chapter 2 notes.ppt

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Transcript of chapter 2 notes.ppt

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Chapter 2

 An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology

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One-Dimensional vs. Multidimensional Models

• One-Dimensional Models

 – Could mean a paradigm, school, or conceptual approach

 – Could mean an emphasis on a specific cause of abnormal behavior 

 – Problems occur hen information from other areas is ignored

• Multidimensional Models

 – Interdisciplinary, eclectic, and integrative

 – !"ystem# of influences that cause and maintain suffering

 – Dras upon information from several sources

 – $ie abnormal behavior as multiply determined

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Multidimensional Models of Abnormal Behavior 

• %iological Influences

• %ehavioral Influences

• &motional Influences

• "ocial Influences

• Developmental Influences

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Multidimensional Models of Abnormal %ehavior 'cont()

Figure 2.1 

Judy’s case one-dimensional or multidimensional models

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!he "nteraction of Genetic and #nvironmental #ffects

• 2he Diathesis-"tress Model

 – Psychopathology is the result of the interaction of an inherited

tendency and events in a person3s life(

 – &4ample5 alcoholism

• 6eciprocal *ene-&nvironment Model

 –  An inherited tendency creates the very environmental ris7 factors

that trigger genetic vulnerabilities(

 – &4amples5 Depression, divorce, impulsivity

• +on-*enomic Inheritance of %ehavior 

 – *enes are not the hole story

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$euroscience Contributions to Psychopatholoy

• 2he 8ield of +euroscience

 – 2he role of the nervous system in disease and behavior 

• 2he Central +ervous "ystem 'C+")

 – %rain and spinal cord

•2he Peripheral +ervous "ystem 'P+")

 – "omatic and autonomic branches

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+euroscience Contributions to Psychopathology 'cont()

Figure 2.4

Divisions of the nervous system (from Goldstein, 1994)

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$euroscience and the Central $ervous %ystem

• 2he +euron

 – "oma – Cell body

 – Dendrites – %ranches that receive messages from other neurons

 –  A4on – 2run7 of neuron that sends messages to other neurons

 –  A4on terminals – %uds at end of a4on from hich chemicalmessages are sent

 – "ynaptic cleft – "mall gaps that separate neurons

• +eurons 8unction &lectrically, but Communicate Chemically

 – +eurotransmitters are the chemical messengers

Please choose the button belo that corresponds to the type of operating

system you are using in order to run the !+euron and +eural Impulse# animation5

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+euroscience and the Central +ervous "ystem 'cont()

Figure 2.5

Transmission of information from one neuron to another 

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$euroscience and Ma&or $eurotransmitters in Psychopatholoy

• +orepinephrine 'or noradrenaline)5 part of the endocrine system,

implicated in many disorders

• "erotonin5 idespread effects, inc( mood regulation

• Dopamine5 implicated in schi9ophrenia and Par7inson3s

• *amma Aminobutyric Acid '*A%A)5 inhibits arousal:an4iety

Choose the button belo that corresponds to the type of operating system you areusing in order to run the !"ynaptic 2ransmission# animation5

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Overvie'( $euroscience and Brain %tructure

• 2o Main Parts

 – %rainstem and forebrain

• 2hree Main Divisions

 – ;indbrain

 – Midbrain

 – 8orebrain

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$euroscience and the Divisions of the Brain

• ;indbrain

 – Medulla – ;eart rate, blood pressure, respiration

 – Pons – 6egulates sleep stages

 – Cerebellum – Involved in physical coordination

• Midbrain

 – Coordinates movement ith sensory input

 – Contains parts of the reticular activating system '6A")

• 8orebrain 'Cerebral Corte4)

 – .ocation of most sensory, emotional, and cognitive processing

 – 2o speciali9ed hemispheres 'left and right) <oined by the corpuscallosum

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$euroscience and Brain %tructure

•  .obes of Cerebral Corte4

 – 8rontal – 2hin7ing and reasoning abilities, memory

 – Parietal – 2ouch recognition

 – Occipital – Integrates visual input

 – 2emporal – 6ecognition of sights and sounds, long-term memorystorage

• .imbic "ystem

 – 2halamus – 6eceives and integrates sensory information

 – ;ypothalamus – Controls eating, drin7ing, aggression, se4ualactivity

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+euroscience and the Divisions of the %rain 'cont()

Figure 2.6b (cont.)

