CHOICES: BSN Sixth Form Handbook 2015-17

JSD Essentials | 1 Choices A guide to Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) 2015 | 2017 Internationally British


A guide to the Sixth Form at the BSN including details of the range of A Level, IB Diploma and Career-related Programmes for students looking at Sixth Form (Yrs 12&13) in 2015-17

Transcript of CHOICES: BSN Sixth Form Handbook 2015-17

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ChoicesA guide to Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13)

2015 | 2017Internationally British

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Introduction The Sixth Form, comprised of Years 12 and

13, is the culmination of learning at the BSN and is an exciting and challenging time. This is when students take much more responsibility for their own lives and studies and are able to focus on subjects, which they truly enjoy whilst developing their own ideas and opinions to really show their adult selves. These two years are vital stepping-stones on to higher education and university.

Along with academic studies, students in the Sixth Form are also encouraged to develop and participate in a range of other activities and interests, such as the International Award, Model United Nations, Student Representative groups and community and charity activities, playing an active part in the life of the school. By the time students are ready to leave, they really do show intellectual curiosity and self-confidence in readiness for the next steps in their lives.

Peter Simpson Head of Senior School Voorschoten

Going into the Sixth Form

Good qualifications and personal skills are essential if you want to play a part in a rapidly changing society and, at the same time, widen the scope of opportunities available to you. It is vital to aim at as high an academic level as possible and to develop the broad range of skills and understanding needed for independent learning and future careers.

The Sixth Form at the BSN has a lot to offer you, both academically and in terms of music, drama, sport and other co-curricular activities. You will be encouraged to participate in a range of activities whilst achieving a balance between all these areas and studies too.

We will help you to make the transition from GCSE to the Sixth Form by providing a clear academic structure, while encouraging an openness between tutors and students. We will treat you as the young adults you are becoming and expect high standards in return.

BSN students are consistently successful, with over 92% heading for their first or second choice of university, art college, drama or music school – wherever in the world that may be. Much of this success is based upon our IB DP and A Level results which are consistently excellent. Good teaching, friendly relations between staff and students, individual attention, and ambition generated among students themselves all contribute to this success.

The Sixth Form at the BSN is a place where you will work hard and be pushed to achieve your very best. It is a place where positive relationships with tutors and teachers will lead to excellent progress and good advice. It is a place where teachers, tutors, Sixth Form staff, career counsellors, Deputy Heads and the Headteacher are behind you, giving you every encouragement to succeed. And in the future, we hope you will look back, fondly, and reflect on a time when you were pushed hard and challenged and where you enjoyed yourself immensely.

Contents Going into the Sixth Form 3 Life in the Sixth Form 4 Career guidance 6 Choices for Sixth Form 8 The IB Programme 9 A Level Programme 11 Which programme should I choose? 11 Subjects at post-16 13 GCSE requirements for BSN Sixth Form 25 Subjects required for degree courses 26 2014 examination results 28 University destinations and courses 30

Mrs Andrews-Wouters Assistant Director

of Sixth Form

Mr Sandeman Director of Sixth Form

As Sixth Formers we are stretched by the subjects we study whilst being supported by our teachers and tutors.

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Life in the Sixth FormYour Sixth Form experience should allow

you, not just to achieve academic success, but also to prepare you for life. We aim to help you to develop important skills through our system of pastoral care, our core programmes, and through high quality career guidance. In addition, there is a wide range of co-curricular activities available to you.

Pastoral care You will be assigned a personal tutor

who has the day-to-day responsibility for your pastoral care and for a group of approximately 12 to 15 students. The group meets with the tutor each morning for registration and tutors also meet weekly with students in tutor time.

Your relationship with your tutor is vital – they are responsible for the initial gathering of information for the production of references for higher education and the writing of a personal statement, and throughout Year 12 and into Year 13, they keep in close contact with you to ensure that they have gained a balanced view of your progress and achievements. Your tutor will monitor your progress closely and will provide help and

guidance if you are experiencing difficulties of any kind. The Director and Assistant Director of Sixth Form manage the tutor team and the pastoral programme and are always available for personal consultation and guidance.

Monitoring and reportingRegular and clear monitoring and

reporting on students progress is important for both students and parents, throughout Years 12 and 13.

In both Years 12 and 13, teachers will monitor your achievement and progress on a half termly basis. This will allow teachers and tutors to identify any weaknesses promptly and take action to remedy these. In addition, report and grade cards will be sent to parents and there will be progress evenings. Attainment will be graded according to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) and Career-related Programme (IB CP) or A Level grading system assessment criteria and will allow an increasingly accurate prediction of the estimated final performance in the examinations. This will be based upon class exercises, practical assessments, homework and tests. The grade assumes that the student will continue to work and progress in the same way for the remainder of the course. Once progress cards have been issued, the opportunity for a full discussion between student and tutor about progress is sought and targets are set. The parents of students who are failing to reach a satisfactory standard will be contacted without delay at any time during the year.

The core programmesThere are different core programmes

for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP), Career-related Programme (IB CP) and A Level. However, both IB and A Level students attend the same registration, tutor times, assemblies and sport. In addition, the school participates in the annual THIMUN (The Hague International Model United Nations) conference. In Year 13, all students participate in the lecture programme where invited guest speakers give students the opportunity to hear interesting and helpful talks on a range of topics, closely related to university and career preparation.

IB students have a core designed for them by the International Baccalaurate Organisation. For IB DP this comprises: Creativity, Action, Service (CAS), Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and the Extended Essay. For IB CP this comprises: Language Acquisition, Approaches to Learning, Reflective Project and Community and Service.

