Chapter 4. Causes of World War One Imperialism – European countries competing for land overseas...

Chapter 4

Transcript of Chapter 4. Causes of World War One Imperialism – European countries competing for land overseas...

Page 1: Chapter 4. Causes of World War One Imperialism – European countries competing for land overseas and in Europe Nationalism – belief that each nation or.

Chapter 4

Page 2: Chapter 4. Causes of World War One Imperialism – European countries competing for land overseas and in Europe Nationalism – belief that each nation or.

Causes of World War One

Imperialism – European countries competing for land overseas and in Europe

Nationalism – belief that each nation or ethnic group should have its own nation

• German & Italian unification spurred other ethnic groups in a desire to unite; no longer wanting to live under foreign rule

• Multinational empires (Austria-Hungary) opposed unification of ethnic groups

Militarism – glorification of military power

•Arms race – a build up of new and devastating weapons

Alliances - nations agreed to protect their allies; a web of alliances began to develop

Page 3: Chapter 4. Causes of World War One Imperialism – European countries competing for land overseas and in Europe Nationalism – belief that each nation or.

Outbreak of WWI

• Two Alliances formed in Europe at the outbreak of war

Allied Powers – France, Britain, and Russia

Central Powers > Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire

• 1914, heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne- Archduke Franz Ferdinand- was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.

•This event ultimately set off World War One

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A New Kind of War

Deadly form of warfare

• New weapons – machine guns, poison gas, submarines (U-boats), zeppelins, airplanes,

• New style of fighting – trench warfare, resulted in a stalemate (war of attrition)

• US remained neutral until Germany resumed practicing unrestricted submarine warfare, attacking US merchant ships carrying supplies to Allied nations; Zimmermann Note to Mexico

• US entered the war in 1917, breaking the deadlock

• 1918 the Central Powers declared a armistice (ceased fighting)

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Legacy (results) of WWICasualties were astronomical, combined with a world-wide famine, and influenza pandemic

Collapse of European Empires – Pres. Wilson’s Fourteen Points were a plan for lasting peace with nationalism & democracy being the basis; the map of Europe changed greatly

• Austria-Hungary > split apart into Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia & Yugoslavia

• Ottoman Empire (Turkey) > lost its Arab possessions, became mandates of Britain & France

• Germany > democratic Weimar Republic set up as the gov.

• Russia > had left the Allies half way through war, with Treaty of Brest Livtovsk, b/c of the Bolshevik Revolution, led by Vladimir Lenin; Bolsheviks (Communists) overthrew the Czar Nicholas II in 1917 and set up the dictatorship of the Soviet Union (USSR)

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Results of WWI con’tTreaty of Versailles – extremely harsh penalties toward Germany by the Allied Powers

• Germany lost territory to France & Poland

• Germany forced to disarm; lost its navy, reduced army

• Germany forced to take entire blame for WWI

• Germany was forced to pay huge reparations to Britain & France

•All of these reason will lead to the rise of Adolf Hitler and World War II League of Nations

• Called for an international organization (proposed in Wilson’s 14 Pts.), purpose was to prevent future wars

• US did not join b/c after the devastating war, Americans wanted to be isolated from the world’s problems

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Weaknesses of new governments after World War One

• Germany > Weimar Republic was very weak; economy destroyed b/c of huge reparations & soaring inflation; landowners, military & industrial leaders wanted to give power to single leader- no more democracy

• Soviet Union > Bolsheviks/Communists built a totalitarian state; other nations feared communism would spread (Red Scare); anti-communists like Hitler & Mussolini won support

• Italy > Benito Mussolini seized power and set up a Fascist state where individual rights were suppressed for the good of the nation; violence was used to suppress opposition

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Rise of Nazis

Adolf Hitler became leader of Nazi Party, w/ his main ideas in book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle)

Hitler’s goals for Germany

• Opposition to Democracy > Blamed Weimar Republic for Germany’s humiliation in accepting the terms of the Versailles Treaty; abandon democracy

• Aryan Race > superior race; planned to wipe out Slavic peoples (in Poland, USSR, Eastern & Southern Europe) to make room for Germans)

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Hitler’s Vision for Germ. Con’t

• Anti-Semitism > Hitler hated Jews, blamed them for all of Germany’s problems; tied the Jews to communism

