Catalogue 15/16




Transcript of Catalogue 15/16

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Season 2015/2016


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Magnus Eriksson, MD

It is in fact the skater´s happy feeling we want to achive. Then Victories will come!”

he Happines when you have apair of correctly profiled skates on

when you get out on the ice is increadi-ble. An unbeatable feeling having only Victory in sight in the coming game! This feeling is what we want everybody to experience so the ice skating sports grows and get more people addicted to them. This was the mission for me when I entered the company 20 years ago. I came from a background of beeing an optichian as my previous profession and have gone through all depart-ments there where lots of technical skills was needed making the glass fit into the frames by grinding them to their shape and repairing them and ask people in the eye-exam if it was ”Same, Better or Worse?”. That line of questions is also applicable in profiling and sharpening of skates; Do you feel any difference or is it Same, Better, or Worse?

By following ProSharp´s philosofy and 30 years of experience, when the AS 2001 entered the market, suggesting the correct profile and sharpening for each skater, will help the youngsters to adapt faster and stick with the sport and the elite to achive higher and higher goals. This is made by taking the individual skater´s needs and apply them to the skates. Then the communication to the skater to optimize the profile and the shar-pening is important. It is in fact the skater´s happy feeling we want to achive. Then Victories will come! The tool you need is the ProSharp AS 2001 for profiling and sharpening. The Profiling should always be con-sidered first when buying or trying a pair of new skates. Then the profile can be done again when ever the skaters needs changes like becoming better and better. The portfolio we carry is


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David Bedrin

Peter ”Salle”Sahlins


The incredible Channel Z

Result and Benefits

SkatePal Pro3 - Speed matters

AS 1001 - The Work horse

AS 2001 Allpro - The Masterpiece



Picture of the season

also the AS 1001 and SkatePal that take care of the daily sharpenings. Which one you should choose is up to what needs you have. The workhorse AS 1001 is a perfect compliment to the AS 2001 to cut lead time in sharpening in a Shop. The Teams on travel having half of their games as away-games and to take the SkatePal on travel is super easy. The competition beeing on a high level in skating needs more attention than just ignoring the so important part; Skate Profiling and Sharpening. That is what we always have seen as our mission to accomplish and does developing around on a daily basis.

Still after 30 years Our journey to make skaters happy has just began – There are many left out there to get their skates go through the ProSharp Profiling. Are You one of them?

– You will get better, It´s a Fact!

Magnus ErikssonManaging Director, ProSharp AB

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Hockeyverkstan knows what they´re doing The founder of the hockey shop in Stockholm, Sigvard Fast, retired early. He started Hockeyverkstan 1980 when he was 52 years old. The shop was at Brunkebergs torg, same place were Riksbanken are. Before he started the shop he worked as a equiment manager at Huddinge Hockey which means that he already hade a lot if knowledge about those things.

Todays owner are Sigvards sons, Jörgen and Urban Fast/Fasth. Jörgen played hockey and Sigvard tought it was so-mething missing in the hockey world. In the beginning Sigvard was alone working at Hockeyverkstan, but after a while it was too much to do and Ubbe was tired of travelling the world and he started to work at the shop. The year was 1983.

As I told before Ubbe was out travelling meanwhile Jörgen was playing hockey. First in Huddinge and later in Djurgården IF. After a while he get tired of it and started to work as a youth leader in Hallunda for 5 years after his hockey carrier.I met Ubbe, Jörgen and also Ubbes son

Simon in their new facilities, since 1,5 years in Årsta. - Ubbe has great knowledge about everything when it comes to hockey equipment. No one has his routine an it´s a unique gift he has and I valuate it a lot, tells Jörgen.

Ubbe answer him and tells me that Jör-gen are fantastic to handle people.

-.. and he is fantastic to work, Ubbe informs me.

I was told that the most funny part about owning Hockeyverkastan are all greatful customers.

- They only tells us good things about our work. Very rare there is any com-plaints. But if someone are they just talk to Jörgen, tells Ubbe.

Ubbe continue to tell me that one of Swe-dens best goalies came in to the shop (he also played in the NHL). No one else than Ubbe were allowed to touch his equipment.

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Oliver the dog .

