Catalog NEXT SEASON (7) 11-14sept2012

NEXT SEASON - Bucharest 11 – 14 September 2012 CARO HOTEL Targul International de incaltaminte, confectii si accesorii International fair for shoes, clothing and accessories Sfera Factor - Asociatia producatorilor de incaltaminte, marochinarie si articole din piele din Romania / Organisation Of The Romanian Leather Manufacturers

Transcript of Catalog NEXT SEASON (7) 11-14sept2012

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NEXT SEASON - Bucharest

11 – 14 September 2012CARO HOTEL

Targul International de incaltaminte, confectii si accesorii

International fair for shoes, clothing and accessories

Sfera Factor - Asociatia producatorilor

de incaltaminte, marochinarie si articole din pieledin Romania / Organisation Of The Romanian Leather Manufacturers

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Romania este situata in partea de sud-est a Europei, in Peninsula Balcanica, pe tarmul vestic al Marii Negre. Vecinii Romaniei sunt Ucraina (N-E), Republica Moldova (E), Marea Neagra (S-E), Bulgaria (S), Serbia (S-V) si Ungaria (V).

Stat membru al Uniunii Europene din 1 ianuarie 2007.

Suprafața teritoriului 238 391 km² , cu o populatie de peste 21 milioane locuitori.

Din punct de vedere administrativ, teritoriul este impartit in 41 de judete, plus municipiul Bucuresti (capitala, cu o populatie de 1,9 milioane locuitori). Teritoriul este impartit si pe 8 regiuni de dezvoltare, folosite pentru o mai buna coordonare a proiectelor de dezvoltare regionala.

Romania is situated in the south-eastern Europe, the Balkan Peninsula, on the west coast of the Black Sea. Romanian neighbors are Ukraine (NE), Moldova (E), Black Sea (SE), Bulgaria (S), Serbia (SV) and Hungary (V).

Member of the European Union January 1, 2007.

Land area of 238,391 km ², with a population of over 21 million residents.

From administrative point of view, the territory is divided in 41 counties plus Bucharest (the capital with a population of 1.9 million residents). The territory is divided into 8 regions and used for better coordination of regional development projects.

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Relieful este foarte diversificat, caracterizat prin patru elemente: varietate, proportionalitate, complementaritate si dispunere simetrica: 35% munti (Muntii Carpati - altitudinea maxima fiind Vf.Moldoneanu 2544 m), 35% dealuri si podisuri (Subcarpatii, Dealurile de Vest, Podisul Moldovei, Podisul Dobrogei), 30% campii ( cele mai cunoscute sunt Campia Romana, Campia de Vest).

La toate acestea se adauga reteaua hidrografica, dominata de al doilea fluviu ca lungime (strabate 10 tari) din Europa, Dunarea, care la varsarea in Marea Neagra formeaza una din cele mai frumoase delte de pe glob.

The landscape is very diverse, characterized by four factors: variety, proportionality, complementary and symmetrical arrangement: 35% mountains (Carpathians - Vf.Moldoneanu maximum altitude is 2544 m), 35% hills and plateaus (Subcarpatii, Western Hills, Moldova Plateau , Dobrogea Plateau), 30% plains (the best known are the Romanian Plain, Western Plain).

To all this add the hydrographic network, dominated the second longest river (crosses 10 countries) in Europe, the Danube, who flows into the Black Sea forms one of the most beautiful deltas in the world.

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Cu un relief variat Romania are nenumarate rezervatii naturale, parcuri

nationale si peisaje spectaculoase. Dintre cele aproximativ 3700 de specii de plante identificate pe teritoriul Romaniei, 23 au fost declarate monumente ale naturii.

With a varied landscape Romania has many natural reservations, national parks and spectacular views. Of the approximately 3,700 species of plants identified in Romania, 23 were declared monuments of nature.

Oamenii locului si-au dezvoltat, in secole, comunitati la adapostul naturii ce asteapta sa le fie descoperita istoria…

Local people have developed, in centuries, at the shelter of nature communities which wait to be revealed their history ...

