C hanging Leadership Smart working. The Future is Female Leading from the future as it emerges...

Changing Leadership Smart working

Transcript of C hanging Leadership Smart working. The Future is Female Leading from the future as it emerges...


Changing Leadership

Smart workingWhat is it that I want to tell you? After having worked as a coach for more than 10 years I have finally found my niche and purpose. I have always been fascinated by women for their ways of connecting to their feelings, how thy think and act. In fact, so fascinated that I very early in my business career, since I have this soft spot for women, discovered how difficult and unjust it was for women to be heard and make a career. So when I started my coaching business it was always with a knowing that at some point my niche should be working with women. So when the 40% quota was introduced in Norway 2003 it was easy for my to follow my path. Since then I have coached mostly women, I have with my then partner Anne Grethe Solberg the opportunity to be part of developing a Female Talent Management Program and at that time I already knew that I wanted to write a book with the theme a female future. After I moved to Germany 5 years ago leaving a flourishing coaching biz I had to start all over again in a new country, learn a new language and German is very difficult. An-auf-hinter-in in a culture that I believed was not so different form the Norwegian. It took me a while to discover it was actually a lot different. Germany is one of the most masculine countries in the world and also very patriarchal. As you probably know, being a coach and earning enough money to live of it, it a big challenge for most coaches. And why? In my experience it has to do with not being clear enough in your communication what is that you do, how do you do it, why do you do it and with whom. So I have gone through this process my self and it is not easy and it takes time to find out. Anyway, now that I have reached 62 I have found my niche and that is why I am here. To tell you what I have learned and have a look at how will the future look like and how that will impact society, businnes and our work as coahes.1

The Future is FemaleLeading from the future as it emerges

Christopher Weber-FrstStrategic futurist and existential detective Christopher Weber-Frst 2014My story: always been concerned with how women in my experience have been treated, later when I became more aware from not only my coaching which started in 2003 after Microsoft Sales expert Course in Copenhagen with a coach by the name Mahan, sat on a table, had long hair in a pony tail and he taught us how to use a coaching approach when selling. Then I understood at the age of 51 what I wanted to be when I grew up. 2003-40% quota, since then my focus was on how to support women so as to make a career and live a happy life-work balance. Now I have to say I am also a social pedagogue and I have worked a lot coaching juveniles. Leading from the future as it emerges: comes from Theory U by Otto Scharmer. For 10 years I hve been gathering material to write my book with the title that had to be The future is female. Books-reports-research The results are in: women are better leaders. Hw will the future look like for this girl? When she gRows up? Well, lets tr to figure it out. What could the future look like and how can we consciously be part of creating a future with trust, hope, stability and compassison? Strenghts Based Lesdership. Positive psycholgy. Neuroscience.2The Future belongs to those who prepare for it today"We should all be concerned about the future for that is where we will spend the rest of our lives. Charles Kettering

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014If we really want to create change, we also need the courage to do so. meaning we have to start to prepare for it today. We should ask ourselves the question: how does it ought to be? We also have to ask the question what does it look like today so as to be able to see what the past and the present as it is and was to make up ones mind and inquire: is it ok like it is? We have to look into the shadows to understand that what we actually want to see is the sun rising for a new dawn.3How do you decide?

Christopher Weber-Frst 20145The best way to be a leader is to be yourself

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014This is my mental model, Robert Dilt model? This is how we function basically a model of our personality structure and how we tick and function. Ill say more about this later. Limbic system neocortex Who is the I? Hwo can I know what I dont know when I dont know what I dont know?

Draw this model on flipchart with limbic and neocortex system5Why did you want to become a coach?

Why are you here?

What is your goal?

What is your life purpose?

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014What is your life purpose? How can you know what your goals are if you do not know your life purpose? Life a life with purpose. What is yours? Ist like John Lennon sings : They say we want a revolution- wel you know-we all want to change the world. So , here are some questions for you?