”Hockeyverkstan is perfect-ly placed because I work nearby and they know what they are doing.”

- Slipkund

Text & photo: Elin Malmsten

- That is an honor for me that he had a speciel trust in me, Ubbe continues.

Ubbe and Jörgen has been in the bu-siness so long that they can remember some of todays NHL players when they didnt reach up to the disk.

- One time the hole Russian legendary super lineup in to the store. Even Wayne Gretzky, Foppa, Sudden and Lidas, brags Jörgen.

- Very famous players can enter but I don´t recognize faces. Niklas Lidström came in but I didn´t noticed, only the name of course, tells Ubbe.

They have a lot to do during the hole time i´m in the store. People comes during their lunch breakes for tips of

sharpening or asks if the old skates can be fi xed. Hockeyverkstan repairs, impro-ves, assessing claims and works with all brands.

They have´nt got enough time and that´s why they have hired Simon and decided to have open also on Saturdays from 10 am to 2pm.

Describe the best thing about Prosharp Machi-nes when you have a hockey shop?It has been revolutionary for us. Before Prosharp it took a lot of time. That they are automatic and we can always rely on them.

For how long have you used Prosharp?We were one of the fi rst in Sweden who bought a AS 2001 from Magnus father in the earlie 80´s.

How do you recommend to best take care of the skates between sharpenings? Take out the inner sole and the screws won´t rust. The PKY hone is not used ins-tead of sharpening, only a quick fi x!

Most common radius?Zuperior

Most common hollow?19-20

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David Bedrin - Man of Steel1999 was the year that turns the life up side down for David Bedrin. A tragic car crash with a truck made him quit as a goalie in Vännäs HC, north of Sweden. That´s why he want you to know:

- Never change the tape in a stereo while driving!

He didnt want to quit completely with the sport and that´s why he started as a equipment manager for the junior players in Västerås. He has also worked as an equipment manager in Djurgården J20, Redbulls Salzburg, Austria National Team and Linköping HC (SHL). We can say that David is one of the most experienced equipment managers in Sweden.Besides his ”regular” work at SAAB he also works for the junior National Team in Austria.

- I wanted to combine my work at Saab with this and thats why I decided to travel less for Saab, tells David.

He also want to say that the biggest dif-ference between being an equipment ma-nager in Sweden and outside the country is the salary.

- And it´s always good to learn a foreign language, he continues.

David tells me that if you want to be a equipment manager it needs that you scan the players and read them well.

- How they work, what they want and how they feel without asking is a great gift to have. I need to have the ability to be beside them all the time and prepared for emer-gancies when needed, he tells.

Best memory for David is when he together with Redbulls Salzburg played their first final at the home arena in the Austrian Championship.

- We were a fantastic team with a lot of awesome characters. It was amazing to ex-perience it. I can still hear the sound when I entered Eisarena Volksgarten in Salzburg.

Do you have any favourite players?- There is a lot of them! Arthurs Irbe is a

personal favourite. I sew and fixed with his 10 year old equip-ment every day and that made us friends.

- Another player is Nicklas Hävelid. A player who doesn´t need to think, a super pro! A role model for all kids who wants to play hockey.

What´s the best/worst about your job?- The best is everything I´ve experienced and all the people I´ve got the opportunity to meet and get to know and work with. The worst thing on the other side is that I never can plan something else during the season. The coach may have a optional ice training a day off.

Why do you use Prosharp machines?Simplicity, the result and quality!

Describe non profiled skate compared to Prosharp Profiled.Glide & balance, and that´s the main thing to perform on top.

Last but not least, why do people call you ”Man of steel”?My body is filled with steel and screws since the accident.

”I can still hear the sound when I enter Eisarena Volksgarten in Salzburg”

Text: Elin Malmsten

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7Photo: Stickan Kenne/

Fact:33 years old, from Kungsör, good at playing drums and dreaming of a career as a combat pilote.

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Peter ”Salle” Sahlins - Man of order

Text & photo: Elin Malmsten

I met Peter at Sundsvall Enegi Arena a Monday evening in November. He has come to Sundsvall together with Tre Kronors Junior National Team, because he is the equipment manger. He has been working for the association for 5 years, but for this team for 2 years.

