c t i vid 1.1 Vocabulario y gramática en uso Practice ... · PDF fileVocabulario y...

202 doscientos dos Tema 4 Los pasatiempos Objectives Me gustaría ir . . . Say whether or not you would like to do these things this weekend. A c t i v i d a d 4 4 Talk about activities outside of school Extend, accept, and decline invitations Tell when an event happens Say what you are going to do Learn to use ir + a + infinitive and the verb jugar Hablar No sé jugar . . . Indica si sabes o no sabes jugar estos deportes. A c t i v i d a d 5 5 Escribir/Hablar ¿Qué deportes practicas? Using the information from Actividad 5, ask and tell about which sports you know,or don’t know, how to play. A c t i v i d a d 6 6 Hablar Modelos Me gustaría ir a una fiesta este fin de semana. O: No me gustaría ir a una fiesta este fin de semana. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Modelos Sé jugar al béisbol muy bien. O: No sé jugar al béisbol. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . Modelos A —¿Sabes jugar al béisbol? B —¡Por supuesto! Sé jugar al béisbol muy bien. O: No, no sé jugar al béisbol. Vocabulario y gramática en uso Practice and Communicate Block Schedule • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Advanced Learners Ask students to use the Internet to research a well-known athlete of Spanish-speaking origin. Have them present a short profile of the athlete, including which sports he or she plays, his or her statistics, and what team he or she plays for, if appropriate. Students with Learning Difficulties Actividad 9 requires students to listen, process, and write at the same time, which can be challenging. You may want to divide this into two separate tasks: first listening for the event, then listening for the response. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Have students in small groups dramatize going to a sports event. They should decide what event they will go to, who will go with them, and when they will go. 202 A c t i v i d a d 4 4 Standards: 1.1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Resources: Practice Answers on Transparencies Focus: Expressing what you would and wouldn’t like to do Suggestions: Emphasize that students will be using Me gustaría (“I would like”) as opposed to Me gusta (“I like”). Answers will vary but should include: (No) me gustaría ... 1. ir al un concierto. 2. ir al baile. 3. ir al partido. 4. ir de cámping. 5. ir de pesca. A c t i v i d a d 5 5 Standards: 1.1, 1.2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Resources: Practice Answers on Transparencies Focus: Communicating about sports Suggestions: Tell students that they will need this information for Actividad 6. Answers will vary but should include: Sé / No sé jugar al... 1. básquetbol. 4. tenis. 2. fútbol americano. 5. golf. 3. vóleibol. 6. fútbol A c t i v i d a d 6 6 Standards: 1.1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Focus: Using new vocabulary in personal contexts and conversations Suggestions: Have students move around the room and interact with several different classmates. Answers will vary. Rapid Review Review the yo form of saber. Universal Access

Transcript of c t i vid 1.1 Vocabulario y gramática en uso Practice ... · PDF fileVocabulario y...

202 doscientos dosTema 4 • Los pasatiempos


Me gustaría ir . . .Say whether or not you would like to do these things this weekend.




• Talk about activities outside ofschool

• Extend, accept, and decline• Extend, accept, and declineinvitationsinvitations

• Tell when an event happens• Tell when an event happens

• Say what you are going to do• Say what you are going to do

• Learn to use • Learn to use ir + a + infinitive infinitive and the verb and the verb jugar


No sé jugar . . . Indica si sabes o no sabes jugar estos deportes.



55 Escribir/Hablar

¿Qué deportes practicas?Using the information from Actividad 5, ask andtell about which sports you know, or don’t know,how to play.



66 Hablar

ModelosMe gustaría ir a una fiesta este fin de semana.O: No me gustaría ir a una fiesta este fin de semana.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ModelosSé jugar al béisbol muy bien.O: No sé jugar al béisbol.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

. ModelosA —¿Sabes jugar al béisbol?B —¡Por supuesto! Sé jugar al béisbol muy bien.O: No, no sé jugar al béisbol.

Vocabulario y gramática en uso

Practice andCommunicate

Block Schedule• • • • • • • • •• • • ••• •

Advanced LearnersAsk students to use the Internet to research a well-known athlete of Spanish-speakingorigin. Have them present a short profile of theathlete, including which sports he or she plays,his or her statistics, and what team he or sheplays for, if appropriate.

Students with Learning Difficulties Actividad 9 requires students to listen, process,and write at the same time, which can bechallenging. You may want to divide this intotwo separate tasks: first listening for the event,then listening for the response.

•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Have students in small groups dramatizegoing to a sports event. They shoulddecide what event they will go to, who willgo with them, and when they will go.




44Standards:Standards: 1.11.1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Practice Answers on Transparencies Practice Answers on Transparencies Focus: Expressing what you would andwouldn’t like to doSuggestions: Emphasize that students willbe using Me gustaría (“I would like”) asopposed to Me gusta (“I like”).Answers will vary but should include: (No) me gustaría ...1. ir al un concierto.2. ir al baile.3. ir al partido.4. ir de cámping.5. ir de pesca.



