(er wander the earth

and bring troubles and misfortunes to the world. #rom now on you will be the knight of 


7)nd #ranBois turned into lack night = the knight of death. The sorcerer was

in possession of his soul% and therefore made him a ghost.

7Cow go and find your first (ictim%& he said. C)nd let this be your brother% ing

 )rtois.& There was nothing left for lack night to do but carry out 2urderer&s order.

76e went to his brother in order to kill him and destroy his kingdom. "eople fledin terror when they saw him on a horse as black as he was. ut ing )rtois was already 

riding to meet him% ready to fight.

7They met and started to fight. 't was a long and hard duel. >nfortunately% the

ghost was stronger because witchcraft and e(en death itself stood behind him. 6e threw 

the king off his horse and lifted the sword o(er him for the final blow. ut a white pigeon

settled on his sword and the lack night could not lower it.

C'&m the #airy of +ternal -outh%& the pigeon cooed. C'&ll lift the curse off you. ' can&t

restore your pre(ious appearance% but from this day you&ll kill nobody and will be able to

fight only those who are like yourself% that is% wandering knights. )nd those you defeat

 will fore(er lose the knightly rank. ut if any of them can defeat you% then his (ictory willlift your curse and your soul will find peace. ut only the one who fights with you a

second time will be able to do this. 0nly the one whom you&(e once defeated will one day 

 be able to o(ercome you. 3ook for such a hero.&

7The pigeon so said and flew away. lack night went away and has been

searching e(er since for the knight who will lift the curse from him.8

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Cha"ter Fie

$% /0 F'TH&(1S H#*S&

7What a sad story98 )rian said pensi(ely% when !hristian&s story ended. oth boys

felt sorry for poor night #ranBois.'t was already deep into the night. 0n account of the story they had not noticed

how the time passed. #ear was added to sadness. )fter a terrible story% the darkness

scares (ery easily. esides% please do not forget that they were still children% and this is

e1cusable. 3et me tell you a secret: many adults are also afraid to walk in the dark. The

darkness scares with its obscurity. -ou ne(er know what awaits you a few steps further

on. *ifferent fantasies come into the head% and one must say that they do not set the

mind at ease but scare e(en more.

6ere it started to seem to our heroes that all sorts of terrible creatures were

gathering around them% wanting to attack them. !hris and )rian held onto the hilt of 

their swords. Their unease was also communicated to their horses% which snorted withagitation when their bridles were pulled too $ealously.

The darkness% meanwhile% grew stronger and stronger% and finally it became so

dark that they could not e(en see anything just a few steps away.

72aybe we should stop and build a fire<8 )rian suggested.

!hris objected% 7Where will you find firewood or at least brushwood in this

darkness< o% we&d better continue on our way. ' think the horses will lead us out. They 

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can always smell trouble% predatory animals% or a pit. )nd they are ,uite calm. 4o there&s

nothing to fear.8

4uddenly 3aura snorted an1iously and stopped.

7What&s with her<8 )rian asked in a whisper. 70h% my "alma also doesn&t want to

go forward.8

"alma was the name of the s,uire&s horse. 'n his principality% they (ery often

named horses after trees% because trees were as sacred as horses for the residents of the

reen "rincipality. )lthough there were no palm trees growing in the reen

"rincipality% )rian had heard about such trees from his nurse. 6e liked the word% and

his horse was really graceful and slender% if it is possible to say so about a horse. +(en

!hris looked at it with en(y.

ow these two breathed uneasily in the chilly night air. The sides of the animals

trembled slightly% and they began to mo(e backwards. The children needed effort to

force them to stay in place.

7"robably robbers%8 )rian suggested.

7'f it were only so%8 !hris sighed. 7Robbers are also people% but the horses ha(e

ne(er reacted to people this way. 't&s either animals or...8

70r what<8

70r...8 !hristian paused% then added% 7something e(il.8

!hris crossed himself just in case. )rian looked at him% then unbuttoned his shirt

collar and clutched the amulet hanging on his neck. 6e was not a !hristian like !hris%

 but he worshipped the forest gods.

4uddenly a lingering howl rang out in the darkness. ery sad and sinister.

7't&s probably werewol(es%8 !hris muttered. 7That&s really what ' wouldn&t want to

meet.870nce a pack of these creatures also appeared in our principality%8 )rian

 whispered. 7They only attack single tra(elers or horseman% because they&re cowards% like

the jackals. )nd they&re (ery afraid of fire. 3et&s light some torches.8

7Where are you going to get them<8 asked !hris.

7' always ha(e torches in my bag. We in the principality ne(er part with them. 't&s

the best method if you need to dri(e away or scare away large beasts. )nd there are ,uite

a few on our land. 4ome can e(en climb trees as well as we do.8

 )rian chatted and lit the torches at the same time. 6is (oice was no longer so

scared% and !hris felt great satisfaction that he had such a bra(e s,uire. !hris held

 )rian&s horse with his own so that )rian would ha(e free hands. )rian lit the torches with the help of two flints% and% when the flame flared up% the

 boys saw that they were surrounded by a pack of werewol(es on all sides. 6alf;wolf%

half;man. The monsters stood on their hind legs and bared their disgusting teeth. 0n

seeing the fire% they immediately withdrew to a safe distance and howled with anger.

72aybe it&s worth wounding one of them.8 !hristian handed the torch to his

s,uire% then took out his bow and placed an arrow in it.

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7'f your arrowhead isn&t sil(er% then you better not do this%8 )rian ad(ised him.

7We&ll only pro(oke them. )nd when they&re pro(oked% they often forget their fear.8

!hristian rela1ed the bowstring and put the arrow back in his ,ui(er. 7Then we&ll

hit the road and won&t pay any attention to them%8 he proposed and urged on his horse.

3aura tried to resist. 't wanted to stay in place% but the boy struck its sides with

his heels% and it% after snorting discontentedly% started to mo(e. There was no need to

urge on "alma. 't saw that it would be left alone if it were obstinate% and obediently 

followed 3aura.

The werewol(es let the two riders through% although the clicking of their sharp

and strong canines showed their discontent. When the riders had ridden a few do$en

steps away from them% they got up on all four legs as if on command and rushed in a

light jog after the riders.

7They&ll pursue us this way all night% and reali$e before sunrise that their prey is

slipping away and will most likely rush to attack in despair%8 )rian said% looking back. To

annoy them% he set on fire tall dead bushes% which they rode past. The bushes flared up

and were burning with a strong% bright flame in a few seconds. The werewol(es just

howled in resentment.

7)h% if only we were in the woods98 the s,uire sighed. 7We would get a fire going

or better yet% climb a taller tree and sleep peacefully.8

6ere a sa(age cry rang out. 0ne of the werewol(es summoned up courage and

rushed at !hristian&s horse% trying to grab it by the throat. !hris was on his guard and

instantly thrust the torch into its mu$$le. The werewolf bounced back ten steps and

 began to roll on the ground% s,uealing. This had a sobering effect on the remaining

 werewol(es. They understood that they were dealing with creatures that could stand up

for themsel(es% therefore they immediately scattered. )rian was right. They werecowardly like rabbits.

7)ha98 )rian laughed% wa(ing the torch. 7*idn&t like it9 Try to poke your nose in


7)ren&t you rejoicing a little early<8 !hris asked. 72aybe they&ll be back<8

7o%8 the s,uire replied confidently. 7They won&t dare anymore.8

 )nd he was right. The werewol(es did not appear again. The children rode all

night% and their horses showed no more signs of alarm. )ll the same% the friends decided

not to stop for the night% and when dawn finally came% they nearly fell off the saddle

from fatigue. To spend all night in the saddle is beyond one&s strength.

 When it became ,uite light% and the sun should ha(e appeared already% !hrisga(e the order to dismount. 7' think we honestly deser(e a rest.8

7' think so too.8 )fter muttering this% )rian fell from "alma to the ground. 6is

head had barely touched the ground and his body had taken on a hori$ontal position%

 when he immediately fell asleep and started to snore loudly.

!hris dismounted and e1claimed indignantly% 76ey% s,uire% who&s going to

prepare a place to sleep< Who&s going to unsaddle the horses and make a fire<8

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7' am%8 the s,uire mumbled. 7)lready up now% just a minute...8 With these words%

he turned o(er on his side% put his hand under his cheek% and did not say another word.

!hris just laughed at him. Without a word% he did e(erything that needed to be

done% and only then lay down ne1t to )rian on his own cloak. 4trangely enough% he did

not fall asleep immediately% though he was no less tired than his s,uire. 6e simply 

recalled that he was a few hours away from home. 6e suddenly reali$ed only now how 

much he missed home% his mother% +li$a% his nurse% ?oanna% and the old man% 'an. 6is

heart and soul were already there% the reason he did not fall asleep immediately but lay 

on the ground tossing and turning% with different thoughts and memories climbing into

his head. 6owe(er% fatigue did its job after all and !hris also fell fast asleep.

 )rian woke him. 72r. night;errant%8 )rian pushed !hris. 74oon it &ll already be

noon. -ou could sleep like this till e(ening% and then we&d ha(e to tra(el at night again. '

don&t particularly like that.8

!hris looked up at the sky. The sun was in fact in the $enith. 7-ou&re right%8 he

said% jumping onto his feet% 7we must not waste another minute98

7'&(e already prepared food and saddled the horses98 )rian reported.

 )fter half an hour% their horses again cheerfully o(ercame mile after mile% and the

 boys were entertaining each other with stories. )rian recounted the life and customs of 

his country and the feats of his father% "rince )rinako% while !hris% at the insistent

re,uest of his s,uire% told him about his ad(entures during the time of his ser(ice as

night !aterino&s s,uire.

 )rian listened to him% his mouth open in wonder% and often sighed with en(y.

7-ou don&t say98 he e1claimed se(eral times. 7)nd all this could ha(e happened to me98

6e almost cried with grief.

7't doesn&t matter%8 the knight consoled the s,uire% 7there&ll be enough ad(enturesand e1ploits for you. 'n our country% such things don&t stop98

7' really want this99 ' swear by the dragon98 )rian e(en bounced in the saddle

 with impatience. 7-ou&ll see% night !hristian% '&ll be just as faithful a s,uire9 0nly don&t

send me away% please. 'f ' do something wrong% it&s better you flog me properly. ' won&t

 be offended.8

!hris kept silent. 6e certainly had no intention of beating )rian% but he did not

tell him this so that he would not rela1 too much.

7)ll the same we can&t compare with night !aterino%8 he said to )rian. 7't&s

certainly not for us to accomplish such feats.8

7Why not<87ecause%8 !hris sighed% 7there are practically no wi$ards% witches% or dragons left

in our country that are worth a decent knight to ha(e business with. 0ne can e(en say 

that only small fry like werewol(es in the night are left.8

7That&s true%8 )rian agreed. 70nly a dinky thing was left for us.8

either boy was noted for modesty. ut then% modesty does not characteri$e

 wandering knights.

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 While they were talking and lamenting the lack of proper (illains% with whom it

 would be possible to fight% a strip of forest appeared on the hori$on ahead.

76ere&s my land98 !hris was pleased. 72y forest. )nother hour and we&ll be in my 


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6e set spurs to 3aura because he was simply burning with impatience. 't raced on

almost without touching the ground. )rian was also happy for !hris5 besides% he had

ne(er been in a knightly castle not on trees but standing right on the ground. )nd the

forest% which they entered% !hris& forest% did not look ,uite like his nati(e forest in the

reen "rincipality. 't was much friendlier and more beautiful% and the lea(es of the trees

seemed to let sunlight through% and from this the forest sparkled with thousands of 

 bright colours. The animals looked at people without fear and did not run away on

hearing the sound of hoo(es% but came out to greet a tra(eller returning from a distant

 journey. irds sang joyously. They were also happy that the boy% who grew up in their

 woods and was brought up by them and their songs% had finally returned. )nd that he

 was safe and sound.

 When not much distance was left to the castle% such impatience took possession

of !hris that he set his horse into a gallop and rushed home with the speed of wind.

 )rian barely kept up with him.

ow the trees parted and the castle of the ra(e clan appeared in a big sunny 

glade. !hris could not control himself% pulled out his hunting horn% and the

surroundings resounded with the joyous roar of a running royal deer. When about two

hundred paces were still left to the castle% its gates opened hospitably and the

drawbridge lowered smoothly o(er the moat. The riders rode o(er it into the castle.

!hris jumped from his saddle and threw himself into the arms of the woman rushing to

meet him. 't was his mother% +li$a% the widow of Richard the ra(e.

 )rian watched en(iously as she hugged and kissed her returning son. 6e himself 

had ne(er e1perienced maternal affection. -et )rian was happy for !hris% so happy that

he e(en wanted to cry with happiness% but he did not% because he felt big and grown;up5

 besides% he was a true s,uire of a knight;errant and he was not supposed to shed tears.7' bring happy news to you98 4uch were the first words uttered by !hristian to his

mother. 7' found my brothers. They are all ali(e and well and will soon be here.8

2ama +li$a could not say anything. 6appiness had made her speechless. 4he

first laughed happily and then% on the contrary% cried.

7Really% 2ama%8 her youngest son pressed her tight to himself. 7-ou&ll ne(er cry 

and mourn again. )nd you&ll ne(er be left alone at home again. 2y brothers swore to me

on this. ow one of us will always be with you.8

6e talked and talked% and his nurse% ?oanna% and old 'an were standing beside

him. They did not e(en try to hide their tears.

72eet my friend%8 !hris said% finally turning to e(eryone. 7This is )rian% son of "rince )rinako. 6e&s my s,uire.8

7-our s,uire<8 2ama +li$a finally started to talk.

7'ndeed '&m a knight now9 ) real knight;errant. )nd )rian&s my s,uire9 'f not for

him% ' wouldn&t ha(e been able to get home.8

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6earing such praise directed at him% )rian blushed to the roots of his curly and

slightly green hair. 6e approached 2ama +li$a% bowed% and kissed her hand. 2ama

+li$a hugged him and pressed him to herself.

7ood boy%8 she said. 7' heard a lot about your father and the "rincess% your

mother. 6ow are they getting along< ' hope both are healthy<8

 )rian frowned at such a ,uestion but steadfastly replied% 72y father is well% and

may the forest gods gi(e him many years. 2y mother died when ' was two years old.8

6ere his eyes were filled with tears for the first time% as he could not take hold of 


7What misery98 2ama +li$a e1claimed and hugged )rian again. 7ut why are we

standing here< 3et&s go inside. -ou need to rest% bathe% and eat9 !ome ,uickly98

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Cha"ter Si2


!hristian spent e1actly three days at home with 2ama +li$a. 6e fully enjoyed the

hospitality of his home. Two nights in a row% he described at the table the ad(entures he

chanced to e1perience in the past month. 't was a long story about how he and ate got

to the !apital and what they had to o(ercome on the way% about how they found the

"rince of the White Tower% ate&s brother% who turned out to be bewitched% and they had

to sa(e him% doing battle with the 4o(ereign himself. 6ow he% !hris% cut off the

4o(ereign&s head in the fight% how all three of them fled to the West to the #airy of 

+ternal -outh% came upon the alley of 4tone nights along the way and found !hris&

 brothers there% and how they lifted the spell.

'n the e(ening of the third day% after !hris recounted the fight of night !aterino

 with the lack *ragon% he ga(e the order to his s,uire to prepare for the road. 7We set

off tomorrow at dawn98 he declared.2ama +li$a% on hearing these words% sighed bitterly. 7*o you really want to lea(e

us so soon<8 she asked.

!hris sighed. What could he say in reply< 't was ob(ious from his face that it was

impossible to keep him at home. )lready this morning he woke up with the feeling

familiar to e(ery wandering knight. The road was calling him. )nd to a wandering

knight its (oice is stronger than reason% stronger than fear and lo(e for a ,uiet and

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comfortable life. !hris felt uncomfortable sleeping on a soft% clean bed. )ll night he was

tormented by stuffiness because he was used to sleeping in the fresh air. 'n the morning

at breakfast% he sat frowning because the table and chair had begun to seem

uncomfortable and tight. ut could he really tell his own mother this< 't would hurt her

deeply% therefore he just walked up to 2ama +li$a% hugged her tightly% and said% 7Time

for me to go% 2other. 'ndeed% you bore me to be a wandering knight. )nd '&(e gone on

this path. 2y brothers ga(e me their blessing% you please do so too.8

7' was hoping that you would stay with me for at least a week. -ou&(e stayed such

a short time.8

7There&s nothing ' can do%8 !hris acknowledged. 7't&s stronger than me.8

7That&s e1actly what your brothers said.8 2ama +li$a wiped away a falling tear.

7Well% ' can&t hold you back. 4uch is your destiny and '&m unable to stand up against it.

0nly finally fulfil a re,uest of mine.8

7'&m ready to fulfill a thousand of your desires98 !hris e1claimed. 7"lease say 

 what must ' do<8

2ama +li$a thought for a moment and then said% 7-ou know (ery well that when

 your brothers set off tra(elling the world% e(ery time your father and ' went out to see

them off. ut your father is no longer among the li(ing and he won&t be able to do this.

4o ' thought that maybe you&ll go say goodbye to him< '&m sure that he&ll bless you from

the gra(e.8

7!ertainly% '&ll go to #ather98 !hris% who at heart was afraid that his mother would

ask him to stay at home for a few more days% replied gladly.

 Wasting no time% he called )rian and set off for the chapel% which stood in the

middle of the courtyard. 't was the family crypt of the ra(e clan. !hristian left his

s,uire at the entrance% went inside% and descended into the underground (ault.This was a gloomy place and !hris did not much like to be here% because he was

instincti(ely afraid of e(erything connected with the dead. This time% howe(er% he came

here without any fear. 'ndeed% he came to #ather&s remains to ask for his blessing% and is

it possible to be afraid of someone you ask for blessing<

't was dark in the crypt and !hris lit a candle so as not to bump into somebody&s

sarcophagus. There were ,uite a few of them. The ra(e clan was one of the oldest and

most famous in the !ountry of #ro$en Time and traced its roots to the knight;founders.

The sarcophagus of Richard the ra(e stood in the (ery centre of the chamber. !hris

 walked up to it% put the candle ne1t to the bolster% and got on his knees in front of the

coffin. 6e put his hands together in prayer and had already spoken his first words% whenhe heard a rustle in one of the dark corners. The boy ga(e a start in surprise. 6e felt

uneasy% though he knew perfectly well that this was just a rat.

'n his prayer to his father% grandfather% great;grandfather% and all the other

ancestors resting in the tomb% !hristian asked them to help him in feats% o(ercome

difficulties and e(il forces% and also strengthen his spirit. 'n turn% he (owed not to shirk 

his obligations and to thoroughly obser(e the knightly code of honour.

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 When !hristian finished his prayer and got up from his knees% something rustled

in the corner again. 7!ursed rats98 the boy swore. 7What do they search for in here<

There&s no food. )re they really attracted by old bones<8

 )t these words% a bright light suddenly lit up the chamber. Torches that hung on

the walls% and which no one had lit for about a hundred years already% suddenly flared

up by themsel(es. !hris started. 6e looked around and carefully e1amined the whole

 (ault. 0n the grey damp walls were many pictures painted directly on the plaster. The

frescoes depicted those buried in this crypt. 4tern and bra(e faces looked at !hristian

from all sides. The boy understood that his prayer had been heard. 6e mentally thanked

his ancestors and headed for the e1it% but when he had taken a few steps up the stairs%

the door leading to the outside suddenly slammed shut. !hris shrank back. 6e looked

around at the portraits of his ancestors and reali$ed that they had not dismissed him.

4o% his mission had still not been completed. !hris looked carefully at all the portraits

one by one. When he reached the portrait of Richard the ra(e% he saw that his father

 was not portrayed as always. 6is father was ga$ing at him from the wall% and where(er

!hris was standing% he caught the ga$e of Richard the ra(e on him at all times. The

fresco was as if ali(e. !hris understood that his father wanted to tell him something. 6e

 went right up to the portrait and reali$ed what the matter was.

The knight&s right hand% in which was always a sword% was now unarmed Ethe

sword was lying in its scabbardF and pointing behind !hris. The boy turned around and

looked in the direction indicated. 't was the same corner% from which !hris had twice

heard some sounds. 7' understand e(erything98 the boy said passionately% addressing his

father depicted on the fresco% and ran to the indicated place.

The corner was co(ered with old dusty rubbish% and !hris began to cast aside the

ancient shields% spears% and halberds% all of which were already old% broken% and no goodfor anything. When !hris had cleared the corner of junk and kicked the last shield aside%

he found a hatch door on the floor. 't was so co(ered with sand and dust that it was hard

to notice. )t another time% if the boy just had to sort out the pile% he would ne(er ha(e

seen it. ow% howe(er% !hris was (ery attenti(e and therefore disco(ered it easily.

74hould ' go down there<8 he asked% addressing his father% or rather% the portrait

of his father. 0f course% the portrait said nothing% but he understood from the portrait&s

glance that he should do e1actly that.

There was no handle on the hatch door and !hris had to pry it with the rusty tip

of a spear. #or a long time the hatch door did not want to open5 the old dust had

ingrained so strongly into the cracks that it held the door no worse than cement. !hrishad some trouble opening the hatch. 't finally yielded% and before him was re(ealed an

entrance to yet another underground (ault. !hris looked in there but saw nothing%

 because it was as dark as a cellar. 't was necessary to take a torch from the wall.

6a(ing gone not too far down% !hris disco(ered a small room dug right in the

ground and completely empty. 6e looked around in surprise. 6e understood nothing.

 What should he do here< The room was absolutely empty. There was nothing in it but

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 bare earthen walls% on which were seen (arious roots% white withered grass% and holes

made by moles and earthworms. !hris was e(en frightened for a second. 't seemed to

him that he was buried ali(e% but then he remembered that he was here by the will of his

father and was ashamed of his fear. 6e began to carefully e1amine the damp black layer

of earth step by step. 6is nose began to twitch from the dampness and mustiness. 't was

not e(en as unpleasant in the crypt as it was here% but !hris did not gi(e up and

continued the inspection. 6is efforts were crowned with success. When he touched one

root with his hand% a large piece of soil fell off the wall and re(ealed a deep depression.

!hris reali$ed that he had found a cache% held up the torch% and saw a small bundle. 6e

pulled out the disco(ery and turned it in his hands. 't was something solid like a small

chest and wrapped in se(eral layers of oil;soaked skins tied with tarred ropes. !hris once

again illuminated the recess with the torch to make sure there was nothing else in it.

There was not. 0nly rotted through boards were scattered about. !hris understood that

they formed a chest% in which the parcel had been% but it had rotted and fallen apart o(er


!autiously pressing the bundle to his chest% !hris climbed out of the underground

 (ault% or rather emerged only into the crypt again% closed the hatch% and again co(ered it

 with old garbage. Then he looked at the portrait of his father and asked loudly% 74hould '

take this% #ather<8

efore !hris was the former Richard the ra(e again. )s before% he looked from

the wall at somewhere in the distance and his hand was grasping the sword% but in his

eyes were peace and firm confidence in his own strength. !hris reali$ed that he had

fulfilled his mission. The torches on the walls had stopped burning% and the crypt of the

ra(e clan again plunged into the gloom of eternal rest. !hris mentally said goodbye to

his ancestors and went outside% where )rian was waiting for him with impatience.7Why were you there for so long< What is that you ha(e<8 )rian immediately 

 bombarded !hristian with ,uestions. 7)nd why is your face so white<8

!hris only shrugged. 6e was too agitated to say anything. 6e hurried into the

castle% to the ban,uet hall% where 2ama +li$a% ?oanna% and 'an were already waiting for

him. )rian% bouncing with impatience and burning with curiosity% ran after him.

 When e(eryone was seated at the table% !hris told those present what had

happened to him and put the disco(ered bundle on the table.

+(eryone was staggered by what they heard. +(en the imperturbable 2ama +li$a%

 who had seen a lot in her lifetime% was greatly stirred by her son&s story. 73et&s ,uickly 

open the bundle98 she e1claimed. 7What&s there after all<8!hris began to unwrap the package in complete silence. The pelts and leather

 were so old that they literally ate into each other and had to be cut with a knife. 'nside

really turned out to be a small chest. Auite small% made of precious mahogany and

co(ered with gold inlay. 't was unusually beautiful but impossible to open. ) small sil(er

lock was on it. This circumstance put e(eryone in a difficult position.

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7*o ' really ha(e to break this bo1<8 !hristian e1claimed and was already 

prepared to deli(er a blow to the lid with a knife% which he was still holding.

 )rian stopped him. 7Wait98 he cried. 72aybe we should look in these rags< What

if the key is there<8 6e was right. The key was indeed found in the rags% in which the

small chest had been wrapped% it was just that no one noticed it in their e1citement.

!hris carefully unlocked it and lifted the lid. 'n the bo1 was a small dark brown

oblong object. !hris% his mother% and the ser(ants stared at it in perple1ity% incapable of 

understanding what it was. They looked at each other and said nothing.

7What is it<8 !hris asked% the first to break the silence. o one answered him.

7' think ' know what it is%8 )rian finally said% taking the strange object in his

hands and tossing it on his palms.

7What<8 all four of them asked him in chorus.

7' ha(e something similar%8 the boy said% then loosened his shirt collar and pulled

out from under it a gi$mo indeed similar% only smaller and lighter in colour.

7What is it<8 they asked him again.

72y father ga(e me this thing%8 )rian e1plained. 7) month ago night !aterino%

 who you know% appeared in our principality and killed the #orest *ragon. We stuffed the©Jane H. Buckingham 2015

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dragon% but my father pulled this tooth out of its mouth and hung it around my neck as

an amulet. 't&s my talisman. 't dri(es e(il spirits away from me.8

7) dragon tooth98 2ama +li$a e1claimed. 70f course% that&s it. 6ow could ' not

ha(e guessed this sooner<8

7) dragon tooth<8 !hris wondered. 7!an it really be<8

 )ll this talk interested )rian. 7What&s this you&re talking about<8 he asked.

70ur ancestor% named !ronitar% the first of the ra(e clan% because he was

precisely the first to recei(e this nickname% killed the great rey !liff *ragon in combat.

 )ll of this dragon&s magical power was in its teeth% and !ronitar had to knock them all

out to the last one. 6e kept one of the teeth as a sou(enir and then handed it to his son%

 who ga(e it to his son. Then this tooth disappeared somewhere and it was just a memory 

in the stories of the descendants%8 2ama +li$a answered )rian&s ,uestion. 7!ome% look 

at the portrait of !ronitar5 indeed% he&s depicted near the defeated dragon and holding

the same tooth in his hand. We&ll ha(e a look% compare them% and find out whether it&s

the same.8

't was not necessary to go anywhere because !ronitar&s portrait was hanging right

there in the ban,uet hall. )ll of them immediately reali$ed that what had been taken out

of the small chest was the same tooth which the first ra(e had pulled out of the rey 

!liff *ragon&s jaw.

7Wow98 the nurse ?oanna e1claimed. 74o% our ancestors ha(e taken !hristian

under their protection% since they&(e entrusted this magic tooth to him. ow ' feel peace

for you% my boy98 The good woman rushed to hug her charge. 7This talisman will protect

 you from all harm.8 4he held and hugged !hris in such a way that he e(en became

uncomfortable that he was cuddled like a little one% especially before the eyes of his own

s,uire.To hide his embarrassment% !hris turned to )rian again. 76ow are our horses<8

7They&re ready to go now.8

 )t dawn the ne1t day% they set off on a new journey. Where to< They themsel(es

did not know. )gain% the inhabitants of the castle came out to see them off. 't was

certainly sad to part with the boy again% but they were sustained by the thought that in a

few days they would meet !hris& brothers. Therefore% the parting was not as sad

compared with when the boy had left home the first time. +(en the ra(e castle did not

look so despondent and deserted. 't was as if it also prepared for the meeting with its

children5 after all% those who li(ed in it were its children.

The same as last time% !hris spurred his horse and rushed along% to meet new ad(entures without a backward glance. When he had already tra(elled such a long

distance that only the castle towers were (isible% he stopped 3aura and looked back.

76a(e we forgotten something<8 )rian caught up with him.

!hris looked embarrassed. 7o%8 he replied. 7't just seems to me that ' won&t be

seeing my home and family soon.8

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7ut ' don&t miss my principality at all%8 the s,uire said cheerfully. 7'&(e been so

tired of it for ten years98

7't doesn&t matter. 'f you tra(el a bit with me% home will pull you back too.8


!hris did not argue with )rian and spurred his horse. 6e wanted to be far away 

from home ,uickly so there would be nothing to tie him to it. That was the reason they 

rode for nearly two hours without stopping% and with fairly decent speed so that the

horses were finally soaked.

7We&re dri(ing the horses too hard98 )rian% who already could barely stay in the

saddle from fatigue% shouted to !hris.

!hris pulled on the reins so abruptly that 3aura e(en reared and neighed loudly 

 with resentment. 70kay% let&s take a break%8 the knight agreed.

7)bout time.8 )rian immediately dropped to the ground. 7We were rushing so

fast that we&(e probably missed more than one ad(enture. 'f anybody saw us% he might

think that we were running from someone.8

74top grousing and dry the horses%8 !hris ordered the s,uire.

7)ctually% ' by right of my position am supposed to be grouchy%8 snapped )rian%

obediently carrying out the order. 7We s,uires should be concerned for the honour of 

our masters. '&ll say e1actly that we probably passed a dragon but didn&t kill it.8

7Where did you see a dragon<8 !hris was surprised% helping )rian after gi(ing the

order to wipe down the horses.

7't seemed to me that something flew past in a birch gro(e. ig and black.

"robably a dragon.8

7Why didn&t you tell me sooner<8 The knight was annoyed. 7' should ha(e fought

it987' shouted to you but you didn&t e(en stop.8 )rian felt guilty. 7esides% at that

moment my foot was stuck in the stirrup.8

7#oot was stuck98 !hris mimicked. 7Why the hell would ' need a s,uire who

hushes up about a dragon< ow% e(en if it was a dragon% we already can&t catch up. What

 was it at least< ig or small<8

7' didn&t see all of it. 't flew past so ,uickly. 2aybe it wasn&t a dragon at all<

2aybe a giant eagle<8

7iant eagles don&t fly in gro(es% they hunt only in (alleys and li(e far away in the

mountains. They also don&t fly within our boundaries.8

7)nd what% dragons don&t fly to your land<8 )rian asked.!hris thought for a bit. 'ndeed% dragons had not been in these forests for around

three hundred years.

7What was it then<8

The boys thought. They had settled the horses% wiped them down% taken off the

saddles% let them gra$e% and they themsel(es were busy with their weapons. ) slight

uneasiness crept o(er them.

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7We&ll rest now and then go to see what monster is there%8 !hristian proposed.

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Cha"ter Seen

 ' /$('%D' 3 ' B'T4#/'%

The boys waited an hour while the horses rested. )fter all% they had dri(en them

hard. The boys themsel(es were tired from the long ride but not enough to fall asleep.

esides% it was still early. #or something to do they started to play with stones% many of  which were lying nearby right on the grass as if someone had scattered them there

especially. The game fascinated the knight and his s,uire so much that for a time they 

forgot about e(erything in the world and came to their senses only when the sun was

already in its $enith.

7There now%8 !hris was put out% 7it&s now already time to dine and feed the


7Well98 )rian wa(ed his hand. 7Will we die from skipping a meal once<8

7-ou&re right98 !hris slapped him on the shoulder. 74addle up98

They jumped onto their horses and galloped back to the birch gro(e% where )rian

had allegedly noticed a dragon. 6alf an hour later% they were already at the spot. Tall%slender birches surrounded them. *renched from the sunlight% they were as if glowing

 with pleasure. +(erything around was so wonderful and beautiful% it simply pleased the


6owe(er% this was just the first impression. 't seemed this way only in the

 beginning% and then a (ague sense of alarm suddenly sei$ed the boys. They did not

immediately understand why.

