Charles Correa

CHARLES CORREA “Architecture is sculpture with the gesture of human occupation” “ Certainly architecture is concerned with much more than just its physical attributes. It is a many-layered thing. Beneath and beyond the strata of function and structure, materials and texture, lie the deepest and most compulsive layers of all “ Charles Correa was an architect, an urban planner, an activist and a theoretician. He was the face of modern architecture in India. Mr. Correa played a defining role in developing architecture of post-Independence India and has designed some of the most outstanding structures. He is known for adapting Modernist tenets to local climates and building styles. In the realm of urban planning, he is particularly noted for his sensitivity to the needs of the urban poor and for his use of traditional methods and materials. He was defined as a lateral thinker and pioneer, designed his projects underpinning culture, vernacular content without overlooking the user’s needs as well as cost and energy efficiencies. Correa was born in Hyderabad in 1930. He studied architecture at the University of Michigan and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), before returning to India to set up his own practice in 1958. Correa’s early work combined traditional architectural values —i.e., the colonial bungalow, traditional symmetrical space— with the Modernist use of materials exemplified by figures such as Le Corbusier, Louis I. Kahn, and Buckminster Fuller. In particular, Correa was influenced by Le Corbusier’s use of striking concrete forms. The importance of the site was a constant in Correa’s approach. Complementing the Indian landscape, he worked on an organic and topographic scale in early commissions such as his Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya (1958–63) in Ahmedabad at the age of just 28 years and the Handloom Pavilion (1958) in Delhi. Considerations of the Indian climate also drove many of



Transcript of Charles Correa

CHARLES CORREA Architecture is sculpture with the gesture of human occupation Certainly architectureis concernedwithmuchmorethanjust itsphysical attributes. It is a many-layered thing. Beneath and beyond thestrata of function and structure, materials and teture, lie the deepestand most compulsi!e layers of all CharlesCorreawasanarchitect, anurbanplanner, anactivistandatheoretician.He was the face of modern architecture in India. r. Correapla!ed a de"nin# role in developin# architecture of post$IndependenceIndia and has desi#ned some of the most outstandin# structures.He is%nownfor adaptin#odernist tenets tolocal climates andbuildin#st!les.In the realm of urban plannin#, he is particularl! noted for his sensitivit!to the needs of the urban poor and for his use of traditional methods andmaterials.He was de"ned as a lateral thin%er and pioneer, desi#ned his pro&ectsunderpinnin# culture, vernacular content without overloo%in# the user'sneeds as well as cost and ener#! e(ciencies.Correa was born in H!derabad in )*+,. He studied architecture at the-niversit! of ichi#an and at the assachusetts Institute of .echnolo#!/I.0, before returnin# to India to set up his own practice in )*12.Correa'searl!wor%combined traditional architectural values3i.e.,thecolonial bun#alow, traditional s!mmetrical space3withtheodernistuseof materialse4empli"edb!"#uressuchas LeCorbusier, LouisI.5ahn, and 6uc%minster 7uller. In particular, Correa was in8uenced b! LeCorbusier'suseofstri%in#concreteforms..heimportanceofthesitewas a constant in Correa's approach. Complementin#theIndianlandscape, hewor%edonanor#anicandtopo#raphic scaleinearl!commissions suchas his 9andhi Smara%San#rahala!a /)*12:;+0 in Ahmedabad at the a#e of &ust elhi. Considerations of theIndianclimate also drove man! of Correa's decisions. 7or residentialcommissions, hedevelopedthe?tubehouse,@ anarrowhouseformdesi#ned to conserve ener#!. .his form was realiAed in the Ram%rishnaHouse /)*;esi#nResearchInstitute, providin#aforumfor interactionbetweenarchitects, urban desi#ners and other professionals. He wasnamed JIndiaIs #reatest architectJ the same !ear, when he was awardedthe Ro!al 9old edal b! the Ro!al Institute of 6ritish Architects. He alsocompleted housin#pro&ectsin>elhi, Ahmedabad, 6an#alore, while hismost recent desi#ns include .orontoIs Ismaili Centreand the 6rainScience Centre at his alma mater I..In)**,hebecamethethirdrecipient of the9oldedal fromtheInternational -nion of Architects, while his man! other accolades includethe A#a 5han Award for Architecture /)**20 , FapanIs =raemiumImperialepriAeforarchitecture/)**B0, =admaShree/)*C