- I think this is great, and a good comple-ment to my ordinary job as a glulam worker at home in Dalarna, tells Peter.

Peter, or Salle as his collegues calls him when they´re passing us, lives in a village outside Hedemora, where he also played ice hockey once.

- I was playing but my coach told me that I wasn´t good enough and gave me the opportunity to be the equipment manager instead, Salle tells.

During our conversation he has a smile on his face the hole time and when he tells me about the mood in the team, he smiles even more.

- My next goal is to work as an equipment manager full time. I´m dreaming of a team in SHL, and also continue with this of course, he continues.

The highlights in his career is when J18 was at the world champinships and also of course to see where the olympics was sup-pose to be in Sochi.

- That was amazing!

Salle is a father of two boys. One of them have also played hockey but not any more.

- They think it´s fun that I work with this, but I also think they want to go with me.

During his time as a equipment manager, he has seen players who now plays in NHL.

- Yes, I favors some of the players. Those one who helps me to work are special to me. Burakowski, Forsberg (Filip) and de la Rose are three of my favourites. Such wonderful guys! I would love to work with them again.

Salle climbs happily up the career ladder within the Swedish Ice hockey association and he think that his best weapon is that he is solution oriented.

- If I see a problem i immidiately start to think of a solution for it and how fast I can solve it.

Maybe this characteristic is a gift from his father who worked as a fire fighter. That was also the first profession he was drea-ming of as a child.

- Certainly because of my fathers choice of profession.

When I ask him if he has any hidden talent it ends with a laugh. But after a while he reveals that he is a bad cooker but awesome to make pancakes and Swedish meatballs.

”I´m dreaming of a team in SHL and also continue with this of course !”

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9Dala horse, Marie, always go with them.

”Instead of using a manually operated machine I use prosharp machines.”

”I wish for a transport box for fl ights and a portable small vacuum cleaner that suits in our boxes.”

”Every player has their own special require-ments and the things you can do with the 2001 machine is fantastic!”

”I also help a team in a lower league in Lång-shyttan, where I´m from. I can see that the players get better self esteem after I profi led their skates.”

”All players should know what Prosharp pro-fi le and hollow they have on their skates.”

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Björn Mannström, Sales Manager Sweden

Björn Mannström is Prosharp´s own shar-pening and profiling expert. This text is about Björn´s own advices about honing for a perfect result!

See the movie about honing by scanning the QR code

Place the skate sideways on a steady table.

(It´s always good to use a thin glove to reduce the risk of cuts.)

The hones comes in different models and materials. Classical Ceramic, Diamond, combi hones diamond/ceramic, polybond and leather hones.

Start with a diamond hone and hone flat thoroughly on both side of the blade.

Continue with the ceramic side (with

a drip of oil).

Now angle the hone about 5 degrees and carefully hone through the hole edge.Use a polishing hone a few times and then the leather hone in the bottom to ensure no burrs and tags are left.

During games we recommend you to use a ceramic fine hone. It´s a little bit more aggressive to quickly remove jacks and restore the grip.

(If you see that the blade is rusty, have deep cuts, use a ceramic hone before shar-pening to save the wheel.)



One important detail when it comes to skate sharpening is to hone the blade correctly. The skate sharpening machine only do the work under the blade to get a sharp edge. To achieve a perfect result you need to hone both sides of the blade to get rid of tags and burrs.


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- Excellent for grip and edge control.- Improved power distribution in the stride.- Allows for a lower body angle for improved agility and advanced skating movement with total edge control.- Less friction for better glide, improved skating effi ciency and greater speed, increased glide with just 2/3 ice contact.- Is designed to provide double edges with a channel in the bottom of the blade that increases grip and edge control while increasing speed! It is like having two speed skates next to each other!- Increased grip 2 x.- Less wear of the ice.- Popular in ice Hockey, Figure skating & ice hockey goalies!- The tool you need can be mounted on older machines too.

Björn Mannström, Sales Manager Sweden

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Skating is the most important part for a hockey player. Prosharp always try to help the performer to fi nd the right profi le and hollow that match them and their style and skill. We belive that the individual skating skill always can be improved and developed with the cor-rect and suitable radius or radiuses on the blade together with the right hollow.All skates usually comes out of the box with a radius of 10 feet, regardless of brand or price. 9 out of 10 pairs isn´t equal between left and right skate. That means it´s of great importance to profi le and change the radius for all performers, from the beginner to the pro, to have the same ice contact on both skates.

