Can neuroimaging help aphasia researchers?...

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Cognitive Neuropsychology

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Can neuroimaging help aphasia researchers?Addressing generalizability, variability, andinterpretability

Idan A. Blank, Swathi Kiran & Evelina Fedorenko

To cite this article: Idan A. Blank, Swathi Kiran & Evelina Fedorenko (2017): Can neuroimaginghelp aphasia researchers? Addressing generalizability, variability, and interpretability, CognitiveNeuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/02643294.2017.1402756

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Page 2: Can neuroimaging help aphasia researchers? … neuroimaging help aphasia researchers? Addressing generalizability, variability,

Can neuroimaging help aphasia researchers? Addressing generalizability,variability, and interpretabilityIdan A. Blanka, Swathi Kiranb and Evelina Fedorenkoc,d

aMcGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; bDepartment of Speech Language andHearing Sciences, Aphasia Research Laboratory, Sargent College, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA; cDepartment of Psychiatry, MassachusettsGeneral Hospital, Charlestown, MA, USA; dDepartment of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

ABSTRACTNeuroimaging studies of individuals with brain damage seek to link brain structure and activity tocognitive impairments, spontaneous recovery, or treatment outcomes. To date, such studies haverelied on the critical assumption that a given anatomical landmark corresponds to the samefunctional unit(s) across individuals. However, this assumption is fallacious even acrossneurologically healthy individuals. Here, we discuss the severe implications of this issue, andargue for an approach that circumvents it, whereby: (i) functional brain regions are definedseparately for each subject using fMRI, allowing for inter-individual variability in their preciselocation; (ii) the response profile of these subject-specific regions are characterized using variousother tasks; and (iii) the results are averaged across individuals, guaranteeing generalizabliity.This method harnesses the complementary strengths of single-case studies and group studies,and it eliminates the need for post hoc “reverse inference” from anatomical landmarks back tocognitive operations, thus improving data interpretability.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 8 March 2017Revised 14 October 2017Accepted 1 November 2017

KEYWORDSAphasia; fMRI; functionallocalization; group studies;individual differences

Three desiderata for cognitiveneuropsychology

Cognitive neuropsychologists study individuals withbrain damage in pursuit of two central aims: One isto analyse the behaviour of such individuals in termsof impaired cognitive functions and thus develop orconstrain theories of intact (non-damaged) infor-mation-processing architectures (Caramazza, 1992);the other is to characterize the pattern of spontaneousand treatment-induced recovery and thus inform orevaluate different interventions. The success of thisresearch programme critically depends on meetingthree desiderata: (a) generalizability: The analysis ofimpaired behaviour should capture universal aspectsof cognitive architecture that are compatible withdata across different individuals with brain damage,and treatment effects should be reliable across indi-viduals with similar deficits; (b) taking into accountvariability: Theories of cognitive architecture, as wellas treatments, should account for the wide diversityin symptoms across individuals diagnosed with thesame syndrome; and (c) interpretability: The exper-imental design should yield data that allow for valid

inferences regarding both cognitive theories (which,in turn, should be computationally explicit enoughto be informed by such data) and treatments.

Here, we discuss how these desiderata can be metin studies of individuals whose brain damage results inimpaired language comprehension and/or production—that is, persons with aphasia (PWAs). Although theideas we present are pertinent to the study of anyhigh-level cognitive deficit following brain damage,our focus on aphasia is motivated by historical, prag-matic, and discursive considerations. Historically,early aphasia research is acknowledged as the originof the cognitive neuropsychological discipline (Broca,1861/2006; Dax, 1863; Lichtheim, 1885; Wernicke,1874/1969), and it may be interesting to considerwhat progress has been made from the time ofthose first studies towards meeting the desiderataarticulated above. Pragmatically, aphasia affectsapproximately one third of stroke survivors (Berthier,2005), and more than 30% of these exhibit long-term, severe deficits (e.g., Bakheit et al., 2007).Indeed, research on aphasia has been prominentlyfeatured in this journal throughout its 34-year

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history. Discursively, and most importantly, focusingon aphasia frames this commentary within a long-standing, passionate debate on whether one canrationally assume that studies of PWAs are, in prin-ciple, capable of meeting the outlined desiderata.

The critical concern of this debate has been thataphasia researchers are seeking knowledge aboutthe language-processing architecture using data thatmight be inherently inadequate for providing suchknowledge. This debate has challenged cognitive neu-ropsychologists to re-examine the methodologicalfoundations of their discipline, leading to two conflict-ing conclusions: Some scientists called for rejectingthe common approach of “group studies”, in whichdata are averaged across a sample of PWAs with ashared syndrome, in favour of “single-case studies”that comprehensively characterize the deficits ofsingle individuals (Badecker & Caramazza, 1985; Cara-mazza, 1984, 1986, 1991; Caramazza & Badecker, 1989;Caramazza & McCloskey, 1988; McCloskey & Cara-mazza, 1988; Shallice, 1979); others, instead, defendedgroup studies and questioned the validity of infer-ences made in single-case studies (Bates, Appelbaum,& Allard, 1991; Bub & Bub, 1988; Caplan, 1988; Grod-zinsky, Piñango, Zurif, & Drai, 1999; Newcombe & Mar-shall, 1988; Robertson, Knight, Rafal, & Shimamura,1993; Whitaker & Slotnick, 1988; Zurif, Gardner, &Brownell, 1989; Zurif, Swinney, & Fodor, 1991).