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7The birds aren&t singing here% and in general it&s so ,uiet that it e(en hurts the

ears.8 )s a true forest dweller% )rian was the first to find the cause of the alarm. 74o%

there really is someone there. 4omeone (ery bad and e(il. +1actly9 't&s a dragon.8 6e

fidgeted in the saddle and pulled his sword from its scabbard just in case.

!hristian was in no hurry to arm himself. 6e turned 3aura on the spot% listened

carefully% and took a good look around. 7'n which direction did you see it<8 6e touched

the s,uire on the shoulder.

 )rian silently pointed to the crooked birch tree% which was standing at a distance

and bending so low to the ground it was as if lightning had hit it earlier. !hris

dismounted and walked towards the birch.

7Where are you going<8 )rian yelled at him. *espair rang out in his (oice. 7't&s a

crooked tree. *o you really want to go under it< 'n our principality there&s no worse

omen than going under a crooked tree98

7*on&t be superstitious% )rian98 !hris did not e(en stop. 6e wanted to take his

sword out of its scabbard% but he did not do this% because he pretended to be bra(e

 before )rian. This had the right effect on the s,uire. 6e also put his sword back% jumped

off the saddle% and followed his master% holding the reins of both horses. 6owe(er% the

horses suddenly stopped and became obstinate. o matter how the boy pulled them%

they did not want to take a step forward% only mo(ed back and snorted.

7What&s this<8 )rian was e1asperated. 7*o you want to lea(e us< 6ow 


This worked. "alma and 3aura guiltily lowered their snouts% flicked their tails%

and trudged obediently after )rian. The boy was se(eral steps behind !hris but did not

lose sight of him. 6is heart was pounding with e1citement. 6e felt that something

important would happen now. "erhaps this would be their ad(enture<!hris also felt the same. othing was (isible in front of him but something

suggested to the young knight that it was only a semblance of calm. 4omething was

ahead anyway and they would soon see this something. With this thought% he took a few 

more steps and stopped.

 )rian joined him a few moments later. 73ook%8 !hris turned to him. 7This

crooked birch seemingly forms a gate. 4ee% an e1act same one is on the other side% just

that it isn&t (isible from the road.8

7Right98 )rian was pleased. 7The black thing flew through these gates and

immediately disappeared. )re we really going there too< )nd under two crooked trees at

once<987*o you think '&ll turn back<8

 )rian was embarrassed. 6e had certainly asked a stupid ,uestion. What knight

turns back if there is danger ahead< 'f he does so% he will immediately cease to be a


7Though you don&t ha(e to go with me%8 !hristian slapped )rian on the shoulder%

embarrassing him e(en more.

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70h% no98 a reddened )rian muttered. 7' won&t forsake you in any situation. 0r

'&m not the son of "rince )rinako98

7Then let&s go%8 !hris ga(e the order% drew his sword% and went forward under the

 birch tree.

 )rian followed him together with the horses. 6e breathed hea(ily and loudly 

through his nose with e1citement% but when they had passed the crooked trees% he

instantly held his breath.

othing happened. They were still in the same forest% the sun was still shining%

and there was the same silence. 't was like this for a few seconds. Then% with a crack and

a noise both crooked birch trees fell% pulling the dark entangled roots out of the ground.

The knight and his s,uire jumped back in surprise% and their horses neighed

loudly from fear and reared. )rian% though% did not let go of the reins and the animals

pulled him off the ground. !hris rushed to help )rian. 6e barely had time to grab the

tail of his shirt and caught him. 0therwise% )rian would ha(e been seriously hurt.

This e(ent distracted them and they forgot their fear. When they had calmed the

horses down% tidied themsel(es up% and looked around% they saw that e(erything around

them had changed by this time.

They were no longer in the bright birch gro(e. ow an unfamiliar forest towering

 with giant spruces surrounded them. 't was gloomy% because the crowns of the

coniferous trees hardly let in sunlight% and ominous% because% unlike the birch gro(e% it

 was filled with sounds. They were not good sounds.

76ere&s the dragon&s lair%8 !hris announced with ,uiet satisfaction.

 )rian gasped loudly% because se(eral thorny shrubs% as if ali(e% ,uickly dug into

his bare legs. !hris told him to sit in the saddle5 the s,uire hesitated% and !hris set him

on it. 7-ou may still fall into a trap%8 the knight grumbled. 7' would ha(e to spend timeon you then.8 )rian smiled apologetically.

!hris also ended up in the saddle% because one suspicious bush also crept up to

him. The horses fro$e% rooted to the spot% as soon as they felt riders on them. The shrubs

immediately mo(ed back.

7This place is (ery similar to ewitched #orest%8 !hris muttered. 7'n which

direction shall we go<8

 )rian shrugged his shoulders. 7-ou&re the knight% not me.8

This e(en amused !hristian. 6e laughed. 70h% you&re a sly one9 'ndeed it&s you

the dragons appear to.8

70h% there it is again98 )rian suddenly shouted% pointing behind !hris% whoturned around and had time to notice that something big and black was faintly 

perceptible among the trees.

7)fter it98 !hris yelled and dro(e 3aura in the direction in which the unknown

creature disappeared. )rian raced after him.

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 ) minute later% they saw it% the reason they turned up here. 't was not a dragon at

all. 't was a miranda% a woman of great beauty with giant black wings% like those seen on

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 bats% protruding from her back. oth boys had heard ,uite a bit about these creatures

 but were seeing one for the first time. They were taken aback and did not immediately 

pull out their swords.

't almost cost them their li(es. 2irandas are (ery warlike creatures% the same as

ama$ons% but% unlike them% they do not gallop on horsebacks but fly with their wings.

The miranda saw the horsemen% soared abo(e the trees% and let out a battle cry.

'nstantly there was a hea(y fighting bow in her hands% and she showered the boys with

long% sharp arrows. 't all happened so ,uickly that they did not e(en ha(e time to come

to their senses. ut their horses turned out to be much ,uicker and immediately darted

from the spot% plunging into the protection of the trees.

#ortunately% the miranda was a poor shot. )ll of her arrows flew past5 only one hit

!hris& shield and pierced it. 't did not touch the boy but stuck in the saddle right by the

 boy&s thigh. !hris% in turn% also took out his bow and was about to shoot at the flying

ama$on% but then recalled that it was no glory for knights to fight with women and


74hoot% !hris98 )rian shouted.

The miranda% apparently out of arrows% snatched from behind her back a long%

two;handed sword and went on the attack. The airflow of her mighty wings fell right on

the boys. The miranda had immediately identified which of the boys was more worthy of 

her attention% and her first blow was directed at !hristian. The attack was shattering%

and !hris barely managed to hide behind his shield and could hardly stay in the saddle.

ut )rian was knocked off his horse by the wing. 0n seeing this% the miranda let out a

triumphant shout and again rushed at !hris. 6owe(er% !hris had already come to his

senses and met the enemy ade,uately. To make it easier to fight% !hris and the miranda

mo(ed out into the open. They were both wonderful fencers5 their swords were flashinglike lightning and spraying sparks around them. either could gain the upper hand for a

long time. !hristian was agile and ,uick% but the miranda flew around him with the fury 

of a black kite% though she could not penetrate his defence. They were opponents worthy 

of each other.

 )rian tried at this time to get back on his feet. When he had fallen to the ground%

se(eral particularly thorny bushes ,uickly fell on him. They had instantly coiled around

him from all sides% and now the boy was struggling to free himself with the help of a

dagger% because he had dropped his sword during the fall% and it would be unlikely that

it would come in handy in such a situation% when short and economical instead of 

swinging motions were needed. This was the reason he could not come to the aid of hisknight.

!hris fought alone. esides% he would not ha(e allowed )rian to inter(ene%

 because it was a fair fight% and he was not in need of assistance.

oth antagonists had already started to get tired. The first rush had ended and

they began to act more carefully. The miranda grinned e(illy and her pretty face became

distorted = her eyes turned yellow and long% sharp teeth stuck out of her mouth. !hris%

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though% did not pay this any attention. ) common way to intimidate the enemy. 6e

could also bare his teeth as much as he wanted.

The miranda attacked again. !hris was waiting for her. 6e leaned slightly to the

left and forward and struck the miranda&s weapon directed at him. ) ringing sound was

heard and the miranda stared perple1edly at her sword. The blade was cut off almost to

the hilt. !hris also did not understand how he managed it.

3eft without weapons% the miranda immediately soared up and came down again

like a rock. !hris thought that she had decided to smash herself on the ground from

despair and shame. ut he was mistaken. 4he had not thought of suicide but had simply 

pounced on )rian% who had just managed to get up. The boy did not ha(e time to

understand anything when the miranda&s strong hands grabbed him and tore him off 

the ground.

 )lready in the air% )rian tried to resist% but the miranda threatened him% 7'f you

swing your pathetic little knife% '&ll soar up to the clouds and drop you.8

7"athetic little knife<8 )rian was indignant but followed the miranda&s ad(ice%

 because he did not much like the prospect of being dropped from a great height% and he


!hristian was deeply outraged by the miranda&s action. 6ow dare she abduct his

s,uire< 6e rushed after her in pursuit. The miranda was flying low because mirandas

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could not fly high for (ery long5 moreo(er% the boy was hindering her greatly. ot that

he was (ery hea(y% but it was ,uite impossible to manoeu(re with him. 4till% she was

flying fast enough% deftly a(oiding the trees that stood in her way.

!hris spurred 3aura on and rushed after her in pursuit. "alma raced after them%

 because it did not want to be left alone in such a gloomy place. They raced with all their

strength% and soon were a small distance from the miranda. 4he noticed the pursuit and

increased speed. They were lucky that she was not flying on open ground but in a forest%

otherwise they would not ha(e caught up with her.

 When !hris saw that the miranda was not far ahead% he ,uickly took from the

saddle a rope with a loop at the end% and threw it to )rian. The miranda did not notice

this% so it was a complete surprise for her that flying had become much more difficult%

almost impossible. )rian managed to throw the loop o(er one of her feet% and !hris

immediately tightened the knot firmly.

The miranda was trapped. 4he could not lift one more boy% let alone one with a

horse. 4he screamed in a wild (oice% but it was too late. !hris pulled her to him% and

soon the flying fighter was on the ground. 4he beat her wings fiercely on the grass and

tried in fury to smother )rian.

74top98 !hris ordered her. 70therwise you&ll immediately part with your head.

 -ou&re my prisoner.8

The miranda hissed furiously but released )rian. 7Wow% it was great98 the boy 

e1claimed. 6e was completely dishe(elled and scratched% but his eyes shone with

delight. 76ere&s an ad(enture9 'sn&t it great we caught her<8

7Two on one98 The miranda began to puff up with anger.

7Who asked you to abduct my s,uire<8 !hris asked her se(erely.

The miranda was confused. 4he had already stopped struggling% folded her wings%and immediately began to resemble a charming girl in a splendid% wide dress. 7' wanted

to take a trophy%8 she muttered.

7Trophies are for winners%8 )rian was indignant% 7and you lost. esides% how can

a li(ing man be a trophy<8

74omehow ' don&t see any man here%8 the miranda grumbled. )pparently% she had

decided not to be courteous to )rian.

7)nd what am '% in your opinion<8 )rian was angry.

7) pitiful little boy% only fit for getting a ransom from his noble parents.8

7y the way% '&m night !hristian&s s,uire98 )rian mentioned. 7)nd you&re our

capti(e% and it&s for you that we&ll demand a ransom.87*on&t worry%8 the miranda replied proudly. 72y master will pay you any ransom.

True% he&ll then cut off my head% but he won&t lose his honour.8

7-our master will cut your head off for losing a fight<8 both boys asked her in one

 (oice. They were simply stunned from surprise.

7-es%8 the miranda replied just as proudly. 72y master is tough but fair.8

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!hris sheathed his sword with a ringing sound. 7What&s your master&s name<8 he

asked. 7)nd where are we in general<8

72y master&s name is 2ar,uis 6enri de ostiniak. 6e&s the owner of these parts.

 )nd he&s the best friend of the lack Aueen.8

7The lack Aueen<8

7-es% our Aueen )ngusta adores him98

7Wait%8 !hris thought for a bit. 7*o you mean to say that we&re in 2orta(ia% the

lack ingdom<8

76a;ha% where do you think you are<8

7?ust this morning we were in the !ountry of #ro$en Time% where the #airy of 

+ternal -outh rules.8

7't&s better for you not to utter this name aloud%8 the miranda suddenly 

 whispered. 70ur Aueen and 2ar,uis ostiniak don&t e(en want to hear it.8

The boys turned pale. They looked at each other and sighed. 7That&s what we&(e

come to98 )rian thought aloud.

The miranda looked at the boys and awaited her fate. 7Well% will you take long to

decide my fate<8 she finally asked sarcastically. 7Tie me up with ropes or kill me on the

spot. 'n the first case ' won&t say another word% because '&m obliged to be silent in

capti(ity% and in the second you&ll see how mirandas die.8 The bat;woman proudly 

folded her arms in front of her chest.

7We don&t intend to kill you%8 !hristian Thirteen announced generously. 7'&m

letting you go without a ransom. -ou&re free.8

7#ree<8 The miranda was startled.

7-es% you can fly. 0nly tell us% why did you attack us<8

7-ou crossed the border%8 the miranda replied. 7'&m the border guard and ' standguard o(er my master&s possessions.8

7-ou ser(e your master well%8 !hris praised her. 7We ne(er thought that we

 would trespass or encroach upon another&s kingdom without permission.8

74o you aren&t scouts and spies of the #airy of +ternal -outh<8

70f course not9 '&m the wandering knight !hristian Thirteen of the ra(e clan%

and this is my s,uire% )rian. 6e&s the son of "rince )rinako% ruler of the reen


The miranda looked at the s,uire with regret. 7' did say that ' can get a decent

ransom for him.8

7*on&t e(en dream of it98 )rian angrily interrupted her.6owe(er% the miranda was no longer looking at him. 4he turned to !hristian

again% 74o% it means ' can be free% noble knight<8

7!ertainly%8 the boy answered. 7)nd don&t worry% we&ll lea(e the confines of your

kingdom now.8

7ow it&s up to you. o back if you want to% or wander through our lands. -ou&(e

already o(ercome the border and the border guard. o one will interfere with you

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anymore. y the way% you&re a (ery good warrior% night !hristian.8 !hristian blushed

from such praise.

The miranda continued to speak% 7-ou could become an enhancement of our


7Tournament<8 !hristian perked up. 7*o you ha(e a joust<8

7-es% it&ll begin the day after tomorrow. 2y master organi$es it% and the best

 warriors of our kingdom will take part in it. 'f you also want to take part in it% my master

 will be (ery happy. )nd now% goodbye98 The miranda spread her wings and prepared for

take off. ut before that she turned and shouted% 7#inally% noble knight% ' want to tell

 you that it&s not customary in our country to spare a defeated opponent% e(en more so to

let him go free. 2aybe you&ll be sorry about this98 With these words% she took off and

soon disappeared from sight. The boys followed her with ama$ed looks.

7What a woman98 )rian said with surprise and delight after her. 7To ha(e such

 wings. 't would be great.8 Then he turned to !hris. 7Well% are we going back before night


!hris reluctantly sat on 3aura and directed it in the direction from which they 

came. 6e was silent all the way. )rian% on the contrary% was chatting incessantly. 6e

talked about the wings% how he lo(ed to fly% and lamented that they had let the miranda

go instead of demanding that she re(eal the secret of her wings. 'ndeed% it was well

known that mirandas could take off their wings and put them on whome(er they 


2ost of all he was delighted with the fight between !hris and the miranda. 7What

a fight it was98 ouncing up and down in the saddle% the boy wa(ed his arms and

repeated all the mo(ements of his knight. 74he did this% and you did this...8

They were already not far from the spot where not birches but firs now stoodcrooked% when !hris abruptly stopped his horse. 6is face was serious. The s,uire

immediately fell silent and also stopped "alma% because he understood that the knight

 wanted to say something (ery important.

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Cha"ter &ight

$% TH& C#*%T(0 #F /#(T')$' 

73isten% )rian%8 !hristian turned to his s,uire. 7*id you hear about the joust< The

miranda talked about it.8

7-es% she babbled something like that.8

74o%8 !hris said seriously% 7'&(e decided to participate in it. #or a knight there&s no better test than a tournament.8

7-ou want to stay in this horrible place<8 )rian e(en paled with agitation. 7This is

2orta(ia% the country of death. There&s almost no return. )nd this whachamacallit that

attacked us is a toy compared with those who li(e here. 3isten% !hris% don&t be stupid.

3et&s return to our world. 't&s no less interesting there. 't would be better we go in search

of the phoeni1% or...8

7o% )rian%8 !hris cut him off. 7'&(e decided to stay here. '&m releasing you from

ser(ice. -ou can return.8

The s,uire did not e(en think for a second. 70h% no% '&m not lea(ing you for

anything. ' swore to ser(e you. )nd no one can release me from this oath. '&m staying with you98

!hris said nothing. 6e just turned his horse around and rode in the opposite

direction. )rian followed him% as a faithful s,uire should. ow the forest around them

did not seem so dark and sinister to the boys. The decision had been made% and it was

too late to go back. 4o% is it possible to fear a forest when ad(entures ahead are much

more dangerous< 'ndeed% they were in the kingdom of 2orta(ia.

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"erhaps the time has now come to say a little about this kingdom. Though there

is not much known about it. There are many such as it in the !ountry of #ro$en Time.

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They do not defer to its rulers% because they e1ist by themsel(es% regardless of what is

happening in the magical country. )lmost nothing is said about such kingdoms in the

annals and chronicles of the !ountry of #ro$en Time. They are only mentioned

sometimes in legends and folktales% and e(en then far from all of them. 0nce night

!aterino% the "rince of the White Tower% and !hris e(en managed to disco(er one of 

these kingdoms. 't was the kingdom of the >nderground nomes% and it was hidden

from outside eyes by magic imposed on it by the gnome king. 3ater% se(eral kingdoms

appeared in a similar way. Witches and wi$ards also built them. This took place after the

4o(ereign ascended the throne of the !ountry of #ro$en Time. 6e was a great sorcerer.

 )nd% like all sorcerers% he feared his professional brothers. -ou ne(er know what they 

might do. What if they took away his powers with the help of sorcery more powerful

than what he possessed< The 4o(ereign hunted the greatest and most dangerous

 wi$ards. 6e killed or bewitched many% but some% just like the gnome king who did not

 want anyone to disrupt the peace of his people again% fled from him together with their

country and subjects.

The kingdom of 2orta(ia appeared in almost the same way. 0nly much earlier.

The e(ents associated with it went deep into anti,uity% to those days when the first

knight;founders ruled the !ountry of #ro$en Time and di(ided it into three kingdoms.

6ere is how it came about.

 )s often happens% in the retinue of one of the new kings there was a man

dissatisfied with the position created. 't seemed to him that such di(ision was unfair.

76ow is that<8 he said. 7We were indeed tra(elling and wandering side by side together

 with the knights% and now they&re kings but we&re simple lieges again.8

6e had supporters who were talking the same way. 4o% the first conspiracy 

emerged in the young state. 't certainly led to strife and war. The first war started in the!ountry of #ro$en Time because of power. The leader of the opposition was the cunning

and crafty aron reenberg. 'n his uncontrollable aspiration for power% he disregarded

the !hristian commandments and won o(er to his side known sorcerers as well as many 

other e(il spirits% which% as we know% were found in great numbers in that land% where

the !ountry of #ro$en Time came into being.

The knight;founders reunited to o(ercome the mutual and terrible enemy% and

aron reenberg was unable to defeat all three. 6e had hoped to o(ercome them one by 

one% as base traitors ha(e always done. Therefore% he was killed in one of the brutal


The chronicles say little and sparingly about those e(ents. 't is difficult toreconstruct the whole picture. esides% there are big differences in them. 4ome

chronicles write this way% others differently. 't is e(en harder to understand why. What

happened ne1t is possible to say in a few words.

 )fter the death of the baron% his wife% the cunning and insidious witch )ngusta%

headed the army of traitors. 6owe(er% despite all her craftiness% e(en she could not

defeat the knights. 2oreo(er% the #airy of +ternal -outh came to help them. Together

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they surrounded the rebels in one of the mountain gorges and were about to crush them%

 but when morning came into the (alley% they found only emptiness. There was nobody.

ut% indeed% not e(en a mouse could pass through the siege.

"eople sighed with relief. The army of rebels% though few in number% consisted

entirely of )ngusta&s ser(ants and subjects. They were all nasty people% e(en different

monsters and other magical beings% which were best not for people to meet.

ut where did they all go< o one could understand it. 0nly the #airy had

disco(ered traces of witchcraft and reali$ed what was wrong. )ngusta and her army had

simply hidden in time. 'n a country where time had stopped% it is not that hard to do.

'n order that )ngusta would not return% the #airy of +ternal -outh sealed with

her spell the place in time through which the rebels had made off. 7ow they cannot

return98 she assured those present. 7-ou can li(e in peace.8

Thus ended the first war% which lasted thirty years. There were no more ad(erse

e(ents during the reign of the knight;founders. Wars and contentions only began again

after their death% but that is already ,uite another page in the history of the !ountry of 

#ro$en Time% and )ngusta ne(er appeared in it again. 4he was lost in the ma$e of time%

and for a long time nobody knew anything about her.

True% after four hundred years% one of the mirror gnomes% those that li(e in

mirrors and can tra(el freely in time% saw her and recorded in his diaries that )ngusta&s

dream had been fulfilled. 4he had become ,ueen in the kingdom she had created. This

kingdom was called 2orta(ia% ,uite large and populous% but the people li(ed under

terrible laws% the main one being the rule of the strong o(er the weak. )nd there was no

 justice. This word was prohibited in the kingdom. The people li(ing in this kingdom

called it the lack ingdom and Aueen )ngusta the lack Aueen% because she always

 wore black clothes and did only dark business with more than enough helpers. 6er maindream was to return to the big world and sow e(il in it. ut she could not succeed. The

spell of the #airy of +ternal -outh would not let her back. 0ccasionally% one or another

monster or a scoundrel in human form would escape from 2orta(ia% then ha(e

difficulties in the big world. 6eroes and knights had to take up arms and fight with e(il.

0nce% a whole principality with an e(il and cruel prince by the name of )le1andro

accidentally broke away from 2orta(ia. )le1andro was nicknamed the lack "rince for

his cruelty and malice. 6e e(en locked horns with the 4o(ereign. 6e lost% of course% but

 became famous as a (ery dangerous man for the state.

ot only did people and other creatures from 2orta(ia get into the big world%

 but% con(ersely% knights% rogues% and ad(enturers sometimes went to the lack ingdom. 6owe(er% none of them had e(er returned ali(e.

!hris and )rian certainly knew about this% but tried not to think about the bad

and rode in silence% assuming a carefree air. 6ow else could it be< They had chosen their

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path% come what may. There may not be se(en deaths%G but it is not possible to escape

one. 6owe(er% they were too young to think about death.

The forest meanwhile started to thin out and then it ended entirely. ) (alley 

spread to the hori$on in front of the riders. 6oly9 What a sad sight it presented. 'n the

 big world% there were such rich colours and the air was filled with the fragrance of 

flowers and grass% a real paradise compared to this despondency. This more resembled


7'&(e already seen this%8 !hristian (oiced his thought aloud.

7Where<8 the s,uire immediately asked.

7The lack "rincipality. We passed through it once. ot the best place on earth.8

7This certainly isn&t the land of milk and honey%8 )rian responded light;heartedly%

7but ' think there are worse.8

7That&s for sure.8

ot far from the forest stretched a worn and muddy road. The riders directed the

horses to it% but as soon as they bypassed a rut% the animals immediately got stuck 

almost knee;deep in mud% and the friends brought them back onto the grass. 't was

easier to tra(el on it.

7't has probably just rained here%8 )rian suggested.

7' think such a road is always here. -ou see% there&s no trace of any hoo(es or

 wheels on it%8 !hris said. 72aybe it&s not the custom here to use roads at all< 2aybe

they&re intended for something else<8

7!an be anything%8 )rian agreed. 7'ndeed% some people put their homes directly 

on the ground instead of simply building them on trees% and then% of course% they can&t

pick them up and suffer their whole life.8

!hris laughed and asked )rian to describe the traditions in the reen"rincipality. 7-our principality was rebellious for centuries% and tall tales were fore(er

told about it. 0ne doesn&t e(en know what to belie(e and what not to. 's it true that you

li(e only on lea(es<8

70f course not98

 )rian started talking about his homeland% and !hris found out to his

astonishment that the residents of reen "rincipality were little different from the rest

of the population of the !ountry of #ro$en Time. +1cept that they only built their houses

in the crowns of mighty trees and% from li(ing in the forest and ha(ing a close spiritual

connection with it% their hair had ac,uired a green tinge after a century. ut )rian

looked e(en more attracti(e and mysterious because of this. Who can boast such as,uire<

The boys talked and the an1iety that was in their hearts disappeared on the spot.

6owe(er% it returned immediately when they heard someone shouting% asking for help.

G The ible mentioned se(en kinds of deaths: spiritual% physical% operational% positional% temporal% se1ual%

and a second death.

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 Without thinking for a moment% the boys rushed their horses in the direction where the

noise came from% and when they were o(er a low hill% such a spectacle presented itself.

 ) long wagon with a co(ered top stood at the foot of the hill. 4uch wagons usually 

 belonged to tra(elling performers. ?udging by their colourful clothes adorned with

colourful ribbons% they were. ) bear was bouncing and growling angrily near the rear

 wheel% but it was chained and it tried in (ain to free itself. ) beautiful girl in a blue dress

 was screaming and calling for help. 4he tried to protect an old man who was being

 beaten by three armed men. They paid the girl no attention because they were busy with

the old man. The man% though old% was as strong as the chained bear and only moaned

under the soldiers& blows. ?udging from e(erything% he could manage all of them% but he

did not resist and meekly endured the beatings. ut then the girl was beha(ing ,uite

differently: she argued with the soldiers% grabbed their arms% and e(en pulled one by the

hair. The soldier cried out in pain% threw the girl off% and already began to hit her.

4eeing this% !hristian got angry in earnest. 6e% like e(ery true knight% could not

 watch when a woman was being treated badly in front of him% so he spurred his horse

and soon turned up near the wagon. )rian was not a single step behind his comrade and

followed !hris like a shadow% but% as proper for a s,uire% kept a little behind at all times

and did not say a word.

74top at once98 !hris ordered the soldiers. They% on seeing such a young rider%

 were surprised and stopped the unfair fighting.

7ow apologi$e to the lady and this (enerable old man98 !hris ordered them in a

menacing (oice.

6owe(er% the soldiers were clearly not inclined to follow orders. They were

simply surprised that a boy with a sword at his waist appeared from somewhere and

ga(e absurd orders. 0ne of them grinned in a disgusting way. 7What are you yappinghere% pup<8

7'f you&re deaf%8 !hris replied% trembling with fury% 7then ' can&t help you with

that% but if you heard e(erything perfectly% then '&m not going to repeat myself.8 The

soldiers e(en opened their mouths from such impudence.

7Well% '&m waiting98 !hris uttered with undisguised menace.

These words ser(ed as grounds for action for the soldiers. They started to yell

 wildly and all three rushed at !hristian. 6e did not e(en mo(e an eyebrow% and when

the healthiest and strongest;looking soldier with thick red sideburns grabbed 3aura&s

reins to pull the boy from his saddle% !hris drew his sword and brought the hilt down on

the attacker&s head. The soldier screamed in pain% clutching his head% though he had ona helmet% and fell to the ground.

The other two immediately rushed back. They reali$ed that it was better not to get

mi1ed up with a young man who could deli(er such an e1pert and hard blow. 6e was not

simply holding a weapon but could use it much better than they% simple common


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The soldiers immediately changed their tone and spoke to !hris in a different

manner. 7We&re only carrying out the orders of our lord% aron de ostiniak% oh% noble

 young man%8 they wailed.

!hris caught the girl&s grateful glance and the old man&s pu$$led look and asked%

7)nd why did your lord order you to beat this poor old man<8

76e dared to sing satirical songs about him%8 one of the soldiers replied% 7and

 when the aron found out about this% he ordered him to be hanged and taught a proper

lesson before that.8

7' was slandered%8 the old man babbled instantly. 7' would ne(er allow myself the

liberty regarding noble lords. ' only e(er mock common people.8

7's it really possible to hang a man for such trifles<8 !hris was surprised. 76e&s

indeed an actor% and can a noble lord like aron ostiniak really pay attention to such

trifles< We ha(e lords that keep buffoons especially so they&ll tell them e(erything that

ordinary people think of them.8 The soldiers listened% eyes bulging in surprise. 4uch a

speech ama$ed them.

7)nd where are you going to hang this unlucky person<8 !hris continued to


70n the main s,uare of the city of ien(illemort%8 one of the soldiers replied. 7We

must get him there.8

7)re these your horses<8 !hris asked% nodding at three flea;bitten dray;horses

standing nearby.


7Then mount and ride to your lord. Report to him that night !hristian Thirteen

of the ra(e clan asks to be recei(ed and allowed to participate in the tournament. -ou

indeed ha(e a tournament<87-es.8 0n hearing about the tournament% the soldier just shook with fear and

started to answer !hris with e(en greater respect. 7'&ll carry out your order without fail

and pass on your words to the aron. ut how can ' lea(e them<8 The soldier looked at

the performers.

7'&ll bring them to the city myself%8 !hris said. 7)nd you can put your comrade in

their wagon.8

The red;haired soldier had already come to. 6e was sitting on the ground%

holding his head and howling. +(idently% !hris had deli(ered him a truly skilful blow.

The soldiers picked up their friend and ,uite rudely threw him into the wagon% and they 

 jumped on their horses and galloped ahead along the dirt road.7ow we also go in that direction%8 !hris said to )rian% his eyes following them.

70h% kind young man% thank you98 0nce the soldiers had disappeared from sight%

the performers rushed to !hris. There were nine people% not counting the children. )ll

this time they had simply been hiding in the wagon.

7o need to thank me%8 !hris replied. 7' ha(e done nothing for you.8

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4omething fell in the wagon. The red;haired soldier had lost consciousness again.

!hris looked at him and thought for a bit.

7What if ' let you go<8 he turned to the performers. 7)nd '&ll take this poor fellow 

in your wagon to the aron&s castle.8 The performers& faces immediately became gloomy.

0b(iously% the thought of parting with the wagon was not to their liking.

!hris immediately understood e(erything. 7-ou&re sorry to gi(e up this wreck<87This is our only shelter%8 the girl in the blue dress replied. 7)nd% according to our

laws% those who ha(e no shelter are subject to the death penalty.8

7What harsh laws you ha(e98 !hris was thunderstruck. 7Then '&ll buy this wagon

from you. Take the money and run. uy a new one in the nearest (illage. 6ow much is


7) half;dinar%8 the girl replied.

!hris took a gold coin out of his pocket. 7's this enough<8

70h% one can buy two wagons like that with this money9 +(en with e1cellent


7Then take it98 !hris threw the gold coin to the girl. 4he deftly caught it andhesitantly began turning the coin in her hand.

7's something wrong<8 asked !hris. 7't&s real gold.8

7We don&t ha(e much change% noble sir%8 the old man inter(ened.

7eep the change%8 !hris shrugged.

