Chemistry Thermal Pad


Transcript of Chemistry Thermal Pad

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Num. Contents Page

1. Acknowledgement 3

2 Abstract 4

3. Introduction 5

4. Problem Statement 6

5. Objectives 7

6. Research Question 8

7. Hypothesis 9

8. Limitation 10

9. Methodology 11 - 13

10. Results 14 - 20

11. Conclusion 21 - 22

12. Bibliography 23

13. Appendix(Application Of Heat Pack) 24

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We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all who helped us to complete this

R&D project successfully, especially to our Chemistry teachers Mr. Kwan Swee Ching,

Mdm. Lee Sui Chin and Mdm. Lim Mee Ying. They really helped us a lot in this project

with constant guidance and suggestions from them; we were able to complete this

project on time.

We would also like to thank to our school principal, Tuan Haji Mohammad bin

Mohammad Isa for allowing us to carry out this research and our school laboratory

assistants for their co-operation and willingness in preparing all the necessary

apparatus and materials for us to conduct the experiments at any time. They also gave

us some useful tips and advice when we were carrying out our experiments. This really

saves us a lot of time.

Thanks to all the group members for being so co-operative and for contributing

invaluable information and ideas. It was very enjoyable to work with such a good team

players. Last but not least, we deeply appreciate our classmate’s ideas, and support in

completing this project very successfully!!!

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In schools, students are involved in many co-curricular activities both academic and

non-academic. Often students pick up minor injuries in such activities. Sometimes after

the activities, they suffer body aches and pains.

To heal minor injuries and to relieve aches and pains, heat and cold packs are helpful.

Schools are equipped with chemical laboratories.

This research is targeted at carrying out experimental trials to find a chemical reaction

using simple chemicals available in the laboratory to be used to make home made heat

and cold packs. Recycled materials were used as bags/packs and different types and

sizes were tried out to determine as most suitable.

The heat packs were used on fellow students and their comments were noted as

regards their effectiveness.

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Have you ever used a hot pack to warm your hands or a cold pack for an injury?

How can something produce heat or cold without need to use a microwave heater

or refrigerator?

The answer is: CHEMISTRY APPLICATIONS. Chemical reactions that produce heat

are called exothermic reactions. The burning of gasoline in a car engine is an example

of an exothermic reaction.

Reactions that are accompanied by the absorption of heat are called endothermic

reactions. An example of an exothermic reaction is when solid sodium hydroxide is

dissolved in water; the resulting solution is hotter than either of the starting materials.

This kind of exothermic reaction can be used in instant heat packs. These heat packs

have a strong inner aluminum layer that holds a bag of water and a chemical, or mixture

of chemicals, that result in an exothermic reaction when dissolved in water. When the

heat pack is squeezed, the inner bag of water breaks and the water mixes with the

chemicals. The heat pack starts to heat up as soon as the inner bag is broken, and may

stay hot for up to over an hour

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Are heat packs useful for students in school?

When students are carrying out physical activities on the field or on the courts or in the

school compound, accidents can happen and students get injured.

When this happens, where do they find help?

First aid or early treatment on the field is especially important and heat and cold packs

are essential first aid items. Commercial heat and cold packs are expensive. The other

issue is whether heat and cold packs are effective in treating injuries, aches and pains

and this issue will be dealt with through interviews to find out directly from students.

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To determine experimentally the chemical reaction that produces the highest

amount of heat per mol of substance used.

To find the best type of recycled packaging material to be used to make the heat


To find different size packaging material to make heat packs for different uses

To develop a heat pack that can be both hot and cold

To test out the heat and cold packs on other students to find out whether the heat

packs made could help relieve pains and aches as well as bring healing.

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I. Is there a viable chemical reaction using chemicals available in the chemistry

school laboratory that can be used to make heat and cold packs?

II. Are heat and cold packs effective in treating students’ injuries, aches and pains?

III. Can the heat and cold packs that is produced by students be as effective as

commercial ones and can they replace commercial ones?

IV. What is the reaction which will liberate heat?

V. Which compound will produce the most heat?

VI. What is the suitable material for the heat pack?

VII. What is the suitable mol ratio of reactant and solvent which is desirable for the

hot pack?

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A convenient and comfortable heat pack can be made from simple chemicals in

the school library.