SINGLE PROFILESOverall characterGives a free skate experience with same attribute regardless where you have your center of gravity. Easy to learn to use. Short radius gives good maneuverability and acceleration vs. long radius that gives good balance and speed. The most used single radius profi les are 12 & 13 ft.For whomBeginners and developing skaters Defensive players

DOUBLE PROFILESOverall characterCompared with a single radius you will have better balance backwards with maintained maneuverability.By making a combo-radius profi le to your blades you can get the best of both - short

and long radius - and have more versatility than with one fi xed radius. Combo-radiuses has a smaller radius in the front part of the blade for better acceleration and longer ra-dius in the back of the blade for better ba-lance and speed. Combo-radiuses also give you better change of direction, stability while shooting and turning and smoother, more aggressive crossover skating. The most used combo radiusprofi les in ice hockey are the Detroit profi les and 10 ́-13 ́For whomSkaters that want more out of each skating move & defensive players

TRIPLE PROFILESOverall characterAdding an extra 3rd radius makes the stri-des and moves supported at more levels. Adds speed and balance towards a double

Results and Benefi ts

CHARACTERS BY NUMBER OF RADIUSYou have a lot of profi les to choose from. Single, duble, triple and also four diff erent radiu-ses on the same blade. There is four factors to take into consideration when it comes to the choice of profi le; acceleration, speed, Manouverability and stability. Along with those factors you choose the profi le and hollow, to optimize the skating. In this chapter we will present the diff erent types of profi les and for whom they´re suitable for.

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radius.For whomSkilled playersOffensive players/

QUADOverall characterAdd speed and manoeuvrability towards a triple radius. The whole spectra in a stride gives maximum power where each radius supports and works like an automatic transmission.Important to have control of body mass and balance to get all the benefits this profile can get themFor whomSkilled playersOffensive players

GOALIE SINGLE PROFILESOverall characterA single radius profile suits a Goalie in the learning phase and a senior which has an upright style.For whoAll GoaliesUpstanding goalie styles

GOALIE DOUBLE PROFILESOverall characterAdditional up/down and in/out movement improvement with the front ́s shorter radius towards a single radiusFor whoFor a fast moveable skilled Butterfly style Goalie

GOALIE TRIPLE PROFILESOverall characterA great combination of manoeuvrability, speed up/down, speed in/out, lateral quick-ness, standing comfort and stability. This profile has a large radius in the middle with a more aggressive radius in the toe and an extra large radius in the back for stability.

For whoSkilled Goalie who has good control of all body positions and moves and wants to improve them.

Prosharp arrange Prosharp Profile Test around the world. Those pictures are from a test with Sundsvall Hockey.

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SPEED MATTERS! It’s a fact that the diamond sharpening gives a sharper, cleaner and more consistent sharpening. As such, the hollow grinding will be the same for every sharpening. SkatePal-Pro3’s precise diamond sharpening is the start of a new era in superior on-ice performance and sets a new standard. It couldn’t be easier, simply clamp in the skates and you’ll have perfect edges in just a few minutes.

The longer version of SkatePal, SkatePal-Pro3-LONG, sharpens long distance and speed skates using the same automatic principle that governs ProSharp, and is also perfect for ice hockey and figure skates.

SkatePal-Pro3 is ideal for a shop or team, and the SkatePal-Pro3 can also produce the revolutionary Channel Z sharpening!

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SkatePal-Pro3 Long # 29030

SkatePal-Pro3 # 29040

SPECIFICATIONS PRO3-LONG• 1 phase 100-240 VAC 50-60 Hz 180 W• Length 870 mm• Width 210 mm• Height 330 mm • Weight 17,5 kg

KEY BENEFITS• Maximize acceleration, agility and speed• Unmatched sharpness and edge control• Easy operation, consistent sharpening• Eliminates uneven edges and overworked steel on

the blades

KEY FEATURES• Retains the blade profile and hollow • Rapid change grinding wheels and hollow • Cold Diamond Cut skate sharpening • Automatic centering of skate blades• 2-4 mins per pair

