Chemical Foundations: Elements, Atoms, & Ions ·  · 2012-10-16Chemical Foundations: Elements,...

1 Honors Chemistry Unit 4 (Chapter 4) Chemical Foundations: Elements, Atoms, & Ions “When I was young I used to feel so alive, so dangerous…! In fact, would you believe that I started out life as a Uranium-238? Then one day I accidentally ejected an alpha particle, and that’s where it all began. Now look at me, a spent old atom of Lead-206. It seems that all my life since then has been nothing but decay, decay, decay…”

Transcript of Chemical Foundations: Elements, Atoms, & Ions ·  · 2012-10-16Chemical Foundations: Elements,...


Honors Chemistry

Unit 4

(Chapter 4)

Chemical Foundations:

Elements, Atoms, & Ions

“When I was young I used to feel so alive, so dangerous…! In fact, would you believe that I started out life as a Uranium-238? Then one day I accidentally ejected an alpha particle, and that’s where it all

began. Now look at me, a spent old atom of Lead-206. It seems that all my life since then has been nothing but decay, decay, decay…”


Textbook Problem Sets

Problem Set #1: Read page 83 and sections 4.3, 4.5, and 4.6; answer In-Class Discussion Questions

(p. 114 – 115) 7, 12, 13, 14; p. 115 answer questions 1, 2, 3

Problem Set #2: Review pages 116 – 120; answer questions 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 34, 39, 73, 89, 95


Millikan Oil Drop Experiment

In 1909, the American physicist Robert Millikan measured the charge of an electron using the apparatus below. He introduced a fine mist of oil into the closed chamber. The drops of oil passed between two electrically charged plates through which he was able to influence their rates of descent by varying the voltage between the plates. He observed the drops through a microscope and adjusted the electrical force (voltage) so that drops moved away from the plate which had the same charge as the oil drops. He timed the drops’ rate of movement. From this information he was able to determine the charge of an electron and suggest a value for its mass.

oil bath


charged plates



The Rutherford Experiment

Our modern view of atomic structure is based on the work of Ernest Rutherford. In his experiment, alpha particles bombarded a sheet of gold foil. The apparatus and the paths followed by those particles are illustrated below.

Pictorial Representations of the Models

John Dalton Billiard Ball Model

J.J. Thomson Plum Pudding Model

Ernest Rutherford Nuclear Model


History of the Atom

DIRECTIONS: Read pages 101-108 in the Academic Chemistry Textbook, including all sidebars, to garner the information to answer the following questions. 1. What three words did Democritus use to describe the atom? ______________________,

______________________, and _______________________.

2. The word atom, which is derived from the Greek word atomos, means _______________________.

3. What was lacking in Democritus’’ theory? ___________________________________________________


4. Who transformed Democritus’ ideas into a scientific theory based on experiments? ________________

5. Like Democritus, John Dalton believed that atoms were _______________________ and


6. Dalton’s model of the atom was called the ___________________ ___________________ model.

7. Although much of Dalton’s atomic theory is still accepted today, he could not explain what held the

atoms together in a _______________________.

8. Using a cathode tube that was developed around 1860, J. J. Thomson discovered the

_______________________, which he called corpuscles.

9. How did Thomson know that his particle was negatively charged? _____________________________


10. Since matter is electrically neutral, Thomson realized that something _______________________ also

had to be inside the atom along with the electron. Thomson was the first scientist to describe the

_______________________ nature of the atom.

11. Describe Thomson’s model of the atom. What was it called? ___________________________________



12. What ratio did Thomson calculate? _______________________________________________________

13. T/F: All electrons, no matter where they come from are identical? __________________

14. What was the name of the famous experiment that Robert Millikan performed? ___________________

15. Millikan determined the _______________________ carried by an electron. Combining his work with

Thomson’s charge-to-mass ratio, Millikan easily calculated the _______________________ of an


16. Who designed the Gold Foil Experiment? ________________________________________________

17. What kind of particles did Rutherford shoot at the gold foil? __________________________________.

These particles are _______________________ nuclei.


18. If the plum pudding model was correct, then the particles should pass straight through the atom with

just a slight deflection. What Rutherford found however, was that _______________________ of the

alpha particles passed ______________ _______________ the gold atoms without deflection and a

few particles were greatly _______________________; but the Nobel Prize recipient was astonished

when he found that one in 20 000 bounced ______________ _______________.

19. Rutherford explained this result by stating that the atom must be mostly __________ ______________

with something very small, extremely _______________________ and _______________________

charged in its center. He called this the _______________________.

