Character profiles

Character profiles We have 5 different character profiles for our web-based drama. These are 5 different girls who are all friends. There is a: Innocent girl Slutty/ bitchy girl Smart girl Dumb girl Butch lesbian girl Innocent girl Slutty/ Bitchy girl Name: Megan Age: 18 Occupation: In Secondary School. Interests: Going out to parties. Meeting boys. Shopping. Name: Mary Age: 17 Occupation: In Secondary School. Interests: Helping the environment.

Transcript of Character profiles

Page 1: Character profiles

Character profiles

We have 5 different character profiles for our web-based drama. These are 5 different girls who are all friends. There is a:

Innocent girlSlutty/ bitchy girlSmart girlDumb girl Butch lesbian girl

Innocent girl

Slutty/ Bitchy girl

Name: MeganAge: 18Occupation: In Secondary School.Interests: Going out to parties. Meeting boys. Shopping.

Name: Mary Age: 17Occupation: In Secondary School.Interests: Helping the environment.

Page 2: Character profiles

Dumb girl

Smart girl

Butch girl

Name: Charlotte Age: 17Occupation: In Secondary School.Interests: Doesn’t really have many interests.

Name: Claire Age: 17Occupation: In Secondary School.Interests: Doing well in school then going to university and getting a degree.

Name: AlexAge: 17Occupation: In Secondary School.Interests: Girls and rugby.