Charged Particle Fluctuation in Heavy Ion Physics

QNP09, Sept. 21~26 Beijing 1 Charged Particle Fluctuation in Heavy Ion Physics ZHOU You , WU Kejun & LIU Feng Institute Of Particle Physics (IOPP) HuaZhong Normal University (HZNU)


Charged Particle Fluctuation in Heavy Ion Physics. ZHOU You , WU Kejun & LIU Feng Institute Of Particle Physics (IOPP) HuaZhong Normal University (HZNU). discuss the properties and the behaviors of . outline. Motivation Results and Discussion Summary and Outlook. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Charged Particle Fluctuation in Heavy Ion Physics

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QNP09, Sept. 21~26 Beijing 1

Charged Particle Fluctuation in Heavy Ion Physics

ZHOU You , WU Kejun & LIU Feng

Institute Of Particle Physics (IOPP)HuaZhong Normal University (HZNU)

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outline• Motivation• Results and Discussion • Summary and Outlook

new measurements of higher order cumulantsSkewness ,KurtosisdynQQQD ,, ,, discuss the properties and the behaviors of

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motivationQCD Phase Diagram RHIC beam energy scan program :

Locate the QCD critical point. Draw the QCD phase boundary.

STAR Beam User Request

Key measurements: (1) PID hadron spectra, ratios, v2 … (2) Fluctuations: - Kurtosis - K/ - <pT>, charged particle …

★ Mapping the QCD phase diagram ★ Searching the Critical Point

Figure 1


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i. Electric Chargeii. Baryon Numberiii. Strangenessiv. ...

Phys.Rev. Lett. 85, 2076 (2000)Phys.Rev. Lett. 89, 082301 (2002)Phys. Rev. C 66, 024904 (2002)Phys. Rev. C 68, 044905 (2003)Phys. Rev. C 68, 034902 (2003)Phys. Rev. C 71, 051901(R) (2005)Phys. Rev. C 79, 024904 (2009)...

The event-by-event fluctuations of conserved charges, like electric charge, baryon number and strangeness, are generally considered to be sensitive indicators for the existence of a critical point .

If at non-vanishing chemical potential a critical point exists in the QCD phase diagram, this will be signaled by divergent fluctuations.

Charged particle fluctuations should also enable a direct measurement of the degree of thermalization reached in heavy ion collisions.

Fluctuations of Conserved Quantities

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analysis• Monte Carlo data we used: RQMD v2.4: (Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics) Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (RQMD) is a semiclassical microscopic

model which combines classical propagation with stochastic interactions. 7.7 GeV ~1M Events 9.2 GeV ~4M Events 12.3GeV ~1M Events 17.3GeV ~1M Events 20 GeV ~3M Events 27 GeV ~1M Events

AMPT v2.11: (A Multi-Phase Transport) AMPT is a Monte Carlo transport model for heavy ion collisions at relativisti

c energies. It uses the Heavy Ion Jet Interaction Generator (HIJING) for generating the initial conditions, the Zhang's Parton Cascade (ZPC) for modeling the partonic scatterings, and A Relativistic Transport (ART) model for treating hadronic scatterings.

9.2 GeV(3mb) Default ~2M Events

String Melting ~8M Events

☞ ☞ all for Au+Au collision

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charged particle ratio fluctuation D-measure

(STAR) Phys. Rev. C 68, 044905 (2003)

(PHENIX) Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 082301(2002)

Experimental Value

(central Au+Au collisions at )

GeVSNN 130

1.02.3 D3~D






QGP phase Hadron phasePredictions

1~D 4~DPhys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2076 (2000)

But it is not possible to draw a firm conclusion concerning the existence or nonexistence of a deconfined phase during the collisions from these results since, incomplete thermalization could lead to larger fluctuations than expected for a QGP.

D-measure in a quark gluon plasma is expected to be significantly smaller (by a factor 3–4) than in hadronic gas.

The experimental values from STAR and PHENIX equal to about 3, which are much larger than expected D value in QGP and closed to the predicted D value in Hadron phase.

Q is net charge Nch is the total number of charged particles

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charged particle ratio fluctuation

AMPT-StringMelting 3.072 ± 0.006

AMPT-Default 3.772 ± 0.009

RQMD 2.977 ± 0.001 DQ quantity depend on the acceptance

Figure 2

Y cut Figure 4

pT cut Figure 3|Y|<0.5


pT cut doesn’t take effect

large acceptance leads to small DQ

centrality dependence

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Φ is free of the effect of charge conservation

Φ measure Φ measure

In "background" model Φ measure is ‘blind’ to the impact parameter variation as long as the ‘physics’ does not change with the collision centrality. Phys. Rev. C 66, 024904 (2002)



QZ 224



Results from different Monte Carlo models proved that Φ is weakly depend on the collision centrality.