Leadership: values traditionally associated with women create more effective leaders and organizational strategies

Career Management: traits associated with women flexibility, empathy and honesty underpin career mobility and personal fulfilment

Change management: feminine traits help us adapt seamlessly and effectively to todays changesFemininity the operating system of the 21st century Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Do you sometime have the feeling that a particuar books just lands in your hands in exactly the appropriate time? Well, this is one of them. 64 000 people in 13 countries want a future that is much more influenced by female traits or values. Two thirds of of the people around the world including the majority of men feel the world would be a better place if men thought more like women. 79 % of men in Japan, 76 % of the people in France and Brazil 70% in Germany. Gen Y, especially the men in China, Japan, South Korea and India, thes countries being among the most masculine countries in the world agree more than women. Lets hve a look at what this would mean in terms of leadership: and what does it mesn for us as coaaches? Again, what is your role as a coach? Do you think or have the experience that your clients appreciate that you inform them, teach them, and even sometime instruct them what to do? I know this is not something we are supposed to do as coaches, but I can assure you, this is what my clients appreciates the most.7Women = Mega TrendThe results are in: Women are better leadersMcKinsey: Women Matter.

Two of the traits where women outscored men to the highest degree taking initiative and driving for results have long been thought of as particularly male strengths. Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman

Women on boards help share prices. Andre Chanavat

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014The results are in: They looked at leaders in a variety of positions from very senior management to individual contributor. In the study, they asked others to rate the leaders in 16 leadership competencies. According to the data shared in the article, they found that women out-scored men in all but one of the 16 competencies, and in 12 of the 16, the women were better by a significant margin. And, in the words of Zenger and Folkman, two of the traits where women outscored men to the highest degree taking initiative and driving for results have long been thought of as particularly male strengths.

8The Swiss ship-owner, Ren Mgli, who owns the second largest freight shipping company in the world, MSC, bases in Basel, has 126 employees. 121 of them are women.Ren Mgli

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Magli says he is no ideologist and not a feminist, he is a businessman and he is convinced that women are better for his business. He has customers all over the world and his business is growing with 15.20 percent every year. He calls his employees Ladies and saysWomen serve the case, men power. Women are more communicative and cost conscious. They are better at prioritizing, they like to work in teams and they dont waste their time on power struggle. Therefore all the executives are women, except for him. It was not always like this. He started his business in 1981 and employed both men and women. At some point, he discovered that the women, no matter how well they did their job, did not make it further. He started to look for an explanation and found that it was the men that slowed down the career path for their female colleagues. Magli says he leads his Ladies different, because women want to be lead differently with less hierarchy and more freedom. One third of his employees work part time and many of them share the job between them. After 19:00 hour, nobody is in the office and when a woman comes back after birth she decides when she wants to start working again and almost all of them come back. Some years ago Magli did a survey among his employees and the result was that 43% of the women wanted more male colleagues. However, the longer women have worked at MSC in Basel, the less they miss the men. Why are women better? Pregnancy....9Women represent most of the market

2. Profitability

3. Crucial to demographic challenges

4. Innovation

5. Laws

6. This is good news for us guys, too!

7. Your organization is probably only utilizing between 20 and 50% of its potential

Why women mean business

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Women represent most of the talents, representing 60% of university graduates in Europe and North America. And they make 80% of consumer goods purchasing decisionsCompanies with more women in leadership functions outperform those with less.Countries that facilitate women in work enjoy higher birth rates and higher growth, opening doors to tomorrows talents and develop a more integrated and thus sustainable society.Companies that adapt to women and female qualities in their culture are better prepared for the new workforce, integrating the senior and younger generations, and to handle this diversity. Diversity is known as a main driver for innovation.Europes listed companies will be forced to reserve at least 40 per cent of their executive director board seats for women by 2020 or face fines and other sanctions under a proposal being drafted by the European Commission.