Opponents of group studies, led by Alfonso Cara-mazza, have argued that this approach fails to meettwo desiderata: It does not take into account the varia-bility in symptoms across PWAs, and does not yieldinterpretable data. First, they have criticized the exist-ing groupings of PWAs under diagnostic categoriessuch as “agrammatism” for their reliance on subjectiveclinical intuitions (e.g., Badecker & Caramazza, 1985).Empirical data, they suggested, did not providenecessary and sufficient conditions for inclusion insuch categories given the substantial, unexplaineddifferences observed across individuals with a puta-tively shared deficit. Data interpretation was thusseverely limited, with no principled way of distinguish-ing meaningless differences within a category (i.e.,noise) from meaningful differences across categories(reflecting theoretically distinct impairments). Conse-quently, these categories appeared to be psychologi-cally arbitrary.

Second, these critics emphasized that such arbi-trariness cannot be resolved by further experiments.

Rather, categorizations for group studies are arbitraryby construction (Caramazza, 1986): In a group study,a set of PWAs all showing some behavioural signature(the grouping criterion) are hypothesized to have afunctional impairment in a certain, common com-ponent of the language-processing architecture; thishypothesis is evaluated by testing whether thisgroup exhibits, on average, another behavioural signa-ture (the predicted symptom) that should result fromthis postulated impairment. However, such averagingis valid only if the group is homogeneous with respectto the predicted symptom (and the underlying impair-ment), for which there is no a priori guarantee. Thus,when a statistical test indicates that the predictedsymptom is present in this group, it does not specifywhether the symptom is (a) present in every individ-ual, supporting the tested hypothesis; or (b) presentin most but not all individuals, arguably licensing therejection of the hypothesis and the adoption of anew categorization scheme: PWAs exhibiting boththe grouping criterion and the predicted symptombelong in one category, whereas those exhibitingonly the grouping criterion (but not the predictedsymptom) belong in another. These two scenarioscan be distinguished only through an analysis ofeach individual in the sample (i.e., a series of single-case analyses).

In contrast, proponents of group studies havepointed out that inter-individual variability in the pre-dicted symptom is naturally incorporated into statisti-cal inference: Significance tests evaluate the size of agroup-averaged effect (the signal) against this variabil-ity (the noise), which is similar to unexplained noise indata from neurologically healthy individuals. Highvariability would not yield significant effects, and theresulting readjustment of infelicitous grouping criteriashould, over time, converge towards theoreticallymeaningful syndromes (Zurif et al., 1989).

Moreover, group studies have been advocated forovercoming the limitations of single-case studies,which have been criticized for failing to meet the desi-derata of generalizability and interpretability. Single-case studies give excessive weight to the behaviouralsymptoms of one individual despite lacking a criterionfor distinguishing between behaviours that reflectdamage to language mechanisms and those that areidiosyncratic, “accidental”, and irrelevant (e.g., Zurifet al., 1989). For instance, the pattern of impairedand spared language functions of a PWA may reflect





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some atypical premorbid neurocognitive character-istics, unusual behavioural strategies for solving exper-imental tasks, or a non-representative and extrememanifestation of a certain deficit (e.g., Rosenbaum,Gilboa, & Moscovitch, 2014; Varley, 1998). Takingsuch idiosyncrasies as evidence for constraining thelanguage-processing architecture is a potentially pre-carious practice, especially when those idiosyncrasiesare incompatible with a cognitive model that has pre-viously received wide empirical support (Caramazza,1986). Linking behavioural data to an underlying cog-nitive architecture based on a single case is furthercomplicated because patterns of behavioural impair-ment are complex: Rather than exhibiting impairedperformance in one task and intact performance inanother, a patient would often show somewhatimpaired performance in one task and disproportio-nately more impaired performance in another (e.g.,Bi, Han, Shu, & Caramazza, 2007; Caramazza & Hillis,1991; Rapp & Caramazza, 2002; see also Van Orden,Pennington, & Stone, 2001). Even less defensible isgeneralization from a case study when characterizingpatterns of spontaneous or treatment-based recovery.Overall, given that a particular behavioural patternoften admits several cognitive explanations—however a priori unlikely some of them might be—acognitive neuropsychologist ought to evaluate therelative support that each explanation receives fromthe data. Because differences in such relativesupport across hypotheses increase with the additionof independent observations, studies that examinemultiple PWAs are sometimes claimed to conferhigher generalizability. Simply put, group studies areassumed to average out the effects of potential idio-syncrasies on task performance. Nonetheless, someproponents of single-case studies maintain that thisstatistical sense of “generalizability” is irrelevant totheir paradigm, which is argued to provide “existenceproofs” of cognitive deficits.

A second, related threat to generalizability in single-case studies is that their findings are potentially non-falsifiable in both practice and principle. In practice,a PWA is often chosen as a case study based not onsome clinical syndrome but on their performance ofthe critical tasks in that study. Such screeningrenders the inclusion criterion and the hypothesisnon-independent, virtually assuring support for thehypothesis. The resulting case reports are biased infavour of PWAs whose behaviours exhibit the effect

of interest, even if this effect characterizes very fewof the individuals originally screened (Robertsonet al., 1993). Furthermore, when a single-case studyreports that two linguistic functions are dissociable—one can be selectively impaired while the otherremains intact—the findings are interpreted as aproof of concept that these functions are cognitivelyseparable. Thus, it is in principle impossible to obtainnew data from other PWAs that would falsify this con-clusion (Caramazza, 1986). However, if scientific pro-gress consists of updating theories based onobserved data, then the amount of neuropsychologi-cal evidence in support of a theory should beviewed against the amount of neuropsychological evi-dence against it.

Finally, some critics of single-case studies haveasserted that the interpretable unit of analysis inaphasia research is the distribution of effects acrossindividuals rather than individual data (Grodzinskyet al., 1999). Specifically, if a group of PWAs with agiven syndrome are impaired on a certain task, theyare not expected to all perform at chance but,rather, to be distributed around chance performance.Thus, an individual sampled from this group as a casestudy might perform above chance, leading to theerroneous conclusion that the syndrome in questiondoes not entail impairment on the tested task. In con-trast, a group study would yield a distribution of per-formance scores that is more consistent with chanceperformance than with no impairment.