Figure 5

Φ is insensitive to the collision centrality and sensitive to the dynamics. Phys. Rev. C 66, 024904 (2002)

centrality dependence

S. Mro´wczyn´ski, Phys. Rev. C 66, 024904 (2002)M. Gaz´dzicki et al. Z. Phys. C 54, 127(1992)

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Φ measure

pT cut Y cut

Φ measure depends on the acceptance

Figure 7Figure 6

Φ measure weakly depends on pT Φ measure depends on the rapidity

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Γ measureS. Mro´wczyn´ski, Phys. Rev. C 66, 024904 (2002)

M. Gaz´dzicki et al. Z. Phys. C 54, 127(1992)

pT cut

Y cut Figure 10

Figure 9

Figure 8

also depend on the acceptance


accommodates for situation with non-symmetric charge distribution and varying global multiplicity. It is insensitive to the distribution of the independent particle sources.

It measures both the dynamical and statistical fluctuation.

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dynamical charge fluctuation





J. Adams et al.(STAR Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C 68, 044905 (2003)B.I.Abelev et al.(STAR Collaboration),Phys. Rev. C 79, 024906 (2009)

S. Mro´wczyn´ski, Phys. Rev. C 66, 024904 (2002)

Y cut

pT cut

Figure 12

Figure 11

V+-,dyn is a hopeful observable, it almost doesn't depend on the acceptance

Dynamical Charge Fluctuation

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beam energy dependence

Figure 14

Figure 15

dynamical charge fluctuation

We observed that the dynamical charge fluctuations are nonvanishing at all energies and exhibit a modest dependence on beam energy

centrality dependence

The observed monotonic reduction of the magnitude of ν+−,dyn arises from the progressive dilution of the charge conservation effect when the number of charged particle multiplicity is increased.

Figure 13

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a measure of the range over fluctuations in one region of space are correlated with those in another

22 ~)( Q

is Correlation length

higher order cumulants fluctuation

2nd Order Cumulant:

4th Order Cumulant:

M. A. Stephanov, PRL 102, 032301 (2009)

at the Critical Point

"non-Gaussian moments (cumulants) of fluctuations of experimental observable are very sensitive to the proximity of the critical point, as measured by the magnitude of the correlation length "

higher order cumulant is more sensitive than 2nd order cumulant to study the CP

• Sensitive to long range correlations • Show large non-monotonic behaviour as a function of T

7224 ~3 QQ

3rd Order Cumulant: 5.43 ~ Q

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higher order cumulants fluctuation

from peripheral to central collisions: • Mean values <NB>, C2 increase smoothly• Skewness , Kurtosis : decreasing

22 QC




standard definitions

a measure of the symmetry of a distribution

a measure of the peakedness of the distribution




RQMD v2.4




Figure 17

☞☞ <NQ>

centrality dependence

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transverse momentum dependence

☞ ☞ pT window

① 0 < pT < 0.5 ② 0 < pT < 1.0 ③ 0 < pT < 1.5

RQMD v2.4

skewness and kurtosis almost don't dependent on acceptance

Figure 20

Figure 23

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rapidity dependence

☞ ☞ rapidity window ① |Y| < 0.5 ② |Y| < 1.0 ③ |Y| < 1.5

Figure 21

RQMD v2.4

different rapidity windows don’t affect Skewness and Kurtosis

Figure 23

Figure 22

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beam energy dependence

Figure 25Figure 24

We studied the beam erergy dependence of skewness and kurtosis in order to find the diverage which is indicated the existence of critical point.

★Only smooth trend of skewness and kurtosis can be found from RQMD model. This will provides baseline predictions to the higher order cumulants of net-charge distribution.★

RQMD v2.4

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summary and outlook• We have presented a study of various observable of charge particle fl

uctuation. DQ 、 ΦQ 、 ΓQ depend on the experimental acceptance. —V+-,dyn is a hopeful observable, it has a weak dependence on the acceptance.

• Also we studied the higher order cumulants, Skewness, Kurtosis(KQ) of net-charge distribution.

—Skewness and Kurtosis(KQ) almost don't depend on the acceptance, both of them are promising observables in experiments.

• This work presents baseline predictions of charged particle fluctuation and higher order cumulants of net-charge distribution, it will help us to understand the expectations from experimental results for the forthcoming RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program.

• Next to do: 1 Centrality dependence of Net-Charge fluctuation at high Energy

2 Hadronlization and rescattering effect on the Net-Charge fluctuation (using modified AMPT model)

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Thanks for your attention !

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Figure 17

higher order cumulantsM.Cheng et al. arXiv: 0811.1006 v3 [hep-lat]M.Cheng et al.Phys. Rev. D 79, 074505 (2009)

in all cases the quadratic(2nd order) fluctuations rise rapidly in the transition region and approach to SB limit where the quartic(4th order) fluctuations show a maximum.

the value for net-charge is between 1 to 2 when T< 200MeV which consist with HRG. It is closed to SB limit when T >200MeV

24 /

Figure 18

The quadratic(2nd order) and quartic(4th order) show a large fluctuation around 200MeV, this fluctuation are predicted as a signal of the existence of a critical point

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normalized variance fluctuation


4)()( Q



22)( QQQV

Normalized Variance

Figure 6

Figure 7

the same trend compared to D certainly

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beam energy dependence

large fluctuations for C4 and R4,2 turn to monotonic behaviour

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Two versions of AMPT ModelAMPT: A Multiphase transport model