55Standards:Standards: 1.1, 1.21.1, 1.2

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Practice Answers on Transparencies Practice Answers on Transparencies Focus: Communicating about sportsSuggestions: Tell students that they willneed this information for Actividad 6. Answers will vary but should include:Sé / No sé jugar al...1. básquetbol. 4. tenis.2. fútbol americano. 5. golf.3. vóleibol. 6. fútbol



66Standards:Standards: 1.11.1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Focus: Using new vocabulary in personalcontexts and conversations Suggestions: Have students move aroundthe room and interact with severaldifferent classmates.Answers will vary.

Rapid ReviewReview the yo form of saber.

Universal Access

6698D L1_Tema4B_UG 5/8/04 2:35 PM Page 202

doscientos tres 203Capítulo 4B

¿Cómo estás?You’ve asked your friends how they are. Now read each friend’s reply and write the correct form of the missing word from the list.

Tú: ¿Cómo estás?

Felipe: Muy 1. . Voy a un concierto esta nochecon mis amigos.

Miguel: ¡ 2. ! Mi clase de ciencias es muy aburrida y no me gusta nada el profesor.

Marta: Estoy 3. . Me duele la cabeza. Hoy no puedo jugar al tenis ni patinar.

Carlos: Estoy 4. . Todos mis amigos van a la playa el sábado pero tengo que trabajar.

Gabriela: Un poco 5. . Todas las noches trabajo en el centro comercial.

Dolores: Demasiado 6. . Juego al básquetbol después de las clases,tomo lecciones de piano y practico cada día y tengo un trabajo también.


77 Leer/Escribir

Lo sientoAsk your partner if he or she wants to do these activities with you. Your partner can’t go, and will offer excuses to explain why.



88 Hablar

ModelosA —¡Oye! ¿Quieres patinar conmigo esta tarde?B —Lo siento. Hoy no puedo. Estoy demasiado enfermo(a).

Estudiante B

Estudiante A

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

muy ocupado, -ademasiado enfermo, -aun poco cansado, -a


¡Respuesta personal!

Escucha y escribeYou will hear three invitations to events and the responses given.On a sheet of paper, write the numbers 1–3. As you listen, write down what each invitation is for and whether the person accepted it (write sí) or turned it down (write no).



99 Escuchar/Escribir

cansado, -a contento, -aenfermo, -a malocupado, -a triste

Practice andCommunicate

Culture NoteIf you are invited to a party, a dinner, or otherevent in a Spanish-speaking country and youcannot accept the invitation, it is usually best tooffer an explanation. Just saying Lo siento. Yatengo planes. (“I’m sorry. I already have plans.”),may be seen as rude. It is also customary tobring the host or hostess a gift.

Teacher-to-Teacher Using transparencies or photos of activities,have students write three sentences saying whythey cannot do certain things. Tell them tomake their excuses logical or illogical. Forexample, students may say No puedo montaren monopatín. Estoy demasiado contenta. Thenhave the class decide whether or not the excusemakes sense.




77Standards:Standards: 1.2, 1.31.2, 1.3

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Practice Answers on TransparenciesPractice Answers on TransparenciesFocus: Reading for comprehension; usingcontextualized vocabularySuggestions: Have students read theentire dialogue before answering.Answers: 1. contento 4. triste2. mal 5. cansada3. enferma 6. ocupada



88Standards:Standards: 1.11.1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Practice Answers on TransparenciesPractice Answers on TransparenciesFocus: Using personalized vocabulary toextend and decline invitationsRecycle: The body; school subjectsSuggestions: Be sure students can thinkof an excuse for why they can’t do eachactivity. Answers will vary but should include: 1. ir de pesca2. jugar al básquetbol3. ir de compras4. montar en bicicleta5. jugar al fútbol



99Standards:Standards: 1.21.2

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Audio Program: CD Cap. 4B, Track 6;Audio Program: CD Cap. 4B, Track 6;Resource Book: Cap. 4B, Audio Script; PracticeResource Book: Cap. 4B, Audio Script; PracticeAnswers on TransparenciesAnswers on TransparenciesFocus: Listening for comprehension Suggestions: Before the activity, remindstudents to listen for intonations thatindicate a positive or negative reaction. Script and Answers: 1. —¿Puedes ir conmigo al baile esta noche?

(ir al baile)—¡Qué pena! Tengo que trabajar. (no)

2. —¿Te gustaría ir conmigo al partido esta tarde? (ir al partido)—¡Qué buena idea! Me gustaría mucho. (sí)

3. —Voy a jugar al golf el domingo. ¿Quieres jugar?(jugar al golf)—¿Contigo? ¡Genial! (sí)

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Estudiante B

204 doscientos cuatroTema 4 • Los pasatiempos

¿A qué hora?Take turns asking and telling what time the following activities take place.



