Chakra spring 2013

Chakras Yoga and the Energetic Body

Transcript of Chakra spring 2013

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Yoga and the Energetic Body

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IntroductionChakras are traditionally understood

as energy centers along the length of the spine. Located at major tributaries of the human nervous system, beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving upward to the top of the skull, the chakras system are thought of as the pathway for biophysical energy, or prana, as it moves throughout the human body.

Once understood, the chakra system or subtle anatomy can provide both a key and a method of cultivating a healthy body and a deepening understanding life and reality.

In terms of hatha and tantric yoga, pranic energy as the primary agent and the chakras system as organizing structure, the practice of yoga becomes a process of deepening awareness and eventually means of awakening or enlightenment.

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A chakra is a plexus of Pranic energy in the body that expresses our individual consciousness and energy in particular ways distinctive of our individuality. We are familiar with expressions such as a ‘gut feeling,’ an ‘open heart,’ ‘fire in the belly’ and so on, all of which are colloquial expressions of the energy of the chakras.

Our expressions also reflect our recognition that these energies can be ‘open’ – expansive, expressive, inclusive – or ‘closed’ – tight, narrow, self-absorbed. Our maturity and evolution as individuals and as spiritual beings depends upon how much these energies are ‘opened’ as we progress through life, bringing us into higher levels of harmony with the generous, inclusive and expansive energy of the universe, the creative Shakti.

Doug Keller, Refining The Breath

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In briefNames and locations of the 7 basic Chakras

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7 Sahasrara + Crown (Top of the Head)

6 Ajna + Brow + Thought (Forehead Center)

5 Vishuddha + Throat (Mid-Throat)

4 Anahata + Heart (Chest Center)

3 Manipura + Solar Plexus (Upper Stomach)

2 Svadhisthana + Spleen (2 – 3 inches below stomach)

1 Muladhara + Perineum (Base of the Spine )

Names and Locations of the 7

Major Chakras

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7 Consciousness Silence Consciousness Consciousness

6 Mind OM Mind Mind

5 Space HAM Hearing Speaking

4 Air YAM Touching Grasping / Holding

3 Fire RAM Seeing Motion

2 Water VAM Tasting Procreation

1 Earth LAM Smelling Elimination

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Physical OrientationOrienting the Chakras through the physical anatomy

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Sahasrara: “The Crown Chakra” linked to the pituitary gland, which secretes hormones that communicate with the rest of the endocrine system and connects to the central nervous system via the hypothalamus.

Ajna: “The Brow Chakra” is associated with the pineal gland, a light sensitive gland that produces the hormone melatonin regulating sleep / wake cycles

Vishuddha: “The Throat Chakra” is associated with the thyroid, a gland in the throat that produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and maturation.

Anahata: “The Heart Chakra” is associated to the thymus, part of the immune and endocrine systems. It is the site of maturation of the T cells responsible for fending off disease and may be adversely affected by stress.

Manipura: The “Solar Plexus Chakra” associated with the metabolic and digestive systems and corresponding to groups of cells in the pancreas, the outer adrenal glands and the adrenal cortex, playing a valuable role in digestion the conversion of food matter into energy

Svadhisthana “The Sacral Chakra” is located in the sacrum and corresponding to the testes or the ovaries, producing hormones involved in the reproductive cycle. Muladhara: “The Base Chakra” is related to instinct, security, survival and basic human potentiality. This centre is located in the region between the genitals and the anus. Although no endocrine organ is placed here, it is said to relate to the gonads and the adrenal medulla, responsible for the fight-or-flight response when survival is under threat.

