Characterizing the shape and texture of natural objects ·...

Characterizing the shape and texture of natural objects using Active Appearance Models Krista A. Ehinger and Aude Oliva Animal image set: Extracting shape and texture Image set 265 animal images, matched for pose Annotated shape 52 landmark points along outline of body Cootes, T. F., Edwards, G. J., and Taylor, C. J. (1998). Active Appearance Models. In H. Burkhardt and B. Neumann (Eds.), Proc. Fifth European Conf. Computer Vision 1998, Vol. 2 (pp. 484-498). Springer-Verlag. Shape-free texture Created by warping each animal’s shape onto the mean shape Reference Landmarks aligned to anatomical points: Examples of texture-free shapes Examples of shape-free textures mean shape Forehead Point of nose Forepaw Base of tail Heel joint Tip of tail Definition of strategy types Image-based (texture) Color: overall color (ie, brown vs. gray) Pattern: patterns (solid, spots, stripes) Texture: apparent texture (furry vs. smooth) Image-based (shape) Size: real-life size Shape: overall body shape (ie, thick vs. thin) Feature: presence/absence or size of a single feature (horns, ears, tail) Pose: body pose (ie, head position) Knowledge-based Semantic: strategies using real-world knowledge (ie, sorting by habitat, predators vs. prey) Identity: sorting known animal groups (ie, dogs vs. cats, deer vs. primates) Principal components analysis of shape and texture Principal components of shape 16 components account for 95% of variance -3sd -2sd -1sd 0 +1sd +2sd +3sd -3sd -2sd -1sd 0 +1sd +2sd +3sd PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 Principal components of texture 140 components account for 95% of variance PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 -3sd -2sd -1sd 0 +1sd +2sd +3sd -3sd -2sd -1sd 0 +1sd +2sd +3sd Human categorization of animal images Hierarchical grouping task 3 conditions: shape-only images (N=10), texture-only images (N=9), shape+texture images (N=10) Observers sort images into 2, then 4, then 8 groups using any strategies they wish Shape space and categorization Distribution of animal types along first two axes of shape space Grouping task results More reliance on a single feature when only shape information available Semantic strategies about equally common with shape-only and shape+texture images, but not used with texture-only images Relationship to principal components of shape Most popular strategy for sorting animal images was size (used on 85% of trials) Correlation between human size sorting pattern and PC1 is .69 (p < .001) Considered together, PCs of shape predict 72% of variance in human size sorting pattern; PC1 alone predicts 47% of variance Image-based strategies (texture) Image-based strategies (shape) Knowledge-based strategies Type of strategy Sorting strategies used with shape-only, texture-only, and combined shape+texture images 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Color Pattern Texture Size Shape Feature Pose Semantic Identity Percent of trials on which strategy was used at least once Shape only Texture only Shape+texture Most-used sorting strategies Shape-only images % trials Texture-only images % trials Shape+texture images % trials Feature: presence/absence of tail 55 Pattern: solid vs. patterned 94 Size: large vs. small 85 Size: large vs. small 50 Color: light vs. dark 78 Pattern: solid vs. patterned 40 Shape: long-legged vs. squat 45 Pattern: stripes/spots vs. irregular pattern 50 Color: light vs. dark 35 Feature: presence/absence of horns 40 Color: brown vs. grey 39 Semantic: wild vs. domesticated 35 Future applications Sorting strategies Construction of image sets with very fine-grained variation for experiments examining perception, memory, or concepts Holistic decomposition (analogous to eigenfaces), so could be used as a control image set in any experiment looking at face processing Could be used to automatically identify/reconstruct animal images that have already been segmented (ie, through motion in video clips) One observer’s sorting strategy for shape+texture images 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 PC1 coefficient Human sorting by size

Transcript of Characterizing the shape and texture of natural objects ·...

Page 1: Characterizing the shape and texture of natural objects · Characterizing the shape and texture of natural objects using Active Appearance

Characterizing the shape and texture of natural objects using Active Appearance Models

Krista A. Ehinger and Aude Oliva

Animal image set: Extracting shape and texture

Image set

265 animal images, matched for pose

Annotated shape

52 landmark points along outline of body

Cootes, T. F., Edwards, G. J., and Taylor, C. J. (1998). Active Appearance

Models. In H. Burkhardt and B. Neumann (Eds.), Proc. Fifth European

Conf. Computer Vision 1998, Vol. 2 (pp. 484-498). Springer-Verlag.

Shape-free texture

Created by warping each animal’s shape onto the mean shape


Landmarks aligned

to anatomical points:

Examples of texture-free shapes

Examples of shape-free textures

mean shape


Point of nose


Base of tail

Heel joint

Tip of tail

Definition of strategy types

Image-based (texture)Color: overall color (ie, brown vs. gray)

Pattern: patterns (solid, spots, stripes)

Texture: apparent texture (furry vs. smooth)

Image-based (shape)Size: real-life size

Shape: overall body shape (ie, thick vs. thin)

Feature: presence/absence or size of a single

feature (horns, ears, tail)

Pose: body pose (ie, head position)

Knowledge-basedSemantic: strategies using real-world knowledge

(ie, sorting by habitat, predators vs. prey)

Identity: sorting known animal groups

(ie, dogs vs. cats, deer vs. primates)

Principal components analysis of shape and texture

Principal components of shape

16 components account for 95% of variance

-3sd -2sd -1sd 0 +1sd +2sd +3sd

-3sd -2sd -1sd 0 +1sd +2sd +3sd







Principal components of texture

140 components account for 95% of variance







-3sd -2sd -1sd 0 +1sd +2sd +3sd

-3sd -2sd -1sd 0 +1sd +2sd +3sd

Human categorization of animal images

Hierarchical grouping task

3 conditions:

shape-only images (N=10),

texture-only images (N=9),

shape+texture images (N=10)

Observers sort images into 2,

then 4, then 8 groups using

any strategies they wish

Shape space and categorization

Distribution of animal types along first two axes of shape space

Grouping task results

More reliance on a single feature when only shape information available

Semantic strategies about equally common with shape-only and

shape+texture images, but not used with texture-only images

Relationship to principal components of shape

Most popular strategy for sorting animal

images was size (used on 85% of trials)

Correlation between human size sorting

pattern and PC1 is .69 (p < .001)

Considered together, PCs of shape predict 72% of variance in human

size sorting pattern; PC1 alone predicts 47% of variance

Image-based strategies (texture) Image-based strategies (shape) Knowledge-based strategies

Type of strategy

Sorting strategies used with shape-only, texture-only, and combined shape+texture images












Color Pattern Texture Size Shape Feature Pose Semantic Identity



t o

f tr







gy w

as u






Shape only

Texture only


Most-used sorting strategies

Shape-only images % trials Texture-only images % trials Shape+texture images % trials

Feature: presence/absence of tail 55 Pattern: solid vs. patterned 94 Size: large vs. small 85

Size: large vs. small 50 Color: light vs. dark 78 Pattern: solid vs. patterned 40

Shape: long-legged vs. squat 45 Pattern: stripes/spots vs. irregular pattern 50 Color: light vs. dark 35

Feature: presence/absence of horns 40 Color: brown vs. grey 39 Semantic: wild vs. domesticated 35

Future applications

Sorting strategies

Construction of image sets with very fine-grained variation for

experiments examining perception, memory, or concepts

Holistic decomposition (analogous to eigenfaces), so could be used as a

control image set in any experiment looking at face processing

Could be used to automatically identify/reconstruct animal images that

have already been segmented (ie, through motion in video clips)

One observer’s sorting strategy for shape+texture images












-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

PC1 coefficient





g b

y s


Text Box