20. Rutherford’s model of the atom is referred to as the ______________ _______________.

21. According to Rutherford’s theory, explain the location of the protons, electrons, and neutrons.




22. The three subatomic particles had been discovered by what year? _______________

23. . Millikan found that the electron carries one unit of _______________________ charge with a mass

_______________________ that of a hydrogen atom. The proton carries _______________________

unit of _______________________ charge with a mass _______________________ times that of an

_______________________. The neutron carries _______________________ charge and its mass is

about the same as that of a _______________________.

Properties of Subatomic Particles



Relative Charge

Relative Mass (mass of p

+ = 1)

Actual Mass (g)




Label each picture with the appropriate scientist and model name.

_____________________ ______________________ ______________________

_____________________ ______________________ ______________________


Structure of the Atom

The Development of Modern Atomic Theory

I. The earliest models

A. Greeks 1. Approximately 400 BC the Greeks classified matter into four substances — earth, fire, air, and water 2. DEMOCRITUS

a. Greek philosopher who first suggested that matter consisted of small indivisible particles called atoms.

b. Believed that matter could be divided into smaller and smaller particles until a basic particle of matter was reached.

c. Performed no experiments to test his ideas, arrived at conclusion by thinking. B. ALCHEMISTS (400 BC to 1600 AD)

1. Mystics and fakes claiming they could turn cheap metals into silver and gold — called transmutation.

2. Dominated the next two thousand years of chemical history 3. Performed experiments and kept journals but did not openly share their results

C. ROBERT BOYLE – Father of Chemistry 1. first person to perform quantitative physical experiments 2. published a book of his findings, The Skeptical Chemist, in 1661

II. Fundamental Chemical Laws

A. JOSEPH PRIESTLY (1773 – 1804) 1. English clergyman and scientist 2. discovered oxygen in 1774 by hearing mercuric oxide 3. By the late 1700’s, combustion had been studied extensively; the gases carbon dioxide, nitrogen,

hydrogen, and oxygen had been discovered. B. ANTOINE LAVOISIER (1743 — 1794)

1. performed experiments that showed that combustion involved oxygen (which he named) and not phlogiston

2. discovered that life was supported by a process that involved oxygen and was similar to combustion

3. formulated the Law of Conservation of Mass a. performed quantitative experiments and weighed the reactants and products b. found that mass of reactants always equaled the mass of products c. concluded that matter cannot be created or destroyed d. called the Father of Modern Chemistry

e. having been associated with collecting taxes for the government, he was executed on the guillotine as an enemy of the people in 1794

C. JOSEPH PROUST (1754 — 1826) 1. French chemist 2. demonstrated the Law of Definite Proportions

a. a given compound always contains exactly the same proportion of elements by mass. III. First Experimental Atomic Theory

A. JOHN DALTON (1766 — 1844) 1. Dalton’s Atomic Theory – The Billiard Ball Theory

a. Each element is made up of tiny particles called atoms which are indivisible b. The atoms of a given element are identical; the atoms of different elements are different c. Chemical compounds are formed when atoms combine or rearrange with each other. d. Chemical reactions involve reorganization of atoms — changes in the way they are bound

to each other. The atoms themselves are not changed in a chemical reaction. IV. Early experiments to characterize the atom

A. The Electron 1. MICHAEL FARADAY (1791 — 1867)

a. investigated the electrical nature of matter b. disagreed with Dalton’s model of the atom — something had to hold atoms together

c. claimed electricity was the “glue” that held atoms together d. discovered cathode rays



a. developed the Crooke’s tube that produced cathode rays b. noticed that the rays always moved from the cathode to the anode c. found that the rays traveled in straight lines and possessed energy d. conclude that a stream of light was made up of particles

3. J. J. THOMSON (1856 — 1940) a. further studied cathode rays and found that they were repelled by the negative pole of an

electric field — thus, negatively charged. b. credited with the discovery of the electron c. determined the charge to mass ratio of an electron: e/m = —1.76 x 10

8 coulombs/gram

d. concluded that all atoms of all substances contain the same kind of negative particles, and all electrons are identical

e. Thomson’s Model of the Atom — The Plum Pudding Model i. the atom consisted of a positive material with electrons embedded randomly in it ii. called Plum Pudding Model because the electrons were dispersed like raisins in a

pudding (the positive material), as in plum pudding, his favorite English dessert.

f. awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1906 (Subsequently, at least seven of his assistants were awarded Nobel Prizes)

4. ROBERT MILLIKAN (1868 — 1953) a. performed the oil-drop experiment to determine the numerical charge on an electron:

-1.60 x 10-19

coulombs b. combined with Thomson’s ratio, calculated the mass of an electron — 9.11 x 10

-28 grams

c. won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1923, first American to do so.

