Chicago Efactor - Personal Branding




Transcript of Chicago Efactor - Personal Branding

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Social Media

Describes the online technologies and practices that people use to share content, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives, and media themselves.

Social Software: “Software that’s no fun to experiment with by yourself.” (It needs friends in order to work)

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Elements of Social Media

Social NetworksPhoto and video sharing sitesBlogs and Micro Blogging (like Twitter)PodcastsYour Site (in whatever form you make it)

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How many of you have…

Facebook PageLinkedIn ProfileE.Factor ProfileMySpaceDigg, Stumble Upon, Del.icio.usBlog?Podcast or Video Cast?

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What I hope you’ll learn

Social Media and Social Networks are easy for you to join

Having an Online Personal Brand can help you find valuable connections for your job, your business and your future

There are no ‘right answers’ about how to best interact

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Social Network

Technically, a social network is a: social structure made of nodes (which are generally

individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency...

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Examples of Business Social Networking Sites

B2B LinkedIn

A “Must Use” destination XING

Social network with 20MM+ users. Business is facilitated as users connect other users.

4M+ paying users primarily in Europe; used to make business introductions and connect for sales leads.

E.Factor A business network for Entrepreneurs

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Examples: Consumer Social Networking Sites

MySpace 180+ million users (and growing), 6th largest web

property (Alexa) The new way music gets discovered

Facebook 170+ million users, the place everyone wants to be now

for business and social connections. Fastest growing of all Social Networks; Huge in 12-34,

growing 35+. Facebook is the 2nd most-trafficked social media site in the world (comScore)

Imeem, BuzzNet, MOGTV Sites like IslandDoo

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“Welcome to the Jungle”

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Web 2.0 and Social Media

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Aug 1997 – Fast Company – The Brand Called You

Start right now: as of this moment you're going to think of yourself differently! You're not an "employee" of General Motors, you're not a "staffer" at General Mills, you're not a "worker" at General Electric …You don't "belong to" any company for life, and your chief affiliation isn't to any particular "function." You're not defined by your job title and you're not confined by your job description.

Starting today you are a brand.

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What Peters Predicted has come to pass:Business Week Cover 5/2/05

“Blogs Will Change Your Business”

It’s not just the blogs – it is the bloggersRobert Scoble gets to call out Steve Ballmer at

MSFTJuly 11, blogger and former EW editor Jeff Jarvis

calls out Dell – eventually materially affecting their stock price

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Brand called Barack

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New Ways to think about Communications

“We are the authors of each other.” Doc Searls

“I am who I am because of who we are together.” Definition of the Zulu word Ubuntu.

(Ubuntu is also the name of popular variant of the Linux free operating system.)

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“Consumers” are now “Producers”

My Space Facebook LinkedIn Photo sharing Second Life Open Source Software

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Your Digital Footprint can grow as big as you make it

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What is your brand?

HowardgrAskFrascoNurtureGirlGeek Mommy

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Who owns your brand?

You manage your brandYour customers, partners, employers decide

what your brand means to them, every time they interact with you – or when they talk about you with their peers or extended networks

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GeekMommy’s brand

Whatever it is, use it everywhere as a network ID – so people can find you. (Digg, Delicious, Stumble Upon, YouTube, etc)

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Where is your Brand’s Home?

Where will your brand, your image, have it’s home online? A web page? Blog? Facebook? LinkedIn? E.Factor?

Other location?

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Search Engines Love Blogs

Publish on a regular basis

A place to link back to when you comment elsewhere

A place for others to point to

Own your Home Base

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Make It look Inviting

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Build “outposts” and “passports”

A wonderful article by Chris Brogan-100 Personal Branding Tactics


Outpost: Feeds of your content that show up in other networks, like on Facebook or LinkedIn

Passport: Accounts on other networks where you can find new connections, such as FB, Linked In, E.Factor, Flickr, YouTube, etc.

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Identity and Presence: A “Place” online

Shawn Gold of MySpace consistently describes MySpace pages like a college kid’s apartment. The outside has stuff he’d want everyone to see, like

what songs he listens to and pictures of his friends The next layer is what’s private- in the room that he only

shows his close friends or girlfriends Private pictures Notes Stuff parents can’t or shouldn’t see

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Build a Network on LinkedIn

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Read Guy Kawasaki’s Articles Improve – list all your jobs Customize “connectability” your public profile to be

your name Add your blog or website to your profile Use LinkedIn before you meet with potential partners,

clients, employers – find common relationships – do diligence

LinkedIn Extreme Makeover


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A Social Networking website where users create profiles that often contain photos and lists of personal interests, exchange private or public messages, and join groups of friends. Facebook also allows 3rd party developers to create

applications that leverage the Facebook platform to attract users to their web tools or sites.

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Facebook Screens

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“I know I got a bad reputation”

What is Whuffie? According to Tara Hunt: The sum of the reputation, influence, bridging

capital and bonding capital, access to ideas and talent, access to resources, potential access to further resources, saved up favors, accomplishments (resumes, awards, articles, etc.) and the Whuffie of those who you have relationships with.

“So, you can gain Whuffie through being nice, networked or notable.”


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Pay it Forward, First

Blogger Sean Bohan asked: “Are you paying forward into Social Media’s equivalent of a 401k (relationships) by being an active participant?

What are you doing to give back to your community online, before you need something from them?

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“Teach Your Children Well”

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Peer to Peer

What is it?In the late 90’s we all decided to share our

music peer-to-peer- NAPSTERNow we share our networks, our locations, our

data, and bits of our lives - in Social Networks and sites

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What value does presence bring?

Reinforcing connections between far-flung people

Documenting personal (or business) details in a micro-blogging way - small thoughts captured quickly.

Chris Heuer calls it EM not IM - Everywhere/Everyone messaging

Chicago Junior League example

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The brand that is Chris Brogan or Robert Scoble

TwitterFlickrVideosAudio utterz etcBlogsEver present at conferences

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“And in the end…”

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Thank you

Contact: [email protected] Site:

Blog: +1 646 652 7270

Skype/Twitter/Flickr/and more: HowardGrEfactor: