Cell Review Cell Division. What is the center of the cell called? Nucleus.

Cell Review Cell Division


What is inside the nucleus? Chromosomes

Transcript of Cell Review Cell Division. What is the center of the cell called? Nucleus.

Cell ReviewCell Division

What is the center of the cell called?


What is inside the nucleus?


How many chromosomes are in a human cell?


What are chromosomes made of?


Cells spend most of its life in this phase?


How many stages does mitosis have?

•4•List them: •Prophase•Metaphase•Anaphase•Telophase

What is the name of the process where the cell splits into two?


Why do cells make new cells?

•Allow for growth to take place and replace dead cells.

Prokaryotic cells divide using a process called?

•Binary Fission

The repeating set of events in the life of a cell

•Cell Cycle

Structure in the nucleus that contains DNA


The time between cell divisions. Cells are growing in size


The division of the cells cytoplasm


Cell division that results in cells with identical genetic material as the original cell.


What are the three cell division check points?

•Mitosis check point•DNA synthesis checkpoint•Cell growth checkpoint

What type of fiber moves the chromosomes to the center of the cell

•Kinetochore fibers

DNA and Chromosomes are copied in the

•G1 Phase

The phase in which the chromosomes line up along the midline of the cell is


During cytokinesis in plant cells

•A cell plate forms and the cell splits into two cells.

The phase in which the spindle fibers disassemble and nuclear envelope forms is