B. The Nuclear Atom 1. EUGENE GOLDSTEIN (1850 — 1930)

a. credited with the discovery of the proton in 1885. Called them “canal rays 2. WILLIAM ROENTGEN (1845 – 1923)

a. discovered penetrating rays given off by cathode ray tubes, which he called x-rays 3. HENRI BEQUEREL (1852 — 1919)

a. discovered radioactivity – the spontaneous decay of an unstable atom nucleus with the release of x-rays, gamma rays, alpha particles, and/or beta particles

b. awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1903 4. ERNEST RUTHERFORD (1871 — 1937)

a. 1908 — carried out the gold foil experiment to test Thomson’s model of the atom i. used alpha particles as bullets to probe the atom

(alpha particle = helium nucleus, although Rutherford did not know this)

ii. shot the alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold foil b. based on Thomson’s model, Rutherford predicted the alpha particles would be able to pass

right through the foil. c. Actual results

i. most particles passed straight through ii. some were deflected iii. 1 out of 20 000 were deflected straight back!!!

d. Rutherford’s Model of the Atom — Nuclear Model (1911) i. Atom contains a very dense, very small center of concentrated positive charge,

which he called the nucleus. ii. Atoms are mostly empty space

iii. Electrons must be present in the empty space about the nucleus e. calculated the entire diameter of the atom to be about 10 000 times the diameter of the

nucleus f. won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1908

5. JAMES CHADWICK (1891 — 1974) a. discovered the neutron in 1932 b. awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1935


Structure of the Atom Video

1. The word atom comes from the Greek word “atomos,” which means ____________________.

2. Who came up with the very first theory of the atom? ___________________________

3. The alchemists brought about an important change to the field of science because they

began to do __________________________.

4. The Law of Conservation of Mass states that __________________________________________


5. T/F: Dalton believed the atom was indivisible. _______________

6. Dalton and Democritus shared similar ideas about the atom. However, Dalton based his

theory on __________________________.

7. Faraday did not believe that Dalton’s atomic theory was correct because he could not

explain what held atoms together. According to Faraday,

_____________________________ held atoms together in compounds.

8. What subatomic particle did Thomson discover? _________________________

9. According to the video, what is the name of J.J. Thomson’s model of the atom?


10. Who performed the oil drop experiment? ___________________________

11. The charge to mass ratio of an _____________________ was determined from the oil drop


12. The alpha particle is suitable for probing the atom because it is ____________________.

13. Why did Rutherford conclude that most of the atom is empty space?



14. What did Ernest Rutherford discover about the atom? _________________________________


WHO AM I? Democritus, Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, & Millikan


2. Thomson compared his model to ________________, (two words) his favorite dessert 5. Discovered the nucleus 9. Rutherford designed the ________________ (two words) experiment to study the interior of the

atom 11. Thomson studied ________________ (two words) to try to determine what held atoms together 12. Rutherford's model is called the ________________ model 13. his theory could not explain what held the atoms together in a compound 14. Designed the oil drop experiment


1. Dalton transformed Democritus’ ideas into a scientific theory based on ______________ 3. Dalton said that the atom is an ________________ sphere of solid material throughout 4. First recorded person to observe and think about the atom, 400 B.C. 6. Dalton compared his atom to a ________________ (two words) 7. Thomson proposed the atom to be positive material with ________________ material embedded

in it 8. Millikan calculated the numerical charge of an ________________ 10. Discovered the electron


Subatomic Particle Review

Atom - ______________________________________________________________


are _______________________ neutral – have no ________ electrical charge

electrical charges are carried by _________________ particles of matter.

Atoms can be broken down into ________________, fundamental parts called

_____________________ _______________________.

Electrons, _____ : (_____) charge

discovered by ____________________________ in 1897

Protons, ______: (_____) charge

discovered by ____________________________ in 1885

found in the _______________ of the atom

Neutrons, _____: (_____) charge

discovered by ________________________ in 1932

found in the _______________ of the atom

So…..what makes elements different?


Atomic Number, ______:

the number of _____________ in the nucleus of the atom

_________________ an element

the ________________ _______________ for each element on the PT!

the number of ____________ in a ______________ atom


EXAMPLE: 1. What is the atomic number of tin? ______________

2. How many protons are in the nucleus of a tin atom? ___________

3. How many electrons are in a neutral tin atom? __________

Mass Number, ______:

counts ________________________

the total number of _______ and ______ in an atom

__________________ be found on the PT!

Shorthand Notation

# p+ = ________________

# e

- = _________________

# n

0 = _________________

gold – 197

*You will need to look up

the __________ # on the PT

atomic # = __________________ = _________________

mass # = __________________ # n

0 = __________________________

Au _____________________






Example: Determine the number of p+, e

-, and n

0 of each atom.

