Candle Magic

15 Elizabeth Rowan Roberts Candle Magic Candles are a wonderful tool for magic, and can be a good introduction to spells for newcomers to the Craft. Candle spells are straightforward to perform, require no experience to achieve results, make concentration on your ritual intent easy, and use readily available materials. The candles used may be regular, 6-12 inch long, paraffin tapers of the sort you might use on your dining table. These may be purchased at your local greeting card shop or discount store. You may also use glass jar candles available from the grocery store for longer rituals. They will burn for seven days. (see illustration below) [ []



Transcript of Candle Magic


    Elizabeth Rowan Roberts

    Candle Magic

    Candles are a wonderful tool for magic, and can be a good

    introduction to spells for newcomers to the Craft. Candle

    spells are straightforward to perform, require no experience

    to achieve results, make concentration on your ritual intent

    easy, and use readily available materials. The candles used may be regular, 6-12 inch long, paraffin tapers of the sort

    you might use on your dining table. These may be

    purchased at your local greeting card shop or discount

    store. You may also use glass jar candles available from the grocery store for longer rituals. They will burn for seven

    days. (see illustration below)



  • If you like do it yourself projects you can make your own candles. There

    are directions below for making your

    own herb infused candles for healing

    or other spells. Another alternative is to make your own candles using

    beeswax sheets. These are available

    from craft stores or on the web from

    The Barker Company in Seattle, Washington. These are the simplest

    candles to make (see illustration

    below). You will need the beeswax

    sheets in the appropriate color(s), and


    The candles should be purchased or made in the colors appropriate to the spell you want to use. You need to use new candles for each ritual, they cannot be

    reused. The candle is charged for a particular magical intent for the ritual and

    retains this charge which can only be removed by burning the candle completely.

    It hardly need be said these days since you will not find any candles made from animal fat, but they cannot be used in candle magic. No tallow candles, they

    should be parafin or beeswax. The candles should also not be broken, a broken

    candle will not store and release the energy you place into it correctly. If there

    are any broken candles in the box save them for candlelit dinners.

    In addition to the candles, you will need a number of individual candle holders

    which can be inexpensive glass or metal holders that each hold a single taper.

    They need to be able to be moved individually on the altar. Some spells require

    that the candles touch so try to find small holders that will allow this. The

    number you will need depends upon the number of candles used for the spell you choose. I recommend getting the smallest, plainest holders you can find

    inexpensively. If you have a 99 cent store in your area they usually have

    something appropriate.

    There is some small controversy as to whether you should light your candles with a match. Some say that the sulfur in the match is associated with "negativity"

    and will contaminate the candle. This is not true, sulfur is used in protective

    magic both by ceremonial magicians and by witches. It is used to drive away

    negativity. A chunk of sulfur may be placed on the altar during protective rituals and some add a small amount to exorcism or protection incenses. It is associated

    with the sun, and the element fire. If you feel strongly about it despite this, you

    may use a taper or a punk to light your candles instead, lighting the taper or

  • punk from the altar candles. In case you don't know, a punk stick is a blank

    incense stick with no scent added. They are used by insulation contractors to look for air leaks in homes and by those who test smoke detectors. If you can't

    find them in your area you may use a lightly scented incense stick.

    You will also need some oil, either apricot kernal, olive, or almond from the

    grocery store to anoint the candles before use. See the bit below about anointing the candles for directions. If you already have an altar you can conduct the spell

    there, if not you will need to locate a flat surface large enough to hold the

    number of candles specified in the spell. A dressing table, dresser, diningroom

    table or other piece of furniture will do. Now just choose one of the following spells to perform for the goal you desire, and follow the directions for preparing

    and setting up the spell.

    Anointing the Candles

    Candles are anointed with oil prior to magical use. The oil used may be a plain

    vegetable oil; almond, apricot kernal or olive are recommended. You may wish to

    create a scented magical oil for anointing candles. Here are several recipes for

    appropriate blends: Anointing Oil

    To a base of 2 ozs of

    almond oil add 5 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil,

    3 drops Frankincense

    Essential Oil, and 1 drop

    of Orange Oil.