6. The new young generation, the Generation Y, has learned that women and men are equally worthy and chooses a partner with the same approach to the work-life balance. The following effects can be observed:Their children perform better at school.They have less psychological problems.They have less diseases.They have more and better sex.They develop new regimes and abilities to master both private and business lives.This integrated perspective leads to better interaction.The understanding of self in work life creates a new future.They choose workplaces according to values based reflection and interest .This creates sustainability in the sense that one can affect ones own future.And it leads to new ideals as well as to the feeling of safety and freedom7. There is good researched based validation for the goal of integrating masculine and feminine principles. In a landmark study at Stanford University, psychologists discovered that the highest levels of intellectual functioning are incompatible with stereotypes of femininity and

10Then why are the women not in?

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Communication and the glass ceiling

Our history our futureCultural Transformation Theory:

Patriarchy and matriarchy

The Partnership Model

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Our history needs to be re written. It is not what we think. Riane eisler describes from her perspective part of our history: how archaeologists, white middle aged men have interpreted their findings. to describe her theory, cultural transformation theory that there are two basic underlying models of society: patriarchy which has been the dominator model and the partnership model, a model where diversity is not equated with either inferiority or superiority. Real matriarchy, like the patriarchy where the men took control over nature and women, women take control over nature and men, has actually never existed. Now if we look at how the patriarchy, a social system, how impacted our society with taking the control over nature and women, well what do you think? Is it ok like it is? How does it ought to be?12

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Jimmy Carter has for a long time been an advocate for women and I heard him and his wife Rosalynn talking about human rights and espacially gender equality and the 13Patriarchy: The rule of the father

Patriarchy is a social system in which males are the primary authority figures central to social organization, occupy roles of political leadership, moral authority and control of property, and where fathers hold authority over women and children. It implies the institutions of male rule and entails female subordination. Many patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male lineage.(Wikipedia) Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Take a look at this picture, the 2012 meeting of the 20 most important countries in the world and their representatives. How many women? We will talk about this later but already now start to think about what the world would look like if it was the other way around?

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014In my research for my book which is already accepted by an American publisher, I had to read a lot of books to be able to have evidence to support my believes. Have you ever had the feeling that books suddenly appears in your life exactly at that right moment when you need them? These two books have opened up for me a totally new perception of my understanding of how and why our society functions and how much it inhibits us from reaching our full potential. And that is a very important part of coaching I would say. In her book Sidra Stone, Voice dialogue, explains about many of our internal voices with main focus on the inner patriarch and how it affects women. How the rules of the outer patriarch how women should behave impacts the way we communicate and interact. She writes that this voice is like the air that we breathe. We do not recognize it but it is always there. How it holds women, and men to of course back if you dont behave according to those rules. What are some of those rules? Use flip to take notes. Now in the second book, Gerda Lerner argues that male dominance over women is not "natural" or biological, but the product of an historical development begun in the second millennium B.C. in the Ancient Near East. As patriarchy as a system of organizing society was established historically, she contends, it can also be ended by the historical process. And so do I.15

Paradigm Shift: The Partnership Model

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014A paradigm shift (or revolutionary science) is, according to Thomas Kuhn, in his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), a change in the basic assumptions, or paradigms, within the ruling theory of science. It is in contrast to his idea of normal science. According to Kuhn, "A paradigm is what members of a scientific community, and they alone, share" (The Essential Tension, 1977). Unlike a normal scientist, Kuhn held, "a student in the humanities has constantly before him a number of competing and incommensurable solutions to these problems, solutions that he must ultimately examine for himself"

16Global TrendsSocietyNewWorkGlobalizationInnovationChanging Leadership-Smarter working

Dr. Professor Isabell Welpe Technical University MunichTomorrows business world: Generation Ydemocraticopencomplex Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Vortrag, HVB, Isabelle Welpe, was gibt es fr globale Trends in Fhrung in 2030 und wie sieht es aus?

Simon Sinek: The Golden CircleGoal + Why?

Why should clients decide for your company?way of offeringproducts

Its an emotional decisionSimone Sinek, Ted Conference: Why are some corporations more successful than others? Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Vortrag, HVB, Isabelle Welpe, was gibt es fr globale Trends in Fhrung in 2030 und wie sieht es aus?

