Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion...

Chorley Partnership Annual Report 2012/13

Transcript of Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion...

Page 1: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

[email protected]

Chorley Partnership

Annual Report 2012/13

Page 2: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

Between 2005 and 2011

teenage conceptions across the borough have reduced

In 2012/13 the rate of

alcohol related admissions for Chorley when compared with

2011/12 has decreased

-7% -26.5%

(aged 16-64) in Chorley who are

in employment. This is higher than the County, Regional and National average

76.6% population

in 2012/13 vulnerable households including single occupancy

households received a

home fire safety check

73% households

(aged 16-64) were claiming

Job Seekers Allowance

This is lower than the Lancashire, Regional and National average

2.8% population

March 2013

Jan 2012 - Dec 2012

The 2012/13

Domestic Abuse detection rate

for Chorley, this is significantly higher than the national average

In 2012/13 the number of

affordable homes delivered in Chorley has increased compared

to 2011/12

In 2012/13

Anti-social behaviour in Chorley is down when compared

with 2011/12


+8% 73%

Target 60%

Page 3: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective


Meet the Executive page 1

Welcome page 2

You and Your Family pages 3 - 6


Key Projects



You and Your Community pages 7 - 10


Key Projects



You and Chorley pages 11 - 14


Key Projects



Looking Forward pages 15 - 16

Annual Report 2012/13

Working Together

for Chorley

Page 4: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

Introducing the Chorley Partnership Champions The Chorley Partnership Champions are key representatives for each theme in the

Sustainable Community Strategy, scrutinising performance and acting as

ambassadors for their theme which they will introduce in this report.

Louise Elo: You and Your Family Champion

Louise took over the role of You and Your Champion in early 2013. As the

Working Together with Families Lead for Central Lancashire, Louise is responsible

for key projects to help vulnerable families across the County, ensuring they get all

of the help and support that they need as well as making sure children and young

people get the best possible start in life. Having grown up in Chorley, and

completing her further education at Runshaw College, Louise is very passionate

about the borough and all the services it can offer to families.

Geraldine Moore: You and Your Community Champion

As Chief Officer of Age UK Chorley, Geraldine is committed to improving the lives

of older people across the borough as well as being a supporter of the wider

Voluntary, Community and Faith sector. Geraldine makes sure that the voices of

all local groups are heard as well as keeping and challenging the targets relating to

the community.

Allan Jones: You and Chorley Champion

Allan is Chairman of Porter Lancastrian and passionate about making Chorley a

thriving economic centre, with a vibrant local economy and sustainable places and

transport. As Champion for Chorley, Allan connects the Partnership with local

businesses and also works with our Economic Regeneration team to bring new

business to Chorley.

Meet the Executive

“ Working in Partnership

to deliver more for

Your Family, for

Your Community

and for Chorley

Cllr Alistair Bradley, Chair of the Chorley Partnership Executive said:

“Chorley Partnership has delivered some valuable achievements in 2012/13 for the residents of Chorley, by ensuring a coordinated approach across a wide range of


Page 5: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective


Welcome to the Chorley Partnership Annual Report which looks back over the work of the Chorley

Partnership in 2012/13, a year that has seen huge success for partnership working in a time of

complex challenges for many organisations. The Partnership once again this year has been

working to deliver the Sustainable Community Strategy.

In 2012/13 a review of the Chorley Partnership took place with a focus on evaluating the current

structure and identifying any potential opportunities for improvement. It was agreed that a key

benefit of the Chorley Partnership is the ability to proactively take a lead on key issues and ensure a

coordinated approach across a range of partners, ensuring that the value of activity is concentrated

in and for the residents of Chorley.

As a result the Chorley Partnership Executive agreed to adapt their role to scrutinise the

performance of the sub groups, and identify gaps or opportunities to work together better. A new

approach to delivery planning was also agreed and the new integrated delivery plan does not focus

on organisational commitments but those commitments of the sub groups, with their key priorities

and performance measures being combined within one overarching plan.

The Partnership Executive also agreed to have one overarching aim for the year which they would

champion and coordinate projects in this area, and this would be cross-cutting across the sub

groups. For 2013/14, this will be welfare reforms.

We look forward to developing and integrating this new way of working within the partnership.