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7We may be poor% but proud and honest%8 the old man said with dignity. 7We earn

money with our ability and skill% we do not beg from passers;by. -ou insult us% bra(e

 young man.8

7'f you ponder for long% the guard now in your wagon will wake up% and ' will no

longer be able to pre(ent him from sending you all to the gallows.8

The performers began to discuss what to do to take the gold honestly for a wagon.

7Wait%8 !hris interrupted them. 6e heard that they were going to gi(e him the

 bear and absolutely opposed this. 73et&s agree this way. Take your gold% take all your

things and the bear% and be on your way.8 The performers were about to make a noise

 but the boy silenced them with an imperati(e gesture. 7When we meet again% you&ll show 

me your performance and pay the debt with it.8

The actors liked this option. They readily agreed and began to collect their things.

4oon they took to their heels to the forest and one by one disappeared behind the trees.

The last to flee was the girl in the blue dress. 4he first ran to !hris and said to him

 with gratitude and agitation% 7ice young man9 Why do you go to 2ar,uis ostiniak<

6e&s a terrible man. 6e&ll kill you and your soul9 *on&t do this9 o back98

7*on&t worry about me% beautiful98 !hris blushed slightly. 72y sword is always

 with me and '&ll be able to fend for myself.8

7-ou&re mad98 the girl e1claimed almost with tears in her (oice. 7obody has e(er

 won in this tournament of the 2ar,uis& terrible ser(ants. -ou and your friend will die in

ien(illemort. o back where you came from. '% 2elissa% daughter of !assandra the

clair(oyant% am telling you this.8

7Thanks for the ad(ice% 2elissa. ut '&(e already accepted the challenge and

declared this. 4o% '&m going to the tournament in ien(illemort. "ray for me. 2y name is

!hristian.872ay the good spirits keep you98 Real compassion for !hris appeared on

2elissa&s face. 4he warmly kissed his hand and rushed after her friends% who were

already out of sight.

72elissa% what a beautiful name%8 !hris said after her. 74he&s nice% right% )rian<8

7What ne1t98 the s,uire snorted. 74o% she&s a girl. ra(e% of course. ut nothing


7What do you know<98 !hris was not satisfied with this answer.

7There%8 agreed )rian. 73ooking at beauties isn&t for s,uires. When ' become a

knight% '&ll also chase after e(ery approaching skirt.8

!hris just spat. )rian turned out to be bad company in such con(ersations.70kay%8 he said% 7let&s go to this ien(illemort.8

They tied 3aura and "alma to the wagon% sat down on the coachbo1% and mo(ed

the two smallish mules harnessed to it.

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Cha"ter %ine

/'(+*$S H&%($ D& K#ST$%$'K 

The city of ien(illemort was situated at the foot of the Teni(esis 2ountain. 't

 was fairly large and had about twenty;fi(e thousand residents. The entire city&s

population rendered tribute to 2ar,uis 6enri de ostiniak% whose castle was a few 

hundred steps from the city and was separated from it by the narrow but turbulent

Tal(ira Ri(er. This town was ancient and famous. 't was once free% rich% and e(en more

crowded. 't e(en had another name. 't was called ien(illeterra and its inhabitants were

known for their skilled goods and cheerful character. ut that was long ago. ot e(en

the elderly who remembered those times had remained. 4ince Aueen )ngusta bestowed

the town and its lands to 2ar,uis ostiniak% e(erything changed. The city changed% its

inhabitants changed. o one dared to oppose the 2ar,uis& authority. The lord was cruel

to those who doubted his authority. 'n the first decade of his rule% he crushed all pocketsof opposition and discontent% and established his orders. +(erybody% from small to large%

 became the 2ar,uis& sla(e. With the 2ar,uis& tenure% there were soldiers% spies% and

police watching out for treason. ut people were afraid to e(en think% let alone talk 

about treason. Therefore% e(eryone kept ,uiet more and more. +(en when young ones in

cradles wanted to cry% the mothers would whisper% 7Auiet% don&t cry% or else the 2ar,uis&

ser(ants will come and carry you to his castle.8 )nd the little ones would immediately 

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 become silent and lay ,uietly like mice in their beds and cradles. When they grew up%

they knew (ery well how to keep their mouths shut.

6owe(er% e(ery ten years for a month the 2ar,uis proclaimed amnesty to all his

subjects and ordered them to be cheerful and happy. *uring these days% he held a great

military tournament% to which% besides the many tyrants and e(ildoers such as

ostiniak% warriors and heroes also came from across the country to compete with the

2ar,uis& ser(ants. These ser(ants were not people but magic creatures such as the

miranda = a bat;woman% the si1;handed but one;eyed giant !rash% *ron the wolf;man%

and many other similar creatures% of which the 2ar,uis had a lot and thanks to which

he kept his entire land in obedience. "eople recoiled in fear when they saw the miranda%

 who% flying in the sky% could pounce on a person at any moment and kill him. The

ser(ants were distinguished by cruelty and selfless de(otion to their master. They 

obeyed him because the 2ar,uis was a sorcerer% skilled in an art admired by the lack 

Aueen herself.

The great tournament had been held four times already in ien(illemort. Those

 who dared to take part in it had to fight with the 2ar,uis& monsters. 'n case of (ictory%

the 2ar,uis promised to gi(e as the award to the winner the 4un od&s armour% the

possessor of which would become in(incible in battle. )nyone who wished could

participate in the tournament. 6owe(er% each time there were fewer and fewer who

 wished to take part% because no one had e(er been able to defeat all the 2ar,uis&ser(ants

and no one reached the end. That is why only ten fighters participated in the

tournament last time% and the 2ar,uis was afraid that there would be e(en fewer this

time. 6e was not mistaken. 0nly three days left to the tournament% and not a single

 warrior had (olunteered to take part in it. 6ence% the 2ar,uis was worried and

displeased. 'n the morning% he announced that if no one turned up% he would personally pick two hundred people from the city% and as many again from his troops% and force

them to fight with his monsters% because he had in(ited many important guests and had

no intention of disappointing them.

Terror reigned in ien(illemort% and people prayed that some hero would accept

the challenge. 4o far% there was no one.

The 2ar,uis sat as black as a thundercloud in the reception hall% looked at the

portrait of the lack Aueen hanging on the wall% and concocted the most terrible

punishment for his subjects. 6e was almost three hundred years old% but he looked like

a man in his prime% not yet forty. 4orcerers and e(ildoers li(e for a long time. 0n the

table in front of the 2ar,uis was a huge tray with a cooked bull% but he had not e(entouched it.

7This bull smells bad%8 he grumbled. 7ring the scoundrel cook here98

6alf a minute later% the guards had already dragged the scared;to;death cook and

dropped him by the 2ar,uis& feet.

7-ou&(e prepared a (ery bad dinner today%8 ostiniak said to the cook. 7The bull

has (ery tough meat.8 6e lied% because the bull was (ery well prepared.

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6owe(er% the cook did not e(en begin to argue with the lord. 6e rushed to kiss

the 2ar,uis& feet and begged for mercy. The 2ar,uis looked at him% smiled% and

announced insinuatingly% 7-ou&re at fault and must make amends. o and prepare me a

new dish.8

70h% 2aster% ' will cook anything you wish98 the cook cried out.

7' heard that you ha(e a little son<8 ostiniak suddenly asked him.

7-es% 2aster98

76ow old is he<8

76e turned three yesterday%8 the cook re(ealed% surprised and frightened by such

a ,uestion.

7Wonderful98 2ar,uis de ostiniak rubbed his hands contentedly. 7' adore three;

ear;old boys. o make me a roast of your son. )nd see that the dish is delicious% don&t

spoil it% otherwise '&ll make you cook your wife and all your other children% and e(en

 your parents% and eat all of it yourself.8

76a(e mercy98 the cook cried out and fainted. 6e knew that the 2ar,uis was not

 joking. 6e would really eat a cooked child and had done this more than once. 6e was no

 better than his monsters.

ostiniak only laughed and sho(ed the cook aside with his foot. 6e was about to

gi(e the order to hang the unlucky one and his family after the cook had roasted his own

son% when the miranda flew in the huge window. The 2ar,uis immediately forgot about

the cook.

The bat;woman folded her wings and knelt before her master.

7What do you ha(e to say% 'saura<8 ostiniak asked her. 6e saw from the

miranda&s face that she had important news.

72y 3ord%8 the miranda said without rising from her knees% 7a person from the big world trespassed the border of 2orta(ia.8

7) person of the big world came into 2orta(ia<8 ostiniak asked e1citedly. 7*id

 you kill him<8


The 2ar,uis frowned. 7Why not<8

76e turned out to be stronger than me. 'n a single combat% my sword shattered

into pieces when we began to fight. ut e(en without this ' wouldn&t ha(e gotten the

 better of him. This is a great warrior.8

7)nd he spared you<8 The miranda nodded in the affirmati(e.

The 2ar,uis jumped up from his chair in anger. 7Then '&ll kill you myself.8The miranda bowed. 7+(erything is as you wish% my 3ord. ut ' ha(en&t told you


7What else< 4peak98

7This warrior is a knight;errant. ' told him about the tournament and he caught

fire like a torch% knowing neither conditions nor awards. 6e (olunteered immediately.

6e&s reckless and will be an enhancement to your tournament% 2aster.8

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The 2ar,uis& face brightened with the miranda&s e(ery word% and near the end he

 was simply beaming with happiness. 7What kind of person is this<8 he began to ask the

miranda. 76ow old is he< 's he (ery strong<8

76e&s young. 4till a boy% and his s,uire is also ,uite a child. ut he&s a true knight.

6e has a knightly weapon% but ' just don&t know of a sword e,ual to his.8

The 2ar,uis cheered up ,uite a bit with these words% and when two of his guards

ran into the hall% fell on their knees% and spoke about night !hristian of the ra(e clan%

the 2ar,uis e(en became kinder.

0n seeing the cook lying on the floor coming to his senses% he kicked him and

ordered him to clear out. 7' cancel my order%8 he told the cook. 7et out of here. ' want

to eat and '&m not going to wait for you. 0kay% '&ll make do with this bull.8

6e started on the beef and the cook rushed with all haste into the kitchen% where

he cuffed the back of the scullions& heads% fell onto the bench% and sobbed at the top of 

his (oice for a (ery long time. When he took off his white cap to wipe his eyes% e(eryone

saw that his magnificent head of black hair was as white as snow.

ostiniak summoned the commander of the guards and warned him% 7'f no one

else will turn up e1cept this knight% then you will participate in the tournament.8

2erengo% the head of the guards% merely bowed in silence. 6e was de(oted to his

master% like a dog% and was ready to carry out any orders. 6e did not (alue his own life

and dreamed of only one thing: to die in battle. 7)nd let the third one be anyone from

these urban boors98 the 2ar,uis ordered. 73et them choose for themsel(es. 'f they 

 won&t% then '&ll choose% and no longer one but two hundred. 3et my dogs eat their fill

properly.8 The 2ar,uis called his own monsters dogs.

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Cha"ter Ten

 '% $--4'D)$S&D 'CT

The mules were barely mo(ing5 the creaking wagon was shaking (iolently and

shifting from side to side. !hris and )rian were not delighted with such a ride% but there

 was nothing to be done. 4urely not abandon the wreck on the road<

 ery soon the redheaded soldier came to from the shaking. )t first% he could notunderstand what had happened to him and where he was% but when his head cleared up%

he yelled% 7Where are those de(ilish performers<8

7They ran away%8 )rian ,uietly replied. !hris did not e(en turn around.

76ow<8 The soldier did not understand.

76ere&s how%8 )rian said with malicious joy. 7-ou slept and they took ad(antage

of it.8

The soldier reali$ed that they were not joking with him. 6e blinked like cra$y%

then tears poured from his eyes and sobs burst from his lips. 70h% woe is me% woe98 he

 wailed. 7What ha(e you done to me< ow '&ll be hanged. )nd all because of this cursed

old man. Who asked you to interfere<8 These words were meant for !hris. The boy made

no reply.

Then the soldier began to swear and hurl curses at him. 7!ursed boy98 he

shouted% tears smearing his face. 7Well% it doesn&t matter% my lord will hang me% but

 you&ll also ha(e it coming. 6e doesn&t forgi(e those who treat his people badly.8

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7etter you tell me how much further it is to the city.8 !hris said% not at all

touched by all this wailing. 6e ne(er much respected minions% because he considered

them cowardly and mercenary.

7#i(e miles%8 the soldiers turned pale. 6e started to tremble with fear.

7-ou know what ' would do in his place<8 )rian intentionally addressed !hris in

a loud (oice.


The soldier became alert. 6is ears mo(ed with curiosity and he was all attention.

7'&d run after those performers. !huck my uniform% find something else to wear%

and mo(e to another kingdom.8

7' would do the same%8 !hris agreed.

The boys started throwing significant looks at the road. The soldiers pondered

something laboriously for a few minutes% then jumped from the wagon and rushed into

the forest% which still stretched alongside the road. 6e had already disappeared among

the trees and a lot of time had e(en passed% when the boys heard his shout: 7!urse you%


7What a lowlife98 )rian was indignant. 70ne can say we sa(ed his life% but still he

curses us.8

!hris did not say a word% only pressed his lips together tightly% and urged the

mules to go faster. 6e was concerned about what was happening. Too many little things

not in his fa(our had been piling up. #irst a horseshoe was lost% then the meeting with

the lack night% after that the crooked birch% 2elissa&s warning% and now e(en the

curse of the redheaded soldier. )nd it is well known that the curse of a redhead almost

always comes true.

 )rian% though% had ,uickly forgotten about all the unpleasant things and wastalking non;stop. 6is ten;year;old sprightly nature demanded acti(ity% but since he

could not e(en turn around much in the wagon% he at least had to talk to his heart&s

content. 73isten% !hris% how did you manage to deal with this soldier so ,uickly<8 he

asked. 7#rom his looks% one could say that he can knock down a bull with one blow% but

 you ga(e him one left;handed98

7#irst of all% not left but right% and secondly% ' had a sword in my hand and ' hit

him with the hilt.8

74o< 't also needs skill. Where did you learn it<8

7'an taught me a lot%8 !hris replied pensi(ely. 7)nd don&t forget that my sword

and ' ha(e been in many difficult situations and% as you know% they&re the best trainingfor knights and their weapons. Remember that ' told you how my sword was under the

ga$e of the olden 4phin1<8

7-es%8 )rian agreed.

7)nd then it chanced to be in the lack *ragon&s body e(en before night

!aterino killed it. 6ere&s the answer to your ,uestion of why the miranda&s tempered

*amascus blade broke like a reed under my blow% and the gigantic soldier toppled o(er

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like a rock. There&s so much power in my sword that it simply transfers to me when


7+(erything&s clear%8 the s,uire stroked the handle of !hris& sword with en(y.

7"erhaps% when ' become a knight% my sword will also be my brother of steel<8

70f course.8

The first human settlements had come into (iew in front of them. 0nce !hris had

a chance to see how simple people li(e in the lack "rincipality% and he still shuddered

at the recollection. 6e e1pected to see something similar today. ut no% the (illage%

through which the road ran% was ,uite decent. Well;culti(ated fields and rich meadows

 with splendid animals gra$ing surrounded it. 4uch pictures as in the big world were

found at e(ery step.

6owe(er% the (illage was empty. o one was strolling along the streets% although

e(ening was approaching and all work should ha(e already come to an end. There were

no old men and old women sitting on benches and no kids running around. The boys

passed through the entire (illage% and it was not small% but met no one. e(ertheless%

they (ery much felt that in(isible eyes were watching them. 4o% people were still li(ing in

the (illage.

74trange (illage.8 )rian was turning around in his seat and trying all the time to

see somebody. 7obody. 2aybe they&re afraid of us<8

72ore likely they&re afraid of each other%8 !hris objected.

The same thing happened in the ne1t (illage% and in a third and a fourth. When

the sun was starting to set% they saw a mountain and a city at its foot.

7' bet this is ien(illemort98 )rian half;rose from his spot. 7)nd here are people


 ) group of riders hastily rushed straight at them. The horses pounded theirhoo(es furiously on the hard stony ground% and the riders& faces were distorted with

rage. They surrounded the wagon% not saying a word. )nyone in !hristian&s place would

 be frightened% but not he. The knight waited calmly for what would come ne1t.

#inally% the riders stopped5 a tall stately warrior% whose appearance reminded

!hris of )l(ansor the #lawless% ga(e them the command. 6e dismounted and walked

o(er to the wagon. 7Which of you is night !hristian<8 he asked.

76e&s before you.8 !hris jumped down and stood before the warrior. 7With whom

do ' ha(e the honour of speaking<8

72y name is 2erengo%8 the warrior replied. 7'&m head of 2ar,uis 6enri de

ostiniak&s guards and authori$ed to meet you% night !hristian. 's it true that you wishto participate in the tournament<8


7Then the 2ar,uis is waiting for you in his castle9 ' and my people will escort


73et someone bring my wagon%8 the boy asked 2erengo. 7We&ll ride with you.8

7)s you wish.8

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The sun had sunk below the hori$on when night !hristian Thirteen and his

s,uire escorted by 2erengo and the guards passed through the city% which at this hour

 was as empty as the (illage. They rode across a tall narrow bridge o(er the ri(er and

turned up in front of a high and ominous castle% which% like a bird of prey% was located

on a mountain plateau. The road from town% which was seen in full (iew here% led to it

on one side% a bottomless abyss was on the other side of the castle% and on top of 

e(erything% it was surrounded by a wide and deep moat full of black oily water.

The party entered the castle gate along the drawbridge% which was immediately 

raised and the gate closed. They stopped in the s,uare courtyard of the castle. ) tall

 black;haired man with a slender moustache and pointed beard descended a steep stone

staircase to meet them. 6e smiled broadly5 ne(ertheless% all present stiffened as one at

his appearance and lowered their eyes.

7Welcome% famous knight98 The man immediately addressed !hris% approached

him% and made a profound bow. 7'% 2ar,uis 6enri de ostiniak% owner of this castle and

lord of the land% and obedient subject of our Aueen% welcome you to my home. )s soon

as they reported to me about you% ' sent my guards to meet you% in order to arrange an

escort of honour for you.8

 Waiting for a pause in the 2ar,uis& words% !hris said% 72r. ostiniak% it&s really 

not worth worrying about. ' simply bought the wagon of some wandering performers

and tra(elled in it instead of riding. This e1plains my rather slow journey to

ien(illemort. ' hope ' am not late for the tournament<8

The 2ar,uis& face clouded o(er for a moment at the mention of the performers%

 but when !hris started talking about the tournament% it broke into a smile again.

7!ertainly not9 The tournament will start on 4aturday. 6a(e you really decided to

take part in it<87Why not<8

The 2ar,uis looked !hris o(er from head to toe% and !hris was not (ery pleased

 with this. 7"erhaps% according to your laws% '&m too young for such e(ents<8

70h no% not at all9 )nyone who wishes can participate in my tournament.8


76owe(er% ' must warn you right away% young man% that you&ll ha(e (ery serious

opponents. !onsider e(erything properly. 2any% on seeing them up close% refuse to fight

 with them. )nd this damages the prestige of my tournament.8

The 2ar,uis led !hris into the castle. 't was as bleak inside as outside. *ark%

narrow corridors and bare stone walls were decorated in some places with time;worntapestries. )rian followed them like a shadow and at the same time did not go beyond a

distance of three steps. The 2ar,uis glared at him se(eral times but said nothing%

 because he was busy in con(ersation with !hris.

7' ne(er refuse to fight if '&(e already stated my desire. esides% '&(e already had

the honour of crossing sword with one of your ser(ants. )nd not too badly.8 !hris

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 became uncomfortable% it was as if he was boasting% but the 2ar,uis pretended that he

had not noticed anything.

7"erfect98 he e1claimed enthusiastically. 7' admire your courage% night. )nd


!hris caught some awkwardness in his (oice. 7What must ' do so that you will

 belie(e me< )rrange a fight right now<8

7ot at all98 The 2ar,uis wa(ed. 74ign a document for the sake of my peace of 

mind. 't says that you agree to participate in the tournament% will ha(e no claims in case

of defeat% and will recei(e the 4un od&s armour in case of (ictory. ?ust a custom% a

tradition. )n empty formality.8

7ood that you ha(e traditions% to not trust the word of a noble person98 !hris


The 2ar,uis bowed apologetically. 7'n our country% a word is an empty sound% it

could come from anyone%8 he said with a smile. 7+(en the Aueen authenticates all her

 words with a signature and a seal. That is the law98

7#ine% let&s ha(e your paper9 '&ll sign it.8

!hris got so e1cited that he ne(er e(en asked the 2ar,uis about the rules or the

tournament. )rian wanted to warn !hris but did not ha(e time. The ser(ant who was

 with them all this time immediately ran up to !hristian and e1tended a tray to him% on

 which were already a written document% a knife% and a ,uill pen.

!hris took the pen. 7Where&s the ink<8 he asked.

The 2ar,uis immediately handed him the knife% 7We sign with blood.8


7-es. 't need not e(en be your own.8 The 2ar,uis nodded at )rian. 7-our s,uire

is ,uite suitable. 4lit his throat and that&s it.870h% no98 !hris stated decidedly. )fter picking up the knife% he made a cut on his

palm and signed the document with his blood.

 )rian again wanted to warn him% and began making urgent signs so that the

knight would not do what he was doing. ut the 2ar,uis saw this and got between !hris

and )rian so that the knight could not see the s,uire. When the document had been

signed% the 2ar,uis triumphantly snatched it right from !hris& hands and hid it in his

pocket. )fter this% he looked around with the appearance of a winner and laughed

resonantly like a boy. 76ere% the deal is done98

#or some reason% !hris was in no mood for mirth. 6e saw ostiniak&s triumphant

face and )rian&s downcast face% and he suddenly reali$ed that he had done somethingnot ,uite right. ut it was already too late.

7They&ll take you to your chamber.8 The tender intonation in the 2ar,uis& (oice

had (anished without a trace. 76a(e a rest after the journey% and '&ll wait for you at

dinner at midnight.8

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6e took off with these words. )nd he did it so ,uickly and ,uietly that the guests

did not e(en reali$e in which direction he went. 'nstead of him a ser(ant bowed in front

of the boys. Without a word% he in(ited them with a gesture to follow him.

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The boys started talking to each other only after they had found themsel(es alone

in a large room curtained with wall hangings.

#irst )rian said% 7' don&t like all this98

7What don&t you like<8

7+(erything9 This city% this castle% and especially this 2ar,uis. Why did you sign

his paper< )nd e(en in blood98

7-ou heard%8 !hris started to justify himself in a guilty (oice% 7he accused me of 


7'n my opinion% he would do whate(er it takes to ha(e you participate in his

stupid tournament. y the way% ' also really don&t like this strange tournament.8

7What do you find strange about it< ) tournament is a tournament. >sual

 business for a knight.8

7*idn&t it seem strange to you that the 2ar,uis ne(er said that it&s a joust


7!an there be another kind<8

7Why not< 'n this country% e(erything is different. )nd the people are also

different.8 )rian got e1cited. 7ot e1cluding that we&re now being watched.8 )fter

making this assumption% )rian started to e1amine all the corners and walls. 6e looked

under the bed and looked behind all the wall hangings.

7)re you really afraid<8 !hris tried to tease him.

7-es%8 )rian frankly acknowledged. 7' fear for you% because you&re my knight and

'&m your s,uire. -our life is dearer to me than my own. ' ne(er once disgraced you by 

cutting in on your con(ersation. ut you should ha(e looked at me more often% then you

 wouldn&t ha(e signed all sorts of dubious documents. 0ne can indeed sell one&s soul this

 way% by accident. This 2ar,uis does all this with some dirty trick.874top grumbling.8 !hris did not e1pect )rian to be so angry with him. 7ow let&s

go to dinner with the 2ar,uis and he&ll clarify e(erything. -ou&ll see that you&re being

upset for nothing.8

 )rian raised his inde1 finger. 7)nd still% there&s a dirty trick here98

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Cha"ter &leen

TH& P'(T$C$P'%TS

 )t these words% the door swung open and the miranda walked in. 76a(e you

decided to still take part in the tournament<8 she addressed !hris without greeting. 6esaid nothing% only nodded.

7>seless.8 The miranda strolled around the room like the host and sat down on

an armchair standing by the fireplace. 7't&d be better for you to return to your world.8

7*oes it really befit a knight to run from a jousting tournament<8

The miranda smiled. 7Who told you that it&s a joust<8 !hris was bewildered. )rian


The miranda continued% 7't isn&t a joust at all. 2y master just sent me to e1plain

the rules to you. -ou&re indeed a stranger% and he thought that maybe you don&t know 


74peak98 !hris ordered the miranda.7esides the guards% my master also has bodyguards. 3ike me% they ser(e as

sla(es. We aren&t people. To you we&re unnatural creatures% monsters9 There&re nine of 

us at this time. )s you might already be sure% it&s not easy to deal with the likes of us.8

7ut we dealt with you98 )rian interrupted her. The miranda looked at the boy 

and hissed angrily. 6owe(er% he was not frightened in the least.

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7e(ertheless% e(eryone here is afraid of us% e(en the Aueen. )lthough my master

 will ne(er do anything bad to her.8

7Why is that<8 )rian immediately asked the miranda. 4omehow% he did not

consider it necessary to stand on ceremony with her. 7What% she&s afraid of him<8

7't&s none of your business% cheeky s,uire9 't doesn&t concern you. )nd keep ,uiet

in general% '&m talking to your master.8

7#ine%8 the boy agreed. 7'&ll listen and not miss a single word.8 Then )rian began

turning !hris& sword in his hands% gi(ing it an inspection.

7ut our ser(ices ha(en&t once been useful for the 2ar,uis% because nobody dares

to become his enemy% and those who dared% we immediately killed. 't was (ery rare%

though% and a long time ago. ow% in order that we don&t become stale% our master came

up with this tournament. 6e challenged the best warriors and the bra(est of 2orta(ia to

fight with us. Then there were many more of us. ut after fi(e tournaments more than

half of ostiniak&s sla(es were killed. )fter all% sometimes there were ,uite good warriors

amongst the people. e(ertheless% there was not a single winner. obody reached the


7What must be done to reach the final<8 !hris asked.

7*efeat all of us.8

7Well% we already beat you%8 )rian could not control himself again% 7that means

that now it&s just the others. 'f they&re all like you% then ' don&t think we&ll stay here


7-our s,uire isn&t just cheeky but also cocky%8 the miranda remarked. 7ut he&s

right about one thing. ' won&t take part in the tournament.8

7What joy98 )rian again could not resist from saying something nasty.

70ther ser(ants of the 2ar,uis will deal with you%8 the miranda grinned nastily and looked at )rian. 74o% when the blind white li$ard tears your knight apart or puts him

on the rhinatag&s horn% '&ll catch you% smug little s,uire% first rip your sharp little tongue

out% and then kill you. ' promise that you&ll die in terrible agony. o one knows torture

like mirandas.8 4he said this so lustily% as if )rian was already in her hands.

7We&ll see who&ll win%8 the s,uire growled. e(ertheless% the pre(ious bra(ado

 was no longer in his (oice.

The miranda abruptly got up from her armchair% noisily opened up the wings

 behind her back% and then folded them up again% as if she wanted to stretch. 7We&ll meet

at dinner%8 she said% turning to lea(e. 7)ll the tournament participants will gather at the

table ne1t to the 2ar,uis. oth the sla(es and the allegedly free.84he looked at the door% both sides of which swept open under her ga$e. The

miranda flew out of the room like an arrow. The boys followed her with their eyes and

e1changed glances uneasily. The door closed. y itself.

7' knew it98 )rian e1claimed. 7't isn&t a joust. 't&s a trap. )nd this 2ar,uis is

simply a murderer. We must lea(e the castle.8

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7Too late%8 !hris sighed. 76e has my signature% and it holds me tighter than any 

chain. ' feel it e1actly. The 2ar,uis is probably e(en a sorcerer.8

70f course he is%8 )rian agreed. 7*o normal people really ha(e such sla(es< )fter

all% only sorcery can keep them obedient.8

7ow he&s keeping me obedient too.8 !hris took his sword from )rian&s hand.

7>ntil ' win this tournament or die% ' won&t be free. 2y honour keeps me here. ) knight

of the ra(e clan must be answerable for his word. +(en if the 2ar,uis hadn&t forced me

to sign in blood% ' still wouldn&t go back on it. ow let&s go to the 2ar,uis. 't&ll be

midnight soon and we&(e been in(ited to dinner.8

 )s if in response to his words% the same silent ser(ant appeared at the door and

gestured to them to follow him. )long the dark corridors% where they did not meet a soul

on the way% they reached a ban,uet hall round like a circus arena% in which were long

tables% with the 2ar,uis& nine sla(es sitting% standing% or lying at the one in the centre.

They were terrible creatures% the largest of which were the three;metre li$ard% as white

as snow% and the one;eyed giant with si1 arms and a head as small as a child&s. They 

 were both repulsi(ely hideous.

6owe(er% the others were not much better. Two midgets% twins% clothed in

reflecting armour% were sitting importantly5 a centaur with three heads% si1 legs% and a

long tail5 a two;metre mutant: half man and half wolf. There was e(en a man who had

the legs of a horse% and instead of a nose% a huge and sharp horn like that of a rhino

stuck out of his face. !hris and )rian guessed that this was the rhinatag that the

miranda had talked about. The miranda herself sat apart from the others and watched

!hris intently. +(idently% she was interested in his reaction.

!hris looked calmly at the monsters. ot a muscle mo(ed on his face. )rian

turned his head and also looked with interest at his knight&s future opponents. 6e didnot hide his feelings. 0nly there were not fear and horror on his face% but a(ersion and

disgust. When a fat woman% who had li(e poisonous snakes instead of arms and octopus

tentacles instead of legs growing right from her body% suddenly grabbed and pulled him

towards her% he pretended that he would puke.

The fat woman laughed. 7*o ' really ha(e to battle with this chick< 6e&s weaker

than a mos,uito. ' can eat him right now.8 )nd she suddenly opened a mouth that

 became incredibly huge and was co(ered with large and sharp shark&s teeth. )rian

recoiled in horror% and !hris pulled out his sword and e(en raised his arm to strike. 0n

seeing this% the monster let go of the boy and wa(ed her snake;arms% 7't was a joke98

 )ll the creatures sitting at the table neighed loudly and cheerfully. )rian hid behind !hris and sniffed fearfully. ow he kept far away from the monsters. 6e felt sick 

and was truly scared. 6e e(en wanted to grab !hris& hand but saw the miranda% who

looked like a beautiful princess against the background of the others% looking mockingly 

at him% remembered that he was the s,uire of night !hristian and not a little boy%

instantly ac,uired confidence in himself% and straightened his shoulders.

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!hris understood his mood and patted him reassuringly on the shoulder. 7*on&t be afraid% little brother%8 he whispered to him. 7We&ll break through98 )rian timidly 

shook !hristian&s hand and brightened up when !hris answered with a strong

handshake. ow he was afraid of nothing.

They made their way together to the main table% where the 2ar,uis 6enri de

ostiniak was sitting and calling them to him with signs.

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7Well% night% what do you think of my dogs<8 the 2ar,uis asked !hristian

smugly% when !hris sat down beside him. )rian immediately stood behind !hris% ready 

to carry out any of his knight&s orders. 7)ren&t they lo(ely<8

7-es% they&re amusing%8 !hris agreed. 70nly ' thought that '&d be fighting noble

knights and not such freaks.8

7o need to call them that.8 2ar,uis de ostiniak was offended for his ser(ants.

7-ou really didn&t know with whom you&ll be dealing<8


7)h% what a pity98 The 2ar,uis pretended that he was distressed. 7ut there&s

nothing to be done now. ' warned you that you should think before you agree.8

7'&ll fight%8 !hris calmed the 2ar,uis.

