Ch 11 sect 1

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American History Ch 11-1

Transcript of Ch 11 sect 1

  • 1. Ch 11 section 1

2. Advantages and Disadvantages North South Larger population Smaller population 22 million 9 million More to choose from Less people to chosefor army and support efforts for the warfrom and less support Most of the generalswere from the south More well trainedsoldiers 3. Financing the War North South Legal Tender Act Had to tax with tariffs Created a nationalcurrency and allowed the govt to print paper money Greenbacks Paper money thatwas green Inflation rate rose 80% during the war Northern NavalBlockade made it difficult for the South to trade Taxed its own people Ppl were already indebt and resented the tax Printed its own money Was worthlesscreated 9,000 % inflation 4. Politics North South War Democrats States Rights Supported war andwanted the union to restore the way it was South was anassociation of independent states Peace Democrats Weak Federal govt. Opposed war and Made the war effortwanted to negotiate rather than fightmore difficult President Jefferson Copperheads-nicknameDavisof peace democrats Conscription-forced military service Habeas corpus-right to a trial..Lincoln Tried conscription andmartial lawmany leaders dissented from these ideas Trent affair-delegates sent to Europe to gain 5. Modern War Used trenches and rifles created a deadlysituation where high casualties occurred Attrition-the wearing down of one side by another South picked battles carefully Attack and retreat method called a defensive war ofattrition North used the Anaconda plan Surround the South with navy and army and slowlychoke the south into surrender 6. Chapter 11-Section II Conscription-requiring people to serve in military North tried to get volunteers by offering a bountyor bonus to those who served for three years Congress passed the Militia Act Gave Lincoln the authority to call up state militias Later a national draft was created Union navies used a blockade of Southern portsto try and squeeze the life out of union ports South used blockade runners or small ships to use the cover of night to smuggle goods in and out of port cities 7. Merrimack/Virginia vs. Monitor 8. Notable battles of Civil War BattleResult First Battle of Bull Run Battle of Shiloh Battle of Murfreesboro Seven Days Battle Second Battle of Bull Run 9. Emancipation Proclamation A decree freeing all slaves in states stillin rebellion with the United States Did not apply to border stateskepttheir loyalty 10. Reasons for and Results of Emancipation ProclamationReasons forEmancipation ProclamationEffect on the War 11. Chapter 11 section 3