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Physical Areas and


Crown Chakra Pineal Gland; Hair, Top of Head, CNS (Nerve System)

Brow Chakra Pituitary and Hypothalamus; eyes, Autonomic Nerve System

Throat Chakra Thyroid, parathyroid, neck ears, atlas Respiratory System; Colds, sinus allergies

Heart Chakra Thymus, Heart, Breathing Allergies, Lungs, Blood Pressure, Lymph, Immunity System

Solar Plexus Chakra Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Small Intestine, Blood Sugar, Digestion

Spleen Chakra Blood Sugar; Spleen, Ovaries, Urinary Tract, Uterus; Kidney, Adrenals

Base Root Chakra Lower Sex / Reproductive System, Tailbone, Legs, Feet.

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Mental - Emotional Strengths /Blocks of Each Chakra

Crown Chakra Compassion, at-oneness, seeing self in others, harmonious, peaceful, non-attachment, love, nonreactive; Spirit: Love

Brow Chakra Overview, Visualizing, Clarity, Psychic / Subtle awareness of self in others; Spirit: Service

Throat Chakra Open, clear communication; Creative; Speaking up; Releasing; Breathing life-force, Spirit: Healing

Heart Chakra Harmony, trust, loving, gentle w/ self and others. Give and receive w/o condition. Flexible w/ loss; Spirit: Balance

Mental Energy Will/power/control over self vs. others, beliefs, details, constructive vs. critical. Spirit: Thought Clarity

Emotional Energy Emotionally open to new people, ideas & growth. Needs: Boundaries, Trust, Comfort, Intimacy, attachment. Spirit: Begin / End

Root Energy Physical & Financial Needs: Safety, Sexuality. Action Center. Spirit: Grounded-ness

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Together, the Ida and Pingala nadis form the snakes of the caduceus, while Sushumna forms the staff. The snakes intersect at the chakras, as do the nadis described above.

At the Ajna chakra, between the eyebrows, there are two petals, one on either side, just as there are two wings at the top of the caduceus.

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Susumna NadiPath of Prana Shakti

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Open-nessKundalini in PosturesKudalini energy originates at the ic geal

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1st Energy Center – “Action, Speed Chakra”

Anatomy: Perineum, Base of the spine

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Symbol: Square / Cube

Polarity: ( — )

Sound: “LAM”

Instrument: Drum

Sense: Smell

Sense Reception: External Visual Movement

Food: Proteins, Beans, Nuts

Open and Clear

Physically strong. Healthy sex drive. Grounded wellbeing.

Closed or Clouded

Base emotions such as anger, resentment, jealousness. Sex w/ personal pleasure as focus. Ungrounded.

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2nd Energy Center – “Feeling and Empathy”

Anatomy: Spleen 2 -3 inches below navel

Color: Orange

Element: Water

Symbol: Circle or sphere

Polarity: ( + )

Sound: “VAM”

Instrument: String instruments

Sense: Taste

Sense reception: Feelings, Kinesthetic

Food: Water, Juice, TEA

Healthy, Open, Clear

Emotionally energetic, passionate and warm. Caring with out need for attachment.

Unhealthy, closed or clouded

Emotions such as fear, anxiety manifest as attachment addictions and distrust.

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MANIPURA3rd Energy Center - “Thought,

Logic” Chakra

Color - Yellow

Anatomy - Solar Plexus (upper stomach)

Element - Fire

Symbol - Pyramid or Triangle

Polarity - ( — )

Instrument - “RAM” (horn / reed)

Sense - Sight

Receptive Mode - Auditory/digital (hands on)

Food - Complex Carbohydrates, Grains

Healthy & Open

Calm, clarity , confidence flexibility

Unhealthy & Closed

Excessive worry, obsessive actions, irritability

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ANAHATA 4th Energy Center – “Care and Compassion” Chakra

Anatomy - Heart (center of chest)

Color - Green

Element - Air

Polarity - ( + )

Symbol - Cross

Note - “YAM” (flute or wind)

Sense - Touch

Reception - Internal Visual

Food - Dark, Leafy, Green Vegetables

Healthy & Open

Mental clarity and insightful. Manifesting intention and desires comes easily

Unhealthy & Closed

Disharmony. Mental fluctuations. Difficult meditating. Muted intuitively. Lacking in Compassion