Maor structures of the !rain

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+euroscience and the %rain "tructure 'cont()

Figure 2.6c 

The lim!ic system

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Peripheral $ervous and #ndocrine %ystems

• "omatic %ranch of P+"5 Controls voluntary muscles and movement

•  Autonomic %ranch of the P+"

 – "ympathetic and parasympathetic branches

 – 6egulates cardiovascular system = body temperature

 –  Also regulates the endocrine system and aids in digestion

• 2he &ndocrine "ystem5 ;ormones

• 2he ;ypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenalcortical A4is ';>PAC a4is)

 – Integration of endocrine and nervous system function

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+euroscience5 Peripheral +ervous and

&ndocrine "ystems 'cont()

Figure 2.8

The sym"athetic nervous system (red lines) and "arasym"athetic nervous system (!lue lines)

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+euroscience5 Peripheral +ervous and

&ndocrine "ystems 'cont()

Figure 2.9

#ocation of some of the maor endocrine $lands

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"mplications of $euroscience for Psychopatholoy

• 6elations %eteen %rain and Abnormal %ehavior 

 – &4ample5 Obsessive compulsive disorder 'OCD)

 – &4perience Can Change %rain "tructure and 8unction

 – 2herapy Can Change %rain "tructure and 8unction

 – Medications and psychotherapy

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Psycholoical Contributions to Psychopatholoy

• Conditioning and Cognitive Processes

 – 6espondent and operant learning

 – .earned helplessness

 – Modeling and observational learning

 – Prepared learning

• Cognitive "cience and the ?nconscious

 – Implicit memory, "troop paradigm

• Cognitive-%ehavioral 2herapy

 – 8ocus on maladaptive thin7ing and actions

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!he )ole of #motion in Psychopatholoy

• 2he +ature of &-Motion

 – 2o e-licit or e-vo7e motion

 – Intimately tied ith several forms of psychopathology

• Components of &motion

 – %ehavior, physiology, and cognition

 – &4ample of fear 

• ;armful "ide of &motional Dysregulation

 –  Anger, hostility, emotional suppression, illness, and


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2he 6ole of &motion in Psychopathology 'cont()

Figure 2.15 

%motion has three im"ortant and overla""in$ com"onents& !ehavior, co$nition, and "hysiolo$y 

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Cultural* %ocial* and "nterpersonal +actors in Psychopatholoy

• Cultural 8actors

 – Influence the form and e4pression of normal and abnormal behavior 

• *ender &ffects

 – &4erts a strong and pu99ling effect on psychopathology

"ocial 6elationships

 – 8re@uency and @uality related to mortality, disease, and


 – Interpersonal Psychotherapy

• "tigma of Psychopathology is Culturally, "ocially, and Interpersonally"ituated

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,ife-%pan and Developmental "nfluences Over Psychopatholoy

• .ife-"pan Developmental Perspective

 –  Addresses developmental changes

 – "uch changes influence and constrain hat is normal and abnormal

• 2he Principle of &@uifinality

 – Concept in developmental psychopathology

 – "everal paths to a given outcome

 – Paths may operate differentially at different developmental stages

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%ummary of the Multidimensional Perspective of Psychopatholoy

• Multiple Causation

 – Is the rule, not the e4ception in e4plaining normal and abnormal


• 2a7e a %road, Comprehensive, "ystemic Perspective

 –  Addressing biological, psychological, social, cultural, and

developmental factors

• ?seful in ?nderstanding the Causes of Psychopathology and its