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Statistici ale sectorului de incaltaminte si marochinarie Statistics footwear and leather sector

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NEXT SEASON Bucharest International fair for shoes, clothing and accessories

• Inca din anul 2009, Asociatia Sfera Factor, organizeaza targul de contractari Next Season, targ dedicatexclusiv dezvoltarii de relatii comerciale intre producatori si comercianti. Singurul targ de acest gen din Romania.

• Next Season se organizeaza de doua ori pe an, in martie si septembrie, pentru a putea fi prezentateambele colectii.

• In cadrul targului se desfasoara numeroase seminarii si evenimente aflate in aria de interes a producatorilor si comerciantilor din industria usoara.

• Urmatoarea editie, cea de a opta, va fi in perioada 26 Februarie – 01 Martie 2013.

• Va asteptam!

• Since 2009 Sfera Factor Association organize NEXT SEASON, fair dedicated to build business relationships between manufacturers and retailers. This is the only contracting fair in Romania.

• NEXT SEASON fair is organized twice a year, usually in March and September, for the presentation of both collections.

• At the fair we held various meetings and events of interest for those in the production/selling of shoes.

• The following edition, No. 8, will be during February 26-March 1, 2013.

Visit us!

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Lista expozanti / Exhibitors list� ALPINA SIRO



� BIT SPEDIZZIONI – “Bontimes”

� COM IMPEX DALIN – “Anna Fellini”

� CONDUR by Alexandru




� MALL EXPERT – “Jana”, “Inblue”


� MELISA SHOP – “Eldemas”









� SELEZIONE – “Viole del Re”







� VITAL LOGISTIC – “Maus”, “Scholl”

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ANGELA INTERNATIONALAddress: RO, Iasi, Tatarasi no. 67

Phone: 0040 232 242232

E-mail: [email protected]


Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• producator incaltaminte dama si marochinarie

• women's shoes and leather goods manufacturer

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BERKEMANNPhone: 0040 724 665776

E-mail: [email protected]


Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• Incaltaminte de confort din 1885

• Comfort shoes from since 1885

GDS Düsseldorf 2011:

Premiu pentru confort si design

German shoe prize for comfort and design

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BIT SPEDIZZIONI Address: RO, Timis, Dumbravita, Uranus no. 24

Phone: 004 744 706 103

E-mail: [email protected]

Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• comert cu articole de incaltaminte, marochinarie

• trade with footwear, leather goods

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Address: RO, Reghin, 54300, Apalina no.120

Phone: 0040 265 306250

E-mail: [email protected]


Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• Producator genti si alte articole din piele

• Manufacturer of bags and other leather goods

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CONDUR by Alexandru

Address: RO, Bucuresti, Cotroceni no. 21

Phone: 0040 757 012 534

E-mail: [email protected]


Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• Producator incaltaminte de dama

• Manufacturer of ladies shoes

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Exclusive representative for Romania:


Phone BG: 00359 886 906 210 -Dimitrinka Toncheva

E-mail: [email protected]"CAPRICE" - Incaltaminte de dama si de barbati, dupa o

tehnologie germana.

Fashion with comfort, "superflexible", international patent

"walking on air", and "Antishock", upper leather.

"Caprice Schuhproduktion GmbH&Co“ Blockbergstr 158,

D66955 Pirmansens - Germany

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EQUIPEAddress: RO, Bihor, Oradea, Anatole France no.41

Phone: 0040 259 432209

E-mail: [email protected]


Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• comert cu articole de incaltaminte

• trade with footwear

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GIOSEPPOContact person: Peter Zoltan

Phone: 004 0742 208680

E-mail: [email protected]

De peste 20 de ani suntem prezenti in peste 35 de tari de pe mai multe continente. De-a lungul anilor colectiile noastre s-au diversificat, pornindu-se cu incaltamintea pentru plaja si ajungand pana la cizmele Wellington si apoi Gioseppo Kids.

Colectia de Primavara-Vara 2013 ofera confortul si calitatea cu care ne-am obisnuit clientii, si atrage prin culorile vii si indraznete!