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VISHUDDHA 5th Energy Center –

“Communicate, Create Chakra”

Anatomy: Mid-Throat, Nose, Mouth, Sinus

Color: Blue

Element: Aether

Symbol: Cup / Chalice

Note: “HAM”

Instrument: Voice

Sense: Hearing

Sense Reception: Audio w/ minor Visual

Food: Raw Fruit (Blue or Black)

Healthy and Open

Clear and capable communication, assertive, creative verbally

Unhealthy and Closed

Lacks ability to express. Guarded. Hesitant to express emotions. Frustrated easily

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AJNA 6th Energy Center – “Overview, Community” Chakra

Anatomy: 3rd Eye

Element: Thought

Symbol: Star of David

Polarity ( + )

Note: “OM”

Instrument: Creative Vibration, Spanda*

Sense: Intuition

Sense Reception: Overview

Food: Breath, Air, Chlorophyll

Healthy & Open

Mental clarity and insightful. Manifesting intention and desires comes easily

Unhealthy & Closed

Disharmony. Mental fluctuations. Difficult meditating. Muted intuitively. Lacking in Compassion

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Sahasrara 7th Energy Center - “Inner Knowledge, Service” Chakra

Color: Violet

Anatomy: Crown

Element: Light

Symbol: Lotus

Note: Silence

Instrument: none

Sense: Oneness

Sense Reception: Knowingness

Food: Sunshine, Juice, Fasting

Healthy & Open

Inner knowingness, serenity, enjoys selfless service.

Unhealthy & Closed

Lacks larger perspective. Lacks Intuition. Unable to care or be compassionate.

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Evolution through Involution

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Prana“According to the Yogis there are two nerve currents in

the spinal column, called Pingala and Ida, and there is a hollow canal called Susumna running through the spinal cord. At the lower end of the hollow canal is what the Yogis call the “Lotus of the Kundalini.” They describe it as triangular in form, in which, in the symbolical language of the Yogis, there is a power called the Kundalini coiled up. When that Kundalini awakes it tries to force a passage through this hollow canal, and, as it rises step by step, as it were, layer after layer of the mind becomes open, all these different visions and wonderful powers come to the Yogi. When it reaches the brain the Yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; the soul finds itself free.”

+Swami Vivekananda on Psychic Prana

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Awakening: Prakriti to Purusha

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Prana (प्रा�ण, prāṇa)

o Sanskrit for “Breath”o Vedantic understanding for prana is of vital energy or “life

force”o Central concept in Ayurveda and Yoga where it is believed to

flow through nadis, a network of fine subtle channels . o Its most subtle material form is the breath, but is also to be

found in blood, and its most concentrated form is semen in men and vaginal fluid in women.

o Pranamaya-kosha is one of the five Koshas or "sheaths" of Being.o Prana was first expounded in the Upanishads, where it is part of

the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and the mother of thought and thus also of the mind.

o Prana suffuses all living forms but is not itself the Atman or individual soul.

o In the Ayurveda, the Sun and sunshine are held to be a source of Prana.

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5 Vayus Prana Vayu operates from the heart area, and is an upward

flowing energy, having to do with vitalizing life forces.

Apana Vayu operates from the base of the torso, in the rectum area, is a downward flowing energy, and has to do with eliminating or throwing off what is no longer needed.

Samana Vayu operates from the navel area, deals with digestion, and allows the mental discrimination between useful and not useful thoughts.

Udana Vayu operates from the throat and drives exhalation, operating in conjunction with Prana Vayu, which deals with inhalation.

Vyana Vayu operates throughout the whole body, having no particular center, and is a coordinating energy throughout the various systems.

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The Roll of Vayus in

Awakening Prana Vayu is an upward flowing energy and

Apana Vayu is a downward flowing energy.