14C p

+ ____________________

7Li p

+ ____________________

e- ____________________ e

- ____________________

n0 ____________________ n

0 ____________________

Example: Identify each atom:

16 X _____________________________

108 X _____________________________

Remember……atoms are, “ ________________________ _____________________.” Can they ever have a charge?

YES!! They can become __________! What is an ion?

an atom or group of atoms that has a (____) or (____) charge. How are ions formed?

when ______ are ___________________ between atoms Remember there are two types of ions: 1. Cations: (______) charged

formed by ______________ 1 or more ______________

lose (____) charge = become more (____)

______________ lose e- to form ___________

2. Anions: (______) charged

formed by __________________ 1 or more ________________

gain (_____) charge = become more (_____)

______________ gain e- to form ____________

6 6




Example: Complete the following table.


# p


# n





- change


+3 23

38 50 lose 2

6 8 6

Example: Complete the following table.


electron change

formula of ion

cation or anion?

Na loses 1 e-

Cl gains 1 e-




Counting Subatomic Particles

1. What is the distinction between atomic number and mass number? Between mass number and

atomic mass? ____________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Give the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of each of the following atoms:

a. 238 p+

___________ e. 52 p+ ___________

Pu Cr 94 n0 _______ 24 n0 _______

b. copper—65 p+ ___________ f. helium—4 p+


n0 _______ n0 _______

c. 15 p+ ___________ g. 207 p+

___________ N Pb n0 _______ n0 _______

d. 3 p+ ___________ h. 151 p+

___________ H Eu n0 _______ n0 _______ 3. Identify each of the following elements: a. 31 b. 39 c. 127 d. 173 X __________ X ___________ X _____________ X ____________ 15 19 53 70 4. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in each of the following atoms or ions? a. p+ _______ c. p+ _______ e. p+ ______ g. p+ ______

Mg n0 _______ S-2 n0 _______ Co+3 n0 ______ Al+3 n0 ______

e- _______ e- _______ e- ______ e_ ______

b. p+ _______ d. p+ _______ f. p+ ______ h. p+ ______

Mg+2 n0 _______ F-1 n0 _______ Co+2 n0 ______ Ne n0 ______

e- _______ e- _______ e- ______ e- _______

5. Complete the following chart.


# protons # neutrons # electrons electron charge

33 42 lose 3



16 16 16

81 123 lose 1
















Who Am I? ~ Practice Quiz

A. Thomson B. Rutherford C. Millikan D. Democritus E. Dalton

1. Billiard Ball Model _______

2. Discovered the electron _______

3. Discovered the nucleus _______

4. Nuclear Model _______

5. Plum Pudding Model _______

6. 400 B.C. _______

7. Positive material with negative particles embedded in it _______

8. Calculated the numerical charge on an electron _______

9. Oil Drop Experiment _______

10. Gold Foil Experiment _______

True of False 11. Dalton believed that all atoms of the same element are identical. _______

12. The electrons in the Gold Foil Experiment caused deflections of the alpha particles. _______

13. Thomson reasoned that electrons could exist anywhere in the space around the nucleus. ___

14. Democritus performed many experiments to prove his atomic theory. _______

15. A proton beam would be attracted to a positively charged plate. _______

Label each picture with the appropriate scientist and model name.

_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ _____________________ ______________________ ______________________


Atomic Mass & Isotopes

Atomic mass

a ___________________ _________________ mass of the atoms in a naturally

occurring _______________ of an element

is NOT a _______________ number

a weighted average that takes into account both the _________ and relative

_________________ of all the existing _________________.

What is an isotope?

atoms of an element that are ______________ alike but differ in the number

of ________________.

What does this change in the atom?


Are their atomic numbers the same?


Isotope Example: OXYGEN



n0 relative atomic


oxygen – 16 15.995 amu

oxygen – 17 16.995 amu

oxygen - 18 17.999 amu







Atomic Mass:

The unit for atomic mass is called the __________ _________ _______ (amu)

1 amu = exactly 1/12 the mass of a ____________-12 atom

1 amu =

How is atomic mass, or the weighted

average calculated?

atomic = ∑ (mass x relative abundance) mass

Isotope Example The element silicon has three naturally occurring isotopes. Use the following information to calculate the average atomic mass for silicon. Report the answer to 4 sig figs.