Relevant topics from the A Level Life Skills programme will also be covered with all IB students.

A Level students follow a Life Skills programme designed to equip them with the abilities needed for success in their studies, university and career applications, and, more generally, in coping effectively with life. A Level students also have a number of Directed study sessions timetabled –

during these times, we provide a teacher supervised classroom which students must attend so that they can have a quiet, focussed atmosphere for study.

Physical Education (PE) is an important part of your sixth form programme and you will have one lesson a week of sport in both Years 12 and 13. The PE programme of study emphasises the importance of physical fitness and adopting a healthy lifestyle and prepares you to make the most of recreational opportunities throughout your life. During each term you will be given a choice from at least four sporting activities. These normally include: Hockey, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Weight Training, Aerobics, Self Defence, Trampoline, Tennis, Badminton, Softball, Athletics, Skating, Golf, Swimming, Squash and Cricket.

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Developing personal responsibility

We encourage you to identify positions of responsibility that you would like to develop during your time in Years 12 and 13. These positions include:

● supervising the Youth Club for the lower school● supporting younger students ● supervising lower school classes at lunch times● the Sixth Form Committee● running the Sixth Form Council● helping to organise and run fund-raising activities● contributing to BSN Insight and the annual

Senior School magazine● becoming a Subject Ambassador

In addition, in term two of Year 12, we will identify a group of student leaders who will play a significant leadership role within the school.

Co-curricular activitiesTeachers and students organise sports

on a recreational level for those who wish to participate just for fun, or who would like to have the opportunity to try out a variety of sports. Recent sports on offer have included: Swimming; Rugby; Gymnastics; Hockey; Football; Basketball; Netball; Golf; Athletics; Aerobics; Badminton. There is also the opportunity to play sport competitively via the International School Sports Tournament (ISST).

The school organises a large range of clubs and activities both during lunch time and after school. These clubs and activities are run on BSN premises by staff and volunteers and offer something for all tastes. The exact programme of co-curricular activities varies depending on numbers. Recent activities on offer have included: Choir; Chess; Computer Club; Science Club; Maths Club; Drama; Concert Band; Speech and Debate; Drama; Orchestra; Swing Band; Young Enterprise; International Award (DofE); Youth Club.

Career guidanceThe Head of Careers co-ordinates the

careers advice and guidance services offered to all students. The emphasis in the delivery of careers education is to empower you to become pro-active in your consideration of post-18 choices, so that your decisions are based on sound information, and an assessment of your aptitudes and interests. Through individual and group counselling, you will be encouraged to enhance your marketability, by supporting you to develop a broad-based academic and personal curriculum vitae. The school has a comprehensive, dedicated Careers Library which is available for use by all students during the school day. In addition, there are a number of recognised and accredited careers resources available on the school computer network; the department also subscribes to a number of online databases and resources.

In Year 12, a component of the Life Skills programme covers the range of courses available in Higher and Further Education worldwide. The completion of a formal C.V. and a draft personal statement forms part of the careers programme, too, with students encouraged to identify those aspects of their personal portfolios that need developing or augmenting. An annual Careers Evening is held, in order to provide students in Years 11, 12 and 13 with the opportunity to meet people from a wide range of different professions, and to discuss their careers aspirations.

In Year 13, students are given practical help in the final preparation of their application for university. This includes possible individual interviews with the Head of Careers and experience of a more formal interview with a specialist in your chosen field of study. Those students wishing to pursue their tertiary education in the UK make full use of the UCAS online application system. Students wishing to apply outside of the UK are able to make use of the expertise provided to those applying to universities worldwide. Students are also given individual advice, if required, following public examination results in the summer.

Dawn Street Head of Careers

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International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

If you are looking for an education that stimulates and challenges then the IB Diploma Programme is perfect for you. The IB Organisation was originally founded to offer a consistency of education, distinctly different from the various ‘national’ school systems around the world. The IB DP is recognized in more than 100 countries worldwide, and UK and North American universities are very positive towards prospective students with an IB Diploma. Whether you are looking to study in the Netherlands, the UK or elsewhere in the world, then the IB programme is an excellent alternative to AS and A Levels.

International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme

The IBCP is a comparatively new programme accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organisation, and offers the students a programme which combines a career-related focus alongside the academic rigour of the Diploma Programme. The IBCP programme is gaining recognition across UK universities, and it is a particularly attractive route for those students wishing to study management, business or a related qualification. Within this programme, there is also a strong emphasis on developing employability skills and creating links with industry.

A Level A Levels are a well-established

qualification, recognised around the world. There is more breadth with A Level than there used to be – the fourth subject at AS was introduced for this very reason and there is now more stretch and challenge, reflected in the introduction of A* at A Level. The A Level route definitely suits those who know exactly what they want to do.

The IB Diploma Programme

The IB Diploma Programme (IB DP) is a balanced two-year programme with final examinations in May of Year 13. Unlike A Levels, there are no exams in the summer of Year 12. The IB is a well-respected and widely recognised programme of study which aims to combine a breadth of knowledge with in-depth learning.

The IB Diploma is built around a core which consists of three compulsory elements – the extended essay; theory of knowledge (TOK); and creativity, action and service (CAS) which are are central to the philosophy of the Diploma Programme.

IB Diploma students are required to study six subjects – one from each of the six groups – although the Arts, Group 6 subject choice, may be replaced by an extra subject from Groups 1 to 5. Of the six subjects, at least three must be taken at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL).