Evidently, the debate over single-case and groupstudies has urged advocates of each approach toarticulate their conflicting views on using datafrom PWAs to obtain knowledge about thelanguage-processing architecture. This reflectiveprocess has had a formative influence on cognitiveneuropsychology. At a more pragmatic level, bothsingle-case and group studies have beenwell justifiedthrough their complementary contributions to cogni-tive science as well as to treatment development,which have been numerous and profound (Cara-mazza, 1992). Nonetheless, and despite someattempts at a compromise between these approaches(e.g., Bates, McDonald, MacWhinney, & Appelbaum,1991), a behavioural methodology that synergisticallyharnesses their respective strengths in order tomeet all three desiderata—generalizability, takinginto account inter-individual variability, and interpret-ability—is yet to be found.





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Struggling with irreconcilable desiderata inneuroimaging studies of aphasia

Over the past two decades, cognitive neuropsycholo-gists have expanded their methodological arsenalbeyond traditional measures of behavioural task per-formance as they have increasingly recognized thepotential of neuroimagingdata to inform their researchquestions. First, insofar as distinct components of thelanguage-processing architecture engage separableneural circuits, we can expect that damage to a givencircuit will consistently and selectively impair acertain component across PWAs. Thus, testingwhether only those PWAs who share a putative syn-drome have a common locus of brain damage (e.g.,Bates et al., 2003) could indicatewhether this syndromeis a natural category and, consequently, inform cogni-tive theories (e.g., Mesulam, Thompson, Weintraub, &Rogalski, 2015). Such research is, in essence, an exten-sion of the cognitive neuroscientific programme(Mather, Cacioppo, & Kanwisher, 2013) to the study ofPWAs. Second, patterns of brain reorganization follow-ing damage may have a prognostic value (e.g., vanHees, McMahon, Angwin, de Zubicaray, & Copland,2014; van Hees, McMahon, Angwin, de Zubicaray,Read, et al., 2014) and inform treatment design (for areview, see: Meinzer, Harnish, Conway, & Crosson,2011). Specifically, identifying those brain regions ornetworks whose functional properties are associatedwith language rehabilitation would both providetargets for neuro-stimulation treatments (e.g., Geran-mayeh, Brownsett, & Wise, 2014; Hamilton, Chrysikou,& Coslett, 2011; Naeser et al., 2005) and motivatebehavioural interventions to capitalize on theparticularcognitive processes that engage these regions/net-works (e.g., vanHees, McMahon, Angwin, de Zubicaray,& Copland, 2014).

Excitement about these potential contributions ofneuroimaging techniques has been reflected in anincreasing number of studies on aphasia employingsuch techniques, mostly fMRI (Geranmayeh et al.,2014). However, as fMRI gained popularity amongaphasia researchers, they have gradually recognizedthat adapting neuroimaging methodologies—orig-inally developed for the study of neurologicallyintact populations—had to confront the same chal-lenges faced by behavioural methods: establishinggeneralizability, taking into account inter-individualvariability, and maintaining interpretability. These

issues have prompted collaborative efforts todevelop methodological guidelines for the use offMRI in aphasia research (Crosson et al., 2007; Kiranet al., 2013; Meinzer et al., 2013; Price, Crinion, &Friston, 2006; Rapp, Caplan, Edwards, Visch-Brink, &Thompson, 2013; Veldsman, Cumming, & Brodtmann,2015; Wilson, Bautista, Yen, Lauderdale, & Eriksson,2016). Naturally, in striving to meet the three desider-ata, a critical focus of these efforts has been to nego-tiate the relative benefits (and respective costs) ofgroup and single-case studies.

This negotiation ought to take into account thelimitations of both fMRI and the study of brain-damaged populations. First, the signal measuredwith fMRI is heavily contaminated with fluctuationsthat are unexplained by the cognitive processes ofinterest. Such noise compromises the sensitivity totask-induced signal changes, especially given theirsmall effect size (∼1–2% increase relative to baseline).Thus, identifying signal differences across experimen-tal conditions in data from a single participant oftenmandates that the contrasted conditions be substan-tially distinct (e.g., sentence comprehension vs. fix-ation; Crosson et al., 2007), but such gross contrastscannot isolate a single cognitive process. Subtle con-trasts (e.g., listening to sentences that are locallyambiguous vs. unambiguous) require larger amountsof data for sufficient statistical power; and more dataare easier to obtain by studying a group of PWAsthan a single individual due to, for example, attrition,practice effects, and constraints on scan duration(especially for older individuals, some of whom findthe scanner environment uncomfortable).

Second, lesions vary highly in extent and locationacross PWAs and typically do not neatly correspondto a single brain region or cognitive function, suchthat an accurate mapping of components in alanguage-processing architecture onto the brainrequires pooling data across individuals (Bates et al.,2003). Third, establishing that patterns of brain reor-ganization associated with recovery are generalizablerather than idiosyncratic to a particular individual alsorequires such pooling. Finally, identifying brain acti-vation patterns that are related to behaviour is contin-gent on observing variability in task performance thatcan be correlated with variability in fMRI data.Although such variability can be obtained in a longi-tudinal study of a single PWA throughout recovery,





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in practice its measurement is more feasible across agroup of PWAs.