Isotope Relative Atomic Mass (amu) % abundance relative abundance 28

Si 27.976926533 92.2297 29

Si 28.97649472 4.6832 30

Si 29.9737022 3.0872


More Isotope Examples 1. The element nitrogen has two naturally occurring isotopes. The isotope with a

mass of 14.00307 amu occurs 99.632% of the time. If the average atomic mass of nitrogen is 14.01 amu, what is the mass of the other isotope? Report the answer to 4 sig figs.

2. The element gallium has two naturally occurring isotopes: one has a mass of

68.9257 amu and the other has a mass of 70.9249 amu. The average atomic mass of gallium is 69.72 amu. Calculate the percent abundance of the two isotopes.



1. Two isotopes of oxygen are oxygen-16 and oxygen-18. Write the chemical symbol for each isotope.

2. Using the periodic table, determine the number of neutrons in these atoms. a. 12C ___________ b. 15N ___________ c. 226Ra ___________ d. 264Bh ___________ 3. Uranium has three isotopes with the following percent abundances: 234U (0.0058%),

235U (0.71%), and 238U (99.23%). What do you expect the average atomic mass of uranium to be? Why?

4. Explain why the atomic masses of most elements are not whole numbers. 5. How are the three isotopes of hydrogen alike? How are they different? 6. The element chlorine has 2 naturally occurring isotopes. The isotope with a mass of 34.969

amu occurs 75.77% of the time. If the average atomic mass of chlorine is 34.453 amu, what is the mass of the other isotope?

7. Lithium has two naturally occurring isotopes: lithium-7 with an atomic mass of 7.016 amu

and lithium-6 with an atomic mass of 6.015 amu. What is the percent abundance of the each isotope.


History and Atomic Structure Review 1. Write at least three statements to describe the scientific works of these historical men.

a. Democritus





b. Dalton





c. Thomson





d. Millikan




e. Rutherford






2. List three differences between isotopes of the same element.

a. ________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________

3. Oxygen and hydrogen react to form water through the following reaction:

2H2 + O2 2H2O In one reaction, 4 grams of hydrogen combines with oxygen to form 36 grams of water. How much oxygen was used? (HINT: Remember Lavoisier and the Law of Conservation of Mass)

4. Iron has three isotopes with the following abundances: 54Fe (5.8%), 56Fe (91.7%), 57Fe (2.5%).

a. Without doing any math, what do you expect the average atomic mass of iron to be? Why?

b. Use the following information to calculate the average atomic mass of iron. Compare your answer to the assumption you made in letter a.

Isotope Relative atomic mass (amu) % Abundance 54Fe 53.9396105 5.8% 56Fe 55.9349375 91.7% 57Fe 56.9353940 2.5%

5. Provide the missing information for the isotope, 88Sr

a. Atomic number ________ d. Number of protons ________

b. Number of neutrons ________ e. Number of electrons ________

c. Mass number ________ f. Net charge ________


6. Identify the following elements. Write the symbol and name:

a. 39X ____________ ___________________________

b. 56X ____________ ___________________________

c. 79X ____________ ___________________________ 7. Supply the missing information:

27Al+3 Ra-226 127I- 31P-3 Cr-52 Li-7 115In+3 133Cs+ 40Ca

# e- _____ _______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ # p+










# n0










8. Supply the missing information.

Isotope Symbol Z Mass # # p+ # n0 # e- a. hydrogen-2






__________ b. _______________






__________ c. _______________







d. _______________






__________ e. _______________







9. True or false.

a. Dalton believed in subatomic particles. _______ b. On the periodic table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic mass. _______ c. An atomic mass unit is defined as 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom. _______ d. Electrons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom. _______ e. A vertical column of elements on the periodic table is called a group. _______ f. The proton and electron have similar masses. _______





10. Supply the missing information. Symbol of element Change in electrons Formula of Ion Cation or Anion? a. Ba

loses 2 e-



b. Li




c. P

gains 3 e-



d. Se




11. Consider the data: Ga+3, K+, Se-2, Ca+2, Sn+2, P-3, I-

a. According to the data, there is pattern in how metals and nonmetals form ions. What is the pattern?

12. What is the difference between an atom and an ion? _______________________________________


13. Neon has an atomic mass of 20.10 amu. It has three isotopes: neon-20 (at. mass 19.99214 amu, 90.51% abundance), neon-21(at. mass 20.99395 amu, 0.27% abundance), and a third with a percent abundance of 9.22%. Calculate the atomic mass of the third isotope.

