Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Physiology, Homeostasis, & Temperature Regulation


Chapter 40. Physiology, Homeostasis, & Temperature Regulation. Terms. Anatomy-structure Physiology-function Homeostasis-maintenance of a stable internal environment Feedback loop. Parts of a feedback loop. Receptor Receives stimulus Control Center (set point) CNS: brain or spinal cord - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Physiology, Homeostasis, & Temperature Regulation

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Terms Anatomy-structure Physiology-function Homeostasis-maintenance of a stable

internal environment Feedback loop

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Parts of a feedback loop Receptor

Receives stimulus Control Center (set point)

CNS: brain or spinal cord Effector

Produces a response Usually a muscle or a gland

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Feedback loops Negative

result is changed/opposed most are this type Ex: body temperature; blood pressure

Positive result is repeated/enhanced/reinforced only a few are this type Ex: blood clotting; childbirth

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6 Organizational Levels Chemicals (atoms, molecules,

macromolecules) Cellular Tissue Organ Organ System Organism

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4 tissue types Epithelial Connective Muscle Nervous

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Epithelial Avascular Has nerve supply Easily renewable Functions: protection, secretion,

absorption, excretion, sensory reception

Classified by cell shape and layer arrangement

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Epithelial cell shape Squamous-flat and thin Cuboidal-cube-shaped Columnar-tall and cylindrical Transitional-cell shape changes

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Epithelial layer arrangement Simple-single layer Stratified- two or more layers Pseudostratified-one layer that

appears to have several layers

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Simple Squamous Epithelium

Structure: Single layer of flat thin cells

Function: diffusion

Location: Alveoli of lungs; capillaries; heart lining

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Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Structure:

Single layer of cube-shaped cells Function:

Secretion and absorption Location:

Ducts of glands; ovarian surface

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Simple Columnar Epithelium Structure:

Nonciliated: single layer of tall & narrow cells without cilia

Ciliated: single layer of tall & narrow cells with cilia Function:

Nonciliated: secretion (Goblet cells) and absorption Ciliated: movement of mucus

Location: Lines tracts with environmental openings

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Pseudostratified Epithelium Structure:

1 layer of tall & narrow cells that appears to be more than 1--but it is not

Ciliated (w/ cilia) and nonciliated (no cilia)

Function: Secretion & movement of mucus

Location: Lines airways of upper respiratory tract

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Pseudostratified - ???

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Stratified Squamous Epithelium

Structure: 2 or more flat, thin layers

Function: protection

Location: Esophagus, tongue, vaginal lining,

epidermis of the skin

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Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium

Structure: 2 or more layers of cube-shaped cells

Function: Protection; limited secretion and

absorption Location:

Sweat gland ducts

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Stratified Columnar Epithelium

Structure: 2 or more layers of tall & narrow cells

Function: Protection & excretion

Location: Conjunctiva of eye; excretory ducts

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Transitional Epithelium Structure:

Appearance of cells ranges from squamous to cuboidal & columnar

Function: Allows for stretching without tearing

(distensibility) Location:

Urinary bladder

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Glandular Epithelium a/k/a Glands

Glands: consists of a cell or group of cells that secrete substances into ducts, onto surfaces, or into blood

2 types: Exocrine: secretion goes through a duct

Ex. Sweat, oil, saliva, pancreas Endocrine: secretion goes into blood

stream without passing through a duct Ex. Thyroid, pituitary, & pancreas

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Connective Tissue Most abundant and widely

distributed tissue in the body Consists of cells and a matrix

(determines a tissues qualities; may be fluid, gel, fibers)

Has a nerve supply Highly vascular (except cartilage)

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Mature Connective Tissue Areolar Adipose Dense Regular Dense Irregular Elastic Cartilage Compact Bone Blood

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Areolar Connective Tissue Location

Subcutaneous layer of skin Function

Strength Support elasticity

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Adipose Connective Tissue Location