1010 Hablar

ModelosA —¿A qué hora es la película?B —A las ocho de la noche.














Una invitación para el sábadoInvite your partner to these places, and tell at what time youwill go. Your partner will accept or decline. Follow the model.



1111 Hablar

ModelosA —¿Te gustaría ir al concierto

el sábado?B —¿A qué hora? A —A la una y media de la tarde.B —¡Genial! ¡Nos vemos el sábado!

Estudiante A

1. 4.1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.






NotaTo ask and tell what time somethinghappens, you say:

• ¿A qué hora vas?• Voy a la una.• Voy a las tres y media.

To specify what part of the day, add:

de la mañana* in the morning (A.M.)de la tarde in the afternoon (P.M.)de la noche in the evening, at night (P.M.)

*Mañana means “tomorrow”; la mañanameans “morning.”1:30

¡Por supuesto! Me gustaríamucho.

Lo siento, pero no puedo.

¡Ay! ¡Qué pena! Tengo quetrabajar.

¡Genial! Nos vemos el sábado.

¡Qué buena idea! ¡Gracias!

¡Respuesta personal!

Practice andCommunicate

Multiple IntelligencesVisual / Spatial: Have students draw a three-panel cartoon. In their cartoon, they shouldwrite a dialogue in which one character invitesthe other(s) to do something. There should be aresponse, and then a comment or conclusion.Ask students to post their cartoons or topresent them to the class.

Heritage Language LearnersRefer students to the Exploración del lenguajeat the top of p. 205. Ask students to identifyadditional Spanish words and expressions thatare borrowed from English.




1010Standards:Standards: 1.11.1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Practice Answers on TransparenciesPractice Answers on TransparenciesFocus: Expressing the time of an eventRecycle: Telling timeSuggestions: Review the vocabulary.Go over the Nota, reminding students torefer to it as they do the activity. Reviewthe Modelo to reinforce the structure.Answers:1. —¿A qué hora es el concierto?

—A las nueve de la noche.2. —¿A qué hora es la fiesta?

—A las dos y media de la tarde.3. —¿A qué hora es el partido?

—A la una y media de la tarde.4. —¿A qué hora es el baile?

—A las ocho y media de la noche.5. —¿A qué hora es la cena?

—A las siete y media de la noche.6. —¿A qué hora es el desayuno?

—A las siete de la mañana.

Common Errors: Students may say ¿Quéhora? instead of ¿A qué hora? and en lamañana instead of de la mañana.



1111Standards:Standards: 1.11.1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Practice Answers on TransparenciesPractice Answers on TransparenciesFocus: Using contextualized vocabulary inconversationRecycle: ir; place namesSuggestions: Review the responses,making sure students know how to acceptand decline an invitation.Answers: 1. ir al baile; A las siete y media de la noche.2. ir a la fiesta; A las ocho y media de la noche.3. ir al cine; A las cinco y media de la tarde.4. ir a la piscina; A la una de la tarde.5. ir al partido de fútbol; A las cuatro y cuarto de la

tarde.6. ir de compras (ir al centro comercial); A las once de

la mañana.

Universal AccessTheme ProjectTheme ProjectStudents can perform step 4 at this point.(For more information, see p. 170-a.)

6698D L1_Tema4B_UG 5/8/04 2:35 PM Page 204

doscientos cinco 205Capítulo 4B



1212 Escribir/Hablar

Y tú, ¿qué dices?1. ¿A qué hora te gusta ir al cine?

2. ¿Estás más contento(a) cuando practicas undeporte o cuando ves la televisión?

3. ¿Qué deportes te gustan más?

4. ¿Este fin de semana tienes que trabajar opuedes pasar tiempo con amigos?

Spanish words borrowed from EnglishLanguages often borrow words from one another. For example,“rodeo” and “patio” are Spanish words that have found their way into English. There are also many examples of Englishwords that have entered Spanish. By recognizing these familiar words, you can increase your vocabulary in Spanish.

Try it out! Read the sentences and identify the “borrowed words.” Don’t forget to pronounce the words correctly in Spanish.

Quiero hacer videos.¿Quieres jugar al básquetbol conmigo?Practico el rugby y el ráquetbol.Juego al fútbol en el cámping.¡Me encantan los sándwiches!

Exploración del lenguaje

447 52 83447 23 23

24 horas a su servicio

Radio Taxi

La noche de los rábanos is just one of themany kinds of fiestas in the Spanish-speakingworld. On the evening of December 23,people set up booths around the zócalo(town square) of Oaxaca, Mexico, to displayand sell radishes (los rábanos) sculpted into afantastic array of shapes. Oaxaqueños andvisitors alike crowd the square to view theamazing creations.

• Do you know communities or regions inthe United States that are known forparticular crafts or products?