The 2012/13 approach to delivery planning focused on organisational

commitments to deliver the Sustainable Community Strategy, with Champions

placed to co-ordinate and champion their theme. Delivery of the 2012/13 plan

has been very successful with 52 key projects/priorities being delivered by eight

of the key partners of the Chorley Partnership. Over 80% of the priorities have

consistently rated as green throughout the year, demonstrating a high level of

partner commitment and achieving substantial progress towards the overall

priorities of the Sustainable Community Strategy.

This document describes and highlights what we have achieved through the

Partnership delivery plan and the continued, invaluable commitment of


Annual Report 2012/13

Working Together

for Chorley



Page 6: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

Priority: Strong Family Support

Ensure early intervention and prevention of health and

wellbeing problems

Use a whole family approach to address problems and

provide support

Support the ageing population to be healthy and independent

Priority: Education and Jobs Improve skills across the family

Improve links from good quality education to employment

Promotion and uptake of local job prospects

Priority: Being Healthy

Ensure early intervention and prevention of health and

wellbeing problems

Use a whole family approach to address problems and

provide support

Support the ageing population to be healthy and independent

You and Your Family

Louise Elo, You and Your Family Champion said:

“The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective delivery around work with families. Their work has helped to put in place a range of services in the area, boosting support and helping families to improve

their health and happiness.”

In 2012/13 the level of residents claiming

Job Seekers

Allowance in Chorley was lower than the

Lancashire, Regional

and National


Page 7: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

What has the Chorley Partnership achieved for You and Your

Family in 2012/13?

Key project: Vulnerable Families

Families across different income groups have been affected by rising living costs, stagnating wages

and public spending cuts, but low-income families are hardest hit. Things like rising living costs are

most damaging to those living in poverty, with the poorest 10% of households spending a much

greater proportion of their income on items such as food and utility bills.

This project explored what these changes would look like for families in Chorley and how they were

likely to be affected to enable partners to better understand the key issues and work together to put

in place measures to mitigate risks.

The following recommendations have been implemented and will continue to be delivered in


Put in place appropriate structures to manage Welfare Reforms in partnership with key

stakeholders including housing providers, local advice services, Lancashire County Council

and the vcf sector.

Establish a steering group to coordinate activity and oversee delivery.

Engage the wider partnership, ensuring alignment with other key projects and initiatives

including Working Together With Families.

Support the further development of the credit union in Chorley to ensure a safe and secure

source of financial services and products

Develop interventions including work to raise awareness of changes and encourage a

positive approach through targeted support and information.

Recognise the value of third sector provision and utilise assets to build capacity to support

service delivery.

Review policies and procedures to ensure fit for purpose in the light of changes

Identify key indicators that will help track the longer term impact of the reforms and success

of interventions.

Identify training requirements and consider joint events for shared learning.

Develop a communications plan which incorporates partner activity and events to ensure a

joined up and coordinated approach.

Strong Family Support

Education and Jobs

Being Healthy



Page 8: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

What has partnership working achieved for You and Your

Family in 2012/13?

The Chorley Children & Young People’s Trust has worked in partnership with VCFS groups to

deliver early intervention projects, with a focus on a family intervention project, reducing risk

taking behaviour and school mentoring. The Trust has reviewed its action plan for 2012 -

2013 and each commission has achieved its outcomes. There is detailed feedback on the

numbers of families involved and the positive impact it has had on their lives.

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals have launched the Hospital Alcohol Liaison Service (HALS)

which is a new 7-day-a-week hospital service which aims to reduce harm caused by alcohol

by supporting people who are misusing alcohol to get the right kind of help, and to reduce the

number of alcohol-related hospital admissions.

The detection rate for all Domestic Abuse related Crimes for 2012/13 is 72.6% which is

significantly higher than the national average. Protecting people and specifically the victims of

Domestic Abuse remains an on-going priority for Lancashire Constabulary and key

stakeholders within the Community Safety Partnership.

The Working Together With Families project has been integrated within Chorley, with the local

management group now meeting regularly and working with a number of families who are

starting to experience positive outcomes as a result.

Prevention activities, such as home fire safety checks, supporting vulnerable people and

signposting them to additional services have been undertaken by Lancashire Fire and

Rescue. By working in partnership they have helped to reduce the consequences of domestic

violence, in particular through enhanced arson threat home fire safety checks.