    Candle Anointing Oil

    To a base of 2 ozs of

    almond or apricot kernal

    oil add 1 teaspoon of powdered Frankincense

    Resin, and 1 teaspoon of

    powdered Myrrh Resin.

    Shake thoroughly and allow to steep for one

    week prior to use.

    Cinnamon Anointing Oil

    To a base of 2 ozs of almond oil add 5 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil, and 3

    drops of Frankincense Essential Oil. When you begin to anoint the candle speak the following words:

  • As you are anointing the candle meditate upon the purpose for which it will be

    used. Visualise the outcome you seek happening and how it will be. You are

    infusing the candle with the proper energies to manifest your intent by doing this.

    General Instructions for Candle Rituals

    After you have chosen a spell from those below you will need to gather the

    required number of candles in the appropriate color(s) with holders to go along

    with them. The spell will state on which day it should be performed. For the

    strongest planetary influences the spell should be performed at one of the

    following times on that day: 12 midnight, 7 am, 2 pm, or 9 pm. These are the hours ruled by the ruler of the day. If one of these times is not convienent simply

    do the spell on the day noted, regardless of the hour.

    After you anoint the candles place them on the altar in their holders in the

    arrangement indicated in the spell. A diagram will be provided to show how the altar should be set. Place a copy of the words of the spell on the altar as well, so

    you can read them. You may want to have a photo or other item to represent the

    person the spell is for if you are performing it for another, or it involves another


    Try to assure that you will not be interrupted during the the time it takes to do

    the spell, allow about half an hour, let the machine get the phone for example.

    Once begun it is best to complete the spell in one block if it is a one day spell,

    don't stop in the middle. Some spells require that they be performed over a series of days, it is generally best to use the same time for the successive days

    that you used for the first. If necessary to more clearly state your desire the

    words accompaning the spell may be altered and personalized. Try to fully state

    what you want as clearly and simply as possible.

    As the spell is being performed there may be occasions where one of the candles goes out on it's own, without the wind. If this happens, do not relight it. One of

    two things may be assumed to have happened, either the required amount of

    energy had already been released and the spell is complete for now, or there was

    something wrong with the way the spell was going and it will need to be redone. Simply complete the ritual for that night and continue it on the next day in the

    series. If it happens on the last day, simply allow the other candles to burn down

  • as usual and complete the spell at the point where the candle went out.

    It is also possible that the candle flame may jump or crackle during a spell. If you are summoning entities, the flame may grow to as much as six inches in

    height when they manifest, or make a crackling, popping sound. In regular

    candle spells a crackling, jumping flame generally implies that alot of energy is

    being generated due to high emotions or the effects of the spell. It is generally a good sign that the magic is working. Note which candle in the altar setup is

    crackling and go on with the ritual.

    A particularly strong flame means that power is being generated toward

    manifesting your intent. If a candle used to represent a person is particularly stong it can imply their dominance in the situation, their higher energy level,

    they are winning the situation, or anger and strong emotions on their part. A

    particularly weak flame shows that there is strong opposition to the

    manifestation of your intent and the spell may need to be repeated. If a persons candle is weak it may mean that they are in a submissive position in the

    situation, that they are losing, they have a lower energy level, or that they are in

    a weaker emotional position.

    After the spell is complete, if the spell is to be continued, leave everything in

    place for the next day. Pinch out or snuff the candles rather than blowing them out. Some feel that blowing out the candle is dismissive of the fire elemental in

    the flame. If it is a one day spell, or the last day of a multi-day spell you should

    allow the candles to burn out by themselves. Candles cannot be reused for

    another spell, and burning them completely releases all of the magical energies stored in them to the cosmos so that it can set the vibrations in motion to

    acomplish your goal.