A stable concept of what is desirable

An individual's core values form an internal compass that people refer to when they are asked to explain and justify their preferences, decisions, or behaviors. For example, a person may frequently donate money to charitable causes and explain this behavior by their altruistic core values.

Core values are thus instrumental in providing the individual with meaning in the world. They provide an organizational principle for an individual's self-schema.

Core Values are:

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Intrinsic motivationInner authority19

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Steven CoveyIdentify Core Values and MissionSetting GoalsPlan WeeklyPlan Daily Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Associate exerciseWhat are some human traits?3 minutes each: human traits3 min in pairs: exchange

2. What are some female traits?3 Minutes each: female traits3 min in pairs: exchange

3. What are some masculine traits?3 Minutes each: masculine traits3 min in pairs: exchange

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Score yourself on a scale from 0-7 Ability to defend your own opinionsAffectionAssertivenessBoldnessCaringCompassionCompetitive SpiritComply with

DominanceFriendlinessIndependentInsecurityLeadership skillsResponsivenessStrong personalityTendernessUnderstandingWillpower Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Masculinity

Ability to defend your own opinionsIndependentAssertivenessStrong personalityWillpowerLeadership skillsBoldnessDominanceCompetitive SpiritFemininity

AffectionComply withResponsivenessUnderstandingCompassionCaringInsecurityTendernessFriendliness

Feminine and masculine qualities create synergy Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Psychological female and masculine qualities as defined by Sandra BemScore yourself on a scale from 0-7. 24chris3ar.jpg

Super Ego Christopher Weber-Frst 2014

Exercise:Super Ego attacks:Count how many per day?In what situations did you not feel comfortable in your own skin? How did you judge yourself in this situation? take notes

Self image:When you have had a Super Ego attack:Context based: in what situations do they happen?What is the message from Super Ego Examples: Youre just not good enough. You are going to be a failure!

When you have a Super Ego attack try to stay with the feeling and listen to what the feeling has to say to you. What is the message and to whom does the voice originally belong?Inner critic Super Ego ber-Ich:

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Inquiry repeating questionsTell me a way you judge yourself

Tell me a way you judge others

Tell me a way others judge you

Tell me a way these judgments affect you

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014What does the Female Future look like?The courage and will to create change!

Another paradigm shiftThe fieldThe collective field of consciousnessThe power of intentionThe will of the universe

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014

Behind every man there is a strong woman Christopher Weber-Frst 2014

Are women better than men?

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Evolution

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014Carpe DiemIn a time of change, it is learners who inherit the future. The learned find themselves well equipped to live in a world that no longer exists." Eric Hoffer

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than those you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Give yourself away to the sea of life. Mark Twain Christopher Weber-Frst 201435Good Leadership AttributesThe best are passionate about 1) creating community, and 2) making it easy for users to find their voice.

Stephen Covey, The Eighth Habit, 2004

Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.

Slow to criticize, ego-minimizing, always striving to be nice, modeling good behavior, empathic, yet responsive to communication problems.

Christopher Weber-Frst 201436Foresight QuestionsDo you take time to consider the past, present, and future of your personal and professional life?Do you use strategic planning, scanning, competitive intelligence, trend extrapolation, forecasting, scenario generation, or other futures tools?Do you read the opinions of key future thinkers in your areas of professional interest?Are you sharing your future visions or keeping them quiet?Are you sharing your future visions or keeping them quiet?

Christopher Weber-Frst 201437There has never been a time more pregnant - Gail Carr Feldman

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014

38Our accelerating world adds regular surprise to the mix. If you arent surprised (perhaps even astonished) at least once a day, you arent looking closely enough.Namaste, I see you becoming your greatest self, in a vow inspired by the Truths descent. I see you healed and healing others, with unlimited bliss and endless love. I see your joyful eyes looking into the avatars, silently understanding the journey that all will make.

Christopher Weber-Frst

[email protected] www.femalefuture.biz0049(0)178 77 000 26

Christopher Weber-Frst 2014