The 2ar,uis simply lit up. 7' knew you wouldn&t let me down% night. uests

from all o(er the country ha(e already begun to gather in the city. These are the most

famous and powerful people. ' think they&ll enjoy the tournament. y the way% you

probably can&t wait to get ac,uainted with those from whom you&ll ha(e to defend your

life. -es% your life9 'ndeed% e(ery fight is to the death. ) mortal combat. >nfortunately%

there&re only two participants. 't has become totally impossible to find people willing to

participate in the tournament. 6ere ' remember% forty years ago there were ninety 

participants against thirty of my ser(ants. They all perished. 4ad% ' agree% but will there

really be someone able to stand against my bodyguards<8 The 2ar,uis shook his head

and looked sympathetically at !hris.

73et 2erengo enter98 The 2ar,uis& chief of the guards entered the hall. The

monsters saw him and s,uealed with delight.

74ee how sincerely glad they are on seeing him< They aren&t e(il% my little ones. 'n

a few days they&re e1pected to fight with him% and perhaps die% but they look forward toit like kids.8

2erengo passed through the ban,uet hall and sat down ne1t to !hris.

7)nd where&s the city dweller<8 ostiniak asked se(erely. 7Whom did they pick<8

7They didn&t%8 2erengo replied. The 2ar,uis frowned menacingly. 7There was a


7) (olunteer<8 ewilderment appeared on the 2ar,uis& face. 7)mong these



7Who is he<8

7rusila the blacksmith.8 )s soon as 2erengo uttered the name% two guards led aman bound in chains into the hall.

The moment !hris saw him% he immediately leaped up from his seat and turned

to )rian. 7*o you see this<8 The s,uire% not taking his eyes off the blacksmith% nodded.

The reason for their surprise was that rusila the blacksmith was as alike as two

peas in a pod to that blacksmith they met when they disco(ered that 3aura had lost a


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The 2ar,uis noticed their surprise and was surprised in turn. 7*o you know this


7o98 the boys answered in one (oice.

Then ostiniak turned to rusila. 7*id you really (oluntarily agree to take part in

the tournament<8

The blacksmith% after gi(ing the 2ar,uis a look he did not like% nodded in the

affirmati(e. 7-es% ' did98

7Why did you do it<8 ostiniak almost drilled the blacksmith with a piercing ga$e.

7' don&t want people to be killed for nothing. )fter all% you ga(e the order to throw 

two hundred people to your monster cannibals if no one is willing.8

!hris looked in ama$ement at the 2ar,uis% who caught his look and was

embarrassed. 7' promised to show the Aueen&s son the tournament% and therefore ga(e

such an order.8 The 2ar,uis seemingly justified himself before !hris. Then he proudly 

looked at the blacksmith and said% 74o<8

7' decided to sa(e them.8

7With the price of your own life< 's that so<8 The 2ar,uis sprang from his seat%

ran to the blacksmith% and looked him in the eye.

73et me die% let me perish in mortal combat% but knowing that innocent people

 will be killed% ' just can&t.8

The ban,ueting hall fell silent with these words. +(en the monsters stopped

screaming and smacking their lips and looked perple1edly at the man in chains. What he

 wanted to say did not get through to them. They could not understand how it is possible

to sacrifice one&s own life for others.

6owe(er% ostiniak was simply shaking with rage. 72erengo98 6e ran to his chief 

of the guards. 7What&s this< #or more than a hundred years% ' ha(e oppressed this city and these people% and there was ne(er one among them capable of generosity and self;

sacrifice. Where did he come from<8

7' was born in ien(illemort%8 rusila inter(ened% 7and all my life '&(e seen how 

people of this city suffer under your yoke% ostiniak. )nd all my life '&(e dreamt that

they would take up arms and o(erthrow you. ut miracles don&t happen. "eople are

afraid of you% of your sorcery% and of these freaks98 The monsters growled indignantly at

these words.

7-ou rebel98 The 2ar,uis looked attenti(ely at the blacksmith% went up to him

again% and tapped him on the shoulder. 76ow is it that my spies missed you< ut you

 won&t decei(e me. -our generosity has ruined and betrayed you. 2y order has forced you to come to me and lay your life down at my feet.8

rusila looked at ostiniak with hatred and gritted his teeth. The muscles on his

powerful arms bulged and the chains snapped one after the other with a ringing sound

and fell to his feet. The monsters nodded appro(al.

7'mpressi(e98 The 2ar,uis slapped the blacksmith on the shoulder. 7ut why 

spoil a good thing< ' would&(e ordered them to unchain you anyway% blacksmith. 4ince

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 you&(e done it yourself% then sit at the table with us. ow you can talk as e,uals with any 

knight and duke. 'sn&t that so% 2erengo<8 The chief of the guards nodded. The

 blacksmith sat down.

The 2ar,uis grinned again. 7Why don&t you want to sit ne1t to 2erengo< -ou

don&t like him<8

7o98 the blacksmith replied loudly and looked at 2erengo with the same hatred

as at the 2ar,uis. 76e&s a faithful dog of a tyrant% so he&s also responsible for people&s

sorrow and suffering.8

70kay98 the 2ar,uis suddenly interrupted rusila rudely. 6e immediately lost all

his ci(ility and became like a man tormented by a headache. 7'&m tired of hearing defiant

speeches. ' hope you&ll fight as well as you wag your tongue. 4it down and eat98

The blacksmith obediently picked up a big chunk of meat and sank his strong

 white teeth into it.

7*oesn&t it bother you to eat the food in the house of a man whom you hate<8 the

2ar,uis asked scornfully.

7'n any other situation ' wouldn&t eat a crumb in this house. ut now let your

food gi(e me strength and help me deal with your monsters.8

76owe(er% if you continue to be insolent to me and insult my sla(es% '&ll kill you

on the spot% before ripping out your foul tongue% and two hundred citi$ens will fight

instead you. o% not two hundred% but three hundred% four hundred% fi(e hundred98 The

2ar,uis was so angry that he started to pound the table with his fists.

+(eryone fro$e. !hris and )rian feared for rusila&s life% but the others were just

curious as to how this would all end.

The 2ar,uis came to his senses and looked around. 7't was a joke8 he assured

those present.+(eryone laughed% e1pressing joy at the 2ar,uis& cheerful nature. 0nly !hris was

gloomy% and 2erengo had not smiled once since the 2ar,uis ordered him to fight. )nd

rusila certainly did not laugh.

2eanwhile% the hall began to fill up with the 2ar,uis& guests. These were such

disgusting% though human% faces that it was fitting to take them for the 2ar,uis&

monsters. )ll these dukes and earls% mar,uises and barons were more like highwaymen.

!hris looked at them with surprise. 2erengo saw his bewilderment and ,uietly 

said to him% 7'n our country a noble man has no right to be a handsome man% because

the Aueen so ordered.8

7ut the 2ar,uis<8 asked !hris. 76e&s not bad looking at all.876e&s the e1ception to the rule. Why< 't&s his secret. 0nly the Aueen re(eres him

like her own father.8

0nly one of the guests did not ha(e a scary face. 't was "rince 3autar% the son and

heir of the lack Aueen. 6e was e(en handsome% as befits a prince. 6e was a pale boy%

almost the same age as !hris. *uring the whole feast% he did not take his eyes off the

knight and )rian.

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"rince 3autar&s face was sad and mournful. 6e looked indifferently at the

surrounding people% and whene(er the 2ar,uis asked him anything% he only nodded or

answered in monosyllable words. 6e resembled a flower that grew in the middle of a


The feast lasted until morning. The guests complimented the master of the house

and drank to his health% anticipating the pleasure of the upcoming tournament. They 

certainly looked with curiosity at the future participants of the spectacle and

immediately made bets.

!hris felt like a gladiator whose life was relin,uished for the amusement of the

audience and clenched his fists with resentment. 6e immediately caught 2erengo&s eyes

on him. The warrior looked !hris straight in the eye and then lowered his head. 't

seemed to !hris that 2erengo was ashamed.

The feast went its normal course. The wine flowed freely% and soon many guests

 were drunk and became (iolent% swearing loudly and fighting among themsel(es. +(en

the 2ar,uis& monsters looked at this disgusting bunch in slight bewilderment. 't seemed

to !hristian that the 2ar,uis& guests were those monsters with whom he would ha(e to

cross swords. rusila looked at them with e(en more contempt and hatred. The

 blacksmith was just about ready to pounce on them and kill them all with his hammer.

0nly there was no hammer in his hand now% and armed guards were behind his back 

 watching his e(ery mo(e.

"rince 3autar got up from his seat% looked all around for a moment with an

an1ious% slightly surprised look% and went out of the hall% not e(en glancing at the

2ar,uis. The 2ar,uis was looking at his feast% or rather no longer a feast but a real

orgy% and rejoicing. The spectacle of aristocrats crawling and drunk as a skunk ga(e him

unspeakable pleasure.!hris thought that there was nothing more for him to do here% and turned to say 

this to )rian. ut there was no s,uire behind him. 74trange%8 he muttered to himself.

76e was just here. What e1actly has happened to him<8

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Cha"ter T!ele

TH& /$('%D'S $S'*(' '%D $S'B&--' 

othing had happened to )rian. The s,uire was simply tired of looking at

2ar,uis ostiniak&s disorderly guests and decided to e1plore the castle. The situation was the most suitable for this. The 2ar,uis and his bodyguards were in the ban,uet

hall. They would unlikely lea(e it until morning. 4o% nobody would interfere with his

spying. )rian wanted to ask !hris& permission first% but the knight&s face was so serious

and focused that the s,uire had doubts whether he would get permission. )rian had

already had time to understand !hris& character a little. 'ndeed% !hris made an effort to

look after him a lot in e(erything. 6e wanted to do e(erything himself. This did not ,uite

suit )rian. 6e wanted more independence in actions. This is the reason he said nothing

to !hris and left the hall unnoticed. The door was literally behind him% and no one

looked in his direction% because at that moment all eyes were directed right at a count%

 who% in a state of drunkenness% suddenly considered himself a hero and attacked the

 blind li$ard.

 )rian hid in the hallway and started to wait and see whether anyone had noticed

his manoeu(re. ) few minutes passed% and the boy% ha(ing calmed down% stepped out

from behind a tapestry% where he had been hiding% and wandered around the 2ar,uis&


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ostiniak&s home was not distinguished by originality and was built in the model

of many knightly castles. Therefore% it was not difficult for )rian to find his bearings.

The s,uire wandered around the castle but did not find anything suspicious. The castle

 was a castle. *amp and dark% as in other castles. The fumes from the smoking torches

got into his nose and he wanted to snee$e. )rian was already starting to get bored and

thinking about returning to his knight. 4uddenly% his attention was attracted by a

strange ,uiet rustling coming from one little passage that led to somewhere below%

probably to the (ault. This corridor was ob(iously usually locked up% because a thick%

hea(y door separated it from the main corridor% but now it was open. 't was as if 

someone had forgotten to close it. )rian decided to go there.

There was no torch in the passage and it was not possible to see what was in it.

Then )rian turned around and took one of the torches from the wall% wa(ed it so that it

lit up as it should% and boldly entered the little passage. 'n two steps% he disco(ered

stairs leading down. The sound was coming from there. )rian began to stare into the

darkness% and although in the forest he could see in the dark like a wild forest cat% he

could see nothing here. The noise from there continued to reach him and e(en grew 

louder. 0nly )rian could not place the kind of sound. The nature of the sound was

constantly changing. 'f at first it seemed to the boy that he heard a (oice asking for help%

then the sound began to resemble hissing snakes% or gas escaping from underground.

 When he had taken a few steps forward% he clearly heard a child crying. ow )rian

immediately felt uneasy and regretted that !hris was not beside him. 6e had almost no

 weapon with him. Three daggers hung from his belt. e(ertheless% they were not

fighting kni(es% but those which the #orest "rincipality inhabitants used to help them

climb trees. 6owe(er% just in case he pulled one of them out and held it firmly in his

hand.7Who&s here<8 he asked.

'nstead of an answer the door behind closed with a thud. oosebumps ran down

the s,uire&s spine. 6e felt his legs trembling. 6e e(en got angry with himself.

7night !hristian was right when he called me a show;off%8 he scolded himself. 7-eah%

'&m some coward98

Then )rian began to descend the stairs boldly% lighting his way with the torch%

until he found himself in a spacious basement filled with barrels. 7)h% it&s just a wine

cellar98 )rian concluded disappointedly. 7)nd ' thought...8

6e was about to turn and lea(e when he saw a miranda on the floor tied up with

thick and sturdy straps. 4he was lying and wriggling% trying to break free. 0nly this wasnot the same miranda with whom !hris had fought. That one had black hair and her

eyes sparkled with anger and hatred towards all li(ing things. This one had golden curls

almost reaching to her feet% and pain and fear were in her sky;blue eyes. )nd she was

also dressed ,uite differently. 'f the 2ar,uis& sla(e was dressed in a short% dark;grey 

tunic and high boots of the same colour% and her wings were black as pitch% the short

tunic of this one was as white as snow% her feet were shod in elegant sandals% and light;

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grey% sil(ery wings were behind her back. 'n general% this miranda was far more

attracti(e than that one. 6er mouth was bound with a strap tied at the back of her head

and she could not scream. The sounds that )rian had heard came from her right wing%

one end of which had managed to break loose. )s soon as )rian saw her% he immediately 

got down on his knees and started to free the unfortunate prisoner.

7Who are you<8 he asked her as soon as he cut the strap pre(enting her from


72y name is 'sabella98 she replied. 7Why do you set me free% bra(e boy< 'ndeed%

the 2ar,uis will kill you for this.8

7The 2ar,uis can&t touch me.8 )rian ,uickly cut the straps binding the miranda.

7What are you doing here and why are you in the 2ar,uis& dungeon<8

7' came this morning to free my sister 'saura and kill the 2ar,uis. ut *ron and

the rhinatag caught me% and my sister...8 the miranda sobbed% 7helped them.8

7lack;haired% yes<8 the boy guessed.


7Well% some sister you ha(e98 )rian could not resist e1claiming.

7's that so98 'sabella stood up for her sister. 74he was once a beautiful miranda

and lo(ing sister. >ntil...8 The miranda sobbed and tried to stretch her stiff wings%

 because )rian had finally freed her. 7>ntil the 2ar,uis caught her in a trap and took 

possession of her soul. ow she&s an e(il monster and she hates me% just like all the

others. Will you show me the way out<8

70f course98

 )rian helped the miranda get up and led her upstairs. Together they went out

into the main hallway. The boy looked around and% on seeing that no one was around%

pulled 'sabella behind him. 6e held her by the hand.7' saw a way out right here ne1t to the obser(ation tower. We&ll go on it and you

can fly away.8

7-es% '&ll fly to the mountains% where my tribe li(es. Thank you% noble boy. ?ust

tell me% what&s the name of my little sa(iour<8

 )rian blushed. 72y name is )rian. '&m the son of "rince )rinako. )nd '&m not a

child at all. '&m already the s,uire of a real knight;errant.8

7Thank you% )rian98

They went out onto the platform of the obser(ation tower and the miranda

spread her wings% preparing for flight. 4he was so beautiful that )rian admired her.

efore she took off% 'sabella approached the boy% hugged him% and kissed him.7#arewell% s,uire. ' hope nothing bad will happen to you. 2ay the hea(enly gods

guard you. '&ll return again and free my sister.8

7#arewell% 'sabella.8

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The miranda spread her wings again and her slender legs pulled away from the

platform. The white tunic fluttered with the wind and its fluttering was reflected in the

sil(ery wings. )rian thought that he had ne(er seen anything more beautiful in his life.

'sabella circled abo(e the tower and flew in the direction of ien(illemort. +(idently% the

mountains where she li(ed were in that direction. )rian watched her and was sad to part

 with such a fantastic and beautiful creature. They had spent so little time together. ut

'sabella was already far away% it was hard to make her out. 4he had turned into a small

dot starting to glow in the sky. 't was almost dawn.

4uddenly% )rian heard a noise behind him. 6e turned around and fro$e in fear.

efore him was a completely different miranda% as terrible as the goddess of war. 't was

the black;haired 'saura. 4he first looked at the departing 'sabella% then at )rian. ) 

hostile light flashed in her eyes.

7)ha9 't&s the same snotty s,uire of the knight;errant again% who always sticks his

nose in none of his business98

 )rian did not e(en manage to say a word as she noisily swooped down upon him%

caught him in an iron grip% and took off into the air. 'n a second% )rian saw the ground

 beneath him. They were so high up that he e(en felt di$$y and nausea rose to his throat.

7What if ' throw you down<8 The miranda laughed and made a sharp turn. The

air around them bu$$ed loudly. 76ow do you like that<8

 )rian said nothing. #or some reason% he did not ,uite want to make fun of 'saura

this time.

The miranda was gaining speed. 4he was full of energy and carried the s,uire as if 

he weighed nothing. The last time% after the fight with !hris% she was e1hausted and they 

 were flying low and slow. ow% after a hearty feast and strong wine% 'saura was full of 

energy% and the wind whistled in )rian&s ears and nausea rushed to his throat.'saura was flying in pursuit of her sister. 4he did not let her out of sight and was

,uickly catching up. The blonde miranda was too weak after her capti(ity in the

 basement to fly fast. esides% she did not know that she was being pursued% and when

her sister&s black wings made a noise abo(e 'sabella&s head% it was a complete surprise

for her.

74top98 'saura yelled at her. 74top and look at me.8

'sabella turned around and looked ,ui$$ically at her sister. When she saw )rian

in 'saura&s hands% her eyes reflected pain and despair.

7)ha% so you&re sorry for the boy<8 The black miranda rejoiced. 7Then if you won&t

listen to me% '&ll kill him.8 )rian felt the cold blade of 'saura&s sword on his neck. 6e wanted to shout to

'sabella not to obey% but the black miranda s,uee$ed his throat so tightly that he


7*on&t kill the boy%8 'sabella begged. 7'saura% my sister% you ha(e committed so

many sins in the 2ar,uis& ser(ice. *on&t do another. '&ll do what you say.8

7Then you&ll fly with me and appear before the 2ar,uis.8

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70h% sister% sister98 'sabella sighed. 7'ndeed% you&re ruining me.8

7' know nothing. -ou escaped from the 2ar,uis. 6e sent me after you. )nd you

slipped away with this little rascal.8

7-ou swear that you won&t tell the 2ar,uis this. 0therwise% he&ll kill this young

hero% and then '&ll ha(e returned to the castle for nothing.8

'saura angrily s,uee$ed )rian again so tightly that he almost choked. 70% so be


'saura turned and flew back to the castle. 4he did not e(en look back% because she

 was certain that her sister was flying behind her. )nd she was right. )rian% who was

dangling like a chicken in a hawk&s talons during the flight% saw how sadly and

hopelessly she flapped her wings% if it is possible to say so about wings.

Then all of them landed on the platform of the obser(ation tower. 'saura threw 

 )rian away with hatred and hissed in a (oice breaking with anger% 7o to your knight

and don&t come across me anymore. 0ne more meeting will be the last. #or you.8

 )rian was not really scared of her. efore walking away% he went up to 'sabella

and took her hand. Tears glistened in the boy&s eyes and he hastened to wipe them with

his hand.

7'&m sorry this happened. 't was all my fault. ' shouldn&t ha(e stayed so long on

the tower. ut you flew so beautifully98

7-ou&re not at fault% )rian98 The white miranda touched the s,uire&s hair. 7#ate

has simply arranged it so.8

7+nough chatting98 'saura pulled her roughly. 7#ollow me9 3et each go his own


7-ou&re some disgusting bat%8 )rian grumbled softly and ran to the ban,uet hall%

pondering on the way what he would say to !hris about his absence.

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Cha"ter Thirteen

T# /#(& )$CT$/S F#( TH& /'(+*$S

*uring that time% the following took place in the ban,uet hall.

!hris also wished to lea(e the feast and set off to his apartment or search for his

s,uire% but !ount arbi$on caught his attention. This robust person had drunk too much

 wine and considered himself a great hero capable of fighting anybody. 7What are these

scarecrows to me98 he began to brag to his drinking buddies. 7' can fight with all of 


These drinkers and brawlers just like him were pleased and immediately began to

urge him on. 7-ou brag all the time because you&re drunk and don&t think things o(er.

ut you&ll yield your sword to whiche(er of the 2ar,uis& sla(es you&re up against% and

 you&ll run back home straight away98 They started shouting in eager ri(alry% glancing

slyly at each other and winking.

!ount arbi$on got mad% pulled out his sword% and started wa(ing it. 7)nd ' can

challenge you all to a duel9 -ou hear< )ll of you98

6is friends only made fun of him. 7-ou&d at least grapple with *ron9 o need to

talk about the others now.8

7Why *ron< '&ll fight the blind li$ard himself98

7#ight% fight987ow '&ll fight98

The !ount ran to the blind li$ard and started to poke it with his sword in different

places of its scaly skin. The blind li$ard began to twist its snout in astonishment. 't could

not understand at all what was happening. +(eryone around was laughing loudly and

merrily. This further stimulated arbi$on. 6e began to poke the li$ard so furiously with

the sword that it e(entually snapped. ut there was not e(en a scratch on the li$ard&s

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skin. 3aughter burst out in the hall. This brought arbi$on to a rage. 6e ran up to one of 

the guards and began to yank a halberd from his hand. The guard looked at the 2ar,uis.

ostiniak ga(e him a sign to yield.

4ei$ing the weapon% the !ount again rushed to the blind li$ard. With all his

strength% he pounced on the monster% which finally reali$ed that it was being attacked

and roared with pain and rage. The blind li$ard rose from its seat and began to search

for the offender. 't had also drunk a lot of wine% so it was focusing with difficulty% and its

sensiti(e ears and sense of smell were decei(ed by the noise of those feasting and the

many scents. 6ence% it could not understand from which direction it was being attacked

and was twirling amusingly on the spot. The noise in the hall intensified% and the !ount

really picked up courage and began to strike the li$ard fre,uently and fiercely.

2ar,uis ostiniak watched what was happening. When the li$ard began to

 whimper from pain and tucked its tail beneath it% the 2ar,uis left his seat and ran up to

!ount arbi$on. 74top% !ount%8 he grabbed his hand. 7#or what reason are you attacking

my sla(e and beating him% e(en with a battle weapon< Who let you<8 6e was trying his

 best to be polite.

7'&ll kill this cowardly brute98 arbi$on roared with rage. 7'&ll pro(e to e(eryone

 what ' am98

7y all means%8 the 2ar,uis replied. 7ut just bear in mind that ' won&t let

anyone kill my sla(e. The day after tomorrow he&s to participate in the tournament. 6ow 

 will he fight% in your opinion% if you already maim him today<8

74o% ' can&t kill him today<8

7o% you can&t98

7What am ' to do< 6ow can ' pro(e to my friends that '&m no coward but a great

 warrior<87othing easier98 the 2ar,uis e1claimed cheerfully. 7Take part in the tournament

and kill the blind li$ard in a fair fight. ' won&t allow him to be dealt with any other way.8

!ount arbi$on stared at the 2ar,uis with blurred eyes that saw almost nothing.

6e was also thinking with great difficulty. 7'n a tournament<8 he asked% wobbling. 7'n a


7-es.8 The 2ar,uis hugged the !ount and smiled joyfully at him. 7usiness;like9

 -ou see how awkward and timid he is. 4uch a bra(e man as you will get the better of him

in no time at all.8 The feasting crowd picked up the 2ar,uis& words with loud and

cheerful shouts% calling upon the !ount to kill 7the li$ard8 in a one;on;one.

7)nd what pleasure you&ll bring your friends98 ostiniak continued to tempt the!ount. 7What glory about you will spread across the entire country9 +(en the Aueen will

find out9 )nd her son% "rince 3autar% will applaud you. )gree% !ount98

The !ount smiled% wobbling e(en more% looked again at the blind li$ard% which

 was still spinning around the table and wa(ing its paws amusingly% ga(e a wa(e with his

hand and said loudly% 7' agree.8

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6is words were met with a storm of o(ation and applause. +(eryone praised

arbi$on and his courage. "retty girls in short dresses appeared from out of nowhere.

They ran into the hall and showered the !ount with flowers and air kisses. arbi$on

himself immediately blossomed like one of the roses stuck in his hair.

The te1t of the agreement instantly appeared in the 2ar,uis& hands. 7Then sign

this paper%8 he prompted arbi$on. 70nly in blood. 4imple ink won&t do in this matter.8

7'n blood<8 arbi$on hiccupped loudly. The 2ar,uis nodded. 7othing easier98

the !ount declared and nearly fell on the floor. The 2ar,uis barely managed to catch


ow a ser(ant appeared with a tray on which lay a feather and a knife% and it was

all o(er. !ount arbi$on put his signature where e1pected and immediately fell onto the

floor near the 2ar,uis& feet. )fter a moment% he began to snore loudly and ostiniak 

 yelled% 73ong li(e !ount arbi$on9 3ong li(e our new hero% gentlemen98 +(eryone

shouted in reply% pleased that the tournament promised to be more interesting and

fascinating with e(ery hour.

!hris looked at all this with disdain. When he saw how foolishly the !ount had

 beha(ed% he did not pity him in the least. 4till% the thought came to him that he himself 

had recently acted just as foolishly and carelessly as arbi$on.

7Where&s )rian<8 he asked himself again. )t this moment% someone coughed in

his ear. !hris turned around and sighed in relief. The s,uire was standing behind him%

looking a bit dishe(elled and rumpled% as if he was scared of something. ut !hris did

not pay this any attention. 7Where ha(e you been<8

The s,uire wa(ed his hand aggrie(edly. 7' strolled around the castle. )lmost

completed a feat% but spoiled e(erything myself.8

!hris raised his eyebrows in surprise. 7What are you talking about<87'&ll tell you later% but look. This is the miranda 'sabella% sister of the 2ar,uis&

sla(e.8 !hris looked in the direction )rian indicated and saw two mirandas entering the


74he tried to kill the 2ar,uis% but was captured%8 )rian e1plained in a whisper in

!hris& ear. 7' tried to help her% but this de(il 'saura saw us and e(erything fell through.

't&s unclear what they&ll do to 'sabella now. '&m so sorry for her. 'f they try to kill her% '

swear by my sword% they&ll ha(e to do it o(er my dead body.8

!hris remained in his seat% although he was just going to lea(e. 'sabella interested

him. esides% he was sure that he would not be able to drag )rian away. The s,uire did

not take his eyes off the prisoner.The eyes of all those present were already turning to the mirandas. The sisters

 were so different and at the same time so alike. The noise began to subside.

The last to see the sisters was the 2ar,uis himself. 7)nd here&s the little sister of 

my 'saura98 he e1claimed% rubbing his hands in pleasure. 7What do you ha(e to say%

'sabella< 4till want to kill me<8 The white miranda ga(e the 2ar,uis a look of hatred

and said not a word.

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74ilent<8 ostiniak walked o(er to her. 7-ou don&t want to talk to me< Well% no

 wonder we say Cproud as a miranda&. -our mountain tribe% which ' almost wiped out%

always bothered me. 6ow many of you are left< 0r are you the last< 4peak98 'sabella

snorted indignantly.

7e silent% be silent if you want.8 ostiniak folded his arms and turned to the

guests% as if he had forgotten about 'sabella. 7' ha(e prepared entertainment for you. *o

 you want to see capital punishment<8

70f course98 was the uni(ersal response.

7)nd you will98 the 2ar,uis stated cheerfully% like the master of ceremonies in a

circus% and clapped his hands. !hris felt )rian tense up and lean forward behind his


7*o you hope to frighten me<8 'sabella asked the 2ar,uis contemptuously.

6e looked at her in surprise. 7What are you talking about<8

7'sn&t your punishment intended for me<8

70f course not%8 ostiniak spread his hands in surprise. 7)fter all% you&re not my 

sla(e such that ' could publicly punish or pardon you. 'saura% come to me.8 The black 

miranda obediently approached the 2ar,uis and bowed. The 2ar,uis mo(ed his hands

artistically. 7*ear 'saura% tell us e(erything that happened to you this afternoon on the

 border of our country% which you ha(e to guard.8

Auietly% but in a calm (oice% the miranda recounted her meeting with !hris% her

fight with him% and her defeat. When she finished% a dead silence fell in the hall. 4ome

looked at her% others at !hris% and e(eryone was waiting for what the 2ar,uis would say.

7ow say what befalls a border guard who lets a newcomer pass through the

territory he guards.8

7#or this% death befalls him%8 'saura replied calmly all the same. 4he got down on both knees and humbly bowed her head. 6er hair fell from her shoulders and re(ealed

her neck.

7!orrect%8 the 2ar,uis agreed. 7That is the law. 't&s harsh. -es% we li(e in a state

 with harsh laws% but it is precisely thanks to them and their strict implementation that

 we prosper. 0ur people don&t grumble and know not to dream about changes% and so we

ha(e no conspiracies and intrigues as in other kingdoms% and our Aueen reigns

peacefully. Therefore% the law is important to us. That&s why you&ll die% 'saura% although

 you&re my most trusted and loyal sla(e.8

 ) few of the guests nodded appro(al% agreeing with their host. The miranda

 bowed her head e(en lower. 4he was the epitome of humility.0nly 'sabella did not think of resigning herself. 74coundrel98 she e1claimed.

7-ou&re lying% and my sister&s life is in your hands.8

7't&s not true98 the 2ar,uis wa(ed. 7'&m the most humble subject of her 2ajesty%

and who else but ' should follow through with carrying out the laws< What happens if '

don&t abide by them< What e1ample is that for people<8

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7*on&t lie98 )gain% 'sabella did not belie(e him. 7+(eryone here knows (ery well

that 2orta(ia&s laws are written by you but not for you. What do you want% scoundrel% so

that my sister will remain ali(e< 'ndeed% ' understand (ery well why you put on this

comedy. Well% you ha(e the right to it% since '&m in your hands. 4peak98

The 2ar,uis again put on a hurt look and shook his head reproachfully. 7)i;yai;

 yai9 ' hear so many insults from the lips of a miranda% who tried to break into my home

to kill me. Why< 0nly because her sister ser(es me faithfully and loyally<8

7etter keep ,uiet about that9 'ndeed% you ha(e put a spell on her98

74o what< *o the laws of our Aueen prohibit spells< )nyone who wants to can do

that. We ha(e freedom98

7True98 The 2ar,uis& guests supported him again.

7-ou ha(e an answer for e(erything%8 'sabella sighed. 7'&m tired of arguing and

 bickering with you. Tell me% what do you want<8

7' do ha(e the right not to carry out the law on the death of a border guard. This

right is gi(en to me once e(ery ten years% during the great tournament. )nd '&ll use this

right to spare your sister if you agree to do something for me.8

7'&ll do anything% anything% just not anything mean and low. 'f you demand that

from me% '&ll sacrifice my own life and the life of my sister.8

The 2ar,uis simply gritted his teeth with rage at these words. 70h% this nobility 

of the mirandas. 6ow ' hate it9 ' would wipe out your whole race.8

7-ou&(e already done so. 'sn&t it enough for you that we left to li(e in the


7o% you&re too noble to li(e in my country98 ostiniak turned pale with anger.