    The Spells

    Healing Candle Spell

    This spell is done on Friday and repeats seven times. You will need a candle to

    represent the person the spell is being done for, this is called the petitioner

    candle. The petitioner may be yourself or someone else. This should be one of the colors that represent their Astrological sign, see for a table giving the colors.

    In addition, you will need two white altar candles, one red candle, two blue

    candles and one orange candle. If you use the homemade candles below, you

    may substitute the color candle specific to the disease indicated for the blue

    candles. You will also need a good healing incense, see for recipes for healing incense. The altar setup is as indicated below.

  • Cast a circle if desired, this ritual does not strictly require one. Light altar

    candles and incense. Light the petitioners candle, as you do so visualize the

    petitioner. Say aloud: "Here is (persons name) fit and healthy. Radiant with the glow of health by the blessings of the Goddess and God, who bestow balance

    and wellness."

    Light the orange candle while saying: "Let this light be a beacon for attracting

    all that is good and benificent to (persons name) to serve and help him/her/me by the power of the Goddess and God." Light the red candle, visualizing

    strength while saying:

    "Let this light be strength for his/her/my body to use and to and serve

    them/me by the power of the Goddess and God." Light the two blue candles visualizing health and physical well being while saying: "Let these lights be

    healing and health, covering (persons name) with healing blue light by the

    power of the Goddess and God. To cleanse him/her/me of all injury and illness

    and restore him/her/me to perfect health."

    Sit for a few minutes focusing on the blue light of healing surrounding the

    petitioner. When you have this visualized begin the incantation: "May the

    Goddess and the God grant (persons name) strength, balance and well being

    that they/I may be strong and whole in body and mind. May all illness be cast

    from him/her/me and be replaced with the blue healing light which fills them/me with vitality and glowing good health. So mote it be!" Visualize the

    petitioner clearly in perfect health with no illness or injury to mar their physical

    well being. Meditate on this for about 15 minutes, then snuff out the candles.

    Leave the altar set up if possible, and repeat on each successive Friday for seven Fridays. (Note: If you would like, you may want to make your own

    healing candles to use in this ritual, see below.)

    Homemade Healing Candles

  • If you would like to add the additional power of healing herbs to your healing ritual you may want to make some of these healing candles to use. They are

    quite easy to make and require only the minimum in materials and not previous

    candlemaking experience. They should be made on Sunday or on another day

    in the hour of the sun. They may be colored orange, the sun's color, or blue, the color of healing, or you may wish to choose a color correspondence

    specifically for the disease you wish to heal. There is a chart below which gives

    these correspondences. These candles have herbs added to the wax. Choose

    the herb to put into your candles based upon the nature of the illness or injury you wish to heal in the chart below. Please note, the plants indicated are not to

    be taken internally for the disease in question, they are to be put in the

    candles. They are not necessarily effective as medication only as a

    correspondence. Also, a healing ritual adds to rather than replaces seeking medical attention for illnesses and injuries. You still need to see a Doctor.

    Colors for Healing Candles

    Light blue or green are both used for general healing or health. Remember that

    these are simply suggestions. If you do not have the color candle indicated use

    a light blue or green candle, or even a white candle.

    Type of Problem Color of Candle Herb(s)

    Sexual Function Red Saw Palmetto for men, Black Cohosh for women

    Fertility Problems Green Dock, Hazel, Mustard, Raspberry

    Psychological Violet St. Johns Wort, Kava Kava, Hops

    Respiratory Tract Yellow Ephedra, Echinacea, Coltsfoot, Mullien

    Digestive System Pink Peppermint, Wintergreen, Fennel, Anise

    Nervous System Orange Ginko, Hops, Lavendar, Valerian (doesn't smell good)

    Bones or Teeth White Boneset, Comfrey, Arnica, Clove

    Urinary Tract Blue Saw Palmetto, Uva Ursi, Cubeb

    Muscles Purple Comfrey, Lavender, Marjoram, Marshmallow

    General Healing and

    Health Issues Light Blue Lavender, Galangal, Juniper,


    More Colors for Healing Candles

    Color Condition

    Red Anemia, leukemia, liver infections, neuralgia and paralysis

  • Orange Arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, constipation, coughs, depression, epilepsy and exhaustion