Rábanos esculpidos (sculpted), Oaxaca, México

Practice andCommunicate


PresentationStandards:Standards: 4.14.1

Focus: Identifying examples of borrowedwordsSuggestions: Review Try it out! withstudents. For further practice, have themwork with a partner to scan the glossaryfor additional borrowed words.

Exploración del lenguajeExploración del lenguaje



1212Standards:Standards: 1.1, 1.31.1, 1.3

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Focus: Using vocabulary in a personalizedcontextSuggestions: Encourage students to be asdetailed as possible in their answers. Answers will vary.Extension: Have students create oneadditional question to ask their classmates.Then, as a class, ask volunteers to readtheir questions and select students toanswer them.

Standards:Standards: 2.1, 2.2, 4.22.1, 2.2, 4.2

Resources: Voc. & Gram. Transparencies:Voc. & Gram. Transparencies:12 (map)12 (map)Suggestions: Locate Oaxaca on the maptransparency. Ask students if they haveseen foods carved into shapes. When isthis done, and why? How does thispractice in the United States differ fromwhat is done with the rábanos in Oaxaca?

Additional ResourcesAdditional Resources•• Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. 4B, AudioWriting, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. 4B, Audio

Activities 5–6, Tracks 7–8Activities 5–6, Tracks 7–8•• Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. 4B, WritingWriting, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing

Activity 10Activity 10•• Resource Book: Cap. 4B, Communicative ActivityResource Book: Cap. 4B, Communicative Activity


Assessment•• Prueba 4B-2: Vocabulary productionPrueba 4B-2: Vocabulary production

Culture NoteA wide range of handicrafts is produced inOaxaca, including black pottery, glass pottery,weavings, and brightly colored woodcarvings ofsmall animals (alebrijes). Artisans bring theirwares to the zócalos to sell. Artisans pass theirknowledge from one generation to another.

Internet SearchInternet SearchKeywords:

La noche de los rábanos;Oaxaca, Mexico

Enriching Your Teaching

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206 doscientos seisTema 4 • Los pasatiempos

Ir + a + infinitiveJust as you use “going” + an infinitive inEnglish to say what you are going to do, inSpanish you use a form of the verb ir + a +an infinitive to express the same thing:

Voy a jugarVoy a jugar al tenis hoy.I’m going to playI’m going to play tennis today.

¿Tú vas a jugarvas a jugar al golf esta tarde?Are you going to playAre you going to play golf this afternoon?

Mis amigas van a ir de cámpingvan a ir de cámping mañana.My friends are going campingare going camping tomorrow.

Javier:Javier: ¿Van a jugar conmigo, o no?Ana:Ana: Sí, vamos a jugar contigo.



Want more help withir + a + infinitive? Watch theGramActiva video.

Escucha y escribeRosario and Pablo have left messages on your answering machine telling you what they are going to do and inviting you to join them. On a sheet of paper,write their names and, under each one, the numbers 1–3. As you listen toeach message, write down information to answer these three questions:

1. ¿Adónde quiere ir? 2. ¿Qué va a hacer? 3. ¿A qué hora va a ir?

Este fin de semana vamos a . . .¿Qué va a hacer la familia Ríos este fin de semana?



1414 Escribir/Hablar


Esteban / / 8:00 Esteban va a estudiar a las ocho de la noche.

1. Angélica / / 3:30

2. Yo / / 4:00

3. Esteban y un amigo / / 10:00

4. Angélica y el Sr. Ríos / / 7:00

5. Los señores Ríos / / 7:30

6. Angélica, Esteban y yo / / 8:00



1313 Escuchar/Escribir

Voy a comer.Voy a comer.

Practice andCommunicate

Advanced Learners Have students create a mini-journal in whichthey tell what they are going to do each day ofthe week after school. Have them include thephrases de la mañana, de la tarde, and de lanoche. Suggest that they include details such aswith whom they will do the activities, wherethey will go, and why they plan to do them.

Students with Learning DifficultiesYou may want to provide a chart similar to theone in Actividad 15 to help students organizeinformation for Actividad 13. Across the top,use the headings Rosario and Pablo. Down theside use the headings ¿Adónde?, ¿Qué?, and¿A qué hora?



PresentationStandards:Standards: 4.14.1

Resources: Voc. & Gram. Transparency: 95; VideoVoc. & Gram. Transparency: 95; VideoProgram: Cap. 4B; Resource Book: Cap. 4B, VideoProgram: Cap. 4B; Resource Book: Cap. 4B, VideoScriptScriptSuggestions: Emphasize that the secondverb is always in the infinitive and that onlythe forms of ir change. Play theGramActiva Video and / or use the trans-parency as an introduction or to reinforceyour own presentation.



