Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p

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  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    Industry Analysis

    • Mature and highly competitive

    • ey !layers: Thomson "##$%& Zenith "'#$%& !hilips"''$%& (ony ")$%

    • *e+ products see high initial adoption then graduallyslo+s do+n as it matures "e,hi-it # . analogy +ith

    Color TV& VCR / Ca-le%

    • High Volume / 0o+ Margin



    Sales ($)

    (ales "8%

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    en t s pos t on n t eindustry

    Category Rank 1 Zenith’s Rank  Repurchased RCA 2

    Reputation Zenith 1

    Latest Features Sony 2

    Failiarity Zenith 1Less !"pensi#e Zenith 1

    Recognition Zenith 1

    #erall %randRating

    Zenith 1

    • Zenith purchase decision in&uenced 'y paste"perience ore• Sony leads in perorance and eatures• RCA leads in price

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    Maret !otential -y #3th Century for HDTV

    *o ofHouseholds

    *o of Households"'111%

    *o of Households"#333% !rice

     Total TV Industry '3' mn

    HDTV Industry!enetration '3;'# mn #7 mn


  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p



      '11# '116 '114 '117 '11) '112 '115 '111 #333

    Households+ith TV

    1#'33333 16616273 14)52733 1715'#7312#27333157)5273115)#733'3''7)#7



    >orecast $

     TVHouseholds 4 '3 #';4 6#;5 44;# 77;) )2 2#;4 22;5

    Color TV # 4 2 '6;5 #3;) #2;4 64;# 4' 42;)

    Ca-le # 4 2 5 1 '3 '' '# '6;)




    6##6733 )''7527 '4'42#73 '2664)33#7))3173#1'46#27622)4)336742#7#744#66727

    Color TV '54#333 '516273 426462757''362;





    Ca-le '54#333 '516273 4264627 #144'#7 75'3)#7 434)#73 )165)#7 7#33'#7 5266327

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    ?hat (hould @ruce Hu-er Do

    • ropose to adopt Aspect Ratio study* Secondary Research+ Focus ,roup research in 1--.

    •  /nno#ators + 0ualitati#e Research* research and3ealer Research could 'e pursued in 1--1

    • reerence test in 1--2

    • ost launch Consuer A4areness sur#ey in 1--5

    • Launch a pilot pro6ect and de#elop 7389 prototypes tolearn consuer responses through actual trial 'eorelaunching actual odel

    • Colla'orate 4ith the :apanese to de#elop the 7389

    prototypes and 4orking odels• sa#ing R+3 Cost ; estiated around $

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    (cenario9s deBned• essiistic Scenario

    HDTV -roadcast issues are resolved• HDTV sets are readily availa-le

    • uality HDTV programming is not availa-le

    • Consumers do not see the -eneBt in paying higher price

    • (ales +ill suer and HDTV +ould only -e a-le to penetrate 6E4$ of

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    Alternatives for Zenith9s MR=arketing Research !stiated Research

    CostLaunch 8ie

    Focus ,roup $>.*... Fe4 =onths

    7389 ConsuerResearch ()

    $1.*..*... Fe4 =onths(su'6ect to

    a#aila'ility ounds)

    Aspect Ratio Study $12

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p



    7ead G o total 'udget Aount(8otal H $2 $1I.*...

    Color TV Research '5 813&333

    7389 Aspect RatioStudy

    2< $12

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    Tentative Research !lan for '113


    8entati#eLaunch tie

    !stiatedResearch Cost


    Aspect RatioStudy

    1--. $12.*... =iscB %udget1--. ($

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p



    7ead G o total 'udget Aount(8otal H $

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    ther Initiatives

    • !reference test can -e conducted in '11# J '7$ of the total mareting

    -udget allocated last year

    • Consumer A+areness survey can -e launched in '114 J #3$ of the totalmareting -udget "reference: '11'K1# -udget%

    • /nternet &ourishing in S 'y 1--. s and usage o internet tocreate 7389 a4areness could gi#e Zenith the Mrst o#er

    ad#antage in internet arketing• Launch a pilot pro6ect and de#elop 7389 prototypes to learn

    consuer responses through actual trial 'eore launching actualodel

    • Colla'orate 4ith the :apanese to de#elop the 7389 prototypesand 4orking odels

    • sa#ing R+3 Cost ; estiated around $

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    (hould Zenith undertae the Aspect Ratio(tudy

    •*o& Zenith should not undertae the Aspect Ratiostudy as a tool for mareting research

    • !ros: The Aspect Ratio study could indicate

    • customer aspect ratio preferences&

    • determine preferences at dierent prices&

    • changing preferences +ith program content /

    • changing preferences +ith diagonal siLe variances

    • Cons:• Customers +on9t have the e,perience of HDTV resolution

    +hich might undermine the product -eneBt

    • 0arge screen color TV9s are already proliferating . HDTV as

    +ider TV only might -e seen as a variant of the same andnot ne+ innovation

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    Alternative ResearchDesign

    • Develop a pilot proFect and manufacture HDTVprototypes to test customer preferences

    • Colla-oration +ith the apanese can speed upthe process and lo+er R/D costs

    • Customers can get real feel of the HDTV +hich+ould help in its rapid adoption

    • To -e adopted -y end of '11'

    • sa#ing R+3 Cost ; estiated around $

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    Analogy to previous innovations . Assessing HDTVMaret !otential

    /nno#ation CA,R enetration ,ro4th eriod

    Color TV ''$ 24$ '3 years

    VCR 6)$ ))$ 7 Nears

    • @e4 products adding #alue to #ie4er e"periences are

    adopted rapidly• Sales o Large Screen Color 89 'et4een 25?2N G till 1-N-*considera'le share or large screen• ast !"perience* rice + roduct eatures crucial eleentsin understanding consuer 'eha#ior

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    Role of MR for CD innovations

    • Identify the product Btment to the consumer9s preferences

    • Identify the perception of the maret segment targeted to+ards ne+innovative and value adding products

    • Identify the consumer needs that the ne+ product +ould serve

    •Determine maret readiness for the innovation at that particular time

    • Determine the addEon features that might -e added to stimulate -uyers

    • Determine the price dierential preferences of the consumers

    • Determine the features and attri-utes customers are +illing to pay

    e,tra for• Determine the overall acceptance of the consumers

    • Oducate the customers a-out a ne+ product that is a-out to enter themaret

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


    MR feed-ac useful in strategyformulation for HDTV introduction

    Research seulness

    7389 Consuer Research ClariMes is?c.nceptions on 7389acceptance

    Aspect Ratio Study 3eterine Consuer Aspect Ratiopreerences + corresponding changes4ith price* progra + diagonal siOes ; todesign the product accordingly

    3ealer Research 3eterine the e"tend to 4hich a dealercan in&uence 'uyer 'eha#ior and pushthe product

    Secondary Research !stiate arket siOe and gro4th

    0ualitati#e Research !"plore 'eneMts that custoers seek in

    7389reerence test 3eterine ptial pricing and #olue


    7alo !Eect Sur#ey 3eterine Custoer A4areness o 7389

    Analogy 4ith e"isting products ,ro4th potential

  • 8/9/2019 Case Analysis for Zenith MR for HDTV p


     Than Nou PPP