Chem tutorial shives

Successful Chemistry Lab An Instructional Module Developed by Janelle Shives Start

Transcript of Chem tutorial shives

Successful Chemistry Lab

An Instructional Module Developed by

Janelle Shives



• It is very important that you know what you are doing in chemistry lab.

• Learning the info in this tutorial will save you a lot of time and help you stay safe



• Bunsen burner

• Striker


Watch this video


• Crucible

• Crucible tongs

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• Beakers

• various volumes

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• Watch glass

• Can put chemicals on it or use as a beaker cover

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• Graduated cylinder

• Various volumes

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• Test tubes

• small

• medium

• large

• Test tube rack

• wood

• plastic

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• Ring stand

• Holds test tube clamp

• Or support ring

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What to Wear?

• Goggles


• Gloves • Lab coat/apron

What to Wear?

• Hair tied back

• Closed toed shoes

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Types of Chemicals

• Solid

• Measured in mg or g

• Often crystals

• Remove from container with designated spatula only


Types of Chemicals

• Liquid

• Measured in mL

• Carefully pour into glassware

• Examples

• 0.1 M solution

• 70% solution

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Types of Chemicals

• Gas

• Not usually stored in lab

• O2 in air often a reactant

• NH3 or H2 can be products of reactions

• NH3 detected by smell

• H2 detected by lighting a match

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Lab protocol

• Never sniff chemicals

• Waft using your hand

• Never put chemicals back into storage jar

• Discard any used chemical in proper receptacle


Lab protocol

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Lab protocol

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• How to read a graduated cylinder

• Get at eye level with top of liquid

• Look at bottom of the meniscus

• See what line it falls on

• This one is 47 mL

Lab protocol

• Come prepared for lab

• Read lab ahead of time

• Review this tutorial

• Dress appropriately

• Write in notebook often

• Record all weights & measures

• Make observations

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Lab protocol• You cannot leave lab until

• All pertinent data has been collected

• Chemicals disposed of properly

• Glassware cleaned and placed on paper towel to dry

• Equipment cleaned and put away

• Lab bench wiped off

• Hands washed

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Emergency procedures

• In case of fire • Carefully back away

• Alert teacher to get fire extinguisher

• Prepare to leave building if necessary


Emergency procedures

• In case of spill

• Contain with paper towels

• Wash off chemical from skin and clothing

• Alert teacher to spill

• Dispose of paper towels in proper receptacle

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Emergency procedures


• In case of chemical in eyes or on body• Immediately go to eye wash


• Turn on and hold eyes open in stream for 5 min

• Use shower to get chemical off body if necessary

• Alert teacher

• Clean up spill

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Emergency procedures

• In case of broken glass

• Alert teacher

• Do not attempt to clean up on your own

• Clean and bandage wound if cut

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Emergency procedures

• Remember always remain calm and alert your teacher

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Self Quiz

• Let’s see if you are ready for chemistry lab!

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Question 1

What is the name of this piece of equipment?

A. Test tube

B. Volumetric flask

C. Beaker

D. Watch glass

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Question 2

What must be worn before beginning every lab?

A. Goggles

B. Lab coat/apron

C. Gloves

D. All the above

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Question 3

What is the name of this piece of equipment?

A. Bunsen burner

B. Ring stand

C. Test tube stand

D. Test tube holder

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Question 4

If the lab says you need 0.5 M copper sulfate, you should be looking for?

A. A solid

B. A liquid

C. A gas

D. A plasma

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Question 5

If anything concerning happens during lab what should you do?

A. Rinse eyes

B. Get fire extinguisher

C. Tell teacher

D. Ask a classmate what to do

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That’s the end of the


Learn More!

• More equipment you should know here

• Good site with flashcards for functions of equipment

• Government chemistry lab safety guide. Pages 6-9 are for students (read about fake fingernails, yikes!)



You are ready for a fun, safe year in Chemistry Lab!

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Photo Credits

• Link to wafting picture (slide 16).

• Photos of crucible, tongs, watch glass, graduated cylinder, test tube rack, ring stand, support ring were all from

• 2 Videos from

Demonstrating proficiency to Pegi

Students at Bass Memorial Academy









Why am I doing this




The Shives Family

Males Females

Shives 4 5

Other 1 2

Males Females

Asian (.5x4)=2 4+(.5x2)=5

White 1 + (.5x4)=3 1+ (.5x2)=2

Demonstrating proficiency to Pegi