SPECIFICATIONS PRO3• 1 phase 100-240 VAC 50-60 Hz 180 W• Length 700 mm• Width 220 mm• Height 330 mm • Weight 15,5 kg

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THE AS 1001-PORTABLE skate sharpener is equipped with the ProSharp Performance Dresser, the easy-to-use tool that produces the Channel Z hollow in the middle of the blade’s surface, combined with any desired regular hollow for maximum speed and grip. The AS 1001-Portable brings reliability to your skates. Once they have been prosharped, players demand ProSharp’s results and reliability, with skates perfectly sharpened to the required hollow in less than one minute. ProSharp sharpens skates with precision, every time. The AS 1001-Portable is the most popular ProSharp model, used by professionals.

AS 1001 Portable- THE WORKHORSE

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KEY FEATURES• Adjustable hollow setting, entirely flat to 1/4

inch (6 mm) + Channel Z Sharpening• Electronic parts and roller bearings are shielded from grinding dust.• Adjustable grinding wheel pressure, feed

speed is constant and adjustable for the entire cycle• Automatic repeat grinding

SPECIFICATION• Power 1 phase 100-240 VAC 50-60 Hz, 200 W• Length 740 mm• Width 270 mm• Height 300 mm• Weight 30 kg

AS 1001 Portable- THE WORKHORSE

AS1001-Portable # 29003

”This machine travel together with many national teams around the world.”

- Elin Malmsten, International sales and communication

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”DEVELOPED SINCE 1984 AND MANUFACTURED TO LAST FOREVER!” That´s how we describes this masterpiece machine. The ProSharp AS 2001- Allpro can do both sharpe-ning and profiling of the blade. You can do radius, double-radius, triple-radius and also four different radiuses on the same blade. Prosharp have template for all types of performers on ice.

Prosharp profiling – what is it and why to do it! The blade profile determines the contact surface between the blade (steel) and the ice = ice contact. New blades have an approxi-mate ~10 foot radius rocker profile depending on the skate model and size. This correlates to 47mm of blade to ice contact which is not enough in the new 21st century ice hockey, where the most important asset is speed. Another limit is that the factory profile is inten-ded to suit all players. But why not try a custom fit to achieve optimal advantage? In the same way a hockey player choses their stick, gloves, helmet etc., they should also be able to try out skate blades and how it can positively effect on their game.


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RESULTS & BENEFITS• More powerful strides and better glide. • Higher speed, less fatigue, and improved

two-way play. • Better edge control, agility and balance. • More flexible skating maneuvers and moves. • Improved shooting. • Better crossover skating. • Quicker turns and greater acceleration. • More chances for break-aways. • Improved confidence and skating enjoyment.

SPECIFICATIONS• Power 1 phase 100-240 VAC 50-60 Hz, 300 W • Length 1300 mm • Width 370 mm • Height 370 mm • Weight 55 kg

KEY FEATURES• Adjustable hollow setting, entirely fl at to 1/4”

(6 mm) + Channel Z Sharpening.• Electronic parts and roller bearings are

shielded from grinding dust.• Adjustable grinding wheel pressure and feed

speed are constant and adjustable for the entire cycle.

• Skates fastens quickly, just turn the hand lever.

• 10 contouring templates included out of 47 to choose from.

• Automatic repeat grinding.

AS2001-Allpro # 29005


” All you need is to place the skate in the skate holder and push a button, then you´ll have same result as usual, perfect!”

Anders ”Pudding” WeiderstålEquiment Manager, Swedish National Team

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Toe-pick Protector # 10078

SkatePal fi gure skate toe-pick protector is needed

when sharpening fi gure skates with the SkatePal.Protects the toe-picks in a simple way.

Hollow and Blade Thickness Checker # 29016

Check the Blade-thickness, hollow-radius.

Blade Angle Tester # 29015

Check the blade´s angle easily.

ProSharp Blade Straightener # 29009

Easy-to-use tool to Straighten bent blades.

Contouring Templates # 170XX

Over 40(!) diff erent Contouring templates for AS 2001-Allpro – fi nd the best for you.

ProSharp Blade Instruments # 29051

Check the blade-thickness, hollow-radius, angle and radius-profi le on the blade.


