Chapters 6, 27, and 42-43. Objective 1: Structure of Chromosome DNA is coiled around histone...

Cellular Division Chapters 6, 27, and 42-43

Transcript of Chapters 6, 27, and 42-43. Objective 1: Structure of Chromosome DNA is coiled around histone...

Cellular DivisionDNA is coiled around histone proteins
Appears like beads on a string
It is then coiled further around the existing coils
Also called a “supercoil”
Some definitions to help understand
Homologous Chromosomes- chromosomes that are similar in size, shape, and genetic information.
Chromosomes are made of 2 essential parts
1. Chromatid- 2 copies per chromosome
2. Centromere- Protein disk that connect the two chromatids
Objective 2: Terms
Haploid- 1 set of chromosomes, 23 chromosomes per cell (egg or sperm) AKA Sex cells. Symbol n
Diploid- 2 sets of chromosomes, 46 per cell, Somatic cells or body cells. Symbolized by 2n.
Gamete- Germ cell, sex cell, eggs and sperm= 23 chromosomes each.
Zygote- (Fertilized egg), sperm unites w/ egg= 46 Chromos
Objective 3: Cell Cycle
G1- Growth and F(x) of cells. Cell prepares for DNA Replication. (Cancer cells skip this phase).
S- Chromosome/DNA replication
G2- Organelles replicate to prepare for cell division by acquiring proper proteins.
M- (Mitosis)(Nuclear Division) Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase.
C- (Cytokinesis)(Cytoplasmic division) Cleavage furrow or cell plate.
90% of a cell’s life is spent in G1,S, and G2 phases.
Objective 4: Cell Division Stages
Nuclear Membrane dissolves and breaks down.
Chromatin condenses and become visible Chromosomes.
Centrioles (hollow, barrel shaped cell structure) move to opposite poles and a network of spindle fibers form.
Paired chromosomes (Chromatids) line up in the middle (equatorial plane).
Spindles attached to each chromosome at centromere, which are already connected to the centrioles.
Centromere divides and chromosomes physically split
Spindle fibers contract and shorten, pulling the chromosome to the opposite poles.
Mirror images- Equatorial division
Nuclear envelope reforms
Cytokinesis begins
4 Theories
All result in mutations that cause oncogenes to be turned on and tumor suppressor genes to be turned off.
This messes up your DNA.
Oncogenes- Stimulate growth AKA Cell division.
Tumor suppressor genes- restrain cells’ ability to divide.
4 Theories
Standard - result in mutations that cause oncogenes to be turned on and tumor suppressor genes to be turned off
Modified – something disables the repairing of DNA leading to mutations
Early instability – “master genes” silenced that leads to mutations
Aneuploidy – too many or too few genes that leads to mutations
Molecular Biology
Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are both types of transcription factor genes, (homeotic genes).
Transcription factors turn on or turn off lots of other genes.
Think of them as traffic lights, (oncogenes) and gates, (tumor suppressor genes)
Development of Cancer
Initiation- a mutation occurs to usually 1 (or more) genes. Lag time to next stage= 20-25 years.
Promotion- Anything that happens that leads to expression of the mutation. Such as cells dividing too quickly.
Progression- tumor grows larger and larger, tumor produces enzymes and polypeptides that direct blood to tumor.
Cancer Characteristics
Growth w/out a go signal
Growth even against stop signals
Evades autodestruct signals
Cancer Treatments
Many are specific to a particular type of cancer. Others can work on a number of cancer types. Most treatments try to work by killing cancerous cells.
Common Treatments:
Surgery- Removing the tumor
-Potentially Perfect Cure
Chemo- targets all dividing cells.
Surgery- may not get all cells.
How can cancer kill you? Handout
Objective 7: Meiosis
Meiosis II: P, M, A, T
Overview of Meiosis I and Meiosis II
Meiosis I: Homologous chromosomes separate into 2 diploid cells. Similar to Mitosis.
Meiosis II: 2 diploids become 4 haploid cells.
Purpose of Meiosis
Each 1 contains the haploid number of chromosomes
Importance of Meiosis
AKA: Genetic Recombination
Reduce chromosome #
Body cavity and Coelom – Room to grow complex organ systems.
Segmentation- More Specialization, mostly organs
Objective 11: Embryonic development
1st Trimester (1-3 months)
Week 1: Cleavage- Results in a hollow ball of calls called a blastocyst
Week 2: Gastrulation- Formation of the 3 primary tissues
- Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ectoderm
Week 3: Neurulation- Formation of hollow dorsal nerve tube. - Blood vessels begin to form
Week 4: Organogenesis- Body Organs forms - The heart begins to beat and limb buds form.
2nd and 3rd Trimesters
2nd Trimester (4-6 months)
Morphogenesis- Miniature limbs assume their adult shapes. Organs grow and fully develop.
3rd Trimester (7-9 months)
Objective 12: Stem cells
What are they?
Omnipotent cells. They have the potential to develop into any of the cell lines in the body.
The most powerful and potentially the most promising for medical are found in very young embryos.
Other stem cells are found in bone marrow, umbilical cord blood and in various other places around the body.
Importance of Stem cells
Problems with Stem cells
To get the most potent cells currently requires the use of human embryos.
STEM CELLS + Cloning
What is Cloning and why should I care?
Types of Stem cells
Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) Totipotent – can form a new organism by becoming all the cells of the body
Adult Stem Cells (ASC) Multipotent – can form many of the 220 cell types but not all (semi-differentiated)
Cancer Stem Cells (CSC) Dangerous – Most difficult and evil part of any cancer
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPS) Pluripotent – can form any of the 220 cell types but not a whole organism
CLONING Science or science fiction?
Reproductive cloning – Making an exact copy of an individual (Dolly)
Couples who cannot have children
Reproduce endangered animals
Reproduce extinct organisms
Therapeutic cloning – Harvest embryonic stems cells from the blastocyst for:
Cell replacement therapy
Human disease modeling
Drug therapy screening
Problems and promises
Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) Totipotent – can form a new organism by becoming all the cells of the body
Adult Stem Cells (ASC) Multipotent – can form many of the 220 cell types but not all (semi-differentiated)
Cancer Stem Cells (CSC) Dangerous – Most difficult and evil part of any cancer
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPS) Pluripotent – can form any of the 220 cell types but not a whole organism
Shinya Yamanaka
somatic cell into an iPS cell
iPS cells can be used for therapeutic cloning
Just 4 signals
Dedifferentiation is possible
Type I Diabetes
Sickle cell anemia
Lou Gehrig’s