● Group 1 Studies in Language and Literature● Group 2 Language Acquistion● Group 3 Individuals and Societies● Group 4 Sciences● Group 5 Mathematics● Group 6 The Arts

Choices for Sixth Form

As you approach the final stretch of your GCSEs, it’s important to start thinking about the future. Which subjects are you going to study in the Sixth Form? Will you take the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP), the International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IB CP) or follow the A Level route to university or higher education? Even if you already know what you want to do after GCSEs, then it is a good idea to check that you have considered all the relevant factors necessary to make those decisions.

With the support of tutors and key staff, Year 11 students begin to formulate ideas about what their Sixth Form choices will be. In November, students and their parents, are invited to attend an Options evening where they explore further what their next steps might be. Crucially, the first decision is whether to follow the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP), Career-related Programme (IB CP) or take the A Level route.

The three academic pathways we offer at present in the Sixth Form are, in many ways quite different, they are all well-established, well-recognised and are highly valued by schools, universities and employers. Students with any of these qualifications are able to apply successfully to universities around the world.


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The IB Career Related Programme

The IB Career-related Programme (IBCP) is an alternative academic pathway available for students in post-16 education.

The aim of the IBCP is to provide students with both an academic and practical foundation to support both their further studies and specialised training during higher education, thereby ensuring their success in the workforce.

The IBCP enables students to:

● Develop a broad range of career-related competencies and to deepen their understanding in general areas of knowledge

● Prepare for effective participation in an everchanging world of work

● Foster the attributes of the learner profile allowing students to become true lifelong learners willing to consider new perspectives

● Engage in learning that makes a positive difference to future lives

● Become a self-confident person ready for life in the twenty-first century

The IBCP combines the highly regarded and internationally recognized IB Diploma Programme courses with an approved career-related study and a unique IBCP core which is designed to create a bridge that connects each student’s Diploma Programme courses and the Career-related Studies.

IBCP students engage with a challenging programme of study while gaining transferable and lifelong skills in applied knowledge, critical thinking, communication, and cross-cultural engagement. They are well prepared to succeed at institutions of higher education.

The IBCP qualification is well received by many universities and provides a strong foundation for an application into higher education.

The IBCP education framework develops students who are:

● academically strong● skilled in a practical field● critical and ethical thinkers● self-directed● collaborative● resilient and determined● confident and assured● caring and reflective● prepared to contribute meaningfully to

university life● inquirers

A Level ProgrammeA Levels are a widely recognised and

respected qualification which allow you to specialise in a few subjects in greater detail.

AS and A Levels consists of two parts taken over two years – AS (Advanced Subsidiary) which you study in Year 12 and can be taken as a stand-alone qualification; and A2 which you study in Year 13. You will sit external exams in the summer of Year 12 (for AS) and in the summer of Year 13 (for A2).

Most subjects (but not all) have two modules at AS and a further two modules at A2; together the marks from these modules make up your A Level mark and grade.

One of the implications of specialising on a smaller number of subjects is that you are expected to do a significant amount of independent learning (wider reading, research, review and consolidation), as a result you will have study time in school.

In Year 12 you will be expected:

● to study four subjects as part of the A Level course. These will be completed in the Summer of Year 12. Each AS constitutes half of the full A Level. Some students may study three subjects at AS Level

● to undertake a core programme to run alongside your studies and includes life skills, sport, directed study and tutor time

In Year 13 you will normally discard one subject and continue:

● to study three of your subjects which will extend your AS work to the full A Level standard (these units in Year 13 are called A2s)

● with the core programme and include a lecture programme to help you think about a future career

Which programme should I choose?

What is the essential difference between the IB Diploma Programme (IB DP) and A Level?

IB DP Students will study six subjects over the two sixth form years, three at Higher Level and three at Standard Level. In addition, each student will follow a core consisting of the Extended Essay, a Theory of Knowledge course (TOK) and the CAS programme. (Creativity, Action and Service). In addition there is a lecture programme in Year 13.

IBCP Students will study 1 core vocational programme, a BTEC Level 3 Diploma in business, which is rough equivalent to two A levels. In addition, the student will select two standard level subjects from the IB programme. THE IBCP core consists of the reflective project, personal and professional skills, community service and a language acquisition programme.

A Level For A Level most students study four AS Levels in Year 12, reducing to three in Year 13. In addition, A Level students undertake a core programme of Life Skills, sport, directed study, and (in Year 13) a lecture programme.

How do the examinations work?

IB DP The IB Diploma is examined at the end of Year 13. There are no public examinations in Year 12, although there will be elements of coursework to complete. DP exams can be retaken in the November following the final exams.

IBCP The BTEC in business is entirely coursework based. Students will study 12 units which are distributed across the two year study period. The two standard level courses are examined in the same way as the IBDP programme, with external exams at the end of year 13.

I chose the IB because of the broad range of subjects I’m able to study.

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A Level The AS units are examined at the end of Year 12 and the A2 units at the end of the Year 13 year. AS plus A2 units make up a full A Level in each subject. Some subjects have coursework. AS modules can be retaken in the summer of Year 13.

Is there an element of compulsion in each route?

IB DP The IB Diploma students study English, a second language, a Humanity or Social Science, a Science, a Maths course and either a Creative Art or a second subject from one of the previous groups. You may choose whether to study a subject at Higher or Standard Level (there are three separate Maths courses to suit all candidates). All students must take the DP core programme.

IBCP Student must pass all assignments in their BTEC programme and there are strict regulations concerning resubmission of units. In order to gain the IB certification, students must pass their standard level programmes with at least a level 3, and complete all aspects of the core IBCP programme.