14. Arrange the following species in order of a) increasing number of electrons and b) increasing

number of neutrons: 27Al+3 , Ra-226, 80Br-1, 133Cs, 14N-3



DIRECTIONS: Complete the following chart.

Name of Element

Symbol of Element

Atomic Number

Mass Number

Number of Protons

Number of Neutrons

Number of Electrons

Copper 29 35 29 Tin 69 50

I 53 127 Uranium 238 92

K 19 20 Lithium 7 3

O 8 8 Gold 79 197

32 16 Silver 47 108

Chromium 28 24 Co 59 32 27 Ni 28 30

Zinc 30 35 Al 14 13 Hg 80 201

Platinum 195 Fe 56 30 H 1 1 He 2 4 9 4 4 Mg 12 12 12 C 6 6

Silicon 14 14 Cl 17 18 Bi 209 83

Boron 5 11 Ca 20 20 20 55 25

Lead 207 82 Sodium 23 Fluorine 9 10 9

P 15 31


Name ____________________________________________________ Period ___________________

ATOMIC STRUCTURE - Vocabulary Review Match the correct vocabulary term to each numbered statement. Write the letter of the correct term on the line. Each answer can only be used once. a. isotope f. indivisible k. mass number

b. proton g. neutron l. gold foil

c. atomic number h. cation m. atom

d. nucleus i. anion n. atomic mass

e. oil drop j. atomic mass unit o. electron ___________ 1. Defined as 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom.

___________ 2. A negatively charged subatomic particle.

___________ 3. The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element.

___________ 4. Millikan’s famous experiment.

___________ 5. A negatively charged ion form by gaining one or more electrons.

___________ 6. The smallest particle of an element that retains its identity in a chemical


___________ 7. The meaning of the Greek work, “atomos.”

___________ 8. Rutherford’s famous experiment.

___________ 9. The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom.

__________10. A positively charged subatomic particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom.

__________11. A weighted average mass of all the atoms in a naturally occurring sample of

an element.

__________12. The tiny, dense central portion of an atom, composed of protons and


__________13. A subatomic particle with no charge and is found in the nucleus of an atom.

__________14. A positively charged ion formed by the loss of one or more electrons.

__________15. Atoms of an element that are chemically alike but differ in the number of



Name_____________________________________________________ Period ______________

IT’S WHAT’S ON THE INSIDE THAT COUNTS Improve your understanding of subatomic particles and the structure of the atom while you work to reveal a letter very important to atomic structure. _______________________ 1. The number of protons in the element with atomic number 23.

_______________________ 2. The number of electrons in hydrogen—3.

_______________________ 3. The number of neutrons in boron—11.

_______________________ 4. The total number of subatomic particles in 15


_______________________ 5. The number of electrons in a phosphorus atom.

_______________________ 6. The mass number of uranium—238.

_______________________ 7. The atomic number of 26


_______________________ 8. For deuterium, 2H, A = ?

_______________________ 9. The number of neutrons in the most common isotope of fluorine.

_______________________ 10. The number of electrons in the most common isotope of


_______________________ 11. The total number of subatomic particles in the most common

isotope of Sc.

_______________________ 12. The number of neutrons in 234


_______________________ 13. The number of neutrons in copper—65.

_______________________ 14. The total number of subatomic particles in the most common

form of carbon.

_______________________ 15. The value of Z for 17


_______________________ 16. The value of Z for cesium.

_______________________ 17. The value of A for carbon—14.

_______________________ 18. The value of (A - Z) for magnesium—28.

_______________________ 19. The atomic number for calcium.

_______________________ 20. The value of Z for bismuth.

_______________________ 21. The number of electrons in a gold atom.

_______________________ 22. The number of electrons in a scandium atom.

_______________________ 23. The atomic number of manganese.

_______________________ 24. The mass number for iodine—127.

_______________________ 25. The total number of subatomic particles in 80


_______________________ 26. The number of electrons in a tin atom.


IT’S WHAT’S ON THE INSIDE THAT COUNTS For each clue, shade in the box below that contains the answer to the clues found on the front of this paper. When complete, connect the unshaded boxes with one continuous line.

The letter _______________, which means __________________________.