More than 20 years we are present in over 35 countries on several continents. Along the years our collections have diversified, starting with shoes for the beach and reaching Wellington boots and then Gioseppo Kids.

Spring-Summer 2013 collection offers comfort and quality that our customers got used, and attracts with strong and bold colors!

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Address: RO, Harghita, Gheorgheni,

535500, Cart. Florilor 43/C

Phone: 0040 366 401 075 / 0040 747 088 368

E-mail: [email protected]

Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• comert cu articole de incaltaminte, reprezentanta marci de renume precum: Jana, Inblu.

• trade with footwear, representative of the famous brands such as: Jana, Inblu.

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Address: RO, Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Milcov no. 21A

Phone: 0040 264 597 191 / 0040 722 896 166

E-mail: [email protected]

Multi Com Mixt, este reprezentantul brandului “Marco Tozzi” in Romania, membru al grupului Wortmann A.G. Germania.

Colectia Primavara/Vara 2013 , cuprinde o gama variata de modele de pantofi si sandale atent studiate si concepute in atelierele de creatie a grupului german. Calitatea si calapodul deosebit de comod, au facut ca brandul Marco Tozzi sa se impuna pe piata europeana fiind unul din primele trei la sectiunea casual. Ca urmare, ne-am impus si pe piata din Romania, incaltamintea cu emblema “Marco Tozzi” este prezenta in magazinele de specialitate din marile orase ale tarii.

Multi Com Mixt Cluj-Napoca, represent "Marco Tozzi“ brand in Romania, member of Wortmann Group AG Germany.

Collection Spring / Summer 2013, includes a variety of models of shoes and sandals carefully studied and designed in creation workshops of the German group. With quality and extremely comfortable shoe lasts, "Marco Tozzi“ brand have imposed itself in the European market as one of the top three of casual section. As a result, we have also imposed in Romania, shoes with the emblem "Marco Tozzi“ are presents in stores of large cities.

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MELISA SHOPAddress: RO, Bucuresti, Alea Ciceu no. 8-10

Phone: 0040 722 755 555 / 0040 735 178 555

E-mail: [email protected]

Domeniu activitate / Company profile

Cu o experienţă de peste 10 ani în domeniul distributiei de încălţăminte pentru barbati, ELDEMAS a reuşit să se impună prin stilul şi calitatea produselor, acestea fiind prezente la nivel naţional, în marile magazine centrale şi în principalele mall-uri. Diversitatea foarte mare a produselor, de la încălţăminte casual-sport la încălţăminte elegantă, originalitatea modelelor, dar şi raportul calitate-preţ foarte bun, au făcut ca marca ELDEMAS să devină foarte apreciată în rândul clientilor, colectiile sale acoperind toate segmentele de varsta. Încălţămintea se caracterizează prin confort deosebit îmbinat cu o calitate superioară a materialelor folosite (piele naturală atât la exterior cât şi la interior) şi a unei linii foarte moderne ce ţine permanent pasul cu moda.

With over 10 years experience in the distribution of men shoes, our company has managed to impose in style and quality. Our products are present at national level in major department stores and malls. Great diversity of products, from casual at elegant, the originality of models, and excellent value for money, made ELDEMAS brand becomes highly appreciated among the clients, his collections covering all age segments. ELDEMAS shoes are characterized by outstanding comfort combined with superior quality materials (leather both outside and inside) and a very modern lines that always keep up with fashion.

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Address: RO, Timis,Timisoara, I.H.Pestalozzi no. 22

Phone: 0040 256 294216

E-mail: [email protected]


Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• comert cu articole de incaltaminte, marochinarie si imbracaminte- ciorapi de dama

• trade with footwear, leather goods and stocking

Cu o prezenta constanta de 12 ani pe piata romaneasca, Mondorom si-a creat deja un renume prin brandurile de produse comercializate.

With a constant presence on the Romanian market for 12 years, Mondorom has already created a reputation, through the famous brands which they sell.