A Level A Levels are not a programme and do not form part of an overall diploma. The A Level pathway allows students a free choice of subjects, although students will be guided as to the sensible combinations of subjects appropriate to their proposed university studies. All student must take the A Level core programme.

How do universities regard IB DP and A Level?

IB DP and IB CP Universities are familiar with the IB DP and IB CP and offers from universities will be in the form of a total points score or UCAS tariff points. Universities may stipulate a particular score in the subject to be studied at university – students considering the IB CP are advised to check with the individual university.

A Level Universities are familiar with the A Level. University offers are normally based on three A Level subjects.

What about grading?

IB DP The IB Diploma is marked on a numeric scale. The maximum mark for each subject is seven, leading to a total of 42 points for the six subjects. Three additional points are available for the core (Extended Essay and TOK). The maximum possible Diploma score is 45 points.

IBCP In order to achieve the IBCP, all components must be completed successfully. Students can be awarded a pass, merit, distinction or distinction* for the BTEC element of this programme.

A Level The A Level is marked on an alpha scale: A*, A.B,C, D, E, U (A*–E are passes; U is a fail). The overall A Level grade in each subject is based on the marks from the AS and A2 units.

What are the advantages of each programme?

IB DP Students have a more prescribed range of subjects, although there is flexibility within the options for each subject group. Students only have one set of public examinations, at the end of Year 13. Universities find it easier to differentiate between students, therefore offers can be favourable. You need to be a student who is well organised and who can keep up with six subjects.

IBCP The majority of the programme is coursework based, and the students only have one set of public exams, in their two chosen subjects, at the end of year 13. This programme successfully combines the academic rigour of the IB with the vocational BTEC programme ensuring that the student develops a wide range of employability and academic skills.

A Level Students have a freer choice of subjects, but have two years of public examinations. Universities can find it harder to differentiate between students because 26% of all students gained an A* or A in 2013.

Subjects at post-16The following pages will give you a

flavour of each subject currently on offer at the BSN for IB DP, IB CP and A Level – a subject will only be available provided that a sufficient number of students opt for it. Likewise, groups may be over-subscribed and potential timetable clashes may make some subject combinations impossible.

Detailed curriculum information is available in full on our website: This can also be accessed by scanning this QR code – to do this you will need a QR reader App, freely available for most major smartphones: examples include NeoReader for iOS, Barcode Scanner for Android, and QR Code Scanner Pro for Blackberry.

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Art and Level DesignIs Art and Design for you?

If you enjoy creative and practical problem solving and relish the opportunity to express yourself in a personal and independent manner – then this is the subject for you. Ideally, you will have studied Art and Design at GCSE and achieved either B or above. However, in some cases we will assess students suitability on the basis of a portfolio of work. Our course is directed at all those with a genuine interest, aptitude and enthusiasm for the subject regardless of their future intentions.

This course could lead to

If you are intending to study art and/or design at a higher level, and/or are hoping to enter a career where an art and design background would be relevant or useful, this course should be considered essential to achieving such goals.

The following fields stem from the study of Art and Design: advertising, media, film and television, publishing, graphics, museum and exhibition work, theatre design, interior design, architecture, jewellery, fashion, photography, textiles or teaching. Industries of all descriptions are increasingly interested in employing people with creative skills and imagination.

Music Level

Is Music for you?

If you have a love of music, have a genuine interest in listening to a wide range of musical styles and have enjoyed at GCSE, then you would certainly enjoy studying music.

This course could lead to

With a degree in Music you would be able to choose from a variety of music-related careers; for example, work in all branches of the performing arts, ranging from performer or composer, to music administration, music therapy, music teaching, music journalism, sound engineering, music publishing, arts management, film and television and the ever-expanding opportunities to work in music-based areas of multimedia technology.

Music Technology Level

Is Music Technology for you?

Ideally you’ll have Music GCSE and should demonstrate an interest in listening to a wide range of musical styles, but particularly pop, rock and jazz; a keen interest in learning practically about a range of Music Technologies; a reasonable standard of basic keyboard skills; a secure level of notational understanding equivalent to Grade V ABRSM Theory.

This course could lead to

Careers related to Music Technology generally cover the areas of: recording studio, live performing and live sound, composing, film audio and video music production, television, radio, ICT media, music education, music services and audio design/electronics.

Drama and Level Theatre StudiesIs Drama and Theatre Studies for you?

Do you want to perform and learn about how to direct and design theatre too? Enthusiasm, energy and commitment are a must. Students will also need to be comfortable working both in groups and on their own extended research tasks. You might be considering Drama and Theatre Studies as a single subject but it can also be combined with a wide variety of other subjects.

This course could lead to

Arts/theatre administration, arts journalism, director, actor, designer, stage management, theatre management, theatrical agent, technician, broadcaster/media-presenter, university teaching, school teaching, drama therapist, playwright.

low res

Subjects at IB DP and A LevelSubjects at post-16

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Economics Level

Is Economics for you?

If you are thinking about a career in business, and feel comfortable calculating simple percentages, and expressing your ideas in writing then Economics could be your thing. There is a vast array of economics/business courses at university and, often combined with other subjects such as languages, present an ideal foundation for business careers.

This course could lead to

Economics demonstrates an interest in the fine detail of business and financial planning and opens many doors including: finance management, financial journalist, economic adviser, barrister – specialising in fraud and crime, corporate lawyer.

Geography Level

Is Geography for you?