• Extreme Militarism > Nazis used violence to defeat opponents & glorified use of force in relations w/ other nations

Nazis Come to Power

• Private army – Brown Shirts: former soldiers, unemployed workers

• Supporters: unemployed, farmers, middle class

• 1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany, seized power as absolute dictator, controlling all aspects of

• Germans’ lives > opponents were put in concentration camps, experienced forced labor, torture & death

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Weaknesses of League of Nations

Goal was to prevent further conflicts like WWI

Weaknesses > Had no armed forces; U.S. never joined; Soviets not allowed to join; failed to stop Spanish Civil War, Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia & Japan’s attack of China

Isolation of Britain & France

• U.S. retreated into policy of isolationism after World War One

• Soviet Union had its own troubles

• Britain & France had to oppose dictators on their own continent

Failure of Appeasement

Britain & France wanted to avoid another world conflict so they followed policy of appeasement – giving into demands of aggressor nation in order to avoid war

• Gave Hitler Rhineland (area of Czechoslovakia)

• Allowed Hitler to annex Austria

• At Munich Conference gave Hitler the rest of Czechoslovakia

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The Beginnings of World War Two

Old Alliances Re-emerge• Axis Powers > Germany, Italy & Japan• Allied Powers > Great Britain, France, and Russia• Britain abandoned appeasement policies and declared war on

Germany when Germany declared invaded Poland > start of WWII

• France was quickly defeated & Britain was left alone to fight the Axis Powers

• Soviet Union had signed a nonaggression pact w/ Germany, but joined the Allies when Germany invaded

• U.S. joined Britain & USSR when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor• Allied victory in Europe, April 1945 & in the Pacific, August


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“Old Powers” exhausted after WWII, left two “Superpowers” -- U.S. led world democracies in the West and Soviet Union led countries in the East

American Democracy

• Political System > to join political parties & elect officials to run the gov. that is to protect individual rights

• Individual Rights > free speech, freedom of the press, religion, to right to assemble

• Economic System > individuals & corporations own businesses, provide goods & services to consumers; goal is to make a profit

Soviet Communism

• Political System > dictatorship controlled by Communist Party, only political party allowed

• Individual Rights > suppressed by secret police; anyone who criticized the gov. was arrested

• Economic System > communist gov. owned all major industries & determined what was produced

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Origins of COLD WAR con’t

Soviet Expansion in Eastern Europe

• At the end of WWI, Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin met at Yalta to determine plans for post-war world > would divide Germany into 4 zones of occupation

• USSR; Stalin promised to allow free elections in Eastern Europe > Soviet army occupied

Eastern European nations “satellites nations” buffer to protect USSR from attacks

• western democracies stopped trading & diplomacy w/ Eastern Europe; Churchill coined the term “Iron Curtain” to describe the divisions between Western & Eastern Europe

Growing American Involvement

• Truman Doctrine – 1947 US gave aid to Turkey & Greece to help stop Communism

• Pres. Harry Truman said that U.S. would help all free people resist communism;

America’s containment policy – stop communism from spreading into new areas

• Marshall Plan – U.S. gave billions of $$ in aid to help Western European nations rebuild after WWII; also to help them resist communism

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Germany Creation of Two• 1948, Britain, France & US took steps to unify their 3 zones in Germany to form West Germany;

• Stalin decided to blockade West Berlin, capital of Germany; Western nations airlifted supplies to Berlin for a year – Berlin Airlift

• Western allies merged the western zones into West Germany, a democratic nation; Soviets turned their zone into Communist East Germany

Emergence of NATO & Warsaw Pact

• 1949 U.S., Canada & 10 Western European nations formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; to protect against Communist aggression

• 1955 Soviet Union created the Warsaw Pact w/ Eastern European satellites

Mao Zedong Communist Revolution in China

• During WWII Chinese communists (led by Mao Zedong) & Chinese Nationalists (led by Chiang Kai-shek) united against the Japanese

• After WWII Mao drove the Nationalists out of power to the island of Taiwan

• Communist Chinese set up a dictatorship under Mao

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The KOREAN WAR 1950-1953

Japanese withdrew soldiers from Korea after WWII; country divided in two at the 38th parallel of latitude

• Communist-- North Korea

• Pro-Western-- South Korea invaded by the North Koreans

• United Nations troops, led by U.S. drove Communist forces back; China entered the war to aid the north

