Chapter 4 Mobile Radio Propagations

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 4 Mobile Radio Propagations


    Chapter FourMobile Radio Propagations


  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 4 Mobile Radio Propagations


    Objectives of the Chapter

    In cellular system, calls are occasionally disconnected

    Possible cause: Rapid fluctuation of radio signal amplitudeover short time period or travel distance

    Reasons for wireless channels to become selective and dispersive both

    in frequency and timeSources of signal fluctuation: multipath propagation and mobility

    To understand physical parameters such as carrier frequency,

    mobile speed, bandwidth, delay spread impact how a wireless channel

    behaves from the communication system point of view.

    Techni ues to minimize or modify propagation loss.


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    !ecture Outline


    Parameters of Mobile Radio hannel

    lassification of !ading hannel

    Impulse Response Model of a "ireless


    !ading hannel #istribution Model



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    "ntroduction to #ireless Channels

    %lectromagnetic waves can transmit through&

    ' guided medium or

    'n unguided medium.

    (uided mediums such as coa$ial and fiber optic cables are

    far less hostile for the information carrying %M" than the

    wireless or unguided medium.

    It presents limited challenges and problems which are uniquefor this )ind of transmission.


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    "hen %M" travels through the wireless channel, it undergoes

    many )inds of propagation effects such as reflection% diffraction

    and scattering due to the presence of buildings, mountains and otherobstructions.

    Reflection: *ccurs when the %M" impinge on ob+ects which has very

    large dimension as compared to the wavelength of the wave.

    &iffraction: *ccurs when the wave interacts with a surface having

    sharp irregularities.

    Scattering: *ccurs when the %M" passes through ob+ects whichhas

    very small dimension as compared to the wavelength of the wave

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    !arge Scale Path !oss Models: predicts the mean

    signal strength for arbitrary transmitter(receiver


    It predicts the average signal strength for large T$(R$

    separation, typically in hundreds of )m.

    Time constants associated with variations are very long.

    seful in estimating the coverage area of antenna

    More important for cell site planning

    "ncludes !ree space path loss, the two/ray model, ata

    model, *)umura model, 0


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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 4 Mobile Radio Propagations


    The power received by a receiver antenna at a distance d isgiven by the !riis free space equation&

    where• Pt& transmitted power • Pr& received power • (t, (r& antenna gain• 1& the system loss factor not related to propagation.

    2miscellaneous loss, and 1 34• & wavelength in meters



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    The gain of an antenna

    where 'e& the effective aperture related to the physical sizeof antenna.

    The wavelength is related to the carrier frequency

    where • f& the carrier frequency in ertz• & the carrier frequency in radians per second.• c& the speed of light in meters5sec

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    Small Scale Fading Models & describes the signal strength

    variation in close spatial pro$imity to a particular


    Characteri)e the rapid fluctuation of received signalstrength&

    Over very short travel distances *a fe+ +avelengths,or

    Over very short time durations *in order of seconds,

    The received power may vary by -.(/. d0 when the receiver

    is moved by fraction of a wavelength.

    This is because the received signal is the sum of

    many contributions coming from different directions

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    1$ample: $mall scale and large scale fading

    $ignal variation in an indoor

    radio communication system.

    $ignal fades rapidly as the receiver

    moves by more than 67 d8m

    owever, the average signal decays

    much more slowly decays much

    more slowly with distance 2smoothed



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    Representation of multipath wireless propagation


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    Major 1ffects of Fading :

    1nvelope Fading: Rapid change in signal strength over

    small travel distances or short time periods.

    Time &ispersion: Multiple signals arriving a different times

    when added together at the antenna, signals are spread out in

    time. This can cause a smearing of the signal and

    interference between bits that are received.

    Fre uency &ispersion : hanges in the frequency of signals.

    Random frequency modulation due to varying &oppler shifts

    on different multipath signals• This #oppler shift is caused by the mobility of mobile

    which cause an apparent shift in frequency


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    Physical Factors that influence fading :Multipath Propagation: due to the presence of reflecting ob+ectsand clutters

    Multiple version of the signal arrives at the receiver

    with different amplitude and time delays.