1313Standards:Standards: 1.2, 1.31.2, 1.3

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Audio Program: CD Cap. 4B, Track 9;Audio Program: CD Cap. 4B, Track 9;Resource Book: Cap. 4B, Audio Script; PracticeResource Book: Cap. 4B, Audio Script; PracticeAnswers on TransparenciesAnswers on TransparenciesFocus: Listening for comprehensionSuggestions: Use the Audio CD or readthe script aloud. Have students listen tothe messages without taking notes the first time.Script and Answers: ¡Hola! Soy Rosario. ¿Qué pasa? Tomás y yo vamos apatinar esta tarde. ¿Te gustaría ir con nosotros? Vamosa estar en el parque a las cuatro. Hasta luego. (Rosario:1. al parque; 2. patinar; 3. a las cuatro)¡Oye! ¿Cómo estás? Soy Pablo. ¿Puedes ir al gimnasioconmigo? No tengo que trabajar hoy. Muchosestudiantes van a jugar al vóleibol a las siete. Háblamepor teléfono si puedes ir. (Pablo: 1. al gimnasio; 2. jugaral vóleibol; 3. a las siete)



1414Standards:Standards: 1.31.3

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Practice Answers on TransparenciesPractice Answers on TransparenciesFocus: Writing and saying what people aregoing to doRecycle: Telling timeAnswers: 1. Angélica va a trabajar a las tres y media de la tarde.2. Yo voy a jugar al vóleibol a las cuatro de la tarde.3. Esteban y un amigo van a jugar al fútbol a las diez

de la mañana.4. Angélica y el Sr. Ríos van a ir de pesca a las siete de

la mañana.5. Los señores Ríos van a ir de compras a las siete y

media de la noche.6. Angélica, Esteban y yo vamos a ir al cine a las ocho

de la noche.

Universal Access

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doscientos siete 207Capítulo 4B


1515 Escribir/Hablar

¿Qué vas a hacer?Make a chart like this one to describe five things you’re going to do,when you’re going to do them, and with whom. Use the following wordsto say when you’re going to do these things: esta tarde, esta noche,mañana, el jueves, el fin de semana.



Ask your partner what his or her plans are.

ModelosA —¿Qué vas a hacer esta tarde?B —Esta tarde mis amigos y yo vamos a tocar la guitarra.




1616 Leer/Escribir/Hablar

El teléfono celularLee el anuncio para el teléfono celular ycontesta las preguntas.

1. ¿Por qué es bueno tener un teléfono celular?

2. ¿Te gusta hablar por teléfono celular? ¿Conquién?

3. ¿Crees que es bueno o malo usar un teléfonocelular en un restaurante? ¿Por qué?



1717 Hablar

¿Quieres ir conmigo?Pretending to use a cell phone, greet a partnerand invite him or her to do something withyou. Your partner can’t go and tells you why.

ModelosA —Hola, Sara. Soy Rosa. ¿Quieres jugar al

tenis conmigo esta tarde?B —Lo siento, hoy no puedo. Voy a estudiar

para la clase de inglés.A —¡Ay! ¡Qué pena!

¿Qué? ¿Cuándo? ¿Con quién?¿Qué? ¿Cuándo? ¿Con quién?¿Qué? ¿Cuándo? ¿Con quién?tocar la guitarra esta tarde mis amigostocar la guitarra esta tarde mis amigos

¿Te gustaría . . .pasar más tiempo con tus amigos?ir de compras?

ir al cine?

ir a conciertos?

escuchar música?

hablar por teléfono?

¡Por supuesto!¡Con un teléfono celular puedes hacer planes para hacerlo todo!

Más prácticaPractice Workbook 4B-5, 4B-6

For: Practice with ir + a + infinitiveVisit: www.phschool.comWeb Code: jcd-0413

Practice andCommunicate




1515Standards:Standards: 1.1, 1.31.1, 1.3

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Resource Book: Cap. 4B,Resource Book: Cap. 4B,GramActiva BLMGramActiva BLMFocus: Using new vocabulary Suggestions: Brainstorm a few activitiesto aid student recall.Answers will vary.



1616Standards:Standards: 1.1 1.2, 1.31.1 1.2, 1.3

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Voc. & Gram. Transparencies: 95;Voc. & Gram. Transparencies: 95;Practice Answers on Transparencies Practice Answers on Transparencies Focus: Reading for comprehension andwriting with accuracySuggestions: Form groups of studentswith varying abilities to interpret the ad.Discuss the questions as a class.Answers:1. ¡Con un teléfono celular puedes hacer planes para

hacerlo todo!2. Answers will vary.3. Answers will vary.



1717Standards:Standards: 1.11.1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Focus: Having a telephone conversationSuggestions: You may want students toprepare two conversations, so that theyget a chance both to extend and declinean invitation. Each pair can choose oneconversation to present aloud to the class.Encourage them to present it without ascript.Answers will vary.