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MOPIELAddress: RO, Buzau, Podgoria, Podgoriei no. 29

Phone: 0040 238 406 342

E-mail: [email protected]


Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• Producator de incaltaminte pentru barbati, copii si femei

• Manufacturer of footwear for men, women and children

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Our slogans are: sincerity and authenticity, original products offered at accessible prices, excellent quality, tradition of footwear market. S.Oliver is part of the WORTMANN A.G. famous German manufacturer of shoes in the world.

Our greatest desire is to offer for our customers fit footwear, with quality and comfort. This is our mission and the secret to success!

S.Oliver - symbol of fashion, for all situations and suitable for everyone!

Contact person: Hergert Lajostel

Phone: 0036 70 3814173 / 004 0742 208680

E-mail: [email protected]

Devizele noastre sunt: sinceritate si autenticitate, produsele oferite sunt originale la preturi accesibile, calitate excelenta , traditie pe piata de incaltaminte. S.Oliver face parte din grupul WORTMANN A.G. din Germania producator cu renume pe piata mondiala de incaltaminte.

Dorinta noastra cea mai mare este de-a oferi clientilor nostri incaltamintea potrivita prin calitate si confort. Aceasta este misiunea noastra si secretul unui real succes!

S.Oliver intruchipeaza moda, in orice situatie, potrivit pentru fiecare!

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Is a part of the Pikolino’s group from Alicante, Spain, with tradition in the production of women, men and children footwear. Pikolinos is currently considered one of the few companies that offers for his customers unique products based on quality and originality. Philosophy that inspire us are the combination of comfort and quality.

Currently Pikolinos shoes are sold in over 8,000 outlets worldwide. Our footwear is made from quality leather using vegetable or water-based dyes and solvent-free adhesives, substantially reducing any negative environmental impacts.

Contact person: Peter Zoltan

Phone: 004 0742 208680

E-mail: [email protected]

Face parte din Grupul Pikolino din Alicante, Spania, grup cu traditie in productia de incaltaminte pentru femei, barbati si copii. In prezent este considerata una dintre putinele companii care ofera clientilor sai produse unice bazate pe calitate si originalitatea. Filozofia care ne inspira este combinatia intre confort si calitate.

In prezent pantofii PIKOLINOS se comercializeaza in peste 8000 de puncte de vanzare din intreaga lume. Incaltamintea este fabricate din piele de calitate superioara folosind coloranti vegetali sau pe baza de apa, precum si cleiuri fara solventi, reducand in mod considerabil orice impact negativ asupra mediului.

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PIXIE SHOESPhone: (004) 0723654567 / (004) 0721560635

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


Pantofii brandului Pixie transpun perfect echilibrul intre design,

maiestrie de inalta calitate, culori indraznete si confort.

Pixie Shoes s-a nascut din visul Sinzianei si Evei de a avea pantofi

fabulosi pentru toate momentele perfecte din viata lor.

Inca de la lansare, in 2009, am creat cate doua colectii pe an si

numeroase editii limitate.

Folosim doar piele naturala si intoarsa, iar uneori, pentru comenzi

speciale, textile deosebite. Intregul proces de productie se bazeaza

pe executia manuala si din acest motiv realizam un numar limitat

de produse in serie.

O perioada produsele noastre au fost comercializate doar direct de

pe site-ul nostru, dar acum ele pot fi comandate in mai multe locatii

atat online cat si offline, cat si in magazine internationale online

care reunesc creatiile a mai multor designeri romani.

Colaboram cu designeri renumiti completand colectiile lor cu pantofi

pentru diferite parade, spectacole si sedinte foto, cu reviste de

moda din Romania si am participat la cele mai importante targuri

pentru tinerii designeri din Romania.

Pixie Shoes is the brand that aims for the perfect balance between design, high quality Romanian craftsmanship, bold colors and comfort.

Pixie Shoes was the dream of Sînziana and Eva, who started this brand to fulfill their need for fabulous shoes for all the perfect moments in their lives.

We have been on the market since 2009 and have launched since then two collections a year and several limited editions.

We only work with natural leather and suede, and sometimes, for special orders we use also special textiles. The whole production process is based on handmade execution and for that reason we only make limited number series.

For a while we only offered the possibility of ordering directly from our website, but now our products are sold in online and offline stores that sell products of the Romanian designers as well as a couple international online concept stores.