    Yellow Diabetes, heartburn, indigestion, menstrual cramps, constipation and skin conditions

    Green Boils, cancer, colds, headaches, high blood pressure, kidney ailments, nervousness, and ulcers

    Aqua Burns, eye ailments, high blood pressure, hypersensitivity, infections, inflammations, nutritional disorders and skin conditions

    Blue Burns, diarrhea, fever, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia,

    menstrual pain, rheumatism, skin rashes, sore throat, sunburn, ulcers and minor wounds

    Indigo Asthma, deafness, dementia, depression, epilepsy, eye ailments,

    infections, mental and nervous disorders, parkinson's disease,

    pneumonia, tuberculosis and upset stomach

    Violet Allergies, asthma, baldness, bloodclots, colds, gout, mental

    disorders, sinus problems, sleep disorders, stress related diseases

    and tumors

    Rose Heart conditions, anxiety, constipation, depression, hearing loss, kidney problems

    White Stroke, insufficient breast milk, broken bones, calcium defficiency, ostioporosis, toothache

    Herbs for Healing Candles

    Herb Condition

    Adders Tongue Stomach ulcers and tumors

    Agrimony Jaundice and diseases of the liver

    Alder Diarrhea, inflammations and sore throat

    All Heal External wounds

    Alow Vera Burns and external wounds

    Angelica Alcohol and drug abuse, delayed menstrual period, toothache

    Anise Asthma and bronchitis

    Blessed Thistle Colds

    Bloodroot Ringworm

    Catnip Anxiety, fever, menstrual cramps

  • Chamomile Colic, fever, inflammations, menstrual cramps, and nervous conditions

    Chickweed Inflammations

    Cinnamon Flu

    Coltsfoot Asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, emphasema, chest complaints and coughs

    Comfrey Dysentery, external wounds and stomach ulcers

    Coriander Fever

    Costmary Infections

    Crimson Clover Cancer

    Daisy Asthma

    Dandelion Constipation, gall stones and ailments of the liver, pancreas, spleen or female organs.

    Dogwood Fevers and infections

    Elderflowers Colds, constipation, fever, hemorrhoids, and impotency

    Elecampane Coughs and irregular menstruation

    Eyebright Eye ailments

    Fennel Anxiety, constipation, and irregular menstruation

    Garlic Arthritis, asthma, infections and rheumatism

    Ginger Fever, impotency and menstrual cramps

    Ginseng Impotency and all sexually related ailments

    Goldenrod Bladder infections, inflammation and insomnia

    Goldenseal Eczema, eye ailments, internal infections, poison ivy, rectal ulcers and ringworm

    Hawthorn Arteriosclerosis, edema, heart ailments and weak muscles

    Horehound Coughs, colds and constipation

    Horseheal Fever

    Horseradish Bronchitis, colds, kidney conditions and rheumatism

    Irish Moss Burns and coughs

    Jacob's Ladder Fever

  • Jasmine Impotency

    Jimsonweed Poison ivy

    Juniper Neuralgia, rheumatism and swellings

    Lady's Mantle Fever, headaches, inflammation, insomnia, menopause, menstrual cramps, and toothache

    Lavender Depression, fatigue, headache, impotency, neuralgia, rheumatism and sprains

    Mallow Tonsilitis

    Mandrake Impotency and infertility

    Milkweed Warts

    Motherwort All female problems

    Mugwort Fever and poison ivy

    Mullien Asthma

    Myrrh Gum irritations, infections and pain

    Nettle Asthma, muscle aches, stomach ulcers, diseases of the lungs and intestines