7't&s e1actly for the likes of you that ' came up with this tournament. est of all% it purges

my land from stupid bra(e spirits willing to defend the weak and the humble. 't&s youpre(enting us from ruling the world9 4o% better you die in battle with the monsters%

 which you can&t defeat. ' want e1actly this from you% 'sabella. )fter all% you and these%8

he nodded towards !hris% rusila% and 2erengo% 7are probably the last people in our

country with these ,ualities. They&(e fallen into my trap like a fly falling into a spider

 web. -ou&ll share their fate too% right< -ou indeed ha(e no other way out. -our nobleness

 won&t let you refuse my proposal. -ou won&t be able to sa(e your sister% e(en if she

already isn&t the same miranda as before. 4ign this paper with your own blood. 'n it is

 written that you&ll fight with my sla(es in the tournament% and your soul will be mine in

this pledge.8

The 2ar,uis handed the miranda the usual parchment. 'sabella looked him upand down scornfully% while ostiniak bared his sharp yellow teeth in a grimace of 

hatred% and carried out the order.

The music started playing again. The 2ar,uis o(erturned a glass of wine on

himself% cheered up% and again became the hospitable host of the festi(al.

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7ow go to the guests and your companions in arms and enjoy my hospitality.

 -ou&(e made your choice% rescued your sister% and ' thank you so much for this98 The

2ar,uis bowed gallantly to 'sabella. 74o grateful9 ow you&re free% because you&re my 

guest and a participant of the tournament% not a prisoner98

 Without answering him% 'sabella went to the table where the tournament

participants were sitting. 4he sat down beside rusila% and )rian instantly appeared

 behind her and poured her a glass of wine.

The feast continued.

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Cha"ter Fourteen

TH& &)& #F TH& T#*(%'/&%T

The ne1t day% the 2ar,uis in(ited the fi(e tournament participants% fi(e

gladiators% to the castle&s armoury chamber. The initiation into (alance should take placehere. 't included showing them the 4un od&s armour% which the winner would recei(e

as the tournament rules e1plained% and allowing them to choose any of the weapons.

The gladiators beha(ed calmly and with fortitude% all e1cept !ount arbi$on. This

drunk% when he came to after boo$ing and learned that he had become a tournament

participant% almost went mad with terror% and now his moustache% still dashing and

thick yesterday% drooped fearfully. The 4un od&s armour turned out to be an ordinary 

suit of knightly armour% gilded. The rules were also simple. attles with the monsters

 were determined by lots and had to be to the death. The winner of the match was the

one who remained ali(e.

!hris e1amined with a cursory glance the weapons kept in the hall andunderstood that there was little that would be of use to him here.

7)s you know% )rian%8 he shared with his s,uire% 7'&ll manage with my faithful

two;handed sword. )nd my chain mail is lighter and more reliable than these

anti,uities. ' also don&t need a helmet. '&m used to my head always being in the fresh


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7+1actly%8 )rian agreed. 7'f your sword was able to break 'saura&s sword% then it

 will pierce the hides of these creatures for sure. ut ' don&t ha(e such a sword. '&ll

rummage in this pile of rusty junk and% trust me% ' won&t be shy% '&ll gather as many as '

can carry. '&m a sword;bearer after all98

The others felt the same way. 'ndeed% none of them had a real magical weapon%

 which had been in the body of the lack *ragon or under the ga$e of the olden 4phin1.

'sabella and rusila% who had no weapons at all% began to search for suitable

accoutrements for themsel(es. 2erengo ga$ed indifferently at the mountains of armour%

swords% sabres% spears% halberds% and other similar scrap;iron. 6e did not hurry. !ount

arbi$on% on the other hand% immediately rushed to the chain mail% armour% and shields.

0b(iously% he worried (ery much about the ,uestion of how and with what to escape

from the claws and fangs of the monsters. When e(eryone gathered again in front of the

4un od&s altar% he was so co(ered in armour that it was practically impossible to get at

him with either a sword or a spear.

'sabella and rusila armed themsel(es ,uite differently. The miranda took a light

chest armour and a long two;handed sword. ) steel helmet with eagle wings on the back 

co(ered her head. The blacksmith armed himself with a huge hammer on a long handle.

6e tossed it in his hand as if it was a feather. 2erengo remained in the same guard

outfit and only took another sword and put it behind his back. 4o% e(eryone e1cept

!ount arbi$on chose the tactic of lightly armed combat. They understood that the

monsters only seemed clumsy and bulky in looks. 'n fact% they were ,uick and light in

 battle% and it would be unlikely to hide from them behind armour as the !ount was


 When they had finished arming themsel(es% they started to draw lots: who% when%

and with whom to fight. 2erengo was the first to fight. 6e got *ron the wolf;man as hisopponent. 4econd in turn was !hris. 6e had to fight with the turtle;brothers. !ount

arbi$on followed him. The rhinatag fell to his lot. When the !ount found this out% he

could barely restrain himself from crying. 'sabella was fourth% to fight the woman with

tentacles% and rusila was the last% to fight the giant !rash. This was the first round. 't

 would also determine the participants for the ne1t.

*uring the draw% the pick of 2orta(ia&s elite was in the hall. They immediately 

placed bets. The noise was inconcei(able% and 2ar,uis 6enri de ostiniak% like the

conductor of an orchestra% towered abo(e all this. 6e announced the results of the draw 

in a loud (oice and made amusing comments.

!hris looked with such hatred at this whole spectacle% as a participant and one of the main characters% which he happened to be% that he e(en attracted the attention of the

2ar,uis. 7Why do you look at me this way% my young lord<8 he addressed !hris. 7Was it

something ' did< *o you doubt the integrity of our draw<8

7Why do you address me this way<8 The boy answered the ,uestion with a

,uestion. 7)m ' a crowned head<8

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The 2ar,uis laughed% 7)h% my old #rench gallantry9 ut you&re right in

something. -es% today you&re all kings. True kings of the great tournament. )nd you&re

crowned until such time as your crown flies off together with your head9 *id you hear<8

he addressed the guests. 7#rom now on ' gi(e the command to call all tournament

participants C-our 2ajesty&.8

6enri de ostiniak was a great joker. 6is joke was appreciated accordingly.

+(eryone laughed delightedly. !hris looked at this disgusting merrymaking crowd% in

 which among the disgusting faces only one person looked decent and did not laugh Eit

 was "rince 3autarF% and only spat in annoyance. 6e would be risking his life for these


7The first round will start tomorrow98 the 2ar,uis announced. 7The guests can

ha(e a good time% ha(e fun in the city% and the participants can rela1 or prepare for

tomorrow as they please. )nd '&m lea(ing you% gentlemen. ' should gi(e a report to 6er

2ajesty tonight% and assure her that nothing threatens the "rince in my home. 'sn&t that

so% -our 6ighness<8

 )fter saying these words% the 2ar,uis approached "rince 3autar and bowed

deeply before him. When the noble guests saw that% they did the same. 6owe(er% !hris

did not notice special re(erence from any of them. 3autar% in turn% swept his eyes

indifferently o(er e(erybody and merely pressed his pale thin lips tighter.

7"lease come along with me% -our 6ighness.8 The 2ar,uis led the "rince away to

one of the corridors and the young man was forced to follow him.

76ow strange this "rince is%8 !hris whispered into )rian&s ear. 76e doesn&t fit in

 with this company. 't feels like he&s kept here by force. Wouldn&t hurt to find out the

particulars about him. #or some reason% he&s much more likeable to me than this

2ar,uis% whom% od willing% '&ll e(en force to jump under my sword.83autar seemed to ha(e heard what was being said about him% because he turned

and% before lea(ing the armoury hall% looked !hristian intently in the eye. The young

knight read depression and hopelessness in his look. 6e turned to )rian% 7Will you be

able to find out about him<8

7' think e(eryone here knows about it%8 the s,uire whispered. 7Try asking

2erengo or 'sabella. )nd ' better try to spy upon where the 2ar,uis took the "rince and

 what he&ll do with him. 2ay '<8

7Try%8 !hris shrugged. 7?ust watch no one catches you.8

7'&ll indeed be careful this time98 )rian disappeared with these words. 6e did it so

cle(erly that !hris did not e(en notice when it happened. The s,uire turned out to benobody&s little fool.

#ollowing the 2ar,uis and the "rince% the crowd of noble guests poured out of 

the armoury hall. The tournament participants no longer interested them. They had

forgotten about them% and would remember them only tomorrow when they would take

their seats. The gladiators were left alone. They had the opportunity of either resting

 before tomorrow or practising here in the armoury hall. There was more than enough

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room here. 'sabella decided to make use of this and proposed a training match with

!ount arbi$on. 6e politely declined% saying that he would prefer to dine well and then

 with the help of a sound sleep gather strength before his mortal combat with the


0n the other hand% rusila (olunteered to fight with the miranda. 7Who knows%8

he said% 7maybe it will befall me to fight this de(ilish black;haired miranda. This way% at

least ' can study your battle tactics.8 )t the mention of her sister% 'sabella bit her lip and

grabbed the sword. 4he and rusila began to warm up.

!hris decided to talk to 2erengo about 3autar. 6e went to the former head of the

guards and asked him to spare a few minutes to talk.

7'&m completely at your disposal% young man%8 2erengo replied. 7ut why don&t

 we follow the e1ample of 'sabella and this bra(e blacksmith< We can talk about anything

 you want during practice.8 !hris agreed and they also started to circle each other.

7These turtle;brothers are (ery dangerous because they fight together and act

 (ery much in coordination%8 2erengo started to teach !hris. 7They&re armed with short

swords% so try to keep a good distance from them with your long sword. *on&t let them

come close or take you in their claws. Their shells are impenetrable% so better not try to

smash them% but aim instead at their e1tremities and in the slits between the dorsal and

pectoral shells.8

7Thank you for the ad(ice.8 !hris repelled se(eral of 2erengo&s hits and went on

the attack himself. 7ut '&m interested in "rince 3autar. Why is he so sad and different

from the others<8

2erengo was engrossed in thought% which did not pre(ent him from attacking

!hris or defending himself from his sword. 6e was a great warrior% e1perienced and

composed. !hris thought that *ron would ha(e a worthy opponent tomorrow% and it was not known how their bout would end.

7"rince 3autar is our Aueen&s son%8 2erengo began recounting. 76e&s all of 

fourteen years old% and no one knows about his father. 't&s dangerous to ask. Those who

dared ,uickly lost their heads. The 2ar,uis watched o(er this relentlessly. ' can&t tell

 you any more% because ' know nothing more. The "rince has been closely guarded since

 birth by the Aueen&s sla(es. What he does in the castle% what he likes% whom he detests =

no one knows. This is the second time they&(e brought him here so that he would enjoy 

the tournament. They want to culti(ate cruelty and ruthlessness in the "rince so that he

 will be a true king when he grows up. ' can only remark that it wouldn&t hurt if it works

out. The last time the 2ar,uis brought him to the tournament% the boy fainted at thesight of the first match and flatly refused to watch the rest. There was nothing they could

do with him. 't&s not known how he&ll beha(e this time. ut he likely won&t much like the

 whole e(ent. The 2ar,uis and the Aueen ha(e e(en begun to doubt that he&ll be a

 worthy ruler.8

7) worthy ruler<8 !hris smiled% dodging a particularly dangerous hit.

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7-ou fight (ery well%8 2erengo remarked appro(ingly. 7-ou had a good teacher% a

true master. 'n our country% a ruler is only considered worthy if he go(erns se(erely and

mercilessly so that the subjects ha(e no hope of changes. True% we&(e only had one


76ow old is your country<8

7o one knows. 't seems% around three hundred years.8

7)nd all this time ruled by Aueen )ngusta<8

7-es% and also 2ar,uis ostiniak. They&re 2orta(ia&s oldest inhabitants. "eople

li(e and die% while they only li(e. They li(e and go(ern% eliminating enemies and

punishing the guilty.8

7This tournament is the best means for that98 !hris made a decepti(e mo(ement%

dropped in behind his opponent% and his sword landed a blow on 2erengo&s neck.

7Well done98 the former guard was delighted.

They trained for another two hours% changing pairs% fighting two on two% one

against three% and worked their bones and muscles well for tomorrow&s bout. 'n

addition% they discussed the strengths and weaknesses of their future opponents and

ga(e each other ad(ice% what tactics to follow. 'n general% they were preparing seriously 

for tomorrow. #inally% tired and ha(ing wished each other good luck% they parted to rest

in their own rooms.

!hris immediately fell into bed and was soon fast asleep. 6e did not e(en eat. 6e

only drank water from a tall sil(er goblet. 6e slept for a long time% because when he

opened his eyes% it was deep into the night outside the windows. ) greenish moon

floated in the black sky. 't was so bright that e(ery detail in the room was clearly (isible.

!hris stretched and rolled o(er on his side to sleep again% when he suddenly 

remembered his s,uire. )rian still had not returned from his reconnaissance. 'ndeed% somuch time had already passed. 4omething had happened to him perhaps< !hris berated

himself for his forgetfulness. Really% how could he ha(e forgotten about his s,uire< The

 boy got out of bed and trudged to the door with the intention of searching for )rian.

6owe(er% )rian himself appeared. 6is eyes were shining with such triumph% as if 

!hris had already killed all the opponents and become the winner of the tournament.

ut at the same time% fear and fright were surmised in them. 7'&(e found out some

things98 he reported in a whisper. 7ow you&ll be knocked o(er98 )nd he recounted the

following to !hristian.

 )rian tried to follow the 2ar,uis and "rince 3autar unnoticeably as they went

along the corridor. 6e managed this because it was as dark as a cellar in the corridors%there were no guards% and he was sneaking so ,uietly that e(en a dog&s sensiti(e ears

 would not ha(e heard.

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The 2ar,uis and the "rince came to the reception hall% where there were a lot of 

chairs and tables% and closed the door behind them. )rian was upset for a moment that

he would not find out anything% but he kept his head and recalled that he had already 

 been in that room and that there was a small balcony under the ceiling% probably 

intended for musicians. Therefore% wasting no time at all% he climbed the ser(ants&

staircase% which would be remo(ed at the tournament% to the ne1t floor. 6e ,uickly 

found the door leading to the balcony. To his great relief% it was not locked. There was

completely no need for the 2ar,uis to lock doors% because he was certain that it would

not e(en enter anyone&s head to spy on him. ut now it entered )rian&s head. 6e ,uietly 

crept to the balcony and hid in it% looking down between the balusters. +(erything that

happened in the reception hall was clearly (isible before him.

ostiniak and "rince 3autar were already standing in the middle of the room in

silence. They both looked at the big painting% twice as tall as a person% on which was the

image of a beautiful black;haired woman in a black dress. )rian guessed that it was the

portrait of the lack Aueen.

7When<8 ostiniak asked.

7ow%8 the boy answered. 6e was focused and holding his hands in front of him%

palms up.

't became dark in the hall% but a greenish fire flared up in the "rince&s hands. The

fire began to spread out around the room and soon flooded it completely. The portrait

on the wall suddenly came ali(e. The black;haired beauty walked down from it to the

floor and approached the 2ar,uis. 76ello% #ather98 she said to him. The 2ar,uis

hugged her and drew her to himself.

4o% this was the reason the 2ar,uis had such unlimited power o(er 2orta(ia. 6e

 was Aueen )ngusta&s father9 )rian looked at 3autar and noticed that the "rince saw andheard nothing of what was happening. 6e stood stock;still% like a statue% and although

his eyes were open% it was ob(ious that he was unconscious.

7Witchcraft98 )rian whispered. 6e hastened to reach his talisman% the tooth of 

the #orest *ragon% kissed it% and s,uee$ed it in a hand becoming warm% appealing to the

kind forest spirits to intercede for him in case of need. )lthough night !hristian&s

s,uire was scared% he would not let slip a word of what he was hearing.

76ow is my belo(ed child<8 ostiniak asked the Aueen.

7+(erything&s ,uiet with me. ut here danger threatens you% #ather.8


7-es% ' saw a bad dream. ' dreamed that you yourself took part in the tournamentand were killed in battle.8

The 2ar,uis turned pale. 7-our dream is wrong% my daughter% nothing will

happen to me. ' assure you98

7Why do you want this tournament< 's there really no other entertainment<8

70f course not. We&(e been li(ing here for three hundred years% and there are

already no enemies worthy of me left in this country. This tournament is my last joy.

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esides% this is the best means to destroy those who can present any kind of threat to us.

They go to their death like moths to the flame of a candle. They indeed know that they&ll

die% but they still go. )h% human stubbornness. 6ow many souls '&(e ruined% and they all

fly and fly to my light.8

7)nd still ' fear for you.8

7Why do you fear for me< -ou know '&(e passed all my power to you.8

7ut you remain unprotected. What if someone guesses that you&re no longer a

great magician at all but a mere mortal<8

7't won&t happen. )nd e(en if does% then you&ll help me. Three hundred years ago

 you almost took control of the !ountry of #ro$en Time with my magic.8

The Aueen smiled bitterly. 7' may not be able to sa(e you. -ou&re so far away.8

7"rince 3autar will show you if anything happens and you&ll ha(e time. esides%

 when you lea(e% '&ll ask him. *on&t think that '&m so careless.8

7Time for us to say goodbye%8 the Aueen said. 72y time is up. e careful.8

7*on&t worry% my daughter.8 The 2ar,uis led )ngusta by the hand back to the

portrait. 4he entered it right in the air% as if along in(isible stairs.

7) ghost%8 )rian whispered in his hiding place.

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 When the lack Aueen fro$e in her portrait% the green light faded% and "rince

3autar lowered his hands. The 2ar,uis looked at him with displeasure and said% 7Why is

it you&re so weak< 6ow brief a time you ha(e. Why didn&t ' find a stronger boy<8

3autar&s look assumed comprehension and the 2ar,uis immediately smiled at

him as at his own son. 7)ren&t you tired% my boy<8 he addressed him tenderly and with


7-es% '&m tired%8 3autar agreed with him.

7ut ' need you. ' need your miraculous ability of foresight.8

7' can&t now%8 the "rince said and lowered his head guiltily.

7When then<8

7)t night% not before.8

The 2ar,uis bit his lip with (e1ation. 7)ll right% we&ll come here tonight.8 )fter

that% he took the "rince by the hand and led him like a weak;willed li(ing doll away from

the hall.

 )rian sighed with relief. 6e already wanted to run to tell !hris e(erything% but

remembered that the 2ar,uis wanted to talk with the "rince about something and

thought that it would not hurt to ea(esdrop on this con(ersation too. 6e decided to wait

right here on the musicians& balcony until night. )s night was still far away% he lay down

on the floor and fell asleep. The boy was not afraid of sleeping through the right

moment% because he had the ability to sleep lightly like a wild beast. When the door

creaked at night% he immediately woke up and took his obser(ation post. 6e saw again

how the 2ar,uis forced the "rince into a trance% and all around was already lit with

reddish light.

7Tell me% what will end this tournament<8 ostiniak ordered 3autar.

7*eath%8 the "rince&s thin lips whispered.7Whose<8


72ine<998 The 2ar,uis recoiled in horror and e(en hid himself from the boy with

his hands. 6e did not mo(e from the spot for a few seconds and was like a statue

depicting fear. Then he came to his senses and his face was contorted with anger. 7ut


7' don&t know. The winner will kill you. #irst% he&ll defeat all your sla(es% then you.

 -our castle will be destroyed before your death. 't first% then you.8

ostiniak grabbed 3autar&s hands and shouted% 7Who is he< Tell me his name999

 Which of the fi(e< The !ount% the miranda% or the blacksmith<87' don&t know.8 The "rince uttered e(erything in such an indifferent% calm (oice.

7o% ' won&t allow this9 !ancel the tournament perhaps< 0r kill e(eryone

tonight<8 he began to discuss with himself.

7-ou can&t run away from fate.8 3autar became ,uiet. The light in his hand and

around him began to fade.

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The 2ar,uis clenched his fists. 7We&ll see who&ll ha(e the upper hand. 6a(en&t '

 been cheating fate<8

7What<8 the "rince asked without understanding5 he had already come to and

 was looking perple1edly at ostiniak.

7This doesn&t concern you% silly boy98 the 2ar,uis replied roughly. 7o to sleep98

3autar ga(e the 2ar,uis a contemptuous glance and proudly walked out.

7Where did this commoner get such a majestic% royal look<8 ostiniak asked

himself. 6e stood near the lack Aueen&s portrait% pondering o(er his own affairs% and

then also left the reception hall.

 )rian sighed with relief in his hiding place. 6e was already pretty tired of hiding.

6is hands and feet had fallen asleep. 6e listened. 't was ,uiet. ot a single sound

reached him. The boy carefully left the musicians& balcony and went stealthily and

effortlessly to the room where !hris was. 6owe(er% before he was already a do$en steps

from the room% something else happened to him that frightened him ,uite a bit. ) guard

 was standing by the door that led to !hristian&s room and there was no way to go past

him unnoticed. )rian again hid in the corner and started to wait for the guard to lea(e or

e(en change the place of sentry. 6owe(er% there was little hope of this. The 2ar,uis of 

ostiniak&s guards were disciplined and fulfilled their duties religiously. 't was possible

to wait until the morning and end with nothing. The boy had to see his knight as soon as

possible and report what he had seen and heard.

Then his ga$e fell on a narrow window. )rian went up to it and looked out% as it

 was open. 6e looked along the wall and saw that the window of his knight&s room was

,uite near and the wall was perfectly suitable for reaching !hris along it. #or someone as

skilful at climbing trees as )rian% it was not particularly difficult. ot thinking for long%

 )rian climbed through the window. 6e did this silently and ,uickly and was soonclimbing along the wall with the agility of a li$ard. 6e was not afraid of heights5 besides%

it was not so high% and e(en if he did fall% he would fall into the ditch with water. )nd

 )rian swam like a fish.

6e had completed about half the distance and there was (ery little left to the

necessary window% when he saw that a wide iron cornice obstructed his way. 't had not

 been (isible from the window. There was no possibility of holding on to the metal. 6e

 would only hurt himself% fall% and make a noise. 6e had to return. ut that turned out to

 be much harder than getting here. e(ertheless% there was nothing else to do. Remain

here on the wall< 2uttering curses at 2ar,uis ostiniak% )rian began to return.

The moon looked out from behind the clouds and shone with a bright light. 7Thisis just too much98 the s,uire growled.

ow the guards could catch sight of him from the wall. 6e had to crawl to the

place on the wall hidden in the shadow. The way was doubled then. )rian was at the

obser(ation tower% where he had parted with the miranda. 0nly now% a guard was

 walking back and forth on the platform% with shod boots clattering loudly and the a1e in

his hand gleaming threateningly in the moonlight. 'n order not to be noticed% )rian

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simply had to press against the wall along which he was climbing. The boy had already 

regretted se(eral times that he had decided to use such means to return to !hris.

esides% he was dead tired and absolutely unable to climb further. 6e almost cried. 0nly 

 what is the sense in crying now< )fter all% whether you cry or not% no one will remo(e

 you from here e1cept yourself. Why not call on the help of the guards<

 )rian looked down and his mood impro(ed. 6e saw a (ery small area at the edge

of the water abo(e the ditch. 't was ,uite simple to reach it% almost as easy as going

down stairs. 6e jumped to it and sighed in relief. ow it was possible to stretch his legs%

take a break% and gather strength for the ne1t ascent.

The s,uire caught his breath. 6e sat for a little and rested. efore returning to the

 wall again% he decided to wash himself. The water was (ery close% he only had to stretch

out his hands% and )rian was sweaty and dusty. 6e also wanted (ery much to drink but

decided not to. The ditch was neither a well nor a stream. The water was stagnant and

probably disgusting. ut it would do ,uite well for washing9

6e scooped up a handful of water and had already brought it up to his face% when

the acrid smell of something (ery unpleasant and sticky hit his nose. The water was foul%

fouler than he had e(er seen. This was not something to drink and was e(en disgusting

to wash with9

 )rian grimaced in distaste5 no% he would not wash himself% and opened his palm.

The water ran back. True% half of it ended up on the boy&s shirt% but he did not e(en pay 

any attention to such trifle and began to climb the wall again. To his good fortune% a

small cloud co(ered the moon after a few minutes% and it was so dark that nothing could

 be seen. This suited )rian just fine% and he reached the window from which he had

gotten out to walk on the wall.

6ere more good fortune awaited him. There was no guard near the door. 6isfootsteps resounded ,uietly in the adjacent hallway. The s,uire sighed with relief and in

a second already met !hris% and he immediately recounted e(erything candidly and with

all the details.

!hristian was at a loss after listening. 74orcery again%8 he said with bitterness. 7'

knew that this 2ar,uis isn&t simply a mar,uis. What normal person can ensla(e such


76ow many times ha(e ' told you so<98 )rian responded with enthusiasm.

70nly why did ' sign his document<8 !hris asked himself. Then he looked at

 )rian in surprise and touched the hem of his shirt. 7What happened to your clothes<8

7What&s wrong<8 )rian looked at his own shirt and saw that it was all dark at the bottom. 7)h% this< ' soiled it with water from the ditch. 'magine% ' wanted to wash% but

it&s so disgusting. #oul and rusty.8

!hris sniffed the hand that had touched the wet shirt and shook his head

dubiously. Then he lighted a candle and e1amined his s,uire more closely. 7't isn&t

 water% )rian%8 he finally said. 7' know what it is.8


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7't&s blood.8



The boys were silent for a few minutes% staring at each other.

74o% our 2ar,uis isn&t a mar,uis after all%8 )rian sighed% breaking the silence.

7What then<8

76e&s the 2urderer9 The same one that ruined night #ranBois98

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Cha"ter Fifteen

TH& T#*(%'/&%T 3 TH& F$(ST D'0 

The fateful day came5 the (olunteers had to cross swords with 2ar,uis

ostiniak&s sla(es. The program was di(ided into two parts. Two matches were to take

place in the first half of the day and three more after lunch. This meant that 2erengo

had to fight with *ron and !hristian Thirteen with the turtle;brothers in the morning. )s soon as the trumpet proclaimed the end of breakfast% the guests rushed to

occupy the best spots. The arena where the tournament was to be held was in the

courtyard of the castle. 't was sanded and the spectator seats were at the colonnade

surrounding the courtyard. There were not many in the audience% only a few hundred

people. The tournament organi$er% 2ar,uis 6enri de ostiniak% and a downcast "rince

3autar sat in the most distinguished seats% and two rings of guards surrounded both of 

them. The rest of the spectators sat% stood% and hung on the railing% the benches% and

e(en the bare boards of the flooring. one of the guests had eaten much at breakfast and

they had not drunk either. +(eryone knew perfectly that he would get more thrills that

day than food or boo$e.'t must not be said that the tournament was furnished splendidly and elegantly%

as is done in real jousts. The 2ar,uis did not labour to present any decorations% well;

dressed heralds% or horn blowers and trumpeters at this competition. o one in the

audience needed it. 't was unlikely that this crowd% ha(ing slept itself sober after a night

of orgy% would e(en understand beauty and refinement. They needed one thing = to

enjoy the sight of blood and death. They would unlikely be interested in anything else.

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!hris was getting ready for battle. )rian did not mo(e a single step away from

him. 6e checked e(erything he could. 6e polished and scrubbed !hristian&s shield with

sand till it shone. 7't&s a (ery bright sun today%8 he instructed the knight. 7)nd these

 brothers ha(e shells like mirrors. Watch they don&t blind you with sunlight. etter keep

them in the shade and blind them yourself. '&(e polished your shield and now it&s as

good as any mirror.8

!hris was silent. 0ne ought not babble on in (ain at such a crucial time% when the

 body and soul must prepare to forget the fear of death and the pain of wounds. )rian

understood this perfectly. 6owe(er% the s,uire was not forbidden to chatter% and the boy 

 was trying to distract himself with con(ersation from worrying about !hristian. e1t to

him% 2erengo was preparing for his fight. The 2ar,uis simply drilled into him with a

sharp piercing ga$e. 2erengo% though% looked at the ground and his lips were

 whispering something. !hris understood that he was praying and wished him success in

his heart. Then he glanced at the cages% which were across from him% right under the

2ar,uis. They were constructed right into the wall% and the 2ar,uis& mutants kept

looking from behind their thick bars at !hris and 2erengo. !hris looked at them

 without hatred. 't is not possible to be angry with someone you will be fighting. )nger is

the worst assistant in a mortal combat. 't blinds and strips one of (igilance and proper

assessment of the situation. esides% !hris saw that they were nothing like yesterday&s

carefree freaks ha(ing fun at the ban,uet table. 6e paid attention to the fact that they 

 were serious and e(en seemed sad to him.

!hris felt like a hired assassin who was ready to commit his crime publicly% to the

amusement of the crowd. The boy shot a glance at the audience% and they seemed to him

far more disgusting and horrible than those in the cages. 6e e(en began to pity the

monsters. Would he really kill them< 6e heard the sound of the trumpet. This was thesignal for the beginning of the first battle.

2erengo got up from his spot. 6a(ing gone down the stairs% he went out onto the

arena. The sturdy wrought;iron door slammed shut behind him. 2erengo did not e(en

look around. The door of the cage% where *ron was% s,ueaked and screamed as it

opened. The audience shouted% made noise% and whistled. Their ugly faces became e(en

uglier from the e1citement sei$ing them. 6owe(er% neither 2erengo nor the wolf;man

released into the arena e(en turned their heads in their direction.

*ron was armed with a short trident% which he was twirling like a light twig in his

hand;paws and with his long and ra$or;sharp claws. 6e towered abo(e 2erengo% who

 was also tall and broad in the shoulders. 2erengo was armed with a two;handed swordand leather armour protected his body. The same steel helmet of the guards was on his

head. 6e had nothing else.

The opponents stood facing each other and got ready for combat. oth were

 waiting for the signal. The audience became silent. They were also waiting for the signal.

The 2ar,uis snapped his fingers. The spectators yelled as if thunderstruck. The

fight began.

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The opponents did not immediately enter into battle% but started circling each

other% looking for the moment to attack.

*ron lunged with the trident and missed. 2erengo jumped aside and struck him

in return. ow e(erybody understood why *ron had neither chain mail nor armour. 6e

simply did not need any. 2erengo&s sword bounced off *ron&s head% not e(en lea(ing a

scratch. ut then *ron&s claws traced three deep cuts on 2erengo&s chest armour.

+(erybody saw what colour 2erengo&s shirt was. The guard jumped aside again so that

*ron&s long paw would not reach him again.

*ron and 2erengo% they were e,ual contestants. 2erengo was an e1cellent

fencing master and wielded the sword perfectly. *ron was incredibly agile and fast% and

his trident flew like lightning. The fight was not fast;paced. +ach was fighting to the

death and neither intended to yield.

The audience roared with delight. They had not seen such a sight for a long time.

The 2ar,uis sat and was scarcely breathing% watching the fight. 6e clenched his hands

so tightly that the fingertips had turned white. !hris glanced at the 2ar,uis% muttered a

curse at him% and again stared at the arena. 6e admired 2erengo&s courage% strength%

and fighting skills.

6owe(er% *ron turned out to be more enduring than an ordinary person. 2inute

after minute passed% but he did not look tired. 2erengo% howe(er% began to tire. 6e

could not find *ron&s weak spot% where his sword would be able to harm the beast. 6is

hide was impenetrable and his skull as strong as iron. ot e(en the most powerful and

skilful blows inflicted any damage.

70h% if only he had your magic sword98 )rian whispered e1citedly in !hris& ear.

!hris thought so too. ut 2erengo had a simple sword% not touched by the

shadow of chi(alry% and the man began to gi(e in. 6e attacked less and less fre,uently and was increasingly on the defensi(e.

 ) triumphant smile began to play on the 2ar,uis& lips. *uring the fight% !hris

 was trying to watch ostiniak unnoticeably. The audience was roaring and shouting.

Those who rooted for and betted on 2erengo cursed their own choices. e(ertheless%

there were few of them. 0n the whole% *ron&s fans were shouting joyfully% in(igorating

and inciting him.