Reversing Prana and Apana Vayu is a significant notion behind the Hatha Yoga practice

One of the ways of describing the process of intentional Kundalini Awakening is that these two energies are intentionally reversed through a variety of practices.

Reversing the energy causes the Kundalini at the base of the subtle spine to awaken, and to begin to arise.

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KundaliniKundalini yoga is a physical and

meditative discipline within Hatha Yoga. It describes a set of advanced yoga

practices with the focus of the awakening of Kundalini.

According to Hindu tradition Kundalini yoga is a pure spiritual science that leads to means awakening of inner knowledge Enlightenment.

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Open-nessKundalini in Postures

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PurushaPurusha is,

Of the two companion principles, Purusha is consciousness that is untainted, ever-pure. It is self-existent, standing alone from other identities of individuality; conscious being-ness; the principle of spiritual energy.

Purusha is the Transcendental Self or Pure Consciousness. It is absolute, independent, free, imperceptible, unknowable, above any experience and beyond any words or explanation. It remains pure, non-attributive consciousness that is undifferentiated and without distinction .

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Prakriti Prakriti, as related to Purusha which is transendent , is the subtlest of the material

aspect of energy. It is the primordial state of matter, even prior to matter as we know it in the physical sense. Prakriti manifests as the three gunas and the other evolutes.

While Purusha is considered “uncaused,” Prakriti is the considered the “first cause” of the universe. As the base of physical reality, both matter and force are considered to emanate from Prakriti. Since it is the first principle (tattva) of the universe, it is called the Pradhana, but, as it is the unconscious and unintelligent principle, it is also called the Jada. It is composed of three essential characteristics (trigunas). These are:

sattva - fineness, lightness, illumination, and joy;

rajas - activity, excitation, and pain;

tamas - coarseness, heavyness, obstruction, and sloth.[10][11][12]

All physical events are considered to be manifestations of the evolution of Prakriti, or primal nature (from which all physical bodies are derived). Each sentient being is a Purusha, and is limitless and unrestricted by its physical body. Samsaara or bondage arises when the Purusha does not have the discriminate knowledge and so is misled as to its own identity, confusing itself with the physical body, which is actually an evolute of Prakriti. The spirit is liberated when the discriminate knowledge of the difference between conscious Purusha and unconscious Prakriti is realized.

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Self Realization

The journey of Self-realization, or discrimination of pure consciousness (Purusha) from unmanifest matter (Prakriti) is one of systematically using attention to encounter, examine, and transcend each of the various levels of manifestation, ever moving attention further inward towards the core of our being.

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Ahamkara (ego) This is the process of ego, by which

consciousness can start to (incorrectly) take on false identities. Here, the word ego is used not to mean the actual qualities such brother or sister, or loving or cruel, but the capacity itself to take on the countless identities.

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Gunas Prakriti (primordial "matter") has three

characteristics or attributes of Sattva (Lightness) Rajas (Activity) Tamas (Stability)

These three combine and re-combine so as to form the various aspects of mind, senses, and the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space.

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Mind (manas) is the instrument, which is the driving force behind actions, speech, and the thinking process. It is also the recipient of the sensory input. It is useful to know that, here, mind is being used in this more limited way, rather than the whole of the inner process called antahkarana, which includes manas, ahamkara, buddhi, chitta, along with the senses and the five elements.

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Mahat or Buddhi

This is the purest, finest spark of individuation of Prakriti (primordial matter). It is very first of the evolutes of Prakriti. It is individuation, but yet, without characteristics. Buddhi is the word, which applies to the individual person, while Mahat refers to the universal aspect of this process.

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Mudra Mudra means “to press or seal”

So thumb to for finger with palm open is the sealing of the finger and thumb connection

Anjali Mudra, with hands at heart center, is the sealing of the palms of the hands.

Mula Bandha is also a mudra. Most important are done internally Pressing together prana an apana together so

the work in conjunction with one another rather than independent of the other.