A wide range of services have been delivered by voluntary, community faith sector partners to

address the needs of local families:

- 152 families incorporating 337 children have accessed the services of HomeStart

resulting in increased skills, knowledge, motivation, confidence and support networks

- Over 350 older people in Chorley have attended sessions or activities through the

Lifestyle centre with wide ranging health benefits

- Over 300 people attended courses run by the Chorley Women’s Centre including Self

Esteem and Assertiveness

Over 100 people benefitted from a person centred Well-being service provided by Genesis Care for

vulnerable older people, such as those who have dementia or physical disabilities through a stroke

You and Your Family

Page 9: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

Strong Family Support

Education and Jobs

Being Healthy

Performance: You and Your Family

Alcohol Related Admissions

Latest figures for quarter three (October to December) 2012/13 show that the rate of alcohol related admissions in Chorley was 499 per 100,000 population, and compared with the same period in 2010/11 is a decrease of 10%.

Total figures for April to December 2012/13 are 1,542

per 100,000 population and compared to the same

period 2011/12 is a year to date decrease of 7%.

Chorley’s rate of alcohol related admissions for 2012/13

is lower than both the Lancashire and the North West

average with rates per 100,000 of 1,635 and 1,810

respectively. This equates to 5.7% lower than the

county average and 14.8% lower than the regional

average. Although alcohol related admissions are 4.9%

higher than the national average, this is a huge improvement compared with 13.6% in 2011/12.

This performance reflects the success of the Alcohol Intervention Programme that the Partnership

developed and delivered in 2011/12. This included the One Stop Health Shop, Brief Intervention

Training and the Total Alcohol Project.

While alcohol related admissions are decreasing, alcohol is an issue for specific groups:

Under 18s admitted to hospital due to alcohol specific conditions in Chorley for the period

2008/09 -2010/11 shows an increase of 12.04% when compared to the period 2007/08 -

2009/10 and a dramatic increase since 2006/07-2008/09 of 32.75%.

Since 2006/07 alcohol specific hospital admissions for females have risen by 47%, and

alcohol attributable admissions for females have risen by 20%.

Unauthorised Absence in Chorley Schools

In 2011/12 the percentage of unauthorised absence in secondary schools in the Chorley area was

0.6%, this is lower than the Lancashire, regional and national at 0.9%, 1.4% and 1.3% respectively.

Under 18 Conceptions

Teenage pregnancies across the borough have been reducing

and, as a borough, latest figures from 2011 show that Chorley is

lower than the National, Regional and North West average at 33.3

per 1,000 population aged 15 - 17. Between 2005 and 2011

teenage conceptions across the borough have reduced by 26.5%.



Page 10: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

Priority: Pride in Quality Homes and Clean Communities

Provision of quality affordable housing

Clean Streets

Communities that residents actively take care of and improve

Priority: Safe Respectful Communities Safe communities

Cohesive communities where people get on well together

Reduce death and injuries from fire

Priority: Quality Community Services and Spaces

High quality coordinated public services

Clean, safe and well used open spaces

Empowered local people managing community assets

You and Your Community

In 2012/13 numbers of

primary fires in Chorley

have reduced compared to


” Geraldine Moore, You and Your Family Champion said:

“During the year and despite challenges, a lot has been achieved for local communities in Chorley. The focus on working together and the support of the Chorley Partnership has demonstrated a strong commitment towards

healthy, happy and safe communities. The input from the Voluntary, Community and Faith sector along with other partners has been tremendous

and will continue to deliver stronger communities for the future.”

Page 11: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

What has the Chorley Partnership achieved for You and Your

Community in 2012/13?

Key Project: Volunteering in Chorley Project

The project developed actions to increase recruitment, retention and support for volunteers in

Chorley. Managed by the Voluntary, Community and Faith sector Network, it assessed the current

provision for volunteers and put in place actions to increase recruitment, retention and support. The

project made a definable increase in volunteering by increasing the numbers of active volunteers by

303 and the number of volunteering hours from 5,435 to 5,816.

Chorley VCFS has increased its visibility and network links in the sector and will continue to do so

within the successful joint bid with West Lancashire CVS and Volunteering Lancashire. By

successfully budding for external income, it not only increases the funding coming into Chorley but it

enables the Network and therefore the sector to become more sustainable.