1 23 12 142 83 24

19 22 71 288 44 8

2 18 10 58 16 79

66 20 99 127 55 14

40 25 86 106 15 212

50 21 36 115 6 238


Turning Copper Into Gold A study of Alloys

DISCUSSION: In the early history of chemistry, the alchemists dreamed of being able to change cheap metals into precious ones by simply adding or subtracting elements in the proper proportions. For example, lead might be turned into gold by adding the right amount of mercury (the element they thought imparted metallic properties to substances). This search for the proper technique of changing “base metals” into gold lasted for centuries. During the search, the alchemists discovered mineral acids — hydrochloric, nitric, and sulfuric — and phosphorus, which were far more important to the world of science than the creation of gold. However, they could not be deterred from the main quest, and some became so unscrupulous at their craft that they brought the profession into such disrepute that the word “alchemy” had to be abandoned. By the seventeenth century, alchemy graduated to a more sophisticated science called “chemistry,” and alchemists were called “chemists.” Today we know that this process of changing one metal into another is impossible through ordinary chemical means, and can only be accomplished by a nuclear reaction in which the number of protons in an atom’s nucleus is altered in some way. Since an atom’s identity is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus, changing this will change the identity of the element. The transuranium elements (elements beyond uranium) are all man-made by bombarding the nucleus of another element. In this experiment we will produce an alloy, and in the process, create the illusion of changing copper into gold. An alloy, a solid solution of two or more metals, is usually produced by solidification of its molten parts; this is the method used in this experiment. MATERIALS a penny zinc dust 6M HCl 3M NaOH Bunsen burner beakers crucible tongs watch glass wood splint iron ring stand apparatus PROCEDURE: 1. Obtain a penny, preferably fairly clean and

shiny. 2. Clean the penny with a piece of steel wool until

it resembles a shiny new penny.

3. Weigh about 1.5 grams of zinc dust in a 250-mL beaker that has been placed on a balance and tared.

4. Pour 50 mL of 3M NaOH into the beaker containing the zinc dust.

5. Heat the Zn and NaOH solution until it is hot but not boiling.

6. Submerge the shiny, clean penny in a hot solution of zinc dust and 3.0 M NaOH for at least one minute or until both sides are completely coated with zinc (make sure no copper is showing).

7. After the penny is thoroughly coated with zinc on both sides, remove it from the solution with your crucible tongs. Rinse thoroughly with tap water to remove any excess zinc.

8. After the penny has been rinsed, hold it with your fingertips under running water and rub any large clumps of zinc off the penny. (NOTE: If you leave any loose zinc on your penny, it will not turn into a nice shiny gold penny.)

9. After all the loose grains of zinc have been washed off, dry the penny with a SMALL PIECE of paper towel, removing any clumps of zinc that may have adhered to the penny. It should look like a nickel. When you are finished polishing your penny, place this paper towel in a container located in the fume hood. DO NOT PLACE THIS PAPER TOWEL IN THE WASTE CAN!!!

10. Hold the penny by its edges with crucible tongs. Place it into the flame of a Bunsen burner. When you detect a change in color (toward a shade of bronze), flip the coin over and heat it for two to three more seconds.

11. Quickly remove the penny from the flame and plunge it into a beaker of cold water. You should now be the owner of a “gold” medallion.

12. Decant the NaOH solution from the leftover zinc in your beaker.

13. Pour 20 mL of HCl acid into the beaker containing the zinc. Cover with a watch glass.

14. After the reaction has proceeded for one minute, place a flaming splint in the beaker to determine what gas is given off in the reaction.

15. Clean your equipment and return to the cabinets; wipe your lab station.

The Alchemist’s Dream



Name __________________________________________________________ Period _____________

The Alchemists’ Dream

CONCLUSION: Answer the following questions, legibly and neatly, in full sentences in the spaces provided below. 1. Who were the alchemists and what did they claim to do? 2. How does the penny turn silver? 3. Why did the penny need to be heated in order to turn “gold”? 4. Does the formation of the “gold” represent the formation of an element, a compound, or

mixture? Explain your answer. 5. What gas is produced from the reaction of Zn and HCl? How do you know? MATCH THE FOLLOWING ALLOYS WITH THEIR CHEMICAL COMPOSITION. _____ 6. bronze a. iron, carbon, and manganese _____ 7. sterling silver b. copper and tin _____ 8. white gold c. bismuth, tin, lead, and cadmium _____ 9. yellow gold d. tin, antimony, and copper _____ 10. pewter e. gold and platinum _____ 11. steel f. copper and zinc _____ 12. brass g. gold and copper _____ 13. Wood’s metal h. silver and copper

14. From the choices above, what is the name of the alloy that formed on your penny? _______


CALCULATIONS: Show all your work and any formulas you use. (Be sure to pay attention to significant figures) 1. If the increase in mass of the penny due to the added zinc was 0.0010 g, how many Zn

atoms are in the coating? (The are 6.02 x 1023 atoms in 65.3 g of zinc) 2. If the density of zinc is 7.14 g/cm3, what is the volume of the zinc that plated out onto the

penny? 3. If the diameter of a penny is 1.90 cm and it is 0.19 cm thick, what is the surface area of a

penny? (S.A.cylinder = 2πr2 + 2πrh ) 4. How thick is the zinc coating? (Thickness = V ÷ A ) 5. If the atomic radius of the zinc atom is 138 pm and the atoms are stacked directly on top of

one another, how many atoms thick is the coating?