Perhaps unsurprisingly then, neuroimaging studiesof aphasia have overall favoured group studies oversingle-case studies. In such studies, summary statisticscharacterizing a sample of PWAs are obtained by col-lecting spatially localized measures of brain structureor activity for each individual, and then averagingthese data across the group. Critically, this averagingrequires a principled way for establishing correspon-dence across brains, which naturally differ in size,shape, and folding patterns. The common solution isto transform data from all individual brains such thatthey match a template of a “standard”, or “average”,brain. This normalization into a “common space”

establishes anatomical correspondence across brains—that is, a one-to-one mapping between stereotacticcoordinates in this space and anatomical landmarks,rendering data pooling straightforward.

This procedure crucially relies on the implicitassumption that, across individuals, a given anatomicallocation houses the same functional (i.e., cognitive)unit(s). However, this assumption is demonstrablyinvalid. The mapping of function onto macroanatomyexhibits high inter-individual variability even in theneurologically intact population (Duffau, 2017), in linewith variability in the mapping between micro-ana-tomical structure and sulci/gyri, as has been long estab-lished (e.g., Brodmann, 1909/1994). This structural andfunctional variability is especially pronounced inassociative cortices, which are of highest interest toaphasia researchers—that is, the temporal lobe(Gloor, 1997; Jones & Powell, 1970; Wise et al., 2001),the frontal lobe (Amunts et al., 1999; Juch, Zimine,Seghier, Lazeyras, & Fasel, 2005; Tomaiuolo et al.,1999), and the parietal lobe (Caspers et al., 2008;Caspers et al., 2006; Scheperjans et al., 2008). In theseareas, regions with distinct functional profiles oftenlie side by side, but their precise anatomical locationsare inconsistent across individuals. For instance, inBroca’s area, regions that are selectively engaged in lin-guistic tasks are adjacent to regions that are engagedin cognitively effortful tasks across many domains(Fedorenko, Duncan, & Kanwisher, 2012); and in pos-terior superior temporal sulcus, language-selectiveregions are adjacent to regions that support mentalstate inference (Deen, Koldewyn, Kanwisher, & Saxe,2015). In both of these areas, a given stereotactic coor-dinate may thus exhibit one functional profile in oneindividual and a different profile in another individual(Figure 1).

Because anatomy—at least at the current resol-ution of MRI—is not a precise predictor of function,group averaging of fMRI data based on anatomicalalignment of brains is a precarious practice leadingto erroneous inferences (Fischl et al., 2008; Frost &Goebel, 2012; Tahmasebi et al., 2012). First, when afunctional region shows little spatial overlap acrossindividuals, its activation might go undetected at thegroup level (compromised sensitivity). Thus, anatom-ical alignment is biased to reveal an effect of interestonly in those brain regions whose activations are rela-tively strong, spatially extensive, or happen to be ana-tomically consistent across the individuals in a

Figure 1. Left: language-selective regions (red) and domain-general regions engaged across many cognitively effortfultasks (blue) in the left hemisphere of three neurologicallyhealthy adults. The former regions, identified with a passivereading task, show a stronger response to sentences than listsof nonwords (Fedorenko et al., 2011); the latter regions, ident-ified with a working-memory task that requires keeping trackof several spatial locations, are more engaged during trials thatare harder (8 locations) than during those that are easier (4locations; Fedorenko et al., 2013). Activations for both tasks arethresholded at the p < .001, uncorrected whole-brain level.Right: the same individual maps highlighting the variability inthe precise locations of functional activity. Squares: sampleregions that are language-selective in one individual butdomain-general in another. Circles: sample regions that arelanguage-selective in one individual but are not recruitedduring either task in another. Triangles: sample regions thatare domain-general in one individual but are not recruitedduring either task in another. [To view this figure in colour,please see the online version of this Journal.]





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particular sample; other regions that show the sameeffect are often missed. Such Type II errors might bemistakenly taken as evidence that the effect of interestis spatially restricted to a subset of some functionalnetwork or even localized to a single region. Moreover,an effect that appears localized to a certain region insome studies might instead appear localized to adifferent region in other studies (see, e.g., Blank,Balewski, Mahowald, & Fedorenko, 2016, for a discus-sion of such errors in the case of syntactic processing).Second, anatomically aligned data might conflatefunctionally distinct activations when they spatiallyoverlap across individuals such that, at the grouplevel, they appear to originate from a single region(low functional resolution; Fedorenko & Kanwisher,2009). This illusory co-localization of effects (Type Ierror) might be taken as evidence against the func-tional specialization of a brain region for a particularcognitive process, even though, in each individual,the two effects arise in distinct, albeit adjacent,regions (see, e.g., Fedorenko, Duncan, et al., 2012, fora discussion of language specificity in Broca’s area).

Third, even if one could easily determine whichgroup-based effects are representative of individualbrains rather than artefacts of anatomical alignmentacross participants, the interpretation of such effectsin terms of mental functions is severely limited.Namely, when we detect group-level activity in acertain anatomical location (e.g., Broca’s area) duringsome task (e.g., object naming), we must use posthoc “reverse inference” from stereotactic coordinatesback to the underlying cognitive process (e.g., priorstudies have reported that Broca’s area is engaged inlinguistic processing). However, such inferences arenot deductively valid (e.g., activity in Broca’s areamight reflect either a language-specific operation orgeneral attention/task engagement; Poldrack, 2006).Thus, deciding which reverse inferences happen tobe veridical and which are false often amounts to a“gambling game” (but see Yarkoni, Poldrack, Nichols,Van Essen, & Wager, 2011; Yarkoni, Poldrack, VanEssen, & Wager, 2010).

