Chptr 1 Nd 3 Geo

GEOGRAPHY –X CHAPTER -7 LIFELINES OF N ATI ONAL ECONOMY Q.1 Why are the me ans of trans portation and com mu nication calle d the lifelines of a national and its economy? Ans. The m ea ns of transporta tion an d com m uni cation a re call e d the lifelines of  a nation and i ts econom y due to the rea sons given be l ow: a )   Th e means o f t r anspor t at io n an d commun ic at io n h e lp in t h e pro d uct io n and m ovem e nt of goods a nd servi ces. b)   Transpo r t helps in the developmen t of communica t ion . Various means of communication help us in int era cting with othe r in a ll the pa rts of the world It ha s brought the world closer. c )   Tr anspo r t lik e r a ilw ays h e lp us in con d uc t in g va r io us ac t iv it ie s lik e business , si ght s ee ing, pilgrim age a nd tran sportation of goods over l onge r distances. d )  Pipelines are used for transporting crude oil and natural gas to refineries and factories. e)  Wa ter provide th e che a pe st m eans of transport and i s useful for inte rnati onal trade . f)  Air transport provi de s the f as test, m ost com fortable m ode of transport?  Th us, it is clear t hat the r e a r e man y advantages of t r anspor t ation and comm unication. T hes e mea ns help in the deve lopm e nt of the country. So they are rightly called the lifelines of a nation and its economy. Q.2 Roadw ays have an e dge ove r rai lway s”. How? Ans. Roadwa ys hav e an e dge over railways due to following rea sons:- (a)   The cons t ruc t ion cost of r oadwa y is much lo w er t han t hat of t he railwa y s. I ts m ai ntena nce i s al so chea p and e asy. ( b )  Roads ca n be buil t in m ounta inous are as. T he roa ds can trave rse com pa rativel y more di sse cte d and un dulating topography. Roads ca n neg otia ble highe r gradi e nts of slopes a nd as su ch can traverse m ountai ns such a s the Himalayas. (c)  Road transport is economical in transportation of few persons and rela tively sm all er a m ount of goods over short dista nce s. ( d )  I t provide s d oor to d oor se rvice s, which re sul ts in lowe r cost of loa di ng and unloading. ( e )  I t is use d as a fee der to other m ode s of transport such as the y provide a link be twee n rail way sta tions, air a nd se a ports. (f)  Road transport connects fi el ds with m a rkets an d factori e s. ( g )  Road trans port is useful f or transport of perisha ble com m oditie s. Q.3 What is the signifi canceof borde r roads ? Ans. Significance of Borde r roa ds : Borde r Roa ds a re ve ry s ign ifi ca nt for the se curity of the country. T he se road s are constructe d and m a inta ine d by the Border Road s Organization which is a Governm e nt of India u nde rtaking. T he reason s for its significance are as given below: (a)  I ts he lps i n the se curity of the cou ntry beca usein case of necessity, arm y can bede ployed i n the s en sitive border a rea s ea sil y and quickl y e.g., northern an d north-eastern border area s of strate gic im portance . (b)  I t ha s provide d a cce ss in the a rea s of di ffi cult te rrain.

Transcript of Chptr 1 Nd 3 Geo

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