Geography is a living, breathing subject, constantly adapting itself to change. It is dynamic and relevant. You will be required to read widely, think broadly, and use a wide variety of sources to build up an in depth picture of a topic. You should feel inspired by the world around you, and gain both enjoyment and satisfaction from your geographical studies, understanding their relevance to your own life and the lives of others.

This course could lead to

Geography can be studied as a Science, Arts or Humanities discipline at degree level, either as a pure subject or in conjunction with others, or as specific sub-areas of study such as Geomorphology, Geology, Development Studies, Urban Studies or any number of other specific geographical areas of study. An unusually wide range of courses are offered at university level connected with this subject, and past students have gone on to study areas as diverse as law, accounting, and a wide range of management and business subjects.

English Level LiteratureIs English Literature for you?

English Literature is an ideal choice for anyone who loves reading and is interested in the big questions affecting human existence. Students will also gain a great deal of academic prowess through a subject that promotes the development of transferable skills. English students are taught to think analytically, consider different interpretations and listen and respond. You need to enjoy writing and exploring alternative interpretations and context.

This course could lead to

The study of English Literature will complement any future studies in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law faculties at university. An English Literature degree could lead to careers in journalism and the media, publishing, advertising and PR, teaching or the arts.

Business Level

Is Business for you?

Due to its relevance in modern society and the breadth and depth of study, Business Studies is an ideal subject for preparation for many degree programmes. It is also a valuable subject for employment as you will have a firm grounding of the day-to-day running of a business. If you are good at prioritising issues and analysing situations from an objective position, recognising problems and proposing solutions, making and justifying decisions, then Business may be for you. Students need to open their eyes to the world around them and recognise why businesses behave in the way they do.

This course could lead to

Countless career options are open to people with an interest or qualification in Business, these include: accountant, advertising executive, banker, retail/investment/commercial, building society manager, buyer, industrial/retail, company secretary, commodity/futures broker, distribution/logistics manager, insurance underwriter, management consultant, marketing executive, market research executive, human resources manager, PR executive, recruitment consultant, retail manager, sales executive, stockbroker, systems analyst/IT consultant.

Subjects at IB DP and A LevelSubjects at post-16

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Psychology Level

Is Psychology for you?

Psychology is the study of people, the mind and behaviour, so if you are interested in what makes people tick then read on.

This course could lead to

Studying Psychology gives you a good basic knowledge and provides an insight into what it might be like to be a professional psychologist. Even if you decide to work in a non-psychology related field, the skills and knowledge that you develop studying psychology will be helpful. It is a good way of keeping your options open.

Modern Level Foreign Languages (Dutch, French, German and Spanish)Is studying a language for you?

Languages are part of the cultural richness of our society and the world in which we live and work. Learning languages contributes to mutual understanding, a sense of global citizenship and personal fulfillment. The ability to understand and communicate in another language is a lifelong skill for education, employment and leisure throughout the world.

If you are studying IB, a Language component is compulsory and is available at Standard and Higher Levels.

This course could lead to

Proficiency in at least one foreign language will boost any UCAS or university application form and is helpful for success in many career paths and an invaluable skill for life. Knowledge of a foreign language demonstrates a wider perspective of the world particularly in Business, Law, Management, History, English and even Science and Engineering. People who can speak more than one language are in very high demand by employers – not only that, but the possession of a second, or even third language often raises your basic salary considerably.

Government Level and PoliticsIs Government and Politics for you?

The business of politics touches every aspect of our lives and society simply wouldn’t function without it. If you have an interest in current affairs and a desire to communicate your ideas effectively, challenge and evaluate information and think creatively, this may be just the course you’re after.

This course could lead to

Students of Government and Politics can take a wide variety of university courses which involve the ability to construct, substantiate and communicate an argument, for example, History, Law, and, obviously, Politics. Government and Politics can be useful preparation for a range of careers including journalism and civil service.

History Level

Is History for you?

If you have a natural interest in society around you and are interested in current affairs, then you will almost certainly enjoy studying History. If reading, acquiring knowledge about societies in the past, discussion, playing with ideas and arguments, and analytical writing appeal to you, then you will almost certainly love studying History.

This course could lead to

There are of course specifically related history careers such as museum work or archaeology. However, it is the skills that history imparts which mean that it can lead to range of university courses in areas such as the study of Literature, Media Studies, Marketing, Sociology, Law, Philosophy, Politics and Economics. A qualification in History is an excellent foundation for careers in law, journalism, banking, the civil service, diplomatic service and accountancy because of specific skills honed from evaluating and analysing evidence and reaching supported judgements. History is also popular with students who wish to study Science and Engineering courses as a qualification in History allows these students to demonstrate a wider and attractive portfolio of skills and qualifications with which to enter university and employment later on.

Subjects at IB DP and A LevelSubjects at post-16

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Physical Level EducationIs Physical Education for you?

If you are interested in how the body works, the structure of sport, how we learn and refine skills, how to improve practical performance and enjoy playing sport, then PE may well be for you.

This course could lead to

Studying PE has become increasingly popular and can lead to a variety of career options in sports science, leisure management, sports studies, sports psychology, sports physiotherapy, journalism, teaching and coaching.

Biology Level

Is Biology for me?

Understanding the living world is crucial in the twenty-first century and Biology is a fascinating and absorbing subject, highly respected by employers and universities. Biology students will be required to extend and develop existing scientific knowledge and practical skills.

This course could lead to

Our Biology course gives students a balanced and relevant grounding in modern biology, equipping them for a wide range of careers and courses, for example in medicine, veterinary science, environmental science, pharmacy and biotechnology.

Mathematics Level

Is Mathematics for you?