The project also worked with SPICE time credits to enable volunteers in Chorley to be valued for

their contributions to volunteering through the time credits and this continues to build upon its


Key Project: Embedding the NHS Reform in Chorley

The aim of this project was to enable the NHS reform changes to be embedded locally within

Chorley, working with the emerging Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) and county wide

structures to ensure that an appropriate local structure and strategy was put in place.

The Chorley and South Ribble Health and Wellbeing Partnership is now functioning and is

developing a local health and wellbeing plan which augments partner strategies e.g. the CCG and

the Health and Wellbeing Board at County level.

The Chorley and South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Group and the Lancashire County Council

structures for public health are now formalised and delivery is commencing.

Pride in Quality Homes and Clean Neighbourhoods

Safe Respectful Communities

Quality Community Services and Spaces

Pages 7&8

Page 12: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

What has partnership working achieved for You and Your

Community in 2012/13?

In 2012 we welcomed and celebrated two major events; London hosting the Olympic and

Paralympic Games and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Chorley hosted the Olympic Torch

Relay when it visited the Chorley borough on Friday 1 June and a series of events were

organised in partnership over the Jubilee weekend to encourage greater civic pride and enable

local people to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the London 2012 Olympic and

Paralympic Games. Between 15,000 and 20,000 people lined the route for the Olympic Torch

Relay and voluntary support was received from a number of local groups and organisations.

Partnership working between Chorley Council, Lancashire County Council and SPICE

commenced delivery of the Uplift project across Chorley. The Uplift time credit programme

aims to encourage volunteering and the development of relationships between communities.

An individual receives a credit for time that they give to support the community, one credit is

received for each hour of time, and these can be exchanged for access to events, training and

leisure services, or to "trade" time with neighbours. The project has a 45 organisations signed

up and 400 volunteers as members. There were 4000 hours accrued through the programme

by members.

The Chorley VCFS network successfully completed a project to develop actions to increase

recruitment, retention and support for volunteers in Chorley. Managed by the sector, it

assessed the current provision for volunteers and put in place actions to increase recruitment,

retention and support. The project saw an increase of 303 active volunteers and in

volunteering hours from 5,435 to 5,816.

Runshaw College have over 1,300 student volunteers actively engaged in a variety of

volunteering opportunities both inside of the college and out in the local communities. This

has shown a year on year increase over the last 3 years.

Chorley Council joined forces with Chorley Community Housing (CCH) and Groundwork

Lancashire West and Wigan to develop the old play area on Longfield Avenue, Coppull into an

exciting new one catering for children aged four to 12 years.

Lancashire County Council has continued to work closely with partners through the Euxton

and Clayton Brook Healthy streets group to deliver and support health and environmental

activities in these areas. These have included bike workshops, maintenance training

sessions, health walks and road safety activities.

You and Your Community

Page 13: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

Performance: You and Your Community

Crime In 2012/13 overall crime increased in Chorley by 0.9% since last year, which equates to 49 crimes.

In 2012/13 anti-social behaviour in Chorley is down by 6% when compared with 2011/12.

Domestic abuse offending has increased by

18% in 2012/13 compared to 2011/12. Work

has been taking place to raise the awareness

of domestic abuse and providing victims with

the confidence to report abuse, and the

detection rate is positive at 73% compared to

a target of 70%.

Vehicle crime in Chorley has increased by

14% in 2012/13 compared to 2011/12, serious

acquisitive crime by 12%, and burglary

dwelling by 10%.

Fire Safety In 2012/13 73% of vulnerable households including single occupancy households received a home fire safety check; this was against a target of 60%.

In 2012/13 numbers primary fires in Chorley have reduced compared to 2011/12; deliberate primary fires by 22%, and accidental primary fires by 10%.

Affordable Homes In 2012/13 183 affordable homes were delivered in Chorley, an increase of 8% compared to 2011/12.