    Passionflower Insomnia

    Pennyroyal Fever and menstrual cramps

    Peppermint Headaches and muscle cramps

    Rose Kidney stones


    Colds, colic, congestion of the liver, depression, fatigue,

    headaches, high blood pressure, nervous heart conditions,

    paralysis, rheumatism, stress, weakness of the limbs and vertigo

    Saffron Depression and fever

    Sage Colds and coughs, depression, fever, flue, insomnia, pleurisy, sprains and varicose veins

    Snakeroot Impotency and snakebite


    Purse Bruises, skin irritations and rheumatism


    Seal Bruises, skin irritations and wounds


    Leaves Gout

  • Thyme Fever, headaches and whooping cough

    Valerian Anxiety, insomnia, rheumatism, stress and swollen joints

    Vervain Fever

    Violet Infections

    Willow Bark Headaches

    Witch Hazel Anxiety, eczema, inflammations, swellings and tumors

    Wormwood Colds and fever

    Yarrow Canker sores, colds, fever, liver diseases and muscle aches

    To make the candles you will need: a large saucepan, a large empty tin can, a

    knife, paraffin and/or beeswax, wicking, molds (either purchased or 'found'),

    broken crayons in appropriate color, and about a teaspoon of the appropriate dried herb for your purpose. The herb should be powdered and dried. You can

    use paraffin mixed with beeswax, beeswax alone or paraffin alone. Cut the wax

    into cubes with the knife. Put about two cups of water in the large saucepan

    and place it over a medium heat. When the water is hot, put the wax into the tin can and place the tin can in the large saucepan of water to melt the wax.

    When the wax is melted add the herb saying the following: "Oh magic herbs of

    root and flower, give this candle healing power. Let all evil sickness flee, when

    it is burned so mote it be!" Then add the broken crayons to color the candles.

    Stir to blend. Prepare the molds by spraying them with Pam or a similar vegetable oil spray so the candles will be easy to unmold. The molds may be

    purchased candle molds or you can use found items such as milk cartons,

    frozen juice cans, muffin tins or other similar containers. Be sure they are water

    tight so the wax won't leak out and heat resistant so the hot wax won't melt them. Cut lengths of wick long enough to reach the bottom of the mold plus at

    least an inch. Suspend the wicks into the mold from stick as show below. Pour

    the wax into the molds and allow the candles to cool and harden completely.

    Similar candles may be made for any magical purpose by adding the correct herb. Consult the herbal correspondences section to determine the herb to use

    for your purpose. Coloring may be determined by consulting the color


  • Attracting Love Spell

    The purpose of this spell is not to attract a specific person and if you use it for

    that purpose you may rue the day. For this spell you will need an astrological

    candle to represent yourself and three pink candles. The spell is done on three consecutive Fridays. This is a very simple spell. Place the candle which

    represents you in the center of your altar. Place the three pink candles in a

    triangular shape surrounding it, about 7 inches away.. There should also be two

    altar candles on your altar. You will need a good Venusian incense or Love Incense, (see the Incense recipes for some options), and you may want to dress

    the pink candles with a Love Oil, (see the Oil recipes for some).

    On the first night dress the candles and place them on the altar as described

    above. Meditate for a bit to empty your conscious mind of the daily thoughts and

    become concentrated on the task at hand. Light the altar candles and the Love incense. Close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by warm, soft, pink

    light. See the light glowing around you, feel the warmth of it's touch. Still holding

    this image open your eyes and light the candle representing you. Say "This

    candle is me, I am this candle." Light the three pink candles while still maintaining the visualization. Say "This is the love that surrounds me, the

    benificent love of the universe, a warm, loving cloud that envelops me and

    caresses me". Let the candles burn a moment and refocus the visualization. One

    by one move the pink candles one third of the distance toward the candle representing you. Say "This is the love of the universe being attracted to me,

    coming to me to bring me the love that I seek". Allow the candles to burn for at

    least ten minutes while focusing on the visualization.