    2rban areas with many buildings distributed over large spatialscale

    • 1arge number of strong multipath signals some having

    large time delayRural areas few multipath signals 21*$ 9 ground reflection4

    Relevant terms: #elay spread and coherence bandwidth

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    3' Speed of Mobile & due to the relative motion of the base station,

    mobile station, and surrounding environment.

    Causes &oppler shift 2:9; or :/;4 at each multipathcomponent

    Results in random frequency modulation or apparent shift

    in frequency

    ' receiver moving at high speed can pass through several

    fades in small period of time

    auses time/varying #oppler shift on the multipath


    The term coherence time determines how :static; the channel

    is and depends on the #oppler shift,

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    -' The band+idth of the signal: causes frequency selectivity.

    The channel bandwidth can be quantified by the term

    coherence band+idth*0 c,

    < 8 c measures the ma-imum frequency difference in which

    signals are strongly correlated in amplitude

    If 8" of the signal is greater than 8 c, the received signal will be

    distorted *filtered, in frequency

    If the transmitted signal has a narro+ band+idth as comparedto the channel, signal will not be distorted in frequency

  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 4 Mobile Radio Propagations


    Parameters of Mobile Radio Channel

    "ireless propagation are mostly governed by a number of

    unpredictable factors .• $o, it is preferred to characterize the wireless channel from

    statistical point of vie+ using some fundamental parameters.

    ere, we will see these fundamental parameters and their

    impacts on wireless communication


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    4' &oppler Shift: is the change in fre uency of a wave for

    an observer moving relative to the source of the wave.aused by movement of T-, R-, and surrounding


    Results multiplicative in time rendering the channel

    impulse response linear time variant *!T5,'

    !or the mobile shown in figure, phase change in the

    received signal due to path difference is


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    The apparent change in frequency

    This is &oppler spreading , which

    increase or decrease the signalfrequency at R-


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    ence, when transmitter and5or receiver is moving, the

    frequency of the received signal will not be the same as that of

    the transmitted signal

    "hen they are moving towards each other, the frequency of

    the received signal is higher than the source.

    "hen they are moving opposite to each other, the received

    fre uency decreases .


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    3' The Coherence Time* Tc,: #elay spread and coherence bandwidth

    are parameters which describe the time dispersive nature of the

    wireless channel.8ut, they do not give information about the time varying nature of

    the channel caused by relative motion between the mobile and base


    #oppler spread and coherence time are parameters which describe the

    time varying nature of the channel.

    &oppler spread f & is a measure of the spectral e$pansion caused by

    the time rate of change of the mobile radio channel.

    The range of frequencies over which the received &oppler spectrum

    is essentially nonzero.

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    Coherence time*T c, is the time domain dual of #opplerspread

    It is used to characterize the time varying nature of thefre uency dispersiveness of the channel in time domain.

    oherence time is the time duration over which two

    received signals have strong amplitude correlation.

    The coherence time is related with the #oppler spread by

    If symbol period *T s, of the baseband signal is greater than

    the coherence time of the channel, then the channel will

    change during transmission, thus causing distortion at the24

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    -' Time &ispersive ParametersThe wireless channel is fully described by its impulse responsemodel as


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    -'4 Po+er &elay Profile*P&P,: is a statistical parameter indicating

    how the po+er of a &irac delta function is dispersed in time

    domain as a result of multipath propagation.

    It is usually given in table where the average power

    associated with each multipath component is provided along

    with the corresponding delay.


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    In particular the average power of the = th path is given by

    $umming all quantitie power P R In practice the P#P isnormalized so that thesum o

    s provides the total average received

    f is unityas

    8ased on , we define multipath channel parameters thatare

    used to characterize time dispersive channel such as& mean

    e$cess delay% RMS delay spread% ma$imum e$cess delay and

    coherence 0#'


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    -'3' The Mean 1$cess &elay*6 ,: is the first moment of the

    power delay profile and is defined as

    "here is the average power of the delay profiles inlinear

    power units and is the relative delay in seconds.