4weat was streaming down 2erengo&s face. 6e started gasping for breath and

e(en fell once. 0nly a miracle sa(ed him. *ron missed% and his trident dug into the

ground with all its might centimetres from 2erengo&s face and cracked. 4o powerful was

the blow. #ollowing it% a hit with his claws ripped the helmet off the man. 'f the strapshad not broken a few seconds earlier% the helmet would ha(e flown to the ground

together with the head of its owner. ut this was (isible only to !hris and )rian% who

 were closer to the arena than e(eryone. The rest of the audience stood up and shouted%

thinking that 2erengo was finished. They sat down% disappointed.

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2erengo was ali(e% and the last desperate hit he inflicted% when he had only just

got up from the ground% cut off *ron&s right hand. lood gushed out like a fountain.

*ron roared in pain.

70h% here&s your weak spot98 2erengo yelled and cut off *ron&s other hand.

*ron fell on his knees. lood was flowing from him in tight jets. With the loss of 

 blood% he also lost both strength and mind. 6e no longer showed resistance. )nd

2erengo struck him again and again. The shocked audience was silent. 'n the silence%

2erengo finished *ron off with his furious merciless sword.

Then he looked with a cra$ed ga$e around the arena and at the spectators looking

at him. 2erengo met !hris& and )rian&s ga$es. 6e had e1pected to see appro(al and joy 

in their eyes% but instead saw fear and pity on their faces. 2erengo understood that it

 was him and not *ron these alien boys pitied. 6owe(er% who knows< "erhaps they were

sorry for *ron< 2erengo looked at the 2ar,uis and saw that his master was looking at

him with hatred. 2oreo(er% ostiniak suddenly jumped up from his throne and ran off 


The 2ar,uis& ser(ants ran out onto the arena and dragged away the lifeless *ron

 with boat hooks% and co(ered up the blood on the ground with sand. ) ser(ant playing

the role of a herald announced 72erengo won98 in the complete silence. ) trumpet sang.

The 2ar,uis returned to his place again and the spectators finally bu$$ed happily. +(en

those who had not bet on 2erengo. The former chief of the guards left the arena. 6e was

at a loss and% it seemed% could not belie(e that he was still ali(e. 'n this tournament%

such a thing happened (ery rarely.

7-our turn%8 )rian uttered in a frightened% toneless whisper. 6e grabbed !hris&

hand firmly% as if he did not want to let him lea(e his side. !hris only now reali$ed that

 before him was not at all the s,uire of night !hristian Thirteen but a most ordinary ten;year;old boy deathly afraid for his% !hris&% life.

The herald had already announced his name% and the boy caught the glances full

of curiosity. 7What will this puppy show us now<8 they seemed to say.

!hris hugged )rian. !onfidence and peace of mind suddenly left him. Why is he

fighting< Who is he defending% and from whom< 's he sa(ing someone from danger or

death< Why is this necessary< )re these turtle;brothers really his enemies< ut the clock 

had already started ticking and there was nothing he could do. 4omething stronger

pushed and compelled him to go to the arena. 6e could not stop himself.

7"ray for me% )rian.8 !hris mo(ed the s,uire away from him and set off to the

arena. 6e looked back momentarily and saw tears glistening on )rian&s cheeks. 6iss,uire was crying. !hris turned away. ow he was really sorry that he had brought the

 boy with him. )rian% in a helpless rage% s,uee$ed the handle of one of his daggers.

0ut of nowhere appeared the miranda 'saura. 4he looked at )rian and smiled

gloatingly. 6is tears brought her ine1pressible pleasure. 74oon you&ll be mine98 'saura

shouted and flew to the castle roof% from where she was watching the tournament.

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 )rian did not mo(e. 6e was indifferent to her words. 6e was only concerned with

 what would happen now in the arena. 6e did not notice his legs carrying him into the

arena% and he turned up ne1t to !hristian. The door slammed shut.

7What are you doing here<8 a surprised !hris yelled.

7'&m with you9 '&m your s,uire and ha(e no right to lea(e you in time of battle.

 What if you get hurt< Then '&ll carry you from the battlefield.8

7-ou fool98 !hris yelled. 7Who gets hurt< There won&t be any wounded here.

Return to your place.8 ut it was already too late. The bars on the cage of the turtle;

 brothers started to creak.

74o unfair98 the audience rooting for the turtles shouted. 7) knight must fight

alone% without a helper. Remo(e the second boy98 !hristian saw that almost all the

spectators were shouting.

73et the second one also fight98 the old *uke alperius suddenly shouted in a

loud (oice from his seat. 6is word meant a lot in this country. )nd he had bet on !hris.


The spectators were forced to be silent. +(en 2ar,uis ostiniak did not say a

 word. 6e just wa(ed his hand in assent. 6e did not treat !hris too seriously and

ob(iously had a low opinion of him despite !hris& knightly dignity. 6ence% he readily 

agreed. esides% the slaughter of two boys instead of one% as e1pected% was e(en more

interesting. )rian&s conduct was apropos for him after all. The 2ar,uis& mood e(en

impro(ed slightly. 6e wa(ed his handkerchief.

The trumpet started playing. The turtle;brothers slowly and carefully came out of 

the cage. 'n the hands of each was a short but broad sword. They approached the boys.

74tand behind me98 !hris ordered )rian. ow the s,uire reali$ed that he was only 

hindering instead of helping !hris& actions. The boy carried out the order obediently. 6eknew that he could do nothing with his daggers here. e(ertheless% )rian decided to sell

his life dearly.

The turtles took off and simultaneously rushed at the knight. 2erengo had been

right. They acted (ery synchronously. 0nly for a split second% !hris took a step forward

and passed between them. The midgets crashed into each other on the (ery spot where

!hris had just been standing. ) deafening crash was heard from their collision and they 

flew in different directions. 0ne brother fell to the ground and% after turning o(er se(eral

times% tumbled onto his back. The other ran a few steps and hit the wall surrounding the


The audience simply howled with delight. They began to shout to !hris to makeshort work of the turtles one at a time. ut !hris did not intend on doing that. 6e stood

and waited for his opponents to collect themsel(es and continue the fight.

The midgets got up on short legs. They were a little taller than )rian. )nd they 

looked somewhat confused. They no longer decided to attack at once. ow they started

to walk around !hris% intending on taking him from both sides. To a(oid this% the boy 

took a step back and was against the wall. ow there was no need to fear a hit from

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 behind. The turtles again rushed at him at the same time. !hris beat off all their attacks

and e(en forced the brothers to retreat. The audience clapped% appro(ing of his fencing


!hris made use of 2erengo&s ad(ice and tried to keep the brothers at a distance

so that their short swords would not reach him. To beat back both instantly% as well as

 watch that they did not go behind him and protect and defend )rian at the same time%

 was incredibly difficult. The brothers attacked first both at once and then one by one.

They had chosen the right tactic. They were e1hausting !hristian and waiting for him to

run out of strength. They were not good fighters% but their ad(antage was really their

fantastic speed% which was difficult to e1pect from such seemingly clumsy creatures% and

their completely impenetrable shells. !hris& sword just clinked loudly when it whacked

their smooth% shiny% mirror;like surface. 't did not e(en lea(e a scratch on them. 4uch

shells co(ered not only the chest and back but also the legs% arms% and head. The turtles

had practically no weak spots.

#inally% !hris felt completely powerless. 6is skill turned out to be useless against

two shorties with short swords. 6e was fighting with only one two;handed sword. 6e

had not taken his shield into battle% because he understood that he simply would not be

able to defend well and for long against two opponents immediately. 6ere it was

necessary to act with both hands simultaneously. 6ence% he was still ali(e. ut it was

clear to all = the audience% the turtle;brothers% and the knight himself = that he did not

ha(e (ery long to li(e.

 )rian% also seeing and understanding all of this perfectly% almost cried with rage.

6e simply had no opportunity to enter the battle. 6ow sorry he was that he had not had

the sense to bring a sword with him. )nd then what he had dreamed of fell at his feet.

The boy looked up and met the sly look of *uke alperius. )rian reali$ed that the *ukehad thrown a sword to him. 6owe(er% what was the difference who threw it<

 )rian grabbed the weapon and rushed to help !hris. 6e did so just in time. The

turtles had managed to take on the knight from both sides after all and the situation was

 (ery bad. )rian distracted both brothers to himself. The shorties got so angry at his

inter(ention that both% lea(ing !hris% pounced on him at once.

 )rian was still an ine1perienced fencer and had ne(er been in a real battle5 on top

of that% the *uke&s sword was way too big for him. )ll these reasons led to him simply 

toppling o(er on the ground rather than fighting with the midgets. The brothers% in turn%

had not e1pected that the defence would be so weak5 they rushed with all their strength

to the attack% and when the obstacle suddenly disappeared from their path% fell by inertia onto )rian themsel(es.

 ) small pile was formed. 0nly that )rian% ,uick as a li$ard% immediately crawled

away to the side so that the turtles would not crush him with their shells. 6ere the

midgets were puttering about on the ground. ow their hea(y shells were interfering

 with them. That which was an ad(antage in battle did not allow them to get up ,uickly 

from the ground.

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ow !hris already started to treat them inconsiderately. 6e ran up to them%

stunned one opponent with a strong kick in the head% and simply stepped on the other&s

hand% which was holding a sword% and disarmed him. ?ust to be sure% he e(en firmly 

 whacked him in the jaw with the hilt of his own sword.

7Waste these creatures9 #inish them off98 the enthusiastic audience yelled. They 

corroborated their words with gestures. The thumb of e(eryone&s right hand pointed

down e1pressi(ely. 7ill them98

The turtles were lying unconscious and did not e(en hear how their fate was

 being decided.

!hris took the two sei$ed swords and threw them at one of the castle walls. Then

he got up and walked from the arena to the e1it. The turtles came to at the same time%

raised their heads% and looked at him perple1edly. The audience shouted indignantly 

and whistled.

 )rian looked at them and understood nothing. 4uddenly he saw the pale%

somewhat frightened face of 2ar,uis ostiniak. 't was not e(en simply frightened. o.

There was real horror on the 2ar,uis& face. e1t to him sat 3autar. The "rince stared at

!hris. 'n his eyes was genuine interest.

The 2ar,uis saw that )rian was looking at him and collected himself. 7Wait%

night98 he shouted in a loud (oice% drowning out all the other noises. !hris stopped%

turned (ery slowly in the direction of the 2ar,uis% and looked him in the eye.

The 2ar,uis ga(e a start but hastened to reco(er instantly. 7-ou forgot

something% night98 he said in a (oice cracking from malice.

7' forgot nothing%8 !hris retorted.

7-ou&re mistaken% night. -ou forgot to finish off the defeated opponents. *o

 your duty.87' don&t kill the unarmed.8

74uch is the law. -ou won and you must kill98

!hris raised his eyebrows. 7' won. 't&s true. ut where does it say that ' must kill

 whom ' defeat<8 The 2ar,uis was embarrassed. !hris continued% 7't doesn&t say in my 

oath% which ' signed with my own blood% that ' must kill those defeated by me. 't says

that in case of my defeat they can kill me. That&s it. ut it says nothing about my ha(ing

to kill. ' remember (ery well what&s written there.8

7What does your oath ha(e to do with it<8 ostiniak roared. 7'n our country one&s

supposed to9 -ou win% you kill98

7' don&t li(e in your country. )nd ' won&t kill anyone.87ut that&s just stupid98 The 2ar,uis% as well as e(eryone else there% ob(iously 

could not understand. 7Why<8

7ecause '&m a knight. ) knight;errant. ot a killer.8

!hris sheathed his sword. 73et&s go% )rian.8 oth boys left the arena% lea(ing the

defeated but li(ing turtle;brothers lying there.

70ne more98 the 2ar,uis whispered and leaned back wearily in his throne.

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Cha"ter Si2teen

TH& T#*(%'/&%T 3 TH& F$(ST D'0 


The first half of the day ended with (ictory for people and defeat for monsters.

That had ne(er happened at this tournament. The audience was e(en somewhat

disappointed by such a result. !hris& action simply infuriated them. Thirsting for blood

and death% they could not forgi(e the young knight for sparing the li(es of the turtle;

 brothers and loudly wished him death in the ne1t match.

6owe(er% the most shocked of all was 2ar,uis ostiniak. 0nce the audience had

left their seats and rushed into the ban,uet hall to eat% drink% and discuss the course of 

the tournament% he% instead of following them% ran into the reception hall and locked

himself there in solitude.

 )fter lunch% e(eryone was just trembling with impatience. The guests could not

 wait for the continuation of the spectacle. The noise and the uproar were unimaginable.

!hris and )rian were in their room and were silent. They could not collect

themsel(es after what had happened.

7-ou sa(ed my life% )rian%8 !hris said% when it had already become absolutely 

unbearable to be ,uiet.

7onsense%8 )rian wa(ed that aside. 7' only hindered you.8

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7o% you&re wrong. 'f not for you...8 !hris did not manage to finish. The door

opened and 2erengo% 'sabella% and rusila entered the room.

72ay we come in<8 'sabella asked.

7!ertainly98 !hris stood up to meet the guests suitably.

7We come to congratulate you%8 2erengo e1plained. 7-ou beha(ed remarkably.

 )nd you% a knight from a strange country% e(en taught us something.8

!hris shrugged. 6e did not consider that he had done anything gallant or great.

6e said so to his associates of the sword.

7-our country is wonderful if it reasons this way%8 the miranda 'sabella said

sadly. 7-ou didn&t just defeat the turtle;brothers% you deli(ered a blow to ostiniak 

himself. ow beware of him.8

!hris kept silent. 6e was pondering whether to tell them what )rian had found

out about ostiniak. ut here the signal rang to continue the tournament% and they all

set off to the stadium. !hris would ha(e been happy to stay in his room% but this was

forbidden by the rules. Tournament participants had to sit in the best places and watch


 When they sat down on the first;row bench% !ount arbi$on was already standing

in the centre of the arena and waiting for the rhinatag to attack him. ut that one was

still in the cage. The !ount was ironclad from head to toe. 6e was holding in his hands a

large mace with sharp spikes. 6e looked (ery impressi(e. ut only till the moment the

cage opened and the rhinatag came into the arena.

This was a terrible opponent and many immediately ,uestioned the !ount&s

 (ictory% if they e(en thought of it. The monster ,uickly rushed at the !ount with rage

and the strength of an o1. 6is first strike reached its target and arbi$on% after flying

se(eral metres up% fell to the ground.!hris turned away. 6e did not want to see what would happen ne1t.

73ook% he is getting up98 )rian e1claimed enthusiastically. 7This after such a

strike and a fall. This !ount is an ace98

!hris turned back and saw that arbi$on actually got up from the ground and

 went on the attack. The iron rumbled menacingly and the mace whistled through the air.

The !ount chose the hea(y armour on purpose. 't was as if he did not ha(e it on. 6e was

mo(ing lightly and freely. The audience supported him with shouting and the stamping

of feet. They immediately began to take his side% although the (ast majority had bet on

the rhinatag.

The monster had no weapon. 6e used only his strength and the giant horn on hishead% which he aimed at pinning a person. 6e did not mo(e ,uickly% but there was huge

power in his e(ery mo(ement. 6e almost did not pay attention to the deafening blows of 

the !ount&s mace.

arbi$on aimed at the monster&s horn% but it was as if made of steel. The rhinatag

only screamed loudly and drew his head back with the blows% pressing forward all the

time% chasing the !ount to the wall. arbi$on saw his intentions but could do nothing%

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and retreated farther and farther with e(ery step. ow there was already nowhere to

step back. 6e was pressed to the wall. ow terror sei$ed him. )ll the courage that was in

him had suddenly (anished. The !ount yelled wildly in fear.

The rhinatag also yelled. 't was the triumphant roar of a winner. The giant bent

down. The mace struck him on the head% but he only set his feet firmer into the ground

and deli(ered the last% the strongest strike of his terrible horn.

!ount arbi$on was nailed. The spectators screamed in horror. The 2ar,uis

sighed in relief and a beatific smile played on his lips. "rince 3autar% the miranda

'sabella% !hris% and )rian turned away. They did not want to watch further...

7The rhinatag won98 the ser(ant;herald announced in the complete silence% when

it was all o(er with arbi$on. 7The sla(e of 2ar,uis 6enri de ostiniak.8 There was a

deafening applause.

76e impaled arbi$on on his horn and is walking with him around the arena%8

 )rian muttered. 7'&m going to throw up now98

7o to the room%8 !hris ad(ised him.

70h% no9 'sabella will fight now. ' must watch this.8

72ind you don&t run to her aid5 you&ll only hamper her.8 )rian knew e(en without

!hris that he had better not interfere with what would happen now.

'sabella walked out onto the arena. 't was her turn to tempt fate. 6issing and

spitting acid% from which the sand was smoking% the octopus;woman slid towards her.

4he discharged a cloud of black gas from one of her tentacles. The miranda&s wings©Jane H. Buckingham 2015

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unfolded with a noise and 'sabella flew up two metres. The cloud did her no harm. 3ike

a kite from abo(e% she fell upon the monster% sat on its shoulders% s,uee$ed the short

thick neck with her legs% and placed her sword against the monster&s mouth.

7"our out your poison98 'sabella ordered. 70r my sword will take out all your


There was nothing left for the octopus;woman to do but to obey. "oison flowed as

green jets out of her tentacles. The fat woman lost strength with each drop. 'n the end%

'sabella% just as !hris had done% stunned her with the hilt of her sword. The horrible

creature fell down onto the ground% spreading like jelly in all directions. Thus the white

miranda ,uickly and une1pectedly finished the fight.

The audience again demanded killing the monster. 'sabella simply did not talk to

anybody. 4he sheathed her sword and left the arena with a calm and beautiful gait. The

furious and frightened;to;death ostiniak wanted to challenge her but hesitated% and

only looked at !hris% 2erengo% and rusila with hatred.

The audience clamoured disappointedly. They were dissatisfied. This was already 

the second time they did not see what they had come here for. #or the first time the

2ar,uis caught the dissatisfied looks of his guests.

rusila was already hurrying into the arena with a hammer in his hands. 6e wore

a loincloth and a leather forge apron = his fa(ourite clothes. 6is light% slightly curly hair

 was tied up with a band so as not to interfere in the fight. 6is kind blue eyes were

shining with fearlessness% almost joy.

76ell&s waiting for you98 the 2ar,uis swore softly in his direction. 6e already 

 began to fear that rusila would also win the fight. 4ubse,uently% it turned out to be so.

 When the si1;armed giant !rash came out onto the arena% the audience screamed

in anticipation of a fine fight. 6e was unarmed. 6e had no need of weapons. 6is si1powerful arms were able to sweep away an entire army% and no one doubted his (ictory.

o one but 2ar,uis ostiniak.

The battle began with a strike by rusila. 6e swung his hammer% targeting the

giant&s chest. 6e would ha(e been glad to aim at his head% but the giant&s height of three

metres did not allow him that. The blow to the chest unfortunately did not reach its goal.

The giant nimbly dodged it% and instantly three fists came down on the blacksmith.

rusila withstood the first two terrible blows with truly fantastic fortitude% but

the third one knocked him off his feet. rusila fell on his back but did not let go of the

hammer. !rash raised all si1 arms triumphantly and wa(ed them (ictoriously in the air.

The audience shouted and greeted him with applause. The giant went around the arenaand then returned to the battlefield.

rusila had already gotten up. !rash saw that he was ready to continue the fight

and rushed at him with his fists. This time he attacked rusila with a whole series of 

powerful murderous blows. ut the blacksmith deftly blocked them with his hammer.

Then the giant% seeing that his fists did not reach their target% set his feet in motion and

kicked rusila in the chest. The hammer did not sa(e the blacksmith from this blow% and

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he flew to the wall% hitting it with his whole body. The spectators screamed with delight%

and the giant again went around the arena% collecting congratulations% words of praise%

and support from the fans.

rusila broke away from the wall with difficulty. 6e was feeling weak. ut he also

did not drop the hammer this time. )fter shaking his head like a dog getting out of 

 water% he went on the attack. The giant was already waiting for him. 6e was standing in

the fighting stance of a bo1er and was prepared to meet the enemy. 4i1;armed !rash

 was not (ery agile. 0therwise% he would ha(e had time to dodge the ne1t hit. esides% he

also seemed not to be (ery ,uick;witted. 6e did not understand at all why rusila

suddenly did not send a hammer blow to his chest. o% the blacksmith came up to him

so closely that the giant was pleased and wanted to dri(e the blacksmith into the ground

 with all his si1 fists% but he did not ha(e time% because the blacksmith struck first and

totally not where the giant e1pected.

rusila hit the giant not in the chest or the belly. What was the sense of hitting

there when there were dense muscles solid as iron< o% rusila struck the weakest spot%

 which he thought he had found in the giant. 6e struck his hammer e1actly on the right

 big toe. 6e did this so masterfully and powerfully% as if hammering a nail into the


The giant s,uealed in pain. To be e1act% he s,uealed but did not cry. 6e s,uealed

like a puppy with its tail stepped on. 6e was jumping on one leg% clutching the injured

toe with all his hands. )nd rusila% not wasting time in (ain% nailed !rash&s left big toe to

the ground. ow the giant simply did not close his mouth% from which an incessant howl

 belched out. 6e dropped to the ground and began to roll on it. 6e also did not dream of 

continuing the fight.

+(eryone who saw it got up in astonishment. The fourth (ictory in one day. 0f thefi(e people who participated in the tournament on the first day% four won9 Truly a world

turned upside down.

The giant was rolling on the ground% crying% releasing bubbles% and his childlike

head was twitching% but his only eye was looking at rusila with resentment and pain.

7Wah9 Wah9 Wah98 2ar,uis ostiniak&s former undefeated fighter was wailing just like

a baby. When the blacksmith casually took a step in his direction% the giant shouted

shrilly% trembled% and began to crawl towards his cage% as if he hoped to hide in it.

rusila smiled and wiped the sweat off his face% and threw the now useless

hammer on the ground. This time nobody was going to demand that rusila kill the

giant. 't was ob(ious from the blacksmith&s face that he had no intention of doing so.7Well% 2r. 2ar,uis<8 rusila said aloud. 7'sn&t it true that this time nothing is

going ,uite the way you wanted<8 ostiniak could not e(en hide his fear and hatred. 6e

shrank so much into the armchair in which he was sitting% it was as if he was afraid

rusila would now run right o(er to kill him.

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e(ertheless% none of the tournament participants intended to do that. !hris%

 )rian% the miranda 'sabella% and e(en 2erengo ran out onto the arena and began to

congratulate rusila on his (ictory. +(en the spectators stood on the side of the

 blacksmith and openly rejoiced at the defeat of the si1;armed giant. The myth of the

in(incibility of 2ar,uis ostiniak&s monsters had shattered in their eyes. 'f so% it meant

that the 2ar,uis himself had also lost his former power. This was simply written on his


To deal the final blow to the 2ar,uis% "rince 3autar left his seat and% despite the

2ar,uis& look of hatred% also ran onto the arena. The 2ar,uis had ne(er seen the "rince

so cheerful and enthusiastic. 6e almost cried from fear and ran% surrounded by guards%

to his apartment. ow it seemed to him that the guards did not look at him with such

re(erence and fear as before. #ear crawled like a snake into his soul and no longer

intended on lea(ing.

#our winners9 Which of them would be his assassin< ostiniak desperately tried

to sol(e the riddle.

 Who< Which of them<

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Cha"ter Seenteen

TH& %$,HT #F TH& /*(D&( 'TT&/PT


TH& B'TT-& $TH TH& B-$%D -$7'(D

The first day of the tournament ended with a grand feast% which all the guests% as

 well as the winners of the first round% attended. 6ence% of the monsters% only the

rhinatag sat at the table. !ount arbi$on&s ser(ants had carried his body to the castle of 

his clan to bury him there with dignity in the family crypt. 0nly the host&s spot was

empty. The 2ar,uis had not come to the feast. 6e asked to be e1cused% citing a se(ere

migraine had sent him to bed. 2any guests just laughed at him inside.

"rince 3autar&s seat was also empty% not because he did not come to the feast% but

 because he was sitting ne1t to !hris and )rian and chatting with them about different

things. 6e had made friends with the boys after he walked up to rusila and held out ahand to him. 7' congratulate you% bra(e and resourceful warrior%8 the "rince said% not

looking around at the aristocrats% who were looking disappro(ingly at the "rince talking

to a commoner. 3et him be a fighter% e(en a winner% but indeed a commoner9 rusila

 was also surprised by 3autar&s gesture and held out his hand warily% as if afraid that this

 was just a bad joke that nobles had a weakness for. ut there was no deception. "rince

3autar sincerely shook the blacksmith&s hand. Then he turned to !hris and addressed

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him% 7)nd you also fought well98 They became ac,uainted this way and now all three of 

them were talking about things boys lo(e to talk about at all times and in all countries.

 )bout games% horses Ecars in our worldF% and weapons.

The feast was merry and noisy5 the guests shouted and sang% and praised and

encouraged !hris% 2erengo% rusila% and 'sabella. ow bets were made more and more

on them.

 )t the height of merriment% 2ar,uis de ostiniak burst into the hall% ,uick as a

fierce storm and e(il as the de(il. 7Tomorrow&s the second round98 he declared without

any greeting. 7The people will fight with the blind li$ard. #our against one98

4ilence immediately hung o(er the table. The guests looked first at the

participants% then at the 2ar,uis. 6e was still the host and in charge of the tournament%

and he had e1pressed his will. ostiniak ga(e all those present the e(il look of a predator

and left.

!hris felt like he was dead tired. 'ndeed% he had forgotten that the tournament

had just started and more was still to come. 7' need to rest%8 he said to )rian. 7'&ll be in

my room.8 )rian got up to go with him% but !hris immediately caught "rince 3autar&s

look becoming sad and stopped the s,uire. 7-ou stay here and follow the situation%8 he


6e went into his room and% without undressing% threw himself onto the bed. 6e

 was already asleep a minute later. This was the best rest for someone for whom a fight to

the death was waiting the ne1t day.

6e woke up from a sudden and ,uiet creak. 7)rian% is that you<8

There was no answer. !hris listened carefully. 't was deep into the night and it

 was impossible to see anything without a light. ?ust in case he ,uietly slipped out of bed

and grabbed his sword% which was hanging on the back of the bed. )s soon as he haddone so% the bed suddenly shuddered and began to sink smoothly. !hris& heart stopped.

6e reali$ed that he had almost fallen into a trap. 'f he had not woken up% then...

't was not difficult to guess whose hands were in this matter. 't meant that the

2ar,uis had decided to remo(e all the tournament participants so that there would be

no winner9

2eanwhile% the bed had sunk to the ground floor. The flame of a lacklustre torch

in the space created allowed !hris to see three guards armed with swords rushing to the

 bed and starting to hack it with force.

!hris jumped down onto the guards. 6e knocked one down just with his fall and

stunned another with a blow on the head with the hilt of his sword% and the third% theone holding the torch% did not e(en bother to resist and immediately fled. 'n three leaps%

!hris caught up with him and brought him down on the floor.

The guard% though a tall enough fellow% was a considerable coward. 7*on&t kill

me98 he pleaded.

!hris placed the blade end of the sword against his throat. 7*id the 2ar,uis

order you to kill me<8

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7' can&t say9 '&ll be hanged98

7Then '&ll kill you right now.8

The guard was frightened. 6e was trembling with fear and his teeth were

chattering loudly and fre,uently. 7-es% we got orders to kill all the tournament

participants%8 he groaned.

"anic s,uee$ed !hris& heart but he had to continue the interrogation. 7Whom

ha(e you managed to kill already<8

7obody. We started with you.8

!hris thought for a bit. 4o% all his friends were ali(e. This was good news. ut

 what to do ne1t< 6e did not know. o to the 2ar,uis< 0r warn his friends first of the

impending danger< !hris chose the latter. 6e stunned the guard and ran looking for the

rooms of his comrades;in;arms.

4uddenly% somebody called him by name. !hris turned around and saw 'saura.

The miranda was standing and her wings were spread out5 ob(iously% she had just flown

here from somewhere.

7What do you want<8 !hris asked. 70r ha(e you also been sent to kill me< What

other mean trick has your 2ar,uis decided on<8

7-es% he sent me to you% night. 2y master has caught your s,uire.8

7!aught )rian< What are you saying< 6ow dare he<8

7-our s,uire tried to sneak into the 2ar,uis& treasury and was caught. 2aster has

ordered that he be thrown to the beasts to be torn to pieces. 6e can&t stand thie(es. '&(e

 been commanded to tell you this and offer my profound apology on behalf of the


7)rian isn&t a thief98 !hris was outraged. 7This is another mean trick of 

2urderer98 Without saying another word% he ran to where he had fought the turtle; brothers that morning.

 )rian was indeed in the arena. 6e was lying in the centre with arms bound

 behind his back. There was terror in his eyes. The 2ar,uis was sitting in his own place

looking at the boy with snake;like eyes filled with hatred.

7What were you doing in my basement<8 When !hris ran in% the 2ar,uis had just

started to interrogate the prisoner.

7-ou don&t scare me% 2urderer9 ' know e(erything about you98 )rian twitched%

trying to break free.

7ow you will die%8 the 2ar,uis hissed like a snake. 7)nd no one else will find out

about it.8The door to the largest cage creaked loudly and the blind li$ard emerged from it.

't blew its wide nostrils with a noise. 'ts small ears were trembling often. 't heard )rian%

caught his scent% and was slowly mo(ing in his direction. )rian saw it and tried to crawl

away. 'n (ain. 6is feet were also bound.

!hris did not think any more. The door leading into the arena was locked and he

 just jumped down. 't was high% but a thick layer of sand cushioned the fall% and !hris

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found himself in the arena. 6e ran to his s,uire and freed him with one motion of his


7)nd here&s night !hristian%8 ostiniak uttered in a (oice full of satisfaction.

!hris did not engage in con(ersation with him. 6e was not in the mood for it. 6e

had to think about how to sa(e )rian and himself. The blind li$ard was already 

thumping its front legs eagerly and beating its long tail with sharp spikes on the end.

7*e(our them% de(il&s beast98 the 2ar,uis yelled at it and whistled% as a hunter

does when he sets his dog on the prey.

The li$ard darted forward% to where the boys were. They barely had time to run to

the side% and the blind giant did not find them. 't sniffed the sand on which they had

stood and picked up the trail. 'ts nose noisily inhaled air.

4uddenly )rian darted off. ot only did !hris not manage to stop him% but he also

did not understand what was happening. The s,uire ran almost right up to the white

li$ard% grabbed a handful of sand from the ground% and threw it right in the li$ard&s nose.

The white li$ard growled with anger. Tears immediately streamed from the empty 

sockets. 't stood up on its hind legs and began to rub its snout with its short front paws.

7-ou&(e only angered him%8 the 2ar,uis remarked in an artificially cheerful (oice.

 )rian spat in his direction. !hris s,uee$ed the sword tighter in his hands. The

 white li$ard began to listen. 0nce it was depri(ed of scent% it had to rely on hearing. The

 boys fro$e. They tried not to breathe or mo(e. e(ertheless% the li$ard heard them. 't

 went straight to the boys. 'ts tail was writhing like a snake and raising clouds of dust.

 )lthough it was night% many torches lit the arena e1cellently. The 2ar,uis had made

sure that the spectacle could be seen (ery well.

4uddenly the sword in !hris& hands began to glow. 't turned white% as if it was

ready to discharge lightning. oth the boys and the 2ar,uis looked at it in surprise.7!hris% look at your belt98 )rian yelled suddenly.

The knight looked down and saw that the dragon tooth% which he had recei(ed

from his ancestors in his castle and which he was carrying in a little bag% was glowing

 with e1actly the same light as the sword. 6e understood that the moment had arri(ed

 when the talisman must do what it was intended to do. The knight opened the bag and

grabbed the tooth with his left hand.