Mathematics is essentially a skills based subject requiring consistent practice of techniques and frequent reflection on concepts explored. Successful students strive not only to be able to answer questions posed, but to understand where the methods are derived from and why they actually work. It is important that students choosing Mathematics enjoy the subject sufficiently so that even when the going gets difficult, they are prepared to persevere.

If you are taking IB, maths is a compulsory component of the Programme and it is important that you choose a level in which you will succeed.

This course could lead to

Mathematics is a prerequisite for entry to many university courses, especially in the Sciences, Engineering and Economics and Computer Science related degrees and advantageous for many more.

Further Level

MathematicsIs Further Mathematics for you?

In addition to GCSE Maths, we also recommend that students have achieved a grade A, B or C in the OCR Additional Mathematics Qualification, or in cases where the course has not been offered, the ability to achieve at this level. It is vital that the students have a natural feeling for, and thoroughly enjoy Mathematics if they opt to study this course; the students will receive 10 periods of tuition per week.

This course could lead to

The majority of these students will be expecting to include Mathematics as a major component of their university studies, either as a subject in its own right or within courses such as Physics, Engineering or Computer Science. The qualification can be an asset in preparing students for certain courses at top ranking universities, including Mathematics, Physics, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Economics as well as a host of other undergraduate degree courses.

Subjects at IB DP and A LevelSubjects at post-16

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Food Technology Level

Is Food Technology for you?

This course will appeal to you if you want to extend your understanding of nutrition and learn more about the diversity of food products. This course demands reasonable ability at science as some of the work covers food science and nutrition. Students also need to demonstrate commitment to the practical work as the distinguishing feature of this course is its practical nature.

This course could lead to

Students planning to complete practical/coursework based subjects will find this course of great value. The use of ICT is an extensive part of completing the design portfolio of work. Food Science degree – food technologist, teacher, dietician, food marketing and journalism. BSC and BA Food based courses are available in a selection of UK universities. Design and Technology: Food is recognised as an entry qualification for a very wide range of higher education courses and employment.

Design Level and TechnologyIs Design and Technology for you?

If you are imaginative, are good at creative problem solving, are enthusiastic and willing to work hard – you could be successful with this course. You will learn how to recognise and overcome challenges and constraints when working towards a final solution and understand how to draw on a range of skills and knowledge from other subject areas.

The course could lead to

Product Design could take you into a number of exciting career paths. Of course there’s product or automotive design. But what about computer generated cartoons? Or maybe CAD for industry appeals to you more? This course could take you into architecture, teaching, manufacturing, advertising or engineering. 3D Design goes well with other subjects. If you want a career in design you might also consider Art and Design, Business, Computing or Electronics as companion A Levels.

Chemistry Level

Is Chemistry for you?

This course combines theory with practical experience, encouraging imaginative critical and logical thinking for problem solving. Chemistry combines well with other sciences, and is a key subject for many degree courses in science.

This course could lead to

A qualification in Chemistry enable students to show the inter-relationship between the development of the subject and its application (social, economic, environmental and technological) and recognise the value of Chemistry to society and how it may be used responsibly. Allows access to university courses in areas such as medical, veterinary or dental sciences, chemical engineering, environmental science, forensics, food and textiles sciences, pharmacy and biochemistry. Chemistry is the only science that is compulsory for the study of medicine.

Physics Level

Is Physics for you?

Physics is an exciting subject which aims to explain how things work from the smallest to the largest of scales, from nanotechnology, to the universe itself. It takes in practice and theory, specialist pure research and applications in the surroundings of everyday life.

If you are taking IB, SL Mathematics is essential for this course. HL Mathematics is recommended if a University course in Physics, Engineering, Mathematics or related subject is being considered.

This course could lead to

It is no surprise that those with a Physics degree are in demand by many employers. Due to the analytical, numerical and problem solving nature of Physics, the skills you develop will be useful for a wide range of careers. As a discipline, Physics is used in many areas of professional activity including engineering, health and biomedicine, public services and utilities, environmental monitoring, education and computing. There is potential for progression onto university degrees across a broad range of science subjects.

Subjects at IB DP and A LevelSubjects at post-16

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Computer Science

Is Computer Science for you?

This course is suited to students who have an interest in computing, such as participation in the Information and Computing Technology

enrichment option. Some experience of coding would be desirable, however that is not essential.

This course could lead to

A wide range of university courses involving computing are open to you from Computer Science, to Electrical Engineering and numerous other technology courses. The material covered, such as computer systems, networks, and systems in organisations management, are widely used in most university degree courses and will be of great benefit to any student.

There is currently a severe worldwide shortage of skilled Computer Science graduates, with up one million unfilled jobs in the USA alone by 2020. Graduates with the necessary programming, network and systems skills are in high demand and can can expect high starting salaries.

GCSE grade requirements for BSN Sixth FormTo take part in IB DP or A level courses at the BSN, all students must fulfil the general entrance

requirement of five or more GCSEs at grades A* to C. Students without GCSE qualifications may be asked to take an entrance test in the subjects they wish to study.