Home make hot and cold packs are just as effective as commercial heat packs

and very much cheaper.

Heat pack made from recycled packaging material is suitable for treating muscle

aches and pains.

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Only used recycled products such as ribena packs, sweet packs and dry fruit


Only chemicals available in a school chemistry laboratory are used

Testing of heat packs only on students in SMK KGV.

Commercial heat packs will not be used for comparison.

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1. Copper (II) Sulphate solution.

CuSO4 crystals dissolved in distilled water - 1.00 mol dm-3

0.100 mol CuSO4 crystals dissolved in 100 cm3 of water.

2. Zinc (powder)

3. Aluminium (powder)

4. Sodium Hydroxide Pellets

5. Sodium Acetate Crystals

6. Distilled Water from the lab.

7. Beakers of size 250 ml

8. Polystyrene cups.

9. Thermometer

10.Recycled RIBENA pack with zip lock.

11.Volumetric flask of size 1000ml.

12.Retort stand

13.Bunsen burner

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Experiment 1

The type of reaction in this experiment is called the displacement reaction.

1. 100 cm3 of CuSO4 solution was poured in a polystyrene cup .The initial temperature

was measured and recorded.

0.1 mol of zinc powder is weighed using electronic balance and added into the

CuSO4 solution.

2. The solution was stirred constantly and the maximum temperature was measured

with a thermometer.

3. Step 2-4 is repeated using 0.1 mol Aluminium powder instead of Zinc powder.

Experiment 2

This experiment involves heat being produced when a solid is dissolved in water.

1. 0.1 mol of Sodium hydroxide pellets was weighed using an electronic balance

2. 100 cm3 of water was poured into a polystyrene cup. Initial temperature was

measured and recorded.

3. The weighed sodium hydroxide pellets was added into the water in the polystyrene

cup until all is dissolved. The solution was stirred constantly and the final

temperature was measured and recorded.

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Experiment 3

1. Sodium acetate trihydrate was heated until it melts completely and a clear liquid is


2. The molten liquid is supercooled in a refrigerator to a temperature of 100C for 3


3. The solution is removed from the refrigerator and it is initiated to form a solid by

adding one tiny crystal of the sodium acetate. A lot of heat is released. The solid

formed is called “HotIice”

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TemperatureChange In


CuSO4 + Zn 28.0 ºC 35.0 ºC 7.0 ºC -2940 J mol-1

CuSO4 + Al 28.0 ºC 29.0 ºC 1.0 ºC -420 J mol-1

NaOH + CuSO4

28.0 ºC 31.0 ºC 3.0 ºC -1260 J mol-1

NaOH + H2O 29.5 ºC 42.5 ºC 13.0 ºC -5460 J mol-1

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Ribena pastilles blackcurrant.

-Zip- lock feature.

-Smallest and compatible among other heat packs.

-Inner side of the pack has aluminium foil to conduct heat


Paper sunflower seed pack .

- Moderate size among other heat pack.

- It’s not sealable.

- Not water proof.

Pickle pack.

- Zip-Lock feature.

- Biggest in terms of size and volume compared to others.

- Heat conductivity is the lowest as it is fully plastic.

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Teachers :

Mr .Kwan Swee Ching

Team member : Sir, our research and development is on heat packs, and this is an

example of the heat pack. We kindly need your comments on our heat

pack as our head of the Chemistry panel.

Mr. Kwan : It’s a good pack .The heat is sufficient to relieve minor muscle injuries.

The pack used is small, so do you think the heat will last long?

Team member : Yes sir, the pack is small but it has a unique feature where the inner

side of the heat pack is made up from aluminium which conducts heat

better and the amount of sodium hydroxide can give long time of heat

production which is sufficient enough for the pain relieving process.

Mr.Kwan : Ok. I think is ok. It’s good enough.

M dm. Lim Mee Ying

Team member : Teacher, our team has done the heat pack , and we want teachers

opinion on our product.

Mdm. Lim : The heat is quite warm. Is this heat sufficient enough to relieve minor

injuries of students?

Team member : We have tried the heat pack on the field and some athletes who were

suffering sprains was glad to use our heat pack because the heat

pack managed to ease them .

Mdm. Lim : Then its fine .Good work. One last question, how long the heat will


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Team member : Its about 8 to 12 minutes. The period is also depended on the

seriousness of the injury.