't was as if something had prompted !hris what he must do. 6e took a step

forward and surrounded )rian and himself with a triple circle drawn directly on the

sand with the shining sword. )nd !hris managed just in time% because the li$ard had

already sprinted. The monster seemed to hit a cliff. 't bounced back and began to beaton the in(isible wall with its giant tail. There was a deafening roar. The in(isible barrier

shook and the boys felt the tremor. The li$ard was already beating on it with not only its

tail but also its paws and its whole body. 't sensed and considered nothing because of 

rage. 'ts aim was to force its way to the people and crush them. )nd it was trying with all

its might. 'ts furious bellow shook the castle walls.

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7What to do ne1t<8 !hris asked himself. 7This barrier will only stop it for a while.

 We must think of something98

 )n audience had already started to gather around the arena. The noise% which the

 blind li$ard raised% attracted them. They clamoured in offence and were upset that they 

had not been in(ited to watch the fight with the li$ard and that the show in general had

started so early.

6owe(er% !hris& comrades;in;arms also appeared. )ll three of them. When they 

saw what was happening in the arena% they% without thinking twice% jumped down one

after the other and all three attacked the blind li$ard. 2erengo and 'sabella began to

strike its impenetrable hide with swords and rusila with his hammer% from which he

did not part day or night. The li$ard growled and rushed at the bra(e heroes. ets were

already being placed and the audience was arguing about who would win: the li$ard or

the people.

The situation of the people was unen(iable. The magic circle had stopped

 working and the ne1t strike of the tail reached its goal. The boys bounced back ten steps

and both were stunned. 'f one of the spikes on the beast&s tail had hit them% they would

ha(e certainly died. #ortunately% this did not happen. They were lucky% as the blow was

not too powerful% because the li$ard was distracted by a new attack. !hris came to first

and immediately tugged at his s,uire. 't was too dangerous to lea(e him in the arena%

 where the giant monster was fighting.

The battle escalated. When the boys looked at their rescuers% they saw that it had

 become tough for them. The li$ard was a terrible opponent% e(en for three. Without a

 word% !hris and )rian rushed to help their friends. +(en they could do little to decide

the outcome of the battle. 't was simply impossible to get near the li$ard. 't was twirling

on the spot and furiously striking with its tail. 't was only a miracle that it still had notmanaged to kill anyone. 4words brought almost no damage. +(en !hristian&s sword%

despite its magical power% could not penetrate the thick scales of the li$ard. The monster

already had time to reco(er from the une1pected attack and went on the attack itself.

The position of !hris and his friends had become critical. 2urderer e(en got up from his

seat to get a better (iew of his sworn enemies perishing.

 ) powerful blow of the tail reached its first target. The (ictim of its spike turned

out to be 2erengo% who was standing closest to the li$ard and furiously wa(ing his

sword. 6e had no time to dodge% and the sharp half;metre spike easily pierced his chest

armour and went through him. oth the audience and those fighting yelled with horror

 when they saw coming out of 2erengo&s back a white spike% which immediately turnedred from the blood. Then the spike disappeared. The li$ard&s tail was already elsewhere.

2erengo fell to the ground and groaned. 6e was still ali(e% but e(eryone saw that

his soul was about to lea(e the body. The li$ard roared triumphantly% stood up on its

hind legs% and began to beat its chest with its front paws.

7Why are you rejoicing% freak<8 the 2ar,uis yelled at it. 7#inish the rest98

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e(ertheless% the li$ard was too stupid and conceited. 't did not listen to the

2ar,uis and continued rejoicing. !hris% )rian% rusila% and 'sabella took ad(antage of 

this and rushed to pick up 2erengo. They did not want the li$ard to trample him when it

started attacking again% so they dragged him aside and put him against the wall.

7't&s o(er for me% friends%8 2erengo muttered with difficulty% looking at them with

the blurred eyes of one dying. 7' was unable to help you.8

7-ou did e(erything you could%8 !hris encouraged him. 7-ou&re a bra(e soldier

and fought heroically and honestly.8

7' couldn&t defeat the li$ard% because ' wasn&t as pure in soul and heart as you. '

 wasted my whole life on unjust ser(ice to the (illain% who wasn&t e(en in a state to (alue

my faithfulness and sent me to my death. ' was a faithful dog of the scoundrel and

helped him to oppress and kill innocent people. '&m being punished for this. ' got what '

deser(ed.8 2erengo was speaking with difficulty5 blood was streaming out of his mouth.

'f )rian was not supporting him% he would not e(en be able to sit up. 6is (oice grew 

fainter and fainter with each passing second.

7oodbye%8 he said at last% feeling that he had not much strength left. 7-ou&ll win%

' belie(e this. -our truth will help you.8 2erengo dropped his head to his chest after

these words and did not utter another one.

76e&s dead%8 )rian sobbed.

70ur turn soon%8 rusila shook his head. ut there was no fear% no bitterness in

his eyes. 6e only tossed his hammer in his hand. 7This beast is no longer rejoicing.8 The

 blind li$ard really had stopped rejoicing and again dropped down on all fours and

listened in search of new (ictims.

rusila and 'sabella did not wait for it but went into battle themsel(es. !hris and

 )rian laid the dead 2erengo down and closed his eyes. )rian took his sword% which the bra(e warrior did not let go of until the last minute% and together with !hris also joined

the battle. They understood perfectly well that only all together could they defeat the

 blind li$ard. To win or perish. To die in battle% fighting% and not standing in anticipation

of one&s own death% if that could not be a(oided.

 )rian o(ertook !hris and ran to rusila. !hris wanted to stop him but by chance

saw the 2ar,uis. 6e was looking at the boy% who caught the fear in his ga$e. )t this

moment% !hris reali$ed that they would win. 6e again sei$ed the dragon&s tooth and

sparks ran along his arm. )t the same moment% !hris saw a raging flame in front of him

and a dragon% the same that had killed his ancestor% flying in the black sky. The dragon

 was spewing pillars of fire out of its mouth. The (ision disappeared. 'n front of !hris were again the arena% the audience% the blind li$ard% and his friends% ready to fight.

!hris ran and stood ne1t to the miranda. Then it came to him. 7#ire98 he shouted.

7We need fire9 'f the li$ard isn&t afraid of iron% then he should be afraid of fire.8

7Where do we get fire here<8 rusila shrugged perple1edly. The li$ard was

already on the mo(e and going towards their (oices.

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7othing simpler%8 the miranda 'sabella said and flew up. 4he rose two metres

and took from the wall one of the torches there for lighting. 7!atch% night !hristian98

Then she also threw torches to rusila and )rian.

 )s soon as !hristian had fire in his hand% he immediately ran up to the li$ard and

stuck the flame right in its face. ) second later% the blacksmith and the s,uire did the


The knight was correct. The li$ard roared in pain and staggered backward. 't e(en

stood up on its hind legs. 'sabella% also with a torch% instantly flew to it and sho(ed a

 burning torch right in its jaws. 'n fear and pain% the li$ard fell on its back. 't did not e(en

try to resist. 't was powerless against flame and smoke% which was choking it. 2oreo(er%

its hide suddenly flared up. The li$ard simply lost its head and instinct told it what to do.

't fell to the ground and started to roll on it% trying to smother the flame. 't succeeded.

ut when it got back on its feet% its belligerence had disappeared without a trace. 't was

more like a frightened o(ergrown mole. 4oon% it was washed up.

The four bra(e warriors surrounded it on three sides. The people were wa(ing

torches in front of it% and there was nothing left for it to do but flee. Whimpering

plainti(ely% it somehow dragged itself to its cage% do(e into it like a mouse into a hole

 when sa(ed from cats% and huddled in the furthest corner there. 't was clear that no bait

 would succeed in luring it from there.

The friends locked the door behind it and only then threw the torches on the

ground. Then they all turned in the direction where the 2ar,uis was sitting. 7We won%

2urderer98 )rian yelled to him. 7The tournament is o(er.8

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Cha"ter &ighteen

TH& (&C&$PTS

7ot at all98 the 2ar,uis replied. 7*efeat all my sla(es first.8 6a(ing said this% he

 wa(ed his hand. )ll the cages opened and all those with whom our heroes had to fight

 began to come out of them% and there was e(en a centaur with three heads. 't was the

only one who had not yet participated in the tournament.

7ill them all98 2urderer ordered in a loud (oice. 7+(ery one of them. 'f at least

one of them remains ali(e% '&ll ha(e you all hanged.8 The monsters hesitantly made their

 way to the four friends standing in a circle% ready for new trials.

The 2ar,uis laughed aloud and clapped his hands. 7Well< ow you ha(e to kill at

least a couple of them before they kill you<8 he asked with a sneer.

7'f someone here should be killed%8 !hris said in the complete silence% 7it&s you.8The 2ar,uis e(en went white when he heard this. 76urry98 he yelled at his sla(es.

7What are you waiting for< #inish them. )nd you too% 'saura% go with them.8

The black miranda obediently left her spot on one of the towers and landed in the

arena two steps away from !hris and his friends. 4he drew her sword and attacked


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ut 'sabella was between her and the boy. 4he parried the blow of her sister&s

sword. 74ister% only after killing me will you be able to continue carrying out the

2ar,uis& will%8 she warned.

7ood% '&ll kill you then%8 'saura agreed without any hint of doubt. )nd the sisters

flew up to the sky and entered into a fierce fight.

The remaining monsters did not hurry to attack. They were afraid because they 

had already lost once to these people. rusila raised his hammer and stood between the

monsters and the boys. The blacksmith smiled and the monsters became e(en more

scared. )ll of them retreated at once. The si1;armed giant e(en sat down with fear. 6e

 was still limping.

4till% it was a momentary fear. The monsters were afraid of the people% but they 

feared ostiniak e(en more. The first to come to its senses was the centaur. 't was the

least scared of all% because it still had not fought with anyone or suffered a defeat. 't

neighed loudly like a horse% flicked its long tail% and charged at rusila.

6owe(er% before it managed to take e(en a step% !hris was before it. The boy&s

sword lit up again. 6e again enclosed himself% the blacksmith% and )rian in a magic

circle. 4eeing this% the monsters all got into a terrible rage at once. +(idently% they did

not like it when people concealed themsel(es this way. They attacked the in(isible wall

 with all their weight% wanting to break through it and carry out the 2ar,uis& order.

7' knew that the 2ar,uis& sla(es are merely ordinary e(il spirits%8 !hris told his

friends. 7The dragon&s circle doesn&t terrify normal beings. We must hold out till the

morning at least% and they&ll all perish then.8 To hold out until the morning. 't was easy 

to say. The in(isible barrier simply shook from the blows bombarding it. The monsters

hit it (iolently and growled with anger.

'sabella joined her friends. 4he flew to them without interference% but her sister bumped against the in(isible barrier and remained beyond the magical boundary%

 beating on the dragon&s circle in a fren$ied madness.

The friends% standing in the centre of the circle% watched as the audience fled in

fear from their seats% the guards ran between the rows% and the 2ar,uis ga(e them some

orders. What< They were not audible for the o(erall noise. ut it was clear that they 

concerned them directly. 4o% the 2ar,uis no longer belie(ed in the unlimited strength of 

his demons.

7We can&t hold on for long%8 'sabella said pensi(ely. 7They&ll be able to reach us

 before morning.8

7What shall we do<8 rusila was holding his hammer in readiness. o one knew the answer to this ,uestion.

72aybe we&ll try fire again<8 !hris suggested.

7't&s unlikely these fellows are afraid of fire. They aren&t blind% they&ll be able to

dodge%8 'sabella sighed.

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!hris looked with hatred at the 2ar,uis% who at that moment came out onto the

arena% accompanied by guards urging the monsters on with halberds and spears.

7'nteresting. Why don&t they touch the guards<8 he wondered.

7The guards didn&t sign a paper pledging to fight them%8 rusila grinned. 7These

demons need our souls and they&ll get them.8

7They won&t98 )rian e1claimed. 7' forgot to tell you that ' ha(e all your receipts.8

70ur receipts<8 all three e1claimed.

7-es.8 The s,uire shook out from his front pocket a scroll of parchment. 7' stole

them when ' was in the basement. The same place where ' found you% 'sabella. ' decided

to go there again. Thought '&d still find and free some of the capti(es. ut no one was

there. ' already wanted to go back% but then 2urderer came and ' hid. ' watched as he

hid something in an old barrel near the wine% and when he left% ' found these papers in

it. 0nly ' didn&t ha(e time to bring them to you. ' was caught right in the basement.8

 )rian chattered all this so ,uickly that he was e(en out of breath.

7*idn&t they search you<8 !hris was surprised.

7They did%8 the boy smiled slyly. 7ut found nothing.8

74uch a big scroll<8

7When they searched me% it wasn&t there.8

7ut why<8

The sly smile on )rian&s face spread from ear to ear. 7'% too% ha(e a dragon&s


There was no time to understand more% not a second to lose. 't was necessary to

destroy the receipts gi(ing the 2ar,uis the power o(er their souls. The receipts of !ount

arbi$on and 2erengo were no longer of use to anyone% but the paper with the

signatures of rusila% 'sabella% and !hris Eamong them e(en the receipt of 'sauraF camein (ery handy.

7'&ll bring a torch right away%8 'sabella said. 4he needed only a few seconds to fly 

for it. +(en 'saura was unable to hinder her% because there simply was no time to

understand anything. 76ere% take it% )rian.8 )rian took the burning torch% and all the

others took their own receipt.

76ey% 2urderer98 !hris called to the 2ar,uis. 7*o you see what we ha(e in our

hands<8 The 2ar,uis immediately recogni$ed his parchments. 6is face became

distorted with horror. 6e barely stayed on his feet.

7-ou broke all the rules%8 continued !hris. 7-ou directed an unfair game.8

7That&s not so98 the 2ar,uis yelled. 7-ou can&t do this. -ou&ll shame your name.870n the contrary% we&ll clear our names from this filth you soaked with your

treachery and lies. -ou can&t fi1 your (ile tournament anymore9 We won and won&t

continue to participate in the trading of our souls. We take back our obligations% which

 you swindled us with meanness% deceit% or blackmail.8 )fter his words% all three sho(ed

their receipts into the flame of )rian&s torch.

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 )t that (ery second% lightning and deafening thunder rumbled in the sky until the

foundation of 2urderer&s castle shook. 3ightning began to fall on ostiniak&s demons

one after another. The monsters% on which the lightning fell% instantly disappeared. They 

 burst like soap bubbles with a crackle and a pop. 0nly sparks were scattered on the spots

 where they had been. 'n a few seconds% none of them remained in the arena% where

 blood had spilled and winged death had flown in search of prey all those days. +(en the

 blind li$ard had (anished from its cage. 0nly the miranda 'saura alone remained lying

on the sand. 4he fell when lightning struck her and remained lying there% unconscious.

Rain immediately followed. 't fell in torrents. The torch in )rian&s hands went

out. There were not e(en ashes from the receipts. The wind raised during the storm had

carried them away. The friends stepped out of the circle that had sa(ed them.

'sabella immediately rushed to 'saura. 74ister98 4he began to shake her. 7)re you

really dead<8'saura raised her head and looked around herself in ama$ement. 0nly now did

they all see how beautiful she was. 7What happened<8 she asked in surprise. 7Why 

ha(en&t you killed me< 'ndeed% '&m so guilty.8

7-ou&re also free% 'saura98 'sabella rushed to hug and kiss her sister. 7-ou&re no

longer a sla(e to the 2ar,uis9 6e has no power o(er you98

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74ister98 'saura e1claimed and tears streamed down her lo(ely% kind face.

7#orgi(e me9 ' almost killed you.8

7-ou aren&t to blame9 ow we&re sa(ed and can return home.8

76ome<8 'saura was surprised. 6er face became stern and se(ere% like all

mirandas of her tribe. 70h no% first ' ha(e to settle a score with someone here.8 4he

grabbed the hilt of her sword and spread her wings menacingly.

7Right98 rusila e1claimed. 7Where&s this lo(er of blood spectacles< ' think he

deser(es a good hit on the head with a hammer98

They all turned to the place where ostiniak had just been. The 2ar,uis was

lying on the ground in a large and deep puddle. The guards had run away in fear when

lightning began to strike and there was no one to protect ostiniak. The only loyal

 warrior and defender% 2erengo% was no longer ali(e by his order. ow 2ar,uis 6enri de

ostiniak% the former sorcerer 2urderer% was completely alone before the participants

of his fiendish tournament. 6e looked at those he had recently marked as a sacrifice and

trembled with fear. When the formidable warriors surrounded him on all sides% he

screamed with fear% 7*on&t kill me9 *on&t98

The 2ar,uis was crawling on his knees before them and begging for mercy. This

sorcerer% recently still bringing terror to the whole country% now beha(ed like the lowest

of the low% in order just to preser(e his own life. )ll his former grandeur had

disappeared. ) worthless worm was crawling before people and mirandas. +(eryone was

disgusted. +(en rusila dropped his hammer and contemptuously spat into the puddle

 where ostiniak was wallowing.

7) real warrior will ne(er defile his sword on such pettiness as you% 2urderer.8There was so much contempt in !hris& (oice that the 2ar,uis cringed in humiliation.

7We&re not going to kill you.8

+(eryone agreed with him. obody wanted to soil their hands with the unworthy 

2ar,uis. Therefore% the winners left the arena and went to the castle gate. They did not

 want to stay here another minute. The gate was at the other end of the courtyard.

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They were already at the gates when !hris remembered that they had forgotten

about horses. 7We won&t go far%8 he said. 7The 2ar,uis won&t sit in the puddle for long.

6e&ll raise the alarm and try to catch us.8

!hris was right. uards were already running towards them. 4eeing them% both

mirandas unsheathed their swords and flew to meet them. The guards screamed with

fear. They knew perfectly well what these warlike creatures were capable of. esides% the

fear of 'saura was in their blood. They fled. 6owe(er% here an enraged 2ar,uis with

another troop of guards appeared in front of them. They were e(en more afraid of the

2ar,uis% so they turned back and began to fight with the mirandas.

!hris% )rian% and rusila were busy with the gate. 't was closed and there was no

one beside it% and no fewer than four people were needed to turn the huge winch to open

it. ot thinking for long% rusila brought the hammer down on the chain holding up the

gate and smashed the links after se(eral strikes. The blacksmith knew well how and

 where to strike. The gate collapsed and broke into pieces. ) split second before this%

rusila managed to leap and turned up on the other side of the ditch. The boys% though%

did not ha(e time to do so and stood at a loss in front of the remains of the bridge%

 weighing how to cross o(er to rusila. ut it was impossible. They already wanted to

turn back and search for another way out% when the two mirandas% beating off the

charge of the guards% picked !hris and )rian up in their arms and flew with them out of 

the castle. ) moat with blood instead of water and 2urderer&s terrible castle remained

 below. The boys saw rusila wa(ing to them in farewell. Then the bold blacksmith ran to

the bridge o(er the ,uick Tal(ira.

7Why is he running to the city<8 )rian was surprised. 7't&s much easier to hide in

this mountain.8

7The blacksmith knows his own city much better%8 'saura% carrying him% replied.7't&ll be easier for him to hide there from the 2ar,uis& (engeance. ut you&ll hide in

Teni(esis. Wait for things to ,uiet down and lea(e for your country.8

7't&s not appropriate for a knight to hide like a stowaway%8 !hris remarked.

7We&ll fly to the mountains and return with a detachment of sisters%8 'sabella

said. 7We&ll crush this nest of wasps and help you return. The 2ar,uis isn&t as dangerous

at all as we e1pected.8

76e&s the most common charlatan%8 )rian agreed. 76e ga(e his magic to the lack 

Aueen long ago.8

7o matter how% she may come to his rescue%8 'sabella sighed. They were already 

almost at the top of Teni(esis.7' wonder what the 2ar,uis is doing now%8 )rian said when the mirandas

descended onto the mountain surface.

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Cha"ter %ineteen

/$('%D' $%,S

2ar,uis ostiniak% all the time seething with rage and sei$ed by a thirst for

 (engeance% gathered in the courtyard all the guards and aristocrats% former guests and

spectators of the tournament% and deli(ered a speech.

70ur tournament broke down through the fault of its participants%8 he started.

7They deceitfully repudiated their obligations and thereby placed themsel(es outside the

law. Therefore% ' propose to you% gentlemen% a new entertainment in place of the lostone. ' propose to hunt for the two boys and the blacksmith% who ha(e run away from my 

castle. They couldn&t ha(e gone far. 4o% get ready% saddle the horses. We set off in pursuit

of the fugiti(es. ather in the courtyard in half an hour. ) glorious hunt awaits us98

 When the 2ar,uis finished his speech% the guests happily started to make noise

and ran to get ready for the promised hunt. What could be more interesting than

hunting people<

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2urderer went to the reception hall% where Aueen )ngusta&s portrait hung on the

 wall% and ga(e orders to bring him "rince 3autar. The boy was in front of him in a


7' need your help again% -our 6ighness.8 2urderer made an impatient sign to

3autar to approach him. 7' want to find out something.8

7' don&t intend on helping you anymore98 3autar replied testily and remained in

place. 7' know what you need. -ou want to ruin those bra(e people your monsters

couldn&t kill. Therefore% '&m not going to take part.8

7-ou&re mistaken% obstinate boy%8 ostiniak laughed. 7'ndeed% ' always obtain

satisfaction from you.8 6e ran up close to the "rince% held him firmly by the shoulders%

and looked into his eyes. 3autar shuddered and fro$e on the spot% unable to tear his ga$e

away from the 2ar,uis& snake;like eyes. 6e continued to drill the "rince with his ga$e

until the boy began to enter an omniscient trance.

 When e(erything was ready and "rince 3autar was completely in the 2ar,uis&

power% ostiniak took the boy&s hands in his and said% 7ow show me e(eryone who has

 just left my castle98

The cloud of light in 3autar&s hands turned into an image. ostiniak first saw 

rusila the blacksmith making his way through the dark streets of ien(illemort. 7'&ll

always ha(e time to look into this one%8 he wa(ed. 7Where are the others<8

Then he saw the mirandas flying across the sky and started to grind his teeth in

rage. 7' won&t catch up with them98 he e1claimed. 7!ursed creatures9 0kay% the boys.8

The mirandas disappeared.

'f the 2ar,uis had not been so e1cited but had looked closely% he would ha(e paid

attention to how strangely the mirandas were flying. They were flying slowly and with

difficulty and holding each other&s hands. The reason was that each sister only had one wing. 0ne left% the other right. Together they made up a single entity. ut 2urderer did

not manage to spot this.

6e was impatient to see !hris and )rian. )nd he saw them. The boys were on the

top of the mountain Teni(esis and were also holding hands. 76ere&s where you&(e gone

hiding% my lads98 The 2ar,uis e(en danced with joy. 7!limbed into a mousetrap by 

themsel(es. ow% wait for company.8

There was nothing more he needed from 3autar. 6e let go of the boy&s arms and

,uickly left the room. The "rince sighed deeply and% not opening his eyes% sat down on

the floor in e1haustion. The magic light continued to flow around him.

The Aueen&s portrait came to life again. 4he came down onto the floor and walkedo(er to 3autar. 6er face was full of grief and sadness. 74o% #ather has already gone to

meet his fate<8 4he placed her hands on the "rince&s shoulders.

7-es%8 he replied in a monotonous (oice. 7*eath has already opened her wings

 behind him. o one can sa(e him now. 6e himself is going to meet her.8

The Aueen sighed sadly. 7Well% then% the time has come for me to rule alone. -our

predictions ha(e started to come true% my boy. *on&t stay in this castle another minute%

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"rince. Return home. ' still need you.8 6a(ing said this% the lack Aueen returned to the


"rince 3autar came to. 7They won&t perish%8 he whispered.

*own in the castle courtyard% noble hunters were already clattering their

 weapons% dogs were barking% and horses were pounding their hoo(es. ) chain creaked%

opening a second gate% from which ran the road to Teni(esis. 2urderer had started the


 We will lea(e him behind and return to some time ago to find out what happened

to the (aliant night !hristian Thirteen and his faithful s,uire% )rian.

 When they found themsel(es on top of Teni(esis together with the mirandas%

!hris thanked the sisters.

7*on&t waste words in (ain% night%8 'saura interrupted him. 7We owe e(erything

to you and your fearless s,uire. 0ur freedom and our li(es. ow we&ll fly home% and we&ll

return in the e(ening with help and get you out of here. -ou better not attempt anything

 without us.8

7What if the 2ar,uis finds them here before we return<8 'sabella asked

an1iously. 7Then they&ll perish.8

7We&ll fight like tigers98 )rian e1claimed. 7What&s some 2ar,uis to us< 6e&s a

coward and a traitor.8

7+1actly% a traitor98 'saura grinned. 7We should&(e finished him off then in the

puddle. What if our misguided generosity comes back to bite us< 3et&s hope that he&ll be

searching for you in ien(illemort. )nd he&ll spend a lot of time on it.8

7What if he comes here after all<8 'sabella continued to doubt the correctness of 

their actions. 7'ndeed% he&s capable of many things.87'n this case% sister% we&ll lea(e the bra(e young men our wings.8

 )rian giggled. 7ra(e young men.8 6e looked mischie(ously at 'saura. 7+arlier

 you just called me a bad boy who pokes his nose into other people&s business.8

'saura looked at )rian. 7' was wrong.8

7What wings are you talking about<8 !hris inter(ened in the con(ersation.

70urs%8 'saura replied. 72y sister and ' will each lea(e you a wing. 'f need be%

 you&ll be able to fly away from here. ut only for a (ery short distance.8 With these

 words% she took a wing off her back and ga(e it to !hris. 'sabella did the same.

70ne of you will place the wings on your back and say% C2iranda wings% in the

name of the bottomless great sky% lift me off the ground.&87)nd what about )rian< ' won&t fly away alone.8

7"ut him on your shoulders or carry him in your arms. The wings are strong%

they&ll carry two. -ou can% of course% each fly with one wing% holding hands% but this

needs a common will% and is impossible without long% tiring training. ow it&s time for

us to fly. 4ee you soon% friends98

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The mirandas% holding hands% took off and flew in the direction of ien(illemort.

The sun appeared on the hori$on at this (ery moment and met them with the gentle rays

of dawn.

7)h% it would be great for us to learn that98 )rian said% delighted. 74hall we try 

now< What&s there to say<8

7Where&s your sword<8 !hris asked his s,uire instead of answering.

72y sword<8 )rian was embarrassed. 7't seems that ' dropped it when 'saura

picked me up under the arms. ?ust can&t get used to her iron grip. 4uch a frail girl in


!hris just laughed at his unhappy s,uire. 7't happens%8 he calmed )rian. 7ut when you become a knight% your sword will ne(er forsake you. o matter what


7'f only it would be sooner%8 )rian sighed. 7' just can&t wait.8

7'n any case% you&(e turned out to be an e1cellent s,uire.8 !hris slapped )rian on

the shoulder.

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7Really<8 )rian lit up with joy right away. )s always% his mouth parted to his ears

and his fingers began to fiddle with the edge of his shirt.

70f course9 'f not for you% we would all ha(e been killed. Who got the receipts<

4o% you&re no longer my property9 -ou sa(ed my life and are now free.8

7ut you won&t banish me from ser(ing as s,uire<8

7' won&t. Where(er will ' find such a nice little one< #urthermore% we&re friends%



7Wonderful. 4ince we&re friends% we should think about what to do ne1t. )lthough

Teni(esis isn&t high% it&s cold here% like the highest mountain at home. )nd your legs are

 bare. '&m afraid you&ll catch cold. 0ur bags with warm clothes are still in the castle.8

7+1actly%8 )rian agreed and shi(ered. 7"erhaps we shall light a fire<8

7o% they can see the smoke from below and will then reali$e where we are.8

7ut ' think they&(e already known for some time where we are%8 )rian pointed

down. !hris looked and saw a large detachment of ca(alry and infantry ascending the


74o% it&s time to lea(e here%8 )rian remarked. 7!an ' wear the wings<8

7o% '&ll fly%8 !hris disagreed. 76elp me get them on.8

The wings were large and uncomfortable at first glance. 6owe(er% when )rian

placed one of them on !hris& back% it instantly stuck to the knight as if it had always been

there. The second wing also stuck on as easily. !hris drew himself up and tried mentally 

to spread the wings. They carried out his command with a soft rustling.

7-ou look like a crow%8 )rian remarked spitefully. 6e was a little jealous of !hris

and wanted to soothe himself this way. 'n actual fact% !hris looked (ery impressi(e and

 beautiful. 6e was like a miranda. 7Will ' sit on your shoulders<8 the s,uire asked.7'&ll attach you to me with a belt%8 !hris replied. 70therwise% you will let down

 your guard and fall% and ' won&t be able to catch you.8 4o he did. 6e put his left arm

around the s,uire and% pressing him close% girded both of them with his wide belt.

7't tickles98 )rian s,ueaked and chuckled.

7*oesn&t matter. ow '&m comfortable about you. What needs to be said<8

7*on&t remember.8

70h% you98

7ut it&s not me wearing the wings.8

7-ou ha(e an answer ready for e(erything%8 !hris grumbled with affected

discontent. 72iranda wings% in the name of the bottomless great sky% lift me off theground.8

 )s soon as he said it% the air shook under their feet% which immediately broke

loose from the mountain surface. They took off.

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't was so cool that the boys e(en forgot for a while why they% strictly speaking%

rose up in the air at all. 6owe(er% a minute later% when they dropped a few do$en metres

and the furious shouts of horsemen flew to them% they remembered that they needed to

take their legs% or rather the wings% far away from here. !hris told the wings to carry 

them towards ien(illemort% in the direction from which they had come to the 2ar,uis&

castle. There was the way out to the !ountry of #ro$en Time.

 When 2urderer saw that his prey was slipping away% he simply roared with rage.

7o% you won&t get away from me98 he yelled. 7'&ll settle the score with you yet. *on&t

think that if you know how to fly% ' won&t get to you. o% ' still ha(e sorcery. ' ha(en&t lost

all of the powers of darkness.8

6e jumped off the horse% on which he was riding% and began to cast spells. Those

accompanying him turned their horses around in horror and raced back. 't is better not

to be near where sorcery is happening. ) cloud of thick% black smoke suddenly wrapped

around 2urderer. 6e was simply not (isible% but a two;metre giant (ulture with iron

claws on its feet took off into the sky from the place where he had just been standing.

The (ulture circled abo(e the 2orta(ian nobility% which took to their feet in fear% and

 went in pursuit of !hris and )rian.

The s,uire was the first to notice the chase. 73ook98 he shouted to the flying

knight.!hris turned around and saw the (ulture. The predatory bird was flying ,uickly 

and like a shot. The familiar e(il eyes flashed in the sunlight% the iron beak clicked

loudly% and the steel claws were jingling.

7't&s 2urderer98 )rian shouted. 7ow he&ll catch us98

They increased speed% but not much. 't was difficult for the wings to carry two

flyers ,uickly. The (ulture was catching up with e(ery second.

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7!an&t a(oid a battle%8 !hris said and drew his sword. 6e turned and prepared to

meet the enemy face to face.

The (ulture ob(iously did not e1pect this and barely had time to turn aside in

order not to crash into !hristian. )fter all% 2urderer was an out;and;out coward. The

 boy struck with the sword and hit him in the left wing% almost chopping it in two. ot

enough spread. 6owe(er% 2urderer was screaming in pain. 4uddenly% he lost his mind

and fear together with his reason% and he attacked the enemy with fury. ) fierce battle

flared up.

