Carbonate Platforms

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Transcript of Carbonate Platforms

  • 8/13/2019 Carbonate Platforms


    Carbonate Platforms

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    I. Intro

    1. Limestones are biochemicalrocks

    2. Composed of CaCO31. Calcite, Aragonite

    3. Calcium carbonatesediments depend on:1. Temperature2. Pressure3. Agitation

    4. Abundance of calcareous-shelled organisms

    1. abundant light2. constant so/oo3. clear, warm water

    1. Organisms like shallow

    water, away from river

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    II) Platform and shelf carbonates

    A. Carbonate depositon mostly onplatforms

    B. Carbonate platform is defined as:1."a large edifice formed by the

    accumulation of sediment in anarea of subsidence"C. Examples: rimmed platform,

    isolated platform, ramp
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    III. Platform Characteristics A. Most platforms:

    1. have a flat top

    2. steep sides3. can be several

    kilometres thick4. extend over many

    hundreds of squarekilometres5. can be rimmed or


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    Platform Characteristics

    ContinuedB. Platform seds also in epeiric seas

    1. distinguishing betweenshelf/epeiric sea carbonatesdifficult

    2. distinction based onpaleogeography

    C. Most carbonate productionseaward

    1. upwelling/nutrientsi. e.g. reefs on platform marginii. if no reef, ooid shoals--oosparite

    2. landward- subtidal carbonatei. poor preservation - stormsii. seds transported

    offshore/onshore (tidal flats,channels)

    3. nearshore protected areasi. micrite/biomicrite/pelmicrite

    4. above high tide (supratidal)--


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    IV. Carbonate deposits

    A. Micrite mud mounds1. 100 meter thick, 1km diameter

    i. deep & shallow water originii. lack internal structureiii. Mostly Paleozoic some Mesozoic

    iii. pelloid deposit?1. skeletal component low

    iv. plant stabilizationv. sed trapping organism--bryzoans

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    Devonian Saharan Micrite Mud


    Asymmetrical mud mounds at AzelMatti (Ahnet Basin, Algeria) Mud mounds (25-30 m high) at Azel Matti (Ahnet Basin, Algeria)

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    V. Reefs --Defined

    A. a reef - structure constructed of largeelements (usually > 5 cm) capable ofthriving in energetic environments

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    VI. Reef Structure & Rocks

    A. Low latitude, shallow water env.1. framework organisms vary

    with timei. archaeocyathids, sponges,

    corals, algae, bryzoa, etc.B. Reef core = massiveC. Forereef = talusD. Reef limestone types

    1. framestone in situ fossilsform supporting framework

    2. bindstone--encrusting &

    binding organism3. bafflestone-- stalk-shapedfossils--reduce rate of waterflow

    E. Reef core bounded by forereeftalus

    1. forereef-allocthonus seds

    2., rudstone

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    VII. Reef Facies A. Reefs generally comprise three facies:

    1. Core facies - massive unbedded carbonate withor without skeletons

    2. Flank or forereef facies - bedded carbonatesand and conglomerate of in place and/or corederived material, dipping and thinning away fromthe core

    3. Interreef or open platform facies - subtidallimestone to terrigenous clastic sediment,unrelated to reef growth.

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    Reef Facies

    Miocene Llucmajor ReefComplex Components , MallorcaSpain


    Miocene Reef Facies, Mallorca
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    VIII. Deep sea carbonates

    A. Deposition seaward of

    terrigenous seds1. max depth about 5 km2. seawater colder w/depth

    i. more dissolved carbon-dioxide than warm water

    ii. increase H 2CO3= increasedissolution

    iii. Temp more importantthan P

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    B. CCD = depth belowwhich no carbonateseds accumulate1. deeper in equatorial

    wateri. more carbonate

    production2. shallow near margin

    i. More organics3. CCD changes w/ time

    i. depends on CO2content &carbonateproduction

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    C. Deep sea redclay orsiliceous sedbelow CCD

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    IX. Unrimmed Shelves A. Characteristics of unrimmedshelves:

    1) a 10m -300 km wide seafloorgently slopes offshore from acontinental area

    4) lithofacies are generally grainy5) high-energy, carbonate sands in

    the wave and/or tide agitatedinner shelf

    6) skeletal muddy sands to muds inquiet deeper outer shelfi. periodically affected by storms

    7) localized patch reefs and sandshoals,8) no protection from onshore


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    XI. Rimmed Platforms A. Shallow platforms 0-30 m deepbounded at outer edges by high-energyfacies (typically reefs) and a pronouncedbreak in slopeB. Reduced connection between open-ocean and shelf due to protection byreefs, sand shoals, or islands, thusdampening wave energyC. Lithofacies are generally muddy

    D. Shelf depth determines facies type anddistribution1. Shallow water shelves have grassy

    covered sands and muds on their innerparts andskeletal sands and patch reefs on theouter parts while

    2. deep water shelves (lagoons withwater depths < 30m) are floored bymuds.

    E. Behind the reef are muddy carbonatesediments that contain lots of marineorganisms

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    Growth of Rim

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    Shallow Rimmed Shelf-Florida, Deeper Rimmed Shelf--Belize
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    XII. Isolated Platform

    A. E.g. BahamasB. Interior = skeletal l.s.,

    peloid sands & mud

    C. Platform margins =shoals of ooidgrainstone

    D. Talus slope & slump &gravity flows

    E. Platform evolution:1. Develop on horst2. graben = deeper


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    Isolated Platform

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    X. Ramps

    A. gentle slope (

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    Trucial Coast Ramp
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    Generalized model of a Carboniferous carbonateplatform (from Richards, 1989a).