These issues are exacerbated when studying brain-damaged populations, due to several added sourcesof inter-individual variability: (a) Lesion extent andlocation are highly variable, compromising group-leveldetection of perilesional activations (Crosson et al.,2007); (b) PWAs with lesions in a common anatomicallocation can present with different symptoms (Basso,

Bracchi, Capitani, & Laiacona, 1987; Hillis et al., 2004);and (c) PWAswith similar symptoms vary in the anatom-ical location of their respective lesions (Bonilha & Fri-driksson, 2009; Dronkers, 2000; Mesulam et al., 2015;Newhart, Ken, Kleinman, Heidler-Gary, & Hillis, 2007).

Unfortunately, whereas cognitive neuropsycholo-gists recognize these sources of variability acrossPWAs, they seldom account for the fundamental varia-bility in functional-to-anatomical mapping in theirneuroimaging studies (see also Rorden & Karnath,2004); even when group studies are rejected infavour of single-case studies that can capture individ-ual-level relationships between lesions, activity inspared brain regions, and behaviour, the cognitiveinterpretation of neuroimaging data proceedsthrough precarious reverse inference. The result is a lit-erature with apparent inconsistencies that do not fitnaturally within a unified framework. For instance,whereas spontaneous recovery in PWAs appears tobe associated with both left-hemispheric and right-hemispheric recruitment, conflicting evidencesuggests that the latter might play either a compensa-tory/restorative role or a maladaptive/detrimental role(Anglade, Thiel, & Ansaldo, 2014; Hamilton et al., 2011;Heiss & Thiel, 2006; Turkeltaub, Messing, Norise, &Hamilton, 2011), even within the same individual (Tur-keltaub et al., 2012). In addition, within each hemi-sphere, many brain regions that engage in languageprocessing in neurologically healthy individuals(Binder et al., 1997; Fedorenko, Behr, & Kanwisher,2011; Fedorenko & Thompson-Schill, 2014; Jung-Beeman, 2005; Menenti, Gierhan, Segaert, & Hagoort,2011) have been irregularly reported to also beengaged during spontaneous recovery, but fewcould be reliably predicted to do so (Dronkers,Wilkins, Van Valin, Redfern, & Jaeger, 2004; Meinzeret al., 2011; Mesulam et al., 2015; Mirman et al.,2015). Moreover, as described above, interpreting acti-vations based on macroanatomical landmarks con-flates language-specific mechanisms with domain-general resources related to cognitive effort or withmechanisms that support information processing indomains other than language (Geranmayeh et al.,2014). Similar conundrums are widespread in studiesof treatment-induced brain changes (Crinion & Leff,2007; Meinzer & Breitenstein, 2008; Thompson & denOuden, 2008).

Neuroimaging studies of aphasia have so farstruggled to offer a methodological approach that





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meets all three desiderata of cognitive neuropsycholo-gical research. Namely, attempts at generalizationbeyond a single case have consistently ignored criticalinter-individual variability in the precise anatomicallocation of functional regions, thus paradoxically hin-dering the replicability of results across studies. Further-more, such variability renders the linking of anatomyback to cognitive processes logically flawed and,hence, potentially erroneous. These issues affect vir-tually all existing neuroimaging investigations ofPWAs, including (a) voxel-based, lesion–symptommapping analyses of anatomical data (Bates et al.,2003; Dronkers et al., 2004; Geva et al., 2011; Mesulamet al., 2015; Mirman et al., 2015; Wilson, 2016); (b)group-level analyses of functional data in a commonspace, for identifying stereotactic coordinates thatshow an effect of interest across the sample (e.g.,studies contrasting the recruitment of the two hemi-spheres during spontaneous recovery, cited above); (c)group- and individual-level functional characterizationsof particular brain regions that are chosen based on anindependent, but group-based, criterion such as anindependent task (Sharp, Turkheimer, Bose, Scott, &Wise, 2010) or data from neurologically healthy individ-uals (Bonner & Grossman, 2012; Fridriksson, Bonilha,Baker, Moser, & Rorden, 2010); and (d) comparisons offMRI data across a series of single cases on the basis ofanatomical alignment. The implications, for anyonewho regards neuroimaging as a valid researchmethod in cognitive neuropsychology, are alarming.

A possible reconciliation: Group-level analysisof subject-specific functional regions

One might wonder whether the criticisms articulatedabove are not limited only to fMRI studies of brain-damaged individuals and, thus, might more gener-ally compromise the validity of most neuroimagingstudies. Indeed, already two decades ago, cognitiveneuroscientists became cognizant of the challengesassociated with analysing functional data from ana-tomically aligned brains. An elegant methodologyfor circumventing these issues, originally devel-oped for studying low-level visual processes (e.g.,Sereno, Dale, Reppas, & Kwong, 1995; Tootellet al., 1995), was brought by Nancy Kanwisher tothe study of higher level cognition in a seminalstudy of face perception (Kanwisher, McDermott,& Chun, 1997). In particular, she matched brain

regions across individuals based directly on theobservable functional profiles of those regionsrather than through structural alignment, eschew-ing the reliance on anatomical landmarks as aproxy for function.