Additional ResourcesAdditional Resources•• Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. 4B, AudioWriting, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. 4B, Audio

Activity 7, Track 10Activity 7, Track 10•• Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. 4B, WritingWriting, Audio & Video Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing

Activity 11Activity 11•• Resource Book: Cap. 4B, Communicative ActivityResource Book: Cap. 4B, Communicative Activity


Assessment•• Prueba 4B-3:Prueba 4B-3: IrIr + + aa + infinitive+ infinitive

Teacher-to-TeacherHave small groups choose a Latin Americancountry to research. They should find out aboutthe foods, music, and customs associated witha particular fiesta in that country, then write aninvitation to the fiesta. They should include

what time, where, and what country they willbe representing. You might want to write amodel invitation, either on the board or as ahandout. If possible, plan a day for your fiestas,complete with comida, música, bailes ¡y más!

Enriching Your Teaching

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También se dice . . .el básquetbol = el baloncesto

(muchos países)

el fútbol = el balompié (muchos países)

el vóleibol = el balonvolea (España)

208 doscientos ochoTema 4 • Los pasatiempos

The verb jugarUse the verb jugar to talk about playing a sport or a game. Even though jugar uses the same endings as the other -ar verbs, it has a different stem in some forms. For those forms,the -u- becomes -ue-. This kind of verb is calleda “stem-changing verb.” Here are the present-tense forms:




1818 Escribir

ModelosAlex Rodríguez juega al béisbol.

¿A qué juegan?Escribe frases para decir qué deportes practicanestas personas.

NotaMany Spanish speakers always usejugar a and the name of the sportor game:• ¿Juegas al vóleibol?

Others do not use the a:• ¿Juegas vóleibol?


Use the GramActivavideo to help you learn more about theverb jugar.

Alex Rodríguez

Sergio García Carlos ValderramaRebecca Lobo

Sammy Sosa

Eduardo Nájera

Edgardo Alfonzo

1. 2. 3.

5. Y tus amigos y tú, ¿a qué juegan Uds.?4.

(yo) juegojuego(nosotros)(nosotras)


(tú) juegasjuegas

Ud. Uds.(él) juegajuega (ellos) jueganjuegan(ella) (ellas)






Practice andCommunicate

Heritage Language Learners Have students prepare an oral presentation ontheir favorite sport or athlete. Studentspresenting a sport not covered in this chaptershould provide a poster to support theirpresentation.

Students with Learning DifficultiesThe advertisement in Actividad 20 mightintimidate students because of all the unknownvocabulary. Help them review the ad forvocabulary they already know. Then read the adwith them, emphasizing key words and phrasesthat will help students understand the meaning.



PresentationStandards:Standards: 4.14.1

Resources: Voc. & Gram. Transparencies: 93–94;Voc. & Gram. Transparencies: 93–94;Video Program: Cap. 4B; Resource Book: Cap. 4B,Video Program: Cap. 4B; Resource Book: Cap. 4B,Video ScriptVideo ScriptSuggestions: Highlight the differencebetween a stem-changing verb, such asjugar, and a regular -ar verb, such ashablar, by using a different color chalk orpen for the stem-changes. Play theGramActiva Video as an introduction or toreinforce your own presentation of theverb jugar.



1818Standards:Standards: 1.31.3

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Practice Answers on TransparenciesPractice Answers on TransparenciesFocus: Saying what sports people playSuggestions: Ask students if theyrecognize any of the athletes in thepictures. Point out the También se dice...to give students additional vocabulary.Answers: 1. Sergio García juega al golf.2. Rebecca Lobo y Eduardo Nájera juegan al

básquetbol.3. Carlos Valderrama juega al fútbol.4. Sammy Sosa y Edgardo Alfonzo juegan al béisbol.5. Answers will vary.

Common Errors: With stem-changingverbs, students may overgeneralize andchange all forms.Extension: For homework, have studentschoose five sports. For each sport, askthem to write a sentence about one ormore athletes who play it.

Universal Access

Theme ProjectTheme ProjectStudents can perform step 5 at this point.Be sure they understand your correctionsand suggestions. (For more information,see p. 170-a.)

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La ciudad deportivaLee sobre el sueño (dream) de Iván Zamorano y contesta las preguntas.

1. ¿Qué es el sueño de Iván Zamorano?

2. ¿Qué deportes juegan en la CiudadDeportiva de Iván?

3. ¿Qué día empieza (begins) la inscripciónpara las escuelas? ¿A qué hora?

4. ¿A qué hora empiezan las actividades?

5. ¿Te gustaría ir a la Ciudad Deportiva deIván Zamorano? ¿Por qué?

doscientos nueve 209Capítulo 4B


1919 Dibujar/Escribir/Hablar/GramActiva

JuegoOn each of two index cards, draw a picture thatrepresents a sport or game and write muy bien,bien, or mal to show how well you play that sport or game. Don’t let your classmates see your cards.

Get together with five other students. Put all thecards face down in the center of your group. Choose a card and try to identify who drew it by asking theothers how well they play what is pictured. Keeptrack of what you learn about your classmates.

ModelosA —Enrique, ¿juegas bien al tenis?B —No, juego muy mal al tenis.