Subject Minimum grades for IB DP/A Level Entry without a GCSE Art and Design B in Art Yes, students without GCSE or with

C grade will be considered if portfolio of work at a suitable standard is presented

Biology B in extension Biology or B in Additional Science; and C in Maths


Business Studies B in Maths Yes, the course assumes no previous experience of Business Studies

Chemistry B in extension Chemistry or B in Additional Science; and C in Maths


Design and Technology: Food Technology

B Yes, but must be negotiated with the Technology department

Design and Technology: Product Design

B Yes, but must be negotiated with the Technology department

Drama and Theatre Studies

B in Drama and English Language Yes, B grade required in English Language, and Literature

Dutch, French, German and Spanish

B Yes, if student demonstrates linguistic competence equivalent to B at GCSE

Economics B in English Literature Yes, as long as you have a grade B in English

English Literature B in English Language, and Literature or Drama


Further Mathematics A in Higher Tier Maths No Geography B Yes, but must be negotiated with

the Geography departmentGovernment and Politics B in English Literature or History Yes, but must have B in English

Literature or HistoryHistory B Yes, but this must be negotiated

with the History department Mathematics Further Mathematics (AS) Mathematics – HL (IB) Mathematics (AS) Mathematics – SL (IB) Maths Studies – SL (IB)

A in Higher Tier Maths A in Higher Tier Maths B in in Higher Tier Maths B in in Higher Tier Maths C in in Higher Tier Maths


Music B Yes. Grade 5+ in instrumental performance and theory required

Music Technology B Yes. Grade 3+ in instrumental performance and grade 4+ in theory required

Physics B in extension Physics or B in Additional Science and C in Maths (B preferred)


Physical Education C in PE Yes, you need a B in English and Maths

Psychology B in English Literature and Language Yes, if agreed with Psychology department

Subjects at post-16

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Subject GCSE minimum grades for entry You must have these grades to start the course

Can I do this subject without a GCSE in it?

English Literature (IB DP)

Higher level:

B in English Language and B in English Literature

Standard level:

C in English Language and C in English Literature


French B in French Yes – if a student can demonstrate a degree of linguistic competence equivalent to a grade B at GCSE

Geography B in Geography Yes – but this must be negotiated with the Geography department

German B in German Yes – if a student can demonstrate a degree of linguistic competence equivalent to a grade B at GCSE

Government and Politics

B in English Literature

or B in History

Yes but must have B in English Literature or History

History B in History Yes – but this must be negotiated with the History department

Mathematics (A Level): Further Mathematics


A in Higher Tier Maths

B in Higher Tier Maths

For students who have not had the opportunity to study GCSE Maths, alternative qualifications with achievement at a level similar to that specified for GCSE will be considered.

Mathematics (IB DP): Higher Level

Standard Level

Maths Studies Standard Level

A in Higher Tier Maths

B in Higher Tier Maths

C in in Higher Tier Maths

For students who have not had the opportunity to study GCSE Maths, alternative qualifications with achievement at a level similar to that specified for GCSE will be considered.

Music (A Level or IB DP)

B in Music Yes – you need to be able to play an instrument and have a good knowledge of music theory

Music Technology B in Music Yes – you need to play an instrument or have some keyboard skills and have a good knowledge of music theory and musical styles

Physical Education C in GCSE PE Yes – options can be discussed with the PE faculty.Physics B in extension Physics

and B in Maths or B in Additional Science and B in Maths


Psychology B in English language and B in English Literature and C in Maths

Yes – the course assumes no previous experience of Psychology. See criteria

Spanish B in Spanish Yes – if a student can demonstrate a degree of linguistic competence equivalent to a grade B at GCSE

Minimum entrance requirements by subjectAll students must fulfil the general entrance requirement of 5 or more GCSEs at grades A* to C.

Students without GCSE qualifications may be asked to take an entrance test in the subjects they wish to study.

International Baccalaureate Careers Related Certificate (IB CC)To take the IB CC, you must have 5 GCSEs at grades A*-C.

A Levels and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP)Subject GCSE minimum grades for

entry You must have these grades to start the course

Can I do this subject without a GCSE in it?

Art and Design (A Level)

B in Art Yes – students without a GCSE or with a C at GCSE will be considered if they present a sketchbook of work at a suitable standard.

Biology (A Level and IB DP)

B in extension Biology and C in Maths or B in Additional Science and C in Maths



(A Level)

B in Maths Yes – the course assumes no previous experience of Business, so you do not have to have studied GCSE in Business but a B grade in Maths is necessary.

Chemistry (A Level and IB DP)

B in extension Chemistry and C in Maths or B in Additional Science and C in Maths


Computer Science (IB DP Standard Level only)

B in Maths Yes – you do not have to have studied GCSE in Computing but a B grade in Maths is necessary.

Design and Technology: Food Technology

B in Food Technology Yes – but this must be negotiated with the Technology department

Design and Technology: Product Design

B in Product Design Yes – but this must be negotiated with the Technology department

Drama and Theatre Studies

B in Drama and B in English Language

Yes – you need a grade B in English Language and a grade B in English Literature.

Dutch B in Dutch Yes – if a student can demonstrate a degree of linguistic competence equivalent to a grade B at GCSE

Economics B in English Literature and C in Mathematics

Yes – the course assumes no previous experience of Economics, so you do not have to have studied GCSE in Economics.

English Literature (A Level)

B in English Language and B in English Literature


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2014 examination resultsIB Diploma Programme results

BSN IB Diploma results 2014 (%) 2013 (%) 2012 (%) 2011 (%)40–45 19.1 8.0 33.0 18.536–39 38.1 20.0 25.0 33.330–35 33.3 32.0 42.0 18.524–29 9.5 40.0 0.0 18.5

BSN IB Diploma pass rate statistics 2013 2012 2011 2010Percentage of candidates who passed the diploma 100 100 100 88.8Average total points of BSN students who passed† 35.5 33.2 37.0 36.0Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate†† 45 44 45 43

†World average points = 29.81 ††45 points achieved by just 146 out of 135,534 IB candidates world wide

Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level

Normally taken by students in Year 12, aged 17. Note: Grade A* is not awarded at AS Level.