Abandoning the requirement for precise anatom-ical correspondence across brains in favour of func-tional correspondence has since become a heraldedstandard in neuroimaging studies of vision and iseffectively required for targeting many visual pro-cesses (some critiques of this approach have beensummarized in Friston, Rotshtein, Geng, Sterzer, &Henson, 2006; for a rebuttal of these early misunder-standings, see: Saxe, Brett, & Kanwisher, 2006). In con-trast, most cognitive neuroscientists studying thelanguage network have not embraced this method,barring few early adopters (Ben-Shachar, Hendler,Kahn, Ben-Bashat, & Grodzinsky, 2003; Ben-Shachar,Palti, & Grodzinsky, 2004; Hickok, Buchsbaum, Humph-ries, & Muftuler, 2003; January, Trueswell, & Thomp-son-Schill, 2009; Neville et al., 1998). More recently,however, the method has been adapted in a prin-cipled manner to the study of language processingby Fedorenko, Hsieh, Nieto-Castañón, Whitfield-Gab-rieli, and Kanwisher (2010), who argued for its super-iority over existing practices on both theoretical(Nieto-Castañón & Fedorenko, 2012; see also Saxeet al., 2006) and empirical (e.g., Blank et al., 2016)grounds. Consequently, it has been increasinglyemployed to revisit, refine and, often, challenge tra-ditional views on the language-processing architec-ture (Axelrod, Bar, Rees, & Yovel, 2015; Basilakos,Smith, Fillmore, Fridriksson, & Fedorenko, 2017;Blank, Kanwisher, & Fedorenko, 2014; Chai, Mattar,Blank, Fedorenko, & Bassett, 2016; Deen et al., 2015;Fedorenko et al., 2011; Fedorenko, Duncan, et al.,2012; Fedorenko, Fillmore, Smith, Bonilha, & Fridriks-son, 2015; Fedorenko, McDermott, Norman-Haignere,& Kanwisher, 2012; Fedorenko, Nieto-Castañón, &Kanwisher, 2012a; Fedorenko et al., 2016; Humphreys& Gennari, 2014; Hung et al., 2015; Mahowald & Fedor-enko, 2016; Overath, McDermott, Zarate, & Poeppel,2015; Prado, Mutreja, & Booth, 2013; Redcay, Velnos-key, & Rowe, 2016).

Establishing functional correspondence acrossbrains proceeds as follows (Figure 2): First, fMRI dataare collected while participants perform a taskdesigned to identify, in each individual, the locationof brain regions that exhibit a specific functional





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signature. For example, to identify regions engaged inhigh-level language processing, the “localizer” taskcan contrast linguistically well-formed materials andlinguistically “degraded” materials that are matchedon low-level properties (e.g., sentences vs. lists of non-words or acoustically-degraded speech; Fedorenkoet al., 2010; Scott, Gallée, & Fedorenko, 2016); and todefine regions sensitive to general cognitivedemands (e.g., Duncan, 2010), the localizer task cancontrast a harder and an easier version of a demand-ing executive task (e.g., Fedorenko, Duncan, & Kanw-isher, 2013). For each participant, these functionaldata are processed to produce an individual mapshowing the effect size of the localizer contrast foreach location in the brain.

Next, each individual map is intersected with a setof spatial “masks” that denote, grossly, where the loca-lizer task is expected to elicit activations, taking intoaccount the anticipated inter-individual differencesin the precise location of these activations. Thesemasks effectively constrain the search for individualactivation loci; still, within their borders, those lociare free to vary across participants [Desideratum (b):accounting for variability]. These masks can be basedon macroanatomical landmarks, like a gyrus or asulcus (or a portion thereof), chosen based on pre-vious studies. However, activations do not alwaysmap neatly onto such landmarks. An alternative isthus to derive the set of masks algorithmically in adata-driven way from the localizer activation patternsin an (ideally, independent) set of participants:Regions of activation with the highest empiricaloverlap across participants are identified, and theborders around these local maxima are graduallyextended until the resulting masks are large enoughto encompass the activations of a sufficient percen-tage of individuals [Desideratum (a): generalizability](for full details, see Fedorenko et al., 2010; Julian,Fedorenko, Webster, & Kanwisher, 2012). In studiesof PWAs, masks can be generated in different waysdepending on the research goals: First, masks basedon data from neurologically healthy participantsallow the localization of regions whose functionalprofile in intact brains is well characterized. As longas these regions still show some response to the loca-lizer task in PWAs, one can examine whether therecruitment of these regions during other taskschanges following brain damage or recovery.Second, masks based on previous aphasia research

allow the localization of regions that are consistentlyrecruited during language processing only followingbrain damage or during recovery and whose func-tional profile in intact brains is yet to be determined.(How consistent in behaviour and lesion location asample of PWAs should be in order to generatereliable masks remains to be empirically determined).Finally, we strongly recommend always examiningwhole-brain activation maps instead of merelytesting activations within the constraints of pre-deter-mined spatial masks; it is indeed possible (especially incases of brain damage) that some new brain regionwould emerge outside the boundaries of these largemasks. If that region appears to be present in a sub-stantial proportion of PWAs, one would want toinclude it in the main analysis. Regardless of theprocess chosen for generating them, the resultingmasks are then tailored to each individual PWA byexcluding their particular lesion(s)—that is, limitingthe search space for activations to intact tissue,capable of producing blood-oxygen-level-dependent(BOLD) signal.

The intersection of an individual’s activation mapwith a mask for a particular region defines the partici-pant-specific area within that mask that is responsiveto the localizer contrast (based on, e.g., a statisticalthreshold). Because these areas are localized basedon functional data, they are called functional regionsof interest (fROIs). Critically, the obtained fROIs corre-spond to the same functional unit across individuals,insofar as they exhibit gross anatomical consistencyand a characteristic response to the localizer task[Desideratum (c): interpretability]. Therefore, func-tional responses to the main, critical task(s) of theexperiment can be extracted from these subject-specific fROIs and submitted to a group-level analysis,even if the fROI locations do not precisely overlapacross the sample (for further discussion, see Saxeet al., 2006).

