Ca news 10

1 May 2015 Edion 10 CA News CA Update CA is experiencing excellent growth! Not only can we report back on CA@Barnstomers but guys Like Karl Spanningberg with his friends also completed the first ever CA@Snoopies (Krugersdorp) and Carlo Steyn with his buddies tested the concept at Nida in the Western Cape (Kuilsriver), all with good results and posive feedback. At this rate we might see the first Inter-Club Challenge later this year! A big thank you to all for making this dream come true, it is appreciated more than you know. Let us hope more clubs will join the fun and that we can perhaps see a naonal club championships one day soon. CA@Barnstormers on 3 May 2015 The event was sponsored by Hobby Centre with parcipaon from Hobby Centre as well. We saw 5 Junior entries, 10 Stand- ard Entries and 7 Top Notch Entries, total entries then 22 which is not bad considering the event took place during a long weekend. Willem van der Veer and Mahys Botha did Sg duty on the two flight lines employed during the day. Dave operated his Snoopy which is prey standard by now, thank you Dave, it is appreciated. Van Zyl could only aend the opening and Tim Rossouw manned the staon for the remainder of the day. From the results it looks like the compeon was fierce to say the least. To see 5 Junior entries was also great to see!


Covering CA@Barnstormers and Snoopies during May 2015

Transcript of Ca news 10


May 2015

Edi�on 10

CA News

CA Update

CA is experiencing excellent growth! Not only can we report back on

CA@Barnstomers but guys Like Karl Spanningberg with his friends also

completed the first ever CA@Snoopies (Krugersdorp) and Carlo Steyn with

his buddies tested the concept at Ni&da in the Western Cape (Kuilsriver),

all with good results and posi&ve feedback. At this rate we might see the

first Inter-Club Challenge later this year! A big thank you to all for making

this dream come true, it is appreciated more than you know. Let us hope

more clubs will join the fun and that we can perhaps see a na&onal club

championships one day soon.

CA@Barnstormers on 3 May 2015

The event was sponsored by Hobby Centre with par&cipa&on from Hobby Centre as well. We saw 5 Junior entries, 10 Stand-

ard Entries and 7 Top Notch Entries, total entries then 22 which is not bad considering the event took place during a long


Willem van der Veer and Ma8hys Botha did S&g duty on the two flight lines employed during the day. Dave operated his

Snoopy which is pre8y standard by now, thank you Dave, it is appreciated. Van Zyl could only a8end the opening and Tim

Rossouw manned the sta&on for the remainder of the day.

From the results it looks like the compe&&on was fierce to say the least. To see 5 Junior entries was also great to see!



Entry Name Call Name Result

1 Ma8hew Deutschmann Ma8hy 74.39%

2 Stanton Sommer Phantom 74.39%

3 Ryan Labuschagne Lappies 71.95%

4 Daniel Finch Topgun 69.51%

5 Francois Strydom Fransie 58.54%

Lappies had the best score in the second round but his first round kept him down and the day belonged to Ma8hy and

Panthom as joined winners. Fransie started with his first round at 39% and “creamed” his second round with 67%...well

done Fransie, that is what I call serious improvement! Looking at the results they were not that far apart.

Neville won the prize for best Whistle Blower!

People posing!


Entry Name Call Name Results

1 Johann Louwrens Mr Futaba 78.95%

2 Mar&n Venter Venter 73.36%

3 Raymond Myburgh Maiden 71.38%

4 Marius Bower Bowie 71.05%

5 Deon Viljoen Boyscout 70.39%

6 Gary McDonogh Mr G 70.07%

7 E van Tourin Tourin 65.46%

8 Jonathan Sher Jonatan 65.13%

9 Shawn Davey Jewboy 63.49%

10 Neville Pienaar Nellie 57.57%

In Std 10 pilots joined in on the fun. The results very close indeed!

Feeling sorry for Mr G doing a second round at almost 80% but

loosing out due to a not so good first round.

Venter survived the first round and then lost all his marbles with almost 85% the second round to take 2nd spot be-

hind Mr Futaba. Mr Futaba is growing in leaps and bounces since he started his CA journey...I sense an upgrade? Also

worth men&oning sir Sher..well done boet! Look at the difference between 3 and 4...eish...and 5th...Boyscout is hav-

ing plans it looks like...tryging to summarize a picture from the scored is difficult seeing how close the chaps are to

each other. At the end of the day all had good fun in true CA spirit!



Not bad Shummie, even in last place aKer your upgrade! It was a heated affair with very li8le to choose in the top

posi&ons! I wonder what the effect of bribing was? Mad Max and Freddo has opposite rounds and Freddo made

3rd by almost zippo points. It also looks like Mr Cool is not that safe any more? Thys “die RC klong” was breathing

down Mr Cools’ neck!

Entry Name Call Name Results

1 Arney Sieling Mr Cool 85.03%

2 Ma8hys Botha Thys 83.55%

3 Freddie Kotze Freddo 83.39%

4 Max Buizer MadMax 82.89%

5 Arney Sieling Mr Cool 79.93%

6 Bryan Currie Curry 77.80%

7 Roland Suhrmuller Shummie 74.01%

Thanks Willem our S�g on the one line

“Ma8hys die RC klong” was our other

S& receiving a Bribe from Mr



Karl and his buddies arranged and completed the 1st CA at Snoopies. We collected some photos from FB for addi-

&on to the CA News.


More photos from Barnstormers


Thank you:

• To Barnstormers for hos&ng and for the excellent facili&es

• To Dave Williams for Snoopy, keep us fed

• To our S�gs, Willem van der Veer and Ma0hys dir RC Klong, this is appreciated

more than you would know

• To all pilots that par&cipated

• To Tim Rossouw for assis&ng the CA Team

• To Mr G and his team from Hobby Centre for their involvement, sponsorship,

ag sommer everything!

• To CA Commi8ee, great stuff guys!

NEXT EVENT: 5 July at Whitehills

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