    -'- The RMS &elay Spread* Ϭ 6,: is the square root of the

    second central moment of the power delay profile and is given by


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    These delays are measured relative to the first detectablesignal

    arriving at the receiver at > 7 ?7Typical values of RM$ delay spread are on the order of

    microseconds in outdoor mobile radio channels and on

    the order of nanoseconds in indoor mobile radio channels'

    /' The Mean 1$cess &elay *$ d0, : the time delay in which

    Multipath energy falls to @d8 below the ma-imum

    6 $(6 . where > 7 is the first arrival signal and > - is the ma-imum

    signal point at which the Multipath component is 7d0 of

    the strongest arrival signal.

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    8' Coherence 0and+idth*0 c,: is a statistical measure of the range

    of frequencies over which the channel can be considered 9flat .

    !lat channel is a channel which passes all spectral

    components with appro-imately e ual gain and linear

    phase .

    The range of frequencies over which two frequency

    components have a strong amplitude correlation.

    The coherence bandwidth is defined based on therelation derived from the RMS delay spread .


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    If the coherence bandwidth is defined as the bandwidth

    over which the frequency correlation function is 7.A

    If the coherence bandwidth is defined as the bandwidth

    over which the frequency correlation function is 7.B


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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 4 Mobile Radio Propagations


    4' Fading due to Multipath &elay;' Flat Fading: B s CC Bc or

    T s DD(enerally$ignal fits easily within the bandwidth of thechannel

    hannel 8" DD signal 8"Most commonly occurring type of fading

    T s ≥ 37σ τ

    σ τ


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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 4 Mobile Radio Propagations


    !lat fading is generally considered desirable :

    %ven though fading in amplitude occurs, the signal is not distorted.

    For+ard lin=: can increase mobile receiver gain 2automatic gain


    Reverse lin= & can increase mobile transmitter power 2powercontrol4


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    0' Fre uency Selective* Time &ispersive ,Fading:

    B s D Bc or T s C σ τ

    (enerally T s

    8 sD8 c, certain frequency components of the signal are

    attenuated much more than others.

    ≤ 37σ τ


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    T s > ? 6 : delayed version of transmitted signal arrive during

    different symbol periods

    1$ample: receiving a 1*$ :3; E multipath :7; 2from

    prior symbol4

    This results in "S" that is undesirable

    It is very difficult to predict mobile reciever performance

    with frequency selective channels


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    3' Fading due to &opplerSpreadaused by motion of T- and R- and reflecting sources.

    ;' Fast Fading:0 s > f & or T s < T c

    0 s > f & oppler shifts significantly alter spectral 8"

    of transmit signal.

    • $ignal spreading

    Ts < Tc: wireless channel changes within onesymbol period

    • Rapid amplitude fluctuations41

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    0' Slo+ Fading: T s >> T c or 0 s

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    "mpulse Response Model of #ireless Channel

    $mall scale variations of a signal is related to the

    impulse response of the mobile radio channel

    The impulse response is&

    ' wideband channel characterization that contains

    all information necessary to simulate or analy)e any

    type of channel

    ' wireless channel can be modelled as a linear timevarying

    21TJ4 filter

    The time variation is due to the motion mobile

    "e use discrete/time impulse response model 43

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    In Multipath channel, the received signal is the sum of

    !ine of sight path component and

    ;ll resolvable Multipath components

    Filtering is caused by the summation of amplitudes

    and delays of Multipath signals at any instant of time.

    ence the received low pass signal can be described by


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    Thus the low pass equivalent impulse response of the

    wireless channel is given by the !T5 e uation

    In this 1TJ model h2>, t4&

    t represents the time variations due to motion6 represents the channel Multipath delay for a fi-ed value oft


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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 4 Mobile Radio Propagations


    Characteristics of MultipathComponent


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    Fre uency Selective Fading : alters the signal waveform

    and therefore the detection performance.

    Channel e uali)ation is utilized to compensate the effect.

    Multi(carrier Systems & transferring a broadband signal

    into parallel narrowband streams

    Time Selective Fading: smears the signal spectrum and

    introduces variation too fast for power control.

    Coding% time interleaving and diversity techniques are mosteffective means of coping with time selective fading.