Write six sentences about the sports and games the students in your group play.

ModelosÓscar y Nacho juegan muy bien al fútbol. Teresa y yo jugamos bien al golf.






2020 Leer/Escribir/Hablar

1dream 3children 5place2city 4better 6Registration

Mi sueño1

Quiero una ciudad2 dedicada al deporte, a lafamilia y a los niños.3 Quiero servicios de calidad

internacional, con profesores de excelencia. Enmi sueño, los niños y jóvenes juegan y practican

deportes para ser mejores.4 Este sueño ya esrealidad y quiero compartirlo contigo.

El lugar 5 para hacer deporte en familia.

Escuelas de Fútbol, Tenis, Hockey

Inicio de Inscripción6: 23 de marzo, a las 8Inicio de Actividades: 1 de abril, a las 14 horas

Avenida Pedro Hurtado 2650, Las Condes, Santiago, ChileTeléfono: 212 2711

Más prácticaPractice Workbook 4B-7

For: Practice with jugarVisit: www.phschool.comWeb Code: jcd-0414

Practice andCommunicate




Standards:Standards: 1.1, 1.31.1, 1.3

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Focus: Writing and speaking in person-alized contexts; using the verb jugarSuggestions: Note the placement of bienand muy mal. To keep track of who playswhat, have students take notes as eachperson speaks: Ana: tenis / bien. For part3, encourage students to vary the subjects,as in the model, talking about what theyplay (yo), what another classmate plays (él / ella), what other students play (ellas / ellos), and what they and othersplay (nosotros).Answers will vary.



2020Standards:Standards: 1.2, 1.3, 3.21.2, 1.3, 3.2

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Practice Answers on TransparenciesPractice Answers on TransparenciesFocus: Reading for comprehensionSuggestions: Have students scan the adfor cognates. Read the ad aloud, and thenask a volunteer to reread it. Have studentswork in pairs to answer the questions.Answers:1. Quiere una ciudad dedicada al deporte, a la

familia y a los niños. Quiere servicios de calidadinternacional, con profesores de excelencia.

2. fútbol, tenis y hockey3. el 23 de marzo, a las ocho4. a las dos de la tarde5. Answers will vary.

Additional ResourcesAdditional Resources•• Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Audio ActivitiesWriting, Audio & Video Workbook: Audio Activities

8–9, Tracks 11–128–9, Tracks 11–12•• Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Writing ActivitiesWriting, Audio & Video Workbook: Writing Activities


Assessment•• Prueba 4B-4: The verb Prueba 4B-4: The verb jugarjugar

Culture NoteBaseball was first introduced to Cuba well over100 years ago. From there its popularity spreadto other Spanish-speaking countries of theCaribbean, in particular, the DominicanRepublic. The Dominican Republic has producedmany baseball superstars, including the greatSammy Sosa, named Most Valuable Player of

1998’s National League. The Dominicangovernment finances the building andmaintenance of stadiums and local fields andpays the coaches’ salaries. Baseball is more thanjust a sport in the Dominican Republic; it is away of life.

Enriching Your Teaching

Rapid ReviewUse transparency 94 to quickly

review sports activities. You may want tohave students say the answers aloudinstead of having to write sentences.

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210 doscientos diezTema 4 • Los pasatiempos

The letter dIn Spanish, the pronunciation of the letter dis determined by its location in a word. Whend is at the beginning of a word, or when itcomes after l or n, it sounds similar to the din “dog.” Listen, then say these words:

diccionario doce dondedomingo desayuno díadeportes calendario bandera

When d comes between vowels and afterany consonant except l or n, it soundssimilar to the th of “the.” Listen, then say these words:

cansado ocupado puedesidea sábado partidotarde ensalada atrevido

Try it out! Here is a tongue twister to giveyou practice in pronouncing the d, but alsoto give you something to think about!

Porque puedo, puedes,porque puedes, puedo;

Pero si no puedes,yo tampoco puedo.


Una voluntaria en un hospital

There are manyopportunities to useSpanish in the healthcare field—in hospitals,emergency rooms, and neighborhood clinics. Thisyoung woman volunteers in a California hospital. Since many of the patients come from Spanish-speakinghomes, she is able to speak with them and theirfamilies in Spanish. “Para mí, trabajar como voluntariaes una de mis actividades favoritas. Creo que mitrabajo es importante.”

• What opportunities are there in your community todo volunteer work where speaking Spanish is helpful?

Practice andCommunicate

Block Schedule• • • • • • • • •• • • ••• • Heritage Language Learners

Have students create a poster for a communityorganization that is looking for volunteers whospeak Spanish.

Students with Special NeedsStudents may have difficulty hearing thedifference between the two sounds of the letterd if they are looking at the words. Have themclose their eyes as they listen. Some may haveparticular difficulty with the th sound. Considerwriting a small th over the letter d in the rele-vant words on the board to help students getused to the sound.