Around heart, kidneys, eyes, and in yellow bone marrow

Function Energy reserve and protection

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Dense Regular Connective Tissue

Location Tendons

Muscle to bone Ligaments

Bone to bone Function


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Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

Location Fascia: covers organs Periosteum: covers bones Perichondrium: covers cartilage Pericardium: covers heart

Function Provides strength

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Elastic Connective Tissue Location

Lung tissue, trachea, vocal cords, bronchial tubes

Function stretching

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Cartilage Location

Nose, voice box, epiglottis, external ear, pubis symphysis

Function Support, cushioning, rigidity, flexibility

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Compact Bone Location

Bones (osteocytes) Function

Support, protection, storage

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Blood Location

Blood vessels, heart Function

Transport gases, immunity, clotting

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Nervous Tissue Tissue of the nervous system Basic functioning unit = neuron

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The neuron Cell body (soma) Dendrites (many) Axon (one)

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Muscle Tissue 3 types

Skeletal Smooth Cardiac

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Skeletal Muscle Attaches to bones of skeleton Striated (striped) in appearance voluntary

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Smooth Muscle Makes up walls of internal organs Nonstriated Involuntary

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Cardiac Muscle Found in heart Striated with intercalated discs involuntary

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Membranes Tissues that cover or line a part of

the body 3 types

Mucous Synovial Serous

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Mucous Membranes Line body cavities that open to the

environment Secrete mucus Ex: digestive system, reproductive

system, respiratory system

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Synovial Membranes Line the cavities of some joints Secrete synovial fluid Lubricates joints to prevent friction

during movement Bursae are often present here as well


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Serous Membranes Line body cavities that do not open

to the environment Secrete serous fluid 2 layers:

Parietal: lines cavity wall Visceral: covers organ(s)

3 locations: Lungs = pleura

pleurisy Heart = pericardium

pericarditis Abdomen = peritoneum


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How Does Temperature Affect Living Systems?

Body temperature of some animals is coupled to environmental temperature.

In winter, a fish will acclimatize to colder water by expressing different isozymes.

Isozymes that are optimized at different temperatures can catalyze the same metabolic reaction.

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How Do Animals Alter Their Heat Exchange with the

Environment?Thermal classification of animals

can be based on source of heat.Ectotherms have external

sources of heat.Endotherms regulate

temperature by producing heat metabolically or by actively losing heat.

Heterotherms can behave either as an ectotherm or an endotherm.

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Major differences between ectotherms and endotherms:

Resting metabolic rate Total energy expenditure when

at rest Response to changes in

environmental temperatures

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Figure 40.9 Ectotherms and Endotherms React Differently to Environmental Temperatures (A)

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Figure 40.9 Ectotherms and Endotherms React Differently to Environmental Temperatures (B)

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An endotherm will increase its metabolic rate to maintain its body temperature in cold conditions.

Both endotherms and ectotherms may use behavioral regulation to maintain body temperature.

Example: moving into sun

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Figure 40.10 Ectotherms and Endotherms Use Behavior to Regulate Body Temperature (Part 1)

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Figure 40.10 Ectotherms and Endotherms Use Behavior to Regulate Body Temperature (Part 2)

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40.3 How Do Animals Alter Their Heat Exchange with

the Environment?Both ectotherms and endotherms can alter heat exchange between their bodies and the environment.

Body temperature is determined by the balance between internal heat production and four types of heat exchange.

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40.3 How Do Animals Alter Their Heat Exchange with

the Environment?Radiation: heat transfer via infrared radiation.

Conduction: heat transfer by direct contact.

Convection: heat transfer through a surrounding medium.

Evaporation: heat transfer through evaporation of water from a surface.

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Figure 40.11 Animals Exchange Heat with the Environment

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Blood flow to the skin helps endotherms and ectotherms maintain body temperature.

Increased blood flow to the skin increases heat loss and lowers body temperature.

Constriction of blood vessels to the skin results in less heat loss.