We collaborated with fashion designers, providing shoes for their shows or for photo shootings, with Romanian fashion magazines and we attended the most important fairs for young designers in Romania.

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PJ SHOESAddress: RO, Bucuresti, 041914, Berceni no. 8

Phone: 0040 213 327 608 /09 /10

E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]


Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• Producator de incaltaminte pentru copii

• Manufacturer of shoes for children

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RISU RIEKERContact: Andrei Puia(Sud-Est) – 0040 740 115 006

Avramia Adrian(Nord-Est) – 0040 740 115 003

Deak Robert(Nord-Vest) – 0040 740 115 007

Deak Kalman (Sud –Vest) – 0040 740 115 005

Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• comert cu articole de incaltaminte pentru adulti

• trade with adults footwear

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HASLEY : Chic and classical collection !!

Pentru magazinele specializate pe incaltaminte clasica de calitate superioara, Hasley poate reprezenta un brand de mare interes. Modelele sunt confectionate din piele, cu talpa flexibila si captuseala din piele, cu toc între 30 si 55 mm si diverse accesorii de ajustare a latimii. Hasley intruchipeazaconfortul la care viseaza orice femeie!

For the retailer whose business is considered traditional wide fitting then Hasley will be the area of interest as this brand offers soft and supple leather uppers, flexible sole, leather lining/Sock, narrow heel area, heel-height from 30 - 55 mm, several fitting options. This brand represents the comfort which women are looking for!

Address: 10. Rue de la Vendée, 49280 Saint-Léger-sous-Cholet - FRANCE

Phone: 0040 730 555737 - Mr. Gall Istvan (RO)E-mail: [email protected]


ARTIKA SOFT : Energy wit every step !!

Un brand pe placul comerciantilor care pun in valoare stilul ,calitatea superioara, tendintele actuale si confortulpantofilor cu toc si talpa flexibila, cu fata si captuseala din piele. O colectie de neegalat pentru confortul zilnic al picioarelor!

A brand to please retailers who has a need for stylish high quality, and comfortable product that reflects current trends, last shapes and heel heights, and like all Samson shoes is leather lined and flexible. This collection makes your feet feel comfortable all day long!

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Address: RO, Brasov, Brasov, 500152, Turnului no.5

Phone: 0040 268 548 140

E-mail: [email protected]


Viole del Re un brand romanesc cu un stil italian. Produce accesori sofisticate, posete si produse de lux. Inca din 2002 compania noastra a avut privilegiu de a colabora cu branduri faimoase precum: PRADA, GUCCI, ALVIERO MARTINI, I CLASSE, ALBERTO GUARDIANI, BYBLOS, KARL LAGERFELD, TOD`S . Experienta castigata in timp ne-a permis sa realizam posete si accesorii de o inalta calitate si maiestrie in realizare, la preturi competitive.

Produsele noastre sunt realizate cu accesorii si piele de provenienta Italia.

Viole del Re a new Romanian brand, with Italian style.

International manufacturer of sophisticated accessories, bags and luxury leather products. Since 2002 our company had privilege to collaborate with famous brands like PRADA, GUCCI, ALVIERO MARTINI, I CLASSE, ALBERTO GUARDIANI, BYBLOS, KARL LAGERFELD, TOD`S . Experience gained over time, working with big brands, allows us now to produce bags and accessories with extreme care, well finished and very competitive prices.Our products trendy, casual and elegant are made with Italian leather and accessories.

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SIDERMAAddress: RO, Bucharest, Timisoara Blvd. no.96, PO Box 66

Phones: 0040 21 4440241 / 51 / 59 / 64 (Fax)

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected] Site:

Producator textile netesute, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, membru EDANA (Asociatia internationala a netesutelor si industiriilor complementare), Sfera Factor (Asociatia producatorilor de incaltaminte, marochinarie si alte art. din piele) si ASSM (Asociatia

Romana de Sanatate si Securitate in munca), cele mai importante produse fiind: *semifabricate pentru confectionarea incaltamintei, *netesute textile pentru industria mobilei, *captuseli pentru imbracaminte, *mochete termoformabile, *materiale filtrante pentru diverse aplicatii, *captuseli pentru marochinarie, *materiale geosintetice , *suporturi de textile netesute pentru acoperiri cu bitum sau pvc in vederea obtinerii de membrane hidroizolante.