Pride in Quality Homes and Clean Neighbourhoods

Safe Respectful Communities

Quality Community Services and Spaces

Pages 9&10

Page 14: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

Priority: Vibrant Local Economy

Promote knowledge based inward investment

Support a strong, indigenous business base

Ensure families and communities reach their full economic


Priority: Thriving Town Centre, Local Attractions and Villages A contemporary market town with good quality shops

Places to visit, play and enjoy as a tourist destination

Thriving local villages

Priority: Sustainable Places and Transport

Reduce energy consumption

Ensure sustainable modes of transport

You and Chorley

“ Chorley has

a higher employment rate than the

County, Regional

and National average

” Allan Jones, You and Chorley Champion said:

“Chorley continues to be a great place to start a business and

effective partnership working has delivered some big achievements in 2012/13 - ensuring a bright future for

businesses in Chorley.”

Page 15: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

What has the Chorley Partnership achieved for You and Your

Chorley in 2012/13?

Key Project: Increasing Opportunities for NEET young people in


This project looked at the levels of young people who are not in employment, education or training in

Chorley and the current provision for these young people, working to identify gaps and put actions in

place to ensure that these gaps can be filled.

Key outcomes of this project included:

additional apprenticeship places for NEET young people

more effective communication between training and education organisations through the

establishment of regular NEET provider meetings resulting in better information sharing and

coordinated matching of young people to opportunities

more effective marketing of employment and training opportunities through a new section on

the Young People’s Service website and the development of targeted publicity aimed at

young people in Chorley

partner commitment to delivering the Lancashire County Council NEET Action Plan which is

now over seen by the Chorley Children’s Trust

NEET in Chorley In 2012/13 the percentage of 16-18 year olds who are NEET (not in employment, education or

training) in Chorley was 5.3%, compared to 5.5% at the end of 2011/12. Over the last twelve

months the number of NEETs has reduced by 5.1% (from 197 to 187).

Vibrant Local Economy

Thriving Town Centre, Local Attractions & Villages

Sustainable Places and Transport

Pages 11&12

Page 16: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

What has partnership working achieved for You and Chorley

in 2012/13?

A total of 79 new businesses have been created. 26% of these new business owners were

unemployed and claiming Job Seekers Allowance at the time of their initial enquiry, and an

additional 18% were unemployed but not claiming benefit.

25% of the new businesses established are in the retail trade, and these include Ebb and Flo

an independent bookshop, Knitty Nora’s a wool shop that holds knitting classes, and It’s a

Wrap selling cards, wrap, gift wrapping and decoration service for functions.

112 clients have attended a half-day Business JIGSAW start-up workshop delivered by

Chorley Council’s Business Advisor

A number of resources including newsletters, a programme of business engagements events,

seminars and workshops have also been developed to give businesses in Chorley an

opportunity to meet, network and learn.

20 business signed up to the Knowledge Network

2 Choose Chorley Networks taken place

4 Boost Your Business workshops held

2 quarterly newsletters published

Runshaw College engaged 71 Chorley based employers, and are now working with them to

provide apprenticeship opportunities. Each of these organisations are now employing one or

more apprentices.

In 2012/13 20mph speed limits have been introduced in residential areas and outside schools

across Chorley. As well as improving safety, the new 20mph limits aim to improve the quality

of life for the residents of Chorley and make our streets safer places for walking and cycling.

You and Chorley

Page 17: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

Performance: You and Chorley

New businesses in Chorley Chorley has proved to be a great place to start a business in 2012/13 with 79 new businesses

successfully established. The number of town centre visits has also increased by 4.1% over the last

twelve months.

Overall employment rate In 2012 the overall employment rate in Chorley was 76.6%, this is

the proportion of the working age population (aged 16-64) in

Chorley who are in employment.

Chorley has the third highest rate in Lancashire and is also better

than the County, Regional and National average.

Workplace Earnings Median workplace earnings measure the middle point

gross weekly pay of full-time employees working in the

Chorley area.

Chorley workplace earnings at the end of 2012 are the

fourth highest in Lancashire. The median workplace

earnings for the borough were £459.60, which is a slight

increase on 2011. Although this is below the rate of

inflation earnings in the Borough remain above the

county average.


Figures for the end of March 2013 show that in Chorley 2.8% of the

resident population (aged 16-64) was claiming Job Seekers

Allowance. This level is lower than the Lancashire, Regional and

National average.

The actual number of claimants in Chorley was 1,784; of these 380

have been claiming JSA for more than 12 months, and 130 over 24

months. Again these rates are lower than Lancashire, the North

West and England.