• War “ended” in compromise

Repression in Eastern Europe

• Satellite nations rebelled against Communist control

• Hungary tried to leave the Warsaw Pact and was free for a few days in 1956; Communist troops crushed the short-lived rebellion

• East Germans constantly escaped the harsh regime into the democratic west; Soviets built the Berlin Wall to contain the East Germans

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Communism in Latin America

Fidel Castro and communist rebels overthrew Flugencio Batista in Cuba, 1959

• 1962 U.S. spy planes discovered Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuban soil, armed & aimed at U.S.

cities. This was the start of the Cuban Missile Crisis

• Pres. John F. Kennedy instated a naval blockade, keeping Soviet ships from delivering more


• Soviets finally agreed to disarm missiles; U.S. did the same with missiles in Turkey, avoiding

nuclear war

VIETNAM WAR 1954-1975

• In 1954, Vietnamese nationalist won their freedom from France

•Vietnam, like Korea, was divided into Communist North Vietnam & pro-Western South Vietnam along the 17th parallel

• Civil War ensued; b/c of our containment policy and an attempt to keep the “domino theory” from becoming a reality, the U.S. entered the war on the side of the South Vietnamese

• U.S. & South Vietnamese were unable to stop the North Vietnamese Army & Vietcong guerilla fighters (people who lived in S. Vietnam but fought for N. Vietnam) and U.S. troops were forced to withdraw

• 1975 North & South Vietnam were reunited as a Communist nation

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Collapse of the Soviet Union• Attempts at Reform Fail > 1970’s & 80’s Soviet command economy declined: consumer shortages, no high-tech industries, corruption; Mikhail Gorbachev tried to save communism, but change w/ glosnost (openness)& perestroika (economic reforms allowing for more individual ownership/free market economy)

• Gorbachev’s increasing difficulties > failed to solve economic problems; ethnic nationalist tensions; 1991 new President of the Russian Republic took authority over Soviet gov’t

• Break-up of the USSR > Aug. 1991 Communist hardliners tried to overthrow Gorbachev, but he held power; Dec. 1991 Belarus, Russia, Ukraine declared independence & formed Commonwealth of Independent States; the Soviet Union ceased to exist

Liberation of Eastern Europe• Gorbachev permitted reforms in satellite nations > new democracies resulted

• Poland’s Solidarity Movement brought free elections in 1989 resulting in a non-Communist gov’t

• Soviet troops pulled out as democracies were instated

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End of Cold War con’t

German Re-Unification

• 1989 East Germans began leaving to live in the West

• East German Communist gov. stepped down; new democratic gov’t tore down the Berlin Wall

• West German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, brought about the re-unification of the two Germanies in 1991

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Problems in the Middle East

• Many British & French colonies won independence after WWII

• U.N. created the state of Israel in 1948 > homeland shared by Jews & Palestinians

• However, a series of wars were fought between Israelis & Arab nations, w/ Israel winning > many Palestinians have become refugees > problems continue; U.S. continually intervenes on Israel’s behalf in conflicts w/ Arabs

Terrorists Threats and Aggression in the Middle East

• 1991 U.S. & U.N. forces forced Saddam Hussein to withdraw from Kuwait

• America has become a target of terrorist activities > Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda terrorist network threats & attacks on U.S. citizens and soil > Pres. G.W. Bush’s “War on Terrorism” has led to U.S. involvement in Iraq and continued effort to encourage democratic reforms there

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Ethnic Cleansing in Eastern Europe

Ethnic tensions increased with the Cold War ending

• Czechoslovakia divided into Slovakia & the Czech Republic at end of Cold War

• Croatia, Slovenia & Bosnia declared independence from Yugoslavia

• Serbian troops used “ethnic cleansing” to try to rid Bosnia & Kosovo of their Muslim population

• Russia – Chechen nationalists have resorted to terrorist activities to try to win independence

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Contemporary Conflicts con’t

Problems of Independence in Asia & Africa

Independence movements strong after WWII; spirit of nationalism inspired desire for independence & to break from colonial rule & in some cases mistreatment

• India achieved independence in 1947 > Pakistan was formed for Muslim population, while India was to be primarily Hindu > violence resulted during the migration

• Rise of independent nations in Africa resulted in civil wars between ethnic groups in Nigeria, Rwanda, etc.; severe problems w/ economic development, disease & famine