't was (ery difficult for !hris to fly holding )rian with his left hand and fighting

off the (ulture with his right. 6e began to lose altitude. )t this point% they were abo(e

Tal(ira. The (ulture saw it and doubled the pressure. !hris surmised that 2urderer

intended on throwing them into the ri(er% where the miranda wings would get soaked%

 become hea(y% and be unable to carry two at once. 2oreo(er% the bird was circling abo(e

them and did not allow him to fly to shore. Then !hris found the one place where he

could land. 6e was tired of flying and wanted to fight on solid ground% where it was

much simpler to deal with 2urderer. 't was a bridge% a narrow flimsy bridge o(er a

turbulent ri(er. !hris saw a gilded coach passing o(er it. 6e remembered that "rince

3autar had arri(ed in it. !hris began approaching the bridge imperceptibly to the

 (ulture. They were getting closer and closer to the water5 infre,uent spray e(en touched

their feet. 't became increasingly hard to fight. They were just about to fall.

There was a deafening roar. The ground shuddered. 2urderer and the boys

looked in the direction whence it came and e(en stopped the battle. The noise came

from Teni(esis. The mountain and the ground were shaking. Rocks the si$e of a castle

 broke off from the top and fell down% destroying e(erything that was in its path.

 )long the road that ran from the foot to the peak fled the former audience of the bloody tournament and current hunters. ot pitying the horses% they raced down. 2any 

of them fell to the ground and were killed% others fell under the a(alanche and also

perished% and a third disappeared into an abyss from out of nowhere. The cream of 

2orta(ian nobility (anished. ut not just people died.

2urderer looked at his castle and s,uealed with fright. 6is castle was also

destroyed. 't collapsed. Tower after tower% wall after wall% it fell into a bloody pit. ature

itself wiped from the face of the earth this terrible structure% in which dwelt meanness%

deceit% black magic% and death. The e(il sorcerer remembered 3autar&s prediction.

6owe(er% he e(idently no longer feared anything. 0nly one aspiration% one desire

possessed him = to destroy !hris and )rian% and he again rushed into battle. !hrisgreeted him with the sword and the (ulture flew off se(eral do$en metres in order to

attack again.

't had become harder to fly with each second. The miranda wings had gotten wet

and become hea(y5 they would lose strength imminently and crash into the ri(er along

 with the boys. Then !hris noticed that )rian was trying with one of his kni(es to cut the

 belt tying him to !hris. 6e understood that the boy was doing this to gi(e him freedom

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of action. ut below was a raging ri(er% which carried its water ahead so rapidly that it

 was e(en impossible to follow with a glance a woodchip thrown into it. )nd a half;mile

ahead its water was rumbling and dropping into a bottomless waterfall precipice.

7*on&t you dare98 !hris yelled.

6owe(er% it was already too late. )rian wa(ed his knife for the last time% !hris did

not manage to catch him% and the boy flew down. ) second later he disappeared in the

 water. !hris wanted to rush after him% but here 2urderer swooped down on him and

they were engaged in a fierce battle. )rms% wings% legs% and claws went into action. !hris

did not e(en notice how they both turned up on the ground. oth of !hris& wings broke

from the fall and fell off the knight&s back. When !hris came to% he grabbed the (ulture

 by the wings and forcibly began to break them. 2urderer started to tear himself away 

and his steel claws almost tore open the knight&s chest. #inally% he managed to escape

and flew up to the sky. !hris began to wait for him to attack again. 6is sword was still

 with him. ) knight would not part from it under any circumstances.

6owe(er% 2urderer did not fly to the boy. 6e flew to the bridge% which was a few 

steps from them. !hris looked at where he was going and felt cold inside. 6e saw )rian%

 who was trying to get up on the bridge along a beam% which he apparently managed to

hang on to after the fall. 6e had almost climbed up% when 2urderer fell on him like a

rock from abo(e.

7)rian98 !hris yelled. 7Watch out98

ut he was too late. )rian looked up% saw the (ulture flying like an arrow at him%

and unclenched his hands in fear. 6e still clung to the beam with his feet for a second%

 but the bird struck him in the chest with its beak% and the boy again flew into the water.

!hris only had time to see his blue shirt. The current speedily carried him down.

!hristian% forgetting about 2urderer% rushed downstream% trying not to let )rian out of sight. 6e had to run past the bridge% and here he fell% stumbling o(er a stone. 't sa(ed his


 )bout a hundred people and another fifty horses left without riders swept across

the bridge at great speed and almost trampled !hris. They galloped past two steps away 

from him and fled in the direction of ien(illemort. !hris was lucky. ut then 2urderer

did not turn out to be as lucky.

 When the (ulture knocked )rian into the ri(er% it emitted a (ictorious cry of joy%

and% spreading its wings% began to dance% jumping amusingly on short% crooked legs.

 When 2urderer saw horses rushing at him% out of fear he forgot that he was a bird and

able to fly% and there was no time for transformation. 6e began to rush about on the bridge% running in one direction and then another. The (ulture issued a final scream and

 was trampled to death a moment later by hundreds of horses& hoo(es. #eathers flew in

all directions. When there was no one on the bridge anymore% almost nothing was left on

the spot where 2urderer had been% only dirty feathers and bloody scraps of meat and

 broken bones. Thus% the great sorcerer 2urderer ended his life ignominiously.

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!hris got on his feet with difficulty. 6is body% arms% and legs were aching

unbearably after the fight with 2urderer. The boy&s eyes were full of despair. )ll !hris&

thoughts were of a lost friend. 6e had lost those precious seconds that were necessary to

sa(e )rian. The raging water of Tal(ira carried the capital s,uire away and ga(e him as a

sacrifice to the waterfall. 'n any case% !hris decided to go downstream in the hope of a

miracle. 6e took a few steps forward and heard a familiar neigh behind his back. 6e

looked back. There it was. 3aura snorted joyfully before him.

Tears welled up in the boy&s eyes. 6e did not wipe them off. 3aura was saddled.

+(idently% one of the noble lords co(eted and appropriated it. This unlucky thief 

probably died on Teni(esis. 't was all the same to !hris. 6e climbed into the saddle and

 went in search of )rian.

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Cha"ter T!enty 

(&T*(% T# TH& C#*%T(0 #F F(#7&% T$/&


/&&T$%, '% #-D F($&%D

!hris spent all day in search of )rian. ut it came to nothing. 6e hoped for a

miracle% that the boy would be able to get ashore or catch hold of some snag. !hristian

kept praying for it. ut the miracle did not happen. What was more% when !hris went

down to the waterfall in the e(ening% he found one of )rian&s boots washed up on the

shore. !hris began to hope that )rian had managed to get to shore and was now lying

there unconscious. The boy began desperately to search for and call his s,uire. 6e

 became hoarse and lost his (oice. 6e listened% hoping to hear an answer. The noise of 

the waterfall was such that it was not possible to count on this. 4till% !hris ne(er stopped

searching. 6e swore to himself that he would not lea(e 2orta(ia until he found )rian.

6e was already about to jump into the waterfall% when someone called him by name.!hris turned around and saw the same old man he had sa(ed from the 2ar,uis& soldiers

a few days ago.

7What are you doing here% noble night !hristian<8

7'&m searching for my friend. 6e fell into the ri(er.8

7That&s your friend the Tal(ira Waterfall swallowed<8 The old man shook his

head. 7' grie(e with you.8

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7*id you see how it happened<8 !hris asked in a (oice trembling with grief. The

old man nodded sadly. !hris buried his face in his hands and wept. ow he was not

ashamed of tears. 't was all the same to him.

The old man came up to him and patted him on the head affectionately like a

child. 7Return to your world% young man%8 he said with a sigh. 7There&s nothing more for

 you to do here. -ou killed 2ar,uis ostiniak and you can&t remain here. The lack 

Aueen won&t lea(e his death unpunished.8

7o% ' need to find my friend and bury him honourably.8

7>nfortunately% that is impossible.8


7The Tal(ira Waterfall isn&t called the killer waterfall for nothing. 2any% many 

people ha(e perished in its waters. 'n the old days% when there were so many recalcitrant

ones that ostiniak&s e1ecutioners could not cope% people were simply thrown into the

Tal(ira and disappeared fore(er. obody has e(er seen them dead or ali(e. The waterfall

has ne(er gi(en back what it once took. *on&t e(en try to find him.8

7o%8 !hris disagreed with the old man. 7'&ll set off for the city% find rusila the

 blacksmith% and ask him to help me. 'f necessary% we&ll go down to the bottom of the

 waterfall% but we&ll find )rian.8 The old man just shook his head.

 Without saying another word% !hris sat on his horse and rode towards

ien(illemort. 6e approached the city gate already in the dark. 't was e(ening. 4trangely 

enough% the gates were open% and there were no guards near them. !hris rode into the

city. There was not a single person on its streets. 0nly the wind was swinging the street

lanterns% which were not lit but only creaking wistfully.

7Where am ' going to find rusila here<8 2elancholy took possession of !hris.

6e rode slowly and looked around% hoping to find at least one passer;by and ask himabout the blacksmith.

e(ertheless% !hris met no one. 6e was already barely keeping himself in the

saddle from fatigue. 6is head was spinning. 6e wanted (ery much to sleep. The pre(ious

sleepless night and a difficult day were affecting him. 6e reached the main city s,uare

 with great difficulty. The s,uare was empty as well. There was not a single person. 0nly 

in the centre = at first !hris did not e(en reali$e what it was% and when he did% he could

not belie(e his eyes = there was a gallows% on which a hanged man was swaying in the

sharp night wind. e1t to him a torch% instead of a lantern% was burning.

!hris rode past the gallows% trying not to look in its direction. 6owe(er% when he

had already passed% he broke down and looked around. There was a bag on the head of the hanged man. ?ust at the moment when !hris looked around% the wind lifted up the

 bag and the torch illuminated red sideburns and a board on the chest with the

inscription  Deserter and Traitor . !hris remembered the red;haired soldier% whom he

and )rian had dri(en into the forest% and felt consciousness lea(ing him.

6e regained consciousness early in the morning and was surprised to find that he

 was still sitting in the saddle% but 3aura was not wandering through ien(illemort at all.

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 ) forest surrounded horse and rider. !hristian looked around and recogni$ed the same

place where he and )rian had met the miranda 'saura and fought with her. 't was only a

few days ago% but it seemed to !hris that a whole eternity had passed.

The knight remembered e(erything that had happened to him in the past days.

 When his head cleared% he wanted to turn the horse around to go back to ien(illemort%

 but 3aura did not obey him. The boy spurred it% but the horse did not e(en mo(e its

snout and continued forward. !hris surmised that it was carrying him towards the e1it

of 2orta(ia. 6e could not allow this. !hris considered that he had no right to return

 without )rian. 6e wanted to whip the horse% but he could not lift his arms.

ot only his arms and legs but also his whole body suddenly refused to ser(e

!hristian. 6e sat in the saddle and could not mo(e. #rom all sides the surly 2orta(ian

forest% where bushes and trees hunted li(ing beings as wild animals or birds do% looked

at him with hostility. ut for some reason they did not dare touch the knight% only shook 

their branches in annoyance and creaked discontentedly% although there was no wind.

3aura ,uickened its pace. )head appeared two crooked trees% near which was the

e1it of the lack Aueen&s country. When !hris and )rian had passed under their arches%

they fell down on the ground behind them as if fore(er closing the way back. ow%

howe(er% they seemingly saw and recogni$ed !hristian and% as if with a wa(e of a magic

 wand% got up in their former position.

!hristian understood that 2orta(ia was dri(ing him away from its territory. )nd

there was nothing he could do about it. Tears of despair% resentment% and pain flowed

down the knight&s face when he saw 3aura irre(ersibly enter the magic gates. 7#arewell%

 )rian%8 !hris& lips only managed to whisper.

The gates were again left behind% and !hris again heard them falling to the

ground. ow he was able to turn around and look back. There were no more crooked birches. 'nstead% only two charred logs were lying about. !hris began to look around and

saw that there were no other birches and he was not at all in the birch gro(e where )rian

had seen a flying miranda. 6arsh mountains and forbidding cliffs surrounded him on all


!hris dismounted and sat on the ground. 6e clasped his head with his arms and

sat so for a long time without mo(ing. 3aura thrust its snout into his face% consoling

him% but he did not seem to see it. The horse neighed resentfully.

 When !hris woke up% he began to look at the sky to determine by the sun where

he was. These were the Western mountains. earby was the mountain castle of the #airy 

of +ternal -outh and the ca(e in which the white dragon oidrag li(ed. 6e first decidedthat 2orta(ia had indeed thrown him out to the edge of the earth. ut e(en this

disco(ery did not comfort the boy.

6e sat in the saddle without particular joy and directed 3aura to the east% in the

direction of the !apital. 6e felt worse than e(er. The thought of his perished s,uire

ne(er left him for a moment. !hris firmly belie(ed that his s,uire perished through his

fault. 6ow could he forget and stop holding the boy< 't was no e1cuse that he had been

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fighting with 2urderer and he needed both hands for this. 6e had simply been afraid%

had panicked% and had begun to hold the sword with both hands9

Thus !hris rode% swearing and cursing himself with foul language. 6e did not

e(en notice that a rider had appeared from one ra(ine he rode past. This rider had a

spear in his hand. The long battle lance of a knight.

7night !hristian98 the rider yelled. 74top98

!hris turned around and looked at the rider without any special surprise. 't was a

knight. 6e was against the sun and it was hard to see what armour was on him and what

 was depicted on his shield. ut it was a knight. ) real knight;errant. 6is whole

silhouette said so. 't was (isible from both his posture and his entire appearance.

7' challenge you to a duel% night98 the rider shouted.

!hris unsheathed his sword without fear and prepared for battle. 6e was not

e(en scared when the knight came so close that it was possible to ha(e a good look at

him. 6is black silhouette remained so black e(en when light fell on him. +(erything on

the knight was black: the armour% the horse% and the weapons. +(en the sun&s rays were

unable to win o(er his blackness. ecause this was the lack night. ) creation of 


!hristian saw% recogni$ed him% and understood why the knight&s (oice was so

toneless when he issued the challenge. 6e had no echo. +(en here% in the mountains%

 where e(en a mouse had an echo.

7'&m ready to fight you98 !hris put the shield on his left hand. y some unknown

chance% it was beside 3aura&s saddle. 't was also unknown how he had a spear in his

hand. ) real knight&s lance for tournaments.

The knights rode off to a distance from which it would be con(enient to gallop

towards each other. This was not an ordinary tournament. There were no spectators% notrumpet% no herald. The lack night spurred on his black horse and this ser(ed as the

signal to start the duel. !hris galloped to meet him% holding the lance atilt.

They collided. The shields crashed and the lances broke% but both knights

remained in the saddle. They went to their initial positions and found new lances there.

The same thing happened again. #or a moment% !hris e(en felt happy. *id he not always

dream about this< 4o% let no one see that his opponent was a ghost. There is nothing

 better in the world than a joust. 6onest and noble. )s he stayed in the saddle% !hris

forgot about e(erything in their world.

e(ertheless% happiness did not last long. Right up to the moment% when he

found himself on the ground. !hris did not e(en understand how it happened and wherehe made his mistake. Why did the lack night knock him down<

The fall was serious. 't seemed to !hris that his soul was knocked out of him. 6e

could neither mo(e nor breathe for a few seconds. ut then he saw the knight abo(e

him. There was a sword in the knight&s hand and this sword was flying at him. !hris

managed to dodge and e(en got up on his feet and drew his own sword.

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ow they fought on foot with swords. The lack night did not say a single word.

!hris tried not to look him in the eye. 6e feared those black bottomless pits% therefore

he did not look at them. -et% 'an indeed always taught him to look into the eyes of the

enemy. 4o% he looked the lack night in the chest and fought.

The fight lasted a long time. !hris swore that he would not lose the fight% and

fought enthusiastically and persistently. 4e(eral times% he e(en managed to force the

knight to retreat. When !hris& shield broke into pieces% he did not e(en get cold feet but

only grabbed the sword with both hands and continued to fight.

4weat poured thick and fast from !hris% but the lack night was still silent. 6e

did not utter a sound at all but fought like some kind of machine. )nd it was eerie.

e(ertheless% !hris tried not to succumb to fear. 6e knew that if he took fright%

e(erything would soon be o(er for him. The lack night was an e1cellent swordsman.

6owe(er% since the times of the knight;founders% many techni,ues which he did not

know of had been disco(ered and in(ented. This allowed !hris the possibility to stand

firm against him for so long. ut he himself could not reach the knight% no matter how 

he tried. 't was as if a spell was cast o(er the knight. 0r rather% a spell was also cast o(er

him. +(en when !hris deli(ered a blow which was impossible to repel% his sword cut into


#inally% !hris was tired of all this% and he stopped in order to wipe the sweat%

 which was interfering with his fighting% off his face. The lack night also stopped.

!hris% trying not to look him in the face before% forgot about it and looked him in the eye.

 )nd he immediately became unwell. ery unwell. 6e felt the black abyss pulling him

into itself. -et% he understood that the lack night had just been playing with him till

now. 3ike a cat playing with a mouse before killing it.

This infuriated !hristian. ery much. 6e e(en choked with anger at the lack night% at himself% at 2orta(ia that stole )rian from him% and indeed at the entire

 world. !hris screamed with rage and again rushed at the lack night% who% apparently%

had not e1pected such a charge% stepped back% and fell o(er backwards.

!hris did not attack him. o% he waited for the knight to get up. 't seemed to him

that he saw some feeling in the knight&s eyes% something resembling astonishment. ut

it was only for a moment. The knight stood up after a second and his eyes were again

empty bottomless black sockets.

7-ou did it in (ain% night !hristian%8 the lack night said in a hollow (oice.

7Why did you not kill me<8 )nd again it seemed to !hris there was something ali(e in

his (oice. 3ike suffering and pain.The boy said nothing. 6e was not in a talking mood. The knight attacked again.

0nly now the attack was really fierce and merciless. 4o merciless that !hris retreated.

6e was barely able to beat off the blows5 he retreated and retreated. 6e was almost

running. Tears of despair filled his eyes. )nd then his hand could not hold on.

4omehow% the sword flew out of his hand. 't flew high abo(e the ground% somewhere

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 behind the lack night% and fell on the rocky ground with a ringing sound. !hris

himself fell on his back and nearly hit his head on a rock.

The lack night stepped on the boy&s chest and set the sword against his throat.

6is figure e1pressed neither pleasure nor triumph from the (ictory. othing. 6e was the

same dead statue.

7Well% kill me9 ill me98 !hris yelled. 6e really wanted it (ery much. 6e did not

 want to li(e after all that had happened to him. 7Why are you looking at me<8

7'&m the knight of death% but '&m no murderer98 the lack night replied. 7'

intend on killing no one% !hristian.8 't stung the boy painfully that he was not called a

knight. -es% now he was no longer a knight. Would he really be able to li(e after this<

The lack night left him% sheathed his sword% and went to his horse% which met

him with noisy snorting. 7We won again% my faithful horse%8 the owner of the black 

horse said. 6e sat in the saddle and% not looking back% rode off.

!hristian remained lying on the ground. 6e did not want to get up. 6e wanted to

stay there fore(er. 6is life was o(er5 only the clear blue sky abo(e his head and the clean

mountain air around him were left.

The lack night became a giant again. The same one )rian and !hris had seen

near the forge. ow he directed the horse to the mountain gorge% so deep and narrow 

that the sun&s rays would ne(er hit it. The jingle;jangle of his armour reached !hris. 6e

closed his eyes for a second% and when he opened them% the lack night was no longer

there. )s if it was all a dream.

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Cha"ter T!enty4#ne

/&&T$%, '%#TH&( #-D F($&%D


TH& 'SC&%T T# (#S&B-'%

!hris remained on the ground for a few hours. )ll this time he had been

dreaming only about dying. 6ow could he return to the people now< What would he tell

them< 6e% who had killed his s,uire and then completely lost his knighthood9 Who would talk to him now< 6e was disgraced. !hris constantly thought about the lack 

night% about how hard it was for the unfortunate #ranBois when he wandered among

men and did not dare tell them who he was. 6ow he understood him now9 *id he not

find himself in such a situation now< The same% e1iled and alone. 4o what if he did not

ha(e to kill anyone as night #ranBois had to< *id this really change anything in his

disgrace< 6e had already killed. )rian perished through his fault. ow there was

nothing more to be done. The boy thought that what had happened to him was his fault%

e(en from the (ery beginning. 6e had made a mistake when he decided to set off 

 wandering and took )rian with him. ow this is how it had ended. ut why< What did

he do wrong< *id he really (iolate the rules in something at least< 6e could not find ananswer to this ,uestion.

Time passed% but death did not come. radually !hris began to reali$e that he

could not lie here fore(er. The bitterness of defeat had lost its edge. )fter all% he would

again be the simple boy !hristian from a respectable family and noble clan% his mother&s

thirteenth son. What was wrong with that< 6e would tra(el to the !apital% to the #airy of 

+ternal -outh and ser(e in her court% be a courtier% learn to flatter and fawn% and scheme

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in order to attain a high official position. 'ndeed% e(eryone was doing it9 Was he better

than the others< 0f course not.

!hris wanted to howl at such thoughts. 0h% no9 0nly not that. )nything but that.

o% he would certainly not go to the !apital. #or what< To listen to taunts and not

e(en ha(e the possibility of challenging the offenders to a duel< )fter all% he was a

former knight9 Who would fight with him< 6e would only disgrace himself. 6e would go

far away from people. To where there would not be the need to e1plain anything to

anyone. )re there not enough monasteries in the !ountry of #ro$en Time< Who would

 be interested in a young monk< 0r% better yet% after taking the (ows% he would actually 

go into the wilderness and li(e there% alone% in a ca(e and read di(ine books. "erhaps

later% when faith comes to him so deeply and firmly that all doubts lea(e him% he will set

off to the heathens and con(ert them to the true faith. 6is skill in wielding a sword and

galloping on a horse would be needed there. -es% of course% he would become a warrior

monk. ) crusader of the 6oly faith. )nd his name would resound all o(er the country.

 )fter all% there were other fish in the sea than wandering knights. )nd he would meet

the lack night again% and would surely win indeed under the sign of the cross% and

 become a wandering knight again.

!hris consoled himself this way and tried to con(ince himself that his life was not

 yet o(er and that he must hope for a better future. 6owe(er% this hardly helped him% but

he rose from the cold stony soil after all and shi(ered. The day was drawing to a close%

and in the mountains the heat of the day ga(e way to the coolness of the night (ery early.

6e walked o(er to 3aura% took it by the reins% and walked along with it to the +ast. 0n

the way% he lifted up his sword and hung it behind his back. ow e(eryone would

recogni$e him as a former wandering knight% ha(ing suffered a defeat. !hris did not

ride. )fter all% 3aura% in spite of e(erything% remained a knight&s horse% and he now hadno right e(en to sit on it.

The sun hid behind the highest mountain and it immediately became dark% as if it

 was night. 't was possible to see stars in the sky. *arkness thickened fast. ery little time

had passed and already nothing could be seen. The road became dangerous. To the

darkness was added the (oices of predators = birds and animals. )n owl hooted% a

mountain eagle tapped with its beak% a jackal howled e1tendedly like a baby crying. The

mountains picked up the sounds and% by increasing the (olume% multiplied their echo.

ut !hris did not pay any attention to all this and continued doggedly on his way.

6e rounded the foot of one low but steep cliff and came out onto a small plateau.

 ) little fire was burning in its (ery centre and someone was sitting near it. #riend or foe< ) robber< 0r an e(il sorcerer< !hris did not think for long and went straight to the fire.

The creature sitting by the fire did not stir. The closer !hris got% the more recogni$able

the silhouette became. 4mall% round. !hris took two more steps and stopped.

*rool was sitting by the campfire. 6e was sitting with his back to !hris% and right

ne1t to him a sword was lying right on the ground. !hris immediately recogni$ed it. 't

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 was night !aterino&s sword. 6e stared wonderingly at 4weet Tooth% who did not e(en

turn to him but continued to cook a sausage on the fire.

76ello% !hris%8 *rool said in a (oice full of sympathy.

76ello% *rool.8 !hris sat down beside the old friend% hugging his knees like a little


76ow are you doing<8

7Worse than e(er98 !hris could not lie to *rool and pretend that e(erything was

all right with him. 7)t first e(erything was so cool% and then...8 )nd he told *rool

e(erything that had happened to him after he came out of the #airy of +ternal -outh&s


7-es%8 *rool scratched behind his ear. 7Things98 They both sighed and were silent

for a while.

7ow you want to become a monk<8 *rool suddenly asked. !hris was confused.

6e had said nothing about this to *rool. 6e simply did not know how to answer.

7) strange enough desire%8 *rool remarked. 7*oesn&t it seem to you% !hris% that if 

 you go this route% then it&ll also lead you to defeat<8


72oti(es%8 the troll mused. 7-ou don&t ha(e the moti(es to become a monk. -ou

are being pushed onto this path not ,uite by the same reasons that should guide


7What do you mean<8

*rool&s eyes sparkled. 6e was still the same kind% nice fellow who could e(en say 

 bitter things in such a way that it was not unpleasant. 7) person becomes a monk when

he wishes to de(ote himself to his god.8 !hris blushed. #or some reason he thought

about od last.7-ou see%8 *rool continued% 7when you set off to wander as night !aterino&s

s,uire% ,uite different feelings dro(e you on then. -ou went to help ate find and sa(e

her brother% as well as find your own brothers. )ll the rest was unimportant to you.8

!hris hung his head. 6e understood e(erything. -es% his friend was certainly 

right. When he set off tra(elling with )rian% the most important thing for him was to

 become famous. To become as famous a knight as !aterino. !onceit sent him on the

 way. !onceit and pride% nothing more. 6e went to the tournament only to coat his name

in glory. Where was his glory now< The glory of an in(incible warrior< 't remained at the

 bottom of the Tal(ira Waterfall.

!hris hugged *rool and burst into tears. 7-es% ' ha(e myself to blame fore(erything ' e(en in(ol(ed )rian in my own ad(enture but couldn&t sa(e him when

necessary. What should ' do% *rool< 8

74tart all o(er again.8

7)ll o(er again<8

7-es. '&m here precisely to tell you this. ecome a s,uire again% since you&re no

longer a knight. +arn this title anew.8

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7) s,uire<8 !hris sobbed. 7Who needs me<8

7-ou&re mistaken here%8 *rool objected. 7-ou&re simply essential to someone


Tears dried at once on !hris& face. 7Who<8

7Recogni$e this sword<8

7-es9 ate needs me< night !aterino< 4he is calling me<8

7o% not ate. )nother needs you.8

7Who< Tell me.8

7The "rince of the White Tower.8

7ene< 2y sworn brother<8


7Where is he< '&ll go to him now98

7The "rince is now in his own world. )nd he&s in great danger. 0nly you can help


7What must ' do<8

7-ou must deli(er this sword to him. Without it% he won&t cope with those who

 want to destroy him.8

!hristian thought for a bit. 7ut how do ' reach him<8

7This sword will take you there. 't&ll bring you to where you&re needed. 0nly you

must climb to the top of 2ount Roseblan before sunrise. 0nly from there will you be

able to lea(e our country. 't&s a pity that ' won&t be able to set off with you. ut '&ll also

 be there% only '&ll find my own way. 4o wait for me there.8

7' must hurry.8 !hris got to his feet. 7Roseblan is a (ery high mountain. ' should

ha(e time.8

7't&s (ery dark now% so be careful.8 *rool helped !hristian to gather thingstogether. 6e hung night !aterino&s sword behind !hris& back ne1t to his own. 7-es% '

almost forgot. There% on the peak% grow immortal roses. rab one of the flowers and

attach it to your hair.8

7'&ll do e(erything necessary.8

*rool accompanied the boy to the mountain. 't was the highest in the !ountry of 

#ro$en Time and almost inaccessible. ut this did not stop !hris. 6is life had meaning

now. There was a goal before him and he would do e(erything to reach it.

7#arewell% *rool98 With these words he started the ascent.

70r rather% see you soon% !hristian%8 4weet Tooth replied.

The little troll was holding a torch% and for a (ery long time while he wasascending% !hris saw his little lonely figure. 3aura stood with bowed head a few steps

away from him. !hris did not want to look back% but he turned around ambi(alently 

se(eral times and looked down all the same.

6e walked at first. The slope was smooth% but then it went up abruptly% and !hris

 began to climb. 6e climbed% climbed and climbed. Then it was possible to walk again.

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 When he looked down% he no longer saw anything. elow him was darkness. )bo(e him

 was a starry sky. 'n front of him was the way up. There was no time to rest.

!hris was filled with enthusiasm and forgot all about weariness. 't was as if it had

not been a cra$y and tiring day. 4omething dro(e him forward% and he climbed and

climbed again% not afraid of falling down and breaking an arm or a leg in the dark.

ecause he was needed. 'ndeed% his sworn brother from that unknown distant land

needed him. 6e would do e(erything to reach him% deli(er the necessary sword% and

help him. 3et this e(en be beyond human effort. 6e would do it.

4e(eral hours passed. !hris continued the ascent. The stars looked indifferently 

at him from abo(e and the boy was lonely. 3oneliness is the best tool for reflection. 6e

thought about a lot in those few hours. This time he thought least of all about himself.

 )ll his thoughts were busy with the little boy% with whom he had fraterni$ed a month

ago. 6e went on and on% up to his knees in snow% because the higher he went% the colder

and harder it became. 'n some places% it was necessary to climb on icy steep slopes%

clutching with fingers the blocks of ice fro$en to the mountain. 4till he climbed. 't

 became difficult to breathe. The air simply whistled in his lungs and burned them with

cold fire. ut !hristian did not notice this and continued climbing. Auite a distance


*awn came. !hris gathered snow in his mouth = he was thirsty = and looked to

the +ast. The sun would appear soon. 6e must succeed. 4ucceed on all accounts. )nd he


The sky turned completely red when he clambered up the summit of Roseblan%

smooth as a can(as. Rose bushes were growing right here in the snow. The flowers were

still asleep% taking shelter in buds% like kids under blankets% but a slight tremor showed

that they were ready to wake up.!hris picked a bud from the largest and thickest bush and put it in his hair. 3ike a

girl who was going on a date. #rom the side he e(en looked (ery nice. ut the boy 

thought about it least of all. 6e stood in the middle of the rose glade% took night

!aterino&s unsheathed sword in his right hand% raised the blade high abo(e himself% and

turned his face to the rising sun.

The first rays of the #ire od had barely painted the summit of Roseblan and the

roses on the bushes started to open one after another. !hristian had ne(er seen such a

spectacle. Thousands of roses of different colours had opened such that the snow on

 which they grew became in(isible% and the meadow was co(ered with the most beautiful

carpet in the world. ) carpet of flowers.!hris felt the tender bud in his hair opening too. 't opened and began to drink the

sun&s rays% as if they were the dew of the gods. The boy felt the flower filling him with

restorati(e strength. The fatigue and pain of a body worn out by the ascent instantly 

disappeared. 6is arms and legs stopped aching. 6unger% thirst% and cold were forgotten.

't was as if he was born again in the light.

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night !aterino&s sword in his hand was also filled with the sun&s rays. 't% like the

roses% drank them and could not ha(e enough. ow so much had accrued in it that it

 began to beam a bright radiance. The glow grew brighter and brighter. 't started to hurt

the eyes and !hris could no longer look at it.

e(ertheless% he felt the sword taking him away from the ground. !hris looked

down and saw that he was no longer standing on the summit of Roseblan but flying

abo(e the mountain% rising higher and higher with each second. The feeling was not that

the sword was dragging him behind it. o% he was soaring in the air% as if there was no

 weight in him at all.