Vibrant Local Economy

Thriving Town Centre, Local Attractions & Villages

Sustainable Places and Transport

Pages 13&14

Page 18: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective

[email protected]

The Challenges Ahead The Chorley Partnership have made significant achievements in 2012/13 through being flexible,

innovative and most importantly, through working together to achieve the Sustainable Community

Strategy. However, we recognise there are still many challenges ahead due to the local impact of

issues and changes nationally such as the welfare and health reforms.

Welfare Reforms Due to large scale legislative changes in the area of welfare reform, there will

be significant challenges for organisations and communities in the coming year. The Vulnerable

Families project has given us an insight into the potentially far reaching impact of these changes, and

the recommendations implemented have enabled the partnership to prepare for and begin to mitigate

some of the impacts. This work must continue and be increased during the next year. This is why

the Executive’s aim in 2013/14 is to mitigate the impact of the welfare reforms by utilising to our

strengths to develop solutions and create opportunities.

Economy Despite excellent progress this year with work to increase the number of businesses and

the overall employment rate, there is more to be done with regards to the economy. Economic

development and strengthening the local economy through key activity such as inward investment

and revitalising the town centre will be vital to ensure that more people find sustainable work and that

business growth is encouraged and sustained. This will have an impact for other key issues such as

the welfare reforms, crime and health through reducing the gap in deprivation

Health and Wellbeing Arrangements are underway to provide the new commissioning and

delivery framework for primary health care and public health services in Chorley. The Chorley

Partnership will need to ensure that there are appropriate arrangements in place to work with the joint

Chorley and South Ribble Health and Wellbeing Partnership and the new Chorley and South Ribble

Clinical Commissioning Group

Crime There has been an increase over the last year in all crime, and particularly in vehicle crime

which has increased by 14% in 2012/13 compared to 2011/12, serious acquisitive crime by 12%, and

burglary dwelling by 10%. As a place of historically low crime, these large percentage increases are

based on small numbers of actual crime, but nevertheless these are trends that need to be

challenged and reversed. The Community Safety Partnership has made this one of the priorities for


Alcohol It is encouraging that the work of the partnership that began in 2010/11 to focus on alcohol

harm has had a positive impact on the levels of alcohol related hospital admissions. However, the

figures regarding alcohol misuse in under 18s and women is concerning and something that needs to

be addressed and will be considered by the Executive and the Health and Wellbeing Partnership in

the next year.

Chorley Partnership

Page 19: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective


The Challenges Ahead - The Future of Partnership Working

The review of the partnership that was undertaken in 2012/13 recognised the value of working in

partnership and made changes to ensure that it was fit for purpose for the future. The Partnership

Executive agreed that they needed to adapt and to ensure that they as a group were working jointly in

a way that added value. It was agreed that they could do this going forward by having a greater focus

and scrutiny on the work of the sub groups, so they can use their influence both to support and

challenge the work undertaken. A number of infrastructure and governance changes were

implemented to support this, such as the new format for delivery planning and monitoring


However, it is recognised that partners are trying to deliver more within constrained resources and to

do this requires a radical shift in the ways we work together. This will be a major challenge for all

partners and for the Executive as they move forward in 2013/14. In particular, they will have to

consider new and radical ways of managing service demands jointly rather than in isolation. The

Executive will face this challenge in the Welfare Reforms project.

Looking forward This year we welcome new partners onto the Chorley Partnership Executive, the Department of Work

and Pensions and Lancashire Care Foundation Trust. We also welcome a new Champion, Louise

Elo, as ‘You and Your Family Champion’. We look forward to working with these partners and

building these relationships.

This annual report shows what can be done when the partnership seeks to add value through joint

working. Going forward the strength and effectiveness of our relationships and a solid commitment to

partnership working puts us in a strong position to address the challenges we face.

Thank you to our Partners On behalf of the Chorley Partnership Champions, thank you to all partner

organisations for their continued dedication and commitment to the

Chorley Partnership. We look forward to building on our success and

working together to deliver even more for Chorley in 2013/14.

Working Together

for Chorley

Pages 15&16


Page 20: Chorley Partnership Annual Report · Louise Elo You and Your Family, You and Your Family Champion said: “The Chorley Partnership has continued to provide strong leadership and effective