To establish that data from the localizer task allowfor a reliable definition of fROIs, it is critical toconfirm that the localizer activations are reproducible;otherwise, localization based on these activationsmight capture random noise instead of functionalunits with consistent response profiles [Desideratum(c): interpretability]. To this end, a cross-validation pro-cedure should be employed: Here, a portion of thelocalizer data (e.g., even runs) can be used to definethe fROIs, and the held-out data (odd runs) can then





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be used to independently estimate responses to thelocalizer contrast in these fROIs. The estimates canthen be tested across the sample to verify that the

fROIs show the expected response profile (whichserved as the criterion for their definition). Impor-tantly, such cross-validation also allows one to

Figure 2. Illustration of steps for defining subject-specific functional regions of interest (fROIs). Anatomical scans for three individualpersons with aphasia (PWAs) are shown in native space, with demarcated lesions. fROIs are defined by intersecting (a) individual acti-vations during a localizer task (here, targeting the high-level language system); and (b) broad masks denoting where such activationsare likely to occur, taking into account inter-individual variability in their precise locations (here, masks are derived from the localizerdata of 220 neurologically healthy, young individuals, and are projected onto the native space of each PWA). Top: posterior temporalmask. Bottom: inferior frontal mask. For further details on the localizer task and masks, see Fedorenko et al. (2010). [To view this figure incolour, please see the online version of this Journal.]





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retroactively define fROIs in experiments where locali-zer data have not been originally collected, by splittingthe data from the critical task into halves; each half inturn serves as “localizer” data for defining fROIs thatrespond to the critical task, with the remaining halfserving as the “main” data for testing whether theresponses in these fROIs are robust and replicable(otherwise, they are false positives; for further discus-sion, see Nieto-Castañón & Fedorenko, 2012).

Whereas reliability is a necessary condition for func-tional localization in individual subjects, it is not suffi-cient: The localizer task should also be valid. Indeed,localizer validity might be compromised by two pro-blems, but both can be empirically tested in a straight-forward manner. To illustrate these problems, considerthe following scenario: We hypothesize that in PWAsthe right-hemispheric homologue of the languagenetwork is engaged in syntactic processing. Our criti-cal task therefore tests whether the regions of thisnetwork respond more strongly to syntacticallycomplex sentences than to syntactically simpler sen-tences in a sentence–picture matching task. Nonethe-less, we must first functionally localize this network ineach individual subject. What should our localizer taskbe?

We might choose a localizer task that is highlysimilar to the critical task—that is, requires syntacticprocessing. Perhaps we would search for regionsthat respond more strongly to sentences with syntac-tic errors than to well-formed sentences (assuming wehave established that the activations for such a locali-zer are robust enough to be reliably detected in indi-vidual subjects given the amount of data collected).Here, a potential concern is that the localizer taskmight bias the data in favour of our hypothesis: Itmight identify only those regions within the right-hemispheric language network that are engaged insyntactic processing, but miss other regions withinthis network. For instance, if linguistic processing inPWAs were divided across regions that were eachspecialized for either lexical or combinatorial proces-sing,1 then the syntactic-violation-based localizerwould fail to identify the former regions. Our datawould thus erroneously indicate that all (rather thansome or, even, few) right-hemispheric languageregions are engaged in syntactic processing. To miti-gate this concern, we could instead design a localizertask that contrasts two conditions differing not only intheir combinatorial characteristics but also in their

lexical characteristics (see suggestions earlier in thissection).

Following the reasoning above, we might betempted to design a localizer that is as dissimilar aspossible to the critical task. For instance, given thatour main task contrasts sentences with complexversus simple syntactic structures, our localizer couldavoid sentences altogether and search for brainregions that respond more strongly to words than toreading nonwords in an n-back task (again, assumingthat the resulting activations are reliably detectable atthe individual-subject level). However, a potentialconcern here is that the localizer might miss anyregions that are engaged in only combinatorial lin-guistic processes but not lexical linguistic processes.If linguistic labour in PWAs followed a lexical–combi-natorial division, our localizer would fail to identifythe very regions that are critical for testing the syntac-tic-processing hypothesis (but we note that traditionalapproaches fare much worse in this respect).

To mitigate this concern, an independent run of thecritical task could itself be used as a functional locali-zer, guaranteeing the identification of all regionsthat reliably scale their activity with syntactic complex-ity (note that this procedure guards against under-inclusion, unlike the aforementioned practice ofbehaviourally screening PWAs for single-case studiesbased on the critical deficit itself, which might contrib-ute to under-inclusion). In this case, at least oneadditional task is required to demonstrate that thefunctionally localized regions indeed belong to thelanguage network rather than, for example, scaletheir response with difficulty in any cognitivedomain. Often, an elegant solution is to run anadditional analysis where the critical task serves asthe localizer, and the localizer task serves as themain task. In the current example, this analysiswould test whether all regions that are localizedbased on their engagement in syntactic processingalso respond more strongly to words than to non-words during the n-back task (a response profile thatis inconsistent with a general difficulty account,given that nonwords are harder to process).

As cognitive theories are refined, the functionallocalizers that are motivated by these theoriesevolve. Debates surrounding any particular localizertask are a natural part of this process and, as wehave demonstrated above, are subject to empiricalinvestigation. To the extent that scientific





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controversies are inevitable, we hope that they wouldfocus on designing a set of acceptable localizers forneuroimaging studies of PWAs, not on the value ofthis indispensable approach (discussions could alsofocus on developing ways to infer individual func-tional regions from patterns of anatomical connec-tivity via diffusion tensor imaging, e.g., Saygin et al.,2012 ; or from patterns of functional correlations viaresting-state fMRI, e.g., Cohen et al., 2008; Eickhoff,Thirion, Varoquaux, & Bzdok, 2015; Fox, Liu, &Pascual-Leone, 2013; Li, Langley, Li, & Hu, 2015). Forthose hypotheses that are amenable to investigationvia fMRI, this approach maximizes the likelihood ofgaining accurate insights. In fact, beyond its well-established superiority over traditional approachesthat are based on anatomical alignment acrossbrains of neurologically intact individuals, the group-level analysis of subject-specific fROIs confers benefitsthat are specifically critical to the study of PWAs.