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ProSharp Work Station

Work station for ProSharp AS 2001 with space for ProSharp vacuum cleaner and 2 practical drawers for accessories. Sealed against noise and dust making it very com-fortable to sharp and safer from fi re. Correct working height and ideal for a shop or the arena. Moves easily on wheels.Note: The machine is extra.

# 22011

Work station is also available for AS 1001 .

# 22014

SkatePal Stand (also for SkatePal Long)

A stand with wheels for your SkatePal with room for a ProSharp vacuum cleaner makes it comfortable to sharp. Space for two SkatePal or one with work-space ahead. Note: The machine is extra.

# 22009

# 22008 - Long

ProSharp Vacuum Cleaner

ProSharp vacuum cleaner with low noise and high absorbency. Fire-resistant container.Weight: 10,5 kg

# 69001


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# 250XX

SkatePal Channel Z 0.75 # 32005

Channel Z wheel (76 mm) for SkatePal gives extra speed and control on the skating.

SkatePal Diamond Wheel Fine/Coarse (Ø 100 mm)

Diamond wheel for SkatePal gives a sharpand long-lasting result. Fine suits hard steel. Coarse suits soft steel. Hollows from 7 mm to 34mm. Coarse is excellent for Rental Skates.

SkatePal Diamond Wheel Fine/Coarse (Ø 60 mm) # 250XX

Diamond wheel for SkatePal for fi gure skating blades gives a sharp and long-lasting result. Fine suits hard steel. Coarse suits soft steel. Hollows from 10 mm to 28 mm.

ProSharp Grinding Wheels

Sharp and shiny results – for all kinds of skate blades. The pro´s choice.

Diamond Dresser - Synthetic # 33001

Gives an equal perfect result from start to the end – long lasting synthetic diamond.

ProSharp Fine Hone Ceramic 5-pack # 29059

An aggressive hone for taking off the burrs or fi xing nicks fast during the game.

ProSharp Diamond & Ceramic Hone (X-3) # 25030

The Pro´s Choice - Use diamond side fi rst and fi nish with the ceramic – perfect result.

Acculube Grinding Wax # 58001

Gives superb fi nish and glide for your blades! Put straight on the grinding wheel.

MA70 - # 32001MA90 - # 32002


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ProSharp Polishing Hone # 33008

A hone for getting ultimate frictionless blades. Suits also for refurbishing an EP-Wheel.

ProSharp Leather Hone # 29045

The last fi ne tuning with leather gives a smooth result.

ProSharp Diamond Hone # 25028

A Diamond hone that´s surface will last and gives a sharp result.

ProSharp Fork Hone # 25029

Get the grip back – a goalie favorite!A quick fi x, not instead of sharpening.

ProSharp Sharpening and Honing Oil # 58002

Use for a extra smooth result!

ProSharp T-shirt # 9998Black - S-XXL

ProSharp Cap # 9997

Black - One size

Award winning posters # 9996

”Pic of the season” - 6 diff erent motifs


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PICTURE OF THE SEASON 2014/2015: SCIENTIFICALLY AHEAD (COVER PHOTO)If you want to improve your skating you should choose Prosharp Profiling! Scientifically 30(!) years ahead and the technology leader. Today almost all performers in Sweden have the opportunity to have the personal and special tested Prosharp Profile on ice. Prosharp always look at the individual performer. The Teams is built by players and not everyone has the same prerequisites.

The thoughts behind this picture is that we want you to see that sharpening is about science, but it´s not hard, it´s about mathematics but it´s not that complicated and it´s about individuality and thats the most important part of it.

Many skaters are surprised by the feeling on the ice when they get the perfect match between skating ability, hollow and Prosharp Profile. It may also be surprising how easy it is to use our machines and how many profiles we have to choose from. We guarantee that we have a profile for every single type of performer to get better!

ProSharp AB

Hirsvägen 4

S-862 41 Njurunda


Tel office: +46 60 15 85 80

E-mail International Customers: [email protected]

E-mail Swedish Customers: [email protected] [email protected]


Facebook: /prosharp

Cover photo: Kristofer Lönnå


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Our photos ”picture of the season” was selected as the Gold winner in the photo category 2015/2016!