Nonwoven textile manufacturer, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 certified, member of EDANA (International Association Serving the Nonwovens and Related

Industries), SFERA FACTOR (Romanian Association of Shoe and

Leather goods’ producers) and ASSM (Romanian Association of

work safety and security 2006), famous for its products: *shoe components; *nonwoven support for PVC coatings; * linings for garments ; *textiles for furniture industry; *thermo- formable carpets, sound absorbent materials for the auto industry; *filters; *Geo-textiles; *Laminating clients’ materials, covering textile materials with PU adhesives.

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Phone: 0040 264 591 178

0040 751 175 591

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Address: RO, Botosani, Unirii no. 7

Phone: 004 0742 138 549 / 004 0742 138 539

E-mail: [email protected]

• Incaltaminte confort cu efect de stimulare a zonelor reflexogene

• Comfortable footwear with stimulating effect on the reflexogenic zones

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TFT SHOESAddress: RO, Ilfov, Leordeni, Popesti Vest no. 1

Phone: 0040 21 492 0367

E-mail: [email protected]


Inspirata din inima muntilor, de la padurile cele mai putin umblate, de la simturi inca neexplorate, de la orizonturi la care vrei sa ajungi, linia trekking Grisport este incaltamintea facuta din natura pentru natura, confortabila si rezistenta, garantand un perfect control al piciorului si o extraordinara aderenta pentru orice tip de teren.

Inspired from the heart of the mountains, from the virgin forests, from unexplored senses, from horizons of where you want to go, the Grisport trekking shoes line is made from nature to nature, with amazing comfortably and durability, ensuring a perfect control of foot and an extraordinary adherence on any type of ground.

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TIMEX PROD COMAddress: RO, Bucuresti, Valea Lunga no. 52-54

Phone: 0040 21 7782939 / 0040 722 226 148

E-mail: [email protected]

Comercializam incaltaminte din piele naturala , in sistem en-gross si en detail

We sell leather shoes in bulk or retail.

Adresele magazinelor noastre sunt urmatoarele:

Our store addresses are:

- Bd.I.C.Bratianu nr.6,sector 3,Bucuresti, RO;

- Sos.Iancului nr.4,bl.113A,sector 2,Bucuresti, RO;

- Bd.Iuliu Maniu nr.55,bl.17,parter,sector 6,Bucuresti, RO;

- Bd.Iuliu Maniu nr.160,bl.I,parter ,sector 6,Bucuresti, RO;

- Sos.Stefan cel Mare nr.30,bl.26,parter,sector 2 , Bucuresti, RO;

- Bd.Ghencea nr.40, bl.C24,parter , sector 6,Bucuresti, RO.

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Address: RO, Ialomita, Amara,

Libertatii no. 36

Phone: 0040 243 266 273

E-mail: [email protected]


Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• Producator articole de marochinarie

• Manufacturer of leather goods

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Address: RO, Mures,Tg. Mures, Painii no. 13

Phone: 0040 265 265 268 / 0040 737 514 814

E-mail: [email protected]

Domeniu activitate / Company profile

• comert cu articole de incaltaminte, reprezentanta Scholl si Maus.

• trade with footwear, representative of the famous brands Scholl and Maus.

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I.N.C.D.T.P.Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare

pentru Textile si Pielarie

Address: RO, Bucuresti, Lucretiu Patrascanu no. 16

Phone: 0040 21 340 49 28

E-mail: [email protected]


BUSSINESSTEXINAddress: RO, Bucuresti, Calea Victoriei no. 216

Phone: +4 021 411 81 86 / +4 0755 076 740

E-mail: [email protected]


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Amplasament expozanti / Exhibitors emplacement Next Seson 11-14 septembrie 2012 Hotel Caro - Bucuresti