First, this method can detect an effect of a givenmagnitude (and estimate that magnitude withhigher fidelity; Nieto-Castañón & Fedorenko, 2012)with smaller samples than would otherwise be necess-ary, owing to its increased power, so the often limitedpool of PWAs is less of a concern. At the same time,subject-specific localization obviates the need forexcessive smoothing that attempts to compensatefor inter-individual variability in data from smallsamples (Mikl et al., 2008). Second, normalization offunctional data into a common space is unnecessarywhen fROIs are subject-specific, so analyses canproceed in the “native space” of each individual tominimize data transformations. Although such ana-lyses instead require that the masks constrainingfROI location be transformed from the commonspace into the native space, this process is relativelyinsensitive to imperfect alignment because thesemasks cover large areas of the brain. Third, activity insubject-specific fROIs has been shown to predictbehaviour or causally influence it, across several func-tional networks (Assem, Blank, Mineroff, Ademoglu, &Fedorenko, 2017; Pitcher, Charles, Devlin, Walsh, &Duchaine, 2009; Young, Camprodon, Hauser, Pascual-Leone, & Saxe, 2010), and establishing such brain–behaviour relationships is crucial for individualizedneuro-stimulation treatments.

Interestingly, this approach also provides a way toestimate the response profile that fROIs in PWAsmay have exhibited prior to brain damage. Such

estimation is informative for inferring the mechanismsunderlying recovery in a damaged brain—forexample, reorganization of impaired functions, com-pensation by spared regions that are not part of theimpaired network, or pre-existing functional redun-dancies. To help adjudicate between these hypoth-eses, we have recently developed a “virtual lesion”procedure (Blank, Rohter, Kiran, & Fedorenko, 2015):First, an image of the lesion from a given PWA is super-imposed on the functional data from a matchedcontrol participant (or a sample of participants whoare matched on average). Then, fROIs in the controlparticipant(s) are re-defined under the constraintthat they cannot fall within the virtual lesion andmust instead be identified in the “intact” parts ofeach mask. These fROIs serve as proxies for theneural architecture surrounding and preceding thelesion, and their responses to a variety of tasks canbe compared to those of fROIs defined in PWAs.Admittedly, any insights provided by this analysismaintain considerable uncertainty, but no currentneuroimaging method offers even this limited inferen-tial power.

The most important, and unprecedented, advan-tage of this approach is its synergistic harnessing ofthe respective strengths of group and single-casestudies in order to meet all three desiderata of cogni-tive neuropsychology. Like group studies, it providesgeneralizable results because it tests for an effect ofinterest across a sample and, moreover, surpasses tra-ditional analyses in sensitivity and functional resol-ution (Nieto-Castañón & Fedorenko, 2012). Likesingle-case studies, it takes into account inter-individualvariability that either had preceded or was induced bythe lesion, because it relies on subject-specific localiz-ation rather than on anatomical alignment acrossbrains. In addition, the obtained results are functionallyinterpretable without recourse to reverse inferencefrom macro-anatomical landmarks back to mentaloperations (Poldrack, 2006, 2011), because fROIs aredefined by their engagement in the cognitive pro-cesses targeted by the localizer task. Further, resultsfor a set of fROIs from different studies and labs thatemploy similar functional localizers can be related toone another in a straightforward manner, avoidingthe invalid comparison of stereotactic coordinatesacross studies (e.g., Fedorenko, Nieto-Castañón, &Kanwisher, 2012b). Such integration of knowledge isrequired for a cumulative research enterprise.





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We have emphasized that meeting the three desider-ata of cognitive neuropsychology in neuroimagingstudies is a methodologically complicated issue, anddescribed at length the proposed solution: group-level analyses of data from subject-specific functionalregions. This intricate discussion, however, might beliethe simplicity of implementing this method. Specifi-cally, the entire analysis pipeline—from data-drivengeneration of masks, through cross-validated fROIdefinition, to group-level analyses of activations inthese fROIs during the critical experimental task—can be performed using a publicly available toolbox( Moreover,localizer tasks for defining fROIs that are engaged inhigh-level language processing, including passive lis-tening tasks that are suitable for PWAs, have beendeveloped and thoroughly validated (Fedorenkoet al., 2010; Scott et al., 2016; Stoppelman, Harpaz, &Ben-Shachar, 2013; Tie et al., 2015; Wilson et al.,2016), and are available for download ( In addition,these localizers are now available in 41 languages(

To date, only a handful of studies on aphasia haveemployed subject-specific functional localization, allfor the purpose of identifying individualized targetsfor neuro-stimulation (Baker, Rorden, & Fridriksson,2010; Fridriksson, Richardson, Baker, & Rorden, 2011;Kakuda, Abo, Kaito, Watanabe, & Senoo, 2010). None-theless, we have argued that this method promises tosignificantly advance the rigorous use of neuroima-ging for the study of PWAs in pursuit of other aimsas well. Whether the goal is to understand the neuro-cognitive mechanisms underlying recovery, to applysuch knowledge to the design of behavioural inter-ventions, or to generally elucidate the language-pro-cessing architecture of the human mind, ourconviction is one: It is imperative that we standardizethe use of group-level analyses of subject-specificfunctional regions.


1. We refer to the dissociation between lexical-semanticsand syntax for illustrative purposes only. fMRI datafrom neurologically intact individuals (using subject-specific functional localization) demonstrate that eachand every region in the left-hemispheric language

network responds to both lexical-semantics and syntaxacross different experimental paradigms (Fedorenko,Mineroff, Siegelman, & Blank, 2017).

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


This work was supported by National Institute of Child Healthand Human Development [grant number K99/R00 award HD057522].


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