Investigating Average Atomic Mass


The mass of a single oxygen-16 atom is

2.657 x 10-23 grams. Since this is an

extremely small mass, it would be very

impractical to mass individual atoms.

Instead, atoms are assigned relative masses

using carbon-12 as the standard.

The concept of relative mass is based on

the comparison of one substance to another

that is accepted as the standard. On the

atomic scale, all atoms are compared to the

carbon-12 isotope. An atomic mass unit

(amu) is defined as exactly one-twelfth the

mass of a carbon-12 atom.

In nature, most elements are found as a

mixture of two or more isotopes. For

example, copper consists of 69.17 percent

copper-63 and 30.83 percent copper-65.

Copper-63 has a relative atomic mass of

62.94 amu and copper-65 has a relative

mass of 64.93 amu. To find the average

relative atomic mass (the mass that appears

on the periodic table), multiply the

abundance of each isotope by its relative

mass tive mass and then add the results:

0.6917 x 62.94 amu + 0.3083 x 64.93 amu

= 63.55 amu

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the isotopes of “candium” and to calculate its average atomic mass. PROCEDURE: 1. Obtain a sample of the element

“candium.” 2. Treat each color as an isotope of the

element. Separate the isotopes into groups by color.

3. Count the number of atoms in each sample; record in the data table.

4. Put the cup on the balance; tare. Place each isotope in the cup and measure its mass; record in the data table.

5. You may now eat your candium atoms.

Candium Atoms



Name ___________________________________________________________ Period _____________

Candium Calculations and Questions

DIRECTIONS: Perform the following calculations for each isotope, pay attention to significant figures. Record your answers in the data table. You do not have to show your work for numbers 1 – 3.

1. Calculate the mass of an individual isotope atom by dividing the total mass of the isotope by the number of particles of that isotope.

2. Calculate the relative abundance of each isotope by dividing its number of particles by the

total number of particles. 3. Calculate the percent abundance of each isotope by multiplying the relative abundance by

100. (report your answer to 3 significant figures) 4. Calculate the average atomic mass of candium. (Hint: use the “mass of isotope” data in your

calculation) SHOW YOUR WORK!!! This is the number that would appear on the periodic table for candium. (report your answer to three significant figures)

ANSWER: ____________________








Total Mass (g)

Mass of Isotope (g)

Relative Abundance

Percent Abundance


1. Determine the average atomic mass of a magnesium atom: 78.99 % of the atoms have a relative mass of 23.985amu, 10.00 % have a relative mass of 24.986 amu and 11.01 % of the atoms have a relative mass of 25.982 amu. Record your answer to 5 significant figures.

2. The element silver has two naturally occurring isotopes. The isotope with a mass of 106.905

amu occurs 51.82 % of the time. If the average atomic mass of silver is 107.868 amu, what is the mass of the other isotope? Record your answer to 5 significant figures.

3. The element europium exists in nature as two naturally occurring isotopes: one has a mass of

150.9196 amu and the other has a mass of 153.9209 amu. The average atomic mass of europium is 151.96 amu. Calculate the percent abundance of the two isotopes. Record your answers to 5 significant figures.

4. Write the atomic symbol for the most abundant isotope of europium. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are contained in the isotope? Explain how you derived your answers.


WHAT dO I need to know?? Unit 4: Chemical Foundations

multiple choice, Matching & True/false

o Atomic number – definition o Mass number – definition o Subatomic Particles

Definitions Mass of each compared to

one another Counting e-, p+, n0 Where are the subatomic particles

located? Which subatomic particle is involved in

chemical reactions? Protons vs. electrons (mass, size, charge,


o Isotopes Definition How do isotopes of the same element

differ? How are they alike? Solve isotope problems


o Law of conservation of mass (#3 on review sheet)

o Periodic Table Where are the metals, nonmetals,

metalloids? Elements and their symbols Groups vs. periods Names of groups (i.e. alkali metals,

alkaline metals, etc.)

o Historical Men – be able to compare and contrast their models (#1 on review sheet) Dalton Democritus Thomson Rutherford Millikan Their experiments

o Review: Chemistry is a subject that builds

upon prior knowledge. You are responsible for general concepts that have been covered on previous tests.