2014 (%) 2013 (%) 2012 (%) 2011 (%)Grades A 31.6 20.1 28.9 33.1

B 22.0 20.5 22.3 19.4C 17.6 17.7 21.7 19.0D 12.3 17.7 11.6 12.7E 7.9 11.3 6.4 8.5

Total A–E BSN 91.4 87.3 90.9 92.5UK 88.8 88.3 88.4 88.2

2014 (%) 2013 (%) 2012 (%) 2011 (%)A–B 53.6 40.6 51.2 52.5A–C 71.2 58.3 72.9 71.5A–E 91.4 87.3 90.9 92.5

Advanced (A2) Level

Normally taken by students in Year 13, aged 18

2014 (%) 2013 (%) 2012 (%) 2011 (%)Grades A* 13.1 16.1 17.0 20.1

A 17.9 25.4 28.2 22.1B 22.3 24.6 25.1 20.9C 20.5 18.7 15.8 14.6D 17.5 11.4 6.2 12.6E 6.5 3.0 6.5 7.5

Total A*–E BSN 97.8 99.2 98.8 97.8UK 98.0 98.1 98.0 97.8

2014 (%) 2013 (%) 2012 (%) 2011 (%)A*–A 31.0 41.5 45.2 42.2A*–C 73.8 84.8 86.1 77.7A*–E 97.8 99.2 98.8 97.8

BSN IB Diploma points 2014

BSN AS grades 2014

BSN A2 grades 2014



















A* A B C D E F G


% 17.9

% 22.3










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Social Science University of Groningen, The Netherlands Chemistry Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands Econometrics and Operations Research Brunel University, England Product Design Engineering University of Leiden, The Netherlands English Queen Mary, University of London, England Medical Engineering University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Economics and Business University of Southampton, England Psychology Northumbria University, England Psychology University of Bath, England Mechanical Engineering Falmouth University, England Foundation Diploma: Art and Design University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland Administration and Information Technology Kingston University, England Business Management University of Leiden, The Netherlands Psychology University of Brighton, England Architecture University of South Carolina, United States of America Liberal Sciences Oxford Brookes University, England Business and Management University of Groningen, The Netherlands Medicine (Global Health) Swansea University, Wales Philosophy, Politics and Economics Loughborough College, England Sports Science, Sports Development and Management University of Cambridge, England Economics University of Massachusetts: Amherst, United States of America Liberal Arts University of Leicester, England Physics with Astrophysics Birmingham City University, England Early Years The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands Applied Science

Hotelschool The Hague, The Netherlands Hotel Management Trinity Western University, Canada Chemistry University of Bath, England Natural Sciences ETH Zurich, Germany Interdisciplinary Sciences: Biochemistry/Physics University of Patras, Greece Medicine University of Bristol, England Computer Science King’s College London, England Mathematics The Manchester Metropolitan University, England Fashion Buying and Merchandising (Foundation) Loughborough University, England Mechanical Engineering Arts University Bournemouth, England Foundation Diploma: Art and Design The University of Essex: East 15, England Acting Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales Business and Management Studies with Foundation Year The University of York, England English University of Bath, England International Management and Modern Languages – French University of Warsaw, Poland International Relations University of Tilburg, The Netherlands Law with Business

University destinations and courses

The BSN has earned a good reputation with universities in a number of countries, for taking care to present our candidates’ abilities and achievements in an honest and positive way. Students in 2013 headed to the following universities to study a wide range of subjects.

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands International Communication Management Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Computer Science The University of Warwick, England Accounting and Finance University of Leiden: LUC, The Netherlands Liberal Arts University of British Columbia, Canada Geology University of Southampton, England International Relations Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Electrical Engineering The Manchester Metropolitan University, England Sports Management with Foundation Year Webster University (Leiden), The Netherlands Psychology (Entry 2015) TU Delft, The Netherlands Aerospace Engineering University of Winchester, England Primary Education with QTS (2015 entry) Amsterdam University College, The Netherlands Liberal Sciences The University of Warwick, England Philosophy, Politics and Economics The University of Aberdeen, Scotland Biological Sciences Royal Holloway, University of London, England Psychology SAE, Scotland Sound Technology University of Cambridge, England Engineering (4 years) Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunst, The Netherlands Foundation Diploma: Art and Design Heriot-Watt University , Scotland Actuarial Science

Brunel University, England Information Systems, Computing and Maths with Foundation Oxford Brookes University, England Foundation Diploma: Art and Design University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Economics and Business University College London, England History University of the Creative Arts, England Foundation Diploma: Art and Design Royal Agricultural University: Cirencester, England International Equine and Agricultural Management The University of Hull, England Physics The University of Birmingham, England Electronic and Electrical Engineering Maastricht University, The Netherlands Liberal Sciences University of Waterloo, Canada Mechanical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Chemical Engineering Leeds Beckett University, England Events Management The Manchester Metropolitan University, England Combined Honours (Foundation) Oxford Brookes University, England Economics, Finance and International Business University of Leiden: LUC, The Netherlands Liberal Arts University of Exeter, England Biochemistry Imperial College London, England Materials with Nuclear Engineering Les Roches Institute, Switzerland International Hotel Management The University of Kent, England Politics and International Relations The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands Sport Management Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales Business and Management Studies with Foundation Year The University of Sheffield, England Law The University of Nottingham, England Civil Engineering The University of York, England English Nottingham Trent University, England Animal Biology University of Kent, England

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