Madame Lim : I hope it can be helpful to the students and not just for a research and

development purpose.

Team member : Thank you teacher.

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Students :

1 st Athlete

Muhd Azaifi : My calf muscle crammed , is there any deep heat oil to

apply on?

Team member : Don’t worry, I have got a thermal pad which will give heat and might

relieve your muscle pain.

Muhd Azaifi : How you did this heat pack?

Team member : We made this thermal pad based on exothermic reaction by dissolving

sodium hydroxide in water (heat pack prepared and placed on his

crammed muscle).

After 5 minutes………….

Team member: How do you feel now?

Muhd Azaifi : I feel much relieved and I don’t really feel the pain. Thank you.

2 nd athlete

Muhd Hafizudin : I am having some complications to move my hand!

Team member : I know just a thing that can help you. My R&D project, thermal

Heat pad can help you!

Muhd Hafizudin : I hope it can help me. How long the heat can give out heat.

Team member : It gives out heat about 5 to 10 minutes but it still depends on the

seriousness of the pain here you go.

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After a couple of minutes.......

Muhd Hafizudin : I can move my hand ,it’s working .Your heat pad quiet efficient. Thank


3 rd athlete

Subenthran : Even a school runner like me gets minor sports injury.

Team member : It’s common nowadays! No worries my friend , my team

and myself has come up with a thermal pad which can

ease pains like what you are suffering. It can help

our school students when they are involved in such

where they injure themselves.

After 8 minutes …………..using the thermal heat pad

Subenthran : I’m glad I feel a bit eased. My pulled hamstring pain faded. Good job. This

heat pack is comfortable and easy to be made. Thanks. Is this the smallest pack can be


Team member : No, it can be made into many sizes depending on the solutes


Subenthran : Then it should be fine.

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Experimental results indicate that the highest enthalpy change is obtain by the

reaction between sodium hydroxides and water which is -5460 J mol-1.

Thus, this chemical reaction was chosen to prepare our heat pack.

The mass of sodium hydroxide used was 5g and the volume of water used was

100 ml.

When the mass of sodium hydroxide was doubled to 10 g while the volume of

water was maintained at 100 cm3 the temperature was doubled.

The material for the heat pack varies from sizes, heat conductivity and

thickness and the materials for the heat packs are recycled packs.

All the three packs were experimented using the chemical reaction we have


Hence, the most suitable pack for the heat pack production is the Ribena pastille.

- Convenient to bring anywhere.

- Can be sealed using the zip- lock feature.

- Inner side of pack is covered with aluminium foil which is excellent in

conducting heat.

The heat pack was produced by our team in the lab and was brought to

respondents consisting teachers, students, athletes in our school. From the

interviews with teachers, students and athletes of SMK KGV we have

decided that the reaction of Sodium hydroxide pellets and the water gives the

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most heat which is suitable for a home made heat pack. The material to be

used as the heat pack is the Ribena recycled pack because it is more

convenient to bring to anywhere. Other than that, to go green we have to use

recycled products to save energy.

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Many episodes of pain come from muscle exertion or strain, which creates tension in

the muscles and soft tissues. This tension can constrict circulation, sending pain signals

to the brain. Heat application eases pain by:

Dilating the blood vessels surrounding the painful area. Increased blood flow provides

additional oxygen and nutrients to help heal the damaged muscle tissue.

Stimulating sensation in the skin and therefore

decreasing the pain signals being transmitted to the

brain increasing the flexibility (and decreasing painful

stiffness) of soft tissues surrounding the injured area,

including muscles and connective tissue. As many

heating pads are portable, heat may be applied as

needed at home, at work,

or while traveling. Some

physicians recommend alternating heat and ice for pain

relief. As with any pain treatment, a physician should be

consulted prior to beginning treatment. Heat packs have

some of the same effects as ice packs when it comes to

treating painful injuries. For example, applying heat to the

affected area often reduces inflammation. Additionally, heating the area may provide

some pain relief as it decreases the transmission of pain signals to the brain. However,

other benefits of using heat packs differ from those of ice packs as well. Instead of

limiting the blood coming to the area, heat actually increases the blood flow to that spot.

This helps to reduce the stiffness in joints and relieve muscle spasms. Heat packs are

also helpful for increasing flexibility and facilitating proper stretching.