Capital One - Vision Day

Capital One – Vision Day Case Study – November 2014

Transcript of Capital One - Vision Day

Capital One – Vision DayCase Study – November 2014

Capital One is a diversified banking company focussed

primarily on consumer and commercial lending, employing

circa 1,200 people at their Nottingham HQ.

Capital One attributed its relative success to its use of data

collection to build demographic profiles, allowing it to target

personalised offers of credit direct to consumers. Digital

innovation is at the heart of the Capital One ethos. This

digital agenda is the main driving force behind the Capital

One Vision day, an annual event hosted in Nottingham for

all Capital One employees. The Carve team were tasked

with creating a captivating break-out session at the Vision

day to encourage Capital One Associates to think about the

digital world, connected consumer behaviours and how

Capital One can innovate in the light of new technology.

The Challenge

Carve designed a ‘digital playpit’ experience

stand to give Capital One Associates the

opportunity to get hands-on with some of the

most cutting edge, unreleased devices which are

set to revolutionise consumer/brand interactions.

These included Google Glass, Leap Motion and

Oculus Rift.

Alongside the ability to play with this exclusive

technology, associates were able to discuss how

Capital One might be able to deploy some of

these tools to create better experiences for their

customers and were invited to add their concepts

to the ‘Idea wall’. In doing so they were entered

into a prize draw.

The Solution

Over the course of Vision Day:

• The digital playpit was the most visited

stand of all 12 exhibitor spaces

• 78% of Vision Day attendees

interacted with the digital playpit

• Over 100 innovative concepts were

crowd-sourced for Capital One

The Results

Click infographic to see high


About us

Founded in 2006 and headquartered

in London, Carve is a boutique

consultancy that advises some of the

world’s leading organisations on the

strategic use of social media.


Our people-first approach helps

businesses build the systemic

capability to create value through

better connectivity and collaboration.

Results-driven, our programmes

include transformation through Social

Recruiting, Social Selling and

Enterprise Social Networking.