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Figure 40.12 Some Ectotherms Regulate Blood Flow to the Skin (Part 1)

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Figure 40.12 Some Ectotherms Regulate Blood Flow to the Skin (Part 2)

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Fur on animals acts as insulation that retains body heat.

When animals are active and must lose excess heat, special blood vessels carry the heat to hairless skin surfaces.

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Some ectotherms are able to raise their body temperature by producing heat:

Insects contract their flight muscles.

Honeybees regulate temperature as a group, adjusting individual heat and position in the cluster so that larvae are kept warm.

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Endotherms can respond to changes in temperature by changing their metabolic rate—the rate at which they consume O2 and produce CO2.

In the thermoneutral zone the metabolic rate is low and independent of temperature.

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The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the metabolic rate of a resting animal at a temperature within the thermoneutral zone.

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The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is correlated with body size and environmental temperature.

However, the BMR per gram of tissue increases as animals get smaller.

Example: a gram of mouse tissue uses energy at a rate 20 times greater than a gram of elephant tissue.

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Figure 40.15 The Mouse-to-Elephant Curve

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A curve showing BMR versus ambient temperature represents an integrated response of an animal.

The thermoneutral zone is bounded by a lower and an upper critical temperature.

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Figure 40.16 Environmental Temperature and Mammalian Metabolic Rates

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How Do Mammals Regulate Their Body Temperatures?

Inside the thermoneutral zone an animal can adapt to changes without using much energy.

Outside the thermoneutral zone responses to temperature changes require bigger metabolic increases.

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Endotherms respond to cold by producing heat and reducing heat loss.

Mammals produce heat in two ways:Shivering: skeletal muscles contract

and release energy from ATP as heat.Nonshivering: occurs in adipose tissue

called brown fat. The protein thermogenin causes heat release by altering ATP production.

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Figure 40.17 Brown Fat

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Reducing heat loss is important in cold climates.

Some cold-climate species have a smaller surface area than warm-climate relatives.

Rounder body shapes and shorter appendages reduce surface area-to-volume ratios.

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Other adaptations to reducing heat loss include:

Increased thermal insulation with fur, feathers, or fat.

Ability to decrease blood flow to the skin by constricting blood vessels.

Use of countercurrent heat exchange in blood flow to appendages.

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Figure 40.18 Adapting to Hot and Cold Climates

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A rise in environmental temperature results in increased blood flow to the skin to dissipate heat.

If temperature exceeds the upper critical temperature, overheating is possible.

Evaporation of water through sweating or panting increases heat loss, but is an active process that also generates some heat.

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The regulatory system that controls body temperature depends on feedback and acts as a thermostat.

In vertebrates a brain structure, the hypothalamus, is the major center of the thermostat.

The temperature of the hypothalamus can be the main feedback to the thermostat.

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Cooling the hypothalamus can cause body temperature to rise by:

Constricting blood vessels to the skin

Increasing metabolic rateWarming the hypothalamus can

lower body temperature by: Dilating blood vessels to the

skin Sweating or panting

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Figure 40.19 The Hypothalamus Regulates Body Temperature (Part 1)

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Figure 40.19 The Hypothalamus Regulates Body Temperature (Part 2)

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The temperature of the hypothalamus is a negative feedback signal; variability from its set point can trigger thermoregulatory responses.

Other factors can change hypothalamic set points:

Change in skin temperature Wakefulness or sleep Circadian rhythm: a daily internal


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Fever is a rise in body temperature caused by pyrogens.

Exogenous pyrogens come from foreign substances; bacteria or viruses.

Endogenous pyrogens are produced by immune cells in response to infection.

Pyrogens cause a rise in the set point for metabolic heat production.

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Hypothermia is a state of below-normal temperature.

Regulated hypothermia is a means of survival.

Small endotherms, like hummingbirds, can lower their temperature during inactive periods to conserve energy, known as daily torpor.

Long-lasting regulated hypothermia is called hibernation.

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Figure 40.20 A Ground Squirrel Enters Repeated Bouts of Hibernation during Winter