    Each of the next two Fridays repeat the above actions, the second Friday move

    the pink candles half the distance toward the candle that is you, and the third Friday move them all the way to the candle and on the last night allow the

    candles to burn out completely. Be sure that you do this safely, if you will not be

    present, put the burning candles in the shower or tub to burn away from

    anything that could catch alight. It's no good attracting love and burning down your house at the same time.

    Love Attracting Candle Spell

    This spell is not intended to attract a specific person, it is designed to attract love into your life with a person who will be compatible with you. The spell is begun

    on Friday and continues for several days. For this ritual you will need two red

    candles, a gold candle, the candle to represent the petitioner in the appropriate

    color, two white altar candles, and a love attracting incense. See Astrological Correspondences to get the petitioners candle color, and Incense for a recipe for

    love attracting incense. The altar set up is as indicated below.

  • Cast a circle if desired, this ritual does not strictly require one. Light altar

    candles and incense. Light petitioners candle while thinking of them and saying

    "Here is (name), this candle is him/her/me; this flame burns as does his/her/my spirit." Light the red candles while thinking of the petitioners love

    and strength. Light the gold candle while thinking of the petitioners


    Meditate for a few moments on the petitioner as a warm, loving, attractive

    person who deserves to have love in their lives. Then recite the Invocation to

    Venus as follows:

    When Rome ruled all the world, 'tis said, Dear Venus, hearts of men you led

    to love, the great delight of life

    with spell of beauty, not of strife.

    Your power's still undimmed, I know, To me (or petitioners name) true love in life now show.

    Bring love to me (or petitioners name) on wings of


    Let happiness and joy abound.

    With every act and thought of mine (or his/hers), Let me (or them) attract my (or their) love divine.

    Now quickly bring my love to me (or petitioners name),

    And as my will, so mote it be!

    Move the red candles about three inches closer to the petitioner candle, saying "Here draws he to she (or he to he, she to she); the one towards the other. Such

    is the love that all feel it's attraction. These candles burn and draw him/her ever

    nearer. Powerful is the attraction." Meditate on the petitioner being surrounded

    by the rosy red glow of the light of love, bathed in its warmth for about ten minutes. Snuff out the candles. Continue the ritual on each successive day until

    the red candles touch the petitioner candle.

  • Prosperity Candle Spell

    This spell should be begun on Thursday. You will need five green candles,

    prosperity incense, a yellow candle, a red candle, and the petitioners candle as

    well as the usual two white altar candles. See Astrological Correspondences to get the petitioners candle color, and Incense for a recipe for money/prosperity

    attracting incense. The altar set up is as indicated below.

    Cast a circle if desired, this ritual does not strictly require one. Light the incense

    and the altar candles. Light the petitioners candle while visualizing them in a

    glowing green light and saying "Here is (name) glowing with prosperity and

    bathed in success". Light the yellow candle while contemplating attraction, confidence and gain. Saying as you do so "Let this light represent the attractive

    force drawing prosperity toward (name), bringing the money to provide for

    their needs and desires".

    Light the red candle as you comtemplate the strength of the petitioners will to

    succeed and prosper. Light each of the green candles in turn, visualizing the

    green glowing light around the petitioner growing stronger with each candle lit

    until it is a brilliant, bright, searchlight, gleaming into the sky. As you light the green candles say

    "Oh great and mighty Jupiter, your friendship I

    do seek.

    Your emissaries send to me, spirits rich and sleek.

    Good nature spirits sent by Jove, your

    comradeship I love.

    For bounty and good fellowship my thanks are

    sent above. Spirits great, your riches share in fun and

    friendship true,

  • prosperity descends on me, brought to me by

    you. And now my light is shining bright, rich green

    for all to see.

    Good fortune is my law of life. With thanks, so

    mote it be!"

    Sit for ten minutes visualizing the bright green searchlight illuminating the

    petitioner and surrounding them with a powerful glow of wealth and prosperity.

    Then snuff out the candles. Each day following move the green candles three

    inches closer to the petitioner prior to repeating the spell. Continue until they touch the petitioner candle.