Causes of the Revolution Tighter British Control

Read your Questions and Answers in your UNP Part 1 one time. Then open your books to 6.1 and write a one-sentence summary for each red heading. Checking HW –UNP Part 1

Transcript of Causes of the Revolution Tighter British Control

Read your Questions and Answers

in your UNP Part 1 one time.

Then open your books to 6.1 and

write a one-sentence summary for

each red heading.Checking HW –UNP Part 1

Learn about the ways in which the

British started to control the

colonists, and how the colonists


1A. What is the PROCLAMATION LINE OF 1763?

“Indian Reserve”

1B. How did most colonists react to PROCLAMATION LINE OF 1763?

Colonists were very upset

many had planned on moving to the west after the war to invest in land

Many colonists ignored the order and moved across to the west of the mountains anyway

1C. How did KingGeorge III plan to enforce the Proclamation Line of 1763?

He keeps 10,000 soldiers in the colonies after the war to enforce the proclamation line

2. What can England do to save $$ in terms of housing and feeding the 10,000 soldiers?

What was the REAL reason? (sinister…)

Colonists hated this law and hated the soldiers

Thinking Slide

Why did the King need to increase revenue after the French and Indian War?

Needed more money to pay for soldiers in America

England thought the colonies should pay for the soldiers protecting them, not the people of England How will England raise this money??

3. What was the first tax England puts on the colonists?

The SUGAR ACT was a tax placed on sugar, molasses and other products shipped to the colonies

4. Describe the STAMP ACT:

Items required to have a stamp included: diplomas, contracts, birth certificates, wills, newspapers, pamphlets, calendars, and even playing cards!

The stamp tax also had to be paid in silver coin only – a rare item in the colonies

5. How did colonial leaders react to the many acts and taxes passed by the British government?

Colonial leaders protested and upset they cannot vote on members of Parliament. They shouted:

“No taxation without representation!!”

3B. How did SAMUEL ADAMS react to the British acts and taxes?

SAM ADAMS lead a boycott of British goods in Boston

Soon the boycott spread to all of the colonies in America




From the image, what can you learn about the composition and mood of the crowd?

Stamp Agent Hanged in Effigy

Dummies (effigies) dressed to replicate stamp agents were hanged and burned during some protests.

Why? What purpose did this serve?

Image from: socialstd/MH/Stamp_Tax_sm.GIF

7. Describe the importance of PATRICK HENRY:

PATRICK HENRY was a member of the House of Burgesses of Virginia

He is important because he led many of the first protests against the taxes


7C. When asked the question, “Wait… Isn’t this TREASON?” he replied:

“If this beTREASON, make themost of it.”

“Give me liberty or give me death!”

8. Did any organized protest groups form?

The SONS OF LIBERTY were secret societies made up of people from every walk of life who protested the British taxes

Leaders included Samuel Adams (Boston) & Patrick Henry (Virginia)


9. What is a BOYCOTT?

A BOYCOTT is refusal to buy something in order to prove a point

The colonists started to boycott items taxed by the British to send the King a message

10. p. 146 How does Parliament respond to the protests about the Stamp Act?

In 1766 Parliament realized the Stamp Act was a mistake they repealed it – they threw it out.

But they said they had the supreme authority govern the colonies.(Declaratory Act)

More taxes to follow. . .

P. 146 of textbook

Q 1 (define) and 3.