•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Have students create a brochure for afavorite vacation spot. They should includeartwork and text that describes the kindsof activities available for guests. You maywish to provide a model, or refer them tothe brochure on p. 211.


PresentationStandards:Standards: 4.14.1

Resources: Audio Program: CD Cap. 4B, Track 13Audio Program: CD Cap. 4B, Track 13Suggestions: Read the Pronunciación withstudents or use the Audio CD. Model thetwo sounds of the letter d: exaggeratingthe d sound in doce and the th sound incansado. Then have the class repeat. Ifpossible, record the tongue twister asstudents say it. See if students can hearthe difference between the two sounds.


Universal Access

El español en el mundo del trabajo

PresentationStandards:Standards: 5.15.1

Suggestions: Have students determinethe meaning of the quotation in thereading and use it as a model to say howthey feel about volunteer work. To helpstudents answer the questions, brainstormdifferent volunteer opportunities on theboard.Answers will vary.Extension: If possible, invite a health careworker to your class to talk about ways inwhich knowledge of Spanish is helpful inhis or her job.

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doscientos once 211Capítulo 4B


2121 Leer/Pensar/Escribir

¡Vamos de cámping!Tourism is an important industry in Spain. Many tourists prefer to gocamping rather than stay in hotels. Read the following brochure about a campground and then answer the questions.

Alcossebre (Castellón)Teléfono: 462 41 42 73 Fax: 964 01 55 05

240 kilómetros al sur de Barcelona52 kilómetros al norte de Castellón

• Un cámping verdaderamente recomendable

• Siempre algo nuevo

• La mejor opción para su dinero

Con abundante vegetación y mucha sombra,1

directamente sobre una fabulosa playa. Ideal paraniños. La mejor zona de pesca de la Costa deAzahar.

Cámping Playa Tropıcana

0 100 200 kilómetros

0 100 200 millas




Frontera nacionalCapitalCiudad

Río Ebro

Mar Mediterráneo


Golfo deVizcaya

Estrecho de GibraltarRRíí



Asturias CantabriaPaís



La Rioja





ExtremaduraCastilla-La Mancha



















Santiago deCompostela









¿Qué distancia en millas2 hay entre3

Barcelona y el Cámping Playa Tropicana?¿Qué distancia hay entre Castellón y elCámping Playa Tropicana?

Para convertir kilómetros en millas, esnecesario dividir el número de kilómetrospor 1.6.

2miles 3between




2222 Escribir/Hablar

Y tú, ¿qué dices?1. ¿Con quién te gustaría ir a una fiesta? ¿Por qué?

2. ¿Qué prefieres, ir de pesca o ir a un baile?

3. ¿Qué vas a hacer mañana a las ocho de la noche?

4. ¿Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana?

5. ¿Te gustaría ver un partido de fútbol o ir a un concierto?

Para decir más . . .200 = doscientos

Practice andCommunicate

Culture NoteBecause Spain has a variety of landscapes, thereare many different kinds of sporting activitiesavailable—from fishing, swimming, andparasailing to hiking, mountain climbing, caveexploring, and canoeing. In addition to all theactivities, tourists enjoy the wonderful food,museums, architecture, and climate.

Teacher-to-TeacherChoose a question from Y tú, ¿qué dices?, orcreate a similar one to ask students as theyprepare to start class. If you present them witha question upon entering, communication canbegin immediately.




2121Standards:Standards: 1.2, 3.11.2, 3.1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Resources: Voc. & Gram. Transparencies: 18Voc. & Gram. Transparencies: 18(map); Practice Answers on Transparencies(map); Practice Answers on TransparenciesFocus: Reading comprehensionSuggestions: Before beginning, havestudents talk about the title and thephotograph. Ask them to compare whatthey see to vacations and camping tripsthat they have been on or know about.Remind students that they will not knowevery word. Have them identify somecognates, such as fabulosa and ideal.Answers: Entre Barcelona y el Cámping Playa Tropicana hay 150 millas. Entre Castellón y Playa Tropicana hay 32.5 millas.



2222Standards:Standards: 1.1, 1.31.1, 1.3

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Focus: Answering questions about sportsSuggestions: After students have writtentheir answers, have them work with apartner to ask and answer the questions.Answers will vary.Extension: Have students create addi-tional open-ended questions based onthose in Actividad 22. For example, theycan change ir a una fiesta to jugar altenis. Encourage them to create originalquestions as well. Then, working with apartner, have them practice both theirquestions and answers aloud.

Enriching Your Teaching

Theme ProjectTheme ProjectStudents can perform step 6 at this point.Record their presentations on cassette orvideotape for inclusion in their portfolios.(For more information, see p. 170-a.)

Additional ResourcesAdditional Resources•• Heritage Language Learner Workbook: 4B-3,Heritage Language Learner Workbook: 4B-3,

4B-4, 4B-54B-4, 4B-5

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