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    XI. Intrashelf Basins on Rimmed Shelves andRamps

    A. Rimmed shelf w/inshore basinB. Pass landward into coastal siliciclastics

    C. Seaward-basin pass to rim of skeletal orooidsD. Basin depth few 10's of m

    1. below fairweather wave base

    2. seds = shale, quartz sand3. If below wave base, euxinic, dysaerobic l.s. &


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    Intrashelf Basin- I couldntfind one for carbonate setting


    occur atouter edge

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    Stop At This Slide! Succeeding

    Slides are extraneous.

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    u - o ac es nc u e:

    a back ramp with microbial intertidal flatsthat passlandward into an evaporitic basin and skeletal-pelleted sands to pelleted lime muds in protectedlagoonsa shallow ramp with high energy skeletal/oolitic sandshoals, beach barrier systems and coral reefsa deep ramp that is transitional fromaggregate/skeletal sands dominated by molluscs andforaminifera to skeletal muddy sands dominated bymollusc debrisa gradual transition into bivalve rich marls of deeperwater

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    Sedimentary processes

    Any living reef is a balance between 4factors:upward growth of in-place calcareouselements

    continual destruction by a host of raspers,borers and grazersprolific sediment production by rapidlygrowing, short-lived, attached calcareousbenthicsconcurrent inorganic or organically inducedcementation.The modern reef growth windowContinuing the carbonate nomenclature ofDunham to reefs

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    Facies distribution

    reef front facieslies between about 10-100 mdiverse reef builders varying in shape fromhemispherical to branching to columnar todendroid to sheet-like (dependent on speciesthat exist at time of reef formation)accessory organisms and niche dwellerscommonbelow 40 m light and wave intensity is lowand corals are platy

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    fore reef facies gravel and sand composed of skeletaldebris, reef limestone blocks, reefbuilder skeletonsgrade basinwards into muds

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    reef crest facies down to max 15 mreceives most wind and wave energyorganisms range from encrusting toshort and stubby branching typesdepending on wave and wind energy

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    reef flat facies in areas of intense waves - pavement ofcemented, large skeletal clasts withscattered rubble and coraline algalnodules

    moderate wave energy - shoals of wellwashed lime sandmost material swept in from reef crest

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    back reef facies where much of the mud formed on thereef comes out of suspensionprolific growth of sand and mud-producing bottom fauna (eg algae)corals are stubby and dendroid or largeand globular

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    Carbonate Slopes

    extend from the shallow water environment of thereef and fore reef down into deep water of oceanbasinsprocesses are similar to those of terrigenous slopesand deep water

    tend to be cut by a number of parallel gulliesfacies belts are parallel to the platform margindown slope carbonate deposition controlled by thecarbonate compensation depth

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    Depositional slopes either smooth slopes that extend fromshallow to deep water with thethickness of accumulated sedimentdecreasing seaward

    or bypass slopes where the upper slopeis largely bypassed with sedimentationon the lower slope

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    Erosional slopes net removal of material due to anumber of mechanisms includingslumping and carbonate dissolution

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    Sediment types and facies

    Slope sediments have several origins:

    Pelagic sediments accumulation of the shells of microscopic to very small marine organisms of the open oceanPlatform carbonate material that is derived from the shallow water platformmud to boulder-sized fragmentscan be transported as much as 120 km from the platform

    Hemipelagic sediment fine-grained terrigenous clastic material

    Autochthonous carbonate faecal pellets, skeletons of organisms of the slope, carbonate cements

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    Processes operating on the slope material settled out of suspension

    sediment gravity flows such asturbidites, slumping, debris flows andcreep

    reworking by bottom currentslaminated mudrocks to megabrecciasthat indicate large scale collapse of theplatform margin

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  • 8/13/2019 Carbonate Platforms


    Cambrian PaleogeographyI) Intro

    A. Most of N. America alongpaleoequator

    B. Deposition of carbonate & qtzsand, shaleC. Early Cambrian seaencroachmentD. L. Cambrian sea coveredlarge areaE. Much carbonate depositionF. E.g.. Sauk Sequence

    1. erosion and weathering of xlnbasement2. encroachment of marinewater3. deposition of clean sand4. sandy deposition replace bycarbonatesi. algae flourished5. sands pass westward intofiner clastics & carbonates6. E.g. Grand Canyoni. Cambrian Tapeats ssii. passes to Bright Angle Shaleiii. followed by Mauv L.S.iv. together form transgressivesequence

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    Devonian Saharan Micrite MudMounds

    Asymmetrical mud mounds at AzelMatti (Ahnet Basin, Algeria)

    Mud mounds (25-30m high) at Azel Matti(Ahnet Basin, Algeria)

    Generally, the mounds were established in a deeper subtidal environment as

    suggested by the lack of indications for ground-moving waves. Non-photic conditionsare indicated by the absence of cyanobacterial activity (e.g. micritic envelopes) andcalcareous algae. The mounds are reefs in the biological sense which means that

    they are autochthonous structures with a significant relief build by organisms.However, the typical Devonian reef builders, stromatoporoids and colonial rugose

    corals, are lacking. No rigid framework of organisms is present as that formed by the

    hermatypic scleractinian corals in modern reefs. The dominating faunal elements arecrinoids, tabulate corals, brachiopods, trilobites, sponges, ostracods and bryozoans:

    thus mostly filter feeding organisms which preferred the exposed mound positionbecause of better oxygenation and better food supply. But all these organisms are all

    mound dwellers, not mound builders. More than 80% of the mound volume isconstituted of a fine-grained carbonate (micrite) whose origin is one of the mainmiracles of mud mounds. High accumulation rates (0.2-0.8 m/1000 a), purity of

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